CCC-ODFC02-02 - Palace of The Efreeti v1.0

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Palace of the Efreeti

A young Mulmaster nobleman attempts to revive the Cult of Eternal Flame by seeking out the patronage
of a powerful being. His relatives have hired you to stop his plans and bring him home, even if you must
chase him across the planes and over the Sea of Fire to do so.

A four-hour adventure for 5th – 10th level characters


Adventure Code: CCC-ODFC02-02

Optimized For: APL 8
Version: 1.0

Producer: James Winfield

Convention Adventurers League Organizer: Darion Smith
Editing: Ken Beckman, Richard Gejji, Robert Holliday, Martín “Rented Mule” Rodriguez
Cartography: Y. Michael Zhang
Art: Creative Hat /, tomertu /
Organized Play: Chris Lindsay
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Bill Benham, Lysa Chen, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, Alan Patrick, Travis Woodall

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards
of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the
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©2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square,
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Before you start play, consider the following:
Welcome to Palace of the Efreeti, part of the D&D
• Read the adventure, taking notes of anything you’d
Adventurers League and the Convention Created
like to highlight or remind yourself of while running,
Content program. This adventure premiered at 1d4Con
such as a way you’d like to portray an NPC or a
2018, a local gaming convention in Martinsburg, West
tactic you’d like to use in combat. Familiarize
yourself with the appendices and handouts.
This adventure is designed for three to seven 5th -
• Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you in
10 level characters, and optimized for five characters
running this adventure – such as notecards, a DM
of 8th level. Characters outside of this level range
screen, miniatures, and battlemaps.
cannot participate in this adventure.
• Ask players to provide you with relevant character
Palace of the Efreeti features NPCs that were first
information, such as name, race, class, and level;
introduced in DDEX2-15 Black Heart of Vengeance and
passive Wisdom (Perception), and anything
there are additional story tie-ins for characters who
specified as notable by the adventure (such as
have played that adventure. However, knowledge of
backgrounds, traits, flaws, other passive skills, etc.)
Black Heart of Vengeance is not necessary to
 For Extra Challenge: Suggestions marked this way
understand and enjoy this adventure.
are options for experienced DMs with players who
can handle very difficult encounters. Be careful
using them, especially in a time-limited setting.
This adventure provides suggestions in making • WARNING: Monsters in this adventure use spells
adjustments for smaller or larger groups, characters of from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. If you do not
higher or lower levels, and characters that are have the book, be ready to swap their prepared
otherwise a bit more powerful than the adventure is spells for appropriate substitutes.
optimized for. You’re not bound to these adjustments;
they’re here for your convenience.
To figure out whether you should consider adjusting
the adventure, add up the total levels of all the You have the most important role – facilitating the
characters and divide the total by the number of enjoyment of the game for the players. You provide the
characters (round an average level of X.5 or greater up, narrative and bring the words on these pages to life.
otherwise round down). This is the group’s APL. To To facilitate this, keep in mind the following:
approximate the party strength for the adventure, You’re Empowered. Make decisions about how the
consult the following table. group interacts with the adventure; adjusting or
improvising is encouraged, so long as you maintain the
DETERMINING PARTY STRENGTH adventure’s spirit. This doesn’t allow you to implement
Party Composition Party Strength house rules or change those of the Adventurers League,
3-4 characters, APL less than Very Weak however; they should be consistent in this regard.
3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak Challenge Your Players. Gauge the experience level
3-4 characters, APL greater than Average of the players (not the characters), try to feel out (or
5 characters, APL less than Weak ask) what they like in a game, and attempt to deliver
5 characters, APL equivalent Average the experience they’re after. Everyone should have the
5 Characters, APL greater than Strong opportunity to shine.
6-7 characters, APL less than Average Keep the Adventure Moving. When the game starts
6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong to get bogged down, feel free to provide hints and clues
6-7 characters, APL greater than Very strong to your players so they can attempt to solve puzzles,
Some encounters may include a sidebar that offers engage in combat, and roleplay interactions without
suggestions for certain party strengths. Adjustments getting too frustrated over lack of information. This
other than “ – For Extra Challenge” suggestions are gives players “little victories” for figuring out good
not cumulative. If a particular recommendation is not choices from clues. Watch for stalling - play loses
offered or appropriate for your group, you don’t have to momentum when this happens. At the same time,
make adjustments. make sure players don’t finish too early; provide them
with a full play experience.
CCC-ODFC02-02 Palace of the Efreeti Page 2
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The following NPCs feature prominently in this
“The noble efreet consider toying with one’s opponent adventure.
an art form, and their ability at playing ‘cat-and-mouse’ Blade Cora Peytir (CORE-uh pie-TEER). Female
is remarkable.” – Secrets of the Lamp human, Blade of Mulmaster, hires party to stop Ardet’s
plans and bring him back if possible.
Ardet Peytir (ARE-det pie-TEER). Male human, noble
House Peytir (first seen in DDEX2-15 Black Heart of turned cultist of the Reborn Flame.
Vengeance) is a noble family of Mulmaster that was Captain Zehind (ze-HIND). Male azer captain of the
brought low by the activities of the Cult of Black Earth, Pyreblade, a ship that sails the Sea of Fire.
and then further devastated when Mulmaster was Pasha Razim the Incandescent (ra-ZEEM). Male
undone by the final cultist attack that ruined much of efreeti, one of the six efreet pashas in charge of the
the city. Their family has little left save some efreet on the Prime Material Plane.
beleaguered business holdings, their noble name, and Amira Kessara the Enchanted (kess-SAR-uh). Female
Cora Peytir’s title as one of the twenty-nine Blades of efreeti, daughter of Razim.
Mulmaster. That title is now in jeopardy from their Old Bunderoth (BUN-der-roth). Male dragon turtle.
family’s weak finances and the Thayan-dominated A truly massive creature that swims in the Sea of Fire.
politics of the city.
Compounding their troubles is the fact that Ardet
Peytir, Blade Cora Peytir’s cousin, has fallen in with the
remnants of the Cult of Eternal Flame, which is now This adventure is divided into five parts.
renamed the Cult of Reborn Flame and lead by a Part 1 – A Cloak and a Blade (20 minutes): Blade
mysterious new leader looking to resurrect the cult Cora Peytir gathers the characters in a Mulmaster
from the ashes. Ardet had previously been kidnapped basement and hires them to chase her cousin Ardet
by the Cult of Black Earth during the events of DDEX2- through a portal into the Elemental Plane of Fire.
15 Black Heart of Vengeance. That experience, coupled Part 2 – The Sea of Fire (40 minutes): Once they’re
with his family’s declining fortunes, have instilled in him through the portal, the characters must find their way
a sense of nihilism and a hatred of Mulmaster that across the Sea of Fire, either through their own magic,
made him susceptible to the propaganda of the Reborn or by booking passage with a crafty azer captain.
Flame. Part 3 – The Sunscorched Palace (35 minutes): The
At the Cult’s behest, Ardet led a group of Reborn characters meet with Razim, Kessara, and Ardet. They
Flame cultists through a portal to the Elemental Plane learn that Razim wants the two groups to compete in a
of Fire. There, they seek out the palace of Razim the literal trial by fire, and they behold the power of his
Incandescent, a noble efreeti and one of the six efreet crown of wishes.
pashas who rule the efreet of the Prime Material Plane Part 4 –Trial of Strength and Cunning (80 minutes):
in the name of the Sultan. Pasha Razim holds sway over The competition is on! The characters must navigate a
efreet in the entire Moonsea area and beyond, and logic puzzle where every additional clue causes lava to
Ardet is approaching him in the hopes of forming an pour into the room. If they solve the puzzle, they must
alliance that can reverse the fortunes of the once- defeat the monsters that fall from the ceiling.
powerful cult. Unbeknownst to Ardet, Pasha Razim has Part 5 – Redemption by Flame (65 minutes): The
no intention of allying with such puny and desperate cultists have escaped with the crown of wishes! The
mortals, but he has no qualms about leading them on characters must confront them on the back of a great
for his own twisted amusement. turtle, and finally decide Ardet’s fate.

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This adventure begins in Mulmaster several months This adventure follows up on several NPCs from DDEX2-
after its devastation at the hands of various cults of 15 Black Heart of Vengeance.
elemental evil. In that adventure, Ardet Peytir was kidnapped by the
For each character, choose the most appropriate Cult of Black Earth because of his opposition to the
hook for them based on their relationships and past Phlan Liberators led by Aleyd Burral. The cult also
experiences. destroyed his manor and led several attacks on Peytir
family businesses. As a result, Blade Cora Peytir hired a
group of adventurers to investigate the attacks and find
Most characters are here because Blade Cora Peytir has out what happened to Ardet. Those adventurers
quietly put out word that she’s looking for a couple of discovered that the Liberators were colluding with the
brave and discreet individuals to assist her in an urgent Cult of Black Earth. They ultimately defeated Aleyd
matter. Interested parties are interviewed by her Burral and rescued Ardet along with many other
steward and then led out to the Zhent Ghettos. prisoners.
Senior Cloak Rastol Shan directly contacts characters
who are members of the Cloaks. Shan commands them
to assist his burgeoning political ally Blade Peytir in her
efforts to find her missing cousin. He directs them to
the Zhent Ghettos where they’re to meet with her. Shan
warns them that more than anything else, they must
keep the operation secret from the Thayans who now
infest Mulmaster.
Due to the secretive nature of their mission, Cloak
characters will not be able to secure the usual benefits
of being a Cloak in Mulmaster (spellcasting services,
spell scrolls, etc.), but Shan promises that he will find
some way to compensate them.
Characters who have previously played DDEX2-15 Black
Heart of Vengeance are well-known to the Peytir family
for having rescued Ardet once before. They receive
personal letters from Blade Cora Peytir herself, asking
them to help her family once more. This is a matter of
discretion, so the characters are asked to make their
way to the Zhent Ghettos without attracting attention.
Lioncrown Cornelius Darnell has issued a message to
free agents of the Lord’s Alliance near Mulmaster to
report to Blade Cora Peytir at her estate for an
important and sensitive assignment. The Lord’s Alliance
must defend the good name of a noble family who has
tirelessly fought against the influence of Thay. Alliance
members who arrive at the estate are interviewed by
Cora Peytir’s steward and eventually led out to the
Zhent Ghettos.

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DDEX2-15 Black Heart of Vengeance, summarized in
the adventure primer).
Estimated Duration: 20 minutes • Recently, the Cloaks, led by Peytir’s friend and
The adventure begins in the burnt-out ruins of the political ally Rastol Shan, found signs that the Cult of
Zhent Ghettos in Mulmaster. Eternal Flame is once again active and recruiting in
Mulmaster. While that’s troubling enough, Cora’s
STORY BEAT cousin Ardet Peytir is missing and feared to have
The characters receive their mission after speaking with fallen under the cult’s sway. The Cloaks found
Blade Cora Peytir and Cloak Kethrina in the Zhent Ardet’s journal as well as some of his belongings in
Ghettos. Once they’re ready, the characters head this very basement which they believe was used as a
through the portal into the Elemental Plane of Fire. cult hideout.
• Ardet has not been the same after he was rescued
from the Cult of Black Earth; he grew morose and
nihilistic, and his demeanor grew darker as House
Peytir fell into decline. He disappeared two months
Mulmaster is full of reminders of the recent Devastation ago, and Cora is worried that he may have done
brought on by the Elemental Cults, but no section of the
something foolish. She never imagined he would join
city bears more prominent scars than the Zhent
up with one of the filthy cults, but from his journal, it
Ghettos. As you stride past the broken walls of the
seems that the Cult of Reborn Flame has sent him
Ghettos, you can see the remnants of a great fire storm through the portal to seek the patronage of a
that left nearly every building of the Ghettos burnt or powerful being.
• The Peytir family has already suffered greatly; if
Ahead of you, a group of rotting figures, overseen by
word gets out that a member of Cora’s family is
a tattooed woman in red robes, work to rebuild a
working with a Cult of Elemental Evil, the entire
storefront. Your guide, a servant of the Peytir
house would be ruined. Rumors of Ardet’s betrayal
household, hurries you into an alleyway out of sight of
must not be allowed to spread.
the red wizard. He leads you into a burnt-out building,
• The adventurers are asked to follow Ardet, stop the
opens a well-disguised trapdoor, and climbs down the
cult’s plans, and prevent Ardet from further
shaft into a cramped basement.
disgracing the Peytir family name. Hopefully, they
The most prominent feature of this small basement
can convince Ardet to renounce the cult and return
room is the brilliant red portal floating in the center.
home to his family. But if he refuses to repent, then
The surface of the portal is hazy, but a rocky, ashen
there is no choice but to slay him for the good of
landscape can be glimpsed on the other side. The portal
House Peytir, and the good of Mulmaster of course.
emanates heat, making the air shimmer around it.
Cora is willing to pay 300 gp to each adventurer for
Two figures: a sharp-featured noblewoman and a
either outcome.
half-elven woman in a black cloak, stand at the edges of
the room. The noblewoman speaks first. “Thank you for TREASURE
coming. I am Blade Cora Peytir. Once again, my family Cora will personally thank characters who previously
faces potential ruin from a traitorous cult. I sincerely played DDEX2-15 Black Heart of Vengeance for
hope you can help us out of this mess.” answering her call once again. She gives a potion of
heroism to each of those characters as a token of her
The half-elf introduces herself as Kethrina, a member of appreciation. Despite its financial straits, House Peytir
the Brotherhood of Cloaks. Have the group introduce remembers and rewards its friends.
themselves as well. After introductions, Blade Peytir
relates the following information: FACTION ASSIGNMENT (LORD’S ALLIANCE)
• House Peytir was once a wealthy and powerful noble Cora passes a sealed letter into the hands of the Lord’s
family before the devastation of Mulmaster, but Alliance members in the party, telling them that she
despite some of its recent business ventures in the was asked to deliver this on their faction’s behalf. Give
Cormanthor forest, the family’s fortune and Lord’s Alliance members Player Handout 1.
influence has yet to recover from the sabotage
caused by the Cult of Black Earth (see the events of

