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Protfolio Hand-In 1

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Name: shengkai Wang

Student number: 8678551
Learning course: MGMT2230-Business Analytics

Section: 3

Table of Contents
Page 2. Census Assignment
1. What Course and Unit outcome(s)are connected to this exercise? Provide an explanation
as to how the exercise connects, including the effective use of artifacts.
Answer: Supply chain management, marketing, manufacturing, Mathematics/ Statistics, computer
science, Domain knowledge and others are connected. For example, it connects supply chain with
vendor selection, optimizing distribution and business with line of business, functional area within
a business and geographical location with artifacts and truth. And it could assists people to gather
data quicker because enablers of analytics include technology, infrastructure, tools, and technique,
and the process of gathering, cleaning, storing, and manipulating data to provide insights.
Q.1 - Question 1: What is the average travel time (commute) to work for individuals in
Toronto, both for public transportation and car? What % of people in Toronto commute
more than 60 minutes travelling to work? (Hint –Use an Infographic)
In 2016, 24% of commuters living in the Toronto CMA commuted by public transit and
took an average of 50 minutes get to work and 24% of commuters living in the Toronto
CMA commuted by car and took an average of 30 minutes get to work.
17% people in Toronto commute more than 60 minutes travelling to work.
Question 2: What % of people take public transportation, walk, or ride a bike in Canada.
(Hint – Use an infographic)

Public transportation: 12%

Walk or ride a bike: 7%

Question 3: What are the top 4 immigrant languages identified as the mother tongue in Ontario.
What % of the population does this total to? Is this the same as # of people who speak the
language in Ontario? Why or why not? (Hint – Use an Interactive Chart)
1. Cantonese
2. Mandarin
3. Punjabi
4. tagalog
Question 4: How many people immigrated from India to Canada and what % immigrated to
Ontario? (Hint - Use an Interactive Chart)
53.93% people immigrated from India to Ontario.
Question 5: Is the population growing or shrinking in Ontario? By how much?
The population of Ontario is growing by 77052.

Question 6: What percent of the population of Ontario is between the ages of 15 and 64 and how
does this compare the Canada in total?
Age population. Ontario- 66.8 Canada-66.5 Ontario has higher percent of the population of ages
between 15 and 64.
Question 7: How does the Ontario Median Income of Households compare to the Canadian

Median Income Comparison. Ontario – 74,287, Canada – 70,336. Ontario has a higher median
household income.
2. Describe a how you worked with data within this exercise? Your answer should include
all the relevant following discussions:
a. What were the sources of data utilized in the exercise? Identify the location
(Excel File: SALES2019.xlsx) and identify what data tables were utilized.
Answer: sources of data-2016 census via government website, and the location is 11-
627-M, Infographics and Census data Viewer.
b. What is the date range included within the data provided? What are the
minimum and maximum dates?
Answer: 2011 to 2016, minimum is 2011 and maximum is 2016.
c. What is the quality of data? How will the data quality impact your analysis?
Calculate the data quality, for the entire dataset, or a minimum of 100 records
(with artifacts) and describe how was the data corrected or modified. Include the
following columns within your datasheets and a data quality calculation.
Answer: Quality – data quality can be assumed to be high as it is published from a
reputable source, if the quality of data is low, it will affect the accuracy and credibility
of the result.

3. Describe the most valuable skill or understanding you have gained from completing the
exercise. Provide a persuasive argument as to how that skill supports the analytics
methodology described in Unit 1 of the course, including the effective use of artifacts.

Answer :I have learned how to look up the exact information by data viewer and
compare information between table and charting. Because enablers of analytics include technology,
infrastructure, tools, and technique, and the process of gathering, cleaning, storing, and manipulating
data to provide insights. It could assists people to gather data quickly.
4. . Describe one (1) challenge you had completing the activity and how describe how you
would you be able to avoid that challenge during the next time you utilize the tool or for
a future exercise?
Answer: When I firstly searched for information on the website, I did not know where to start.
I could only find the information bit by bit. When I find the required information, it is difficult to
understand it only through diagrams. But I find a tool that could change diagrams and tables quickly
to assist people grasp information in tables and diagrams. So, when I understand information next
time, I will look up them both, not spend too much time on one of them.
5. Glossary: Create a list of new terms and concepts that apply to the exercise or the unit.
Create the following table in your Portfolio and add at least three new terms per
exercise. Here are two examples to get you started.


Term Description Relevance Source

to Analytics
Data Data are the They can be Practical Analytics Page 29
stored locally
raw figures, and available
numbers, or only to users
text that serve with access or
they can be
as the starting shared openly
point of across the
internet or any
analysis. combination of
the two.
Design- User-centric Design thinking https://www.ideou.com/pages/design-
is a framework
thinking methodology for creative thinking
for problem processes that
solving and considers both
analysis &
innovation synthesis
Data the intersection It involves the Practical Analytics Page 32
use of computers
science of computer to acquire
science, knowledge by
statistics, and analyzing large
amounts of data
domain using models
knowledge and domain

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