High Performance Diesel Engine Oil: For Engines With Aftertreatment Systems
High Performance Diesel Engine Oil: For Engines With Aftertreatment Systems
High Performance Diesel Engine Oil: For Engines With Aftertreatment Systems
Dimensions in mm
This English version is a translation. In case of doubt or conflict the valid German-language original will govern.
1 Application and Purpose
2 Approvals
3 Designation
4 Requirements
2 Approvals
All parts of the standard series MAN 239 apply. In these standards the release conditions and proce-
dures as well as the general terms of delivery for purchased parts are laid down.
The department EMTA at the Nuremberg Works is responsible for performing the initial material inspec-
tion, issuing the material release and providing information.
High performance diesel engine oils that are approved under this standard are listed on the internet
under http://www.asp.mantruckandbus.com .
Engine oils that are to be approved under this standard shall not contain any substances which are clas-
sified by VDA Guideline VDA 232-101 (Global List of Declarable Substances in the Automotive Industry)
or GADSL (Global Automotive Declarable Substance List, http://www.gadsl.org) as prohibited or unde-
The designation and quantity of declarable substances according to VDA 232-101 and/or GADSL must
be specified.
The completed form TUC 13.010 and a 1 litre sample must be submitted for approval. EMTA will advise
the supplier in writing of the result of the approval process.
3 Designation
Designation of high performance diesel engine oil, e.g. of viscosity grade SAE 15W-40 which conforms
to the requirements of this standard:
Engine Oil M 3575 - SAE 15W-40 low ash
Prepared by: Geyer, EMTA Release EAS: Replaces: M 3575 / 2009-09 Material Group No.:
Kalkgruber EAS-Y 2010-01; englisch
MAN Truck & Bus Aktiengesellschaft, Munich works – Dept. Normung (EAS) All rights reserved according to ISO 16016.
Distribution and use of the contents are not allowed without written permission from MAN Truck & Bus Aktiengesellschaft.
Page 2
M 3575 : 2012-12
4 Requirements
(Chemical and physical data: Table 1)
Referenced Documents
ACEA E9-08 (Issue 2) ACEA European Oil Sequences
ASTM D 6278 Test method for shear stability of polymer containing fluids using a European diesel injec-
tor apparatus
ASTM D 664 Test method for acid number of petroleum products by potentiometric titration
ASTM D 892 Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Oils
CEC L-099-08 Wear Test (MB OM 646LA Engine)
CEC L-101-08 Piston Cleanliness, Bore polishing (MB OM 501LA Engine)
CEC L-36-A-90 Measurement of Lubricating Dynamic Viscosity under Conditions of High Shear (Ravenfield
CEC L-85-T-99 Hot Surface Oxidation, Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter (PDSC)
DIN 51363-2 Testing of petroleum products – Determination of phosphorus content of lubricating oils and
additives – Part 2: Analysis by wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry (XRS)
DIN 51375-2 Testing of lubricants - Determination of 1.2-ethanediol of motor oils –
Part2: Gas chromatography
DIN 51377 Testing of lubricants - Determination of the apparent viscosity of motor oils at low temperature
from -5°C to -35°C - using the cold cranking simulator
DIN 51391-2 Testing of lubricants –Determination of the content of additive elements – Part 2: Analysis by
wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry (XRS)
DIN 51391-3 Testing of lubricants- Determination of the content of additive elements – Part 3: Direct de-
termination of Ca, Mg, Zn and Ba by optical emission spectral analysis with inductively cou-
pled plasma (ICP OES)
DIN 51399-1 Testing of lubricants - Determination of elements content in additives, wear and other contam-
inations – Part 1: Direct determination by optical emission spectal analysis with inductively
coupled plasma (ICP OES)
DIN 51511 Lubricants; SAE viscosity classes for engine lubricating oils
DIN 51535 Testing of petroleum products – Determination of deposition forming tendency in exhaust
turbochargers and intercoolers of supercharged diesel engines
DIN 51562-1 Viscosimetry; measurement of kinematic viscosity with the Ubbelohde viscosimeter; normal
DIN 51575 Testing of petroleum products; determination of sulphated ash
DIN 51581-1 Test of lubricants; determination of evaporation loss of lubricating oils (Noack method)
DIN 51757 Testing of petroleum products and related substances; determination of the density
DIN 53504 Testing of rubber; determination of tensile strength at break, tensile stress at yield, elongation
at break and stress values in a tensile test
DIN EN ISO 14596 Petroleum products – Determination of sulfur content – Wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence
DIN EN ISO 20844 Petroleum products – Determination of sulfur content of automotive fuels – Wavelength-dispersive
X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
DIN EN ISO 2592 Petroleum products, determination of flash and fire points, Cleveland open cup method
DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
DIN ISO 13266 Elastomers - Standard reference elastomers (SREs) for characterising the effect of liquids on
vulcanised rubbers
DIN ISO 2909 Petroleum products – Calculation of viscosity index from kinematic viscosity
DIN ISO 3016 Petroleum products; determination of the pour point
DIN ISO 3771 Petroleum products; Total base number; Perchloric acid potentiometric titration method
M 3273 Determination of the effect of engine oil on FPM shaft seals; test procedure
M 3353 Base oil components for engines oils, minimum requirements
MAN 239-1 ff. General supply conditions for purchased parts, all parts
Changes: Compared to issue 2009-09 the following changes have been made:
- ACEA E9-08 extended to ACEA E9-08 (Issue 2)
- Remarks at point 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 acceptance of older engine test results deleted
- DIN 53538-3 replaced by DIN ISO 13266
- Editorially revised