Steelwork in Action 11
Steelwork in Action 11
Steelwork in Action 11
AJN Steelstock Ltd, Ficep UK Ltd, Kingspan Limited, National Tube
Stockholders and Cleveland Steel & Tubes, Peddinghaus Corporation,
voestalpine Metsec plc, Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd
Hadley Group, Jack Tighe Ltd, Tata Steel, Trimble Solutions (UK) Ltd
The London School of Economics is
redeveloping its Central Building with an
exposed steel frame structure
ituated just south of Lincoln Inn Fields, and
just a short walk from the London School KEY FACT
of Economics’ (LSE’s) Academic Building,
the Central Building Redevelopment project
replaces four previous buildings that were 1,100t
demolished as they were deemed to be no Amount of
longer fit for purpose. structural
Once complete, the project will offer a slightly smaller steel used
gross internal floor area of 15,507m2 as the scheme also repeating architectural features.”
includes a new landscaped public square. Shear forces and torsional moments applied to the
A modern and stylish environment will be created RHS beams, in conjunction with the desire to avoid site
by leaving much of the new building’s steel frame welding, led to the bespoke hidden connection design.
largely exposed, a design that has required a number of The answer was for many of the steel members to have
bespoke steelwork elements in order to fulfil the project’s an internal bolted connection, hidden from view and
architectural vision. accessed via a hatch.
Another part of the architectural intent is to provide Having the steel frame and the ductwork exposed
a slimmed down floor construction, to maximise creates an aesthetic environment within the completed
available space. This design has been achieved by using building, and brings ventilation advantages.
rectangular hollow section (RHS) or plated floor beams, “Exposed steelwork supporting exposed precast
featuring bottom plates to support the building’s long flooring planks creates a flat soffit and contributes to the
span precast floor units, which sit within the depth of the building’s MEP strategy via the material’s high thermal
beams. mass qualities,” explains AKT II director Ricardo Baptista.
As exposed steelwork plays such an important role Overall, the building consists of two conjoined parts;
within the design, the fabrication process had to rise to the 13-storey Tower Block and the six-storey Houghton
the challenge accordingly. Block. At either end of the blocks, that sit side-by-side for
“Billington, our steelwork contractor, was tasked with just under half of their lengths, exposed square hollow
making sure that the majority of the steel connections section (SHS) bracings bookend the project and form
were hidden from view in accordance with the client’s another highly visible exposed steelwork element.
requirements,” says Mace project director Frank Connolly. This exo-skeleton bracing, which sits approximately
“Flush connections are the order of the day, or 300mm outside of the building envelope, is not just an
alternatively they have positioned end-plates to help aesthetic element, as it is a structural requirement, acting
create shadow gaps, which, in turn, are then used as with two concrete cores to provide stability.
Steel construction was chosen as the
most cost-effective solution for a new
hospital in Birmingham.
new flexible private hospital is taking
shape, quickly rising up on the site of the KEY FACT
now demolished BBC Pebble Mill studios,
in Edgbaston, Birmingham.
The £21.5M facility, located in the heart
Amount of
of what has been dubbed Edgbaston’s
Medical Quarter, is the latest addition to Circle Health’s
structural We have the ability to
steel used
portfolio which includes hospitals in Bath, Nottingham
and Reading.
double the size of the
Utilising a steel-framed design sat on a concrete initial phase, harnessing advanced
podium containing a car park, the hospital is based on an
expandable model which can be adapted and enlarged to construction techniques causing
minimal disruption
meet clinical demand.
The hospital is being constructed over two phases.
It will include three operating theatres – expandable to
five – an endoscopy procedure room, recovery gym, and
in-patient bedrooms. techniques causing minimal disruption. This future-
“This state-of-the-art hospital will bring to Birmingham proofing makes this hospital highly adaptable and cost
the high-quality care and excellent hospitality for which effective. This provides our client with a building, which
Circle Health is well-known, and is an important part of can be adaptable to their business plan as it evolves and
Circle’s strategy to add scale to the group,” says Circle responds to local demand throughout its lifetime.
