Online Help
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 9
Site Availability .................................................................................................................................... 9
First Response - Customer Service Center Contacts ......................................................................... 9
PC Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Logging In .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Logging In the Challenger Extended Service Coverage Website (for the first time) ............................... 13
Logging In the Challenger Extended Service Coverage Website (after initial sign in) ............................ 17
Login Again ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Logging In Errors............................................................................................................................... 17
Changing Your Password ................................................................................................................. 19
Forgotten Password .......................................................................................................................... 22
Logging In Errors............................................................................................................................... 23
Menu Options.................................................................................................................................... 25
Logging Out Procedure ..................................................................................................................... 26
Quote, Registration and Cancel Procedures ...................................................................................... 29
New Machine Quote ................................................................................................................................ 31
Create a Quote.................................................................................................................................. 31
New Machine Registration Entry ............................................................................................................. 37
Search Registrations ............................................................................................................................... 45
Searching for an Existing Registration or Quote ............................................................................... 45
Registration Search Results.............................................................................................................. 47
View and Update Registration ................................................................................................................. 49
Viewing a Registration ...................................................................................................................... 49
Changing a Registration Entry .......................................................................................................... 49
Cancel Registrations ............................................................................................................................... 53
Cancellation of a Registration ........................................................................................................... 53
Reports ................................................................................................................................................... 57
Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 59
Listing of Registrations or Claims...................................................................................................... 59
Support Section..................................................................................................................................... 61
Contact Us Page ..................................................................................................................................... 63
Contact Numbers .............................................................................................................................. 63
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page ............................................................................................... 67
FAQ................................................................................................................................................... 67
News Page .............................................................................................................................................. 69
Notices .............................................................................................................................................. 69
Index ....................................................................................................................................................... 71
1.Login page....................................................................................................................................... 13
2.Setup Login page ............................................................................................................................ 14
3.Login page....................................................................................................................................... 15
4.Home page ...................................................................................................................................... 16
5.Login page....................................................................................................................................... 17
6.Help page ........................................................................................................................................ 18
7.Login page....................................................................................................................................... 19
8.Change Password page .................................................................................................................. 20
9.Login page....................................................................................................................................... 21
10.Login page..................................................................................................................................... 22
11.Help page ...................................................................................................................................... 23
12.Home page .................................................................................................................................... 24
13.Home page - Registrations Search option..................................................................................... 25
14.Logout page................................................................................................................................... 26
15.New Machine Quote Entry page.................................................................................................... 31
16.New Quote Entry - Quote PDF ...................................................................................................... 33
17.View & Update Quote - Product & Dealer Detail page .................................................................. 34
18.View & Update Quote - Purchase Detail page .............................................................................. 34
19.New Machine Registration Entry - Product & Dealer Detail page ................................................. 37
20.New Machine Registration Entry - Purchase Detail page.............................................................. 39
21.View & Update Registration - Product & Dealer Detail page......................................................... 41
22.View & Update Registration - Purchase Detail page ..................................................................... 42
23.New Registration Entry page - Submitted Registration pdf ........................................................... 43
24.Registration Search page .............................................................................................................. 45
25.No Records Found message......................................................................................................... 48
26.Registration Search page .............................................................................................................. 48
27.View & Update Registration - Product & Dealer Detail page......................................................... 50
28.New Registration Entry page - Submitted Registration pdf ........................................................... 51
29.Cancellation Detail page................................................................................................................ 53
30.Cancellation Detail page - Estimated Refund................................................................................ 55
31.Cancellation Refund form .............................................................................................................. 56
32.Reports Page................................................................................................................................. 59
33.Contact Us Page ........................................................................................................................... 63
34.Frequently Asked Questions Page ................................................................................................ 67
35.News Page .................................................................................................................................... 69
The Challenger Extended Service Coverage website supports Challenger’s Quotes, Registrations and
Cancellations allowing you to quote Extended Service Coverage, enter new Registrations and cancel
existing Registrations.
• Introduction
• Logging In
• Quote, Registrations/Cancellations
• Reports
• Support Section
The Introduction section defines each section, site availability and PC setting.
The Logging In/Logging Out options allow you to login and logout of the website.
