Chcccs023 Chccom005 Solution
Chcccs023 Chccom005 Solution
Chcccs023 Chccom005 Solution
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CHCCCS023 Support
Student Assessment Kit independence and wellbeing
CHCCOM005 Communicate
and work in a health or
community services
Overall result
Read, and sign below to confirm the Pre-Assessment meeting has been conducted and the following has
been discussed:
• Assessment process explained to the student.
• Any appeal relating to the outcome of the assessment or the way in which the assessment was conducted
shall be made through the company’s appeals policy as explained to the student
• This assessment book has been completed by the following person. I declare that no part of this assessment
has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where we have listed or referenced
documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person.
Student Declaration
Competent Not Competent
Overall result
Student Assessor
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:
Assessment The assessment is to be completed under your own research skills and knowledge without
Conditions input from a third person. If required the assessor may elaborate on the meaning of the
information to assist in your understanding. The learner is to provide the standard cover
sheet with a signature agreeing to the statement that this is their own work.
All questions are to be answered correctly and in detail to be deemed satisfactory.
Materials and Materials or resources that may be required, to meet the needs of the unit of competency
resources and to complete the assessment:
required Provided by the Trainer/Assessor or Workplace:
Learner guide and/or power-point
Provided by the learner:
Computer with internet access
Microsoft Word
Printer if required
Outcome The outcome of this assessment will provide the candidate with knowledge of the legal and
ethical issues that may be faced when providing support to others. It will provide background
information on the creation of an organizational structure and the appropriate
communication including on digital media. It will provide knowledge of the basic human
needs when providing support and how it relates to wellbeing and good health.
Reasonable The questions may be sent in an audio file if required or be completed verbally by a trainer
adjustments and assessor if necessary.
3. Explain ethical decision making and how conflicts of interest may be a factor.
6. Explain in your own words the difference between collaboration and confrontation.
7. How do the following aspects influence the way in which you would communicate when providing
support for independence and wellbeing?
• language
• culture
• religion
• emotional state
• disability
• health
• age
8. What are potential constraints to effective communications when dealing with individual differences
while providing support? How may these differences be interrelated and impact on the support
9. Explain in your own words the importance of grammar, speed and pronunciation for verbal
communication and when and how to use and recognise non-verbal communication when providing
10. How are the following digital media modes used in community services and the health sector particularly
when providing support for independence and wellbeing.
• web
• email
• social media
• podcast and videos
• tablets and applications
• newsletters and broadcasts
• intranet
11. Explain in your own words your understanding of the importance of the following basic human
needs and wellbeing.
• physical
• psychological
• spiritual
• cultural
• sexual
• social
• financial
• career / occupation
13. Taking into account the following basic requirements for good health explain the development across
the lifespan of a person.
• mental health
• nutrition and hydration
• exercise
• hygiene
• lifestyle
• oral health
14. What are the mental health issues that are required to be taken into consideration when
providing support and what are the risks and any protective factors that may come into play.
15. How would you identify indications of the following forms of neglect or abuse?
• physical
• sexual
• psychological
• financial
16. What are three myths and stereotypes that are in the community when providing support
of independence and wellbeing to clients?
17. Explain in your own words issues that may impact the health and wellbeing of clients including
sexuality and sexual expression
Sexuality & Sexual Expression- sexuality and sexual expression refers to person's sexual orientation
and preferences. Clients who are bullied in high school for being gays, lesbians or attracted to same
sex ends up being depressed
Life style
18. What are three indicators of emotional concerns and issues and what support strategies, resources and
networks are available to manage these issues.
Indicators of emotional concerns
Prolonged sadness
Support strategies
Demonstrating basic understanding of the impact of client’scircumstances may have
informed of aspects of the provision of support services. It should be written using industry
terminology with appropriate grammar.
