GUR Uhmw-Pe: Ultra High Performance Polyethylene Powder
GUR Uhmw-Pe: Ultra High Performance Polyethylene Powder
GUR Uhmw-Pe: Ultra High Performance Polyethylene Powder
Front cover: GUR® UHMW-PE can be used for dock fenders or for ship bodies.
Introduction to GUR® UHMW-PE
Ultra High Performance
Polyethylene Powder
elcome to the world of GUR® UHMW-PE – an ultra high performance polyethylene powder encompassing
both ultra high and very high molecular weight polyethylene
irst launched in 1955 in Oberhausen (Germany), GUR® UHMW-PE has become synonymous with high
quality, performance and innovation representing a unique thermoplastic and engineering material in our
rom the early 1950s to the present day, Celanese has been and continues to be a leading pioneer in
UHMW-PE, having developed a broad range of high performance powders in a wide array of applications
e are the only truly global supplier of UHMW-PE serving our customers around the world
from manufacturing facilities in Europe, North America and Asia
The pioneering name
to trust since 1955
Pioneering Technology
Since 1955
GUR® UHMW-PE was first officially introduced to Since its inception, GUR® UHMW-PE has grown
the world at the 1955 K-fair (International Plastics into the leading UHMW-PE product used in a broad
Show) in Düsseldorf, Germany. range of applications.
The catalyst technology enabling GUR® UHMW-PE Our first production plant in Oberhausen proudly
was discovered by Dr. Karl Ziegler in 1953 at his lab continues to supply high quality products and
in Mülheim, Germany, which is very close to the first delivering pioneering innovations to industry.
production facility in Oberhausen.
A short history of GUR® UHMW-PE
1953 Catalyst discovered by Karl Ziegler (Nobel prize for Chemistry in 1963)
Global Presence
Oberhausen, Germany
Nanjing, China
Nanjing, China
The latest GUR® UHMW-PE facility was built in the
Celanese chemical complex in Nanjing, China to
better serve our customers in Asia.
Unique Properties
Processing technologies
Due to very long molecular chains, GUR® UHMW-PE shows
Exceptional notched impact strength extremely high melt viscosity; most grades show no melt flow
at all and retain their shape in molten state
Very good sliding properties
Unique Properties
Dock fenders made from GUR® UHMW-PE. Polar sledge, sliding surface made of GUR® UHMW-PE
Results of modified „double notched“ Charpy impact test Typical operating temperature ranges for a selection of
showing amount of energy absorbed by a material at the different materials.
break point.
One of the most unique attributes of GUR® UHMW- GUR® UHMW-PE has a relatively broad operating
PE is its extremely high impact strength, which is temperature range especially in cold temperatures.
retained even at very low temperatures. The impact For example, GUR® UHMW-PE retains its wear
strength is so high, in fact, that under the standard resistance performance even at the temperature
notched impact test (ISO 179) GUR® UHMW-PE does of liquid helium at -289 °C. While GUR® UHMW-PE
not break. Therefore, a special “double-notched” does not melt even at extremely high temperatures,
impact test is used. we recommend not to exceed a constant operating
temperature of 80 °C.
The results above clearly demonstrate the extreme
outperformance of GUR® UHMW-PE relative to
other polymers.
Abrasion resistance Coefficient of friction
Test specimens of Sand-Slurry Test: GUR® UHMW-PE (on the Belt Guide, typical application for GUR® UHMW-PE.
right) shows the lowest abrasion values, compared to HDPE
(left) and steel (middle).
Material loss performance relative to GUR® UHMW-PE GUR® UHMW-PE is an excellent material for sliding
(=100) for different materials after a defined number of applications, posessing self-lubricating properties,
rotations in a sand-water mixture. particularly in dry sliding movement against metal surfaces.
