Design of Pressure Vessels
Design of Pressure Vessels
Design of Pressure Vessels
Design of
Pressure Vessels
Edited By
Subhash Reddy Gaddam
First edition published 2021
by CRC Press
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Author....................................................................................................................... xv
Chapter 1 Introduction.......................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2 Material................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Metallurgical Fundamentals...................................................... 3
2.2 Variety of Materials................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Carbon Steel (CS).......................................................... 3
2.2.2 Low Alloy Steel (LAS).................................................. 3
2.2.3 Stainless Steel (SS)........................................................ 4
2.2.4 Nonferrous Alloys.......................................................... 4
2.2.5 Nonmetallic Materials................................................... 5
2.3 Material Selection...................................................................... 5
2.3.1 Criteria for Selection of Materials................................. 5
2.3.2 Ductile and Brittle Materials......................................... 5
2.3.3 Chemical Effect of Fluid in Contact.............................. 6
2.3.4 Temperature................................................................... 6
2.3.5 Pressure and Allowable Stress....................................... 6
2.4 Heat Treatment........................................................................... 8
2.4.1 Division of the Ferrous Material.................................... 8
2.4.2 Post-fabrication Heat Treatment.................................... 8
2.4.3 Post-weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)............................... 8
2.5 Non-destructive Testing (NDT) and Weld Efficiency................ 9
2.6 Impact Test and Minimum Design Metal Temperature
(MDMT)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
2.7 Hydraulic Test (HT)................................................................. 12
Reference........................................................................................... 12
4.2 Loads........................................................................................ 40
4.3 Membrane Theory...................................................................41
4.3.1 Shells of Revolution..................................................... 41
4.3.2 Membrane Equation..................................................... 42
4.4 Stresses.................................................................................... 44
4.4.1 Stress Categorization.................................................... 45 Primary Stresses........................................... 45 Secondary Stresses....................................... 45 Peak Stress F................................................. 45
4.4.2 Shear Stress in a Cylindrical Shell............................... 46
4.4.3 Allowable Stresses....................................................... 46
4.4.4 Thermal Stresses.......................................................... 48
On the subject of pressure vessel design, several books and codes are available. They
are voluminous and expensive. Some of the books contain derivations of equations
by integration and others ready to use formulas. Codes contain equations by rule.
In this generation with availability of software programs even for simple calcula-
tions, the requirement of fundamental stress analysts is limited to the development of
computer software programs for analytical and numerical engineering stress analy-
sis. Most of the design engineers are becoming software operators.
But it is the belief of author (who worked in this field from the slide rule genera-
tion to PVEllite and Ceasar generation) that today’s designers shall have sufficient
basic knowledge of the subject to effectively use the software programs and codes to
give optimum design. He shall be in a position to comment on the software for more
effectiveness and suggest changes in codes. For designers, the design software shall
be only a tool to reduce time and accuracy.
Efforts are made in this book to fill this gap. This book avoids lengthy integration
which is generally skipped by present engineers and explains the equations by simple
fundamental design methods. It will give feeling of how the parts will resist and
deform under various types of loads and explains various tools of design from funda-
mentals giving practical applications so as to modify or combine them where direct
formulas are not available.
Effort of this book is not to develop knowledge parallel to software, but to take
stress analysis software operating engineers to a step inside, backend, to understand
the loading diagram or free body diagram, deformation etc., so that they can be con-
fident in selecting the correct program, giving error free input, analyzing the report
and validating the results. Guidelines are provided for fundamental stress analysis.
This book will be useful to new graduates and post-graduates for the subject of
solid mechanics and aspiring career in pressure vessel design field, advance educa-
tion, and research and to working professionals in static equipment, pressure vessels,
heat exchangers, boilers, and similar equipments.
Efforts are made to include an optimum material so that the reader will not skip
even a small part of the chapter or section of the chapter interested or relevant to him/
her. The pressure-retaining parts and connected non-pressure parts in general are
many types. Efforts are made to cover design of all such parts, but in depth analysis
is covered to parts related to the boiler industry. This book contains terms, and lan-
guage used by working professionals may be marginally different from that used by
faculty or is usually found in most of the books.
This book would not have been possible without the support of several friends and
Thermal systems (Hyderabad) Pvt. Ltd where the author works. The author is thank-
ful to all of them particularly, SimharajuYogesh, Toji Tharakan, and Lakshman for
providing figures and Praveen Mittapelli, Mani Kumar, Ram Sri Pavan, Mastan, and
Dr. Raman Goud for their support.
Subhash Reddy Gaddam has been associated with design,
development, engineering, project execution, manufacturing,
and commissioning of pressure vessels and boilers of various
types and capacities for over 50 years.
He is a 1970 graduate in Mechanical Engineering from
Osmania University, College of Engineering. Starting as a
graduate trainee with the Indian subsidiary of the Babcock
& Wilcox Ltd., U.K., where he worked on the shop floor and
construction site in the commissioning of a 120MW boiler,
he spent over a decade in design and engineering of industrial and power boilers at
various large industries in India. He then joined the Andhra Pradesh State
Government as Inspector of Boilers until his retirement as the Director and Head of
the Department of Boilers in 2006. He is currently an adviser for mechanical design
of pressure vessels, heat exchangers and waste heat boilers at Thermal Systems
(Hyderabad) Pvt. Ltd.
This book has been painstakingly compiled over the past several years and con-
tains deep technical insights from his experience spanning 50 years. He has person-
ally developed worksheets for design calculations of all components of pressure
vessels & boilers described in this book.
1 Introduction
Mechanical design (analysis) reported in this book is the calculation of thickness for
maximum allowable stress or maximum induced relevant stresses for a given thick-
ness of any element for which equation is derived using maximum principal stress
theory of failure by any analytical method of analysis and relevant design theories.
The activities involved in connection with pressure vessel design for manufacturing
them are briefly covered in this chapter.
Design in general starts with process design, which is normally performed in R &
D organization. The next step is plant design for satisfactory operation and facilitat-
ing maintenance of the plant, which is the design and linking of other auxiliary parts:
2 Design of Pressure Vessels
• Toughness: Strength and ductility = area under stress-strain curve, toughness of
structural steel > spring steel.
• Microstructure: Ferrite, austenite, cementite, pearlite, and martensite.
• Ferrite: It has a body centered cubic crystal structure. It is pure or 0.01% c (dis-
solve at room temperature), soft, and ductile.
• Austenite: It has a face centered cubic crystal structure and exists over 912°C.
• Cementite: Compounds of iron and carbon iron carbide (Fe3C) are hard and
• Pearlite: The lamented structure is formed of alternate layers of ferrite and
cementite. It combines the hardness and strength of cementite with the ductility
of ferrite. The laminar structure acts as a barrier to crack movement as in com-
posite, which gives its toughness.
• Martensite: It has a very hard needle-like structure of iron and carbon and is
formed by rapid cooling of the austenitic structure (above the upper critical
temperature), which needs to be modified by tempering before acceptable
properties are reached.
The following materials are normally used in manufacture of boilers and pressure
4 Design of Pressure Vessels
1. Austenitic is corrosion resistant, tough, ductile, and easy to form and weld.
These steels are suitable for low service temperature in the range of – 80 to
250°C as well as high service temperature in the range of 400 to 500°C. Some
special grades such as 304H, 316H, and 321H are suitable for very high ser-
vice temperatures in the range of 500 to 816°C.
2. Martensitic contains 1 to 14% chromium. Type 409, 410, and 410S are com-
monly used for noncooled and nonpressure parts (PPs) required for high-tem-
perature service.