The Registrations/Cancellations section defines the process for quoting, entering, searching, viewing,
updating registrations and cancellations.
The Reports section provides the steps in requesting a list of contracts that have been entered within a
specified period of time.
The Support section contains the Contact Us, FAQ and News pages.
Site Availability
The site is available between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. GMT, Monday through Saturday. If
you attempt to login during non-available hours, the following message may be displayed:
"The Extended Service Coverage website is unavailable. Website regular hours are 7:00 a.m. to 10:00
p.m. GMT, Monday through Saturday.’
Click the “Back” button on the Internet toolbar or enter another URL to exit.
PC Settings
General Display Settings
It is recommended that your computer display setting be set at 1024 x 768 pixels for viewing.
To enter this website as a Trusted site, click on Tools > Internet Options.
1. Click on the Security tab, then click on the Trusted sites option.
2. Click on Sites.
3. Add this website URL in the "Add on this Website to the zone:" field.
4. Deselect the Require Server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone radio button.
5. Click “Add” > “OK” to complete the process.
Logging In
Step 1. Enter the following web address in the Address box on your Internet browser:
The site is available between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. GMT, Monday through
Saturday. If you attempt to login during non-available hours, the following message may be
“The Extended Service Coverage website is unavailable. Website regular hours are 7:00 a.m.
to 10:00 p.m. GMT, Monday through Saturday.”
The Setup Login page is presented for you to enter your new password and to answer the Hint
Note: These questions will be asked if you ever forget your password. At that time, the
format of your answers to these questions must match the answers you provide here.
Step 11. Click “OK” and return to the field(s) with error(s) and make the correction.
Step 12. Click “Setup Login” again and the Login page is displayed.
Various functions can be accessed from the Menu at the top of the page.
A message is displayed in the banner section indicating the name of the site and the name of the user.
Once you successfully enter the website address, a login page is displayed.
Logging In Errors
Step 1. If you forgot your password or need login assistance, click on the hypertext link on the Login
page. The following help page is displayed:
Step 2. When you contact the Support Center, your password will be reset to Challenger. Enter
Challenger in the Password field and click Login. Then follow the directions for “Logging In
the Challenger Extended Service Coverage Website (for the first time)” on page 13.
Step 1. Click the "Change Password" button on the Login page to access the Change Password
Step 1. From the note on the Login page, click on the "click here" hyperlink to access the Forgotten
Password page.
Note: Remember that your answers here must match the answers you previously entered
during the initial login process.
Step 5. Click on the "Send Password" button. Once you submit the answer to the questions, an email
will be sent back to you with a new password.
If you do not receive the email in 15 to 20 minutes, contact the Support Center at the
appropriate number on the help page for assistance.
Logging In Errors
You may receive the following error messages if your answer(s) are wrong:
Step 1. If the wrong answers are entered the following error displays:
When you contact the Support Center, you must identify yourself as a Challenger dealer and
provide your Login ID. Your password will be reset to Challenger. Enter Challenger in the
Step 4. If you do not enter a value in the fields, the following error message is displayed:
Step 5. Click OK. Place the cursor in the field noted in the error message and correct the information.
Step 6. Enter your User ID and Password, and then click Login. Then follow the directions for
“Logging In the Challenger Extended Service Coverage Website (for the first time)” on
page 13.
Step 7. Once you have successfully logged in, you are transferred to the Home page.
The Home page only displays the Coverage Program(s) to which you have authorized access. These
Coverage Program(s) are listed in a drop down box in the top right side of the page. For example, if you
only have access to one Coverage Program the Coverage Program(s) selection drop down box only
contains that Coverage Program.
At the top of the page in the banner section you will see the following message:
“You are logged into the Challenger site as (Your First and Last Name)”
Menu Options
The following menu options (and options available within each menu option) are available according to
your access authorization:
• Home Page
• Registrations
• New Machine Quote
• New Machine Registration
• Search Registrations
• Claims (addressed in a separate manual)
• Search Claims
• Verify Coverage
• Reports
• Contact Us
• FAQs
• News
• Logout
Users having security access to multiple Coverage Program(s) may access a different program by using
the Coverage Program(s) Selection drop down box located at the right side of the banner section. The
drop down box contains the ID’s of the Coverage Program(s) you have authority to access.