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ROLEPLAYING BLADE CORA PEYTIR (CORE-UH PIE- portal to meet with an efreeti pasha named “Razim
TEER) the Incandescent.”
• With a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check, a character
Long before the Devastation, the Peytir family
knows that a pasha is one of the six efreet nobles
accumulated a sizable fortune through lumber and
assigned dominion over efreet on the Prime Material
bought their way to nobility and into the Tower of
Plane in the name of the Sultan. If their check is 20
Blades. During her time as a Blade, Cora used
or higher, they also know that Razim lives in a great
ruthlessness and savvy political maneuvering to keep
mansion called the Sunscorched Palace on the Sea of
her family prosperous and strong. However, the
Fire, and he’s in charge of efreet in the Moonsea
machinations of the Cults of Elemental Evil and the rise
area and beyond. He has a reputation for being
of Thayan Influence in Mulmaster have severely
bloodthirsty and duplicitous.
weakened her family’s fortune and standing.
• Efreet nobles have access to mighty armies and
Now Cora is doing her best to cling onto relevance
devastating magic. An alliance between the cult and
with the same ruthlessness that kept her family in
an efreeti noble would not bode well for Mulmaster.
power for so long. She has taken a strong stance against
Ardet must be stopped from reaching the Pasha if
Thay and brought her family in closer alignment to
possible, but if that fails, then the characters should
other Mulmasterites of a similar inclination (including
use diplomatic means to prevent an alliance
Rastol Shan). She cares about Mulmaster, and she cares
between them. Above all, the characters must not
about her family members, but her primary loyalty lies
antagonize the Pasha on the efreet’s home plane.
with the Peytir family name. Nothing is more important
Such a move would likely prove suicidal.
than making sure that House Peytir lives on and regains
• The Plane of Fire is a difficult place for mortals to
its former glory.
survive in. Appropriate to its name, the Plane of Fire
Voice: Noble, dignified, reserved, careful with words
is very hot. Those walking around in bulky armor
Quote: “I pray for my cousin’s safe return, but if
might want to wear something more comfortable, at
Ardet must die so that House Peytir can live, that is a
least for the initial journey. Kethrina can lend sets of
price I would not hesitate to pay.”
studded leather armor to characters that want to
take off their medium or heavy armor before
entering the portal.
After Blade Peytir finishes her briefing, she drapes a Once the characters are ready, they can step through
modest brown shawl over herself and begins climbing the portal and enter the Elemental Plane of Fire.
up the shaft. “I’m afraid I can’t stay long; if I’m seen in FACTION ASSIGNMENT (CLOAKS)
the Zhent Ghettos, that only invites more rumors. The
Cloak here will fill you in on the rest. Ardet is a foolish Before they leave, Kethrina gathers together characters
young man who has caused much headache for me, yet who are part of the Brotherhood of Cloaks and tells
I still care for him as a member of my family. I pray that them that Rastol Shan has a special job for them. Give
you can make him remember his duty to his city and his members of the Cloaks Player Handout 2.
house.” TREASURE
Cora Peytir leaves, with her servant close behind her. Rastol Shan has requisitioned some supplies on behalf
of the Cloaks in the party. Kethrina provides each
Cloak Kethrina steps forward and delivers the following
member of the Cloaks a spell scroll of their choice of a
level less than or equal to their rank in the Cloaks, up to
• The Cloaks have analyzed the portal and determined a maximum of 5th level for rank 5 or higher Cloaks.
that it leads to the Elemental Plane of Fire. The
aftermath of the Devastation left many similar
portals scattered across the Zhent Ghettos.
• They learned from Ardet’s journal that the Cult of
Eternal Flame has a new leader and are now calling
themselves the Cult of Reborn Flame. Ardet was
tasked with leading a group of cultists through the

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A gust of thick ash and scorching heat blasts into your
face as you step through the portal. You stand upon a
Estimated Duration: 40 minutes hill made of black ash and cinder, your portal hovering
The characters step through the portal and arrive in the invitingly behind you. A blazing red sun hangs in the
Cinder Wastes on the edge of the Sea of Fire. golden sky, lighting up the hellish landscape below.
Before you is an endless wasteland of ash, much like
STORY BEAT the hill upon which you stand. The wasteland is cut only
The characters must figure out where Ardet’s cultists by a flowing river of lava that twists through the
have gone by speaking to an azer. Then, they must monochrome plains, emptying into a vast sea of molten
travel across the Sea of Fire using their own magic, or by liquid that roils and churns.
negotiating passage with that azer. The saving throws Ported on an obsidian dock down the shore waits a
against extreme heat provides a constant reminder of huge ship made of brass, with four immense metallic
the need for quick action. sails and dozens of oars jutting from the sides. The top
deck of the brass ship is filled with bright figures that
look like dwarves with bronze skin and fiery hair. One of
those figures has noticed you and is shouting with
The Elemental Plane of Fire has the following general The dwarf-like creatures are azers on a trading voyage
features: to various islands in the Sea of Fire. Their ship, named
Terrain. This part of the plane is primarily composed the Pyreblade, is tied off and conducting final
of two major landscapes: The Cinder Wastes, and the preparations before entering the open sea. It has spent
Sea of Fire. The Cinder Wastes are filled with great the last few days sailing down the river of lava across
expanses of black cinders and embers forming a rugged the Cinder Wastes. The azers are led by Captain Zehind,
wasteland of ash marred by rivers of lava. The Sea of a curious and opportunistic being who is always looking
Fire is a huge ocean of lava with occasional islands of for a new chance at profit. The characters are obviously
obsidian and basalt jutting up out of the molten rock. not from this plane, and Zehind is eager to learn why a
Light. A blazing sun rests atop a golden sky, waxing group of Primes have come to the Plane of Fire.
and waning on a 24-hour cycle. It ranges from white hot Captain Zehind approaches and greets the party in
at noon to deep red at midnight. Luckily, the characters Ignan, but if none of them speaks Ignan or Primordial,
arrive at dusk on this plane, so the sun is not blindingly he switches to heavily-accented Common. His primary
bright yet. goal is to learn why the characters have come to the
Lava. Any creature that touches lava or ends its turn Plane of Fire and to get some news of the Prime
touching lava takes 33 (6d10) fire damage. Lava is very Material Plane (“Didn’t I hear something about Tiamat a
dense, so most creatures falling into lava would not sink while back? How did that turn out?”), but he is willing
into it. to share his own knowledge in exchange. In relation to
Weather. The wind is strong and nearly constant, the characters’ mission, Zehind knows the following:
occasionally blowing with it a cloud of thick ash or • The characters are on the edge of the Cinder Wastes
burning cinders. Considering the rolling ashes and on the shore of the Sea of Fire. They are far to the
strong winds, it is impossible to find tracks here. south of the City of Brass.
Extreme Heat. At the end of each hour, any creature • Zehind has not seen any other humanoids around
not native to the plane must make a Constitution saving here. He has been sailing down rivers to the Sea of
throw or gain one level of exhaustion. The DC is 5 for Fire for the last few weeks.
the first hour and increases by 1 for each additional • Efreet are nasty slavers to be avoided as much as
hour until they get out of the heat. Characters wearing possible. Azers and efreet have not gotten along for
medium or heavy armor have disadvantage on this as long as anyone can remember.
saving throw, while creatures with resistance or • Razim the Incandescent is a high-ranked efreeti
immunity to fire damage automatically succeed on the noble who lives at the Sunscorched Palace, which is
saving throw. Because of this intense heat, characters on an island in the Sea of Fire about 15 miles
who aren’t resistant or immune to fire can’t rest. northwest of here. Zehind doesn’t know much about

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efreeti politics or ranks, but he has heard that Razim of precious metals. On a 19 or higher, a character knows
is arrogant even for an efreet. that a short voyage on the Sea of Fire usually costs a
few hundred gold pieces or so depending on the
Captain Zehind is best described as an honorable rogue. Once the characters determine how much they’re
He has an amazing knack for sniffing out opportunities willing to pay, Zehind happily accepts that payment, no
for profit, and he’s willing to take risks that other matter how meager it is, so long as they pay the full
captains would not dare. He loves wealth, especially in price up front. Though he doesn’t show it, Zehind does
the form of gems, and he’s willing to do a lot for the take offense if the payment doesn’t live up to his
sake of profit, but he has his own code of honor and a expectations. The base price that Zehind considers fair
strong sense of fair play. He would never cheat is 50 gp per creature that needs passage. Tiny creatures
someone who did right by him, but if he thinks he’s (like most familiars) don’t count in this regard, but Large
being insulted or cheated, he’s willing to be devious and or larger pets (like horses) count for 100 gp each.
deceitful to get what he rightfully deserves. However, Zehind discounts those prices based on his
Voice: Folksy, curious, warm, light-hearted interactions with the characters:
Quote: “I swear, by Imix’s fiery beard: nobody cheats • If any of the characters has 17 or higher passive
this captain and gets away with it!” Persuasion, subtract 10 gp per creature.
• If any of the characters has the Ship’s Passage
Once the characters learn where Razim’s palace resides,
background feature (from sailor background),
they know where Ardet can likely be found. However,
subtract 10 gp per creature.
traveling across the Sea of Fire is no easy matter. If they
have magic that would allow them to circumvent the • If the characters have primarily spoken to him in
lava (such as wind walk or teleport), Zehind’s directions Primordial or Ignan, subtract 10 gp per creature.
are good enough to guide them on the right course. To • Feel free to modify the price further if Zehind had a
estimate the time it takes to reach the Sunscorched particularly good or bad interaction with any
Palace which is 15 miles away, consider that a character character.
with a flying speed of 30 feet can fly 4 miles per hour. For example, from a party that has a warhorse and four
There are numerous islands along the way if the humanoids, one of whom has the Ship’s Passage feature
characters need to land for any reason, such as to and one of whom has 17 passive Persuasion, Zehind
switch mounts. expects 30 gp per humanoid and 80 gp for the horse, so
XP AWARDS he expects a total of 200 gp.
Regardless of what they offer, Zehind accepts their
If the characters manage to reach the Sunscorched
gold up front and invites the characters aboard the
Palace without booking passage from the Azer, award
each character 750 XP.
If Zehind is satisfied with the characters’ offer, award
each character 500 XP.

If the characters cannot reach the palace on their own,

Captain Zehind is willing to provide them passage... for The Pyreblade is a flat galley-like ship about 150 feet in
a price. Zehind allows the characters to pay whatever length, with four masts on deck and twenty-five oars on
they think is fair. If they ask about the return trip, he either side, made almost entirely of brass and other
says that he has no desire to wait for them near an metals. The characters are kept on the poop deck at the
efreet stronghold, but he’s confident that they can find rear of the ship, away from most of the masts, oars, and
their own way back. azer sailors. Even here, on the highest deck of the ship,
A character can make an Intelligence (History or the characters can still feel the extreme heat emanating
Religion) check to get an idea of what payment would from the sea of lava below.
be fair. On a 15 or higher, a character knows that prices While sailing, the characters frequently spot other
on the elemental planes are generally much higher than strange beings sailing on, swimming in, or flying over
prices on the Material Plane due to greater abundance the Sea of Fire, including salamanders, other azer ships,

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red dragons, and even a massive spiked turtle that they BALLISTAE
first mistake for an island.
There are two loaded metal ballistae on the poop deck.
It takes three hours for the Pyreblade to reach the
As an action, a character can fire an adjacent ballista at
Sunscorched Palace. If Captain Zehind was not satisfied
a target within 120 ft. of it, making a ranged weapon
by the party’s payment, he covertly orders the sailors to
attack at +7 to hit for 33 (6d10) piercing damage.
sail at a more leisurely pace, taking four hours to arrive
However, the ballistae are mounted in such a way that
instead of three hours. Each hour of sailing means
they cannot turn more than 90 degrees in either
another saving throw against heat exhaustion.
direction unless a character spends a bonus action to
After one hour of sailing, or two hours if the ship is
make a DC 8 Strength check to force it around, or a DC
sailing more leisurely, read the following:
12 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools or tinker’s tools to
The Pyreblade suddenly jerks to a halt as a dozen reconfigure the firing mechanism. There is no extra
molten red tentacles rise out of the Sea of Fire and ammunition nearby, so characters won’t be able reload
wrap themselves around the ship. Azer sailors shout out a ballista for a second shot.
in alarm and rush to grab axes even as some of the
azers are plucked up by writhing tentacles. Captain TACTICS
Zehind looks up at your group and bellows out a single The tentacles spread out and each attack a different
word in Common: “Kraken!” target if possible. They have a reach of 15 feet, allowing
them to opportunity attack at a significant distance.
A lava kraken is trying to tear the Pyreblade apart with Tentacles do not attempt to pull or drag characters over
its tentacles. The azers are battling tentacles on the rest the side of the ship. Instead, they attempt to slide
of the ship, but four molten tentacles sprout up around further onto the ship to keep a tighter grip on it.
the rear deck and attack the characters. Use Appendix:
Pyreblade Battlemap if you wish to use a map for this DEVELOPMENT
fight. The tentacles are very long; they’re connected Once the tentacles are defeated, the azers rush to their
down below to the lava, but the main part of each oars and row away as fast as they can. Characters are
tentacle can move up to 15 feet onto or above the deck treated to the sight of a huge red kraken maw poking
of the ship, allowing them to reach the characters. out of the lava as the Pyreblade retreats safely into the
At the end of each round, fire shoots out of the distance.
tentacle suckers, forcing each creature within 15 feet of Captain Zehind comes to the characters and thanks
any molten tentacle to make a DC 14 Dexterity saving them for helping defeat the lava kraken. That type of
throw. It doesn’t matter if a character is within range of danger is not uncommon here on the Sea of Fire. If the
multiple tentacles; each character only needs to make characters defeated their tentacles before the fourth
this saving throw once per round. A creature takes 17 round of combat (and thus didn’t need to rely on azer
(5d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much help), Zehind offers them a potion as thanks for their
damage on a successful one. service (see Treasure section below). If the characters
If the characters have not yet defeated the tentacles have further complaints, he is even willing to refund
by the start of the fourth round of combat, the azers their original payment if they succeed on a DC 21
finish fighting off the tentacles on the rest of the ship Charisma (Persuasion) check or a DC 18 Charisma
and arrive to help. They quickly destroy the remaining (Intimidation) check.
tentacles and stabilize any unconscious party members. The remaining two-hour trip passes without incident.
Remember that characters need to make saving throws
ADJUSTING THIS ENCOUNTER against heat exhaustion each hour, and characters who
• Very Weak: Remove a molten tentacle. The end of are not at least resistant to fire can’t rest here.
round fire deals 10 (3d6) fire damage instead.
• Weak: Remove a molten tentacle. TREASURE
• Strong: Add a molten tentacle. If the characters defeated their tentacles without azer
• Very Strong: Add two molten tentacles. help, Captain Zehind thanks them with two potions of
fire resistance, telling them that they’ll probably need it
 For Extra Challenge: Each molten tentacle has a +7
more than he ever will.
bonus to hit instead of +5, and the end of round fire
deals 21 (6d6) fire damage instead.