Health chief executive Paolo Pieri. “The intention is “Our approach has meant that the future incorporation
also to add a significant number of beds for physical of rehabilitation services into the scheme is made
and neurological rehabilitation, along with the latest possible. It shows that it is essential to rethink healthcare
rehabilitation technology.” design, and there is a clear need to provide spaces to be
The key aspect of the architect’s design approach has continuously adaptable to the future needs of healthcare
been to create a form of “adaptive architecture”, giving requirements and technology. Circle Health successfully
the client the ability to adapt the building as its needs responds to these challenges,” he says.
change. Phase one amounted to some 550t of steel and 6,885m2
Bryden Wood director Paul O’Neill explains: “In of metal decking, supplied to steelwork contractor
this instance, we have the ability to double the size of Caunton Engineering by Composite Profiles. It was
the initial phase, harnessing advanced construction completed at the end March. Phase Two, which will
steelwork members.
The hospital consists of three blocks, with the main
building known as block C measuring 75m long by 32m
wide. Sat entirely on the concrete podium, this structure’s
steel grid pattern has been dictated by concrete columns
forming the car park below.
Its ground floor will accommodate the operating
theatres, recovery rooms and X-ray department. Also
included in the initial steelwork phase is a first-floor plant
area which has been erected and which covers just under
half of block C’s footprint.
To accommodate phase two, a number of transfer
beams have been included along the ground floor ceiling
to support the column grid change for a first-floor
rehabilitation gym that will cover the area adjacent to the
plant area.
Because of the need to have a larger column spacing
for the exercise equipment, the grid changes from a 7m
by 15m pattern to a 15m by 15m formation.
Phase two will also include a second floor for block
C, where the grid pattern will change yet again to
accommodate 60 patient bedrooms.
Attached to one end of block C, block B is 40m by
20m and will accommodate the hospital’s main public
areas, such as the main entrance and a ground floor
café/restaurant, with the first floor used entirely for
administrative offices. Also included in the first phase
is block B’s second floor, which will contain 24 patient
Above: The steel bedrooms.
superstructure has “There were a number of reasons for choosing a steel
PROJECT TEAM built in flexibility frame for the project,” says O’Neill. “The speed and ease
Project: Circle Health private hospital, for future of construction were two, as well as flexibility and the
Edgbaston, Birmingham expansion ability to secrete bracing around the structure. We also
Main client: Circle Health
have a 7.2m long cantilever along one of block B’s main
Architect: Bryden Wood
elevations and this would have been difficult to build in
Main contractor: Simons Group
anything other than steel.”
Structural engineer: Bryden Wood
As well as being a highly architectural part of block B’s
Steelwork contractor: Caunton Engineering
design, the cantilever also increases the floorplate for the
second-floor bedrooms. It will also carry on up to include
add another 375t of steel and a further 6,200m2 of metal a further floor to be added in phase two, while another –
decking began in May. fourth level – could even be added in the future.
“A second phase was always on the cards during “We had to work collaboratively with the engineer
the initial design, but it only became a reality once and the contractor to design and then work out the best
the construction programme got under way,” explains position for the temporary works, needed to support
Simons Group project manager Stuart Partlow. “It’s the cantilever during both phases of the construction
not necessarily ideal to have phase two steelwork programme,” explains Caunton Engineering contracts
being erected above areas that are already erected and manager Michael Firth.
occupied by other trades, but we will have a suitable Adjoining block B is block A, which measures 30m
logistical working plan in place.” by 15m. Used entirely for consulting rooms, this block
As far as the project’s phase one steelwork is will remain as a single-storey structure, although it has
concerned it has been designed to accept further been designed to be extended to the rear to add up to 10
phases. As well as having slightly larger members than additional consultation rooms, again exemplifying steel
would ordinarily be needed, Caunton has pre-welded a construction’s flexibility.
series of stubs to the top of the uppermost columns and Phase one of the project is due to complete by early
beams. This will allow the easy installation of phase two 2019.