“You are now logged out of the Extended Service Coverage website!”
If you want to sign back into the website, click on the "Login Screen" button. This returns you to the Login
page to start the Login process again.
Note: Data entered, but not saved (or transaction not completed) prior to Logout is lost and must be re-
Your session automatically times out in 20 minutes and you are logged out if no activity occurs.
Pressing the "Back" button on the Internet toolbar will not return you to your original destination.
During the website scheduled maintenance period, a special message page is displayed to inform you
that the website is unavailable.
Step 1. Place your cursor on the “Registrations” button to display the following options:
• New Machine Quote
• New Machine Registration
• Search Registrations
Step 2. Click on New Machine Quote to display the quote entry page.
Step 3. The New Machine Quote Entry page displays.
You may click “Back” on the Internet toolbar or enter another URL to exit.
Note: All currency indicators are derived from the Main Store to which the user is associated.
Step 4. Some of the fields are optional. You must enter the required fields to complete the quote
process. The required fields are indicated below with an (*). Items which you can enter are
underlined in the list below. Navigate from top to bottom by using your Tab key.
a. Quote ID - This is a display only field. The value is assigned by the system if the
“Save Quote” button is clicked upon completion of the entry.
b. Quote Entry Date - Displays the current date.
If the Serial Number is entered and found on the Serial Number file, the Delivery Date
value is defaulted to the Delivery Date associated with the serial number on file and
cannot be changed.
e. *Product Family - From the drop down box, select the equipment family for the
coverage being considered.
f. *Model No - Select the model number for which the coverage is being quoted from
the drop down box.
g. *Start Usage - Enter up to seven digits for the start usage (hours on the equipment
at time of registration). Entry format is xxxxx.xx.
h. New/Used - The display of whether the product is new or used.
i. Application - Display of the application usage of the equipment as being AG
(agriculture) or Scraper. This is defined by the model and coverage selected.
j. *Coverage Type - Select the coverage option from the drop down box. Only
coverage options valid for the Model selected are available.
k. *Coverage Term - Select the pre-defined term option of months and hours. Only
term options valid for the Coverage selected are available.
l. *Quote Price - Enter the dealer’s selling price. If Quote Price is unknown leave this
field blank. Format is xxxxx.xx.
m. Miscellaneous Charges - Enter up to three additional charges that will be included
in the Total Amount of the quote. These amounts are not considered in the system’s
refund cancellation, if the ESC is canceled in the future. The description can be up to
15 alphanumeric characters with the amount field in the xxxxx.xx format. A negative
amount may be entered in the -xxxxx.xx format.
n. Total Amount - Displays the sum of the Quote Price plus any Miscellaneous
Charges added. This sum cannot be a negative value.
o. *Salesperson - Enter up to 25 characters of the sales person’s name. Enter first
name, then last name. If this field is left blank, the system defaults to the user name
of the person signed on to the system at time of entry.
p. Suggested List Price - Displays the system calculated selling price. This is the
(Dealer Net Amount x the maximum allowable up charge percent). For example,
dealer net amount = 2500.00 and the maximum allowable up charge percent =
1.250%. In this example the Suggested List price would be displayed as 3125.00.
q. ESC Code - This code is displayed for the dealer’s information. It reflects the
condensed coverage code + the Dealer Net Amount. With “123456789012” replaced
with the Dealer Net Amount, the code displays as follows:
• OOPH123456789012 = Power Train + Hydraulics and Dealer Net
• OOTM123456789012 = Comprehensive and Dealer Net
• OOAA123456789012 = Baler coverage and Dealer Net
Step 5. Click the “Quote” button to calculate a quote without saving the record. You can change the
values on the page and click Quote any time to calculate another quote.
Step 6. If the entry is incomplete or has invalid data, the fields requiring correction will be noted with a
red asterisk (*) and the following message is displayed:
Step 7. Click OK to return to the New Machine Quote Entry page and make the corrections.
Step 8. Click the “Save Quote” button to complete the transaction and save the record if you wish it to
be retained for possible use in creating a registration.
Step 9. Click OK and the quote is saved.
If PDF does not launch, refer to “PC Settings for Viewing PDF’s” on page 10.