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Before you, upon a jagged island of obsidian that bulges
out of the Sea of Fire, sits a palace beautiful and
majestic beyond that of any royal dwelling on Faerûn.
The palace itself is colored entirely in gold, with pale
Estimated Duration: 35 minutes golden marble composing its walls and minarets, and
By their own power or with Captain Zehind’s help, the golden metallic plates covering its numerous statues,
characters arrive at the entrance to the Sunscorched domes, and archways.
Palace, home to Razim the Incandescent. The central minaret of the palace has a great dome
that towers above you to dizzying heights, with a spike
STORY BEAT at its top appearing to pierce the very sun itself.
The characters see the wonders of the palace and meet Countless other towers flank the central dome on all
Razim, his daughter Kessara, and Ardet. They witness sides, and the entire palace shimmers and glows with
the power of the efreeti crown of wishes and must the reflected light of the evening sun.
prepare for the trial ahead.
GENERAL FEATURES Ardet and a small group of Reborn Flame cultists came
The Sunscorched Palace has the following general through the portal three days before the adventure
features: started. They obtained passage across the Sea of Fire on
Light. The outside of the palace gleams with the light board an efreet ship, and they’ve spent the last few
of the perpetual sun. Inside, the rooms are lit with days taking advantage of Razim’s hospitality and trying
gemstone chandeliers, magic braziers, and floating orbs, to convince him and his daughter Kessara to aid the Cult
most of which provide light in a variety of colors. of Reborn Flame.
Occupants. Efreet and fire myrmidons stand guard at Neither Razim nor Kessara has any intention of
every important doorway. Devils and hell hounds patrol helping them, but the cultists have such palpable
the halls. Humanoid and azer slaves attend to chores desperation about them that the efreet can’t help but
and noble needs. It’s nigh-impossible for a guest to go try to take advantage of them. The game began with
unnoticed where they’re not welcome. Kessara befriending them, supposedly behind Razim’s
Magical Protection. The palace is protected by back. Since then, the two efreet have been
numerous spells and wards. There are spells that brainstorming ways to dispose of the cultists in the
protect against theft, causing stolen valuables to most amusing way possible; the player characters’
teleport away while triggering an alarm. There are spells arrival seems to provide just such an opportunity.
to guard the palace from teleportation and dimensional
travel, preventing creatures from teleporting through
walls, floors, or ceilings (so it’s impossible to teleport or
plane shift into the palace from outside, or from one If the characters arrive by sea, they come ashore upon a
room to another, but it’s still possible to teleport within single stone pier that juts out of the obsidian cliffs. The
the same room). Finally, the walls, floors, and ceilings grand entrance to the Sunscorched Palace lies on the
are infused with gorgon blood, preventing ethereal plateau above the cliffs, nearly 100 feet higher than the
travel or spells like passwall. level of the pier, but there doesn’t seem to be an
Temperature. Because of Razim’s frequent dealings entrance or staircase connecting this pier to the clifftop.
with Primes thanks to his position as a pasha, his palace If Captain Zehind brought them here, he will wave and
is enchanted to provide cooling comfort to those that wish them good luck before sailing off; as an azer, he
need it. The inside of the palace feels comfortably cool has no wish to linger near an efreet stronghold.
for non-natives of the plane. A lone salamander is curled up and resting at the end
Mood. This palace is meant to evoke a sense of of the pier. When she notices the character’s arrival,
otherworldly wonder. The majesty and opulence of the she makes an idle gesture and calls out “Visitors” in
dwelling, combined with the great and varied hosts that Ignan, causing the characters to feel a hot wind swirling
serve the Pasha, should give an idea of just how wealthy around them. The wind lifts them off their feet and
and powerful efreet nobles are. carries them all the way up the cliffside, dropping them
on top of the plateau. This levitation effect is caused by

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invisible air elementals bound by Razim to act as an devious mind that would not hesitate to manipulate
elevator. Servants at the top of the plateau can also others to their own ruin for the sake of her amusement.
command the elementals to carry people back down to Like Razim, Kessara finds life in the palace quite dull, so
the pier. she is quick to latch onto new sources of entertainment,
such as the characters’ conflict with Ardet. Kessara has
her own ambitions, and she’s willing to show that
ambitious side to convince others of her willingness to
If the characters arrive through some means of flight,
aid them or betray her father. But in truth, she is
they can see a large open courtyard in front of the
fiercely loyal to her family and willing to follow her
palace that provides a good landing spot. If they try to
father’s lead when it counts.
fly on top of the palace, perhaps to land on a minaret or
Kessara is a very adept liar, and any attempt to see
rooftop, they find themselves blown back by winds that
through her mask requires a DC 17 Wisdom (Insight)
gently but firmly guide them to the front courtyard. The
check to get vague hints about her manipulation, and a
palace is well protected from winged creatures
DC 22 Wisdom (Insight) check to sense more clearly
attacking from above.
who she really is and what she is trying to do.
Voice: Young, refined, noble, friendly, excited
Quote: “I’ve been cooped up in this palace my whole
Humanoid and azer servants scurry about the life. It must be so exciting to travel to other planes and
courtyard, attending to chores and ignoring the see the multiverse like you do!”
characters. A pair of efreet warriors stand guard in the
courtyard next to a set of massive golden steps leading Kessara leads you up the steps to the Sunscorched
to the grand archway at the front of the palace. Golden Palace. Together, you make your way through the grand
statues of dancing efreet stand to either side of the archway and catch your first glimpse of the interior of
archway; these statues animate into iron golems should the palace.
the palace ever come under attack. The massive open room is even taller than it is wide,
with five balcony levels making up the upper parts of
As you take in the scene before you, an efreeti woman the chamber. Countless entrances lead out of the
approaches you. She is clearly beautiful and wealthy, chamber to the innumerable wings and halls of this
with fiery red hair, coal-black skin, and wearing jewelry palace, and two golden staircases on either side spiral
of ruby and gold all over her body. “Greetings, honored toward the upper floors. The walls and ceilings are
visitors. I am Amira Kessara the Enchanted, daughter of covered in frescos depicting efreet battling all sorts of
Pasha Razim the Incandescent. I welcome you to our other beings, including azers, marids, and djinn.
resplendent abode. What brings you to the Sunscorched Numerous efreet, salamanders, and fiery elementals
Palace? Do you seek an audience with my father?” wearing jagged metal armor stand guard at the
Kessara has the tongues spell active so she can speak entrances around the chamber.
and understand all languages. She realizes that the Best of all, as soon as you step into the palace
characters likely have some relation to Ardet’s group. proper, the heat becomes much more bearable. It’s not
Once the characters explain their presence, Kessara that the air is cooler inside, but rather it feels as if you
invites them into the palace proper to wait for Razim’s have suddenly become acclimated to the heat and no
arrival. She is very interested in the characters and she longer feel discomfort from it.
is happy to answer any questions regarding the palace Kessara leads the group through a few hallways into a
or her family, but she will quickly insist that they follow waiting room where she orders servants to bring exotic
her into the palace to speak more comfortably. When foods and wines for the guests. During this time, she
the characters are ready, Kessara leads them in. also secretly orders a servant to fetch Ardet using code
phrases; a character who understands Ignan can figure
ROLEPLAYING AMIRA KESSARA THE ENCHANTED (KESS- out that she’s giving coded messages to the servants
SAR-UH) with a DC 17 Wisdom (Insight) check, but it’s impossible
Kessara is outwardly a young, innocent, and friendly to know exactly what she’s trying to say. A pair of efreet
efreeti who enjoys talking to guests of the Sunscorched stand guard here, one just outside watching the
Palace, but beneath that outward appearance is a

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hallway, while the other one keeping watch inside by • Its structures must be purged with fire and rebuilt
the door. from the ashes.
Kessara is fascinated by the characters and is quick to • Adventurers are just hired thugs with a license to kill.
ask their purpose here. She brings up Ardet’s group if They cannot be trusted.
they don’t, asking if they know about the other guests • Ardet shall be reforged as one of the new leaders of
from the Prime Material Plane and whether the two Mulmaster after it falls to the Cult of Reborn Flame.
groups are related. Ardet has already mentioned to her • The Black Phoenix shall light the way.
the possibility of the Hawks or the Cloaks sending
adventurers to assassinate his cultists, so Kessara A DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check allows a character to
assumes they’re here to kill Ardet and his companions. sense that Ardet is partially putting on an act and trying
If the characters try to lie to her about their purpose at to convince himself.
the palace, she pretends to believe them, but insists If a character tries to redeem Ardet and persuade
that they should meet her friend Ardet since “You seem him against the cult, they can attempt a DC 15 Charisma
to have a lot in common.” (Persuasion) check. They have advantage on the check if
they have played DDEX2-15 Black Heart of Vengeance
AGAINST THE CLOCK or if they appeal to his sense of duty towards his family.
On a success, Ardet’s demeanor softens, and he seems
Roleplaying scenes have a high potential to run longer
more hesitant and doubtful. On a failure, Ardet sneers
than expected with some groups. If time is limited, you
and says that Mulmaster and his family have failed him,
can have Ardet arrive almost immediately to cut the
so why should he still care about them? In either case,
initial conversation with Kessara short. Similarly, Razim
this success or failure counts for attempting to redeem
can arrive a little after Ardet. Try to balance between
Ardet in Part 5, and characters cannot persuade Ardet
having enough time to get to know these characters
any further until then.
and ensuring that the game ends on schedule.

Soon afterwards, Ardet arrives: ROLEPLAYING ARDET PEYTIR (ARE-DET PIE-TEER)

Ardet is deeply bitter about his kidnapping and House
“You wanted to see me, Amira Kessara?” A young Peytir’s subsequent decline. He believes (not unjustly)
human man walks into the room. He suddenly pauses, that his family despises him, they didn’t try very hard to
shocked, as he beholds your group gathered around this rescue him, and his cousin Fedosia Peytir wants him
waiting room. “These must be the assassins I told you gone so she can inherit his wealth and property. After
about! I knew they would come for me eventually! Ardet was rescued by adventurers, the family did little
Please, keep them away from me!” to help rebuild his manor, and they seem to regard his
Kessara responds calmly, “Don’t worry, my friend. kidnapping as his own fault, blaming him for bringing
We’re all guests of my father here, so let’s all talk as the wrath of the Cult of Black Earth upon House Peytir’s
friends. I’m sure these fine visitors would not be so businesses.
discourteous as to bring violence into these halls.” As if Similarly, Ardet was once a fervent patriot of
to underscore her words, a second efreeti guard comes Mulmaster, but he could only watch in disgust as the
into the room behind Ardet and stands by the door soldiers and Cloaks of Mulmaster allowed their enemies
keeping watch. Ardet reluctantly comes into the room (the Liberators) into their gates and then failed to
and stands by Kessara’s side, his eyes darting quickly defend the city against the cultists who brought about
between all of you. the Devastation. He thinks that this new cult, the Cult of
Reborn Flame, can purge Mulmaster of its foreigners
Kessara tries to foster a conversation among everyone and weak elements (the Cloaks, the Hawks, the noble
here. Ardet is convinced that this group of armed families) and install a new leadership that will make
humanoids must have come after him; no amount of Mulmaster strong again. Ardet still bears a lot of doubt,
deception can convince him otherwise. If the characters but he suppresses them as his leadership position in the
try to convince Ardet to give up the cult, he is quick to cult is giving him renewed purpose.
act indignant and spout cultist talking points, such as Voice: Indecisive, frightful, occasional stutter
the following: Quote: “House Peytir and Mulmaster have failed me.
• Mulmaster is hopelessly corrupt. The Cult of Reborn Flame is the only hope I have left.”
• The city has failed its people time and time again.

