Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences: J.E. Sani, P. Yohanna, I.A. Chukwujama
Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences: J.E. Sani, P. Yohanna, I.A. Chukwujama
Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences: J.E. Sani, P. Yohanna, I.A. Chukwujama
Original article
Effect of rice husk ash admixed with treated sisal fibre on properties of
lateritic soil as a road construction material
J.E. Sani a, P. Yohanna b,⇑, I.A. Chukwujama a
Department of Civil Engineering, Nigeria Defence Academy, Kaduna, Nigeria
Department of Civil Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The effect of rice husk ash admixed with treated sisal fibre on properties of lateritic soil as a road con-
Received 3 May 2018 struction material was studied. The natural soil falls under A-7-6(10) classification using the American
Accepted 7 November 2018 Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) classification and CL (Lean Clay)
Available online 10 November 2018
according to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Treatment of the soil was done with Rice Husk
Ash (RHA) and treated Sisal Fibre (SF) in stepped concentrations of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8% and 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75,
Keywords: 1.0% by dry weight of soil, respectively. Preliminary test, compaction test (using British Standard light
Lateritic soil
(BSL) energy) and unconfined compressive strength (UCS) test were carried out. Analysis of variance
Rice husk ash
Sisal fibre
was carried out using Microsoft Excel Analysis Tool Pak Software Package. Mini-tab R15 Software was
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) used for regression analysis. Laboratory results were used to generate reliability indices using a
Regression analysis FORTRAN based first order reliability program. Outcome of the laboratory tests show that MDD decreased
Reliability index from 1.85 mg/m3 for the natural soil to 1.73 mg/m3 at 0% RHA/1% SF content. The OMC increased from
18% for the natural soil to 26.5% at 6% RHA/1% SF content. The UCS increased from 100.57 kN/m2 for
the natural soil to 139.38 kN/m2 at 0% RHA/0.25%SF content by dry weight of soil. The increasing trend
continued to 696.63 kN/m2 at optimum 6% RHA/0.75%SF content by dry weight of soil, which met the reg-
ulatory minimum UCS value of 687–1373 kN/m2 for pavement applications. Reliability indices varied for
all the variables considered with MDD and OMC having more significant effect on the UCS. Based on the
results obtained, an optimum blend of 6%RHA/0.75% SF content by dry weight of soil is recommended for
used as sub-based material for lightly trafficked roads.
Ó 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1018-3639/Ó 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
12 J.E. Sani et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 32 (2020) 11–18
meet up with the minimum requirement for engineering applica- in the fibres which when used in their natural form for reinforcing
tions is necessary. Application of industrial and agricultural wastes soil can degrade at long time curing. Therefore the SF used for this
such as iron ore tailings, rice husk ash, bagasse ash. etc for soil research work was treated with Sodium Borohydride (NaBH4) (1%
improvement, development of metal matrix composites, produc- wt/Vol) as recommended by Moraes et al. (2011). 3.5 cm length of
tion of various silicon-based materials, active carbon, Eco- SF was adopted as recommended by Tanko (2015) who stated that
fabrication of hierarchical porous silica monoliths by ice- the peak values of strength gain in lateritic soil stabilized SF was
templating of rice husk ash among others serves various benefits obtained at 3.5 cm length.