Step 11. To print the Quote form, use the “Print” button on your Browser toolbar. Close the Window
when the print is complete. If at any time after the Quote is saved and you need to print the
Quote again, perform a search for the Quote record, (see “Searching for an Existing
Registration or Quote” on page 53). When the Quote record is selected, the information is
displayed on the View & Update Quote page. Click the Reprint button.
The View & Update Quote page is displayed with the Product & Dealer Detail tab
information shown. The View & Update Quote page consists of the following:
Note: The customer detail is not displayed due to Privacy laws. Dealer may complete this
information on the printed contract form.
The quote data cannot be changed on this page. Users have the option of converting the quote to a
“Saved Registration” by clicking on the “Create Registration” button.
Note: To view the Purchase Detail page click on the Purchase Detail tab or click the “Next” button.
Note: All currency indicators are derived from the Main Store to which the user is associated.
Note: To transfer back to the Product & Dealer Detail page, click the “Previous” button or the Product
& Dealer Detail tab. Both pages provide the Create Registration and Reprint options.
Note: Click the “Reprint” button to launch the Quote in a PDF file.
Step 12. Click the “Create Registration” button to create the registration. You are transferred to the
View & Update Registration page. You can make changes or add information in order to
submit the registration. See “View and Update Registration” on page 61 for more information.
** At any time, click the “Home” button to return to the Home page or abandon any updates.**
1. If a quote has been made and was saved in the system within 180 days you can:
a. Use the Search Registrations function and select the matched record in a Quote status. When the
View and Update Quote page is displayed, validate both the Product & Dealer Detail and the
Purchase Detail pages. Transfer to the Purchase Detail page by clicking on that tab or clicking
the “Next” button. From the Purchase Detail page, if all is correct, (same model and coverage
selection is being purchased) click the “Create Registration” button. This transfers the record from
the View & Update Quote page to the View & Update Registration page and displays the
Product & Dealer Detail tab of the registration. The record is now in a Saved status.
b. Click the “Edit Data” button to open the fields to add Serial Number, dates or other information
required for a registration record following the steps defined in the “View and Update Registration”
on page 61.
2. If a quote was not previously saved on the system, a new registration can be entered.
Figure 1: New Machine Registration Entry - Product & Dealer Detail page
Step 1. Place your cursor on the “Registration” button to display the following options:
• New Machine Quote
• New Machine Registration
• Search Registrations
Step 2. Select New Machine Registration. The New Machine Registration Entry page displays. It
consists of the following pages:
Note: You must complete both of the above pages to submit a new registration.
You may click the “Back” button on the Internet toolbar or enter another URL to exit.
The fields presented may be Required, Optional, or Display. The text in a Display field is light gray. You
must enter the required fields to complete the registration process. The required fields are indicated below
with an (*). Items which you can enter are underlined in the list below. Navigate from top to bottom by
using your Tab key.
The following fields are protected from entry or update as they are populated from the Serial Number file,
when a valid Serial Number is entered and the associated dates are present.
• Delivery Date
• In-Service Date
Step 3. Enter the following fields in the Product & Dealer Detail section:
a. Registration ID - Display of the registration ID once assigned by the system.
b. Registration Entry Date - Entry date of the registration.
c. Registration Status - Display of the status of the registration once assigned by the
d. *Product Serial No. - Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters for the product serial
number. A registration may be saved without a valid serial number, but cannot be
submitted. A serial number is defined as valid when the edit finds the number on the
Serial Number file.
e. Delivery Date - The delivery date is automatically populated from the delivery date
found on the Serial Number file relative to the serial number entered.
f. In-Service Date - The in-service date is automatically populated with the associated
date on the Serial Number file. The Warranty Start Date will be used if present,
otherwise the delivery date on the Serial Number file will be used.
g. ESC Expiration Date - Display of the expiration date of the Extended Service
Coverage based upon the coverage term selected.
h. *Product Family - Select the Product Family, to which the equipment belongs, from
the drop down list.
i. *Model No. - Select the model number of the product from the drop down list. Only
those models associated with the Product Family are presented.
j. *Start Usage - Enter up to seven digits for the start usage (hours on the equipment
at time of registration). Entry format is xxxxx.xx.
k. New/Used - Displays whether the product is New or Used.
l. Application - Displays whether the application code is AG (agriculture) or Scraper.
