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2020 KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan 2020-2026

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1|Page KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

The Information Systems Strategic Plan 2020-2026 has been developed by the
Information Systems Department with Support from the National Information
Technology Authority Uganda (NITA-U) and KCCA Management. The process was
spearheaded by Martin Ssekajja, the Deputy Director, Information Systems, Patrick
Musoke, the Deputy Director, Strategy Management and Business Development.

The main authors of this strategic plan were Frank Tumusiime Batungwa,
Edison Masereka, Robert Kyukyu, Agnes Kahwa, Agatha Ainomugisha and Rowena
The plan formulation benefited greatly from the detailed focused group
discussions with all directorates and departments led by their Directors and
inputs from the different sections of the ICT department. The formulation of this
strategy was facilitated by Humphrey Anjoga, an Individual Consultant.

i|Page KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................................................................I

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................................II

Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................................................III

List of Contributors ................................................................................................................................................... V

Welcome Messages ...................................................................................................................................................2

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................4

Current Environment ..................................................................................................................................................8

Smart City Strategic Plan Overview .......................................................................................................................17

Smart City Strategies & Actions .............................................................................................................................17

Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation ........................................................................................................21

Required Resources and Outputs ..........................................................................................................................24

Information Systems Strategy Map ......................................................................................................................26

ICT Department Implementation Oversight ..........................................................................................................27

Appendices ................................................................................................................................................................30

ii | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

KCCA : Kampala Capital City Authority

ICT : Information and Communication Technology

ISSP : Information Systems Strategic Plan

NITA-U : National Information Technology Authority Uganda

MDA : Ministries, Departments and Agencies

NDP : National Development Plan

AI& ML : Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

BI : Business Intelligence

CIO : Chief Information Officer

OTT : Over The Top Services

CAM/CAMV : City Address Model and Computer Aided Mass Valuation

IT : Information Technology

MoUs : Memorandum of Understanding

MoL : Ministry of Internal Affairs

MoFPED : Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

URA : Uganda Revenue Authority

MoD : Ministry of Defense

MEAW : Ministry of Environment and Water

NEMA : National Environment Management Authority

NITA : National Information Technology Authority Uganda (NITA-U)

ETS : Directorate of Engineering and Technical Services

PHSE : Public Health and Environment Services

iii | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

iv | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026
Patrick Musoke Frank T. Batungwa
Deputy Director Strategy Management
Manager, Business Processes
and Business Development

Edison Masereka Robert Kyuku

Manager, Research & Development Manager, Strategy Manager

Agnes Kahwa Agatha Ainomugisha

Systems Architect Business Analyst

v|Page KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Intentionally left blank
A smart city is one that utilizes and optimizes systems by use of technology and data to improve
service delivery and customer satisfaction while creating new opportunities for engagement and
problem-solving for better shared outcomes. With that in mind, the KCCA Smart City Strategic
Plan strives to holistically weave technology throughout the urban fabric as a means of
improving and enhancing community quality of life.

KCCA Smart City is an initiative of the Department of ICT that focuses on people first,
recognizing that it is civic leadership and the broader community that makes Kampala a great
place to live, work, and play. As resources and time are limited, KCCA Smart City focuses on
empowering data-driven decision making, engaging stakeholders with relevant and timely
information, and incorporating user feedback into service and program design for a better
experience and outcomes.

KCCA Smart City builds on the strengths of Kampala as a city, and concurrently addresses
current and future challenges involving the core SMART values of Sustainability, Mobility,
Accessibility, Resiliency, and Transparency. These core values are inherent throughout the
Strategic Plan, and serve as the guiding north stars based on current and future City priorities.
KCCA Smart City capitalizes on the innovative initiatives already underway and seamlessly
integrates technology, digital tools, and data to enable a connected, satisfied and innovative
citizen experience.

A smart city starts with a smart city hall, so Kampala Smart City is designed to look inward to
build an understanding of staff and the capacity to adapt to change. Therefore, the Strategic
Plan details four foundational goals surrounding this approach.

• Enhance institutional effectiveness by providing Integrated Information Systems to

support the Authority’s mission and vision;

• Enhance the client experience by improving navigation, communication and access to


• Improve Collaborative Experience with strategic partners to Deliver Quality ICT Services

• Increase Productivity and efficiency through innovations to meet the client changing

1|Page KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Message from the Executive Director
As our city grows, we are tasked with providing an
increasing array of services in a more open and
responsive way.

In response, the Kampala Capital City is shifting its

view to recognize our role as part of a larger
ecosystem. We are at the crossroads of a complex
system of social, economic, political and
technological networks. Embracing the
perspectives from individuals, industry and
academic sectors of the community is how we can
best achieve our goals, deliver programs and
services and provide an exceptional quality of life
for citizens.

Embracing a Smart City is a cornerstone for our role

as leaders to build effective institutions and
enhance public service delivery. The next frontier for
Authority is how to use data and analytics to make
better evidence-based decisions. All of this
information has tremendous potential to influence
how we plan, build and live in our city.

Kampala as a Smart City, will use technology to

transform how we build, manage and run the
Authority’s agenda which include but not limited to
garbage collection, street parking, permits, trading
licenses, move people around and design a carbon-
neutral community. As a Smart City, we will
continue to find new strategies and solutions for the
challenges and opportunities that face our city. It
will enable us to build a city that is more resilient,
livable, workable and altogether more uplifting.

2|Page KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Eng. Andrew Kitaka Mubiru

Ag. Executive Director
Message from the Deputy Director, Information Systems Department

This Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP) 2020-

2026 also herein referred to as the Smart City Strategic
Plan) 2020-2026 is the guiding strategy for planning
and implementing Smart City initiatives for KCCA, and
the highest level planning document for ICT across our
organisation. The Smart City Strategic Plan 2020-2026
will guide and inform decisions on any changes to
technology and is an integral part of an organisation’s
future focus. This Smart City Strategic Plan is a
strategic view of the future for KCCA’ s Information
Systems and support and will help us understand the
investment KCCA intends to make in its technology.

