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Journal of Green Engineering (JGE)

Volume-10, Issue-9, September 2020

High Strength and Sustainable Concrete of

Grade M65 through Adding of Debris,
Polypropylene Fiber, Bagasse Ash
Sahil Arora and 2Harshdeep Vani
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Chandigarh University, Gharuan,
Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Chandigarh University, Gharuan,


As the environmental waste are increasing day by day, need is to take

immediate step to control this pollution at present INDIA is generating 10
million-ton (approx.) bagasse ash per year. If we are able to utilize this ash in
the construction industry at some replacement of cement or fine aggregate we
can utilize the big amount of waste which will save the environment at the
same time due to scarcity of land the load buildings are being demolished
and new buildings are being constructed the waste of that building was
dumped at the dump yard. The estimated requirement of the aggregate is
around 28 billion tons and it is increasing day by day, if we figure the way to
utilize this as recycled aggregate in construction industry then it will reduce
the pollution to a great extent.

Keywords: Sustainable Concrete, Debris, Polypropylene Fiber, Bagasse

Ash, Grade M65

1 Introduction

Vardhan and Reddy, 2016, study the behavior of bagasse ash in concrete
in the presence of aggressive environment. They also used silica fumes for
the good result of concrete. The silica fumes react with bagasse ash during
hydration process which also helps in increasing the chlorine-resistant and
corrosion-resistant on concrete[21].

Journal of Green Engineering, Vol. 10_9, 6368–6377.

© 2020 Alpha Publishers.All rights reserved
6369 Sahil Arora et.al

According to author use of bagasse ash not only help to reduce pollution
but also helps to reduce the cost of concrete.Two grades of concrete were
prepared M30 and M40, the specimens were cured in two ways normal water
and 5% of magnesium sulphate solution for the ages of 7, 28, 60 days. In all
cases the maximum ratio for replacement of bagasse ash was found to be
10% with presence of silica fumes in it. the presence of MGSO4 decreases
the strength of the concrete specimen. M100 was prepared by using poly-
carboxylic ether as superplasticizer and silica fumes. the main principle
behind this is ―The aggregate having less voids gives stronger concrete. such
a combination of fine and coarse aggregate will require minimum amount of
cement and will be most economical for a given water-cement ratio and
slump‖. The maximum result Compressive strength, Flexure strength and
split tensile strength at 1% superplasticizer and 10% silica fumes[1-17].
The characteristic strength was taken as 111.8 N/mm2. MASTER
GLENIUM SKY 8765 was the admixture used in this experimental study.
Kabir, Al-Shayeb and Khan, 2016 prepared the specimen of concrete of
grade M35 with full replacement of coarse aggregate by debris (recycled
Aggregate)[19]. Debris are used in the forms of gravel, which are collected
from two sites 1) MOSQUE and 2) Random Construction Site. The result
was very much similar to the nominal specimen with more water absorption
the values for ultrasonic pulse velocity test are higher than the lab tested
concrete, values of rebound no in comparison with control specimen are less.
The correlation values are much like the tensile strength is 10% more than
the nominal specimen. Rashid and Mansur, 2009 prepared the concrete
specimens for high strength concrete and derived that with daracem as
admixture and naturally available aggregate the maximum strength of
concrete can be obtained is 127MPa. Total 8 mix were prepared and large
ratio of CA to FA was taken that is 1.81, w/c ratio was taken as .20 from
superplasticizer content of 2.76%. After that, we have to use fibrous material
to increase strength[20].
Z H Mohebi et al. Researcher casted specimens of 7 beams in which at
midspan tension splices are placed and 12 pullout specimen of polypropylene
fiber fabricated specimens are casted to study the effect of bond performance
of polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete in high strength concrete.
Polypropylene fibers were added in different percentages (0.15%, 0.30%, and
0.45%). It has been noted that by increasing the amount of polypropylene
fiber in concrete restrict the use of high amount of polypropylene fiber in
concrete because by increasing fiber amount its workability gets decreased.
Samples which are manufactured using polypropylene fiber have large
number of cracks, deflection and failure in high loads and have width of
large crack at failure stage. Samples which are made using polypropylene
fibers have 20% more failure deflection as compared to normal concrete[18].
High Strength and Sustainable Concrete of Grade M65 through Adding of Debris,
Polypropylene Fiber, Bagasse Ash 6370