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If the characters try any violence, Kessara warns them The animosity between Razim and Kessara is purely an
that her father’s guards would not take kindly to such act, and one that they are well-practiced in. A character
actions, nor would she. There are at least three efreet can make a DC 22 Wisdom (Insight) check to realize that
in the room (Kessara and two guards), another efreeti Razim doesn’t seem quite so hostile towards Kessara as
right outside the door, and more guards within shouting he first appears. If the result is between 13 to 21, the
range. Ardet Peytir is also capable of defending himself. character sees Kessara give a subtle glare towards her
Any combat here would go very poorly for the father before looking down.
characters. Razim demands to know why the characters have
Remember the general features of the palace come to his palace. If they come up with a story, Ardet
prevent teleportation or planar travel. If the characters is eager to interrupt, saying that they’re undoubtedly
don’t heed Kessara’s warnings, let them suffer the full sent by Mulmaster to assassinate him. Razim doesn’t
consequences of their actions. Guards do try to knock act very warmly towards Ardet either, and if the
characters unconscious with melee attacks and they’re characters mention their real goal, Razim seems to
willing to accept surrender, but they’re not going to go consider the request. During the conversation, the
out of their way to avoid killing characters with wall of crown atop his head continues to smolder in flames,
fire and the like if combat is ongoing. with the color of the flames shifting according to
XP AWARDS Razim’s mood. Kessara stays quiet unless she’s directly
involved in the conversation.
If the characters succeed in their Charisma (Persuasion)
check against Ardet, award each character 500 XP. ROLEPLAYING PASHA RAZIM THE INCANDESCENT (RA-
Razim has been alive for a long time. He is one of the
Horns blare as a salamander servant enters the room. wealthiest and most powerful efreet nobles in
She announces, “I present to you Razim the existence, and he knows it. His arrogance is truly
Incandescent, Pasha of the Third Prime, Forger of immense. However, he is also bored. In centuries past,
Chains, Sublime Keeper of the Tomb of Okhran al- Razim was at the forefront of the Sultan’s armies,
Kabus, Slayer of Caliph Naazzin of the Putrid Waters, fighting azers, marids, djinn, and whatever else the
Bane of Azer-kind, Conqueror of al-Hubam, and Loyal Sultan fancied killing. But the wars ended, and now
Subject of the Great Sultan of the City of Brass.” Razim spends his days in his palace, his every need
Behind her floats an efreeti wearing more jewelry attended to except his need to be truly challenged or
than perhaps you’ve ever seen in your entire life. entertained.
Golden armbands, emerald-studded scimitar, gem- Razim has spent centuries mastering the art of
studded vest, a dozen necklaces on his neck, multiple manipulation. It takes a DC 19 Wisdom (Insight) check
rings on every finger as well as every spike jutting out of to sense that something is off when he is attempting to
his head and back. Most impressive of all is the golden manipulate or deceive a character, and it takes a DC 24
crown resting upon his head, which smolders in green Wisdom (Insight) check to get a good grasp on his true
flames and bears numerous diamond stars each of feelings or intentions when talking to him. Razim’s
which gleams with its own light. Razim is draped in position as a pasha gives him prominence among the
wealth for all to see, yet his demeanor makes the efreet, but his duties keep him from being able to
display of wealth seem stately and dignified rather than exercise his talents in the City of Brass at the forefront
superfluous or gaudy. of efreet politics and intrigue. With the arrival of the
Kessara speaks up, “Father, these are the-” cultists and then the characters, Razim leaps at the
But Razim cuts her off: “Quiet! When will you learn chance to enjoy the old blood sport of intrigue once
your manners, fool girl? I will ask the questions here.” again.
Kessara stops and casts her eyes downward. “Why has Voice: Deep, angry, imperious, self-important
yet another group of mortals come to take advantage of Quote: “I have hunted dragons, beasts, and mortals
my hospitality? Is one group of leeches not enough?” alike. In every hunt, no excitement quite matches that of
He glares towards Ardet as he says that, then turns to the moment when you set your hellhounds loose and
you. “Tell me truthfully why you are here, or I will have watch them pounce upon your prey. This time, you were
you tossed into the Sea of Fire.” my hounds, and you served your master well.”

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Once it becomes clear that the characters and Ardet are All the characters are restored to full hit points and
working at crossed purposes, Razim proposes a contest cured of exhaustion, ostensibly because Kessara is
to see who is worthy of his favor. He shall create a Trial wishing upon the crown. In truth, the crown is merely a
of Strength and Cunning to test the resolves of both trinket that burns with the color of the wearer’s
groups. The group that manages to withstand the heat emotions, usually green because of Razim and Kessara’s
and overcome their trial first is the victor. If the cultists amusement at their trickery. Anyone who looks upon
win, Razim swears to aid them in their vendetta against the crown with detect magic can detect an aura of
Mulmaster and make the player characters his slaves. If illusion magic around it. Since her goal is to show off the
the characters win, Razim promises to reward them crown’s supposed powers, if none of the characters are
with spectacular wealth and hand the cultists over to exhausted or injured, she instead replenishes their food
their mercy. and drink with magic (ostensibly using the crown).
Ardet looks very nervous at the prospect of the trial, Kessara is a divine soul of Hastsezini, a god of cruel
and is initially hesitant, but after taking a glance at and destructive fire, and she is subtly casting healing
Kessara and getting an encouraging look, he accepts the and restoration spells without using verbal or somatic
challenge. If the characters hesitate, Razim tells them components. A DC 17 Wisdom (Insight) check gives the
that they’re free to leave if they refuse, but he would sense that something seems to be off about her
ally with Ardet by default and destroy their pesky city. demeanor when wishing upon the crown, but the
He refuses to answer any questions about the contents character gets nothing more than vague hints unless
of the trial, saying only that it will test their intellect as their Wisdom (Insight) result is 22 or higher. Kessara
well as their skill at arms. refuses to wish for anything else, using the excuse that
Once the characters accept, or if they hesitate, her father would not approve, and she absolutely does
Kessara interjects and says, “Surely, father, you don’t not allow any character to touch the crown.
mean to subject these brave heroes to the trial before Kessara wants the characters to believe that the
allowing them a chance to recuperate from the crown is powerful in order to motivate them to chase
journey? Allow me to tend to their wounds with the after Ardet’s group later once she convinces the cultists
crown, so that they’ll be at their best when attempting to steal the crown and escape during the Trial of
the trial ahead.” Razim reluctantly agrees, and once the Strength and Cunning. This grand charade is a way for
characters accept the challenge, he hands Kessara the Kessara and Razim to force an entertaining show from
burning crown before heading out, telling the the characters and the cultists, and the more emotion
characters that they have one hour to get ready before they can elicit from their targets, the greater the
the trial. Ardet is led back to the cultist quarters. entertainment value for the efreet.
Once Kessara has showed off the crown’s powers to
an adequate extent, she bids the characters good luck in
the trial ahead and takes her leave. The characters have
Kessara takes the golden, diamond-studded crown that one hour to short rest or otherwise prepare for their
her father handed her, admires its beauty for a trial. At no point are characters allowed to go anywhere
moment, and places it gently upon her own horned outside of this room or the adjoining privy; three efreet
head. As soon as the crown touches her head, green guards keep careful watch over the only exit, two inside
flames erupt from the crown, and the diamonds set in and one outside the door.
gold shine with silvery-white light. Kessara smiles, and After the hour is up, a servant arrives to take the
says, “This is the efreeti crown of wishes, an ancient characters to the Trial of Strength and Cunning.
artifact that my family has handed down for
generations. This is the method by which ancient efreet
were able to grant the wishes of mortals. Allow me now
to wish your wounds healed and your bodies ready for
the trial ahead.”
Kessara presses her hand upon the crown, closes her
eyes, and concentrates. A moment later, your wounds
are mended, your aches and pains are gone, and you
feel strong and refreshed.

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pillars spray more lava, the lower levels of the chamber
steadily fill up and become inaccessible. The features of
the room are described further below.

Estimated Duration: 80 minutes
Now that they are rested up and prepared, the The trial chamber has the following general features:
characters must compete in the Trial of Strength and Terrain: The terraces have rough sides that are very
Cunning against Ardet’s cultists to win Razim’s favor. easy to climb, requiring no check. A creature can
carefully jump down to a level that is 10 ft. lower
STORY BEAT without taking damage.
The characters must solve a logic puzzle which causes Light. Magical light shines down from tiny cracks in
the room to fill up with lava as they ask for more clues. the ceiling, covering the room in bright light.
Once they solve the puzzle, they must fight creatures of Lava. As the characters ask for more clues to the
fire inside the lava-strewn chamber of their creation in logic puzzle, the room steadily fills up with lava. The
order to claim the banner of victory. lava here is dulled by magic and not quite as lethal as
the lava found outside the palace. Any creature that
touches lava or ends its turn in lava takes 16 (3d10) fire
Razim floats before you, his presence imposing and damage. That damage can change for weaker parties
majestic even without a crown upon his head. He says (see Adjusting the Encounter below). This lava is also
in a booming voice, “The Trial of Strength and Cunning not as dense as usual, allowing creatures to swim or
shall now begin. Each of these chambers hides a banner wade through it, and it’s transparent enough that
that proclaims your victory. The first group who creatures can see up to 5 ft. through the lava. Any
retrieves their banner and brings it to me shall prove creature completely submerged in lava has resistance to
themselves worthy of my favor. You will need might and cold damage.
ingenuity to even survive this trial, much less find Doors. The doors to the chamber will open if a
victory.” character carrying the banner of victory touches the
Razim claps his hands together, causing a thunderous door. Otherwise, it’s impossible to open those doors
bang, and the two massive metal doors on opposite from inside.
sides of the hallway slam open. “Get in, and look around Magical Protection. The trial chamber is protected
all you like. When you’re ready to start, just press the from teleportation and dimensional travel, preventing
button. And try not to die too quickly.” creatures from teleporting or plane shifting out of the
Ardet stands on the other side of the hallway amid a room, though they can still teleport around the
half-dozen figures in robes and armor. He stares back at chamber. The walls, floors, and ceilings are infused with
your group for a moment, looking uncertain, before gorgon blood, preventing ethereal travel or spells like
turning around and marching into his trial chamber. The passwall. Finally, a powerful ward prevents characters
other cultists march in behind him. from dying in this chamber; see the Ward Against
You step forward into your chamber, and as the last Death sidebar below for details.
of you enter the room, the heavy metal doors slam Temperature. Unlike the rest of the palace, this
closed behind you. The chamber you find yourself in is chamber is not protected by the same charm that keeps
an inverted pyramid, with terraced steps descending non-native creatures cool. As the characters ask for
towards a depressed square at the center of the more clues, the room gradually heats up, causing
chamber. Right above that square is a stone obelisk considerable problems for creatures not suited to the
sticking out of the ceiling with its tip pointing down. heat. See The Air is Also Lava! sidebar below for details.


The characters find themselves at the top terrace of a The trial chamber is a complex locale used for both a
huge, multi-layered chamber with a ceiling 15 ft. above puzzle and a battle. Having an accurate map here is vital
them. Use Appendix: Trial of Strength and Cunning to making this scene work. If you’re running in a time-
Battlemap to represent this location. There is currently limited setting, please have this map prepared ahead of
no lava in the room. The room is designed so that as the time if possible.

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WARD AGAINST DEATH • The Society of Strength
1. Avenger
Razim wants to test the characters and have them put 2. Paladin
on a good show for him. Since they are still necessary 3. Soldier
for the next part of the entertainment (dealing with 4. Mercenary
Ardet), he does not want them to die yet. Whenever a 5. Myrmidon
character fails a death saving throw inside this chamber,
whether it’s from rolling the save or taking damage • The Society of Intellect
while unconscious, they are instantly teleported out of 1. Transmuter
the chamber and stabilized at 0 hit points. They remain 2. Diviner
unconscious until the rest of the group succeeds at the 3. Enchanter
trial or until all of them are teleported out in the same 4. Abjurer
way. This teleportation bypasses the chamber’s magical 5. Elementalist
protection against teleportation. • The Society of Wisdom
When a character is teleported out in this fashion, do 1. Monk
not let any of the players know what happened until 2. Missionary
after they finish the trial. The previously-dying character 3. Healer
is still unconscious, and the other characters only notice 4. Shepherd
that an orange glow surrounded that character and 5. Druid
then their body vanished. Giving this protection away
too early can ruin the tension and suspense of the • The Society of Wealth
scene. This act of mercy is also not without cost; Razim 1. Swashbuckler
expects his kindness to be repaid with interest (see the 2. Philanthropist
Total Party Failure and Partial Party Failure sections 3. Trader
below for details). 4. Merchant
The ward only applies to player characters. Pets, 5. Guild Member
minions, hirelings, and the like do not get the same The society members can be represented using Tarokka
courtesy. Razim wants the important adventurers alive Cards from Curse of Strahd; the four societies
to deal with Ardet; he doesn’t care about their hired correspond to the four suits of the Tarokka deck, and
help. the members correspond to the first five cards of each
suit. If you do not have a deck of Tarokka Cards, you can
The characters’ first task is to solve a logic puzzle. The
cut out the cards from Appendix: Appeal to Logic
basic information for the logic puzzle is as follows (this
Tarokka Cards to substitute. The cards provide an
information is also found on Player Handout 4: Altar
important visual aid for players when they attempt to
Inscription which the players can get by examining Area
solve this logic puzzle, and they can retrieve the cards in
Area A.
“There was once a town dominated by four societies: The players must figure out who the four invited
The Society of Strength, the Society of Intellect, the representatives are and what order they arrived in.
Society of Wisdom, and the Society of Wealth. Each They get clues to solve the puzzle by pressing the
member of a society has a rank from 1 to 5, indicating button on the pillar in Area D. The characters can ask
how influential they are within their own group; the for as many clues as they need to solve the puzzle, but
higher their number, the greater their rank. each time they ask for a new clue, the obsidian pillars
One day, the mayor decides to host a meeting spray out lava to cover up more of the room. This
between all four societies. She invites a single danger means that characters want to solve the puzzle
representative from each of the four societies to come with the fewest number of clues necessary.
to her mansion for the conference, and she decides that There are three different versions of this puzzle:
all four representatives should be of different ranks. versions A, B, and C. If one of your players has already
Who are the four representatives, and in what order played the adventure before, you can choose a version
do they arrive? It takes deduction and logic to uncover of the puzzle that they have not solved yet. Otherwise,
the truth.” pick whatever version you like. The answers to the
The four societies and their members are as follows: different versions are as follows:

