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S3 Wireless Connectivity in Port Terminals

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Welcome to this exclusive Wireless Connectivity in Port Terminals E-Book brought
Beth Maundrill to you by Nokia and Port Technology International.
Editor Through the articles in this E-Book we will explore how wireless connectivity
is evolving and enhancing operations at ports and terminals globally.
The need for ports to adapt is more important than ever as the supply chain
becomes increasingly demanding and other actors within the industry adapt,
such as the shipping lines which are increasing the size of their vessels.
All these factors, and more, demand that ports continue to innovate and implement
the latest technologies into their operations to meet demand and optimize.
The use of industrial-grade private wireless networks will be able to provide
the secure communications for digital transformation to take place.
They will be used across the board from the equipment, supplied by the likes of
Kalmar, which is already testing the use of 5G connectivity in its wireless RTGs.
At the higher level 5G and LTE will be implemented throughout Port
Community Systems to make sure that connectivity and date provides the digital
backbone needed to overcome the challenges that ports are up against today.
We already know that 5G is coming to us through the latest smart phone technology,
but it is now clear that our industry will benefit from this new level of connectivity.

Matthias Jablonowski, Head of Maritime, Nokia


Interview with Pekka Yli-Paunu, Director, Research, Kalmar


Mar Chao, Head of Commercial Business Development, Port Authority of Valencia;
Laura Rodríguez Romo, Digitalisation Specialist and Project Manager, TiL; José Andrés
Giménez, Port Logistics Director, Valenciaport Foundation; and Dr. Oscar Pernia,
Director of Automation and Digitalisation, TIL

The container terminal industry To connect terminal operations, end
needs to evolve rapidly to meet the to end, requires more than cabling.
challenges and complexities of our Robust, secure and reliable wireless
interdependent global markets. Supply communications are essential to
chains are under extreme pressure, share data and enable automated
routes are shifting and vessel sizes are processes, as well as to support remote
growing. Adapting ports and terminals operations, yard integrity, site and
to meet these evolving needs calls for asset surveillance and a host of other
innovative thinking and the adoption use cases that can be digitalised. And,
of digital technologies. A keystone despite the growing complexity of
Matthias Jablonowski, technology in this digital transformation terminal operations, this expansion and
Head of Maritime, will be industrial-grade private wireless integration of digital technologies will
Nokia networks based on LTE or 5G. actually simplify operations and make
The digital transformation of them more predictable and efficient.
terminal operations requires the Most terminal operations in the
ability to collect, process and act world have already taken steps
on data across the entire terminal. towards digital technologies in
Technologies such as machine recent decades. Successive waves of
learning, data analytics and technology have been implemented for
advanced wireless communications specific operational applications. The
technologies are being introduced to result is often a bit of a hodgepodge
the port ecosystem. The convergence of overlapping technologies, many of
of operational technology (OT) them employing a specific flavour of
and physical assets of ports with wireless networking.
information and communications
technologies (ICT) is driving Talking to each other
innovations and automation that These application-specific wireless
increase operational efficiency. communications include professional

LTE/5G pervasive industrial wireless and the digital
transformation of port terminals