to the environment (Alhassan, 2008; Soltani et al., 2015; Bahrami Recent researches (Mohammad et al., 2013; Yisa and Sani,
et al.,2016; Amin et al.,2017). 2014; Yohanna et al., 2015, 2018; Mina et al., 2016; Osinubi
The term agricultural waste includes all waste materials that et al., 2016; Gadzama et al., 2017; Sani et al., 2017) focused on
are discarded by the community after using the edible parts. the use of statistical tools and techniques in many aspects of
Improper management of agricultural waste causes adverse effects geotechnical engineering and other fields. Sani et al. (2017) worked
on ecology which may lead to possible outbreaks of diseases and on reliability evaluation of optimum moisture content of tropical
epidemics. RHA is an agricultural waste produced from burning black clay treated with locust bean waste ash as road pavement
rice husks. In general, the type of ash varies considerably depend- sub-base material and reported on the use of regression model as
ing on the burning technique adopted. The silica in the ash passes a limit state equation for the reliability analysis yielding good
through some transformations depending on the environment con- results. The optimum moisture content of compaction (OMC) was
ditions (time, temperature etc.) that affect the rate of combustion. taken to be a dependent variable while; gravel content (GR); sand
At temperature range between 550 °C and 800 °C amorphous ash is content (Sa) ; plasticity index (PI); Locust bean waste ash (LBWA);
usually formed and at temperatures greater than this, crystalline specific gravity (Gs); and percentage fine (PF) were taken to be
ash is usually formed. These types of silica have different proper- independent parameters and used to calculate their respective reli-
ties and it is important to produce ash of the correct specification ability indices. Results produced showed that reliability index is
for the particular end use. Rice husk is an agricultural waste sensitive to changes in all the soil variables with the exception of
obtained from rice milling and about 108 tons are usually produced percentage fine PF which have invariably a steady reliability index
annually in the world (Alhassan, 2008). For instance in Bangladesh, values within the specified range of coefficient of variation.
It has been reported that about 39.3 million ton of rice is produced The aim of this study was to explore the possible effect of RHA
annually which generate about 9.83 million ton of rice husk after admixed with sisal fibre on geotechnical properties of lateritic soil
milling, in which the paddy is used as animal food and as fuel in for use as pavement material. The objectives were to determine the
rural areas (Mustafi, 2005). changes in the geotechnical properties with step concentration of
Earth reinforcement is an ancient technique and demonstrated RHA (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8% by dry weight of soil) and SF (0, 0.25, 0.5,
abundantly in nature by animals, birds and the action of tree roots. 0.75 and 1% by dry weight of soil) using British Standard light com-
This technique has been used for the improvement of certain paction energy.
desired properties of soil like shear strength, permeability, com-
paction, bearing capacity. These fibres usually serve as interlock
2. Materials and methods
particles or materials and group of particles in a uniform coherent
matrix (Prabakar and Sridhar, 2002). Recent researches focused on
2.1. Materials
the use of natural fibres obtained from trees for soil improvement
purposes. Reinforcement of soils has gained wide acceptance in
2.1.1. Lateritic soil
geotechnical engineering applications because of the advantage
The soil sample used for this study was collected from a borrow
of their economy, availability, easy workability, easy handling, rel-
pit located at Shika Kaduna State, Nigeria (latitude 11o 150 N and
ative abundance, and they are environmentally friendly (Mattone,
longitude 7o 450 E), by using the method of disturbed sampling
2005; Li, 2009). SF is usually sourced from the leaves of the sisal
at 1 m depth from the natural earth surface to avoid organic matter
plant (agave sisalana) through mechanical means i.e machine
decortications there after the leaf is being crushed between rollers,
washed and dried (FAO, 2011).
Several literatures reported improvement on the geotechnical 2.1.2. Rice husk ash
properties of treated soil with SF. The effect of SF on strength, dura- Rice Husk was gotten from a rice mill while the ash was gotten
bility and ductility of soil was tested by Prabakar and Sridhar from the burning of the Rice Husk under normal atmospheric tem-
(2002) using fibre of lengths 10–25 mm at 5 mm increment with perature (open air burning) until the husk turned to ash on a plain
the content varying from 0 to 1% at 0.25 increments. Both the surface in order to avoid impurities.