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• Version A: puzzle, with the leftmost slot designated for the
1. Druid (5 of Wisdom) representative who arrives first.
2. Paladin (2 of Strength) Whenever four Tarokka cards are placed into the
3. Enchanter (3 of Intellect) four slots, the altar glows with magic and considers the
4. Merchant (4 of Wealth) submission. If the chosen cards are correct and in the
right order, proceed to the next section, Fire and Fury.
• Version B:
If the chosen cards are incorrect or not in the right
1. Shepherd (4 of Wisdom)
order, the Lava Level rises by 10 ft. (see The Floor is
2. Soldier (3 of Strength)
Lava! sidebar below for details). Each correct card that
3. Elementalist (5 of Intellect)
is in the correct slot remains in the depression, while
4. Swashbuckler (1 of Wealth)
incorrect cards are softly ejected from the altar.
• Version C:
1. Philanthropist (2 of Wealth)
2. Healer (3 of Wisdom) Eight pillars of obsidian go from floor to ceiling. There is
3. Mercenary (4 of Strength) a hidden nozzle on each pillar that points towards the
4. Transmuter (1 of Intellect) center of the room. Whenever the Lava Level increases,
the nozzles gush out enough lava for the lava in the
Each version has its own set of clues in Appendix:
room to surge up to the Lava Level in altitude (so if the
Appeal to Logic Clues Version A, B, or C. Make sure to
Lava Level is 15 ft., lava covers all the areas of the map
cut out those clues before play so they can be
that are lower than +15; see The Floor is Lava! sidebar
distributed to players during the game. If possible, print
below for details).
and cut out two or more sets of the same clues so that
The pillars are rough enough to be climbed with a DC
players on different sides of the table can look at the
13 Strength (Athletics) check. The pillars are impervious
clues simultaneously. The clues are numbered in the
to damage, and the lava will burn through most
order that you should present them to the players as
mundane attempts to block them off. But if the
they ask for clues; the last couple of clues are obvious
characters spend resources trying to halt the flow of
enough to solve the entire puzzle on their own, but they
lava, reward their efforts without completely negating
only arrive when the entire chamber is flooded with
the threat. For example, if the characters manage to
lava and the characters have taken a lot of damage.
block off half the pillars with spells like wall of force or
Refer to Appendix: Trial of Strength and Cunning
stone shape, perhaps the Lava Level rises at half the
Battlemap for the locations of the following features of
usual rate.
the room:
This pillar rises 5 feet above the terrace that it rests on.
A circular table rests on the right side of the initial
There is a glowing button on top of that pillar etched
platform. Four stacks of stone Tarokka cards sit on top
with the Ignan words for “Acquire Knowledge”. The
of the table. When characters collect these cards,
characters immediately recognize that this is the button
provide the players with all twenty Tarokka cards.
Razim said to press when they are ready to start.
B. ALTAR OF ANSWERS Whenever the button is pressed, the Lava Level rises
A long altar rests at the end of the walkway which by 5 ft., and then a floating sphere of golden energy
overlooks the center of the chamber. The altar bears an falls from the ceiling and lands in a random square on
inscription in the front that describes the parameters of the map (the map is labeled so that you can roll 2d20 to
the logic puzzle. When a character inspects the altar, figure out where the sphere lands; reroll if it lands
give them Player Handout 3: Altar Inscription. outside the walls). The sphere always hovers just above
On top of the altar are four rectangular depressions, the surface that it lands on (including the surface of
each of which fits a single stone Tarokka card. Carved lava).
into the stone depressions are, from left to right, the Whenever a creature comes within 10 ft. of a sphere,
Ignan words “First,” “Second,” “Third,” and “Fourth.” that sphere vanishes in a harmless explosion of color
A character can easily place Tarokka cards into these and loudly pronounces the next clue to the logic puzzle.
slots or take them back out. This altar acts as the device Each time you present a clue this way, hand your
by which characters can submit answers to the logic
CCC-ODFC02-02 Palace of the Efreeti Page 17
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players one or more copies of the written clue so they deliberate motions to move their miniatures along the
can keep track of it. path that they are taking to simulate the passage of
If the Lava Level is 45 or more, it is high enough to time. Similarly, if the characters do something that
completely cover the knowledge button. A character would take some time in game (like cast a ritual spell),
can still access the button using magic like mage hand, be deliberate with your descriptions or focus on a
or they can swim down to press it, taking damage from different area for a while. However, don’t worry too
lava as usual. much about in-game time; you don’t need to roll
Once the button has been pressed fifteen times, it initiative or track actions or anything on that level of
sinks into the stone pillar and can no longer be pressed. detail. If a player wants to drink potions or cast spells
that don’t have long casting times, just let them do it.
E. STONE BRIDGES The two-minute interval for damage is only a
Four bridges of stone traverse the trenches that reach suggestion. If you’re a fast DM and you have players
the four corners of the room. The bridges are only 5-ft. who are very good at puzzle solving and have strong
thick from top to bottom, allowing lava to flow freely characters, perhaps damage every one minute is
underneath them. They allow characters to navigate the appropriate. Conversely, if you’re not the fastest DM,
room even as the lower levels are filling with lava. or if your players are slower at solving puzzles, maybe
every three minutes fits better. You can even switch
THE FLOOR IS LAVA! intervals during the game if you feel the need.
The purpose of this real time mechanic is so the
The Lava Level represents how high the lava is at any
players feel a pressure to solve the puzzle quickly rather
given moment. Each time the characters press for a clue
than debate clues endlessly. The damage encourages
or submit the wrong answer, the Lava Level increases
speed of play but shouldn’t be a major threat in and of
(by 5 ft. for a clue and 10 ft. for a wrong answer). If the
itself. It serves an important purpose, but if you find the
Lava Level is 25 ft., for example, all surfaces in the room
real time mechanic too much of a hassle, you can ignore
that are lower than +25 in altitude are covered in lava. If
this sidebar completely without losing too much.
possible, mark on the map the areas covered in lava as
it rises. The Lava Level can never go above 75 ft.
The rising lava makes it trickier for characters to ADJUSTING THIS ENCOUNTER
navigate their way around the chamber (which they
• Very Weak or Weak: Lava deals 11 (2d10) fire
need to do to access clues and ask for more) and sets
damage instead of 16 (3d10). Heat causes half as
the stage for the combat that comes after solving the
much damage at each real-time interval.


Puzzles can be a lot of fun, but they also have the
Falling in lava is not the characters’ only worry. As the
potential for frustrating moments. Sometimes, the table
room fills with lava, it also grows exceedingly hot,
can’t figure out what to do or just doesn’t like logic
dealing damage to each creature in the chamber every
puzzles. In those situations, it can be miserable if
two minutes of real time. Use a watch, phone, or
they’re slowly burning to death without feeling like they
hourglass to keep track of time and inflict the damage
can solve the puzzle.
after each interval. The damage inflicted depends on
If your players spend too much time on this puzzle
the Lava Level as follows (also modified by party
(>35 minutes) and are not getting close to a solution, or
strength; see Adjusting the Encounter below):
if they’re clearly very stuck and not having fun, or if you
• Lava Level is 5 or lower: 0 fire damage know that they all hate logic puzzles, you can end the
• Lava Level is 10 to 15: 1 fire damage puzzle early or even avoid it entirely.
• Lava Level is 20 to 25: 2 fire damage In that case, have the obelisk fall in a shower of lava,
• Lava Level is 30 to 35: 3 fire damage raising the Lava Level to 60 (if it’s not currently higher)
• Lava Level is 40 or higher: 4 fire damage and skipping right to the next section Fire and Fury.
Since real time activity has in game consequences, XP AWARDS
special care must be taken to maintain suspension of If the characters solve the logic puzzle, award each
disbelief. As characters move around the map, use character 1,500 XP.
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Lava Roper: The lava roper starts out hidden thanks to
As soon as you place the four cards into the altar, the
its False Appearance trait. It will try to grapple
altar flashes white for a moment, then all the stone
characters that are further away and pull them into
cards disappear, and the room immediately feels cooler
the lava, eventually reeling them close enough to
as if by magic. The entire chamber rumbles and shakes,
take a bite out of them.
and the obelisk that hangs over the center of the room
Red Dragon Wyrmlings: The red dragon wyrmlings start
falls from the ceiling, landing in the lava below with a
out by looking for opportunities to use their breath
mighty splash.
weapons on as many targets as possible. If a
The walls of the obelisk unfold like flower petals. The
dragon’s breath weapon has not recharged, that
inside is hollow besides the long pillar of rock holding
dragon flies in to take a bite out of someone,
up the middle. A few small dragons with red scales roar
preferably someone who is not wearing metal
as they fly out of the hollow interior. The largest
armor. They generally choose targets that are
wyrmling has a fluttering banner made of red silk tied to
further away from the roper (to avoid competing
its neck.
for food).
The obelisk released two red dragon wyrmlings into the DEVELOPMENT
room. They are eager to devour the characters after
being stuffed in a confined space for so long. One of The characters’ objective is to retrieve the banner of
those wyrmlings wears the banner of victory upon its victory from the red dragon wyrmling that is wearing it.
neck; the characters must retrieve the banner to If they can bring the banner to the entrance, they can
succeed and escape the room. The other wyrmling is a open the main door and leave the chamber, successfully
smaller runt that only has 50 hit points. The stone pillar defeating the encounter. None of the monsters will
that remains on the obelisk bobbing in the lava is a lava pursue characters who leave the chamber.
roper that pretends to be inanimate rock.
Use the same map Appendix: Trial of Strength and
Cunning Battlemap for this combat, with the lava at the If all the characters failed death saves and were
same level as when the characters solved the puzzle. teleported out, they wake up back in their waiting room
Heat protection magic once again envelops the room, miraculously alive, healed up to half their maximum hit
keeping the characters from feeling the effects of heat points and suffering from a level of exhaustion. A
in the air and preventing them from taking constant salamander servant tells them that they live only
damage (though touching lava is just as painful as because of the Pasha’s generosity, and so they are now
before). The Ward Against Death still applies. bound into the Pasha’s service. All of them gain the
Servant of the Pasha story award.
ADJUSTING THIS ENCOUNTER The servant tells them that they’re lucky the cultists
• Very Weak: Remove the weaker red dragon were so treacherous and cowardly as to escape during
wyrmling. The lava roper only has AC 17 and 75 hit their trial. She refuses to elaborate except to say that
points and can only make two tendril attacks with its they should rest up and prepare themselves; the Pasha
multiattack. Lava deals 11 (2d10) fire damage will need their services soon enough. The characters can
instead of 16 (3d10). take a short rest. Proceed to Part 5.
• Weak: Remove the weaker red dragon wyrmling.
The lava roper only has AC 17 and 75 hit points. Lava
deals 11 (2d10) fire damage instead of 16 (3d10).
If one or more of the characters failed death saves and
• Strong: Add a red dragon wyrmling.
were teleported out, but the rest succeeded in their
• Very Strong: Add two red dragon wyrmlings. One of
trial, the characters who were rescued wake up in the
them is a runt with only 50 hit points.
hallway outside the trial chamber, healed up to half
 For Extra Challenge: The banner-wearing wyrmling their maximum hit points and suffering from a level of
has 110 hit points and can take lair actions. exhaustion. They wake just in time to see their
companions leave the trial with banner of victory in
hand. A salamander servant tells the rescued characters

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that they live only because of the Pasha’s generosity,
and so they are now bound into the Pasha’s service.
These characters gain the Servant of the Pasha story
award. Proceed to the following section Passing the

If characters succeeded in retrieving the banner:

Razim laughs as you make your way out of the trial

chamber. “Congratulations, champions. You have
surpassed my expectations and completed your trial far
faster than those who covet my power. I promised you
great treasure, and you now carry it with you. My vault
and my treasure are in your hands.” Razim points to the
very banner of victory that one of you now holds.
He turns to the other side of the hall, looking at the
door that the cultists stepped through. “Open the doors
and bring out those defeated, or what’s left of them.
Our champions here shall have the right to decide their
fates.” Servants rush to his bidding and drag open the
heavy doors leading to the other trial chamber. They
look inside, and step back out a moment later. A
salamander servant reports, “The chamber is empty,
Resplendent One. There’s nobody inside.”

Ardet’s trial chamber looks like an exact mirror of the

one the characters fought in, except there’s no lava and
nobody around. Ardet and the cultists have long since
disappeared from the chamber. Razim is furious and
stalks off to find his efreeti crown of wishes so he can
force the cultists back to face his judgment. A servant
leads the party back to their waiting room with food
ready, telling them to rest up while the Pasha
investigates what happened. They can take a short rest.
If the characters had successfully retrieved the banner
of victory, they discover during their rest that the
banner is actually a portable hole named the vault of
the efreeti. Inside the extradimensional space is a small
fortune in coins and gems worth a total of 1,500 gp.