mobile radio (PMR) for mission-critical network both reduces the maintenance networks. Until recently, spectrum
voice communications, based usually burden of running multiple siloed was effectively monopolised by the
on TETRA or Project 25 (P25). There networks and allows the various digital world’s public mobile phone operators.
are wireless sensor networks (WSN), applications to more easily share their Although superior for industrial
low-power wide area networks (LPWA) data with each other. It can provide applications to any of the competing
and different proprietary wireless a scalable communications and wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi,
technologies to support machine-to- connectivity platform for an end-to- the unavailability of spectrum made 4G
machine (M2M) communications and end digital transformation of terminal either unavailable or too expensive for
industrial Internet of Things (IoT). operations. most private applications.
There are also transponder networks The wireless technologies best This is all changing as spectrum
for automatic guided vehicles suited to replace these legacy systems is made available by national
(AGVs) and, finally, Wi-Fi for general and provide a single consolidated governments positioning themselves
operational data. network for the terminal are 3GPP- to enable enterprise to gain from
These various wireless solutions based private LTE and 5G wireless. the 5G revolution, which is all about
all have specific strengths and LTE wireless is a good candidate and industrial advancement. The advanced
weaknesses, but in general, get the has been in operation worldwide for capabilities of 5G will enable more
job they were designed for done. They, the last decade in mobile telephone applications, especially in the area
however, also collectively impose a networks, with a robust ecosystem of of automation. Often referred to as
bigger operational and maintenance devices and interfaces available. 5G Industry 4.0, it will require higher
toll just to keep them optimised, offers further capabilities and allows bandwidth and ultra-low latency in a
secure and available. As terminals for more use cases. Terminals starting predictable and controlled way.
move towards greater integration with LTE can easily migrate to 5G
of their various digital operational when required. Remote control and automation
processes, they are finding that these In either case, what is making it There have been some automated
various systems do not talk to each possible for private networks to now terminal operations in place for several
other and do not scale. use LTE and 5G is the recent efforts by decades, especially automated rail-
Bringing the various operational governments to make the necessary mounted gantry cranes (aRMGs) working
technologies onto a single wireless radio spectrum available to private in tandem with AGVs, which are widely

used to provide horizontal quay-to-yard latency communications (URLLC) that LTE and 5G. They will also support
container transfer. There have also been enable further enhancements. completely new applications, such as
early cases of automated straddle and Remote control of free-moving worker safety and fatigue monitoring.
shuttle carriers and automated rubber- machines also requires the capacity to Drones can be introduced, which are
tired gantry cranes (aRTG). carry video from on-board cameras. especially useful in terminal and yard
The industry needs to move more There can be 15+ cameras for an operations for remote visual asset
aggressively, however, in the direction aRTG and eight for an automated inspection, monitoring of dangerous
of freely-moving container-handling straddle carrier. 5G’s extreme mobile goods and perimeter surveillance, as
machines such as aRTGs, shuttle broadband (eMB) feature supports the well as improved situational awareness
and straddle carriers, and a freely kind of bandwidth required by so many in emergencies.
moving version of the AGV called the cameras. LTE/5G can provide a single, highly
automated intelligent vehicle (AIV). Additionally, the industry is reliable and secure communications
Untethering gantry cranes from their testing the use of network-based platform for the full digital transformation
rail infrastructure, or AGVs from RF localisation for highly accurate of terminal operations. From TOS
their complex beacon networks, will positioning with little or no additional connectivity to high-capacity mobile
require robust and reliable wireless dedicated infrastructure, as is video for drones, remote-controlled
communications. This is where LTE and required, for instance, with beacon cranes and straddle and shuttle carriers,
5G private wireless hold great promise. technologies used by AGVs. This it is possible to support the terminal from
Remotely controlling automated represents another important vessel to truck or train.
equipment requires very low latency capability of 5G. Viewed on an application-by-
communications because of the need application basis, there are already
for almost instantaneous response Video analytics and beyond strong business cases for moving
from the remote operator or central As with automation and remote-control to LTE, as many terminals have
control software. LTE can support applications, there is also the possibility already done. Viewed systematically,
industry protocols such as Profinet and of leveraging video analytics to improve the argument for adopting a private
Profisafe for control and automation yard integrity by having accurate wireless network based on either LTE
applications. 5G, with a number of tracking of container locations. or 5G as the terminal communications
time-sensitive networking (TSN) Another example is remote reefer platform is even stronger and it will
features, will support ultra-reliable low monitoring which can be migrated onto only strengthen over time.



About the organization

Nokia creates the technology to connect the world, developing and delivering the industry’s only end-to-end portfolio of
network equipment, software, services and licensing that is available globally.
Private LTE/5G wireless networks will provide terminal operators with the foundation for unlocking new productivity
gains, boosting efficiency and achieving operational excellence.
Nokia Industrial-grade Private Wireless supports critical communications and operational applications with a dedicated
LTE or 5G network that delivers resilient, secure connectivity to every part of the terminal. These capabilities help terminal
operators use digital technologies to enhance operational control, increase automation and improve safety.
The Nokia solution features industry first easy-to-deploy simple plug-and-play connectivity for all the assets.