OMC and MDD of the mixture reduced with fibre content and fibre
length. The shear strength increased with fibre length and fibre 2.1.3. Sisal fibre
content up to about 0.75% fibre content and thereafter reduced. A SF was sourced from central market in Kaduna state, Nigeria.
work on palm and jute fibre was carried out and reported by
Ahmad et al. (2010) to reinforce a cohesive soil. They used palm
fibres of 15, 30 and 45 mm at 0.25 and 0.5% by dry weight of the 2.2. Methods
soil. The cohesion and friction angle observed to increase with
fibres content and with fibre length. (Soleimani, 2013) used coco- 2.2.1. Index properties
nut on a silty-sand soil classified as an SM soil to determine the Index tests were carried out on the natural soil and the treated
bearing capacity of the compacted soil. The soil was reinforced at soils (in different percentages of RHA with SF length) all according
0, 0.8, 1.8, 2.4 and 3.2% by dry weight of the soil using two aspect to BS 1377 (1990) and BS 1924 (1990).
ratios of 35 mm and 50 mm length fibres. The author observed a
rapid improvement in soil shear strength which obviously meant 2.2.2. Oxide composition
an increase in soil bearing capacity. The oxide composition of RHA was determined at defense
Research work by Tanko (2015) suggested that SF are bio- industry cooperation of Nigeria (DICON), Kaduna, Nigeria, using
degradable in nature because of the presence of cellulose present the method of X-Ray Fluorescence (Nuclear Energy Test).
J.E. Sani et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 32 (2020) 11–18 13
2.2.3. Compaction test A regression model was developed using Minitab R15 to predict
Compaction tests were carried out on the natural and the trea- the unconfined compressive strength from the measured labora-
ted soils (in different percentages by dry weight of soil); all accord- tory results. Statistical analysis was carried out on the obtained
ing to BS 1377 (1990) and BS 1924 (1990), using the BSL energy. results using analysis of variance with the Microsoft Excel Analysis
3 kg of the soil/soil-admixtures sample was mixed thoroughly with Tool Pak Software Package. The regression equation developed was
8% of water (the water was added at 8% for each of the com- used as a limit state function for the reliability analysis. The regres-
paction). Soil samples were compacted in 1000 cm3 cylindrical sion model was incorporated into a FORTRAN based program,
mould of mass M1; in three layers each layer receiving 27 blows FORM 5 to produce the reliability index for each variable, one at
of 2.5 kg rammer falling through a height of 300 mm. The blows a time within a range of coefficient of variation (COV) between
were uniformly distributed over the surface of each layer during 10 and 100% while the original values for other variables were
compaction. The collar was then removed and the compacted sam- allowed to remain constant. The UCS, MDD and OMC values were
ple leveled off at the top of the mould with a straight edge. The assigned lognormal distributions while SF and RHA content were
mould containing the leveled sample was then weighed as M2. values were assigned normal distributions. The various data for
Two small samples were then taken from the compacted soil for the reliability analysis are contained in Table 1.
the determination of moisture content. The sample was then
removed from the mould, crushed and water added at (8%) and 3. Results and discussion
the same procedure was repeated until minimum of five set of
samples were taken for moisture content determination. The bulk 3.1. Index properties of the natural soil
densityq in Mg/m3 was calculated for each compacted layer using
Eq. (1): Preliminary geotechnical investigations carried out on the nat-
M M1 ural soil showed that the soil had 20.43% moisture at natural state
q¼ 2 ð1Þ before air-drying, a free swell value of 20.76%, linear shrinkage of
7.87% and specific gravity of 2.73. The soil belongs to the CL (Lean
The dry densityqd was calculated using Eq. (2): Clay) group in the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM, 1992)
100q or A-7-6 (10) soil group of the AASHTO soil classification system
qd ¼ ð2Þ (AASHTO, 1986). Results of the natural soil is summarized in
ð100 þ wÞ
Table 2. The oxide composition of the lateritic soil and rice husk
where w is the moisture content of each compacted layer. ash use is shown in Table 3. Fig. 1 shows the particle size distribu-
The values of the dry densities as obtained from Eq. (2) were tion of the natural soil properties of sisal fibre is shown in Table 4.