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the process. He is incredulous that she would betray
him after all he has done for her.
Estimated Duration: 65 minutes Razim wants the characters to chase after them and
The characters, victorious or not, have rested up from bring the crown back. Though he longs to fly out with
the results of their trial and await Razim’s return. his soldiers and slay them all himself, he fears having to
fight his own daughter Kessara; even the efreet frown
STORY BEAT upon kinslaying. Instead, he would send his new
champions (or servants, if they all failed at the trial) to
The cultists have escaped with the efreeti crown of
bring it back in his stead. If they succeed in retrieving
wishes and the characters must fly after them and force
the crown, they would earn a truly wondrous prize. The
a confrontation in the Sea of Fire. They either redeem
crown is all-important; though Razim would like to see
or slay Ardet before coming back and learning of the
the cultists and his traitor daughter slaughtered
efreet’s deception.
mercilessly, their fate is up to the characters to decide.
Once the characters agree to catch Ardet and bring
THE GRAND MASQUERADE back the efreeti crown of wishes, Razim leads them to
Razim and Kessara are toying with the mortals. Kessara the courtyard outside the palace. He tells the characters
convinced Ardet to escape with her and the efreeti that he has learned that Ardet’s cultists are attempting
crown of wishes during the trial. She promised to help to sail across the Sea of Fire on the back of a massive
their cult using the full powers of the (useless) crown, dragon turtle named Old Bunderoth. Kessara likely used
but she has every intention of abandoning them to be the efreeti crown of wishes to control or bargain with
slaughtered once the characters catch up to them. the ancient beast in some way. Razim warns the
Kessara hired Old Bunderoth the dragon turtle to characters that Old Bunderoth is a truly ancient
carry the cultists off to safety, ostensibly summoning creature, far beyond mortal capabilities to harm, much
the turtle by wishing upon the crown, but in truth just less defeat, but the old turtle is not likely to even notice
calling in an old debt that the turtle owes her family. the characters’ existence unless provoked. Razim will
Escaping upon a massive dragon turtle is a showy deliver the characters to Old Bunderoth and bring them
display of power for the crown, yet it’s also an back once they have the crown; everything else is up to
inefficient method of escape that allows the characters them.
to catch up easily, which is perfect for her purposes.
Razim knew all this from the start. He tries to get the WHAT IF THEY REFUSE?
characters to chase after and destroy Ardet’s cultists, so The characters should realize that working with Razim is
he can scry the show from the comfort and security of the only real way to catch up to Ardet and complete
his palace. While briefing the characters, Razim’s words their mission. Beyond that, one can only imagine what
are mostly lies and his emotions are feigned, yet his harm the cultists might accomplish back on Faerûn with
peerless skill at manipulation makes the deception the efreeti crown of wishes in their hands. Given their
difficult to pierce. Characters can get hints that he’s lack of options, this adventure assumes that the
hiding something with a DC 19 Wisdom (Insight) check, characters take up Razim’s offer.
but it takes a DC 24 Wisdom (Insight) check to realize However, if the players refuse to assist Razim, and
the depths of his deceit and the laughter behind his they figure out some way to continue without Razim’s
eyes. help (such as by using spells like scrying and wind walk),
work with them to improvise a solution.

When the characters are ready:

After an hour, Razim returns to visit the characters. A
servant enters first and starts to pronounce his list of Razim waves his hand and a hot wind swirls around you,
titles, but Razim interrupts her out of impatience. He lifting you quickly into the air. The warm wind carries all
tells the characters that Ardet’s cultists have managed of you over the side of the island. You feel yourself
to escape the palace during their trial. Worse yet, accelerating faster and faster as you fly across the Sea
Razim’s fool of a daughter Kessara seems to have aided of Fire towards the distant horizon.
in their escape, and even stole his crown of wishes in Somehow, despite the smoke and steam flowing up
from the lava underneath and the relentless sun beating

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down from above, you feel no discomfort from the Temperature. Since they’re doing his bidding, Razim
heat, though the flight is still far from comfortable. It’s has allowed some of the palace heat protection to
all too easy to imagine yourself slipping away and falling linger on the characters. For 24 hours, they don’t have
to certain death in the fire below. to worry about heat exhaustion from the plane.
After what felt like an eternity of flight, you find Old Bunderoth. The battlefield here is on the shell of
yourself rapidly approaching a jagged, rocky island that a massive, powerful dragon turtle. For all intents and
must be Old Bunderoth, the great dragon turtle that purposes, treat the dragon turtle as a terrain element
Razim spoke of. Even the individual spikes on its back rather than a creature. He can’t be killed or banished,
dwarf the people riding it. The wind that swirls around he can’t be affected by conditions, and he can’t even be
you slows and descends just as the turtle lurches to a significantly hurt by the characters. He is currently
stop, and the people riding upon the turtle notice you stationary in the Sea of Fire.
for the first time. Spikes. Old Bunderoth has several large spikes
Among those figures is Kessara, lounging near the coming out of his back. The spikes range from 10 ft. tall
neck of the beast, a golden crown blazing with green near their edge to 20 ft. tall at their center.
flame resting upon her head. She speaks loudly and Shell Shock. Once per round, whenever a part of Old
clearly, “Looks like my father’s new minions have come Bunderoth takes damage (such as if an area spell
already, so it’s time for our game to end. Goodbye includes part of its shell), the turtle feels mildly irritated
Ardet, you were quite entertaining.” She takes the and shakes his shell for a moment, forcing every land-
crown off her head and casually tosses it forward into bound creature to make a DC 13 Strength saving throw.
the air. As it flies, Kessara vanishes in shimmering blaze Those that fail fall prone and slip 1d4 x 5 ft. towards the
of fire and laughter. edge of the shell (potentially falling into lava if they
Ardet runs forward and barely catches the crown. were close enough). The cultists, having spent some
“Kessara, you coward, come back here!” He looks about time getting used to the turtle’s motions, have
frantically, then places the crown upon his own head advantage on this saving throw.
and glares in your direction. “Begone!” he yells, and
pauses. The crown glows with blue flame, but nothing Use Appendix: Old Bunderoth Battlemap if you want to
else happens. “I wish we were far away from here!” use a map for this combat. The characters start out on
Nothing happens. “How does this even work? It didn’t the back half of the dragon turtle, near its tail, while the
look hard when the efreeti used it.” cultists stand near the center and neck of the beast.
A half-orc woman wreathed in flame speaks up, Kessara used plane shift to escape to the Ethereal
“Forget it, Ardet. Let’s just destroy these weaklings and Plane where she can watch the battle from safety.
figure out the crown later.” Ardet closes his eyes and Characters who can access or see the Ethereal Plane
exhales slowly. As the swirling hot wind finally deposits (such as from spells like see invisibility or blink) might
your group onto the back of Old Bunderoth, Ardet pulls notice her presence or Razim’s invisible scrying sensor.
out his dagger. “Fine. Deal with them.” His words are The cultist force consists of Ardet Peytir (with mage
grim, but his demeanor looks uncertain. armor pre-cast), Shautha Firetouched (with mage
armor pre-cast and fire shield active from days ago), and
three eternal flame guardians. This is where members
of the Cloaks and Lord’s Alliance can complete their
GENERAL FEATURES assignments (capturing a cultist and redeeming Ardet
respectively), so make sure to remind your players of
The Sea of Fire has the following general features:
those assignments.
Light. A blazing sun rests atop a golden sky, waxing
and waning on a 24-hour cycle. It ranges from white hot
at noon to deep red at midnight. It is currently
nighttime, so the sun is near its dimmest. • Very Weak: Remove an eternal flame guardian.
Lava. Old Bunderoth swims in the middle of lava, and Ardet Peytir has no 4th or 5th level spell slots
lava surrounds the characters on all sides. Any creature remaining and only one 3rd level spell slot remaining.
that touches lava or ends its turn touching lava takes 33 Shautha Firetouched does not have fire shield pre-
(6d10) fire damage. Lava is very dense, so most cast and spends her first turn casting fire shield.
creatures falling into lava would not sink into it. • Weak: Remove an eternal flame guardian. Ardet
Peytir has no 4th or 5th level spell slots remaining.

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• Strong: Add a fire elemental myrmidon. one and only chance to turn Ardet away from the Cult
• Very Strong: Add a fire elemental myrmidon and an of Reborn Flame.
eternal flame priest (with mage armor pre-cast). A character can try to redeem Ardet by spending an
action to make a DC 15 Charisma (Deception,
 For Extra Challenge: The fire elemental myrmidon
Intimidation, or Persuasion) check. Make sure players
has the Sentinel feat. Shautha Firetouched has an
are aware of this possibility. They have advantage on
extra 4th level spell slot and 8 sorcery points which
the check if that character has played DDEX2-15 Black
she can spend on the Quickened Spell, Subtle Spell,
Heart of Vengeance or if they make a particularly strong
and Twinned Spell metamagics.
argument that hasn’t been made before. They have
disadvantage if an ally has attempted to harm Ardet
TACTICS since Ardet’s last turn. If the check succeeds, Ardet
Ardet Peytir: Ardet has been given great power by the looks visibly troubled and hesitant, and he will act
Black Phoenix, but he is hesitant to use it due to passively on his next turn. If the check fails, Ardet
inexperience and his personal doubts. For the first sneers at the argument and pays no heed. Make it clear
two rounds of combat, he fights very defensively, that bad arguments only push Ardet closer to the cult.
shooting weaker spells and Melf’s minute meteors If the characters succeed three times in convincing
from afar while using counterspell only to protect Ardet, he decides to renounce the Cult of Reborn Flame
himself. If the characters fail to redeem Ardet (see and return to his family. He will avoid combat and try to
the Redemption of Ardet section below) or they stay out of harm’s way until the battle is over. If the
attempt significant harm on him, Ardet sheds his battle is going poorly for the characters, he may even
doubts and uses his full might to destroy the jump in on their side. On the other hand, if the
characters. characters fail three times in convincing Ardet, he stops
Shautha Firetouched: Shautha is the group’s second-in- listening to their words and fights his utmost to destroy
command. She is fearless and zealous, and she is them. The same happens if the characters do more than
not afraid to move into the center of a fight, 25 damage to him or significantly harm him in some
trusting in her fire shield to punish attackers. She other way. Make it clear when it happens that he can
likes to cast dragon’s breath before moving in to no longer be reasoned with.
breathe on groups of enemies, and she prefers to If the characters had attempted to persuade Ardet
save counterspell for enemy spellcasters who try to back in Part 3, that success or failure counts towards
counter her spells. the limit of three successes or failures needed to
Eternal Flame Guardians: The guardians engage in redeem Ardet or push him away.
melee, but they are hesitant to move into the XP AWARDS
center of a cluster of enemies for fear of being
If the characters manage to redeem Ardet and keep him
fireballed by friendly casters. If the characters
alive to the end of the battle, award each character
defeat all other foes, the eternal flame guardians
1,000 XP.
quickly surrender.
Fire Elemental Myrmidon: The myrmidon moves to TREASURE
engage enemies in melee and keep martial The cultists are carrying a total of 500 gp in coins. Even
characters occupied. It uses Fiery Strikes as often as if Ardet is alive and redeemed, he is happy to give away
possible and fights to the death. the cult’s ill-gotten gains. The characters also retrieve
Eternal Flame Priest: The priest is fanatical in his the efreeti crown of wishes.
devotion to the cult. He tries to stay back from
melee combat to cast spells like fireball and
scorching ray. He is even willing to include allies or Once the characters have defeated the cultists and
himself inside a fireball if it means hurting his foes. looted their bodies, they feel a mighty rumble beneath
them as Old Bunderoth begins to submerge into the Sea
of Fire. Just as that happens, the characters find
themselves lifted and flown back to the Sunscorched
Ardet feels ashamed of himself for turning against his Palace by the same wind that carried them before.
family and city, and Kessara’s betrayal has only made
him question his decisions more. This is the characters’

