Predictive Microbiology: Modeling Microbial Responses in Food
Predictive Microbiology: Modeling Microbial Responses in Food
Predictive Microbiology: Modeling Microbial Responses in Food
Predictive microbiology is the integration of traditional microbiology knowledge with those found in the
disciplines of mathematics, statistics and information systems and technology to describe microbial
behaviour in order to prevent food spoilage as well as food-borne illnesses. The behaviour of microbial
populations in foods (growth, survival, or death) is determined by the properties of food (e.g., water
activity and pH) and the storage conditions (e.g., temperature, relative humidity, and atmosphere). The
effect of these properties can be predicted by mathematical models derived from quantitative studies on
microbial populations. Using predictive models changes in microbial populations in foods from
production/ harvest to consumption can be estimated from changes in product parameters (temperature,
storage atmosphere, pH, salt /water activity, etc.). Predictive microbiology models have immediate
practical applications to improve microbial food safety, quality, and are leading to the development of a
quantitative understanding of the microbial ecology of foods. While models are very useful decision-
support tools it must be remembered that models are, at best, only a simplified representation of reality.
Because of the complexity of microbial behaviour and food systems, predictive microbiology presents
some limitations. Predictive microbiology provides a powerful tool to aid the exposure assessment phase
of ‗quantitative microbial risk assessment‘ and it can be concluded that predictive models, successfully
validated in agreement with defined performance criteria, will continue to be an essential element of
exposure assessment within formal quantitative risk assessment.
have been used to mathematically compare data limitations; specific microorganisms, factors
derived from literature (Giffel and Zwietering, tested and considered in the model, ranges for
1999). McClure et al. (1993) compared their each of these factors, and combinations of
models on the basis of the sum of the squares of factors. The model user must be aware that using
the differences of the natural logarithm of the model outside its limitations may not give
observed and predicted values and suggested valid answers.
that a smaller value indicates a model, which, on
average, better predicts the observed response. Applications of predictive microbiology
Two important factors for validation of Some of the applications of predictive
predictive models are accuracy factor and bias microbiology are listed in Table 1.
factor introduced by Ross (1996). Accuracy and
bias factors are the mean square differences Predictive microbiology and HACCP
between predictions and observations (Baranyi HACCP is a system to identify and prevent the
et al. 1999). potential food safety problems with the
manufacture, distribution and use of a food
Limitations of model product. The system attempts to identify the
There are some limitations of predictive pathogens in raw materials, routes for entry of
microbiology that need to be considered. They pathogens into the processing environment, the
are: methods for their elimination, and potential
The models cannot be extrapolated outside problems with the finished product when not
the ranges (e.g. T°C, aw) in which they were handled properly. A comparison of HACCP and
derived. This is because the models are derived predictive microbiology is given in Table 2.
from fitting the observed data and therefore do Thus predictive food microbiology can be
not model microbial behaviour. Predictions viewed as an extension of the HACCP concept.
outside the experimental ranges are usually not Hence, the HACCP concept and its integration
accurate and in some cases are nonsensical. with predictive models have great potential as
The models usually predict faster growth decision-making tools. They help in establishing
rates than are observed. This makes them fail- critical limits and in the disposition of a product
safe but they may be overly conservative. The that deviates from the established critical limits.
reason for this is the models are usually A critical control point can exist where the
conducted in laboratory media and while they model indicates that a certain level of a factor
are validated in foods, they may not have permits or surpasses microbial growth.
widespread application in the food industry. Quantifiable estimates of microbial behaviour at
Several workers have also pointed out that different levels of the factors can suggest the
models derived in static conditions may not be allowable ranges for that factor. The potential
applicable to fluctuating conditions i.e. those in for predictive microbiology to offer decision
which environmental conditions like support and aid in process optimization is the
temperature, pH, gaseous atmosphere and water subject of extensive research worldwide (Vose,
activity change during the life of the product 1998; McNab, 1998).
(Mackey and Kerridge, 1988; Gibbs and
Williams, 1990). Current status of predictive microbiology
Previous incubation conditions of the test Over the years, researchers have pointed out and
organisms can affect the subsequent rate of discussed problems with predictive
growth of organisms (Walker, 1990; Fu et al., microbiology and many of them suggested
1991; Buchanan and Klawitter, 1991). Fu et al. needed research. Efficacy of models to predict
(1991) termed this a "Temperature history outcomes under real life conditions are still
effect" and other environmental conditions like contradictory. Models developed in laboratory
pH have also been investigated under this broth systems have been reported to be
"history effect". inappropriate to describe growth on food (Gill et
Therefore, great caution is required in the use al., 1997). Dalgaard (1995) suggested an
of microbial models as scepticism exists that iterative approach to model development using
models derived in an experimental system can food, rather than laboratory media, as the growth
reliably predict the growth of the modeled substrate for model development. Models should
organism in a food and It is very important that be validated rigorously under practical
the model is accompanied by a description of its conditions.