Another truly unique property of GUR® UHMW-PE GUR® UHMW-PE is also an excellent material for
is its extreme abrasion resistance which can be, as sliding applications. GUR® UHMW-PE possesses
shown in chart above, almost twice as good as steel. self-lubricating properties which allow it to perform
This makes GUR® UHMW-PE the material of choice very well in “dry sliding” situations such as against
in applications where wear is extremely high and metal surfaces like steel, brass or copper.
customers are looking for a material to extend the
Abrasion resistance and natural lubricity make
lifetime of critical parts.
GUR® UHMW-PE the perfect material for bushings
which are liners in cyclinders with rotating shafts.
In addition to minimizing friction, GUR® UHMW-PE is
also tolerates foreign particles (e.g., dust, sand, etc.)
which can cause misalignment.
Application Overview
GUR® UHMW-PE is used as a binder for separators in GUR® UHMW-PE microporous membranes have
lead-acid batteries, for automotive starter batteries. multiple applications as separators in lithium ion
batteries, ultracapacitors and fuel cells.
The separator prevents short circuits between the
anode and cathode. Also used as breathable membrane in outdoor
garments, as air-coalescing & liquid filters, and as
membrane in transdermal drug delivery patches.
Filtration Functional additives
Porous parts which are manufactured from GUR® In paints and coatings GUR® UHMW-PE microporous
UHMW-PE powders are used for filtering liquids, par- modify the surface texture
ticulates and gases.
GUR® UHMW-PE is used in rubber as a modifier in
Sintering without pressure also enables high-strength tires and belts
dust filters for very diverse separation tasks.
Polishing media
GUR® UHMW-PE constitutes the matrix in activated
carbon filters used in water treatment.
Gel spinning technology enables manufacturing of ex- Celanese‘s special GUR® UHMW-PE medical grades
tremely high-strength and stretch-resistant filament are used as bearing partners in endoprostheses (arti-
yarn, e.g. for cut-resistant gloves. ficial joints).
GUR® UHMW-PE filaments are also used to manu- Ortheses, either for a temporary immobilization of
facture fabrics to absorb the impact of projectiles, for selected parts of the body (e.g. ankles) or to be worn
example, bullet-proof vests. as a corset (trunk orthesis).
Semi Finished Goods
Lead-Acid Battery
Constant Quality
No obstruction of ion flow at low temperature Lead-acid Batteries are used in today’s cars for
starting, lighting and ignition (SLI battery). Starting
Avoidance of short circuit by metal particles or PbSO4 (or cranking) of a combustion engine requires large
growth bursts of energy.
High puncture resistance Lead-acid batteries are able to deliver these high
currents and peaks and can be recharged for >1000
Resistant to H2SO4 and oxidation cycles. The separator must ensure no short circuits
between anode and cathode inside the “flooded cell“
type battery (35% sulfuric acid and 65% water).
Automotive GUR® UHMW-PE is used as binder in the separator.
Industrial and recreational
The separator is made of GUR® UHMW-PE, silica,
antioxidant and oil in a gelation process. The blend
is extruded and the oil extracted afterwards.
An effective separator must possess a number
of mechanical properties; such as permeability,
porosity, pore size distribution, specific surface
area, mechanical design and strength, electrical
resistance, ionic conductivity, and chemical
compatibility with the electrolyte. In service, the
separator must have good resistance to acid and
oxidation. The area of the separator must be a little
larger than the area of the plates to prevent material
shorting between the plates. The separators
must remain stable over the battery‘s operating
temperature range.
Microporous Membranes for
energy storage
Positive Tab
Positve Electrode
Negative Electrode
Negative Tab
Celanese has been a trusted material supplier
into these end markets since the beginning and
continues to support the industry as performance
demands increase with expanding use in different Waterproof
applications. Our GUR® UHMW-PE portfolio covers
the entire spectrum of molecular weights, particle
size and morphology which offers a rich set of
options for manufacturers to choose from when
searching for the right material for their particular
process and performance targets. Breathable
In addition to unrivalled choice of materials,
Celanese UHMW-PE offers the best balance
between mechanical strength and porosity.