About the Author

Matthias Jablonowski is Head of Maritime at Nokia and leads its ports program. Being intrigued by the opportunities of
connected technologies and digital transformation, he works with port authorities and terminal operators on Port 4.0
and terminal automation projects as they embark on their smart ports journeys. Matthias has been instrumental in the
expansion of Nokia into the Transportation industry.

Kalmar is actively researching the Private LTE networks enable ports and
future possibilities of 5G technology in terminals to have their own high-
ports and terminals. High-bandwidth, performance mobile networks that
low-latency connectivity is expected can then be administered by mobile
to open up significant new possibilities operators or other system providers.
for both terminal operators and system The possibilities of private LTE
providers over the next few years. networks were already apparent with
Pekka Yli-Paunu leads Kalmar’s the first test deployments that we did
automation research team. As one with 4G technology, but 5G is really
of the research avenues, his team is taking things to the next level. Private
INTERVIEW WITH collaborating with Nokia and Finland's LTE connectivity is more reliable and
Pekka Yli-Paunu, national research institution VTT to secure than Wi-Fi, and 5G is now
Director, Research, research and test 5G technology and genuinely enabling the low-latency,
Kalmar its applications for terminal operations. high-capacity connectivity and giving
We spoke to Mr. Yli-Paunu about possibilities to make edge computing
his current work with 5G technology in same server where 5G core is
as well as the reasons why Kalmar is running that is required for time-
investing in 5G. sensitive critical industrial applications
using real-time analytics and multiple
WHY IS KALMAR INVESTING IN 5G high-resolution video feeds.
TECHNOLOGY RIGHT NOW? One of the first use cases for the
Mobile technology really became a technology is wireless remote control
potential game changer for us with the for container handling machines, but
advent of private 4G LTE (Long Term the technology will enable countless
Evolution) networks. In public networks, other applications as well. Basically,
bandwidth and network management we are now able to build robust digital
can easily create bottlenecks for industrial environments that depend
mission-critical industrial applications. on secure and reliable wireless


ABOVE connectivity yet are not tied down by a with private 4G networks, the uplink academic partners. One of our main
One of the first uses for physical cabling infrastructure. bandwidth just was not high enough. partners has been Finland's state-owned
5G connectivity will be in In our own product range, one Latency is another parameter that is research institution VTT. In the research
enabling wireless control of the first uses for 5G connectivity not really a concern for public mobile collaboration we selected the RTG remote
of RTGs. will be in enabling wireless control networks. The latest private mobile control scenario as our main use case.
Photo: Kalmar of rubber-tyred gantry (RTG) cranes. networks now enable very low latencies In the test yard at our Tampere
Until now, RTGs have been dependent in the millisecond range, so it's no Competence Centre, we set up different
on a fibre-optic cable reel system longer a constraining factor for industrial configurations of container stacks, and
for remote control, which of course applications like remote control. Nokia conducted measurements to
complicates the process of moving the Of course, private mobile map out how mobile wireless signals
machine between container stacks. networks also introduce a different propagate in a container terminal.
The video, control and safety signals way of thinking about connectivity. We started this research with 4G
for remote-controlled RTGs demand Teleoperators have a lot of experience technology, which was basically enough
very low latency and high bandwidth in building consumer mobile networks to get a single machine working reliably,
to uplink direction, and we have now for large global customers but creating but the capacity of 4G simply maxes out
successfully demonstrated 5G (NSA) a high-capacity private network for if you have a terminal full of wirelessly
connectivity for this application. mission-critical industrial applications controlled machines. Even though 4G
demands quite a different approach, uplink speeds and bandwidth have
HOW DO PRIVATE 5G NETWORKS and a new way of working. improved over the last year or two,
DIFFER FROM TRADITIONAL 5G is the obvious choice for future
Wireless automation networks have DOES KALMAR HAVE WITH
significantly different needs than NOKIA AND VTT AROUND 5G WHAT BENEFITS AND VALUE
traditional mobile networks. Consumer TECHNOLOGY? CAN 5G BRING TO PORTS AND
mobile connectivity is typically We have been collaborating with Nokia TERMINALS?
optimised for downlink capacity, while on 5G connectivity since 2017 as part There are a lot of things to consider
automation solutions send most of of a wider research project involving here. From a radio-technical point of
their data on the uplink side. Even several industry research units and view, 5G is simply a superior technology

