Volume10 Issue9 132
Volume10 Issue9 132
Volume10 Issue9 132
1 Introduction
Vardhan and Reddy, 2016, study the behavior of bagasse ash in concrete
in the presence of aggressive environment. They also used silica fumes for
the good result of concrete. The silica fumes react with bagasse ash during
hydration process which also helps in increasing the chlorine-resistant and
corrosion-resistant on concrete[21].
According to author use of bagasse ash not only help to reduce pollution
but also helps to reduce the cost of concrete.Two grades of concrete were
prepared M30 and M40, the specimens were cured in two ways normal water
and 5% of magnesium sulphate solution for the ages of 7, 28, 60 days. In all
cases the maximum ratio for replacement of bagasse ash was found to be
10% with presence of silica fumes in it. the presence of MGSO4 decreases
the strength of the concrete specimen. M100 was prepared by using poly-
carboxylic ether as superplasticizer and silica fumes. the main principle
behind this is ―The aggregate having less voids gives stronger concrete. such
a combination of fine and coarse aggregate will require minimum amount of
cement and will be most economical for a given water-cement ratio and
slump‖. The maximum result Compressive strength, Flexure strength and
split tensile strength at 1% superplasticizer and 10% silica fumes[1-17].
The characteristic strength was taken as 111.8 N/mm2. MASTER
GLENIUM SKY 8765 was the admixture used in this experimental study.
Kabir, Al-Shayeb and Khan, 2016 prepared the specimen of concrete of
grade M35 with full replacement of coarse aggregate by debris (recycled
Aggregate)[19]. Debris are used in the forms of gravel, which are collected
from two sites 1) MOSQUE and 2) Random Construction Site. The result
was very much similar to the nominal specimen with more water absorption
the values for ultrasonic pulse velocity test are higher than the lab tested
concrete, values of rebound no in comparison with control specimen are less.
The correlation values are much like the tensile strength is 10% more than
the nominal specimen. Rashid and Mansur, 2009 prepared the concrete
specimens for high strength concrete and derived that with daracem as
admixture and naturally available aggregate the maximum strength of
concrete can be obtained is 127MPa. Total 8 mix were prepared and large
ratio of CA to FA was taken that is 1.81, w/c ratio was taken as .20 from
superplasticizer content of 2.76%. After that, we have to use fibrous material
to increase strength[20].
Z H Mohebi et al. Researcher casted specimens of 7 beams in which at
midspan tension splices are placed and 12 pullout specimen of polypropylene
fiber fabricated specimens are casted to study the effect of bond performance
of polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete in high strength concrete.
Polypropylene fibers were added in different percentages (0.15%, 0.30%, and
0.45%). It has been noted that by increasing the amount of polypropylene
fiber in concrete restrict the use of high amount of polypropylene fiber in
concrete because by increasing fiber amount its workability gets decreased.
Samples which are manufactured using polypropylene fiber have large
number of cracks, deflection and failure in high loads and have width of
large crack at failure stage. Samples which are made using polypropylene
fibers have 20% more failure deflection as compared to normal concrete[18].
High Strength and Sustainable Concrete of Grade M65 through Adding of Debris,
Polypropylene Fiber, Bagasse Ash 6370
2 Experimental Process
As guided by IS10262 the design concept does not give exact valve of
composition one has to make several trials for the composition for this study
various composition by adjusting the value of admixtures and other materials
have been tried but for M65 grade concrete the composition succeed is
Which gives w/c ratio- .31 and composition ratio as 1:1.44:2.88 for high
strength concrete 6 cubes then after getting desired strength on 7 th day and
14th day, 2 cubes 6 beams and 6 columns were casted. it is been advised that
the good and workable quality high strength concrete is obtained by th good
blending of the mix i.e the admixtures need a good blending for th good
results is not feasible to mix the concrete with hand mixing, so the use of
concrete mix has done.it is the machine which mix concrete and makes
concrete workable. Table -1 shows details of trial mix design.
6371 Sahil Arora et.al
3 Result
For the high strength concrete of grade M65 we got the following results.
The specimens were tested after 7th and 28th day of curing in curing pond the
increment in the compressive strength in between 7th and 28 th day was seen
to be 29% in compressive strength,30% split tensile strength in and 54 % in
flexural Strength. for the full study is seen that the ratio of 7th day strength to
28th day strength is 70% for compression and split tensile and for flexure it
is 50% i.e. specimen gain 70% strength at 7th day when it comes to
Compression and split tensile strength but for flexural strength it is 50%.
4 Conclusions
Sahil arora received his B.Tech, degree in Civil Engineering from P.T.U
in year 2012 and M.Tech in Structural Engineering From PTU Punjab, India
in the year 2014. His area of interests includes Concrete, Solid Waste
Management etc.