plotted against their respective moisture contents. The MDD and
OMC were deduced from the curve. 3.2. Tensile strength test
2.2.4. Unconfined compressive strength test The plot of tensile strength with number of days (using 3
The UCS tests were performed on the soil samples according to strands sisal fibre) on the natural and treated SF is shown in
BS 1377 (1990), for soils compacted with BSL energy. 3 kg of the Fig. 2. The untreated SF recorded higher strength than the treated
natural soil sample/treated soil samples were compacted in SF after been buried in lateritic soil for a period of 28 days beyond
1000 cm3 cylindrical moulds at their respective OMCs. The samples which the difference is marginal. The possible reason for the differ-
were extruded from the cylindrical moulds and trimmed into a ences in strength could be due to the removal of the cellulose pre-
cylindrical specimen of 38.1 mm diameter and 76.2 mm length. sent in the SF by Sodium Borohydride (see Fig. 2). The tensile
The three cylindrical specimens from the mould were cured for strength for the untreated SF decreased from it natural value of
7 days. At the elapsed day of curing, the specimens were then 30.60 N/mm2 to 15.57 N/mm2 after 7 days and 5.03 N/mm2 after
placed on the lower platen of a compression testing machine and 90 days. The tensile strength for the treated SF on the other hand
a compressive force was then applied on the specimen with a decreased from 27.31 N/mm2 to 13.25 N/mm2 after 7 days and
strain control at 0.10% mm. Record was taken simultaneously of maintains its steady strength for the next 60 days before it
the axial deformation and the axial force at regular interval until decreased to a value of 3.15 N/mm2 after 90 days. Result shows
failure of the sample occurs. The UCS of the sample was deter- that the SF maintained a steady strength for long time as a result
mined at the point on the stress–strain curve at which failure of treatment with Sodium Borohydride.
occurred. The UCS was calculated using Eq. (3):
Failure load 3.3. Elongation test
UCS ¼ ð3Þ
Surface area of specimen
The plot of elongation of natural and treated SF with number of
days is shown in Fig. 3. Result shows that the treated SF has more
2.2.5. Set up of regression and reliability analysis procedures potential to elongate beyond it elastic limit which favours its per-
Results for all experiments were measured during laboratory formance when subjected to axial load. The values recorded for the
work. Measured soil variables include; UCS as dependent parameter treated SF are much higher than that of the untreated SF beyond
and MDD, OMC, SF and RHA contents as independent parameters. 28 days. A drastic reduction in elongation was observed at the
Table 1
Input data for reliability based design for five independent variables using FORM 5 from laboratory measured results.
S/N Variables Distribution type Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation COV (%)
1 Unconfined compressive Strength (UCS) Lognormal 366.3 161.4 44.06
2 Maximum Dry Density (MDD) Lognormal 1.6388 0.0788 4.81
3 Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) Lognormal 20.660 2.140 10.36
4 Sisal Fibre (SF) Normal 0.5000 0.3608 72.16
5 Rice Husk Ash (RHA) Normal 4.000 2.887 72.18
14 J.E. Sani et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 32 (2020) 11–18
Table 2 18
Properties of the natural soil.
Table 3 9
Oxide composition of laterite soil and rice husk ash. 8
Elongation (mm)
Oxide Concentration % 7
Laterite soil Rice Husk Ash
5 Untreated
SiO2 47.1 74.75 Treated
Al2O3 17.40 –
CaO 0.17 3.22 3
K2O 0.48 6.78 2
TiO2 3.69 0.17 1
V2O5 0.070 0.10 0 20 40 60 80 100
Cr2O3 0.035 Number of days
Fe2O3 19.04 2.25
MnO 0.054 1.35 Fig. 3. Variation of elongation with days for untreated and treated sisal fibre.
CuO 0.065 0.035
ZrO 0.966 –
LOI 10.3 –
ZnO – 0.176 initial point of the elongation value up to 28 days but beyond
ZrO2 – 0.022
28 days there was an increase i.e. from 3.02 mm to 4.45 mm for
Na2O – 1.3
P2O5 – 9.45 untreated SF and from 2.28 mm to 6.19 mm for the treated SF.