to Wi-Fi or legacy mobile networks. You built over Wi-Fi and then supplemented which varies from one country to
do not need to build as many access by mobile networks as the technology another. It will also be interesting to
points, while simultaneously enjoying a improved. Today, we are seeing a see how the 5G network operator
significantly more reliable and secure strong drive towards standardisation landscape develops. There will
wireless network. With 5G as the core in wireless connectivity, and it would definitely be a market for a range of
technology, Wi-Fi can be added for obviously be beneficial if one type of business models, including smaller
those applications that need it. network could serve all the different virtual network operators serving the
5G also enables vastly more equipment in a container yard. IoT field.
advanced capabilities for managing For our own projects, we have
and monitoring the network as well WHAT WILL THE FUTURE LOOK already been supplying equipment to
as its quality of service. In essence, LIKE WITH 5G APPLICATIONS? one of our major terminal customers
even though 5G is a bit more complex Private mobile networks have already that are deploying high-performance
technically, it just is a better and more taken some parts of the wireless mobile networks for critical solutions.
reliable network. applications that have been traditionally Our next area of interest will be to
Of course, all this is on the technical run over Wi-Fi, at least at larger extend the capabilities that we have
side, and for terminal operators the terminals. For small terminals, Wi-Fi developed in our remote-control RTG
real benefits are in how 5G supports can still be a viable and cost-effective project to cover all equipment types.
the adoption of terminal and process option, but as automation gains ground Smaller container-handling machines
automation. The higher the level of in smaller machines and at smaller are more challenging from a radio
automation in the terminal, the more terminals, it's easy to predict that 5G connectivity perspective due to the
it will benefit from the capacities will follow. restricted lines of sight between
offered by 5G. In a manual terminal, It is my estimate that in the future, container stacks, but this is where the
a few seconds' drop-out on the all of these technologies will continue simulation and modelling capabilities
terminal's wireless network is likely to co-exist in various combinations. that we've developed with Nokia and
to go unnoticed in operations. In Maintenance halls might deploy Wi-Fi VTT will be invaluable.
an automated terminal, bandwidth networks inside the building, while out So, we are building from our
BELOW or latency issues are simply not in the yard automated machines might current know-how to more challenging
Kalmar has been using acceptable, as they might stop run over a private 5G network. In fact, applications, but it's safe to say that
its Technology and machines and disrupt production. one of the great features about 5G is eventually we will be looking to have
Competence Centre in The relationship between automation how it can be combined with Wi-Fi. 5G connectivity on all of our container
Tampere, Finland to test and wireless connectivity is a One of the factors holding back handling equipment, regardless of type
5G connectivity. discussion that has been going on for the adoption of 5G is of course the or size. That is the future and what we
Photo: Kalmar years. The first wireless solutions were question of radio frequency allocation, are working towards.

About the organization

Kalmar, part of Cargotec, offers the widest range of cargo handling solutions
and services to ports, terminals, distribution centres and to heavy industry.
Kalmar is the industry forerunner in terminal automation and in energy efficient
container handling, with one in four container movements around the globe
being handled by a Kalmar solution. Through its extensive product portfolio,
global service network and ability to enable a seamless integration of different
terminal processes, Kalmar improves the efficiency of every move.

About the Interviewee

Pekka Yli-Paunu (Licentiate in Technology, Automation & Hydraulics)
has more than 17 years of experience in automation R&D at Cargotec
and Kalmar. Before that he was a CEO in an engineering office, as well
as worked several years as a research scientist at VTT, The Technical
Research Centre of Finland.