Our thinking and planning to refresh the Information

Systems Strategic Plan was developed following
pending activities in the previous KCCA IT strategy
plan, a current needs assessment from internal and
external stake holders and objectives derived from the
KCCA Corporate Strategy and other national strategic

From the analysis of the feedback from the

discussions, we concluded that there should be a
strategic emphasis to transform Kampala into a Smart
City. The Department of Information Systems will
continue to be responsive to the needs of our clients,
customers and business partners, and to refine the
information and communication technology direction
as we transform Kampala towards a Smart city.

Ssekajja Martin
Deputy Director, Information

3|Page KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

The Need for Kampala as a SMART City

The world is evolving, and cities are near To meet the challenges of the modern age
the epicenter of this evolution. Society has and our evolving digital society,
become increasingly digital, mobile, progressive cities are embracing “Smart
connected and urban. In a government City” principles and technologies. Kampala
context, the need to be responsive, is a community that recognizes the value in
transparent and efficient is higher than doing so, as a complement to its existing
ever. Some experts even suggest that cities reputation as Uganda’s best place to live,
are entering a new stage of modern best place to raise a family, and best place
transformational change, shaped by to invest. The KCCA Information Systems
technological innovation. Technology is Strategy 2020-2026 is built on the premise
part of the fabric of the information and of the KCCA Corporate Strategy, National
knowledge economy, as fuel for Development Plan (NDP) III in particular
opportunity, innovation and engagement. pointing to the following National
Technologies make the connections Development strategies; 1) Re-engineer the
between service providers and users Public service to promote investment
tighter, faster, more personal and more (4.6.20); Enhance partnerships with non-
comprehensive. They enable residents, state actors for effective service delivery
businesses, and governments to work more (4.6.21); Increase access to social
efficiently, interact with each other in new protection (4.6.16); Promote Science,
and better ways and increase local quality Technology, Engineering and Innovation as
of life. well as ICT (4.6.15); and Improve access
and quality of social services (4.6.12)
Meanwhile, modern cities are under
among others and last the National Vision
tremendous pressure from a range of
2040. The formulation of the Information
social, economic and environmental
Systems strategy was guided by the theme:
factors. These can include population
Towards a Smart City. The Plan is also
growth and urbanization, economic and
formulated in line with the KCCA ICT
demographic change, regulatory demands,
Strategic Direction to efficiently, effectively
environmental impacts, technological
deploy, manage and continually improve ICT
advancement, infrastructure renewal, rising
systems to enhance the productivity of KCCA.
public expectations and more. These
factors are complex, highly interdependent The Information Systems Strategic Plan
and feature competing objectives from 2020-2026 is also referred to as the KCCA
different stakeholders. Smart City Strategic Plan 2020-2026.

SMART CITY Definition and Description

There is no universal way to design a community of the future, and there is currently no
one definition of a Smart City. Even while the term ‘Smart City’ has become the most
commonly used, it can be varied with alternate terms such as ‘Digital City’, ‘Intelligent
Community’, ‘Cyber City’, and others. Regardless of the label, a Smart City strategy or

4|Page KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

initiative must be relevant to each individual community. Therefore, the definition of a
Smart City adopted for use in this Strategic Plan is:

“A City area that solves its core issues

through innovation and collaboration, and
that applies new technologies and data for
the benefit of all”

Smart Cities are forward-looking, progressive and resource efficient. They promote social
and technological innovation, foster openness and accessibility, incorporate new
development and management concepts, engage their residents over multiple channels
and experiment with new approaches to city life.

Strategic Alignment and Community Benefit

To move forward as a Smart City in a coordinated manner, KCCA

requires an integrated Information Systems Strategic Plan aligned to
its current situation as a lens through which the city can view and plan
for its future. This Smart City Strategic Plan is a roadmap that KCCA
can follow as it evolves through the 21st century, and seeks to support
local transformation in effectiveness, collaboration, client experience
and service delivery through innovation.

In preparing the Smart City Strategic Plan, it was ensured direct

alignment to the entity’s vision and mission.

The Vision of KCCA is “To be a vibrant, attractive and sustainable City”

It was also recognized that Smart City initiatives connect to almost

every area and directorate/function of the Authority, and complement
almost all of the Authority’s other strategies in some way, while also
shaping future decisions within those strategies as well. These efforts
are important to generate direct benefits to Kampala’s residents,
visitors, businesses, and city operations.

Focus Areas

As Smart Cities encompass a broad and deep array of potential initiatives, a framework
was also required to frame discussion and emphasize key concepts. The Information
Systems Department has adopted a set of focus areas that were utilized to identify and
present various strategies for the Strategic Plan. The Information Systems Strategic Plan
envisions to transform Kampala as a smart city and will focus on the following areas:

• SMART People: Connect, support, goods within and through Kampala

and empower citizens to innovate for city.
sustainable Development.
• SMART Governance: be open and
• SMART Mobility: Improving the transparent, accountable, efficient
efficient movement of people and and accessible through the use of

5|Page KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

digital services and technologies that • SMART Environment: Supporting
improve customer service. effective environmental monitoring and
sustainability through technology.
• SMART Economy: Facilitating the
success of existing businesses, and • SMART Living: Applying Smart systems
attracting innovative businesses and to improve quality of life, public services,
entrepreneurs to Kampala City. and safety of citizens.

Key Outcomes

This Smart City Strategic Plan 2020-2026 required a strong foundation and a strategic
approach to its design, particularly as it was the first of its kind for the City. The Strategic
Plan therefore aligned to a set of key outcomes and conceptual focus areas. The
Strategic Plan supports four key outcomes, aligned directly to the needs of the Authority
and broader community. These outcomes served to focus discussion, and guide the
selection of each of the Strategic Plan’s strategies and actions.

The outcomes include:

Institutional Effectiveness
Support opportunities for process alignment, cost reduction, and
revenue improvement.

Client Experience
Enhance client experience through participation, client feedback and
Online efficiency.

6|Page KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Collaboration Experience
Create effective collaborations with other government entities,
private sector and international organisations to promote Smart City

Service Delivery through ICT Innovation

Identify, partner and support innovations or technologies to improve
asset management, sustainability, and enhance city service

7|Page KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

KCCA’s SMART City Foundation

Kampala Information Systems Strategic Plan has been built on a strong foundation of
the City’s previous efforts and the community’s key advantages. The Authority has
previously completed a variety of Smart City projects, for example, the City has installed
e-Services like eCitie, interactive web portal, Unified messaging, Automated Revenue
Collection, Computer Aided Mass Valuation and much more. These initiatives have been
built upon, and integrated into the strategic directions within this Strategic Plan.