3. Ferritic contains 14 to 20% chromium. Type 429, 430, and 439 belong to this
category. These grades are corrosion-resistant and suitable for higher service
temperatures up to 650°C and up to 800°C for noncooled and non-PPs.
2.2.4 Nonferrous Alloys
Inconel and incoloy are used for very high temperature services above 800°C, for
noncooled and non-PPs such as coil supports, tube supports in high temperature radi-
ation zones, and furnace components.
2.2.5 Nonmetallic Materials
• Insulation
• Refractory
Generally, codes for pressure vessels do not contain material selection. Codes stipu-
late only the manufacturing process, chemical composition, mechanical properties
(mandatory and optional), inspection, heat treatment and testing requirements, certi-
fication, marking etc., for the general or listed materials. Most of the nations have
their own material standards to suit various processes and functional requirements.
Material selection out of the available specifications with or without additional
requirements is absolutely left to the technical judgment, knowledge, and experience
of professional engineers. Some of the literature studies and consultants recommend
material selection.
Ductile materials have a sufficient gap between yield (Sy) and UTS to observe the
deformation. The ratio of Sy to UTS of normally used PPs is as low as 0.5 for
SA-178A and SA-179 and max 0.7 for 91 grade LAS. The beginning of plastic defor-
mation is not clearly defined in brittle metals, and the material exhibits little or no
deformation before it fractures. Brittle materials are used in PPs with high tempera-
ture and low pressure whose thickness is designed mainly according to parameters
other than pressure-like castings in valves.
2.3.4 Temperature
In the cryogenic temperature range (−250°C to −100°C), carbon and LASs are brit-
tle; therefore, austenitic SSs or nonferrous metals such as aluminum alloys, which do
not lose impact strength at very low temperatures, are used. At low temperatures
(−100°C to 0°C), LAS and fine grain CS that possess required impact properties are
found to perform satisfactorily. In the range of intermediate temperatures (0°C to
425°C), low CSs can be used. At temperatures above 400°C, CSs exhibit a drop in
yield and tensile strength and cease to be elastic and become partly plastic. Under a
constant load, a continuous increase in permanent deformation called creep occurs.
For high temperatures up to 650°C, LASs, molybdenum or chrome–molybdenum
(up to 9% Cr+1%Mo), are used. For higher temperatures up to 816°C, austenitic SSs
are used. For temperatures more than 816°C, nonferrous alloys, incoloy, or inconel,
are used. However, codes permit up to temperatures 454 to 530°C for CS, up to
565°C for 11 and 22 grades of LAS, 600°C for 91 grade LAS, 830°C for SSs, and
900°C for high alloy steels.
For bolts and nuts, CS is not advised above 230°C (max up to 343) and for
long periods of operation as relaxation will occur. Therefore, alloy steels are
used. For higher temperatures over 500°C, austenitic SSs are used. Table 2.1
shows recommended American (ASME-SA) materials for different service tem-
perature ranges.
8 Design of Pressure Vessels
Pressure components fabricated from plate materials will undergo various manufac-
turing processes in steel mills and manufacturing units such as welding, rolling, and
forming, during which internal stresses may be induced. During operation, these
stresses together with membrane stress may exceed the yield point. Therefore, such
fabricated parts, after rolling, bending, or forming and after the final stage but before
the hydraulic test, are subjected to suitable heat treatment for relieving such internal
stresses. Heat treatment is not required if the intensity of such internal stresses is mar-
ginal. The holding temperature and time of heat treatment depend on materials and are
given in codes. The code1 gives rules which are briefed in the following subsections.
a. CSs
1. UTS ≤ 485 MPa (SA-192, SA-106B, SA-210 A1) P.No. 1 and G.No. 1
2. UTS > 485 MPa (SA-105, SA-516 70, SA-266, SA-350) P.No. 1 and
G.No. 2
b. LASs
1. Gr-11 (1.25Cr, 0.5Mo) P.No. 4 and G.No. 1
2. Gr-22 (2.25Cr, 1Mo) P.No. 5A and G.No. 1
3. Gr-91 (9Cr, 1Mo) P.No. 15E and G.No. 1
c. Austenitic SS P.No. 8 and G.No. 1
d. Others
1. low Mn, Cr, and Ni alloys (P1/G2, P1/G3, and P3)
2. high Cr and Ni alloys (P6, 7, 9, 10, and 11)
Where R = bend radius and Ro = radius of part before forming, infinity for plates, and
d = OD of the pipe/tube
parameters are within certain limits. The limits are higher for carbon steels and strin-
gent as alloying is more.
For carbon steels of part & group numbers (P1/G1,2,3) as per table UCS-56-1, PWHT
is not required under the following conditions: (Reprinted from ASME 2019 BPVC,
Section VIII-division 1, by permission of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
For other groups, similar but stringent rules are provided in Tables UCS-56. Boiler
codes are more stringent than above code. Indian boiler code exempts only up to 20
mm thick.
2. Single BW with a backing strip: E = 0.9 for 100% RT, E = 0.8 for 10% RT,
and E = 0.65 for no RT
3. Single circ. BW without a backing strip with t ≤ 16 & OD ≤24” (600) and
E=0.6 for no RT
Values of Tma °C
Tg" A B C D
0-3/8 −8 −29 −48 −48
0.5 0 −22 −37 −48
1 20 1 −18 −33
2 37 17 −3 −20
3 43 26 5 −12
4 47 32 11 −5
5 49 37 16 1
6 49 40 19
Tr against the stress ratio can be read in Figure UCS-66.1 of ASME 2019 BPVC,
Section VIII-division 1, by permission of The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers and given below
Tr = {140, 95, 58, 40, 30, 20,10, 0}°F for stress ratio {0.35, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9,1}
Tr = {80, 52, 32, 23,17, 6, 0}°C for stress ratio {0.35, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9,1}
If Ta for any part > Td of equipment, the material of that part is to be impact tested
as per UG-84 and shall meet the result given in Figure UG-84.1M.
(e) Before calculating Tma, if the raw material of part is satisfactorily impact tested
as per its specification or the part has certain properties and conditions given
in UCS-66, it is concluded that the part has the required toughness and the
impact test is not mandatory. Such properties and conditions are given below.
1. Nonwelded parts with tg < 150 mm and Td > 50°C [ref: (a)(1)–a(e)]
2. welded parts with tg < 100 mm and Td > 50°C [ref: (a)(1)–(a)(5)]
3. tg ≤ 2.5 and Td ≥ −48 [ref: (d)(1)–(e)]
4. −105 < Td < −48 & stress ratio ≤ 0.35, [ref: (b)(3)]
5. plate t ≤ 2.5 and temp ≥ −48 (tube & pipe ref rule) not required [ref:
12 Design of Pressure Vessels
If none of the factors in (e) and (f) is applicable to the part, Tma of that part is calcu-
lated to verify whether the impact test is required or not.
1. Constant method: Because the factor of safety is normally 1.5, K is taken as 1.5
in most of the codes. The maximum stress at any point in this method may exceed
0.9Y in the case of almost the same temperature at HT (Th) and working condi-
tion (T), or the gap between max stress and Y is higher with higher temperature
difference leaving scope for increasing HT pressure for more safety. Some codes
such as IBR and ASME S I provide this rule to limit stress to 0.9Yat Ph.
2. Variable method: K is not constant and equal to 1.3 times least stress ratio
(LSR). 1.3 in place of 1.5 is to limit max stress to 0.9Y.
LSR = Sh/S, where Sh = allowed stress at test temp. Th and S = allowed stress
at design temp. T.
Because the LSR value is 1 for Th = T and also for some high strength mate-
rials having S is the same up to certain temperature. As the difference in Sh and
S increases, the LSR increases and max stress in HT is nearer to 0.9Y indepen-
dent of the T value. ASME S VIII D 1 uses this rule.