An ever more connected and digital paramount to enable efficient connection
port-logistic industry must still between the different transportation
confront fundamental challenges. modes. The focus for framing a more
One such challenge means managing efficient and sustainable operations at
significantly higher cargo volumes landside is concentrated for catalysing
Mar Chao, Head of Commercial Business while keeping and improving the intermodality:
Development, Port Authority of Valencia; increasingly exigent and dynamic
Laura Rodríguez Romo, Digitalisation Specialist productivity and competitiveness • The big scale operation at quay
and Project Manager, TiL; José Andrés Giménez, parameters. This is key for terminals side need to be supported by
Port Logistics Director, Valenciaport Foundation; globally responding to intermodal the evolution at yard and gate
and Dr. Oscar Pernia, Director of Automation and networks needs and for ports truly processes, where systems such
Digitalisation, TIL becoming efficiency partners to the as the Gate Automation System
ocean supply chain they are connected or the Vehicle Booking System
to. Trends like: are important actors to enable the
required intermodal ‘fluidity’
• Bigger vessel sizes with bigger call • But without the required connectivity
sizes and integration at Port Community
• Shipping lines alliances and level, those objectives cannot
associated economies of scale be achieved so Port Community
• Reliability and visibility requirements Systems (PCS) are very relevant to
by new e-commerce logistic models overall connect, digitise and integrate
• New sustainability and environmental the whole port-logistic chain.
decarbonization regulations.
This article describes the holistic
For marine terminals, empowering digital and technology evolution at the
synchro-modality, bringing decisions port level and the ability to connect
closer to real time and making processes across the different decision
contingency plans more predictable is domains. Additionally, sustainability

will be the fundamental driver in the
“DATA GENERATED FROM EACH building of a more efficient, safer, and
secure port-logistic chain.
The telecommunication technology
MARITIME, AERIAL, RAILWAY role on visibility and efficiency
The roadmap to SmartPorts will require
OR ROAD – SHOULD BE VISIBLE new standards with low latency,
high bandwidth, and high reliability
AND INTEGRATED IN A CORE communication services to effectively
support synchro-modality at the port-
OPERATIONAL BACKBONE.” logistic chain.
Data generated from each
transportation mode - maritime, aerial,
railway or road – should be visible
RIGHT and integrated in a core operational
Figure 1 – SmartPorts backbone. The connectivity is key
and IOT platforms to get there, by technologies widely
Source: Fundacion ValenciaPort known in the port logistics sector such
as WiFi, Bluetooth and RFID; as well
as new actors in the so called LPWAN
(Low Power Wide Area Network), like
LTE-M and NB-IoT, that benefit from
a largest range in geographical zones
with 2G, 3G, 4G and shortly 5G.
New communication options will
reshape connectivity across the port
eco-system. They will enable the


realisation of opportunities today At the terminal process, automation through prescriptive planning and,
that are only theoretical, such as by Gate Operating Systems (GOS) along with gate automation, an optimal
the traceability benefits that smart is key, both in automated gate and truck-turn-around time. Additional
containers will bring or the advanced rail access terminals to identify the relevant benefits are cuts to emissions,
analysis of video by drones. cargo, the vehicle and the driver, less congestion and improved traffic
The end goal is to integrate the data together with the entry and exit management overall. The VBS
capture and real-time updates into a time and operational, technological function also simplifies documentation
data system-of-record that applies or maintenance exceptions. The management, in collaboration with the
data consistency models and makes automation of this process is Port Authority, resulting on a simpler
information accessible and reliable complemented by Vehicle Booking and more efficient gate process for all
across applications. The resulting Systems (VBS) to plan available actors involved.
system architecture is complex but timeslots for the vehicle to arrive to
modern open platforms which are the terminal and combine import and A smart port eco-system
enabling the evolution to the required export to promote double transactions, empowering PCS and TOS
modularity, scalability, responsiveness as well as encourage the access For a real port eco-system, the core
and robustness to truly support the outside peak hours. framework enabling ports to move
evolution to SmartPorts. In (semi) automated terminals this forward to the digital transformation
is very important, as the timeslot and the operational efficiency are the
The process digitalisation and availability needs to be also synchronised PCS. The integration with Terminal
intermodal decision making with yard cranes scheduling, so the Operating Systems (TOS) is also key,
With those connectivity and data pre- terminal yard schedule capacity and as both applications cover the core BELOW
requisites resolved, the quantum leap manage buffers efficiently. functions for supporting planning Figure 2 – Terminal Gate
for decision making will not take place A key function of VBS is its processes and will continue being Process digitalisation and
without taking some steps backwards, as predictive data analysis, to achieve a the basis for intermodal planning and automation
data exchange is still very fragmented. more efficient terminal management desired synchro-modality at Ports. Source: TiL