The capital city community itself also has numerous advantages that make it a prime
candidate for Smart City success. As a capital city of Uganda, it is one of the most
preferred place to live, raise children and invest. Kampala is also in one of the higher
growth regions of Uganda with forecasts that the community population will steadily
grow. This growth will mean need for new jobs, new homes, new infrastructure and new
economic activity. However, with this growth also comes new pressures, such as on local
infrastructure, City programs and services, transportation networks, and environmental
preservation. This reinforces the importance of the Smart City Strategic Plan as a
proactive response – a means to ensure its infrastructure is future-proofed, to integrate
key principles into new neighborhood planning and to embed standards into policies that
will ensure the community’s long-term success.

ICT Department Organisation

ICT Department is led by the Deputy Director, ICT. The department is responsible for
planning the development, implementation, maintenance and support of all ICT systems
and infrastructure to the Authority and guiding the Authority on the development and
implementation of ICT policies and procedures. The strategic direction of this
department is to provide efficient, effective and continuously improving ICT systems to
enhance staff productivity.
The core functions of the Department of ICT include;

a) Develop, review and coordinate implementation and compliance to approved ICT

policies and best practices in line with the KCCA ICT Strategy and industry
b) Plan, coordinate and monitor customization, implementation and operational
support of ICT systems/infrastructure in line with identified departmental needs
and timeframes.
c) Review, monitor and make periodic recommendations for updating the ICT
Strategy in accordance with departmental business plans, stakeholder interests
and management decisions.
d) Review and monitor systems security, data integrity and disaster preparedness
of all ICT systems/infrastructure and make recommendations for smooth
business continuity mechanisms.

8|Page KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

e) Study and monitor ICT Industry trends/emerging technologies and advice
management, staff and sector stakeholders on the best solutions to adopt.
f) Initiate and coordinate staff ICT literacy programs to ensure that systems usage
conforms to set quality service standards in line with the KCCA objectives.
g) Develop integrated information sharing ICT systems in line with the KCCA ICT
Strategy and Management decisions.

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Structure of the ICT Department

Executive Director

Smart City Governance

The office of the Executive Director has the overall oversight of the KCCA Smart City
Strategic Plan. The Deputy Director, Information Systems shall coordinate, monitor and
evaluate the implementation of Smart City Initiatives.

ICT Steering Committee is the key body that should convene on the basis of need to
ensure that the SMART City strategies being pursued by the Authority are aligned with
its strategic and corporate objectives, budget and Results and Services Plan. The ICT
Steering Committee will oversee smart cities projects. It shall oversee the development
and successful implementation of this SMART City Strategy. The ICT Steering
Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Director, with clear terms of reference
and will comprise of ICT Management, and Leaders from across the directorates.

Smart City Framework: The Smart City Framework will provide clear demarcation of
scope of roles and responsibility for prioritizing, developing and implementing Smart City
services and related digital projects. This Smart city framework could also provide a
needs assessment methodology that shall identify/define the gaps between the current
state and desired state of the Smart City/Digital projects.

10 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Ongoing Public Engagement: Smart City Strategy has been designed with public
engagement as a key feature. Through collaborations, client engagement and the
Innovation Challenges the public will be asked for input on an ongoing basis. This input
will be used to inform and direct decisions about Smart City projects.
Internal and External ICT Users

Internal Users: One of the purposes of this Smart City Strategic Plan is to encompass
the relevant business needs of all the Authority users. Therefore, it is important to
understand the business goals and needs of the Authority’s directorates/departments.
All directorates and/or departments were engaged through Focused Group discussions
to understand goals and Information Technology services and requirements.

External Users: The Authority directorates provide services to external users including
residents, local businesses and industries, community organizations, and other
governmental agencies. Technology has either a direct or an indirect impact on the City’s
ability to deliver these services. The KCCA’s long-term outcomes include community
engagement and fostering a dynamic smart economy. The Smart City Strategic Plan
recognizes the need to consider how technology can affect the external users and assist
in achieving the Authority’s goals
Vision, Mission and Mandate

• Vision of Kampala Capital City Authority

– To be a vibrant, attractive and sustainable City

• Mission of Kampala Capital City Authority

– To deliver quality services to the city

• Mandate of the ICT Department

– To plan the development, implementation and support of all ICT Systems

and Infrastructure of the Authority.

• Core Objectives

– Improve Institutional Effectiveness

– Improve Client Experience
– Improve Collaboration Experience
– Improve Service Delivery through ICT Innovation

SWOT Analysis of ICT Environment

11 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Management Support, Focused Leadership, Competent ICT team, Strong
ICT Policies, Availability of Information technology infrastructure, Good
Communication channels, Well defined stakeholders

Insufficient funds, Limited skills to match expanded ICT roles, Low

technology illiteracy amongst staff, Low staffing levels, Staff resistance

to adopt to change, Disintegrated systems, Low levels of staff morale,
Inadequate office space, Low levels of Citizen participation, Limited
Intergovernmental (MDA’s) partnerships, Un-defined business processes
in various directorates, Underutilised service desk, Lack of specialized IT
Infrastructure to support specialised services like GIS, aging network
infrastructure, better process documentation, standalone applications,
weak linkages with key stakeholders, and limited connectivity within the
office environment.

Presence of NITA-U, National Fibre Optical Cable, NITA-U Data Center ,

National SMS Gateway and e-Payment Gateway, Good Corporate image,
Existence of Development partners, Collaboration with MDA’s and
Academia, Cloud applications and platforms, Grant opportunities, Smart
City and e-Government opportunities (new cost-effective mature

technologies, research programs, projects, initiatives, events, awards,
Internet of Things, robotics, AI& ML, big data, mobile technologies, Cloud
resources, Electric/Connected /Smart/Autonomous Vehicles), ICT
literate Populace, Supportive legislative initiatives and enactments,
Growth and advancement of ICT in the Country, Increased public
awareness and demand for e-services, Possibility of benchmarking with
other regional/County Governments, regionally and globally, Ongoing
public sector reforms, Well spread mobile penetration, and economically
endowed population, social distancing protocols, and greater reliance on
technology in government operations, Increased use of digital technology
Business transactions due to COVID19.