Table 4
Properties of the sisal fibre. 0% RHA
Property Quantity 2% RHA
1.6 4% RHA
Natural Humidity, % 14.48
Average Diameter, mm 0.13 6% RHA
Water Absorption, % 340 1.5 8% RHA
Specific Gravity, g/cm3 0.22
Tensile Strength, N/mm2 1.4
One Strand 10.60 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Two Strands 24.45
Sisal fibre content (%)
Three Strands 30.60
Elongation at Break, mm 5.58
Fig. 4. Variation of maximum dry density of soil-RHA mixtures with sisal fibre
Colour Shiny white
J.E. Sani et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 32 (2020) 11–18 15
Table 5
Two-way analysis of variance results for compaction characteristics of lateritic soil-RHA mixtures with Sisal fibre content.
in the MDD is attributed to the RHA having low density when com- 3.5. Unconfined compressive strength
pared to the density of the soil and thus reducing the average unit
weight of the compacted soil solids in the mixture. On the other The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) test was carried out
hand, as the SF content increased, the scenario makes compaction in order to understand the behaviour of the soil sample under com-
difficult because the SF now occupied more spaces than soil was pressive loads and particularly important in establishing the stabi-
naturally supposed to, thereby creating some voids in the mix- lization potential of an additive (Prabakar and Sridhar (2002) and
tures. As the fibre content increased from 0 to 0.25% by dry weight for subsequent evaluation of the material for use as a pavement
of soil, a decrease in MDD was recorded which further decreased as material (Bahrami et al., 2016). The UCS of the natural soil, RHA
it increased from 0.25 to 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0% by dry weight of soil. and SF mixture was conducted according to standards specified
These trends recorded agree with the findings of Singh (1991) in BS 1377 (1990) and BS 1924 (1990) after curing for a period of
and Prabakar and Sridhar (2002). 7 days. The variation of the UCS test resulted from the soil-SF mix-
A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) computed for MDD of tures is shown in Fig. 6. The UCS increased from 100.57 kN/m2 for
lateritic soil-RHA mixtures with SF content is presented in Table 5. the natural soil to 139.38 kN/m2 at 0% RHA/0.25% SF content. This
The results show the influence of RHA and SF on the MDD are sig- increase trend continued to 696.63 kN/m2 at optimum of 6%
nificant (FCAL = 30.42918 > FCRIT = 3.006917) for RHA and RHA/0.75% SF content by dry weight of soil. Beyond this point,
(FCAL = 4.96406 > FCRIT = 3.006917) for SF. The effect of RHA was the value reduced except for 2% RHA/0.75% SF content and 0%
more pronounced than that of SF. RHA/0.75% SF content by dry weight of soil which increased
slightly. The UCS values increased with RHA and SF content due
to availability of sufficient water that helped in the hydration reac-
3.4.2. Optimum moisture content (OMC)
tion of RHA to form secondary cementation compounds. Similar
The OMC of lateritic soil-RHA mixtures with SF content is
observation was reported by Osinubi and Medubi (1997).
shown in Fig. 5. It was noticed that an increase in RHA and SF con-
A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for UCS of lateritic
tent caused an increase in the OMC values from 18% to 26.5% at 6%
soil-RHA mixtures with SF content is summarized in Table 6. The
RHA% 1% SF addition by dry weight of soil. Upon further increase in
results show that RHA and SF have significant influence on the
the SF content, the OMC reduced both for RHA and SF content
UCS (FCAL = 23.00391 > FCRIT = 3.006917) for RHA and
increased. This means that the SF, which naturally had a high water
(FCAL = 20.57560 > FCRIT = 3.006917) for SF. The effect of RHA was
absorption rate, caused an initial increase in OMC from 18% to
more pronounced than that of SF.