3. Least calculated pressure method: Ph = 1.3 times least calculated pressure
(LCP -least MAWP at any point or component). when margin is provided by
designer second method results in lesser stress at HT. Ph is increased in propor-
tion to margin to increase stress at HT nearer to 0.9Y. Hence, LCP is used
instead of LSR times MAWP. ASME S VIII D 1 uses this method as an option.
1. Code ASME S VIII D 1, 2019
3 Mechanical Design
Readers are advised to review basics of direct (tensile and compressive), shear, bending,
and torsion stresses and strains; force, moment, and torque; yield and tensile strength,
elastic modulus, rigidity modulus, Poisson’s ratio, first and second moment of area; and
polar second moment of area before reading this book. However, some of the above
and other basics difficult to feel are described below to get a practical feeling.
3.1.2 Degrees of Freedom
Degrees of freedom of a boundary point (node point) are six, three-translational x, y,
and z; and three-rotational θX, θY, and θZ for space elements; and three, two-transi-
tional x, y and one-rotational θZ for the xy plane (Z axis) element.
3.1.3 Boundary Conditions
Boundary Conditions of Each End of Element Are Fixed, Pinned, Simply Supported,
Guided, and Free
Boundary conditions of a node can be in any combination. For the beam element to
be stable and determinate, the sum of the degrees of freedom of both ends shall be six.
Elements with three degrees of freedom are called statically determinate, and
reaction forces and internal forces can be found out from static equilibrium equations
alone. Less is in-determinate which requires deformation equations in addition to
14 Design of Pressure Vessels
static equilibrium to solve for unknown forces. Fixed beam is in-determinate and
analyzed by deriving the deflection equation by the integration method. Beams with
three supports (long horizontal vessel) are in-determinate and analyzed using three-
moment (Clapeyron’s) theorem. See Example 3.4. The rest is unstable, cannot be
analyzed, and needs further restraints.
Boundary conditions can also be restricted (like x = +3 mm mean the point can
move 3 mm in positive x direction and further movement is restricted), and each
degree of freedom can be plus or minus or both.
3.1.4 Load Condition
Like boundary conditions, loads are three forces FX, FY, and FZ and three moments
MX, MY, and MZ. Forces include moments and are called force tensor; and displace-
ments include rotations and are called displacement tensor.
3.1.5 Transfer of Forces
Transfer of forces from 1 to 2 is given by equations below:
(FX , FY , FZ )2 (FX , FY , FZ )1
M X2 M X1 FY1 z FZ1 y
M Y2 M Y1 FZ1 x FX1 z
Matrix for T & R, C = cos, and S = sin
Trans. matrix-T Rotation matrix-R
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cθ Sθ 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0 0 −Sθ Cθ 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 1 0 0 0 Z y 0 0 0 Cθ Sθ 0
5 0 1 0 z 0 x 0 0 0 −Sθ Cθ 0
6 0 0 1 y X 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
3.1.6 Rotation of Axis
a) One plane is the same say XY(Z axis) or rotation of axis in one plane (XY):
Rotation of the corresponding (Z) axis by angle θ, from XYZ to X’Y’Z’
Angle anticlockwise from x to x’ or y to y’ = θ
Angle anticlockwise from y to x’ = 270 + θ
Angle anticlockwise from x to y’ = 90 + θ
The rotation vector can be expressed in matrix form
cos sin 0
sin cos 0
0 0 1
To convert any vector [F] from global to local [F’] or in reverse, this matrix can be
used in equation [F’] = [R] [F].
It may be noted that [R]33 for forces and moments is the same.
To derive the [R] matrix for rotation of Force vector [F] to F’], rotate Z axis
by angle (θ) to align with force F’ component in the XY plane. Where cos θ = x/LXY,
16 Design of Pressure Vessels
LXY = √(x2 + y2). Then, rotate the new Y axis (formed by first rotation) by angle (ρ)
to align with force F’. where cosρ = Lxy/L, L = √(x2 + y2 + z2). The rotation matrix
for both rotations [R1] and [R2] is as derived above in (a)
cos 0 sin cos sin 0
0 1 0 and sin cos 0
sin 0 cos 0 0 1
C C cos sin sin
1 2
R R sin cos 0
cos sin sin sin cos
The force matrix equation is
F’ R1 R 2 F
Forces at point of P’ projection of P on the XY plane after first rotation θ = 30° are
the same as Example 3.1.
That is, FX1 = 1.366, FY1 = 0.36, and FZ1 = 1
For the computation of forces at point of P for second rotation of 30°, the same
procedure is used (rotation is in new Y axis).
Fx ’ FX1 cos FZ1 sin 0.683 Fx cos cos Fy sin cos Fz sin
Fy ’ FY1 0.183 Fy cos Fx sin
FZ ’ FZ1 cos FX1 sin 1.55 Fz cos Fx cos sin Fy sin sin
It may be observed that the equations in Example 3.2 by basics are the same as
matrix equations given above.
3.1.8 Poisson’s Ratio
Poisson’s ratio can be explained by the example of a rectangular bar (10 × 50 × 1000
mm) with E = 20000 kg/mm2 subjected to tensile load 5000 kg along length which
will increase by 0.5 mm. At the same time, its section will reduce to 9.9985 ×
49.9925. Sides 10 and 50 each are reduced by [0.3(0.5/1000)10 = 0.0015] and
0.0075 mm, respectively. This 0.3 in the above equation is Poisson’s ratio. It is the
ratio of transverse strain to axial strain. For small values (theoretically for cuboids),
it is the transverse movement by axial movement. Volume 10*50*1000 = 500000
reduces to 9.9085*49.9925*1000.5 = 495598. If the load is compressive, the volume
will increase with the corresponding change in its density for conservation of weight.
Symbol (v) is used for Poisson’s ratio in this book.
3.1.9 Moment of Inertia
Moment of inertia (MI or I) or second moment of area of a plane section at its neutral
axis (NA) is integration of second moment of area of section at NA. In dynamics, this
is the mass of body instead of area of plane section. Thus, MI is the property of sec-
tion resisting bending moment and deflection.
For rectangle B X L, MI at its CG (middle axis) by definition is integration of the
second moment of area (B dx) at a distance x from middle is given by
L /2
Bx dx B( x /3 C )
L /2
2 3
Integration is not required for all sections. Use logic and maths as π(Do4–Di4)/64 for
a cylindrical shell with outside diameter (Do) and inside diameter (Di) using MI of
solid cylinders.
In general to calculate MI at any axis of any section, divide the section into ele-
ments with available formula for I at its NA parallel to the required axis, or with NA
in the required direction passes through its CG, or symmetrical in the required direc-
tion. Calculate NA of section by the first moment method and then MI of elements at
NA of section by the equation below.
In = I of element at its NA (IC) + area of element multiplied by square of the dis-
tance of its NA to NA of section. Add In of all elements to obtain I of section at its NA.
J = IXX + IYY. Its value for angle shown in Figure 3.1 with dimensions of Example 3.3
being equal to 2 × 1800044 = 3600088.
General: Elastic and Plastic theory
Particular: Beam, Membrane (Chapter 4), and Flat Plate Theory (Chapter 10)
The subject of analysis of any problem using the above design theories is gener-
ally called structural engineering, and the analysis is called structural analysis.