The slope of specimen bond slip curve shows an unexpected change in

cracking loads. After splitting failure, it has been noted that all beams load
carrying capacity dropped to zero and it has been noted that polypropylene
fiber does not provide residual capacity to the beams. Pullout behavior shows
no improvement in fiber reinforced concrete. It has been noted that during
failure specimens are noisy, brittle and splitting at concrete bottom. It has
been noted that by addition of polypropylene fiber in concrete bond strength
are satisfactory and yield is extra exact. Modani and Vyawahare, 2013
Studied the effect of bagasse ash replaced with fine aggregates at 0%, 10%,
20%, 30%, and 40% in concrete at 0.4 water-cement ratio keeping 0.8% of
superplasticizer and 45 cubes are casted to study compressive strength and
for tensile behavior 15 cylinders were casted. The tests result indicates that
the concrete performs better when it is replaced with bagasse ash at 10%
proportion and there is an increment in compressive behavior is noticed at
10% but on the other hand the tensile behavior continuously dropped as
proportion of bagasse ash increases. The sorptivity analysis shows that the
sorptivity coefficient increases with increase in proportion of bagasse and
decreases proportionally to compressive strength of the concrete[22].

2 Experimental Process

2.1 High Strength Concrete

As guided by IS10262 the design concept does not give exact valve of
composition one has to make several trials for the composition for this study
various composition by adjusting the value of admixtures and other materials
have been tried but for M65 grade concrete the composition succeed is

Table -1: details of trial mix design

Cement Fine aggregate Coarse Aggregate Marble Powder Water Admixture

443 640 1277 22 141 4.5

Which gives w/c ratio- .31 and composition ratio as 1:1.44:2.88 for high
strength concrete 6 cubes then after getting desired strength on 7 th day and
14th day, 2 cubes 6 beams and 6 columns were casted. it is been advised that
the good and workable quality high strength concrete is obtained by th good
blending of the mix i.e the admixtures need a good blending for th good
results is not feasible to mix the concrete with hand mixing, so the use of
concrete mix has done.it is the machine which mix concrete and makes
concrete workable. Table -1 shows details of trial mix design.
6371 Sahil Arora et.al

This machine has capacity to mix 60 kg material at one time. It is electric

operated machine for institutional use which has dimension of 1m. This
machine has a handle to adjust the angle of duct to empty the concrete.

2.2 Replacement Work

After getting the proper proportions of a high strength concrete of grade

M65, the further experimentation work is carried out in three steps
1. Replacement of fine aggregates with debris
2. Addition of polypropylene fiber
3. Replacement of cement with bagasse ash
Step 1 Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Debris Debris were replaced
in the difference of 10%. Their identification mark was M8D1, M8D2….. but
later on it was changed to H1D1, H1D2….etc. For each ratio 6 beams and 6
columns were prepared for testing after 7th day and 28th day curing of
concrete. Table 2 shows Proportions Of Concrete When Fine Aggregate Is
Replaced By Debris
Table 2: Proportions Of Concrete When Fine Aggregate Is Replaced By Debris
Debris Marble
Coarse powder
Cement Sand WATER (1%
Ratios Aggregate (5% by
(in Kg) (in Kg) (in Kg) In Weight of
(in Kg) In % the weight
kilograms cement)
of cement)
H1 N 443 640 1277 141 0 0 4.5 22
H1D1 443 576 1277 141 10 64 4.5 22
H1D2 443 512 1277 141 20 128 4.5 22
H1D3 443 448 1277 141 30 192 4.5 22
H1D3 443 448 1277 141 30 256 4.5 22
Step 2 Addition of polypropylene fiber after replacement of fine
aggregate with debris at various percentage the optimum is taken and then
optimum replacement of debris is taken for further adding the polypropylene
fiber. i.e. 80% fine aggregate and 20% debris and addition of polypropylene
fiber has been done. Table 3 shows Proportions Of Concrete When
Polypropylene Fiber Is Added.
Table 3: Proportions Of Concrete When Polypropylene Fiber Is Added
Debris Marble
Sand Coarse powder
Cement WATER
Ratios (in Aggregate (5% by the
(in Kg) (in Kg) In In
Kg) (in Kg) In % In grams weight of
% kilograms
H1D2 443 512 1277 141 20 128 0 0 22
H1P1 443 512 1277 141 20 128 .1 443 22
H1P2 443 512 1277 141 20 128 .2 886 22
H1P3 443 512 1277 141 20 128 .3 1329 22
High Strength and Sustainable Concrete of Grade M65 through Adding of Debris,
Polypropylene Fiber, Bagasse Ash 6372