From here, the introduction of IoT ABOVE Terminal operators like TiL to achieve Ports and terminals need to become
technologies and the deployment Figure 3 – Port the objective of the Port being a more transparent logistic nodes within the
of sensor networks at ports enable eco-system actors at transparent logistic node, more and supply networks, and within the overall
the generation of new data and new SmartPorts more sustainable and efficient. ocean supply chain: being their efficiency
information layers, to integrate the Source: Valencia Port Authority and sustainability strongly depending
existing ones with richer and more • PCS is the platform that enables the from the synchronisation across the
accurate data, overall increasing digitalisation of port operations. As different transportation modes, as
visibility of port processes: a proof of efficiency in Valencia’s shippers and carriers evaluate the overall
services to clients, five million network of hinterland, short-sea, and
• In the future, massive data messages a month, on average, were deep-sea, and its connectivity, to select
processing (Big Data) and advanced transferred through ValenciaportPCS their port of choice.
analysis by artificial intelligence and during this COVID crisis, allowing This article also explores the main
machine learning models will enable business run under normal standards. applications on the terminal and port
prediction tools. These tools will be side that will help the evolution. PCS
able to ‘look ahead’ at planning and Conclusions acts as the central application and
to ‘learn from the past’ at execution, Currently, the transportation and how TOS, GOS and VBS need to act
making the cargo repetitive/seasonal logistics sector is facing challenges as truly interconnected eco-system
patterns and the best performers on decarbonisation and the added to manage landside operations in a
practices optimizing the connection and depth changes originated by the much more predictable and digital
of all transportation modes. COVID-19 global pandemic. Public manner.
and private agents need to collaborate In conclusion, the rapid growing of
To consolidate connectivity to effectively reframe processes, e-commerce and the need of being
technology impact and to address technology and organization paradigms: resilient is accelerating Ports industry
operational synchronisation, it is This article touches on the transformation, the Port eco-system
necessary the collaboration and technology evolution, especially by IoT role is key in our search to find answers
the implication of all port agents, and 5G, and their associated platforms to the real-time visibility and reliability
specially between operators and the – and SmartPorts efforts in order requirements from shippers, cargo
port authority. It is relevant to share a to make sure connectivity and data owners and end consumers: processes,
vision in relation to sustainability and creates a digital backbone to ensure systems and data need to come along
efficiency. This is the case at the Port the synchronisation of the different in our inevitable focus for reducing
of Valencia, in which the Port Authority operations, reducing waiting and idle the environmental impact, keeping
along with Valenciaport Foundation times therefore minimizing energy and even incrementing the operational
work actively together with key consumption and emissions. efficiency at our terminals and ports.

We create the technology to connect the world. Only Nokia offers a comprehensive portfolio of network equipment,
software, services and licensing opportunities across the globe. With our commitment to innovation, driven by the
award-winning Nokia Bell Labs, we are a leader in the development and deployment of 5G networks.

Our communications service provider customers support more than 6.4 billion subscriptions with our radio
networks, and our enterprise customers have deployed over 1,300 industrial networks worldwide. Adhering to
the highest ethical standards, we transform how people live, work and communicate. For our latest updates,
please visit us online www.nokia.com and follow us on Twitter @nokiaindustries and LinkedIn.

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Karakaari 7
02610 Espoo

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