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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
themselves, spending 1,500 gp and adding that amount
to the party treasure (so the party will receive the same
amount of treasure in the end, but that one character
spends 1,500 gp to keep the crown). If more than one
player is interested in purchasing the crown, determine
When the characters arrive at the Sunscorched Palace, a
the buyer randomly among them.
servant leads them to a grand audience chamber,
where they see Pasha Razim and Amira Kessara seated
side by side. Razim commends the characters for being
such entertaining specimens. He admits that the trials When the characters return to their home plane, they
and tribulations were all a sham; from the beginning, find the ghetto basement guarded by Cloaks, who
Razim had no intention of sullying himself by helping immediately send for Blade Cora Peytir. She is eager to
the cultists, and he wanted to destroy them for having hear the characters’ full report.
the audacity to make such a request. Kessara convinced If Ardet was redeemed during the battle and the
him to wait until they could come up with the most characters brought him back safely, Cora Peytir is
amusing way to destroy the cultists; the characters’ thrilled by his return and commends the characters for
arrival provided just such an occasion. their success. She will watch over Ardet and keep him
The two of them created the myth about the crown on a tight leash, but she hopes that he can rejoin the
of wishes to inspire greed in Ardet’s cultists and drive family and forget about the cult business. Members of
the two groups into conflict. It amuses the efreet that the Lord’s Alliance succeed on their faction assignment
mortals were so gullible as to believe a mere crown can and gain an additional renown. All characters gain the
grant wishes; that power comes from the sheer nobility Favor of House Peytir story award.
of the efreet, not from some external ornament. They If Ardet is dead, Cora Peytir is saddened by the loss,
explain that the crown was just a trifling bauble they but commends the characters for doing what had to be
found in a vault. Razim did promise to reward the done. She is glad that he can no longer jeopardize her
characters if they brought back the crown, so in his family’s good name with his foolishness. Lord’s Alliance
infinite generosity, he allows them to keep the efreeti members fail their faction assignment.
crown of wishes. It may not be a powerful artifact, but it If the characters brought Ardet back without
will likely sell for a good amount back in their world. redeeming him during the battle, he becomes stubborn
Kessara found the characters so much fun to play and set in his views, refusing to renounce the cult or
with that she invites them to come again whenever they cooperate in any way. The Cloaks take him into custody,
wish, so long as they’re prepared to repay hospitality and Cora lets the characters know that she is deeply
with entertainment. She offers to have her wind disappointed that they chose to return him alive despite
servants carry the characters back to their portal. Razim his remorselessness. Alive, he still poses a threat to
is willing to let even characters who gained the Servant House Peytir; Cora implies to the characters that she
of the Pasha story award to go back to Faerûn to will have to end the threat herself. Lord’s Alliance
complete their mission; with the mark that Razim has members fail their faction assignment.
placed upon them, they will be useful to him no matter If the characters did not allow any cultist to escape
where they go. and succeeded in capturing at least one cultist alive
(other than Ardet), the Cloaks will take them into
custody and question them about the Cult of Reborn
For successfully retrieving the crown of wishes, award
Flame. Kethrina thanks the characters for their service,
each character 500 XP.
and all members of the Cloaks earn the To Wear the
EFREETI CROWN OF WISHES Cloak story award. The Cloaks eventually learn from the
cultist that the Cult of Reborn Flame is led by a
Though the two efreet purported it to be an artifact of
mysterious and supernatural figure named the Black
great power, the efreeti crown of wishes is in truth just
Phoenix, who intends to purge Mulmaster in cleansing
an expensive trinket with a quirky feature. It can be sold
fire. The cult’s sinister plans go into motion soon...
as treasure for 1,500 gp, but as a trinket with a fun trait,
it is quite possible that a player would like to keep this TREASURE
crown after the adventure. Instead of selling the crown, Regardless of Ardet’s fate, Blade Cora Peytir honors the
one player character can elect to buy the crown agreement and pays 300 gp to each player character.

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Efreeti Crown of Wishes (5) 1,500
Cora Peytir’s Payment (5) 300 per player
Make sure players note their rewards on their Consumable magic items should be divided up
adventure logsheets. Give your name and DCI number however the group sees fit. If more than one character
(if applicable) so players can record who ran the is interested in a specific consumable magic item, the
session. DM can determine who gets it randomly should the
group be unable to decide.
Permanent magic items are divided according to a
system detailed in the D&D Adventurers League
Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Total up all combat experience earned for defeated
foes and divide by the number of characters present in VAULT OF THE EFREETI (PORTABLE HOLE)
the combat. For non-combat experience, the rewards Wondrous Item, rare
are listed per character. Give all characters in the party This piece of fine red silk can be folded up into a
non-combat experience awards unless otherwise noted. handkerchief, scarf, banner, or cloak. When studied
closely, the folds of silk seem to dance and flicker like
COMBAT AWARDS fire. A character wearing or carrying this item can speak
Name of Foe (Appears In) XP per Foe and understand Ignan. This item appears in Part 4, and
Ardet Peytir (3, 5) 3,900 its description can be found in Player Handout 4.
Azer (2) 450
Efreeti (3, 4, 5) 7,200 EFREETI CROWN OF WISHES
Eternal Flame Guardian (5) 450
This beautiful golden crown is covered with diamonds
Eternal Flame Priest (5) 700
each of which gleams with its own light. The crown
Fire Elemental Myrmidon (5) 2,900
resizes to fit the head of any wearer. Contrary to its
Lava Roper (4) 1,800
name, the crown does not actually grant any wishes.
Molten Tentacle (2) 200
Instead, when the person wearing it feels strong
Red Dragon Wyrmling (4) 1,100 emotion of any kind, the crown sprouts harmless,
Shautha Firetouched (5) 2,300 colorful flames from its pinnacle, with the color of the
flames based on the wearer’s mood: red for anger, blue
NON-COMBAT AWARDS for sorrow, green for amusement, and so on. This crown
Accomplishment (Appears In) XP per Character can be sold for 1,500 gp. It does not count as a magic
Cross Sea Without Azer Help (2) 750 item and cannot be traded. This item appears in Part 5,
Make Fair Offer to Zehind (2) 500 and its description can be found in Player Handout 5.
Persuade Ardet (3) 500
Solve Logic Puzzle (4) 1,500 POTION OF HEROISM
Redeem and Save Ardet (5) 1,000 Potion, rare
Retrieve Crown of Wishes (5) 500 This item appears in Part 1, and its description can be
found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.


The characters receive the following treasure, divided Potion, uncommon
up amongst the party. Treasure is divided as evenly as This item appears in Part 2, and its description can be
possible. Gold piece values for sellable gear are found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
calculated at their selling price, not their purchase price.
TREASURE AWARDS Scroll, varies
Treasure Name (Appears In) GP Value This item appears in Part 1, and its description can be
Portable Hole Gold & Gems (4) 1,500 found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Cultist Coins (5) 500

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During this adventure, the characters may earn one or
more of the following story awards:
Servant of the Pasha. You have failed the Trial of
Strength and Cunning and would have lost your pathetic
life were it not for Pasha Razim’s magnanimity and
mercy. In exchange, he has marked you as his servant,
placing a magical tattoo somewhere on your skin. The
tattoo spells out “Servant of Razim” in Ignan, and any
efreet can spot the tattoo upon you no matter how you
attempt to hide it (magically or otherwise). Efreet who
see this mark are likely to treat you with contempt as
befits a lowly servant, but they might also leave you
alone for fear of angering your master. The tattoo can
only be removed with a 9th level remove curse spell or at
Pasha Razim’s whim. This story award appears in Part 4
and its description can be found in Player Handout 6.
Favor of House Peytir. You have gained the favor of
House Peytir, and with it, the approval of many of the
anti-Thayan political factions in Mulmaster. Your
Charisma checks to interact with Cloaks as well as
Mulmaster nobles who are not aligned with Thay are
made with advantage. This story award appears in Part
5 and its description can be found in Player Handout 6.
To Wear the Cloak. By capturing one of the Reborn
Flame cult members for questioning, and silencing the
rest of them, you have once again proved your
competence and resourcefulness to Senior Cloak Rastol
Shan. You gain one additional rank in the Brotherhood
of Cloaks. This story award appears in Part 5 and its
description can be found in Player Handout 6.

The characters earn downtime and renown as described

in the D&D Adventurers League Dungeon Master’s
Members of the Lord’s Alliance earn one additional
renown point if the party managed to persuade Ardet
Peytir to change his ways and brought him back alive.

In exchange for running this adventure, you earn DM

Rewards as described in the D&D Adventurers League
Dungeon Master’s Guide. For that purpose, this is a 4-
hour adventure for APL 8.

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Large beast, unaligned
AZER Armor Class 11
Medium elemental, lawful neutral Hit Points 52 (8d10 + 8)
Armor Class 17 (natural armor, shield) Speed 10 ft., swim 60 ft.
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Speed 30 ft. 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+1) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5
17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Saving Throws Con +4 Languages —
Damage Immunities fire, poison Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Condition Immunities poisoned Hold Breath. While out of water, the molten tentacle
Senses passive Perception 11 can hold its breath for 1 hour.
Languages Ignan Underwater Camouflage. The molten tentacle has
Challenge 2 (450 XP) advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while
Heated Body. A creature that touches the azer or hits it underwater.
with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5
Water Breathing. The molten tentacle can breathe
(1d10) fire damage.
only underwater.
Heated Weapons. When the azer hits with a metal
melee weapon, it deals an extra 3 (1d6) fire damage
(included in the attack). Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the
Illumination. The azer sheds bright light in a 10-foot target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 16). Until
radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the
Actions molten tentacle can’t use its tentacle on another target.
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 Ink Cloud (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest. A 20-
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage, or foot-radius cloud of ink extends all around the molten
8 (1d10 + 3) bludgeoning damage if used with two tentacle if it is underwater. The area is heavily obscured
hands to make a melee attack, plus 3 (1d6) fire damage. for 1 minute, although a significant current can disperse
the ink. After releasing the ink, the tentacle can use the
Appears In: Part 2 Dash action as a bonus action.
Source: Azer, Monster Manual
Appears In: Part 2
Source: Giant Octopus, Monster Manual


Molten tentacles have the following adjustments:
• Alignment and Type. Molten tentacles are chaotic
evil aberrations instead of unaligned beasts.
• Damage Immunities. Molten tentacles are immune
to fire damage.
• Abilities and Actions. Hold Breath, Underwater
Camouflage, Water Breathing, and Ink Cloud all
apply to lava instead of water.

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Large elemental, lawful evil Medium dragon, chaotic evil
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 200 (16d10 + 12) Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
22 (+6) 12 (+1) 24 (+7) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 15 (+2)
Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +6, Cha +7 Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +5, Wis +2, Cha +4
Damage Immunities fire Skills Perception +4, Stealth +2
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12 Damage Immunities fire
Languages Ignan Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Perception 14
Elemental Demise. If the efreeti dies, its body Languages Draconic
disintegrates in a flash of fire and puff of smoke, leaving Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
behind only equipment the efreeti was wearing or
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Innate Spellcasting. The efreeti’s innate spellcasting target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6)
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell fire damage.
attacks). It can innately cast the following spells,
Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales fire in a
requiring no material components:
15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a
At will: detect magic
DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) fire
3/day: enlarge/reduce, tongues
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
1/day: conjure elemental (fire elemental only), gaseous
successful one.
form, invisibility, major image, plane shift, wall of fire
Actions Appears In: Part 4
Multiattack. The efreeti makes two scimitar attacks or Source: Red Dragon Wyrmling, Monster Manual
uses its Hurl Flame twice.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage plus 7
(2d6) fire damage.
Hurl Flame. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft.,
one target. Hit: 17 (5d6) fire damage.

Appears In: Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Source: Efreeti, Monster Manual

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Large monstrosity, neutral evil Medium elemental, neutral
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 93 (11d10 + 33) Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36)
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft. Speed 40 ft.
18 (+4) 8 (-1) 17 (+3) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +5 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
Damage Vulnerabilities cold slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities fire Damage Immunities fire, poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
Languages — prone
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Senses darkvision 60 ft. passive Perception 10
False Appearance. While the roper remains motionless, Languages Common, Ignan
it is indistinguishable from a normal cave formation, Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
such as a stalagmite. Illumination. The myrmidon sheds bright light in a 20-
foot radius and dim light in a 40-foot radius.
Grasping Tendrils. The roper can have up to six tendrils
at a time. Each tendril can be attacked (AC 20; 10 hit Magic Weapons. The myrmidon’s weapon attacks are
points; vulnerability to cold damage; immunity to fire, magical.
poison, and psychic damage). Destroying a tendril deals
Water Susceptibility. For every 5 feet the myrmidon
no damage to the roper, which can extrude a
moves in water, it takes 2 (1d4) cold damage.
replacement tendril on its next turn. A tendril can also
be broken if a creature takes an action and succeeds on Actions
a DC 15 Strength check against it. Multiattack. The myrmidon makes three scimitar
Spider Climb. The roper can climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
make an ability check. one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Actions Fiery Strikes (Recharge 6). The myrmidon uses
Multiattack. The roper makes four attacks with its Multiattack. Each attack that hits deals an extra 5
tendrils, uses Reel, and makes one attack with its bite. (1d10) fire damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Appears In: Part 5
target. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) fire damage. Source: Fire Elemental Myrmidon, Princes of the Apocalypse
Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 50 ft.,
one creature. Hit: The target takes 4 (1d8) fire damage
and is grappled (escape DC 15). Until the grapple ends,
the target is restrained and has disadvantage on
Strength checks and Strength saving throws, and the
roper can’t use the same tendril on another target. The
target takes 4 (1d8) fire damage each time it ends its
turn grappled by the roper.
Reel. The roper pulls each creature grappled by it up to
25 feet straight toward it.

Appears In: Part 4

Source: Lava Roper, Princes of the Apocalypse

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Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil Medium humanoid (half-orc), chaotic evil
Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor) Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24) Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
Saving Throws Dex +6 Skills Arcana +3, Intimidation +6, Religion +3
Skills Arcana +3, Deception +7 Damage Immunities fire
Damage Resistances fire Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Senses passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Ignan
Languages Common, Ignan Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Relentless Endurance (1/Day). When Shautha is
Resilient (Dexterity). Ardet Peytir is proficient in reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, she can
Dexterity saving throws (included in his stats). drop to 1 hit point instead.
Spellcasting. Ardet is a 9th-level spellcaster. His Spellcasting. Shautha is a 7th-level spellcaster. Her
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to
hit with spell attacks). Ardet knows the following hit with spell attacks). Shautha knows the following
sorcerer spells (an asterisked spell is from Xanathar’s sorcerer spells (an asterisked spell is from Xanathar’s
Guide to Everything): Guide to Everything):
Cantrips (at will): control flames*, create bonfire*, fire Cantrips (at will): control flames*, fire bolt, minor
bolt, mage hand, shocking grasp illusion, shocking grasp, thunderclap*
1st level (4 slots): absorb elements*, mage armor, 1st level (4 slots): burning hands, mage armor
shield 2nd level (3 slots): dragon’s breath*, hold person, misty
2nd level (3 slots): scorching ray step, scorching ray
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, Melf’s minute 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball
meteors*, thunder step* 4th level (1 slot): fire shield (see Wreathed in Flame)
4th level (3 slots): wall of fire
Wreathed in Flame. For Shautha, the warm version of
5th level (1 slot): telekinesis
the fire shield spell has a duration of “until dispelled.”
Actions The fire shield burns for 10 minutes after Shautha dies,
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, consuming her body.
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + Actions
3) piercing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 +
Appears In: Part 3, Part 5
Source: Bastian Thermandar, Princes of the Apocalypse
2) piercing damage.