3.2.2 Plastic Theory
In elastic theory, maximum stress occurs at extreme fiber for bending moment and
allows up to yield stress divided by the factor of safety. Ductile materials such as
20 Design of Pressure Vessels
mild steel components and extreme fiber will not fail even after reaching yield stress,
but will continue to withstand until the central section remains within the elastic
As the load increased gradually, the outer fiber of the section will reach the upper
yield point and then reduced to lower yield as shown in Figure 3.2. This outer fiber is
in plastic state and shows a considerable increase in strain and deflection at that sec-
tion with redistribution of stress. In mild steel, this increase in strain takes place
without the increase in stress as shown in the figure. When the whole cross-section
becomes plastic, no further increase in resistance is possible and a plastic hinge is
formed. One or more such hinges are required for a complete collapse. The number
depends upon the type of structure. The load at which this state collapses is called the
collapse load, and the ratio of this load to the working load is called the load factor.
In plastic design, this factor is used instead of the normal factor of safety.
Figure 3.3 shows the variations in stress and strain in a beam of symmetrical
cross-section subjected to a bending load. As per theory of bending, the maximum
working stress is ft & fC as shown in Figure 3.3a, and elastic theory is applicable. As
load is increased, the extreme fibers reach lower yield stress fY, and the beam is in a
partial plastic state as shown in Figure 3.3b and then complete plastic state with
stress fY uniform over the whole cross-section shown in Figure 3.3c. The moment of
resistance and shape factors in plastic theory are explained below.
(a) Max moment of resistance (M) of any cross-section as per elastic theory is equal
to allowed stress multiplied by section modulus = f Z.
For rectangle of size b × d, M = f b d2/6
Moment can also be derived from the stress diagram from elastic theory as
When stress at edges is ft tension and fC compression, stress at any depth is reduc-
ing from edge to NA and zero at NA as shown in Figure 3.3a.
Consider dX depth at x from NA
b = width at x from NA and b = f(x), for simplicity consider b as a constant.
Mechanical Design Basics 21
fc fc fc
ft ft ft
M ft dt 2 fC dc 2
b d2 b d2
M 2 fY fY fY Z (3.2)
3 4 6
M can also be derived and is equal to the moment of area of stress diagram at NA
multiplied by width.
f d
A = Area of stress diagram Figure 3.2a = 2 Y
2 2
M b A fY b d 2 / 6 (3.3)
Note that Eqs. 3.2 and 3.3 for the rectangle are the same.
22 Design of Pressure Vessels
(b) Max moment of resistance (MP) of any cross-section as per plastic theory for the
above can be derived as the moment of area of stress diagram Figure 3.3c at NA
multiplied by width.
d d
M P 2b fY fY b d 2 / 4 fY Z P (3.4)
2 4
(c) Shape factor Sf: Shape factor is the ratio of MP/M or ZP/Z. Therefore, for a rect-
angle, Sf can be obtained from Eqs. 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 and is given as Eq. 3.5
fY b d 2 / 4 / fY b d 2 / 6 1.5
16rO rO ³ ri ³
Sf (3.6)
3 rO 4 ri 4
For 2 m dia × 10 mm, the shell shape factor by solving Eq. 3.6 = 1.3
Allowable bending stresses are therefore higher than that for tensile stress and are
equal to or less than the shape factor.
Plastic theory is used for bending stresses.
3.2.3 Beam Theory
Any member of equipment subjected to bending in the axial plane under the action
of lateral force is called beam.
The formulas of beam theory are based on the following assumptions:
• The elasticity and rigidity modulus and Poisson’s ratio are the same in tension
and compression and in all directions.
• The beam is straight or nearly so; if it is slightly curved, the curvature is in the
plane of bending and the radius of curvature is at least 10 times the depth.
• The cross-section is uniform.
• The beam has at least one longitudinal plane of symmetry.
• All loads and reactions are perpendicular to the axis of the beam and lie in the
same plane, which is a longitudinal plane of symmetry.
• The beam is long in proportion to its depth; the span to depth ratio is at least
eight for compact sections and 15 for sections with thin webs.
• The beam is not disproportionately wide.
• The maximum stress does not exceed the proportional limit.
• Restraint is not on a point; it is plane with area.
• Concentrated load is not on a point, but on a plane.
Mechanical Design Basics 23
• The sectional shape is not rigid. Local displacements (distortion) due to load-
ing induce local stresses which reduce as the distance increases.
Applied to any case for which these assumptions are not valid, the formulas given
yield results that at best are approximate.
M dM ( F dF )dx M w dx dx /2 0
Consider small fiber AB with area dA at a distance y from the NA with radius R at
NA of the bending curve as shown in Figure 3.5.
Strain in AB is given by Eq. 3.9
( R y )d R d y
R d R E
M ydA
F F+dF
M+dM w
=M E=
I/R or M/I E/R, and from Eq. 3.9
y I R
Deflection can be derived by three methods. Two methods are described below and
third Castigliano’s first theorem is covered in Chapter 9
1 d 2 y/dx 2 (3.12)
R [1 (dy/dx )2 ]1.5
Within the elastic limit, the slope dy/dx is very small and (dy/dx)² can be neglected
in comparison, and Eq. 3.12 can be simplified to
EI d 2 y /dx 2 = M (3.14)
EI d 3= =
y /dx 3 dM /dx F (3.15)
EI d 4 y= =
/dx 4 dF /dx w (3.16)
x dx
wL/2 C
Value of K in Beam Formulas
Load Type Conc. load W Uniformly dist. load
Beam Type C S F C S F
MS = KWL 1 0 1/8 1/2 0 1/12
MC = KWL 0 1/4 1/8 0 1/8 1/24
y = KWL3/(EI) 1/3 1/48 1/192 1/8 5/384 1/384
θe = KWL²/EI 1/2 1/16 0 1/6 1/24 0
2 EI
For single point load W, calculate moment M in two parts either side of load at dx
at a distance x from one end and calculate U in each part using above equation, inte-
grate with limits 0 to L/2 and L/2 to L, and add both to get U in the beam for load W.
Deflection (d) can be calculated under the load from equation 2U/W. For multiple
loads and UDL, U can be calculated but deflection cannot be calculated. But using
Castgliano’s theorem deflection can be calculated for any element, at any point and
any number and type of loads.
Wa w (UDL) Wc
a a1 a2 c2 c1 c
La Lc
A La B
a1 a2
EI d 2 y /dx 2 M a x /La ( M b M a ) M
EI x dy /dx EI x ix
M a x ( M b M a ) M x dx
L 2
EI ib ( M a 2 M b ) A x’ /La
Where ∫M dx = ΣA x’ = moment of the area (A) of the free bending moment diagram
of AB at support A. x’ = distance of CG of the area from support A.
Similarly, we get slope at B from the C side and by equating these two slopes,
assuming Ia = IC, we get an equation
L2a L2c
( M a 2 M b ) A x / La ( M c 2 M b ) A x /Lc
6 6
Ma 2 Mb Mc Aa xa A x
If Ia I C , 6 C C 0
La I a La I a Lc IC Lc I C La I a Lc I C
Note that the vessel with more than two supports is difficult to install that all the sup-
ports are positioned at the correct level to have reactions as per the calculation. Actual
reactions will never be as per calculations, and it is advised to increase about 10–20%
for further calculations. Further if the shell is made up with more than one part, their
joint shall be rigid not to have relative rotation for validity of the above equations.
UDL of shell weight w = 1000 kg/m, conc. Loads Wa = 1000 kg, Wb = 2000 kg
Dimensions in m: a = 2, a1 = 2, a2 = 4, c2 = 2, c1 = 3, c = 3
La a1 a 2 6,LC c1 c 2 5
= =
Ma w a 2 / 2 2000 and
= =
Mc w c 2 / 2 4500
= =
A a xa /La ( wL 3
a /12) (La / 2) /La wLa 3 / 24 = 9000
m = Wa a1 a 2 /( 4La )
The loadings to be considered in designing other than pressure are
• D-Dead
• L-Live
• W-wind
• E-earthquake/seismic
• S-snow
• T-thermal, applied displacements
Loads due to mass (dead, live, and snow) are ultimately reacted by earth. Loads
arising without mass are balanced by elasticity of material (wind, seismic, and
thermal) or effects on earth at certain point of equipment in contact, an equal
effect of opposite sign is induced at some other point of equipment in contact so
that the resultant effect on earth and equipment is nil. Thus, only loads due to
mass are transferred and reacted by earth. All mass less loads are not transferred
to earth.