26.5% content of the RHA by dry weight of soil and thereafter
reduced the OMC with increasing aspect ratio and percentage con-
tent. This trend of reduction in the OMC after initial increase is 3.6. Regression analysis for unconfined compressive strength
principally associated with the water absorption property of the
SF. Similar trends were observed by Singh (1991); Santhi and The use of regression models in many geotechnical engineering
Sayida (2009) who used laterite soils and black cotton soils respec- applications has been successful (Gadzama et al., 2017, Sani et al.,
tively. On further treatment of the soil with higher RHA content (i.e 2017). The regression model (see Eq. (4)) used for this analysis was
4, 6 and 8% RHA) the OMC generally increased (see Fig. 5). developed from laboratory results and used for predicting UCS
ANOVA analysis for optimum moisture content (see Table 5) from measured UCS values in the laboratory. Results show that
shows that RHA and SF have significant effect on the OMC the effect several independent variables considered (MDD, OMC,
(FCAL = 8.95438 > FCRIT = 3.006917) for RHA and (FCAL = 3.47943 > - SF and RHA contents) on the UCS of the treated soil were signifi-
FCRIT = 3.006917) for SF, with RHA having a more pronounced cant. The correlation coefficient value (R2) of 85.8% indicate that
effect. there is a strong association between UCS and the independent
Unconfined compressive strength
Optimum moisture content (%)
25 600
0% RHA 0% RHA
2% RHA 2% RHA
4% RHA 4% RHA
21 300
6% RHA 6% RHA
19 8% RHA 8% RHA
17 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Sisal fibre content (%) Sisal fibre content (%)
Fig. 5. Variation of optimum moisture content of the natural soil-RHA mixtures Fig. 6. Variation of unconfined compressive strength of the soil-RHA mixtures with
with sisal fibre content. sisal fibre content.
16 J.E. Sani et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences 32 (2020) 11–18
Table 6
Two-way analysis of variance results for unconfined compressive strength of lateritic soil-RHA mixtures with Sisal fibre content.
Reliability index
possible explanation to this model entails the need to monitor
0.1 RHA
these independent variables for a SF treated lateritic soil with
RHA as admixture for use as sub-base/base material or for any 0.0 SF
geotechnical application. A plot of predicted UCS values from the -0.1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 MDD
model plotted against the measured UCS values shows a strong -0.2 OMC
correlation between the UCS values obtained in the laboratory
and the predicted values from the regression model using a second
order polynomial relationship with approximate correlation coeffi- Coefficient of variation (%)
cient R2 = 0.882 (see Fig. 7).
Fig. 9. Variation of reliability index with coefficient of variation for unconfined
UCS ¼ 944 þ 27:8RHA þ 197SF þ 275MDD þ 31:4OMC ð4Þ compressive strength of sisal fibre treated lateritic soil using rice husk ash as
R2 ¼ 85:8%
The standardized coefficient plot showing each of the variables
used in this analysis at 95% confidence of interval is as shown in
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig. 8. The plot shows a graphical contribution of each of the vari-
ables in the regression equation on the UCS.
Reliability index
-1.0 RHA
3.7. Reliability assessment on unconfined compressive strength
3.7.1. Influence of unconfined compressive strength on reliability index MDD
The changes in reliability index for UCS of SF treated lateritic -2.0 OMC
soil using RHA as admixture with coefficient of variation in the
Coefficient of variation (%)
Fig. 10. Variation of reliability index with coefficient of variation for unconfined
y = 3E-05x2 + 0.8577x + 46.111
Predicted UCS values (kN/m2)
range of 10–100% is shown in Fig. 9. Generally, a trend of decrease
450 in the reliability indices was noticed with increase in the coeffi-
350 cient of variation. The reliability index varied linearly with coeffi-
cient of variation from 10 to 100%. Reliability index changed
significantly which indicate that variation in UCS has major effect
150 on the reliability index for road pavement sub-base materials. As
150 250 350 450 550 650 750 coefficient of variation changed from 10 to 100%, reliability index
Measured UCS values (kN/m2) changed from 0.299 to 0.185. The result was computed using
UCS value of 100.57 kN/m2 for the natural soil, reliability index
Fig. 7. Plot of predicted UCS values against measured UCS values from the changed from 1.93 to 1.66 (see Fig. 10). The significant changes
regression model.
observe in the reliability index values buttress the fact that addi-
tion of RHA and SF has major effect on the UCS of the treated soil.