12 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Political interference, Political pronouncements, Unfavourable
government policies e.g. OTT and NITA-U Cloud policies, Expensive
Internet services, Inadequate ICT coverage in the City, Resistance to
change by stakeholders, Enlightened and litigious citizenry, changing
user requirements, Changing ICT Technologies, Physical, systems
security attacks, changing legislations, Unforeseen system failures, and
use of bootleg software.

Current Departmental Projects

In the previous planning period, the department has registered success in various
projects and initiatives including International awards such as Chief Information Officer
Top 100 Recognition, both 2014 and 2015 by Price Waterhouse Coopers and CIO East
Africa, Kenya; Business Excellence Award 2015, Uganda Communications Commission;
Digital Impacts Award, 2014 and Executive Director’s Award for Best team 2013.

The Information Systems Department has registered key achievements in the previous
years which include among others; the implementation of a modern data center for
consolidation of all application hosting and data storage, Unified messaging for
computer and mobile users for 1400 staff, Enterprise Content Management System,
Network installation at nine KCCA offices and 14 Traffic signals, interactive web portal,
ICT structure, Automation of Revenue Collection, Computer Aided Mass Valuation,
Automation of Human Resources Processes, KCCA Call Centre Solution, and managed
printing and photocopy services.

The department will continue to run and complete the current projects such as Weyonje,
CAM/CAMV, eCitie Improvements, SACCO Systems, HR Management system and ensure
the current partnerships such as WeGo continue to operate.

Some of the cited achievements of the ICT department are of great benefit to the
Authority as illustrated below; -

The Data Centre facilitated consolidation of all application hosting and data storage hence improved security,
compliance and maintenance costs of IT applications of KCCA. The datacenter optimized the power usage of
ICT equipment hence reducing on the cost of power.

The Enterprise Content Management System through the intranet The KCCA call center is
has provided a one stop center for all KCCA staff to access business equipped with toll free calling
information, collaborate and share documents. This in the long run
solutions that enable the city
has led to increased staff productivity and experience, improved
internal communication and knowledge sharing. dwellers to log their queries
and complaints at no charges.
This has promoted citizen
participation in the delivery of
13 | P a g e services and enabled collection
KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026
of feedback from citizens.
The Authority’s ICT Strategic partnerships such as WEGO and
ASTON have provided opportunities for building staff capacities.
They have also provided benchmarking avenues for ICT projects with
other cities.

The KCCA Web Portal has greatly improved the corporate image of
the Authority; it has enabled quick access to authority information by
the citizens. The web portal has played a great role in displaying
KCCA projects hence attracting development partners. Automation of revenue collection
through e-citie has increased
revenue collection by 200%, it has
reduced the turnaround time of
doing business for example
The authority deployed Computer Aided Mass Valuation and City obtaining a trading license was
Address Model which has improved revenue collection from
changed from 21 days to3hours.
property tax. Together with GIS the City address model has
improved navigation for city residents and tourists.

14 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

ICT Achievements in Pictures

Well-equipped and networked office space Traffic control center

Various Communication platforms such as ICT Department received various awards such as
Email, Intranet, VoIP, etc.. Best CIO by National Information Technology

CCTV Cameras Installation At City Hall Centralized printing and photocopy services

15 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Networked Traffic Junctions Digital City Address Model

KCCA Call Center KCCA Data center

Automation of Revenue Collection E-CITIE

Automation of Human Resource Strategic partnerships- Launch of the Africa

Management Processes Smart Cities Network (ASTON). Kampala is the
Lead city.

16 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Overall, Smart City strategies have been identified for the KCCA ICT Department, based
on their impact on key outcomes and the Authority’s strategic direction.

Following is a listing of each proposed strategy and its related actions. Again, these
strategies have been divided into focus areas for ease of reference, and developed based
on the key outcomes (institutional effectiveness, client experience, collaboration
experience and service delivery through innovation). The strategy summaries also
contain an indication of current status and estimated timing. Estimated timing
represents the potential timing of each action item, subject to change based on budget
availability, organizational capacity, and other long term planning.

1.1 Core Objectives and Focus Areas

Each of the 4 (Four) core strategic objectives has focus areas defined. The subsequent Actions
are based on the projects under each focus area and addresses the core objectives.

1.1.1 Objective #1. Improve Institutional Effectiveness

This objective aims at enhancing institutional effectiveness through the provision of Integrated
Information Systems to support the Authority’s mission and vision. It will involve business
process re-engineering, documentation and implementation of critical business processes for the

Core Objectives

• To re-engineer, automate and integrate core business processes

across the Authority for effective service delivery;
• To enhance the capacity of ICT staff and end users;
• To improve network connectivity, security, availability and access in
the Authority and across the City;
• Apply data analytics and business intelligence solutions to drive better
informed decisions;
• To acquire, develop and continually maintain the Authority's ICT

Major Direction of Change and Benefit

• KCCA Processes aligned and integrated to achieve Authority

• Reduction in operational costs; and
• Improvement in the collection and realization of revenue for the

17 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Focus Areas

• SMART Governance
• SMART Environment

1.1.2 Objective #2. Improve Client Experience

This objective aims at improving the experience of both internal and external clients through the
navigation, communication and access of Smart City Services.

Core Objectives

• Enhance client participation in the delivery of SMART City

• Improve the Quality of ICT Services through the adoption of the
Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) Framework;
• Improve citizen-centric initiatives to obtain feedback about city
• Support inclusion and accessibility to services through digital
technology; and
• Engage with customers and key stakeholders in the sourcing,
implementation and development of new technologies.

Major Direction of Change and Benefit

• Enhance involvement of citizens in the governance of the city

and service delivery;

• Enhanced citizen engagement, feedback and participation in

the city development; and
• Improved online efficiency in customer service delivery.

Focus Areas

• SMART People
• SMART Living
• SMART Environment
• SMART Mobility

1.1.3 Objective #3. Improve Collaboration Experience

This objective aims at enhance the collaboration of strategic partners to deliver Quality Smart
City Services to Kampala residents, visitors and the business community. It will involve formation
of consortiums and public private partnerships with key stakeholders including Ministries,
Government Departments, Agencies and Development Partners to improve service delivery.