Load combination: Because all the loads will not act simultaneously, standards
and codes consider the same with different procedures for analyzing stresses and
coincident allowable stress (S).
Basic stresses are direct (tensile or compression) and shear.
Mechanical Design Basics 31
3.7.1 Tensile
Tensile stress is equal to force divided by the effective area of cross-section of plane
where stress is desired perpendicular to the force direction. Practically, force is not
uniform over the area at the point of application. It will become uniform after certain
length. This transition length with nonuniform stress will not lead to plastic deforma-
tion of elemental areas with higher force due to the resistance offered by elemental
areas with lower force. Plastic elongation will not start until all the elements of areas
reach the yield point. At the point of boundary, practically local or discontinuity
stresses exist which is normally bending and shear.
3.7.2 Compression
Pure compression exists only when the cross-section of plane perpendicular to the
force, on which force is applied, is large enough compared to the length in the direc-
tion of force. An example is the stress induced in a washer when a bolt and nut is
tightened with a washer in it. Deviation occurs when the length is increased and the
body buckles and deflects in a direction perpendicular to the force in middle or at a
plane with the lowest area. Such yield or plastic deformation occurs below the yield
stress of the material.
3.7.3 Shear Stress
Shear stresses are pure, flexural (transverse), and torsional. Pure Shear
Pure shear exists only when the distance between resistance and shear force plane
tends to zero. As the distance increases, bending moment exists due to the
increase in lever arm, and transverse shear and bending moment are induced. The
example of pure shear stress is in rivets, bolts, etc. Torsional shear exists in rotat-
ing parts.
force is resisted by force (τ b dx) due to shear stress and equating both shear stress is
given by Eq. 3.19.
b dy
b dx
σ = difference between bending stress at either side of dx
b = width of the beam at the point
Using equations σ = dM y/I and V = dM/dx, Eq. 3.19 can be written as
(dM y /I )b dy dM y b dy V VQ
( y b dy) (3.20)
b dx dx I b Ib Ib
Mechanical Design Basics 33
V = shear force at section containing the point
Q = first moment of area = ∫(y b dy)
The above integration is from point to top (or bottom) of the moment (lever arm y)
at (NA-Neutral Axis of the total section) of the area (b dy).
Q for any point of the regular section = area from the line parallel to NA to top (or
bottom) of section multiplied by the distance of line from NA.
Stress is zero at top and bottom and maximum at NA.
V (b h2 / 8) 1.5V
b 2h3 /12 bh
1.5 1000 /(100 200) 7.5 MPa
V/A (3.21)
V/A = average shear stress.
Α = shape factor 3/2 for rectangle as derived in the above example.
For other sections, α can be derived as per above basics and given below.
4/3 for a solid bar and 0.5 for a thin cylinder
For ductile materials, shear stress is normally not significant compared to other
stresses. Torsional Shear
Torsional shear is given by a simple equation the same as bending stress, replacing
torsion moment for bending moment and polar moment of inertia (J) for I.
• Shear τ = 0.45Y,
• Compression axial σC = 0.6f.Y,
f = fCC/(fCCn + Yn)1/n, fcc = π2 E/k2 , k = L/r,
L = equivalent length = K La, La = actual length
The K value depends on boundary conditions [translation (T) and rotation (R)],
zero (restrained) or free, is given in Table 3.3.
Allowable stresses for combined stresses are
2t 4 2 0.6Y
2b 4 2 0.9Y
C / ( 0 . 6f Y ) or t / 0.6Y b / 0.66Y 1
3.7.5 Compression Bending
Compression bending is the same as tensile bending provided the section is laterally
supported for torsion buckling for sections such as I-beams, T-sections, angles, and
channels. Else allowed stress is less and depends on D/T and L/r ratios. IS-800 pro-
vides the tables for allowed stress.
3.7.6 Fatigue
Practically, all materials will break under numerous repetitions of a stress that is not
as great as the stress required to produce immediate rupture. This phenomenon is
known as fatigue. Fatigue life or the number of cycles is inversely proportional to the
stress ratio. The lower the induced stress, the higher the fatigue life. Details are cov-
ered in Chapter 9.
K value for Boundary Conditions of a Beam
A end B end
S.No T R T R K value
1 0 0 0 0 0.65
2 0 0 0 free 0.8
3 0 free 0 free 1
4 0 0 free 0 1.2
5 free 0 free 0 2
6 0 0 free free 2
T = Translation, R = Rotation
Mechanical Design Basics 35
3.7.7 Brittle Fracture
Brittle fracture is a term applied to an unexpected brittle failure of a ductile material
at low temperatures, where large plastic strains are usually noted before actual separa-
tion of the part. Major studies of brittle fracture started when failures such as those of
welded ships operating in cold seas led to a search for the effect of temperature on the
mode of failure. For a brittle fracture to take place, the material must be subjected to
a tensile stress at a location where a crack or other very sharp notches or defects are
present, and the temperature must be lower than the so-called transition temperature.
3.7.8 Stress Concentration
The distribution of elastic stress across the section of a member may be nominally
uniform or may vary in some regular manner, as illustrated by the linear distribution
of stress in flexure. When the variation is abrupt so that within a very short distance,
the intensity of stress increases greatly, the condition is described as stress concen-
tration. It is usually due to local irregularities of form such as small holes, screw
threads, scratches, and similar stress raisers. The ratio of this increased actual stress
divided by stress as per normal elastic theory is the stress concentration factor. It can
be better understood by an example. Consider a straight rectangular beam, originally
of uniform breadth b and depth D, which has cut across the lower face a fairly sharp
transverse V-notch of uniform depth h, making the net depth of the beam section at
that point D–h. If now the beam is subjected to a uniform bending moment M, the
nominal fibre stress at the root of the notch may be calculated by ordinary flexure
formula σ = Mc/I = 6M/[b(D–h)2]. But the actual stress σ’ is very much greater than
this because of the stress concentration that occurs at the root of the notch. The ratio
σ’/σ actual stress divided by nominal stress is the stress concentration factor.
Stress analysis of pressure vessels can be performed by an analytical method using
mathematical solutions directly or by integration based on applicable theory.
Mathematical solution includes available formulas, and combination of them, explor-
ing them to make new formulations using fundamentals by making acceptable
assumptions. Available formulas include empirical formulas based on practical and
experimental data such as the frictional factor, combination of dimensionless numbers
to calculate the heat transfer coefficient, etc. When the problem is too complex by this
method, finite element analysis is adopted (refer Part 5 of ASME S VIII D 2). If the
problem is beyond these solutions or alternate to finite element analysis, a proof test
can be carried out [refer UG-19(c) and UG-101 of ASME S VIII D 1]. Some analysis
methods are given below. Others are used where ever is required in this book (refer
sections and 9.7) for the analysis method using Castigliano’s first theorem).
3.8.1 Equilibrium Method
The equilibrium method is by forming equations using static equilibrium of any free
body diagram of element like equating forces in each direction and taking moment at
any point in each axis. ΣF = 0, ΣM = 0.