This is defined by the model and coverage selected.
m. Standard Factory Warranty Months/Hours - Upon entry of all required fields and
validation of the serial number this is the display of the months and hours covered by
the standard factory warranty. This is dependent on the serial number entered.
a. *Dlr Code - Select the dealer code that the registration is to be entered against.
b. Dlr Phone - Displays the dealer phone number. This field is automatically populated
by the system with the selection of the dealer code.
c. Dlr Name - This field is automatically populated by the system with the selection of
the dealer code.
d. Dlr Email - Displays the dealer’s email address. This field is automatically populated
by the system with the selection of the dealer code.
e. *Salesperson - Enter up to 25 characters of the sales person’s name. Enter first
name first and last name. If field is left blank, the system defaults to the user name of
the person signed on.
Step 4. You may click the “Reset” button to clear all entries that you have made. If you click Reset,
the following message is displayed:
Step 5. If you click OK, the fields are cleared out and no data is retained. You can now enter new
data. If you click Cancel, the fields remain unchanged.
Step 6. Click on the Purchase Detail tab to continue the New Machine Registration entry. You can
also click Next to access the Purchase Detail page.
Note: If you click Home or any other options before you have saved the registration entry,
all data is lost.
Note: All currency indicators are derived from the Main Store to which the user is associated.
Step 7. Enter the following fields in the Purchase Detail section on the New Machine Registration
Entry page:
a. *Coverage Type - Select one of the available coverage/excess types for the Model
(selected on the previous screen) from the drop down box.
b. *Coverage Term - Select one of the months/hours options for the selected coverage
from the drop down box.
Step 8. Click the “Save Reg” button to complete the transaction.This saves the entered data and
creates a registration record in a Saved status if no errors are found.
Step 9. If the entry is incomplete or has invalid data the fields requiring correction are noted with a
red asterisk (*) and the following message is displayed indicating where the error is located:
Step 10. Click OK to remove the message and correct the fields in error.
Step 11. Click the “Save Reg” button.
Step 12. A message box is displayed stating that the Registration has been saved.
Step 13. Click OK.
Note: Once the entry has been saved as a registration, the data is displayed on the View &
Update Registration page.
Figure 3: View & Update Registration - Product & Dealer Detail page
Step 14. To make changes to the record, click the “Edit Data” button. This opens the fields on the page
for updates.
Step 15. To change data in a field, place the cursor in the desired field and type over the entry or
select from the drop down options, if available.
Note: If the new entry requires fewer characters than the original, delete the entry. DO NOT
space through the remaining field.
Step 16. Once you have changed the data on the Product & Dealer Detail page, click either the
Purchase Detail tab or “Next” button to access the Purchase Detail information.
Step 17. Make the necessary changes to the Purchase Detail data.
Note: To abandon an update prior to clicking the “Save Data” button, you can click the
“Reset” button. To abandon an update, you may also click the “Home” button. If you
click Reset, the following message is displayed:
Click OK if you do NOT want the updated data elements to be saved. The fields are then
returned to what they were prior to any changes being made. Once the “Reset” button is
clicked, the “Edit Data” button must be clicked to re-open the fields for changes.
Step 18. Click the “Save Data” button. The following message is displayed:
Step 19. Click the “Next” button to transfer to the Purchase Detail page.
Note: All currency indicators are derived from the Main Store to which the user is associated.
Step 20. If you want to return to the previous page, click the “Previous” button.
Step 21. Click the “Edit Data” button to any changes. Click OK to save your changes.
Step 22. If you click Home or any other option before you click the “Save Data” button, all data entered
since the last Save is lost.
Step 23. If the registration meets all the field requirements and you are satisfied with the data entered,
click the “Submit Reg” button to submit the registration.
Step 24. After clicking Yes, the following message box is displayed:
The contract form, with all registration information, is presented in a PDF form ready for printing and the
customer’s signature.
Note: If the PDF form does not appear, see “PC Settings for Viewing PDF’s” on page 10 for more
Step 26. Use the “Print” button on the Browser toolbar to print the form. When the printing is complete,
close the PDF window from your Browser.
