Proper Use and Care of The Microscope

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Proper Use Microscopes are used daily in veterinary practice to

view various biologic products (eg, blood, urine, fecal

& Care of material, fluid aspirates, skin scrapings, ear cerumen).

Team members should be familiar with proper

Microscopes techniques for viewing different specimens and the

use of each lens objective (eg, 4×, 10×, 40×, 100×). The
microscope ocular lenses, objective lenses, stage,
and stage clips should be cleaned after each use, and
Oreta Marie Samples, RVT, MPH, DHSc
Fort Valley State University the body of the microscope should be wiped down
Fort Valley, Georgia and inspected at the end of each shift after its last
use of the day.

See related article, The Surprising Cost of Skipping Practice

Equipment Maintenance, page 34

April 2018 Veterinary Team Brief 41


Microscope Supplies

The following are suggested cleaning

supplies for daily microscope care.
Samples viewed on an improperly cleaned micro-
scope are at risk for contamination, which can lead
to erroneous results and misdiagnosis. Because
samples may contain transmissible disease organisms,
veterinary team members should wear gloves when
handling slides, and slides should be disposed of
! Cotton tip applicator according to practice protocol.
! Distilled water
! Suction bulb or ear balloon Microscope Basics
! Kimwipes or lens tissue Microscopes in veterinary practice typically use
! Microfiber or other soft cloth 10× ocular lenses with 4×, 10×, 40×, and 100×
! Optical cleaning solutions (oil immersion) objective lenses. Microscopes may
! Soft brush have multiple eyepieces to allow more than one
team member to view the same slide simultaneous-
ly. Objective lenses are housed in a nosepiece that
can be rotated to select each lens. Slides are placed
on the stage below the objective lens and held in
place with metal clips. (See Figure 1.)
Ocular lens
Diopter adjustment
Examination of Samples
Blood, urine, and fecal material are some of the most
common substances viewed under the microscope at
a veterinary practice. Blood prepared as a smear is
Nose piece stained to view cell morphology. Stained blood
smears must be completely dry before examination
Objective lens
under oil immersion. Begin by examining cells at
(4×, 10×, 100×)
10× and graduate through the objectives, stopping at
Slide holder (clip) each to focus using the fine focus dial and light
Stage adjustment for sharp results. The iris should be open
to allow good lighting of the specimen but may need
Condenser and
iris diaphragm
to be adjusted periodically during scanning. Identify-
ing certain cells at 10× or 40× may be possible, but
Light source the 100× oil immersion lens likely will be used to
Microscope base evaluate individual cells. When using a hemocytome-
ter, blood is most often diluted to visualize and count
Focusing knob
cells manually using 10× or 40×, and light should be
adjusted to a lower standard to show contrast
d FIGURE 1 Parts of a microscope between cells and background.

42 April 2018

A damaged microscope should be
removed from service immediately
to prevent injury to team members.

Fecal material is prepared as a coverslipped wet

mount and examined for intestinal parasites and
ova using a direct smear or concentration (ie, flo-
tation or sedimention) technique. For any pre-
paration, begin at 10×, focus, and then move to
40×. Using the oil objective lens is not necessary.
that cleaning is completed as scheduled.
(See Microscope Supplies.)

Start by inspecting the cord for frayed wires

or damage. A damaged microscope should be
removed from service immediately to prevent
injury to team members. To gain access to the
Urine sediment is prepared as a coverslipped wet objectives for cleaning, lower the stage or raise
mount and examined to identify cells, crystals, the arm, depending on the type of microscope
casts, parasitic ova, or blood in the same manner being used. Moisten cotton tip applicators
as fecal evaluations (10×, 40×). Staining is dis- with the appropriate cleaning solution and
couraged because many of the available stains gently clean each objective lens and wipe dry
readily grow bacteria and form crystals that can with new lens paper.1,3
be misleading when evaluating the sediment.1,2

Solid materials (eg, skin scrapings, cerumen)

are suspended in a small drop of mineral oil on
Sample Requirements for
a slide with a coverslip. The 4× or 10× objec-
tives are used to identify skin or ear mites. Skin Common Microscopy Samples
and ear cytology preparations to evaluate for Examination Objective Coverslip Staining
bacteria, fungi, and cell morphology should be Lens (Y/N) (Y/N)
reviewed using the 10× and 40× objectives.2
Blood smear 10×, 40× N Y
100× (oil) N Y
Cytologic and microbial samples (eg, vaginal
cytology, tissue and bone marrow aspirates, Blood, diluted 10×, 40× N N
(use a hemocytometer)
fluid aspirates) can be visualized microscopically
for diagnostic purposes similarly to blood Urine sediment 10×, 40× Y N
smears, beginning at 10× and working toward
Fecal material 10×, 40× Y N
100× oil immersion. (See Table 1.)
Skin scraping 10×, 40× Y N
Cleaning the Microscope
Fluid, bone marrow, 10×, 40× N Y
The ocular lens, objective lenses, stage, and and tissue aspirates; ear, 100× (oil) N Y
stage clips should be cleaned after every slide, skin, and other cytology
and the entire microscope should be thoroughly samples
examined and cleaned at the end of the day or Vaginal 10×, 40× Y or Na Y or Na
at the beginning or end of each shift. Storing all cytology
the necessary cleaning supplies in one central a
Vaginal cytology slides can be viewed after drying/fixation, after air-drying/staining and
location near the microscope helps ensure nonfixed, or examined as a stained and coverslipped wet mount.2