Core Objectives

18 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

• Champion the formation of consortiums with public entities for
effective service delivery;
• Enhance Public Private Partnerships in providing and promoting
Smart City services; and
• Enhance relationships with development partners for resource

Major Direction of Change and Benefit

• Improved flexibility in the authority’s service delivery

• More productive engagements with strategic partners
• Attraction of top talent through collaborative partnerships
• Accelerated business/service delivery
• Higher retention rates of employees
• Sharing of Innovative ideas
• Better alignment with stakeholders

Focus Areas

• SMART People
• SMART Economy
• SMART Mobility

1.1.4 Objective #4. Improve service delivery through innovation

This objective aims at increasing the productivity and efficiency through innovations to
meet the changing client needs. It will involve developing an Innovation framework and
policy to guide innovation accelerator programmes between the Authority and the
community including higher institutions of learning.

Core Objective

• Enhance the ICT Innovation Framework.

• Enhance partnerships to accelerate development of ICT

innovations; and

• To foster community-based innovation and digital literacy

through defined programs, public education, and co-creation

Major Direction of Change and Benefit

19 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

• Meeting client’s needs and expectations through
innovative service delivery approaches
• Transparent and prudent use and distribution of city

Focus Areas

• SMART People
• SMART Living
• SMART Environment
• SMART Mobility

20 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Overall responsibility for the implementation and delivery of this strategic plan lies with the
Office of the Executive Director. Under the guidance of the Deputy Director, Information
Systems, all ICT section Managers, Manager Networks and Infrastructure, Manager IT
Applications, Manager Business Processes and the Supervisor Systems Security, will
coordinate and are responsible for implementing, monitoring and evaluating the Smart City
Strategic Plan. The Business and Systems Analyst will provide overall assistance to the
departments and ensure that all activities are aligned with the Strategic Plan and evaluated on
a quarterly, biannual and annual basis.

The ICT Steering Committee is the key body that should convene on the basis of need to ensure
that the ICT strategies being pursued by an Authority are aligned with the NDPIII, KCCA strategic
and corporate objectives, budget and Results and Services Plan. It shall ensure the effective use
of ICT resources and that only prioritized smart city projects/initiatives are implemented.

Included in this plan, is the implementation matrix (Appendix 1). This matrix will assist the ICT
Department in developing annual work plans and delivering on the Smart City Strategic Plan.
The implementation matrix outlines a proposed timetable for the implementation of each Smart
City Project/Activity proposed in the Smart City Strategic Plan. The implementation matrix will
need to be a flexible document that will be seen as a guide that can be amended to suit the
requirements of both internal and external users.

Smart City Strategic Plan Implementation

The Smart City Strategic Plan provides a 5-year outlook and will be directed by the

• The Smart City Goals that will be the basis for measurement tools for Smart City

• The Smart City Framework will guide the direction and set the basis for
Smart City processes.

• The Smart City Strategic Plan that aligns with strategic processes across
the organization and will work in tandem with Smart City projects.

• A series of actions and processes as outlined in the Appendix 1, of this

document. The ICT Department, a home to the Smart City team, will both lead
on projects and provide an advisory role throughout the Authority.

21 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

• This Strategic plan is intended to be a living agile document that is intended
to keep in line with changes in technology, public and social expectations.

Guiding Principles for Implementation

To be flexible and recognize that new opportunities will continually arise as digital
technologies evolve. Potential new activities can be assessed and prioritized based on
alignment with the strategic outcomes and initiatives that underpin this Strategy.

Customer Residents, business, industry and government will be engaged early and
Centric often. We will use technology to be more community connected and
encourage participation, access and inclusion through the design of
citizen centric digital services.
Collaboration We will make it easy to partner and focus on shared outcomes.
Innovation We will influence regulation to reduce red tape, test and trial new
Measurable We will measure the effectiveness of the smart city approach to projects

Project/Initiativ Priority will be given to projects that meet any of the following criteria
e Prioritization
1. In Train We already have a project underway that supports one or more of our
Smart City Objectives
2. Foundation Particular infrastructure that is required to support Smart City Objectives
3. Strong A commercial business case that shows significant savings or community
Business benefit
4. Funding Grant Funding is available
5. Demonstrati Pilots and demonstrations projects that are visible to the community and
on Project displays the community benefit

Risk Management

This is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated

and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the
probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of
opportunities. Risk is measured in terms of likelihood and impact.

The KCCA Risk Management Manual will be utilized as an instrument to assist in

identifying, assessing, prioritizing risks during the implementation, monitoring and
evaluating the smart city initiatives and projects. The Manual will also be used in
identifying opportunities to mitigate risks.

Measuring the Smart City

22 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

The Kampala Smart City projects/initiatives will be measured and tracked through a
variety of tools including:

• Achievements and ICT Department’s Annual Business Plan and Budget.

• Annual Smart City Strategic Plan progress reports
• Global, national and regional benchmarking.
Against the goals of the Smart City

23 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Smart City Strategic Plan Resourcing

Implementation of the Smart City Strategic Plan will require dedicated staff. This staff will
develop the Smart City program and manage the complex Smart City projects and relationships
required for a Smart City. The required financial resource will be identified through the indicative
and entity’s Annual Budget process.

Innovation Challenges will also require an innovation fund to ensure that adequate resources
are available to contribute to the co-creation or innovation of the challenge. Innovation
Challenges and pilot projects will be public procurements.

Smart City Strategic Plan 5 Years Indicative Budget

SNN Strategy and Action Costs (UGX


1.1 To re-engineer, automate and integrate key business processes across the
Authority for effective service delivery
1.2 To enhance the capacity of staff in the use and support of ICT services 750
1.3 To improve network connectivity, system security, availability and access in the
Authority and across the City
1.4 Apply data analytics and business intelligence solutions to drive better-
informed decisions
1.5 To acquire, develop and continuously maintain the Authority's ICT applications
and data
1.6 Integrate Information security management services 910

2.1 To enhance client participation in the delivery of SMART City Services 720
2.2 To enhance the capacity of internal and external clients in the utilization of
Smart City services
2.3 To improve citizen-centric initiatives to obtain feedback about city services 50
2.4 To support inclusion and accessibility to services through digital technology 650
2.5 To engage with customers and key stakeholders in the sourcing,
implementation and development of new technologies.