Fakruddin et al. 126
In real conditions, situations may deviate and types) and the microbial response in a static
from the predictions of models but this type of or changing environment. Uncertainty translates
deviations does not necessarily imply that the to variability if the distribution of response times
model is defective. Rather it implies that is understood and the variance can be described.
knowledge of some food ecosystems is As we have indicated above, the variability
incomplete and factors other than those used in associated with very long response times limits
model development have an effect on microbial the utility of kinetic models and requires a
behaviour. probability approach. Thus, while in the last few
The common theme of the problems in decades predictive modelers were justified in
predictive microbiology discussed above is that their selection of temperature as a primary factor
of uncertainty—uncertainty in terms of the to model in kinetic approaches, the next decade
starting conditions (e.g., initial microbial load may see a return to probability modeling as
Modeling microbial responses in food 127
pioneered by Genigeorgis (1981) and Roberts et probability distribution of the response time is
al. (1981). This shift will derive impetus from known, one can determine the probability that an
the emergence of dangerous pathogens with very organism will grow more quickly than a
low infective doses, and continued kinetic predicted response time (Ratkowsky et al.,
modeling will concentrate on survival and death 1996c). Thus, kinetic models are appropriate to
rather than growth of populations. describe consistent microbial growth responses,
The first kinetic death model to find but under extreme conditions a probability
widespread use in the food industry was for approach may be required (McMeekin et al,.
thermal destruction (Stumbo et al., 1983). As an 1997)
example of such model, we can consider a model Models must be validated in foods under
describing a 12-log cycle reduction of conditions that mimic situations encountered in
Clostridium botulinum spores in a short time normal practice, e.g., decreasing temperature and
with considerable certainty. Current research is water activity during active chilling of meat
approaching toward less severe processes with carcasses or fluctuating temperatures during the
longer response times and to the complications distribution and storage of many food
of ―shoulders‖ and ―tails‖ to define the commodities (McMeekin et al., 1997).
growth/no growth interface. Biologic variability Modeling lag phase duration is also a
will again dictate a probability approach to problem (Baranyi et al., 1995). Predicting lag
describe the survival and slow decline of phase duration in foods is very difficult not due
microbial populations (McMeekin et al., 1997). to the lack of a suitable model, rather the
difficulty comes from the lack of knowledge of
Challenges in predictive microbiology the physiologic status of the microorganisms
Considerable progress has been made in defining contaminating the food. The organisms may
philosophic approaches and experimental include cells that are actively growing,
protocols for growth model development and exhibiting a physiologic lag phase, damaged and
many models have been developed and under repair, exhibiting physiologic
published, as a result more validation studies are (endospores) or exogenous dormancy (VNC
required, particularly involving independent and cells), damaged but unable to reproduce because
industry based trials. More emphasis should be of ineffective repair mechanisms, and dead
placed on modeling the death kinetics of food- (McMeekin et al., 1997).
borne pathogens with low infective doses. Methods to define the physiologic status of
Measurement of environmental factors (e.g. food-borne contaminants under various
temperature) can be achieved with precision, but conditions need to be developed. This will
in some situations, (e.g. in chilling of meat require observations on individual cells or small
carcasses), it is more difficult (McMeekin et al., populations of cells either directly by
1997). Location of the sensor can be an microscopy or an indicator of single-cell
important consideration (Gill et al., 1991a, Gill metabolic activity (Baranyi and Roberts, 1995).
et al., 1991b). Furthermore, development of Luminescent Salmonella strains have been used
techniques to measure constraints such as water as real-time reporters of growth and recovery
activity, pH, or redox potential on a microscale from sub-lethal injury (Chen and Griffiths,
might provide useful information for a complex 1996). Alternatively, a parameter to describe the
food such as salami. This would allow definition suitability of cells to grow in a new environment
of the role of the microenvironment in may be incorporated in the model (Baranyi and
determining microbial behaviour (McMeekin et Roberts, 1995).
al., 1997).
The inherent variability of response times Future prospect
(generation time and lag phase duration) is an Models should be developed which take into
issue in predictive microbiology (Ratkowsky et consideration possible interactions between
al., 1996). The variance was shown to be microbial flora present in the product (Griffiths,
proportional to the square or cube of the 1994; Ross and McMeekin, 1994). This is
response time (Ratkowsky, 1991; Alber and especially true of dairy products where lactic
Schaffner, 1992; Ratkowsky et al., 1996c). The acid bacteria, preservatives used in foods,
practical implication of these findings for the synergistic effects between organisms have a
application of kinetic models is that inherent profound influence on microbial growth and
biologic variability increases markedly with these require consideration in future model
increasing response times, and thus the development.
confidence limits associated with predictions Mathematical modelling of fungal growth
also increase markedly. However, if the has not received a similar degree of interest as
Fakruddin et al. 128
modelling of bacterial growth and there is a need death properties for the key microorganisms in
for concerted effort from scientists, food food. In this summary of our current predictive
manufacturers and processors to overcome the microbiology knowledge, readers can find a
hurdles faced in modelling fungal growth in comprehensive picture of the direction the
foods (Gibson and Hocking, 1997). Spoilage subject is expected to continue and what is likely
organisms have also not received much attention to change.
for development of comprehensive models
(Whiting, 1997). Other microbial situations that
need microbial modeling are growth in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
heterogeneous foods, on surfaces or boundaries,
in microenvironments and biofilms (Whiting, The authors are indebted to Mr. Monzur
1997). Morshed Ahmed, Senior Scientific Officer,
Institute of Food Science and Technology
Progress is expected in the area of: (IFST), Bangladesh Council of Scientific and
Dynamic modeling: interaction between bacteria Industrial Research (BCSIR) for introducing us
and environmental factors to the exciting field of Predictive Microbiology.
Lag modeling: by means of quantifying and
modeling the effect of history via the actual
physiological state of the bacteria REFERENCES
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