Guide Concrete

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• Before starting, make sure that you have sufficient materials to complete the job.
• To calculate the quantities required, measure the area to be concreted and multiply the length x width x depth.
• Example: For an area measuring 10m (length) x 15m (width) x 100mm (depth), the calculation is 10 x 15 x 0.1 which equals 15m3.
• Always allow 10-15% wastage; thus, 15m3 becomes approximately 17m3. If the sand is damp, you may need to reduce the amount of water required by up to 20%.
• Add water slowly to keep the concrete mix as “firm” as possible.


(parts per mix) Approximate (required to make up 1m3 of concrete)
Coarse (estimated guide only) Cement Sand Coarse
Cement Sand Water
Aggregate (20kg Bags) (m3) Aggregate (m3)
High Structural Strength Grade concrete for thin
reinforced walls, slender reinforced columns, fence 21
1 1.5 3 0.66 40 MPa 0.5 1
columns, heavy duty floors (=420kg/m3)

Commonly adopted mixture for reinforced concrete 16

1 2.5 4 0.66 32 MPa 0.5 1
beams, floor slabs, driveways and paths. (=320kg/m3)

Footings for domestic buildings and walls. 1 2.5 5 0.75 25 MPa 0.5 1

Toppings for two-course concrete paths. 1 1 2 0.66 50 MPa 0.5 1

EXAMPLE: for each → 1kg of Cement you need 1.5kg Sand & 3kg Agg & 660ml Water (example based on first rows mix)


1. All the above mixes yield an amount of concrete slightly more than the quantity of coarse aggregate in the

2. Sand should be clean, well graded, free from excessive clay, organic material and fine silts.

3. The often-used engineering term “water-cement ratio” is a ratio of weights. For example, a typical “water-
cement” ration of 0.5 equates to mix ‘mix-by-volume’ ratio of about 0.66.

4. Always consult a qualified engineer for the design and specification of concrete for structural elements.

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