Details of Imaging Sys GPS Journal
Details of Imaging Sys GPS Journal
Details of Imaging Sys GPS Journal
Vol.8, No 1: 88-100
Transmitter (Tx)
Where b is the bandwidth and β is the bistatic angle. The
equation reveals that the highest resolution will he GPS Satellite
achieved for a monostatic case when β = 0 and range
Direct Signal
resolution is limited by the bandwidth of the transmitted
Imaging System
signal. The theoretical range and cross-range resolution with Modified
Reflected Signal
for the SS-BSAR has been mentioned as 5 meters and 10 GPS Receiver
meters respectively.
Land or Sea Targets
Fig. 1. Scenario - Airborne receiver
Journal of Global Positioning Systems (2009)
Vol.8, No 1: 88-100 Transmitter
The concept of generating an image by the correlation of and relevant problems, shortcomings and challenges have
direct and reflected GPS signals is based on the SAR been recorded for all three scenarios that can prove
principle in which the receiver or bistatic radar is required beneficial for later research efforts.
to sustain its movement in spatial domain. There can be
three different types of imaging scenarios based on the The main objective of the author’s research was to model
source of synthetic aperture, receiver kept airborne, these imaging arrangements and scenarios in a software
ground moving receiver and static receiver. environment with the aim to remove major existing
bottlenecks, optimize the design and later on, attempt to
The transmitter, target and receiver geometry in case of an assemble a proof of concept hardware of the imaging
airborne receiver can be understood with the help of device in order to demonstrate a practical system.
figure (1), as per the traditional SAR concept the receiver
is kept airborne and can detect the presence of ships or The purpose of this research paper is to elaborate how this
other terrestrial targets. The second option is to mount the goal was achieved by careful antenna design, suitable
imaging system on a ground vehicle and drive along a electronic circuit, appropriate GPS signal acquisition and
target thus simplifying the geometry and eliminating the tracking algorithms and efficient reconstruction code. The
need for airborne platform. However, the requirement for document explains the efforts put forward to generate an
precise receiver position and velocity and associated image by the correlation of direct and reflected GPS
logistics issue rendered this option non-practical. signals and based on bistatic SAR techniques.
In order to simplify the experimental set up, it is possible There are many advantages of this type of system (a) GPS
to generate an image with a static receiver, at least target detection and imaging has the attraction that the
theoretically, if sampling is performed over longer period user can take advantage of the expensive GPS
of time, such a scenario is depicted in figure (2). With the infrastructure maintained for navigation purposes by
receiver being static the change is geometry is provided employing it as a ‘illuminator of opportunity’ thus there is
by the moving GPS satellite, though the change in no requirement for a dedicated transmitter. (b) There are
geometry is a relatively slow process and results in very several measurement opportunities, one for each GPS
long data acquisition times of the order of hours. One of satellite in view, thus forming a multi-static radar system.
the numerous possible applications with this type of set (c) The imaging system has the additional advantage of
up are remote sensing for monitoring of landslides, long- being very cost effectiveness, as it can be built for a
term seismic studies and similar applications. fraction of the cost of traditional radars, space-borne
equipment and other sensors. (d) The operation will be
The possibility of using this technique for imaging covert as no signal will be transmitted locally unlike
purposes has been mentioned in various research papers mono-static radar. (e) Bistatic radar may also have a
as a number of institutions study bistatic SAR with counter stealth capability, since target shaping to reduce
asymmetric configuration, but there is little information the mono-static RCS of a target will in general not reduce
regarding detailed simulations to confirm technical its bistatic RCS [10].
feasibility or experimental results. In this context the
efforts carried out to simulate and practically validate the We know that power spectral density of any given GPS
results with the help of static or stationary GPS receiver C/A code signal is below the power spectral density of
are a novel achievement. Nonetheless, simulation details noise. It is converted to a usable (signal to noise ratio)
Journal of Global Positioning Systems (2009)
Vol.8, No 1: 88-100
- x (meters) + x (meters)
SNR by correlation of a locally generated C/A code
sequence that provides an effective processing gain to the +y (meters)
SNR ratio. The theoretical processing gain for the C/A
code is 1023 or 30.1 dB [1]. High autocorrelation peak
and low cross-correlation values provide a wide dynamic
range for signal acquisition. Hence, on the basis of
correlation theory the code is able to be detected, although
it is buried in noise. This important property of the GPS
signal plays a vital part in our simulation to detect the
target with the help of reflected GPS signals [19].