The third of three steel-framed office blocks in
Snowhill, Birmingham is rapidly taking shape.
Martin Cooper reports.
at next to its sister buildings, Three Snowhill Instead of two main cores, one for each tower, the new
is a 19-storey office tower that forms a scheme now has three concrete cores, which provide the
stunning gateway to Birmingham’s business KEY FACT stability for the single tower.
district, completing the final phase of Two of the cores, situated along the north elevation
Ballymore’s Snowhill Estate development. 4,500t have the functionality of one core but are structurally
Offering nearly 38,000m2 of Breeam Amount of independent. They are, however, linked together by
“Excellent”-rated Grade A office floor space, together with structural steelwork that forms a frame for scenic lifts and a large
retail and leisure units at podium and ground floor levels, steel used glazed façade.
the building sits above four levels of concrete basement Working on behalf of main contractor Bam
and podium substructure. Three Snowhill, like its sister Construction, Severfield has fabricated, supplied and
buildings, has a composite design comprising a steel erected 4,500t of steel for this project. All of the steelwork
frame with cellular beams supporting metal decking. has been erected via the site’s three tower cranes, as
As well as accommodating the office block’s services none of the elements exceeds 13t in weight.
within the structural void, the Fabsec cellular beams have Although the project sits on a busy inner-city area, it
proved to be a cost-efficient option to create 10.5m-long is well served with two material laydown areas running
internal spans. along two main elevations, which have allowed steelwork
This final plot of the Snowhill development has a long to be delivered on a regular daily basis.
and varied history. Initially twin residential and hotel While the city centre location has provided logistical
towers, both constructed with reinforced concrete challenges, Severfield worked very closely with the site
frames, were envisaged. In 2007 work began on this team to co-ordinate deliveries. Using its offload system
scheme and all of the basement and substructure works has been particularly useful, allowing two steel deliveries
had been completed when the job was halted a year later. to be unloaded at once despite the tight conditions on
Due to market conditions, a redesign was undertaken site.
and the project was resurrected as a solitary commercial The building wraps around a large central atrium,
block, which in turn led the team to choose a steel which allows plenty of natural light to penetrate the inner
framing solution. areas, as it is topped with a glazed roof. This glazing also
“A single tower on the site necessitated some spans the double-height upper floor, creating a large light-
substantial alterations to the substructure, most notably filled breakout space.
a much thicker raft to accommodate the different loads,” A series of steel circular hollow section (CHS) trees,
says WSP associate director James Bodicoat. “This meant each with two or three branches, along with CHS rafters
the five-storey basement became four storeys as the support the glazed roof on this upper level.
lowest level was in-filled.” Large parts of the building’s roof support plant areas,
A highly efficient and value-engineered steel-framed
sports hub will help the University of Warwick achieve
its ambitious physical activity targets.
ue for completion in March 2019, the a quicker steel erection programme. Including the metal
University of Warwick’s new sports hub KEY FACT decking installation and the remaining precast planks, the
will create one of the foremost sports work was completed in 13 weeks instead of the previously
facilities at a UK university – including estimated 18 weeks.
what is claimed to be the country’s largest 900t Overall the sports hub is one large steel frame, which
higher education gym facility. The project Amount of gains its stability from strategically-placed cross bracing,
aligns with the university’s ambition to be the “most structural and offers 14,000m2 of floor space.
physically active campus community in the UK by 2020”. steel used Two large open-plan areas dominate the building and
Replacing the current sports centre on the campus, are placed at either end of the 200m-long structure. At the
the hub will feature a 16-court sports hall, a 25m-long northern end of the structure the 16-court sports hall is
swimming pool with a moveable floor, fitness suites, a large column-free space reaching the full height of the
climbing and bouldering walls and flexible studio spaces, building. The hall is formed with a series of 11 spliced
as well as squash courts, outdoor 3G sports pitches and 40m-long by 2m-deep trusses, weighing 8t each.
netball courts. It will also be the official training ground The trusses are supported at one end by tubular raking
for Coventry’s Wasps Netball Superleague team. columns, that form the architectural feature façade for a
Cost is always a major factor in any construction viewing gallery.