You are to:
b) Outline the structure, function and interrelationships between different parts of the
health and community service system
c) Outline the issues that impact health and wellbeing and the impacts on
community values and attitudes
Assessment This assessment may take approximately two to three hours. You are to provide a date to the
Duration learner when it is expected to be handed back in. This may occur once the practical
observation has been completed and the third party reports are collected (if required).
If studying by distance you will be given six weeks from receiving the assessment to have all
assessments completed and returned.
Assessment The assessment is to be completed under your own research skills and knowledge without
Conditions input from a third person. If required the assessor may elaborate on the meaning of the
information to assist in your understanding.
All criteria is to be met in full and in detail to be deemed satisfactory.
Materials and Materials or resources that may be required, to meet the needs of the unit of competency
resources and to complete the assessment:
required Provided by the Trainer/Assessor or Workplace:
Learner guide and/or power point
Provided by the learner:
Computer with internet access
Microsoft Word
Printer if required
Outcome The outcome of this assessment will provide the candidate with ability to gather appropriate
information and design plans for social inclusions. It will allow the student to identify areas of
concerns of behaviours and allow for management of these during activities.
NOTE: the case studies must only be used in the instance that not all criteria can be met in
a live environment.
You work at Blue Haven Aged Care facility and you have a new client John Brown who is
having difficulty in adjusting to facility life. He suffers from mild depression since his wife
passed away six months ago. He was an active man prior to moving to the facility and his
wifes passing. John still managed to play lawns bowls, help with the house work and regularly
participated and helped at the church events.
John now sits around and does not wish to partake in any activities and is quite happy sitting
in his room doing nothing. His room is becoming increasingly untidy and his hygiene is
worsening each day to the point no one wishes to sit with him. You need to communicate
with a colleague and John to help provide the support he requires to help reestablish his
Assessment These observations will approximately take 30 - 45min each. The assessor will arrange a
Duration suitable time with you and your facility.
If studying by distance you will be given six weeks from receiving the assessment to have all
Assessment You are to meet all the criteria in the marking guide below to be deemed satisfactory.
Conditions The assessment is to be completed under your own research skills and knowledge without
input from a third person. If required the assessor may elaborate on the meaning of the
information to assist in your understanding.
Materials and Materials or resources that may be required, to meet the needs of the unit of competency
resources and to complete the assessment:
required Provided by the Trainer/Assessor or Workplace:
Learner guide and/or power point
Up to 3 people to enhance independence and wellbeing with varying communication
constraints such as
o Use of jargon
o Emotional barriers and taboos
o Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver
o Physical disabilities such as hearing or speech problems
o Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or
o Cultural differences
o Language barriers
o Psychological barriers - stress
o Anger
o Physiological barriers
o Physical barriers such as distance
o Systematic barriers such as poor communication channels
o Attitudinal barriers such as personality conflicts
2 colleagues to clarify workplace instructions and negotiate time frames
If you do not have access to a video recorder you can use a smart phone or IPAD and have
someone film it for you as long as they ensure that get all the required coverage. If you do
not have access to either of these you can down load an application from the internet to
record directly onto your computer.
Mac OS X –
Failing all these methods you may email you assessors to skype your presentations directly.
Skype –
Outcome The outcome of this assessment will provide the candidate skills to recognize and support
client independence and wellbeing. It will provide the opportunity to deal with clients with
varying communication constraints and deal with social, cultural and spiritual needs.
Reasonable If possible all observations must be conducted in a live environment to achieve maximum
adjustments coverage. If any component of the criteria set out above or below in the marking guide is not
met, they may be conducted in a simulated environment. If the assessment is conducted in a
simulated environment it must reflect real working conditions which are outlined in the case
studies above.
© Care College in Partnership with Horizon2 RTO 40932 May 2016
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Trainers are able to discuss the criteria that will be required for the learner to be deemed satisfactory with the learners to ensure full understanding.
Did the candidate perform the following Points to Look for. Has the candidate: 1 2 3 4
tasks to a standard which is acceptable?