36 Design of Pressure Vessels
3.8.2 Integration Method
The integration method is the summation method of all elements of the body to cal-
culate any mathematical equation by taking the infinitesimal element, when a direct
formula is not available. This method is used for calculating the equation for MI of a
section of body at its NA in 3.1.9 which is very simple. Similarly for any complicated
problem, this method will give solution. It can involve double or triple integration for
two- or three-dimensional problems.
3.8.4 Experimental Method
The experimental method is used by carrying performance analysis of actual or pro-
totype element. The values of input and output are tabulated or graphed so as to use
for all input values of identical or similar element. On the basis of the analysis,
empirical formulas can be derived.
Y max(1,2 ,3 )
ASME S-I & S-VIII D-1 and IBR use this theory. It is oldest and most widely used.
This theory is used for biaxial states of stress assumed in thin walled pressure ves-
sels. It accurately predicts failure in brittle materials; it is not always accurate in
ductile materials. Ductile materials often fail along lines 45° to the applied force by
shearing, long before tensile or compressive stresses are maximum.
(1 2 ) / 2 Y/ 2
This theory closely approximates experimental results. ASME S VIII D-2 & S III
uses this theory.
Refer Chapter 9 for a general 6 × 6 flexibility matrix which is used in the finite ele-
ment method with beam elements.
1. IS-800
4 Pressure Vessel Design
Notation: P – Pressure, t – Thickness, σ – Stress
1. Pressure vessels: Pressure vessels are the containers of fluid static or flowing,
internal and/or external under internal and/or external pressure.
2. Closed pressure vessel: Closed vessels containing fluid under pressure are
termed closed pressure vessels. Boilers and their components and heat
exchangers with water or steam as the internal fluid (water tubes, steam drum,
etc.) or external (fire tube, furnace tube, etc.) or both sides (tubes in steam feed
water heaters) are specific types of pressure vessels.
3. Open vessel: It is defined as the enclosure open to the atmosphere of spherical,
cylindrical, rectangular, or other geometry or in combination, holding any
material or fluid such as tanks, bunkers, chimneys, etc, which are under pres-
sure due to static head or flow.
• Spherical
• Cylindrical
• Conical
• Rectangular
• Toroidal (Torus)
The factor for selecting the shape of a vessel is primarily the process requirement;
however, comparison of main shells and various other factors in the selection of the
shape of the shell is tabulated in Table 4.1.
40 Design of Pressure Vessels
Comparison of Shells
Spherical Cylindrical/cone Rectangular
Utilization of material 100%, maximum Intermediate Minimum
Internal space utilization Minimum Intermediate Maximum
Weight of shell Minimum Intermediate Maximum
Local stresses Maximum Intermediate Minimum
Utilization of external space Maximum Intermediate Minimum
Supporting arrangement Complicated Moderate Simple
Pressure application Any Any Low
Atmospheric (absolute) pressure is due to static head of air from the altitude
where it is measured to the height where the atmosphere ends. At the mean sea level,
the atmosphere exists up to height (H = 12 Km approximately).
Air density is 1.3 kg/m3 at the mean sea level, zero at height H, and average 0.866
Pressure due to static head is 12000 0.866 10400 kg/m 2 1.04 kg/cm 2
This pressure is the reaction of weight (1.04 kg) of the air column over an area of
The loadings to be considered in designing pressure vessels in addition to loads given
in 3.3 are:
• Internal and external design pressure (P) including static head (Ps).
• Weight of the vessel, internal fluid, and components under operating or test
conditions (D).
• Live loads (L) and superimposed static reactions from weight of attachments
such as motors, machinery, piping, linings and insulation, and vessel supports.
• Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to pressure or thermal variations or from
equipment mounted on a vessel and mechanical loadings.
• Wind (W), snow(S), and seismic (E) reactions, where applicable.
• Impact reactions such as those due to fluid shock.
• Thermal loadings due to temperature gradients and differential thermal expan-
sion (T).
• Abnormal pressures, such as those caused by deflagration.
• Test pressure and coincident static head acting during the test.
Pressure (mass less) load is reacted by internal energy of the element material, and
no support is required (no load on earth).
Pressure Vessel Design Basics 41
Load combination: Hoop stress in the cylindrical shell under internal pressure is
main load. Other loads induce stresses which generally will not combine with hoop
stress, but combine with longitudinal stress which is half of the hoop stress. Further
allowable stress for the combined loads is up to three times the tensile stress.
Unless stresses due to combination of loads are very high, hoop stress alone will
decide the thickness of the element.
Load combination is related to allowable stress. In pressure part load combina-
tion, the primary load is always pressure. Whenever one or more other loads are act-
ing, the allowable stress will be greater than allowed tensile stress, and the value
depends on the stress category of other stresses induced due to other loads. Some
normal combination loads and their stress category as per ASME S VIII D 2 are
4.3.1 Shells of Revolution
A line straight or profile (A-B) is revolved around an axis (YY) to form a shell which
is called shell of revolution and axis YY is called axis of revolution as shown in
Figure 4.1. The following are examples.
If the thickness of the line of shell of revolution is less than 1/10th of minimum
dimension of shell and properly shaped and correctly supported to retain the shape of
the shell under uniform pressure load, the shell is called membrane shell as only
membrane stresses are induced. Shells with a larger thickness are called thick shells
and covered in Chapter 5.
4.3.2 Membrane Equation
Figure 4.1 shows the mean profile line in (a) of a partially spherical membrane shell
under uniform internal pressure.
Notation (see Figure 4.1):
F = Force on element 1234
R = Mean radius normal to axis of rotation at point 1 on the shell surface
t = thickness of head
Rm = actual (meridian) radius of the curve at any point (0–1)
L = Length
Rt = tangential radius or normal distance from the point to the axis of rotation
m, t = suffix for meridian (long), tangential (circ)
For membrane shells other than cylindrical shells, meridian and tangential are used
in place of longitudinal and circumferential due to curvature in both directions. A
line (profile AB) that represents the intersection of the wall and a plane containing
the axis of the vessel is called a meridian, and a line (1C) representing the intersec-
tion of the wall and a plane normal to the axis of the shell is called tangential.
Obviously, the meridian through any point is perpendicular to the circumference
through that point.
Consider a differential shell element 1234 at latitudinal radius R subtend angle dθ
at an angle θ as shown in figure. If the loading is axisymmetric like uniform internal
pressure, boundary forces of element are membrane stresses only σm and σt as shown
in Figure 4.1.
By equilibrium in the direction normal to the shell element (direction F in figure),
Eq. 4.1 is derived.
Pressure force F normal to element 1234
F = P L12 L13
The component of resisting force due to σm on element side 13 and 24 in the direction
of F
Pressure Vessel Design Basics 43
d d
Fm m L13t sin m L24t sin
2 2
m ( L13 L24 )t sin
Similarly, the component of resisting force due to σt on element side 12 and 34 in the
direction of Ft
d d
Ft t L12t sin t L34 t sin
2 2
t ( L12 L34 )t sin
Equating forces
F P Lm Lt Fm Ft [m ( L13 L24 ) t ( L12 L34 )]t sin
d L /2 L /2
Denoting Lm for L13 and L24, Lt for L12 and L34 and sin t m
2 Rm Rt
Lt L
P Lm Lt 2m Lm t 2t Lt t m
2 Rm 2 Rt
P m t
t Rm Rt
m L (4.2)
Substituting σm from Eq. 4.2 in Eq. 4.1, σt can be calculated and depends on shell
geometry. σm, σt, and σr are called principal stresses. Principal stress is defined as
stress in a plane in which shear stress is zero.
The third principal stress is radial stress maximum at inside P and 0 inside; taking
average value σr = P/2
44 Design of Pressure Vessels
Membrane theory neglects radial stress as its value is very less compared to σm
and σt. Membrane stresses for different shells are computed from Eq. 4.1 and 4.2.
t C & m L
t 2t
t & m
t cos 2t cos
t m C L
Membrane stresses in other shells under uniform internal pressure are covered in
Chapter 5.