Step 3 Replacement of cement with bagasse ash After adding the

polypropylene fiber in concrete mix in various proportion, the bagasse ash
was introduced in concrete at various proportion of 1% difference. It is
continued till the workability decreases. Table 4 shows Proportions of
Concrete When Cement Is Replaced With Bagasse Ash

Table 4: Proportions of Concrete When Cement Is Replaced With Bagasse Ash

Polypropylene Marble
Debris Bagasse ash
Sand Coarse fiber powder
Cement WATER
Ratios (in Aggregate (5% by the
(in Kg) (in Kg) In In In In
Kg) (in Kg) In grms In kg weight of
% kg % %
H1P2 443 512 1277 141 20 128 .2 886 0 0 22
H1B1 438.5 512 1277 141 20 128 .2 886 1 4.5 22
H1B2 434 512 1277 141 20 128 .2 886 2 9 22
H1B3 429.5 512 1277 141 20 128 .2 886 3 13.5 22
H1 128
425 512 1277 141 20 .2 886 4 18 22
H1 128
420.5 512 1277 141 20 .2 886 5 22.5 22

3 Result

3.1 Without Replacement

For the high strength concrete of grade M65 we got the following results.
The specimens were tested after 7th and 28th day of curing in curing pond the
increment in the compressive strength in between 7th and 28 th day was seen
to be 29% in compressive strength,30% split tensile strength in and 54 % in
flexural Strength. for the full study is seen that the ratio of 7th day strength to
28th day strength is 70% for compression and split tensile and for flexure it
is 50% i.e. specimen gain 70% strength at 7th day when it comes to
Compression and split tensile strength but for flexural strength it is 50%.

Table – 5: Strength test results for virgin concrete

Compressive strength Spilt tensile strength Flexure strength
(in KN/mm2) (in KN/mm2) (in KN/mm2)
Ratios After a curing period After a curing period After a curing period
(In mm)
7th day 28th day 7th day 28th day 7th day 28th day

H1 N 110 47.85 68.11 4.3 6.2 1.8 3.75

6373 Sahil Arora et.al

Table – 5 shows Strength test results for virgin concrete.

3.2 On Adding Debris

Table – 6: Strength test results for modified concrete

Compressive strength Spilt tensile strength Flexure strength
SLUMP (in KN/mm2) (in KN/mm2) (in KN/mm2)
RATIOS After a curing period After a curing period After a curing period
(in mm)
7th day 28th day 7th day 28th day 7th day 28th day
H1 N 110 47.85 68.11 4.3 6.2 1.8 3.75
H1D1 100 49.311 69.85 4.42 6.26 1.8 3.75
H1D2 95 54.33 73.06 4.4 6.3 1.95 4.05
H1D3 92 48.711 68.9 3.9 5.5 1.65 3.9
H1D4 85 44.66 64.57 3.5 5.18 1.65 3.97

Debris were introduced in concrete ate the rate of 10% difference it is

seen that slump decrees as the debris quantity increases in concrete. Debris
optimum replacement was found to be at 20% with fine aggregate but it can
be replaced up to 40% the reason behind it is the absorption of water .in dry
state the debris absorbs water .with this water reduction, concrete loses its
strength and slump also decrease from 0% to 20% the increase in strength is
7% in compression,1% in split tensile and 8% in flexure strength.
Introducing debris in high strength concrete gives optimum replacement at
20 % for both split tensile strength and flexural strength. Moreover this
phenomenon may be due to the absorption of free water in the concrete
which does not allow to make bond with cement .on another thought the
decrease in strength after 20% may be due to rough finish of the debris
powder. Table 6 provides Strength test results for modified concrete