April 2018 Veterinary Team Brief 43



Cleaning Product
Cleaners Recommended
for Microscopes
Microscope Component Indication/Notes
Cotton applicators or Kimwipes/lens tissue Objective and Water-soluble dirt
moistened with distilled water ocular lenses

Compressed air Ocular lens Loose dirt and debris

Suction bulb/ear balloon/soft brush Ocular lens Loose dirt and debris

Xylol, acetone, 70% alcohol, or blue Windex may be used sparingly Ocular lens Mild to extreme nonwater-soluble dirt, oil
in the presence of nonwater-soluble dirt or oil; however, they may
damage cemented optical components if used daily

Ammonia solution (1 eye dropper of ammonia to ½ cup water). Objective lenses Mild to moderate nonwater-soluble dirt
Do not use daily or routinely as lenses and cemented optical
components may be damaged.5

Xylol (xylene)a should be used only when sticky or gummy Objective lenses Sticky, oily, waxy buildup
buildup requires a harsher cleanser. Do not use daily;
xylol is carcinogenic and will corrode rubber and cemented
optical components.

Commercial optical cleaning solutions Objective and Commercial optical cleaning solutions
ocular lenses offered by microscope manufacturers
are best; use daily according to manu-
facturer instructions

Warm, soapy water or a water-dampened cloth, Stage and stage clips Best cleaned with warm water or warm
and a cloth or lens paper to dry soapy water and a microfiber cloth

Distilled water Condenser/Diaphragm Use distilled water on a microfiber cloth

to wipe away dust, then dry

Dampened microfiber cloth with water Light source Allow to cool before cleaning; do not
and an airbrush to remove hair or fibers clean while hot

Warm, soapy water Metal body/framework Salt, sugar, and general residue

Microfiber cloth Body Moistened with soapy or plain water

Carcinogenic—use gloves and avoid breathing fumes.

44 April 2018

A well-maintained microscope ensures
that samples are free from contamination
and results are accurate.

Use distilled water to remove water-soluble debris from the

microscope lenses and body, and dry with lens paper.1,3 Use
a solvent such as blue Windex or xylol for nonwater-soluble
material.3 (See Table 2.) Wipe the eyepiece(s) with
Kimwipes or lens paper moistened, not soaked, in 70%
ethanol before drying.1,3,4 Use a suction bulb to remove
free from contamination and results are accurate.
Daily cleaning and maintenance also protect the
practice’s investment in this valuable resource. n

1. Barger AM, MacNeill AL. Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Techniques for
Veterinary Technicians. Ames, IA: Wiley; 2015:6,155.
2. Bassert JM, Beal AD, Samples OM. McCurnin's Clinical Textbook for Veterinary
any hair or fibers to prevent scratching. Technicians. 9th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2018:352,388,401-404,439-440,471-
3. Zeiss C. Microscopy from Carl Zeiss: the clean microscope. Duke University.
Look through the eyepiece(s) and rotate each one to ensure
that no debris remains on the ocular lens. If it is necessary attachments/The%20Clean%20Microscsope.pdf. Accessed March 2018.
4. Clean an objective. Duke University.
to remove the eyepiece to clean the inner glass surface, clean-objective. Accessed March 2018.
never “probe” into the tube housing; instead, place a lens 5. Rottenfusser R, Wilson EE, Davidson MW. Microscope cleaning and
maintenance. Carl Zeiss Microscopy Online Campus. http://zeiss-campus.
cap or piece of aluminum foil over the opening while Accessed March 2018.
cleaning the eyepiece.5
graduate of Fort Valley State University and holds a
When working with Fecasol, sugar, or other fecal floata- BS degree, an AAS degree in veterinary technology,
tion solutions, the microscope stage, clips, and other areas a master’s degree in public health, and a doctorate
in health sciences. She currently serves as program
that may be splashed with solution should be cleaned with coordinator for the Master of Public Health program
at Fort Valley State University, as well as an assistant
a water-moistened Kimwipe to prevent the residue from professor at St. Francis University in Loretto,
attracting pests and dust. After saturated sodium chloride Pennsylvania. Her research and writing interests
are veterinary parasitology, clinical pathology, and zoonotic diseases.
is used, take care to clean the microscope because this
FUN FACT Dr. Samples’ hobbies include needlepoint, embroidery, and
substance will corrode and damage metal. watercolor painting.

Wipe the entire microscope body, including the light

source, with a warm, moist microfiber cloth. Center the
4× objective over the stage, turn the power off, ensure it
is dry, and drape the dust cover over the microscope.

Microscopes should be serviced annually by a professional

microscopy service, and lenses and bulbs should be replaced
1 Educate all team members responsible for preparing
and viewing microscopy samples about a micro-
scope’s components and the viewing requirements
as needed. for each biologic substance.

Conclusion 2 Emphasize the importance of microscopes being

well-maintained on a daily basis to ensure samples
are contamination-free and results are accurate.
All veterinary team members responsible for preparing
and viewing microscopy samples should be familiar
with the different components of the microscope and 3 Service microscopes annually using a professional
microscopy service, and replace lenses and bulbs as
the viewing requirements for each biologic substance.
A well-maintained microscope ensures that samples are

April 2018 Veterinary Team Brief 45

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