Stresses due to internal pressure are a major part in pressure vessels. The tensile
stress in thin (R/t > 10) membrane shells due to pressure is considered the same
across thickness and called membrane stress.
Due to internal pressure, the element of vessels is subjected to three principal
The difference of stress from inside to outside decreases with the increase in the
R/t ratio and is insignificant above 10. The radial stress above this ratio is very less
compared to other two stresses and can be neglected. Codes give a slightly modified
formula for stresses (average) to cover most of the practical shells up to R/t = 2.
Almost all applications, the R/t ratio of shells will be above this value.
The circumferential stresses are applicable for the elements remote from discon-
tinuity due to branch, end closing part, fitting, etc. The stress changes local to discon-
tinuity from a distance of √(R t). The local elements of shell and joining part at the
Pressure Vessel Design Basics 45
discontinuity share the stress proportional to their stiffness. The stress in the vessel
joining any type of end closing part reduces, and that of the end closing part increases.
4.4.1 Stress Categorization Primary Stresses
A tensile, compressive, or shear stress is developed by imposed loading which is
necessary to satisfy the law of equilibrium of forces and moments. These are not
self-limiting. Secondary Stresses
These are self-limiting, strain induced. Local yielding and distortions will reduce the
stress. Examples are thermal and bending stresses at a gross structural discontinuity.
1. Secondary membrane stress, Qm: examples are thermal, axial stress at the junc-
ture of a flange and hub of the flange, and membrane stress in the knuckle area
of the head.
2. Secondary bending stress, Qb: examples are discontinuity stresses at stiffening
or support rings, and shell–nozzle juncture. Peak Stress F
Examples are stresses at corner of a discontinuity, thermal stresses in a wall caused
by a sudden change in the surface temperature, thermal stresses in a cladding or wall
overlay, and stress due to the notch effect (stress concentration).
46 Design of Pressure Vessels
Moment of inertia I = do4 di4 /64, b = 2 × thickness = (dO–di)
V /(r t ) (4.3)
4.4.3 Allowable Stresses
Allowable stresses:
Allowable stress (S) refers to basic allowable stress for tensile or general mem-
brane stress.
SY = Yield strength at metal temperature (T)
St = Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) at ambient temperature
Sr = Average stress to produce rupture in 100,000 hours at T
Sc = Average stress to produce an elongation of 1% (creep) in 100,000 hours at
The above varies marginally in different codes mainly on the factor of safety.
If codes do not specify allowable stress, values of Sy, Sr, and Sc at temperature are
to be obtained specifically from material manufacturers. If the values are not avail-
able, specified UTS is used for computing the value of S. The Indian code for boilers
IBR specifies Sy at elevated temperatures = n St below the creep range.
Pressure Vessel Design Basics 47
Table 4.2 gives St at room temperature, and S at working temperature for commonly
used materials. Other allowable stresses will vary and depend on the type of stress
and loading and specifications along with the equations of respective design rules
and covered in respective chapters. Some of the general rules are given below.
Allowable stress for each type of stress or combination depends on whether primary
or secondary, general or local, thermal, etc. and is normally as given below:
Pm < S as the stress is uniform over thickness and due to sustained load
(Pb or PL or Qm or PL + Pb) < SPL as the stress is local or bending
Allowable Stresses (appx.) in Mpa at Temperature °C of Some Commonly Used
C&LAS and SS Material
UTS 250C 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450
CS plates 450 118 117 115 112 108 104 89 76 63
CS plates 485 138 137 135 132 128 123 101 85 67
CS tubes 325 93 92.5 92 91 88 84 76 66 55
CS tubes & pipes 415 118 118 118 118 117 106 89 77 63
CS forgings 485 136 133 129 125 121 117 101 84 67
UTS 450C 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650
Gr11 plates 515 143 107 73 52 36 25 18 12 8
gr11-tubes & pipes 415 97 95 77 51 37 25 18 12 8
Gr22 plates 515 130 116 89 64 45 30 20 13 8
gr22-tubes & pipes 415 114 100 81 64 48 35 24 16 9.5
gr91-tubes&pipes 585 141 134 126 117 107 89 65 46 29
UTS 300C 350 400 450 475 500 525 550 575
SS.18-8/304 515 116 111 107 103 101 99 97 93 80
SS.16-12-2Mo/316 515 119 114 111 108 108 107 106 105 100
SS18-10-ti/321 515 127 123 119 115 114 113 112 95 59
600C 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825
SS.18-8/304 65 51 42 33 27 21 17 14 11 8
SS.16-12-2Mo/316 80 65 50 39 30 23 18 14 11 8
SS18-10-ti/321 45 33 24 18.3 12.6 8.4 6.2 4.4 2.8 1.6
48 Design of Pressure Vessels
4.4.4 Thermal Stresses
Thermal stresses are developed whenever the expansion or contraction that would
occur normally as a result of heating or cooling of component is prevented. These are
“secondary stresses” because they are self-limiting. That is, yielding or deformation
of the part relaxes the stress. Thermal stress will not cause failure by rupture in ductile
material except by fatigue over repeated application. They can, however, cause failure
due to excessive deformations. All most all equipments (except piping) are rigid
between supports. Therefore, one support is designed as fixed and other sliding. If
both supports are fixed, expansion joint (bellow) is provided between them. In such
case, pressure thrust is induced in both fixed supports and generally not viable to
design support. For low pressures, ties are provided between two parts separated by
expansion joint to prevent supports from getting pressure thrust.
Piping systems are generally not rigid and providing one fixed and rest sliding
will land in vibration problems. Several supports or restraints are required to prevent
vibration. Pressure thrust is not high, and design of support or restraint is viable. A
system can be designed to provide sufficient flexibility. Bellows are provided for low
pressures and only when the required flexibility cannot be provided. Detailed analy-
sis is covered in Chapter 9.
Effects of discontinuity, openings, and attachments to shell and external loads are
covered in Chapters 7 and 8.
5 Internal Pressure
R = radius at the point across thickness
Ri and Ro = inside and outside radius
k = Ro/Ri
Suffixes: c = circumferential (circ) r = radial
The three principal stresses in cylindrical parts under internal pressure by Lame’s
theory are:
1. Circ or hoop stress = σc = k1P Ri/t
2. Long stress = σL = k2P Ri/(2t), and
3. Radial stress = σr = k3PRi/t
( Ro /R )2 1
Ro /R 1
2 Ri
Ro Ri
( Ro /R)2 1
Ro /R 1
5.1.1 Circumferential Stress
Circ stress is the maximum of the three principal stresses and varies across thickness
as per the value of k1, which is ≥1.
k2 1
k1 is maximum at inside and
k 1
k1 increases with the increase in thickness and is minimum at outside and equal to 1. For
thin cylinders (Ri/t > 10), k1 at inside is maximum 1.05 when Ri /t = 10. Therefore, stress
can be considered constant across thickness with maximum 5% error. Maximum stress
in the cylinder due to internal pressure is circumferential stress k1P Ri/t; therefore, min
thickness required for given pressure and to limit stress to allowed (S) is given by Eq. 5.1
P Ri
t= (5.1)
50 Design of Pressure Vessels
Because this thickness cannot be found without iteration, S/k1 is replaced with a
lesser value of S in various boiler and pressure vessel codes, with S–0.6P in the code1.
It is valid up to t = Ri/2 or P = 0.385S. At the limiting value, the code equation gives
hoop stress almost the same as average stress across thickness by Lame’s equation.