** At any time, click the “Home” button to return to the Home page to abandon any updates.**
Search Registrations
Searching for an Existing Registration or Quote
Follow these steps to search for an existing Quote or Registration:
Step 1. Place your cursor on the “Registration” button to display the following options:
• New Machine Quote
• New Machine Registration
• Search Registrations
Step 2. Select Search Registrations. The Registration Search page is displayed with a drop down
box listing the following three options to search by. Choose one of the following options:
• Product Serial Number
• Dealer Code
To search for an existing Registration or Quote record, a Search option must be selected and the criteria
for conducting the search must be entered.
Note: You can click the “Search” button to conduct a search or you can press the
“Tab” key on your keyboard so the “Search” button is highlighted then press
b. To Search by the Dealer Code - Select the Dealer Code search option and enter
the dealer code. Click on the “Search” button to locate registrations for that dealer
code with the designated Coverage Program(s).
Step 4. If you do not enter a value in the Search field, the following error message is displayed:
If the user is not identified as an Administrator, the search results returned are limited to those found
matching the search criteria that are linked to the Dealer Code to which the user is associated.
If the user is identified as an Administrator, the search results returned are limited to those found
matching the search criteria that are linked to the dealer codes related to the Main Store to which the user
is associated.
Note: The following message is displayed when records or no records are found to match the search
criteria entered, or those found are not within the user’s authority for access.
Search Results
The system returns up to 100 matches. If, the initial search result displays Page 1 of 10 at the top left of
the list and in your review of the information returned, you do not find the record you need, return to the
Search Registrations option and enter a more definite search criteria to perform a search that will offer a
more limited return.
To sort the search results by any of the data elements shown, with the exception of the Registration ID,
click on the heading and the results will be sorted and displayed by that selection. Once sorted by any of
the other data elements, click the “Search” button again to display the items by the Registration ID.
The “Next” button transfers you to the next list of 10 candidates. The “Previous” button transfers you to
the prior page of 10 candidates.
If no records are found that match the search criteria entered, the above message is displayed. If records
are found that match your search criteria, the Registration Search page is displayed with the match
records listed.
Step 1. Once you locate the desired record, click on the Registration ID hyper-link. If the status of the
record selected is “Quote”, you are transferred to the View & Update Quote - Product &
Dealer Detail page. If the status of the record is Saved, Inforce, Canceled, or Expired, you
are transferred to the View & Update Registration - Product & Dealer Detail page. This is
the first page of the Registration record.
Step 2. You may start another search by returning to the Registration Search page and entering
new criteria.
** At any time, click the “Home” button to return to the Home page or abandon any updates.**
The status of the record defines the functions that are available on the View & Update pages.
Saved “Edit Data”, “Save” and “Submit” buttons are presented that allows you to edit the data on
the record, save the record with the updated data or submit the record which converts it
to an Inforce status and creates the contract document.
Inforce No information can be updated on a registration in this status. The registration contract
form can be reprinted.
Follow these steps to edit fields or change the status of an existing saved Registration:
Step 1. To make changes to the record, click the “Edit Data” button. This opens the fields on the page
for updates.
Step 2. To change data in a field, place the cursor in the desired field and type over the entry or
select from the drop down options, if available.
Note: If the new entry requires fewer characters than the original, delete the entry. DO NOT
space through the remaining field.
Step 3. Once you have changed the data on the Product & Dealer Detail page, click either the
Purchase Detail tab or “Next” button to access the Purchase Detail information.
Step 4. Make the necessary changes to the Purchase Detail data.
Note: To abandon an update prior to clicking the “Save Data” button, you can click the
“Reset” button. To abandon an update, you may also click the “Home” button. If you
click Reset, the following message is displayed:
Click OK if you do NOT want the updated data elements to be saved. The fields are then
returned to what they were prior to any changes being made. Once the “Reset” button is
clicked, the “Edit Data” button must be clicked to re-open the fields for changes.
Step 5. Click the “Save Data” button. The following message is displayed:
Step 6. Click OK to save your changes. Click Cancel to make additional changes.
A Registration can be saved with errors and if any are found, messages are displayed
advising of the errors and the required data that is missing.