3.1 To champion the formation of consortiums with public entities for effective
service delivery
3.2 To enhance Public Private Partnerships in providing and promoting Smart City
3.3 Enhance relationships with development partners for resource mobilization. 50

4.1 To enhance the ICT Innovation Framework. 50

24 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

4.2 Partner to launch a multi-sector innovation centre where entrepreneurs,
business, academic, and the public to collaborate and create shared value.
4.3 Promote an Innovative Culture 20

25 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Business Process Management Systems Security
KEY IT Applications ICT Management

Networks and Infrastructure

26 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

The section is mandated to support the core business processes and systems which are driving the
business environment in KCCA.
Core Functions:
• Manage KCCA Business Processes; impact analysis; change
orders; improvements; develop business rules to support
KCCA systems.
• Management of a team of resources to specifically provide for
Level 2 business process & information system support.
• Lead development, integration, and maintenance of KCCA
information systems in liaison with IT Applications Section.
• Develop and maintain all business procedure guidebooks and
• Define and develop specifications for new applications and
modules for integration with KCCA operating systems.
Frank Tumusiime Batungwa • Conduct regular research and innovation on best practices for
Head, Business Process
continuous business process improvement.

Strategic Direction: To re-engineer, automate and integrate key business processes across the
Authority for effective service delivery.


The Mandate of the Networks and Infrastructure section is to Plan and monitor the installation,
maintenance of hardware infrastructure, performance of the KCCA network system and manage a system
for business continuity in line with the industry best practices and in accordance with the KCCA ICT
Core Functions:
• Design, Plan, Supervise and guide the Implementation and use
of WAN/LANs as per ICT Strategy & requirements.
• Develop guidelines for network usage, administration and
security mechanisms and monitor network performance and
level of availability according to the agreed standards.
• Maintain a database /Inventory of Equipment, their respective
configurations, and Service Warranties and plan for acquisition
and disposal of IT equipment and materials for Hardware and
Network maintenance activities as per the KCCA guidelines.
• Coordinate and evaluate the implementation of the Help Desk
services to sustain a high-quality customer care service.
Leonard Walekula • Plan, monitor and evaluate the implementation of best
Head, Networks and Infrastructure
practices and approved service standards.

27 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Strategic Direction: To improve network connectivity, system security, availability and access in the
Authority and across the City.

The Mandate of IT Application section is to plan, monitor the translation of KCCA system requirements
and processes into an automated customized solution, coordinate and maintain KCCA information and
data in line with the business plans, management decisions and ICT Strategy

Core Functions:

• Translate operational requirements into functional

specifications for use by developers in collaboration with
relevant business units.
• Define strategic technical direction for application development
& guide development in line with ICT Strategy.
• Develop, test, and deploy business applications
• Develop and maintain all standards pursuant to data structures,
models, and provide life cycle architectural guidance to ensure
quality technical deliverables.
• Develop and monitor the implementation of scheduled
backups; develop strategies for data acquisitions, archive
Ronald Mayambala recovery, and implementation of the data warehouse per
Head, IT Applications industry best practices and KCCA requirements.
• Design Data Architectures and build the Data Warehouse and
maintain KCCA databases and Database servers in line with the
KCCA requirements.
• Develop schemas for all business applications, review current
operational data structures and recommend optimizations and
reconfigurations as warranted.
Strategic Direction: To acquire, develop and continually maintain the Authority's ICT applications


The Mandate of the Systems Security section is to Plan, co-ordinate the risk assessment, install controls,
and manage the security of the enterprise system networks, software, databases and hardware that
support KCCA’ s business in accordance with the ICT Policy.
Core Functions:

• Implement and monitor of the Information System Security

Policy, sub-policies and oversee their adherence in accordance
with the national ICT Policy Standards.
• Coordinate Audit risk assessment for Enterprise Systems.
• Monitor Network, Database, Application & Hardware security.
• Install and implement controls for security loopholes.
• Monitor performance and advise about Enterprise antivirus
Bornix Nyine
Head, Systems Security

28 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

Strategic Direction: Integrate Information security management services in the Enterprise ICT Services.

29 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026


Strategic objective 1.1: To re-engineer, automate and integrate core business processes across the Authority for effective service
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• Number of Documented processes,
1.1.1 Documentation of the Institution process 2026 • Percentage of Process workflows and >95% BPM and Directorates
designs completed
• Number of processes automated
ICT Department and user
1.1.2 Automation of Business processes 2025 • Number of Client self-service processes >100%
Identify, analyze, improve and standardize • Number of processes improved ICT Department and user
1.1.3 2024 >95%
core processes in the Authority • Integrated ISO Certification departments
• % of e-services integrated
• % of e-Services rolled out
Acquire/Develop and operationalize an
2026 • % of services on the Single sign on >80%
ICT Department and user
integrated e-services platform platform. departments
• % of services accessible on the mobile
• Ratio of computers to staff
Acquire ICT Infrastructure for Smart City
1.1.5 2025 • Number of handheld Smart devices for 1:1 Networks and Infrastructure
field staff.

Strategic objective 1.2: To enhance the capacity of staff in the use and support of ICT services.
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• Number of Computers in ICT
training centre. Networks and
1.2.1 Reinstate the ICT training center. 2021 • %age of staff trained >85% Infrastructure;
• Number of Trainings conducted in Manager IT Applications
the Center

30 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• Number of training programmes
offered in the center
• Number of certifications attained by
Train staff in professional short courses and ICT staff. ICT management, All ICT
1.2.2 Periodically >95%
certifications. • Number of staff maintaining staff
membership to professional bodies
Staff participation in international • Number of conferences/workshops
1.2.3 Periodically >55% ICT Management
conferences, seminars, and workshops. attended
At least 1
Subscribe to ICT online training institutions/
1.2.4 Annually • Number of subscriptions course per ICT Management
staff per year
• Number of professional bodies ICT At least 3
1.2.5 Subscription to ICT professional bodies. Annually department subscribes to. Professional ICT Management
• Number of supporting software and All Networks and
1.2.6 Provide staff with relevant ICT tools. Periodically hardware tools acquired. directorates Infrastructure, IT
• Number of users trained per year 60% in 2021,
Develop and Implement ICT user training 2021 and Deputy Director,
curriculum and content continuous • Number of new ICT Courses rising to 100
developed per year % by 2025
Communicate the operations and procedures 2021 and • Extent of communication of High
1.2.8 Deputy Director, ICT
within the ICT function continuous operations and procedures
Communicate the operations and procedures 2021 and • Extent of communication of High
1.2.9 Deputy Director, ICT
to end users continuous operations and procedures
Enhance the capacity and energy of staff • Number of staff participants 100%
1.2.10 Annually ICT Management
through annual Team Building activities • Team Building Activity Report

Strategic objective 1.3: To improve network connectivity, system security, availability and access in the Authority and across the
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• Number of users connected per year improvement
1.3.1 Improve the KCCA LAN infrastructure. 2026 • number of network nodes on access of
Networks and
• Network reliability the network
per year.

