MM 212 Materials Evaluation Techniques Fall Semester 2020, FMCE, GIKI
MM 212 Materials Evaluation Techniques Fall Semester 2020, FMCE, GIKI
MM 212 Materials Evaluation Techniques Fall Semester 2020, FMCE, GIKI
Lecture 5-6
Muzammil Irshad
Mechanical Testing of Materials (Material Selection)
A particular material is selected on the basis of following considerations:
1. Properties of material
Mechanical properties - strength, ductility, toughness, hardness, strength to weight ratio etc.
Physical properties - density, specific heat, thermal expansion, conductivity , melting point etc.
Chemical properties - oxidation , corrosion, flammability, toxicity etc.
Manufacturing properties - formed, casting, machined, welding etc.
2. Cost of material
3. Availability of material (desired shape and size and quantity) & reliability of supply.
Mechanical Properties of Materials
The term property is a qualitative or
quantitative measure of response of materials
to externally imposed conditions like forces
and temperatures.
Mechanical Properties of Materials (Tensile Testing)
The following mechanical properties of materials can be
obtained from the stress–strain curve:
✓ Yield strength
✓ Tensile strength
✓ Ductility
✓ Toughness
✓ Resilience
Mechanical Properties of Materials (Tensile Testing)
Mechanical Properties of Materials (Tensile Testing)
Important terms:
The property of material by virtue of which deformation caused by applied loads disappears upon removal of load.
The plasticity of a material is its ability to undergo some degree of permanent deformation without rupture or failure.
It is the ability of a material to undergo plastic deformation without fracture.
Toughness is the ability of the material to absorb energy during plastic deformation up to fracture.
Strength of Material:
It is defined as the ability of a material to resist loads without failure.
Mechanical Properties of Materials (Tensile Testing) Important terms:
It is the ability of material to resist deformation or deflection under load.
Within the elastic limit, stiffness is measured by the modulus of elasticity.
It is the ability of a material to be deformed plastically without rupture under compressive load. Due to this
property metals are hammered and rolled into thin sheets.
It is the property of sudden fracture without any visible permanent deformation.
It is a property of material to absorb energy and to resist shock and impact loads. It is measured by the amount of
energy absorbed per unit volume within the elastic limit (longer elastic area has higher resilience).
Strain Hardening:
The strengthening effect produced in metals by plastic deformation( cold working ) is called strain hardening or
work hardening. Strain hardening reduces ductility and corrosion resistance but, raises the hardness and electrical
Mechanical Properties of Materials (Tensile Testing)
Important terms:
Young's Modulus:
It is the stiffness of a material that is calculated as the ratio of the elastic stress to elastic strain.
Yield strength:
Stress at which a material exhibits a specified limiting deviation from the proportionality of the stress
to strain. OR Maximum stress that a material can withstand without plastic strain.
Ultimate strength:
Maximum stress developed by the material based on the original cross sectional area.
What is Yield Strength ?
Mechanical Testing of Materials
From the given figure (Figure 2.4), which shows the stress–strain
behaviour of a material, determine:
1. The elastic modulus
2. The yield strength (at 0.002 strain)
3. The maximum load sustainable by a specimen with 12.8-mm diameter
4. The change in length of a 250-mm rod at 345 Mpa
1. From the slope of the graph, E = dσ/de: 150/0.0016 = 93.8 GPa.
2. Using the 0.2% value to determine the yield strength, 0.002 strain
occurs at 250 MPa.
3. Maximum load depends on the highest value of stress on the stress–
strain curve. The reduction in area is sometimes taken into account,
sometimes not. Without taking this into account, Fmax = 57,900 N.
4. The change in length dl equals the product of strain e and original
length lo; dl = e⋅lo = 0.06 . 250 = 15 mm.
(Figure 2.4) from Text Book
Stress-Strain Relationships and Elastic properties
❑ A variety of elastic moduli are defined in terms of the ratios of different stresses to
❑ In isotropic materials, the elastic properties can be completely specified by knowing two
of the following quantities: Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, bulk modulus, or shear
❑ In three dimensions, we can define stresses and strains along different directions.
❑ In anisotropic and textured materials, because the elastic moduli are then different along
different directions.
