Strong Column-Weak Beam Principle
Strong Column-Weak Beam Principle
Strong Column-Weak Beam Principle
1. Compatibility torsion (where redistribution of moments take place) like slab on beams
2. Equilibrium torsion (where there is no path available for redistribution of moments, like a cantilever
slab resting on a beam)
For example if the beam is torsionally too stiff as compared to slab, it will take more moment as
compared to slab, and if you are applying less J modifier to beam then make sure the detailing also
follows the same approach. (try to increase bottom reinforcement of slab).
At a joint in a frame resisting earthquake forces, the sum of the moment of resistance of the columns
shall be at least 1.1 times the sum of the moment of resistance of the beams along each principal
plane of the joint (Fig. 7). The moment of resistance of the column shall be calculated considering the
factored axial forces on the column. The moment of resistance shall be summed such that the column
moments oppose the beam moments. This requirement shall satisfy for beam moments acting in both
directions in the principal plane of the joint considered. Columns not satisfying this requirement shall
have special confining reinforcement over their full height instead of the critical end regions only."
Satisfying the above requirement is not practical for the edge and interior roof columns of a multi-
storey building. I believe that the above requirement should be waived off at the roof level of a multi-
storeyed building.
Of particular concern has been the compression buckling of walls seen in these earthquake due to lack
of boundary element confinement (large spacing of hoop steel)
pl see the full paper:
What is the Maximum Dimension of the Concrete pour for Raft/ Floor Slab. Is there any IS codal
reference for the max pour. I read in some of the Standard drawings prepared by few consultants that
the max pour should not exceed 29m in any direction and in case if larger pour are planned a pour
strip has to designed.if pour strip has to be provided,
What is the design parameters that need to be considered for the the design of this joint.
There is differential settlement in some parts of the Raft foundation because the settlement varies
from 70 mm to 40 mm in quite a less distance.
Raft foundation design is based on flexible theory. It is not based on rigid theory where the base
pressure is assumed to be uniform.So in raft , the base pressure may vary depend on the loading
condition. You can increase the thickness in the locations where soil pressure is more, that will reduce
the base pressure. You can provide grade beams connecting columns or u can go for pedestals.