31 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• Number of social and public • 5 schools.
Upgrade, create and extend Office LANs for facilities networked. • 30 road Networks and
1.3.2 2025
to schools, hospitals, and road junctions junctions Infrastructure
• 6 hospitals
Procure tools and test gears for network • Reduced Turn Around • 3Hrs ICT Management;
1.3.3 monitoring, optimization and support Periodically Time in Fault Repair; Networks and
• % increase in Faults addressed • 100% Infrastructure
Inform users of the range of ICT network • Increased User Acceptance; ICT Management;
1.3.4 resources and services available at the Continuous • Participation in Service Use • 100%
Networks and
Authority Infrastructure

Implement a log management system to • Real-time log tracking ICT Management and
1.3.5 2023 100%
aggregate system and user logs. • Log files Infrastructure
Integrate data and telephone networks and • % Reduced communication
expand the range of services to include Voice expenses; ICT Management;
1.3.6 over IP; Voice Mail; Direct Inward Dialing; Annually • new & improved communication > 50% Networks and
GSM gateways such as GoU SMS gateway; services Infrastructure
and Unified Numbering Systems
• Installed and functioning replication
• Functioning replicas of MIS, proxy,
Develop replications and redundancies to Web and e-Mail ICT Management and
1.3.7 Continuous
ensure continuity of services • Network Mean time between 100%
Security Officer
• Number of Services hosted in GoU
Data Center
Implement network access control to enforce • %age of services with controlled ICT Management and
1.3.8 Continuous 100%
network security. access Security Officer
• Installed, maintained stable &
Ensure adequate power conditioning and UPS
1.3.9 Continuous sustainable power supply for ICT 100% ICT Management
to keep ICT services uninterrupted
1.3.10 Adopt a Smart City Framework 2021 • Smart City Framework Approved 100% ICT Management

Strategic objective 1.4: Apply data analytics and business intelligence solutions to drive better-informed decisions.
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
1.4.1 Document an open data policy. 2022 • Documented Open data Policy 100% ICT Management

32 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• Number of business intelligence tools
Acquire Business intelligence tools to support
1.4.2 visualizations and data-based decision making 2024 75% Business Process
• %age of decisions supported by BI
across the authority.
Procure ICT Infrastructure to support • %age of Infrastructure available Networks and
1.4.3 2024 100%
visualization of monitoring tools. support BI tools Infrastructure
Implement an enterprise open data portal to • An open data portal that allows
1.4.4 2022 75% IT Applications
allow public access to citizens. public access to citizens.
• Number of public sector & 3
Benchmark with other public sector entities international organizations international
1.4.5 2022, 2024 ICT Management
and international organizations. benchmarked. and 3 local
• Number of Stakeholder engagement 75% of
Engage stakeholders in customizing, Data events held Stakeholder
1.4.6 Continuous ICT Management
mining, data processing, and presentation • Stakeholder engagement Reports interest

Strategic objective 1.5: To acquire, develop and continuously maintain the Authority's ICT applications and data.
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
1.5.1 Software and database upgrades Continuous • % of Software and databases upgraded. >95% IT Applications
Maintenance and support to existing ICT • Number of Change Requests Business Process
1.5.2 Continuous 99.9%
applications. • Application uptime IT Applications
Implement an electronic staff attendance • Electronic Staff Attendance Register Systems Security
1.5.3 2022 1
register and access control. • Access Control system IT Applications
• Increased data storage Capacity;
1.5.4 Implement an enterprise data backup solution 2024 • Improved storage availability (MTBF); High IT Applications
• Improved data backup and recovery
Improve disaster recovery and business • A disaster recovery & business
1.5.5 Continuous 100% Systems Security
continuity systems. continuity plan.
• Number of versions of source codes 100% Business Process
1.5.6 Implement source code versioning Continuous
IT Applications

Strategic objective 1.6: Integrate Information security management services.

33 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
Formulate the KCCA Information security • Approved Information Security 2024
1.6.1 framework 2022 Framework Systems Security
• Data Protection and Privacy Program
1.6.2 Antivirus Management Periodically • Antivirus Reports 100% Security Officer
Perform periodic vulnerability testing on 100%
1.6.3 Periodically Systems Vulnerability report Security Officer
Perform general ICT Risk Based Audits Periodic Security Audit reports 100%
1.6.4 Periodically Security Manager
Updated ICT Risk Register
1.6.5 Conduct periodic application security reviews Periodically Security review report 100% Security Supervisor
Perform network vulnerability and security 100%
1.6.6 Periodically Network Vulnerability Report Security Supervisor
1.6.7 Perform a firewall security review 2021 Firewall security status reports 100% Security Supervisor
Perform Web application vulnerability scans Periodically Web vulnerability assessment report 100% Security Officer
& assessments
Perform risk management Biannually Risk Report 100% Security Manager
Updated ICT Risk Register
Increase user awareness in information Periodically Awareness Report 100% Security Supervisor

Strategic objective 2.1: To enhance client participation in the delivery of SMART City Services.
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• % of services offered in compliance
2.1.1 Documentation of ICT customer service charter 2022 100% Business Process
with service level agreements.
Enhance and implement an electronic client • Number of Clients actively engaged on
2.1.2 2023 >75% IT Applications
engagement platforms the different platforms.
• % of completed tasks through the
Acquire office collaboration tools and collaboration tools. Networks and
2.1.3 2021 100%
technologies • Number of tools effectively supporting Infrastructure
employee collaboration.
Launch a program to recognize residents
2.1.4 integrating “Smart” technologies in their homes Annually • Number of residents recognized 50% ICT Management
and lives

Strategic Objective 2.2: To enhance the capacity of internal and external clients in the utilization of Smart City services.