Mechanical Testing of Materials (Important Points)
Elastic Modulus:
An elastic modulus is a quantity that measures an object or substance's resistance to being
deformed elastically when a stress is applied to it.
Bulk Modulus:
The bulk modulus of a substance is a measure of how resistant to compression that substance
is. It is defined as the ratio of the infinitesimal pressure increase to the resulting relative
decrease of the volume
Shear Modulus:
The ratio of shear stress to the shear strain.
Poisons Ratio:
Ratio of lateral and axial strains.
Hooks Law:
A law stating that the strain in a solid is proportional to the applied stress within the
elastic limit of that solid.
Summery of previous lecture
Bulk Modulus:
It is a measure of how resistant to
compression a substance is.
Shear Modulus:
The ratio of shear stress to the shear
Poisons Ratio:
Ratio of lateral and axial strains
Mechanical Testing of Materials (Important Points)
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Longitudinal stress and strain: young’s modulus
❑ In three dimensions, the stresses and
strains can be described in terms of
components along the principal axes, x, y,
and z.
Mechanical Testing of Materials
❑ Poisson’s ratio gives the amount of transverse (lateral) strain relative to the
parallel (axial) strain.
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Hooks Law:
A law stating that the strain in a solid is proportional to
the applied stress within the elastic limit of that solid.)
Mechanical Testing of Materials
The rigidity modulus or shear modulus is the ratio of shear strain θ to shear
stress σ.
In the simplest possible case, if we consider a shear force (or couple) F acting on
the sides of a square sample, the shear stress is given by σ = F/a2, where a2 is the
cross-sectional area over which the shear force operates.
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Mechanical Testing of Materials
A cylindrical steel rod, original diameter 12.8 mm, is tested to failure and has an
engineering ultimate tensile strength of σUTS = 460 MPa. If its cross-sectional
diameter at failure is 10.7 mm, find (1) the ductility, and (2) the true ultimate tensile
Ductility is the percentage reduction in area. In this case, ΔA/A . 100% = {(5.35)2 −
(6.4)2}/(6.4)2 = −30%.
True stress is load/true area. In this case, the true ultimate tensile strength is σUTS =
F/A = 460 MPa . (12.8/10.7)2 = 658 MPa.
True stress: Force divided by the instantaneous cross-sectional area over which deformation is occuring
Engineering stress is the applied load divided by the original cross-sectional area of a material.
Mechanical Testing of Materials
What is Hardness:
Mechanical Testing of Materials
What is Hardness:
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Types of Indenters: Brinell Hardness (Ball) Vickers Hardness (Pyramid)
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Brinell Hardness:
where F is the load in kilograms, which typically lies in the range 1 to 120 kg for the Vickers test; d is the
length in mm of the diagonals of the equiaxed diamond shaped indentation; and α is the angle between
opposite faces of the indenter, which is 136 degrees.
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Rockwell hardness:
Conical Tip
❑ The Rockwell hardness is determined simply
from the depth of the indentation under specified
conditions of applied load.
where t is the penetration depth measured in mm. M is the maximum allowed value of the
particular scale in use. M = 100 for diamond indenters used on the Rockwell scales A, C,
and D; whereas M = 130 for ball indenters used on the Rockwell scales B, E, M, and R.
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Knoop Hardness:
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Solution 2.1:
1. From the stress–strain curve of 1095 steel, the
elastic modulus Y is given by:
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Solution 2.2:
▪ In this case we need to start from the three- ▪ In the situation described, the constraint along the y-
dimensional version of Hooke’s law
direction ensures that : ey = 0
▪ whereas the lack of constraint along the x-direction ensures
that: σx = 0.
▪Because we know that Y = 200 GPa, ν = 0.3, and σz = 200
MPa, we can use the above equation for ey to obtain:
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Solution 2.3:
Mechanical Testing of Materials
Solution 2.3:
From the equation for Brinell hardness:
Rearranging gives:
▪ Assuming that the strains are small and
the angle A C B may be taken as 450
▪ Therefore strain on the diagonal OA
= Change in length / original length
▪ Since angle between OA and OB is very
small hence OA approximately = OB
therefore BC, is the change in the length
of the diagonal OA