The simulation was deliberately split into two distinct The matched filter processing plays a vital part in the
parts: the first part being responsible for synthesizing the simulation. In the Matlab environment this is performed
signal emanating from the analogue to digital converter of by multiplying two signals sample by sample and than
the GPS front end, the second part being responsible for accumulating. The process was carried out for each
the image reconstruction. Care was taken to ensure that sample and the relevant value was stored in the form of a
the only information available to the reconstruction two dimensional matrix. The matrix was scanned for each
engine was the digitized GPS signal, and ‘globally sample in time, rendering the procedure equivalent to a
available’ data such as the satellite ephemerides and the matched filter process. A different value of correlation
receiver location. The signal synthesizer determines the was obtained for each instant in time. The location of a
satellite orbits together with the individual PRN code target is expected to have a maximum value of coherent
offsets and combines the direct signals from all satellites correlation. A grey scale image was constructed using
in view with the reflected signals from the targets together above-mentioned information. Thus, the image produced
with the receiver noise. Transit delays associated with the directly pin points the target at the desired coordinate in
the candidate position.
3. Results and Analysis of 0.1 seconds was selected and the results were
The Matlab® simulations were carried out under comparable to that presented in [9].
different conditions and scenarios by varying
various parameters. Initially an integration time As depicted in the figure (4), the two targets can easily be
recognized with acceptable spatial resolution. For the next
Journal of Global Positioning Systems (2009)
Vol.8, No 1: 88-100
case the integration time was increased to 0.2 seconds, 1000
Simulation performed with Integration Time of 21160 seconds
Metres Y
reveals that the resolution was limited only by the image -600
targets are clearly visible with no distortion. In fact the Fig. 5. Results for integration time of 21160 sec (6 hours)
longer integration time has resulted in larger number of
samples and cancellation of uncorrelated noise. Simulations were performed to explore the limits within
which the targets can be resolved in terms of the
3.1. Direct Signal Suppression magnitude of the direct and reflected signals. The direct
Under practical scenario the strength of GPS signal is signal was attenuated to a significant amount in an effort
very low and buried in noise and only with the help of to find out the threshold of target detection, the indirect
correlation theory and deterministic nature of the GPS signal was also attenuated in incremental form. It was
C/A codes the signal is detected. The reflected signal is deduced that in order to bring both signals comparable in
even weaker but it is expected that the targets can be terms of magnitude and make sure that the autocorrelation
resolved by integration over longer periods of time. tails of direct signal are smaller that the reflected signal it
However, in case the reflected signal is further reduced, is imperative to attenuate and scale down the direct signal.
due to the type of reflecting surface and distance covered, It is assumed that this large suppression figure could be
it can become equal or lower than the tails of auto achieved by a combination of careful antenna design and
correlation function of direct signal and can be signal subtraction within the signal processing, since the
permanently lost. No matter how long we integrate the receiver channel for the reflected GPS signals may be
reflected signal cannot be separated and the targets are no locked to the direct signal. Other options including the
longer resolved. This phenomenon can be understood utilizing of multi-beam antenna with main lobe for the
with the help of the figure (6). reflected signal and side lobe for the direct signal can be
In numeric terms, the tails of autocorrelation of direct
signals are 24dB lower than the direct signal peak. However, there are some simple ways to improve the
Theoretically, the reflected signal must not be lower than SNR of the reflected signal, for example, carry out
24dB as compared to the correlation peak of direct correlation for longer period of time, use high gain
signals. directional antenna or perform image processing at a
shorter range. These simple measures have been adopted
in the initial practical experiment carried out to acquire
data for image generation purposes. A high gain and
directional antenna for acquisition of reflected GPS
signals was employed and the range was kept short. This
resulted in strong reflections from the spherical target
covered with aluminum foil and the reflected signal was
Direct Signal
power 24 dB
Reflected Signal
Tails of Auto Correlation
0 ( time )
Cherniakov et al. explained that taking into account only (corresponds to skip time) Initiate for loop
(Number of segments = Number
one satellite as the source of DPI, traditional adaptive side of samples / sub-Segment size)
Load data file
lobe cancellation methods can be applied for DPI
Mix signal to base band
suppression [20]. In a related study E P Glennon provided Update IF to resolve
a brief description of the GPS cross correlation problem Update phase and Doppler ambiguity
(software GPS receiver)
frequency after each
and sketched a comparison between the cross correlation iteration
problem as experienced by GPS and the CDMA cellular Calculate delay at Mid
communications. He examined several different types of point of the sub-segment
In order to perform necessary signal processing the GPS Construct template for Construct template for
reflected signal direct signal
signal is to be converted to digital format after down
conversion from RF of 1.575 GHz to a manageable IF of Cross correlate template Determine phase
for reflected signal Cross correlate template
a few MHz. This process is to be performed by the with direct signal
required accurate device will lead to unnecessary expensive Update tow, sub-segment
and complex hardware and a burden on the computation Increament tow and point count
power in the simulation process. On the other hand an to the requisite place in the
inferior ADC will result in signal degradation. It was Generate image
deduced that at least two bits are required as the minimum Fig. 7. Block diagram of the reconstruction code
accuracy. This was an important result and proved that a
commercial off-the-shelf GPS receiver can be used as RF
front end in the imaging hardware. The reason for results modular approach has been employed. The GPS signal
obtained was due to the fact that variance of quantisation was generated separately in C++ environment using the
noise (σ2) = q2 / 12, where q is the step size or (Least Borland C++ Builder. The program simulated all the
significant bit) LSB and hence Standard deviation (σ) = q / functions of the Maxim MAX 2741 IC used as the RF
√12 = q / 3.5. For two bits there are four level (2N-1) and for front end in the hardware. This approach speeded up at
one bit only two levels are present, hence quantization noise least the signal generation part of the code by a factor of
will become double and comparable to the thermal noise in about 9.