3.3 On Adding Polypropylene Fiber

Table – 7: Strength test results for modified concrete

Compressive strength Spilt tensile strength Flexure strength
SLUMP (in KN/mm2) (in KN/mm2) (in KN/mm2)
RATIOS After a curing period After a curing period After a curing period
(in mm)
7th day 28th day 7th day 28th day 7th day 28th day
H1D2 95 54.33 73.06 4.4 6.3 1.95 4.05
H1P1 85 54.22 73.66 4.85 6.6 2.4 5.32
H1P2 83 54 73.2 5.2 7.40 2.85 6.15
H1P3 82 52.4 72.1 5.3 7.09 3.1 6.5
High Strength and Sustainable Concrete of Grade M65 through Adding of Debris,
Polypropylene Fiber, Bagasse Ash 6374

Introducing the polypropylene fibers in the HSC doesn’t make enough

effect on slump and compressive strength. Rather at some amount it starts
decreasing. The reason may be because cement mix start attaching the fibers
and does not allow to move. As indicated by the company suppliers the
optimum percentage was fibers is .2%. at this percentage of replacement
slump is low, but after .2% replacement compressive strength starts
decreasing and the flexure and split tensile strength starts increasing at the
high rate .at .2% replacement not enough increment seen in compressive
strength.1%, but the split tensile strength increases with 17%, and flexural
strength also increases by 51%. Table 7 provides Strength test results for
modified concrete.

3.4 On Adding Sugarcane Bagasse ash (SCBA)

Table 8: Effect of addition of SCBA on Strength properties of concrete

Compressive strength Spilt tensile strength Flexure strength
SLUMP (in KN/mm2) (in KN/mm2) (in KN/mm2)
(in mm) After a curing period After a curing period After a curing period
7th day 28th day 7th day 28th day 7th day 28th day
H1P2 83 54 73.2 5.2 7.04 2.85 6.15
H1B1 80 55.24 75.33 5.20 7.1 3 6.17
H1B2 75 56.4 75.9 5.3 7.2 3.1 6.18
H1B3 70 57.9 78 5.5 7.3 3.3 6.23
H1 B4 62 58.2 79.4 5.6 7.5 3.4 6.29
H1 B5 50 59.1 80 5.7 7.6 3.5 6.36

Bagasse ash in somewhat like a fibrous material which possess

pozzolanic properties as well as tensile properties too. This phenomenon
increases the all three-capacity strength. As sugarcane consist of 50% water,
it is obvious that it absorbs water. The slump stats getting decrease i.e.
workability of concrete starts decreasing. Normally the bagasse replacement
was 10% for normal concrete behaviors but for high strength concrete it is
5% optimum because after that the workability decrease at high rate. This
can be adjusted by the value of superplasticizer, but it may be result in
economy of the concrete. The use of bagasse at 5 % increases the
compressive strength at 9%, flexure strength increment is 3% and split
tensile increment is 7%. Table 8 provides that Effect of addition of SCBA on
Strength properties of concrete.
6375 Sahil Arora et.al

4 Conclusions

1. To prepare high strength concrete of any grades one has to make

many attempts
2. By the various ratios of debris, it is found that the optimum
percentage of replacement of fine aggregate with bagasse ash is 20% rather it
can be replaced up to 40% without a negative impact on strength of the
3. With the replacement of 20%, debris polypropylene fiber gives
optimum at .2% addition by the weight of cement.
4. With the replacement of 20% debris and .2% polypropylene in
addition bagasse ash can be replaced by up to 5% after that the workability
starts decreasing.
5. As the w/c ratio in high strength concrete is low therefore by
adjusting the value of superplasticizer in a limited amount of bagasse ash can
be replaced by more than 5 % but it is not economical.


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Sahil arora received his B.Tech, degree in Civil Engineering from P.T.U
in year 2012 and M.Tech in Structural Engineering From PTU Punjab, India
in the year 2014. His area of interests includes Concrete, Solid Waste
Management etc.

Harshdeep Vani received his ME degree in Structural Engineering from

Chandigarh University, India in the year 2020. His area of interests includes
Design and planning of Structures.

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