100K Sample Proposal
100K Sample Proposal
100K Sample Proposal
Table of Contents
Section Page Number
Technical Narrative
C. Executive Summary 1
D. Program Description 2
E. Sustainability Plan 5
F. Institutional Capacity, Challenges, and Opportunities for Growth 7
G. Monitoring and Evaluation 9
Cost Proposal
• Budget Summary 11
• Budget Narrative 12
• Resume of XXXXXX 14
• Letter from President of NWTC 16
• Letter from Universidad Politecnica de Guanajuato 17
• Letter of Intent to Foster International Cooperation, NWTC and UPG 18
• Letter from NWTC Academic Dean, Trades & Engineering 19
• Letter from NWTC Associate Dean, General Studies 20
C. Executive Summary
a. The Proposed Goals. The Green Bay to Guanajuato (G2G) Exchange program seeks to
increase the number of post-secondary graduates prepared for employment in today’s
globalized workforce. As Partners of the Americas states, “the peoples of the Americas are
inextricably linked. Latin America is the fastest growing trading partner of the U.S., the
largest foreign supplier of oil to the U.S., and the largest source of immigrants to the U.S.”
To prepare post-secondary students for this globally mobile environment, Northeast
Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC) in Green Bay, Wis., U.S., and Universidad
Politecnica de Guanajuato (UPG) in Cortazar, Guanajuato, Mexico, seek to establish a study
abroad exchange partnership to increase the diversity of its study abroad participants as well
as the diversity of the aligned academic programming.
b. Key Activities and Anticipated Results. The G2G program will develop pilot study
abroad experiences for students enrolled in STEM programming, an area that is statistically
underserved for study abroad opportunities and serves a majority male population, a
demographic that is underrepresented in study abroad. Leaders of NWTC and UPG, through
monthly meetings and scheduled site visits of the respective sites, will build two programs
for the pilot year: 1) a two-week study abroad program aligned with technical skills training
for NWTC students at UPG, and 2) a three-week Intensive English Program with cultural and
technical skills exposure for UPG students at NWTC. Students will earn college credit from
their home institutions for participation in the programs.
With a commitment to expansion of the pilot program, NWTC and UPG will utilize time
during the pilot year to 1) develop and shepherd relationships with respective employers for
support of the programs, both financially and through applied experience in the field of
study, 2) develop a structure and process for faculty professional development exchanges, 3)
coordinate launch of a six-week Intensive English Program for UPG students at NWTC in
2019; and 4) design Individualized Technical Studies Certificates at NWTC for third-year
UPG students participating in academic exchange in 2019.
The one-year pilot program will enable NWTC and UPG to expand access to cross-cultural,
linguistic, and technical skills training for engineering students underrepresented in study
abroad. A minimum twelve students will register to participate in each of the two programs
in the pilot year, for a total of 24 student participants. The groundwork laid for expansion
during the pilot year will result in three annual UPG student cohorts and one annual NWTC
student cohort by the end of 2019, for a total of 48 student participants annually. The
program structure will be utilized to build relationships with other international college
campuses pursuing similar internationalization efforts. Indirectly, the project will infuse the
international experiences and global perspectives of participants within their home
institution’s classrooms, helping internationalize the college campuses.
Project Objectives
1. Expand access to cross-cultural, linguistic, and technical skills training for engineering
students underrepresented in study abroad through creation of a study abroad partnership of
Underrepresented Ethnicities. The Open Doors data from 2014-2015 indicates that 27.1% of
U.S. students studying abroad were ethnically diverse. NWTC is well below the national average
at 15%, when considering academic year 2016-17 participants. NWTC’s goal is to increase
participation of ethnically diverse students to 18%. Recruitment of ethnically diverse students in
the study abroad experience to UPG in Mexico will support this goal.
UPG Student Study Abroad. UPG engineering students will participate in a short-term intensive
study abroad exchange to the United States in order to gain exposure to the native English
language and culture, as well as their academic field. First-year program students in UPG’s
Manufacturing Technologies program will be recruited to travel to NWTC in the summer of
2018 for a three-week Intensive English Program. The course will also expose participants to
their academic field via tours of U.S. companies and guest lectures from engineering faculty.
Students will be paired with non-Spanish speaking students as roommates in on-campus housing
to provide an immersive experience into the English language. Evening and weekend activities
will be coordinated, with several included in the cost of housing, to expand student experiences
in the English-speaking community. Each participant will earn three college credits at NWTC for
successful completion of the course, fulfilling UPG’s quarterly requirement for Formation
NWTC is a rising leader in the field of International Education. NWTC is a board member
institution for the Community Colleges for International Development (CCID), a global network
of community, technical, and vocational institutions dedicated to creating globally engaged
learning environments. XXXXX is the immediate past chair on the board of directors for CCID.
XXXXX, NWTC Manager of Student Involvement and International Programs, serves on the
CCID Senior International Officers Council. The College is sincerely invested in continuing to
grow and expand its reach.
NWTC has welcomed 180 students from more than 80 countries around the globe. NWTC led
four successful study abroad programs during the 2016-2017 academic year, sending 54 students
abroad. Next academic year the goal increases to 80 students studying abroad. This goal mirrors
NWTC’s commitment to the Institute of International Education (IIE) Generation Study Abroad
initiative of at least doubling the number of U.S. students studying abroad by the end of the
decade. To put this exponential growth into perspective, in 2013, 14 NWTC students studied
abroad, and by 2020 the College hopes to exceed 100.