the signal.
The reconstruction code developed in Matlab® was also
modified in an effort to make it more suitable for a
3.3. Improvement in Computational Efficiency
practical scenario. In order to improve the computational
It was observed that the Matlab® simulations were very
efficiency the calculations were performed on linear
expensive in terms of computation time and memory and
arrays (or vectors) rather that multi-dimensional arrays.
will be feasible only for off-line applications. One of the
The block diagram of the reconstruction algorithm is
many methods of improving the computational efficiency
depicted in figure (7).
is by switching from interpretive Matlab ® to compiled
code. In order to improve the speed of the program a
Journal of Global Positioning Systems (2009)
Vol.8, No 1: 88-100
As evident from the diagram the two signals (locally
GPS Satellite
generated and received GPS signals) are multiplied and
added at each segment and a different value of correlation
is obtained for each instant in time. The value is stored in
the array by suitable Matlab® commands. However, the Receiver start Receiver finish
Position Position
values of the delay and offset PRN for the locally
generated or reference signal are to be calculated first.
These parameters are determined by measuring the
distance between reference satellite to candidate position
and receiver to candidate position. The delays are
calculated not for a particular target position, but for all
(0, 0, 6378000)
candidate positions in the area of interest. The simulation
calculated the delay from satellite to the receiver for each
box or segment as shown in the figure (8).
stored the value for each candidate position. The delay- Fig. 8. Calculation of Delays and Interpolation for Linear Array
offset range is also determined as an offset to delay at
centre or midpoint of segment. w(n ) (1 ) w( n) ( ) w( n 1) (6)
A template was generated in the form of a linear array or
vector of delay offsets relative to the image centre with where n is the integer part of the original index value and
initial value as minimum value of delay offset and final η is the fractional part [22].
value as the maximum of delay offset. The template for
direct signal was represented as follows: Thus by calculating for each location, an array or vector
was formed which contained all the linear representations
Sdir ddir (t )e jwLt (4) of the range of possible wrapped signals. Owing to the
one dimensional array, there are fewer calculations while
where ddir(t) is the C/A code for direct signal after offset the correlation is performed, but the simulation still took a
has been introduced and wL is GPS L1 frequency in long time as the new calculations are more complex.
radians / seconds. The template was cross-correlated with Never-the-less even with improved resolution as
the direct received signal to determine the phase mentioned in the next section there was a further
difference. improvement of computational efficiency by a factor of 2
to 4.
Similarly the template for reflected signal was represented
as follows: Another method to improve the computational efficiency
was signal
Sref dref (t )e jwLt (5)
Direct Signal
GPS Front End for Aquisition and
and Matched Image
RHCP Antenna Direct Signals Tracking of Direct
Filter Generation
Reflected Signals
GPS Front End for measured as
LHCP Antenna Reflected Signals compared to
direct signal
Reflected Path
Reflected Signal
Fig. 14. Two-channel GPS front end and data capturing device
Journal of Global Positioning Systems (2009)
Vol.8, No 1: 88-100
In order to verify the results, GPS IF data was collected at environment to have a clear view of the sky and thus
a position of only two meters away from the building or increasing the chances of receiving more GPS satellites
reflecting surface. A path difference of only one code and for extended duration. The target can be seen in the
samples was observed among the direct and reflected middle of the diagram, as the antenna's main lobe was
signal as shown in figure (15b). A near specular GPS aimed roughly towards the target center. Unfortunately,
reflected signal was received suggesting an optimum an increase in the integration time also resulted in more
geometry for reception of reflected signals. Thus the signal being received by the highly directional antenna
experimental results substantiated that the signal present and some of the signal was not received from the target,
at the LHCP antenna is in fact the reflected signal and but bounced off from nearby objects and building front.
construction of the hardware has been successful.