34 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• Availability of computing resources 20% per year
2.2.1 Acquire computing resources for internal clients Annually ICT Management
for internal clients.
Acquire specialized software resources for KCCA • Availability of specialized software 20% annually
2.2.2 Annually IT Applications
staff. resources for KCCA staff.
Install Wi-Fi Connectivity at all KCCA places • Number of Free Internet Hotspots in 2 Hotspots per
Networks and
2.2.3 and managed installations including markets, 2026 KCCA Places year
parks etc.

Strategic Objective 2.3: To improve citizen-centric initiatives to obtain feedback about city services.
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Targets/Indicator Targets Responsible
• Number of citizens using the citizen 55% of users
feedback platform. using platform
Develop a citizen feedback platform with mobile • Digitalized service delivery
2.3.1 2024 IT Applications
friendly capabilities mechanisms.
• Availability of mobile friendly citizen
feedback system with App and USSD.
• Approved procedure for Internet of
2.3.2 Adopt an Internet of Things approval process 2024 100% Business Process

Strategic Objective 2.4: To support inclusion and accessibility to services through digital technology.
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Targets/Indicator Targets Responsible
• Constantly updated user-friendly
2.4.1 Enhance all services to be web accessible Periodically >80% IT Applications
• %age of KCCA Services that are web
Specialized equipment and applications for • %age of public facilities with smart 10 Schools and 1 Networks and
2.4.2 2024
people with special needs in schools, and libraries assertive technologies. Public Library Infrastructure
Pilot alternative customer service channels to • %age of services with alternative and
60% of KCCA
2.4.3 assist with language, hearing and other 2026 inclusive customer service channels Business Process
communication challenges.

Strategic Objective 2.5: To engage with customers and key stakeholders in the sourcing, implementation and development of new

35 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
2.5.1 Implement an appointment system 2021 • An appointment system in place. 100% IT Applications
Implement a customer centric Civic Participation • 2 Way Communication Platform 100%
Business Process and
2.5.3 Platform that allows two-way communications 2025 implemented
IT Applications
with the Authority
• Number of Schools fully registered on All schools both Business Process; IT
the platform Primary and Applications;
Citywide School Inspection and Reporting
2025 • Reports generated by the system Secondary Directorate of
Education and Social
• Service tracker dashboard 100%
Create a “service tracker” tool for managing Business Process and
2.5.6 2024 • List of processes to be tracked
workflows for internal processes. IT Applications
Develop systems support tools to enhance usage • User manuals and Handbooks 100%
2.5.7 Periodically Business Process
of systems and applications

Strategic objective 3.1: To champion the formation of consortiums with public entities for effective service delivery
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
Champion the formation of consortium for government
IT Applications;
agencies such as (MoL, MoFPED, NITA, URA, 10 government
3.1.1 2021 • Consortium Formed Directorate of PHSE,
URSB, Uganda Police, Utilities Companies, MoD, Entities
Adopt a data sharing policy and tools to make it easier • A single data sharing policy across
3.1.2 2023 95% ICT Management
for Agencies to share and access data. agencies in the consortium
3.1.3 Improve Data Sharing with Agencies 2024 • A shared agency database 100% IT Applications
Procure a technology that will enable the consortium to
3.1.4 2025 • Shared Data Platform 95% IT Applications
integrate all of shared data into one united platform

Strategic objective 3.2: To enhance Public Private Partnerships in providing and promoting Smart City services
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• 75% of unfunded
Develop a Public Private Partnership Business case for
3.2.1 2025 • Business Case smart city ICT Management
Smart City Services

36 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• Signed MoUs • ¼ of the
Enter into Partnership Agreements with partners to
2024 • Partner Register unfunded projects
ICT Management
provide smart city services. with a business

Strategic objective 3.3: Enhance relationships with development partners for resource mobilization.
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
Develop and implement a reporting mechanisms for Number of reports shared with 100%
1 2020 ICT Management
partners development partners
Equip staff with Report writing and presentation skills Number of staff trainings conducted 60%
2 Annually ICT Management
for partner projects
Number of concept papers approved and 2 concept papers
3 Develop concept papers for unfunded projects Annually ICT Management
shared with development partners year

Strategic objective 4.1: To enhance the ICT Innovation Framework.

SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
4.1.1 Review the KCCA Innovation concept paper 2021 Approved Concept paper 100% Business Process
4.1.2 KCCA Innovation policy 2023 Approved Policy 100% Business Process
Document KCCA Innovation procedures and Innovation manual 100% Business Process
4.1.3 2023
4.1.4 Establish an Innovations management system 2024 Innovation Management System Developed 100% Business Process
4.1.5 Launch the innovation framework 2023 innovation framework launched 100% Business Process

Strategic objective 4.2: Partner to launch a multi-sector innovation centre where entrepreneurs, business, academic, and public
innovators collaborate to create shared value.
SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• Stakeholder Engagement Plan 65% Business Process
4.2.1 Formulate a stakeholder engagement strategy 2021 • MoUs between KCCA and Partners
• Partnership Database
• KCCA Innovation Space 80% Business Process
4.2.2 Establish KCCA innovation center/space (KIC) 2020
• Staff Recruited in the Innovation space

37 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
• Annual Innovation Themes At least 1 theme Business Process
4.2.4 Develop innovation themes Annually
4.2.5 Recruit innovators into the Innovation Center Annually • Appointment of Innovators 50 Innovators Business Process
4.2.6 Build the capacity of innovators Annually • Number of Innovators trained 80% Business Process
Asses, select and support the implementation of new • %age of innovations implemented 20% Business Process
4.2.7 Annually

Strategic objective 4.3: Promote an Innovative Culture

SNN Activities/ Projects/Initiatives Timeline Indicator Targets Responsible
Evangelize IT success stories across the Authority and • Number of Success stories documented 35%
4.3.1 Continuous Business Process
across government. and shared
Invest in Research & Development (R&D) activities to • Number of Research Studies Conducted 2 studies per
4.3.2 Annually Business Process
improve business value and develop new city services • Number of Research findings year

38 | P a g e KCCA Information Systems Strategic Plan, 2020-2026

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