Appears In: Part 5

Source: Flamewrath, Princes of the Apocalypse

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Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Armor Class 17 (breastplate, shield)
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1)
Skills Deception +5, Intimidation +5, Religion +2 Skills Intimidation +3, Perception +2
Damage Resistances fire Damage Resistances fire
Senses passive Perception 10 Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Ignan Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Spellcasting. The priest is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its Flaming Weapon (Recharges after a Short or Long
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to Rest). As a bonus action, the guard can wreath one
hit with spell attacks). It knows the following sorcerer melee weapon it is wielding in flame. The guard is
spells (an asterisked spell is from Xanathar’s Guide to unharmed by this fire, which lasts until the end of the
Everything): guard’s next turn. While wreathed in flame, the weapon
Cantrips (at will): control flames*, create bonfire*, fire deals an extra 3 (1d6) fire damage on a hit.
bolt, light, poison spray
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, expeditious retreat,
Multiattack. The guard makes two melee attacks.
mage armor
2nd level (3 slots): misty step, scorching ray Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
3rd level (2 slots): fireball one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.
Actions Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 +
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
2) piercing damage.
Appears In: Part 5
Appears In: Part 5 Source: Eternal Flame Guardian, Princes of the Apocalypse
Source: Eternal Flame Priest, Princes of the Apocalypse

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You have mastered techniques to take advantage of
RED DRAGON LAIR ACTIONS every drop in any enemy’s guard, gaining the following
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon
takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; • When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack,
the dragon can’t use the same effect two rounds in a the creature’s speed becomes 0 for the rest of the
row: turn.
• Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you
• Magma erupts from a point on the ground the
even if they take the Disengage action before leaving
dragon can see within 120 feet of it, creating a 20-
your reach.
foot-high, 5-foot-radius geyser. Each creature in the
geyser’s area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving • When a creature within 5 feet of you makes an
throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, attack against a target other than you (and that
or half as much damage on a successful one. target doesn’t have this feat), you can use your
reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the
• A tremor shakes the lair in a 60-foot radius around
attacking creature.
the dragon. Each creature other than the dragon on
the ground in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Appears In: Part 5 ()
Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. Source: Feats, Player’s Handbook
• Volcanic gasses form a cloud in a 20-foot-radius
sphere centered on a point the dragon can see
within 120 feet of it. The sphere spreads around METAMAGIC (CLASS FEATURE)
corners, and its area is lightly obscured. It lasts until You can only use one Metamagic option on a spell when
initiative count 20 on the next round. Each creature you cast it, unless otherwise noted.
that starts its turn in the cloud must succeed on a DC
• Quickened Spell: When you cast a spell that has a
13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until
casting time of 1 action, you can spend 2 sorcery
the end of its turn. While poisoned in this way, a
points to change the casting time to 1 bonus action
creature is incapacitated.
for this casting.
Appears In: Part 4 () • Subtle Spell: When you cast a spell, you can spend 1
Source: A Red Dragon’s Lair, Monster Manual sorcery point to cast it without any somatic or verbal
• Twinned Spell: When you cast a spell that targets
only one creature, doesn’t have a range of self, and
is incapable of targeting more than one creature at
its current level, you can spend a number of sorcery
points equal to the spell’s level to target a second
creature in range with the same spell (1 sorcery
point if the spell is a cantrip).
Appears In: Part 5 ()
Source: Sorcerer Class Features, Player’s Handbook

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Swashbuckler Philanthropist Trader Merchant

Wealth Wealth Wealth Wealth

Monk Missionary Healer Shepherd

Wisdom Wisdom Wisdom Wisdom

Avenger Paladin Soldier Mercenary

Strength Strength Strength Strength

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Transmuter Diviner Enchanter Abjurer

Intellect Intellect Intellect Intellect

Guild Member Druid Myrmidon Elementalist

Wealth Wisdom Strength Intellect

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Clue A-1 Clue A-2 Clue A-3
The second representative to
The first to come is the The last to come is the
arrive is the quietest and humblest
representative of wisdom, who representative of wealth, whose
one that night, for they have the
has the foresight to arrive early. time is precious and patience thin.
lowest rank of the entire group.
1 of 15 2 of 15 3 of 15

Clue A-4 Clue A-5 Clue A-6

The representative of intellect and One of the representatives is a Only one of the representatives
the rank 4 representative arrives noble paladin, who is not the only cannot cast spells, yet they
at nearly the same time, one divine spellcaster among the outrank half the representatives
immediately after the other. group. here.
4 of 15 5 of 15 6 of 15

Clue A-7 Clue A-8 Clue A-9

The two most religious
Because of some recent incidents At least two of the representatives
representatives spend some time
involving property damage, the have a rank that match the order
discussing religious matters as
elementalist was not invited. that they came.
they arrive one after the other.
7 of 15 8 of 15 9 of 15

Clue A-1 0 Clue A-1 1 Clue A-1 2

The representative of intellect has The representative of wisdom
The representative who comes
sold numerous magical scrolls to knows the importance of humility
first has a very close relationship
the representative who came last, despite being the highest-ranking
with nature.
who then sold them for a profit. member of their society.
10 of 15 11 of 15 12 of 15

Clue A-1 3 Clue A-1 4 Clue A-1 5

The representative who comes The representative who comes
The representative who comes
third likes to dominate others fourth sees the world in a
second lives to smite evil.
using magic. transactional light.

13 of 15 14 of 15 15 of 15

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Clue B-1 Clue B-2 Clue B-3
The mayor had a falling out with
The second representative to
the churches in town, so none of The last representative to arrive
arrive is a member of the society
the representatives are religious, has a meager rank of 1.
of strength.
nor are any of them divine casters.
1 of 15 2 of 15 3 of 15

Clue B-4 Clue B-5 Clue B-6

The last time he was invited to the
None of the representatives has a The names of three of the
mayor's mansion, the monk threw
rank equal to the order that they representatives start with the
up all over the carpet. He was not
came. same letter.
invited this time.
4 of 15 5 of 15 6 of 15

Clue B-7 Clue B-8 Clue B-9

The third representative to arrive The mayor invited the
None of the representatives has a has a greater rank than that of the swashbuckler to come after the
rank of 2. second and fourth representatives latter swore that she would not
combined. swing on the chandelier.
7 of 15 8 of 15 9 of 15

Clue B-1 0 Clue B-1 1 Clue B-1 2

None of the chosen One of the representatives is a
The representative who comes
representatives are particularly soldier who is the captain of the
first has a mortal fear of wolves.
wealthy or greedy. town guard.

10 of 15 11 of 15 12 of 15

Clue B-1 3 Clue B-1 4 Clue B-1 5

The representative who comes
The representative who comes third is responsible for creating The representative who comes
second is always ready to fight. festive fireworks and snowfall fourth is a charming rogue.
during the event.
13 of 15 14 of 15 15 of 15

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Clue C-1 Clue C-2 Clue C-3
The representatives who come
The representative who comes None of the representatives are
first and second have a lot in
third is not from a society that the highest ranked members of
common. They both want to help
values mental abilities. their society.
people and do good in the world.
1 of 15 2 of 15 3 of 15

Clue C-4 Clue C-5 Clue C-6

All of the representatives, except
The representative who comes The mayor decided to invite the
for the one who comes fourth,
first is not the lowest ranked healer in case a brawl erupts, and
come in ascending order of rank
member of the group. someone gets injured.
(low to high).
4 of 15 5 of 15 6 of 15

Clue C-7 Clue C-8 Clue C-9

The representative who comes The representative of wealth is the
The representative of intellect only member of that society who
third only works for gold, which is
spends so much time thinking that has not asked the representative
surprising considering they're not
they always show up last. of intellect to turn lead into gold
part of the society of wealth.
for them.
7 of 15 8 of 15
9 of 15

Clue C-1 0 Clue C-1 1 Clue C-1 2

Half of the assembled
The representative of wisdom is The representative who comes
representatives are capable in
among the first two guests to first is so wealthy they like to just
combat, but only one of them
arrive. give it away.
wears armor.
10 of 15 11 of 15 12 of 15

Clue C-1 3 Clue C-1 4 Clue C-1 5

The representative who comes The representative who comes The representative who comes
second can bring others back third sells his sword to the highest fourth likes to transform one thing
from the brink of death. bidder. into another.

13 of 15 14 of 15 15 of 15

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The Peytir family may be down on their luck, but they are a legitimate
and respected noble family of Mulmaster who contributes to the
stability and prosperity of the city, and whose unwavering opposition
to Thay is commendable. House Peytir has grown very friendly towards
the Lord’s Alliance in recent months, and it is in the faction’s best
interest to maintain Cora Peytir as a friend among the Blades. You
must do whatever you can to convince Ardet Peytir of the error of his
ways and get him to return to his family willingly. Show him that a
noble scion should put his family first, and never act in a scandalous
fashion. If you can redeem Ardet and return him to us safely, that
would only bring House Peytir closer to our Alliance. But if Ardet
refuses to renounce the cult, then there is no reason to bring him back

- Lioncrown Cornelius Darnell

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Fellow Cloak,

We know too little about this new threat that calls itself the Cult of Reborn
Flame. We must rectify this ignorance and head off their plans before the
Thayans find out about the cult and seize upon that threat as yet another way
to discredit our brotherhood. Capture at least one of the cultists and bring
them back for questioning, and make sure none of the other cultists escape
the Plane of Fire alive. Ardet is the exception; kill him or return him as you
see fit, but he can’t be the one we question. Blade Cora Peytir is far too likely
to object to our methods if we interrogate a member of her house in the usual

- Senior Cloak Rastol Shan

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There are four rectangular slots indented at the top of this altar. The
front side of the altar bears the following words carved in Common:

There was once a town dominated by four societies:

The Society of Strength, the Society of Intellect, the
Society of Wisdom, and the Society of Wealth. Each
member of a society has a rank from 1 to 5, indicating
how influential they are within their own group; the
higher their number, the greater their rank.

One day, the mayor decides to host a meeting between

all four societies. She invites a single representative
from each of the four societies to come to her
mansion for the conference, and she decides that all
four representatives should be of different ranks.

Who are the four representatives, and in what order

do they arrive? It takes deduction and logic to
uncover the truth.

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During this adventure, the characters may find the
following permanent magic item:


Wondrous item, rare
This piece of fine red silk can be folded up into a
handkerchief, scarf, or cloak. When studied closely, the
folds of silk seem to dance and flicker like fire. A
character wearing or carrying this item can speak and
understand Ignan. It unfolds into a circular sheet 6 feet
in diameter.
You can use an action to unfold a portable hole and
place it on or against a solid surface, whereupon the
portable hole creates an extradimensional hole 10 feet
deep. The cylindrical space within the hole exists on a
different plane, so it can’t be used to create open
passages. Any creature inside an open portable hole can
exit the hole by climbing out of it.
You can use an action to close a portable hole by
taking hold of the edges of the cloth and folding it up.
Folding the cloth closes the hole, and any creatures or
objects within remain in the extradimensional space. No
matter what’s in it, the hole weighs next to nothing.
If the hole is folded up, a creature within the hole’s
extradimensional space can use an action to make a DC
10 Strength check. On a successful check, the creature
forces its way out and appears within 5 feet of the
portable hole or the creature carrying it. A breathing
creature within a closed portable hole can survive for up
to 10 minutes, after which time it begins to suffocate.
Placing a portable hole inside an extradimensional
space created by a bag of holding, Heward’s handy
haversack, or similar item instantly destroys both items
and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate
originates where the one item was placed inside the
other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked
through it and deposited in a random location on the
Astral Plane. The gate them closes. The gate is one-way
only and can’t be reopened.
This item is found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.

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During this adventure, the characters may find the
following trinket:


This beautiful golden crown is covered with diamonds
each of which gleams with its own light. The crown
resizes to fit the head of any wearer. Contrary to its
name, the crown does not actually grant any wishes.
Instead, when the person wearing it feels strong
emotion of any kind, the crown sprouts harmless,
colorful flames from its pinnacle, with the color of the
flames based on the wearer’s mood: red for anger, blue
for sorrow, green for amusement, and so on. This crown
can be sold for 1,500 gp. It does not count as a magic
item and cannot be traded.

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During this adventure, the characters may earn one or
more of the following story awards. If you are printing
these out for your characters, print as many as you may
need to ensure that any eligible character receives a


You have failed the Trial of Strength and Cunning and
would have lost your pathetic life were it not for Pasha
Razim’s magnanimity and mercy. In exchange, he has
marked you as his servant, placing a magical tattoo
somewhere on your skin. The tattoo spells out “Servant
of Razim” in Ignan, and any efreet can spot the tattoo
upon you no matter how you attempt to hide it
(magically or otherwise). Efreet who see this mark are
likely to treat you with contempt as befits a lowly
servant, but they might also leave you alone for fear of
angering your master. The tattoo can only be removed
with a 9th level remove curse spell or at Pasha Razim’s


You have gained the favor of House Peytir, and with it,
the approval of many of the anti-Thayan political
factions in Mulmaster. Your Charisma checks to interact
with Cloaks as well as Mulmaster nobles who are not
aligned with Thay are made with advantage.


By capturing one of the Reborn Flame cult members for
questioning, and silencing the rest of them, you have
once again proved your competence and
resourcefulness to Senior Cloak Rastol Shan. You gain
one additional rank in the Brotherhood of Cloaks.

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