As seen in the graph at the bottom of this page, Breathable membrane fabric
membranes made with GUR® UHMW-PE offer
the best puncture strength versus membranes
of comparable permeability made from
competitive materials.
Celanese is well positioned to globally supply with
high performing materials as well as technical
know-how. Our Technology and Innovation team is
there to support you with material selection and
testing to help accelerate your efforts to keep pace
in this fast-paced and dynamic industry.
Puncture strength normalized
by permeability
Pioneers in Porous
High consistency of powder properties and quality GUR® UHMW-PE high performance powder is
a versatile sintering material with universal
Good compatibility with other filter media such as
activated carbon application. Under carefully controlled thermal
treatment and suitable processing technology,
Good mechanical strength porous parts with exceptional properties can be
Outstanding chemical resistance produced from this material.
EUP, FDA, USDA and NSF (51 & 61) compliant grades GUR® UHMW-PE has an extremely high melt
viscosity due to its average molecular weight
Applications/Functionalities of up to 12 million g/mol. When heated above
Filtration, separation its crystalline melting point of about 134°C, the
polymer changes into a viscoelastic melt. In this
Fluidizing, venting, degassing, silencing process, the external form of the polymer particles
Storage, wicking, support is substantially retained, and only the surface of the
individual polymer particles fuse at their contact
points forming a porous network.
GUR® UHMW-PE powder with a bulk density of >400 g/l The same GUR® UHMW-PE powder after sintering.
prior to molding Particles retain their shape and morphology.
Processors can choose between powders with requirements. Despite their interconnected cell
different particle size, particle size distribution, structure, porous products made from GUR®
bulk density, particle surface, molecular weight and UHMW-PE high performance powder possess
powder morphology (spheroidal or flocculent). In surprisingly good mechanical properties
this way the porosity and geometry of the porous such as high strength and flexural resistance.
part can be tailored to suit specific application In combination with their excellent resistance to
most chemicals, all of these outstanding properties
make porous parts made from GUR® UHMW-PE
suitable for many demanding applications.
Some examples of GUR® UHMW-PE used in porous
applications include liquid and dust filtration,
silencers for sound damping and ink management
for writing instruments.
Carbon Blocks for
Water Filtration
Unique properties
In molten state, material does not flow due to its high
viscosity but just softens
Maintains high carbon surface area
Ensures high utilization of carbon GUR® UHMW-PE Thermoplastic with Melt Flow
Cleaner Water with GUR® UHMW-PE for Filters
Functional Additives
Energy absorption
road application temperature range (between -265 °C
and 90 °C)
Hydrophillic GUR®
In contrast to regular GUR® UHMW-PE, which is Hydrophilic GUR® UHMW-PE is used in writing
inherently hydrophobic (repels water), hydrophillic elements to improve the wicking, medical diagnostic
GUR® UHMW-PE grades have an affinity to water. devices, specialty filters, and other pharmaceutical
This property is desired in certain filtration and release applications, where solutions are drawn
wicking applications but also important for bonding from a reservoir.
certain paints and adhesives.
Several methods are known how to reverse
polyethylene’s behavior toward water. One approach
is blending with additives or grafting of hydrophilic
polymers which give the final parts certain
Wettability: Hydrophilic surfaces form thin water films
hydrophilicity. Drawback is however, that over Wettability:
with contactHydrophilic surfaces
angles between 0 andform
90° thin water films
with contact angles between 0 and 90°
time the respective substances can be washed out
Wettability: Hydrophilic surfaces form thin water films
resulting in a loss of wettability. In order to achieve with contact angles between 0 and 90°
a longer lasting effect technologies are applied to
partially oxidize the outer surface of GUR® UHMW-
PE (chemical bonding of polar groups → increase On hydrophobic surfaces a full wettability is not achievable
of surface energy). The oxidation can be obtained and water droplets show a contact angle of over 90°
by classical chemical reaction with oxidizing agents On hydrophobic surfaces a full wettability is not achievable
like H2O2 but also by plasma treatment, or by Onand water droplets
hydrophobic show aa contact
surfaces angle of is
full wettability over
oxyfluorination. and water droplets show a contact angle of over 90°
Creep resistance
Orthopedic Implants
Illustration of homogeneous
distribution of vitamin E
This combination of properties opens up a wide
Benefits of GUR® UHMW-PE
range of applications for GUR® UHMW-PE in the
Celanese, as the leader in UHMW-PE with over 40 years orthopedics device sector.