XXXXX will have responsibility for program implementation and reporting (see attached
Resume and G. Monitoring and Evaluation).
Objective #1: Expand access to cross-cultural, linguistic, and technical skills training for
engineering students underrepresented in study abroad through creation of a study abroad
partnership of NWTC and UPG leading to three annual UPG student cohorts and one annual
NWTC student cohort by the end of 2019.
• Coordinate monthly meetings with study abroad leaders (Ongoing)
• Develop and shepherd relationships with respective employers for support of programs
• Develop structure and process for faculty professional development exchange (Ongoing)
• Coordinate technical study options for summer ’19 UPG student cohort (Ongoing)
• Conduct site visits of NWTC and UPG with faculty/administrator (Jan ’18)
Questions: Will students be able to participate in new study abroad programs, beginning in
Sources of Data: Faculty, staff, and administration
XXXXX, Study Abroad Coordinator, will be responsible for the grant’s implementation and
reporting (see attached Resume). XXXXX has worked at the College and in the field of
international education for over eight years, during which time he/she has implemented and
monitored grant-funded programs through Community College Initiative, Global UGRAD
Eurasia & Central Asia, Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange, and Partners of the Americas. In
his/her current position, he/she oversees faculty-led study abroad programs and coordinates on-
campus cultural and diverse co-curricular programming. He/she is responsible for marketing
study abroad programs through the College’s website, print materials, class presentations, and
online communications. In addition, XXXXX coordinates and leads the study abroad
orientations and leader training, manages the study abroad budget, and oversees the application
process. During his/her three years in the study abroad role, XXXXX has more than quadrupled
the number of students studying abroad. XXXXX reports to XXXXX (see F. Institutional
Capacity), who will guide XXXXX’s work and ensure that institutional support is available to
meet the grant goals. In addition, the expertise of the entire International Programs department
and time for faculty to participate in training and developing study abroad programming will be
leveraged to complete activities.
Program Costs
NWTC Faculty/Administrator International Travel $1,500/person 2 people $3,000
UPG Faculty/Administrator International Travel $2,000/person 4 people $8,000
NWTC Student Stipends $500/student 12 students $6,000
UPG Student Stipends $500/student 12 students $6,000
NWTC Orientation Fee for International Students $170/student 12 students $2,040
NWTC International Student Application Fees $130/student 12 students $1,560
Total Program Costs $23,000 $3,600
Study Abroad Coordinator. XXXXX will devote 7% of his/her study abroad programming time
(currently 100% of duties) on the G2G Exchange program. He/she will communicate with
program grantors/administrators and maintain accurate reports of data, as well as monitor grant
budgets and submit reports as appropriate. His/her current salary and fringe cost is $74,712. 7%
of his/her salary and fringe will be provided as cost share to the grant, totaling $5,230.
International Student Support Specialist. XXXXX will serve as the first point of contact for
prospective international students, assisting them through the international application process,
advising students on visa requirements, and working with Enrollment Services to admit
international students. He/She will also coordinate inbound student needs including orientation,
weekly meetings, and volunteer activities, as well as cultural learning opportunities. His/her
current salary and fringe cost is $57,810. 7% of his/her salary and fringe will be provided as cost
share to the grant, totaling $4,047.
On-Campus Housing Coordinator. XXXXX will coordinate and facilitate all short-term and on-
campus housing requests, as well as develop and implement cultural activities to include evening
and weekend events. His/her hourly rate is $15.30 and fringe is 7.65% (or $16.47/hr). 40 hours of
his/her time will be required for the grant activities (40 x $16.47=$659) and this will be cost
shared by NWTC.
Manager of Student Involvement and International Programs. XXXXX will serve as the NWTC
point of contact for continuing development of the partnership between the College and
Universidad Politecnica de Guanajuato. His/her current salary and fringe cost is $111,796. 2% of
his/her salary and fringe will be provided as cost share to the grant, totaling $2,150.
Program Costs
Faculty/Administrator International Travel. The rates are estimates based on previous travel
to/from Mexico. Two faculty/administrators from NWTC will travel to Mexico in January 2018
for a site visit of Universidad Politecnica de Guanajuato and prepare for future trips in their own
program areas. (Two NWTC faculty/administrators x $1,500 = $3,000). Four
faculty/administrators from UPG will travel to Wisconsin in the summer of 2018 for a site visit
of Northeast Wisconsin Technical College and prepare for additional study abroad opportunities.
(Four UPG faculty/administrators x $2,000 = $8,000).
Item NWTC/person costs UPG/person costs
Flight $500 $500
Accommodations $600 $1,120
Meals $150 $230
Excursions $150 $150
Phone $50 $0
Health/Emergency Insurance $50 $0
Total $1,500 $2,000
UPG Student Stipends. Twelve students will each receive $500 in financial assistance to help
defray the lodging expenses of study abroad. (Twelve students x $500 = $6,000)
NWTC Orientation Fee for International Students. NWTC will cost share the orientation fee
typically charged to inbound international students. (Twelve students x $170 = $2,040)
NWTC International Student Application Fees. NWTC will cost share the application fees
typically charged to inbound international students. (Twelve students x $130 = $1,560)
Other Costs
Indirect Costs
NWTC has a federally negotiated indirect cost rate of XX%. The base is the total direct costs
excluding capital expenditures, that portion of each sub award in excess of $25,000, and flow-
through funds. NWTC will cost share $7,015 in indirect costs, requesting funds for $2,000.
Total Costs
NWTC requests $25,000 in total direct and indirect costs.