The recorded improvement in strength based on laboratory results
1 can be justified with the significant variations in the reliability
0.8 indices of the treated soil when compared to the untreated soil.
Standardized coefficients
has little influence on the reliability index for road sub-base pave- Table 7
ment structures. As coefficient of variation increased from 10 to Stochastic model assessment of acceptable safety index for compaction
100%, reliability index values increased from 0.0615 to 0.0488.
The result was further computed with UCS value of 100.57 kN/ S/N Variables Factors Beta Value Acceptable Range of COV (%)
m2 for the natural soil, reliability index changed from 1.69 to 1 UCS 0.299 to 0.185 NIL
1.54 (see Fig. 10). 2 RHA 0.0488 to 0.0615 NIL
3 SF 0.0492 to 0.0587 NIL
4 MDD 0.0625 to 0.401 NIL
3.7.3. Influence of sisal fibre content on reliability index of unconfined 5 OMC 0.0517 to 0.41 NIL
compressive strength
The effect of SF content on reliability index is shown in Fig. 9
(with coefficient of variation in the range of 10100%). SF content
showed an increasing correlation with coefficient of variation in In the case of reliability indices for the untreated soil (see
the range 10–100%. A slight variation in the reliability index values Fig. 10), low and negative reliability indices were recorded for all
was noticed with increase in the coefficient of variation, this is an the soil variables considered. Higher reliability indices recorded
indication that variation of SF content has little or no influence on for the treated soil depict improvement in the UCS of the soil.
the reliability index. As coefficient of variation increased from 10 to Based on this results, good quality control of these variables is vital
100%, reliability indices varied between 0.0492 and 0.0587. The in the field in order to achieve good road pavement.
result was further computed with UCS value of 100.57 kN/m2 for
the natural soil, reliability index changed from 1.67 to 1.55 3.9. Stochastic model assessment of acceptable safety index for
(see Fig. 10). Result shows that treated soil produced higher relia- unconfined compressive strength
bility indices than the untreated soil (natural soil) which indicates
improvement on the UCS of the soil with RHA and SF content Results of reliability index obtained for UCS of the soil are
(Fig. 10). shown in Table 7. NKB Report (1978) categorically stated that a
minimum safety index value of 1.0 is recommended for service-
3.7.4. Influence of maximum dry density on reliability index of ability limit state design of structural components.
unconfined compressive strength
Fig. 9 shows the variation of reliability index for MDD of treated 4. Conclusion
lateritic soil with coefficient of variation. Generally, the reliability
index increased with coefficient of variation from 10 to 100%. Reli- Preliminary investigation was conducted on the lateritic soil.
ability index varied considerably which suggest that variation in The natural soil has moisture content of 20.43%, liquid limit of
MDD has great influence on the reliability index for road pavement 48%, plastic limit of 27.27% and plasticity index of 20.73%. The lin-
sub-base materials. For changes in coefficient of variation from 10 ear shrinkage is 7.87%, free swell of 20.76% with specific gravity of
to100 %, Reliability indices increased from 0.0625 to 0.401. The 2.73. MDD decreased from 1.85 mg/m3 for the natural soil to
result was further computed with UCS value of 100.57 kN/m2 for 1.48 mg/m3 at 8% RHA/0.25% SF content by dry weight of soil.
natural soil, reliability index changed from 1.59 to 0.544 (see The OMC on the other hand increased from 18% to 26.5% at 6%
Fig. 10). Treated soil produced higher reliability indices than the RHA%/1% SF content. The UCS increased from 100.57 kN/m2 for
natural soil which indicates improvement on the UCS of the soil the natural soil to 696.63 kN/m2 at 6% RHA/0.75% SF content by
with RHA and SF content. dry weight of soil. The peak value of the UCS obtained met the reg-
ulatory minimum requirement of 687–1373 kN/m2 for sub-base
3.7.5. Influence of optimum moisture content on reliability index of material. Reliability indices varied for all the variables considered
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