of application experience, helps meet the needs of
orthopedic surgeons with proven long-term materials The biocompatibility and flexibility of part design
performance in joint replacements. have led to GUR® UHMW-PE’s successful use in
orthopedic implants for over 40 years. As a result
GUR® UHMW-PE outstanding properties of continual product optimization, GUR® 1020
and GUR® 1050 are now the most frequently used
Low wear
materials for articulating bearing surfaces in
High purity orthopaedic surgical implant technology.
Biocompatibility Celanese has taken into account the special
Excellent lubricity requirements of medical technology for orthopedic
implants by ensuring exceptionally high quality and
Abrasion resistance compliance with the approval and conformity criteria
High energy absorption of regulatory agencies: USP Class VI, FDA Master Files.
For further information on ultra high molecular
weight polyethylene in medical implants, please
Sponsored by Celanese
Medical and Pharmaceutical
Melt Processable Grades
Pioneers in Technology
and Innovation
Application Scientific and
and Technical
Processing Communication
Market and
The home of our dedicated Research and Development Today the group can be subdivided into two parts:
team remains in our Oberhausen site where Dr. Karl 1) New product development and 2) New application
Ziegler originally brought his exciting new catalyst development. These two groups both work in close
technology back in 1955. New
coordination with our internal New
Process teams,Application
customers and
Development Development
Since then our R&D group remains at the forefront development partners to deliver novel solutions.
of UHMW-PE development in the world and remains
committed to driving value-added technologies in
the future. Solutions
nical Commun
d Tech ica
New New
Product Application
Development Development
on and
Applicati ments
g quire
R e
Processin New
nd s
e t a eed
rk r N
Ma ome
Pioneers in Technology
and Innovation
Product Stewardship
and Quality
Typical Physical Properties
& Test Methods
Properties Unit Test Method GHR 8110 GUR 2122 GUR 2126
Average molecular weight g/mol Calculated from VN using Margo- 0,8*106 4,2*106 4,2*106
Viscosity number (VN) ml/g ISO 1628, part 3 600 2100 2100
Mechanical Properties
Wear by the sand-slurry method none internal test method 310 100 100
(based on GUR 4120 = 100)
Tensile modulus Et MPa ISO 527, part 1/2; 1100 770 770
test speed 1 mm/min
Tensile stress at yield σy MPa ISO 527, part 1/2; 26 21 21
test speed 50 mm/min
Tensile strain at yield εy % ISO 527, part 1/2; 9 13 13
test speed 50 mm/min
Nominal elongation at break εtB % ISO 527, part 1/2; > 500 400 400
test speed 50 mm/min
Ball indentation hardness, 30 sec value N/mm² ISO 2039, part 1 47 38
Thermal Properties
Heat deflection temperature HDT/A (1.8 MPa) °C ISO 75, part 1/2 41 41 41
Melting point °C DSC, 10 K/min 130 - 138 130 - 138 130 - 138
GUR 4018 GUR 4012 GUR 4113 GUR 4120 GUR 4022 GUR 4152 GUR 4150 GUR 4170 Properties
0,6*106 1,7*106 3,7*106 4,7*106 5,3*106 7,6*106 8,7*106 10,2*106 Average molecular weight