scheme and this project is no different. Early in the “These raking columns are the middle portion of a
design phase Willmott Dixon engaged with the steelwork longer spliced column,” explains Hambleton Steel design
contractor Hambleton Steel to help with a value engineer Andrew Dobson. “At basement level, the column
engineering exercise. is vertical universal column section, it then changes to a
The project’s original design envisaged a steel frame raking section for the ground floor and then reverts back
supporting precast planks to form the building’s upper to a vertical member higher up.”
floors. Hambleton suggested changing this to a more cost- Another design innovation from Hambleton is a series
effective metal decking solution. of beams that cantilever out from the top of the sports
“We changed all the floors to metal decking with the hall’s roof and over the lower roof of the adjoining areas.
exception of the wet changing rooms and areas near to Willmott Dixon supported the scaffold for the cladding
the pool because of chlorine corrosion concerns,” says installation onto these sacrificial beams, which will be
Willmott Dixon construction manager Nick Preedy. removed when the cladding is complete.
“This meant we had to add extra beams to support “This helped speed up the installation of the
the decking as it couldn’t span as far as the planks, but scaffolding as it would have ordinarily been supported
overall we used less steel tonnage, as a lighter frame was from ground level. By using the beams the scaffold was
needed, which ultimately saved the client money.” erected more rapidly, which allowed us to get started
Another benefit resulting from this design change was on the cladding earlier, and meant we got the sports hall
A steelwork contractor’s expertise has enabled
challenging crossings to be erected safely, accurately
and on time for the A14 improvement scheme.
H “
ighways England’s £1.5bn A14 We decided that any
improvement scheme between Cambridge KEY FACT
and Huntingdon aims to relieve structure that was 40m or
longer would be built with steel
congestion, unlock economic growth,
improve safety and enhance the local
Amount of
structural steel
The existing road is notoriously congested and suffers
from numerous delays as it is used by almost 85,000 cambered girders, each up to 34m long and weighing a
vehicles every day, far more than it was originally total of 1,400t.
designed to accommodate. Cleveland Bridge says the major challenge on this
The improvements include a new bypass to the south bridge was the curved and cambered nature of the
of Huntingdon, widening sections of the existing A14 and structure. It had to use advanced modelling software to
A1 trunk roads, new local access roads, and improved enable the manufacture of the girders for the deck, which
junctions. A total of 34 bridge structures will be required had a high skew and tight radius.
for the scheme, crossing roads, railways and waterways. The complex geometry meant the girders had to be
Working on behalf of the A14 Integrated Delivery Team, transported singly and then spliced and braced together
six of these structures are being fabricated, supplied and on site. To achieve the total bridge length of 80m, 10 lines
installed by Cleveland Bridge. of three girders, weighing up to 55t each, were used to span
Steelwork for two of these bridges – the A14 Brampton between abutments and piers.
Interchange Bridge and the East Coast Main Line Bridge Cleveland Bridge says it developed a jacking system on
– has been completed, while the viaduct over the River top of the piers, which allowed the girders to cantilever
Great Ouse is currently ongoing and due for completion out beyond the central pier. This enabled a whole line
by early August. The final three bridges will all be of supporting trestles to be removed from the scheme,
completed by early 2019 (see box). saving time for the client.
Commenting on the use of steel, A14 Integrated All of this work had to be completed to a very tight
Delivery Team construction director Jim McNicholas says: deadline around live A1 traffic management. Switching
“Prior to coming to site we carried out a value engineering the traffic from one carriageway to another was precisely
exercise, and from this we decided that any structure that scheduled, so bridge construction had to be completed
was 40m or longer would be built with steel.” on time so diverted traffic could run safely beneath the
Completed in January, the A1 Brampton Interchange new structure. The bridge over the A1 was completed on
Bridge is an 80m-long curved structure spanning the schedule within the tight programme timetable, ensuring
A1. The bridge was constructed from 30 curved and traffic could continue to flow throughout the works. The