Step 8. If information is known, return to the fields in error and enter the correct data.
Step 9. If no errors are returned on the Saved function, when the page displays again, click the
“Submit Reg” button to submit the registration. The system asks you if you are sure you want
to submit the registration.
Step 10. Click OK to submit the registration. If any errors are found, error message(s) are displayed.
Step 11. Click OK and correct the error(s).
Step 12. Click on the “Submit Reg” button again. If there are no errors, the following message is
The contract form, with all registration information, is presented in a PDF form ready for printing and the
customer’s signature. Use the Print icon on the Browser toolbar to print the form. Once printing is
complete, close the Window using the Browser option.
** At any time, click the “Home” button to return to the Home page to abandon any updates.**
Cancel Registrations
Cancellation of a Registration
Only Inforce Registration records are eligible for cancellation transactions. Follow these steps to cancel
an existing Registration or to create a cancellation refund quote:
Step 1. Place your cursor on the “Registrations” button to display the following options:
• New Machine Quote
• New Machine Registration
• Search Registrations
Step 2. Select Search Registration and begin the search procedure.
Step 3. Select the desired Registration from the Results display.
Step 4. Click on the Registration ID hyper-link. You are transferred to the Product & Dealer Detail
Step 5. Click on the Cancellation Detail tab.
You may click Back on the Internet toolbar or enter another URL to exit.
Step 6. Complete the following required fields in the Cancellation Info section:
a. *Usage at Cancel - Enter up to eight numeric characters in the following format:
xxxxx.xx. This value is taken from the usage meter on the equipment on the date of
b. *Reason - Select the cancellation reason from the drop down box.
Note: Currently reason code 207 is the only code available. Please contact
customer service to cancel an ESC for any other reason.
c. *Cancel Effective Date - Select the cancellation effective date from the Calendar.
d. Customer Refund Amount - This field displays the amount to be refunded to the
customer and is calculated from the selling price of the coverage. See the Important
Notice field at the bottom of the Cancellation Detail page.
e. Dealer Refund Amount - This field displays the calculated amount to be refunded to
the selling dealer based upon the Dealer Net amount at the time of sale. See the
Important Notice field at the bottom of the Cancellation Detail page.
f. Cancel Entry Date - This field defaults to the current date.
g. Additional Notes - Enter any additional notes in this field.
Step 7. To estimate a refund, complete all the above required entry fields.
Step 8. Click the “Estimate Refund” button and refund amounts are calculated and returned in the
Customer Refund Amount and Dealer Refund Amount fields.
Note: Once the estimate or cancel process begins, all required fields and valid data must
be entered, otherwise the following message is displayed:
Step 9. Click the “Cancel Registration” button to process the cancellation. If the entry meets all
requirements the following message is displayed:
Step 10. Click OK to convert the In-force Registration into a Canceled registration. The following
message is displayed:
Step 11. Click OK. The Cancellation Refund form, in PDF format, is launched.
Step 12. Use the Print icon on the Browser toolbar to print the form. Once printing is complete, close
the Window using the Browser options.
Once the record is canceled, the function buttons are replaced with the “Reprint” button. This can be used
at anytime to print another copy of the Cancellation form.
** At any time, click the “Home” button to return to the Home page or abandon any updates.**
Listing of Registrations or Claims
Use this page to request a listing of registrations or claims that have been entered within a specific period
of time.
Note: A message box is displayed advising that the request has been sent.
Upon completion of the report being generated, a report with the requested information will be
sent to the requestor’s email address.
Step 7. If errors have been made during the entry of this page,the following message is displayed:
Support Section
Contact Us Page
Contact Numbers
This page contains contact numbers for system support and administration help.
News Page
This page is used to display notices such as upcoming changes or system schedules.
Cancel Registrations 53 P
Cancellation of a Registration 53
Changing a Registration Entry 49 PC Settings 10
Changing Your Password 19
Contact Us Page 63
Search Registrations 45
Forgotten Password 22 Search Results 47
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page 67 Searching for an Existing Registration or Quote 45
Sorting Search Results 47
General Display Settings 10
View and Update Registration 49
Viewing a Registration 49
Introduction 9 W
Welcome Page
Menu Options 25