500 1100 1900 2300 2500 3300 3700 4200 Viscosity number (VN)
110 135 120 120 145 180 120 120 Average particle size (d50)
0,45 0,45 0,46 0,45 0,45 0,48 0,45 0,45 Bulk density
Mechanical Properties
250 140 130 100 100 95 85 80 Wear by the sand-slurry method
(based on GUR 4120 = 100)
1150 910 800 680 800 780 630 570 Tensile modulus Et
> 500 > 500 430 > 450 410 300 400 360 Nominal elongation at break εtB
Thermal Properties
43 41 38 41 41 38 38 Heat deflection temperature
HDT/A (1.8 MPa)
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 Vicat softening temperature
130 - 138 130 - 138 130 - 138 130 - 138 130 - 138 130 - 138 130 - 138 130 - 138 Melting point
GUR® UHMW-PE Grades:
Property 1) d50 MW BD
small medium coarse low medium high low high
GHR 8020 + + +
GHR 8110 + + +
GUR 1020* + + +
GUR 1050* + + +
GUR 2024 + + +
GUR 2105 + + +
GUR 2105-1 + + +
GUR 2122 + + +
GUR 2122-5 + + +
GUR 2126 + + +
GUR 4017 + + +
GUR 4018 + + +
GUR 4012 + + +
GUR 4022 + + +
GUR 4022-6 + + +
GUR 4122 + + +
GUR 4122-5 + + +
GUR 4020-3 + + +
GUR 4120 + + +
GUR 4130 + + +
GUR 4032 + + +
GUR 4050-3 + + +
GUR 4056-3** + + +
GUR 4150 + + +
GUR 4150-3 + + +
GUR 4170 + + +
GUR 4523 + + +
GUR 4550 + + +
GUR 4113 + + +
GUR X161** + + +
GUR X 195 + + +
GUR X 201 + + +
GUR X 205 + + +
*medical Property and its ranges: d50 average particle size (small <100µm, coarse >170µm);
**hydrophilic MW molecular weight (low <1Mio g/mol, high >7Mio g/mol); BD bulk density (low <0,35 g/cm3, high >0,35g/cm3);
impact strength (medium <100kJ/m2, very high >180kJ/m2); abrasion resistance (medium >200, very high <120)
Impact Strength Abrasion resistances Property 1)
medium high very high medium high very high
+ + GHR 8020
+ + GHR 8110
+ + GUR 1020*
+ + GUR 1050*
+ + GUR 2024
+ + GUR 2105
+ + GUR 2105-1
+ + GUR 2122
+ + GUR 2122-5
+ + GUR 2126
+ + GUR 4017
+ + GUR 4018
+ + GUR 4012
+ + GUR 4022
+ + GUR 4022-6
+ + GUR 4122
+ + GUR 4122-5
+ + GUR 4020-3
+ + GUR 4120
+ + GUR 4130
+ + GUR 4032
+ + GUR 4050-3
+ + GUR 4056-3**
+ + GUR 4150
+ + GUR 4150-3
+ + GUR 4170
+ + GUR 4523
+ + GUR 4550
+ + GUR 4113
+ + GUR 5113
+ + GUR 5129
+ + GUR 5523
+ + Hostalloy 731
+ + GUR X161**
+ + GUR X 195
+ + GUR X 201
+ + GUR X 205
Contact Information
8040 Dixie Highway, Florence, KY 41042 USA
Product Information Service
t: +1-800-833-4882 t: +1-859-372-3244
Customer Service
t: +1-800-526-4960 t: +1-859-372-3214
Am Unisys-Park 1, 65843 Sulzbach, Germany
Product Information Service
t: +(00)-800-86427-531 t: +49-(0)-69-45009-1011
4560 Jinke Road, Zhang Jiang Hi Tech Park
Shanghai 201203 PRC
Customer Service
t: +86 21 3861 9266 f: +86 21 3861 9599
This publication was printed September 2016 based on Celanese’s present state of knowledge, and Celanese undertakes no obligation
to update it. Because conditions of product use are outside Celanese’s control, Celanese makes no warranties, express or implied,
and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing herein is intended as a license to operate u
nder or
a recommendation to infringe any patents. GUR-015-UHMW-PE Overview-PM-EN-r1-0916