The code equation gives a marginally higher thickness over Lame’s equation up to
the limiting condition and conservative.
Although S depends on the material and temperature, solving the code equation
with S = 100 MPa and P = 38.5 MPa, t is equal to Ri/2. That is, both code limits
Applications more than the above pressure are very rare. Above the limiting con-
dition, the code gives less thickness than Lame’s equation, and the designer is advised
to use the equation from Ref. 2, which is based on maximum shear stress theory. The
Ref. 2 equation gives less thickness than that with the code.1
For low pressure (<2 MPa) or thin cylinder (Ri/t > 50), simple equation t = (P/S)Ri
gives less than 1% error over Lame’s equation. However, the correct thickness can be
found by replacing Ri by a higher radius little over the mean radius, meant for lowest
pressure and higher and higher as pressure goes up.
5.1.2 Longitudinal Stress
Longitudinal stress is the same across thickness. The K2 value is less than 1 and
reduces as pressure or thickness increases.
Therefore, S/k2 is replaced with a higher value of S, with S + 0.2P in the code1 and
valid for thickness and pressure the same as in circumferential stress. Longitudinal
stress is approximately half of σc. It is more than that with Lemi’s formula up to the
limiting pressure.
5.1.3 Radial Stress
Radial stress at inside is maximum and equal to P and zero at outside. It is much less
than other two principal stresses and insignificant for thin cylinders.
Two of the principal stresses other than radial in the spherical shell or hemispherical
dish under internal pressure are the same and approximately equal to σL of the cylin-
der with the same diameter. Thickness required is approximately half that of the
cylinder for the same parameters and given by
0.5P R i
S / K1
The code1 gives the equation for calculating the thickness with limiting pressure
equal to 0.665S as follows:
P Ri / 2 S 0.1P
Internal Pressure 51
Notation (see also Figure 5.1)
R = mean radius perpendicular to axis
α = half cone angle
TC = cone thickness
At any point in the cone, two principal stresses exist as per membrane theory: tangential
and meridian. The actual radius at the point is equal to R/cos α.
The hoop stress is the same as that of the cylinder called equivalent cylinder with
radius equal to R/cos α and thickness required is calculated as an equivalent. However,
it is applicable only remote from its junction from the shell. At junctions, discontinu-
ity stresses are induced in addition to principal stresses in the cone, which are cov-
ered in Chapter 7. To understand the effect of discontinuity, consider the equilibrium
of forces at the shell to cone junction as shown in Figure 5.1. The figure is drawn with
the mean thickness and shows notation and forces.
For static equilibrium at point A
Substituting T = N/cosα and N = P R/2, the equation for F can be expressed as Eq. 5.2
F = P R tan α / 2 (5.2)
where F, T, and N are forces per unit circumference acting at A or B as shown in
Figure 5.1.
At junction A, force F is compressive, and the cone tends to deflect inwards and
the shell outwards under internal pressure. Reverse is the case at small end junction
point B, and force F is tensile.
For α ≤ 30°, a simplified analysis (reinforcement method) in lieu of discontinuity
stresses can be used. This method is based on calculating the area required to with-
stand additional radial force F and by providing the area in both shells and cone
locally at joint in addition to withstanding the hoop stress due to pressure and/or by
adding a reinforcing pad at the junction.
Reinforcement method: The required area (Ar) is directly proportional to R and F
(Eq. 5.2) and inversely to allowable stress S and given by
Ar = K F R /S
F α B
cos α
The code1 gives a constant of proportion K(<1) = 1–Δ/α, where Δ = angle ≤ 30°
which depends on the ratio of P/S for each joint at large and small ends of the cone
and is given in Tables 1-5.1 and 1-5.2 of the code1.
K = 1 if the cylinder length at the large end is less than 2√(R t) and less than
1.4√(R t) at the small end. Due to the insufficient length, the shell will not contribute
If Δ > α, K will become negative which indicates that the reinforcement area avail-
able in the cylinder and cone is adequate.
The available area is the area with net thickness in excess of max required thick-
ness to withstand pressure, and limiting lengths are given below.
Compensation Calculation Due to Internal Pressure at Cone to Shell Junctions
Input data: pressure P = 1MPa, all. Stress S = 138MPa, E = 200000MPa Large (L) Small (s)
If Aa < Ar additional area is added by providing the pad on the cone within a distance of L from the junction
and centroid of the added area at a distance of 0.25L.
Because Aa < Ar add 25 × 10 pad at 30 mm from the junction on the cone at both ends.
Note 1: If external axial force Fe and moment M are added, F = [P R/2–Fe/(2πR) + M/(πR2)] tan α
Note 2: Reprinted from ASME 2019 BPVC, Section VIII-division 1, by permission of The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers
Internal Pressure 53
For α > 60°, the conical shell resembles a shallow shell and, finally, a circular
plate and can be analyzed by assuming a (conservative) flat circular ring with both
junctions as simply supported. For 30 < α > 60°, toriconical can be used or disconti-
nuity stresses can be analyzed as per Table 7.1 or by Rules 4.3.11 and 12 of Ref. 2. It
also gives the procedure to calculate the discontinuity stresses with knuckle.
A toriconical reducer consists of knuckle at the large end and flares at the small
end to overcome the sharp discontinuity at the cylinder to cone junction and will
greatly reduce discontinuity stresses.
Code rules for the toriconical reducer with α ≤ 30°: the thickness of the conical
portion of the head is the same as the conical shell provided knuckle inside radius
≥ 6% of ID of cone and also ≥ three times thickness of knuckle. The knuckle por-
tion thickness is the same as the torispherical head given by Eq. 5.4, L replaced by
Ri/cos α.
A toroid (torus) is the membrane shell developed by the rotation of the closed curve,
usually a circle about an axis passing outside the generating curve as shown in
Figure 5.2. While an entire toroidal shell, such as an automobile tube, is rarely used
in pressure vessel components, segments are used for connecting two separate shells.
Tube bend is the segment of the toroidal shell.
The principal membrane longitudinal stresses (σL) can be derived by static equi-
librium between internal pressure P and membrane stress at any point b with radius
R and angle θ from axis of rotation yy as shown in Figure 5.2.
The pressure effect on ac is equal and opposite and that on ab is resisted by the sin
component of thickness over circumference with radius R at point b and given by the
L P( R Ro )( R Ro ) /(2t R sin )
L ( P r / 2t )( R Ro ) /R (5.3)
L ( P r / 2t )[(2 Ro r ) /(Ro r )]
L ( P r / 2t )[(2 Ro r ) / ( Ro r )]
At point c, where R = Ro the same as hoop stress of the cylinder with radius r, and is
given by
L P r /t
Longitudinal stress σL varies and is maximum at point c and minimum at e.
Tangential stress σt which is a circle with radius r is the same as longitudinal stress
of the cylinder with radius r which is the same at any point and given by Eq. 5.4
t P r /2t (5.4)
Applying the above theory for tube bends under internal pressure, stress σL at extra-
dos (e) is less than the straight pipe and more at intrados (i) as per Eq. 5.3. Therefore,
when the tube is bent, its thickness at the outer radius is reduced and the inner radius
is increased, and this thinning can be allowed to the extent of the above equations.
Some codes give this provision, but ASME codes do not allow. Actually when tested,
the bend fails at the inner radius.
Shells require to be closed at both ends. Types of closures are flat, conical, and
formed. Formed end closures can be many to the designer’s expertise, but normally
hemispherical, ellipsoidal, toriconical, and flat with knuckle (in order of reducing
depth, cost, and resistance to pressure) are used. In addition to membrane and
Internal Pressure 55
bending stresses in end closures, discontinuity stresses are induced in shells and end
closures at the junction. Refer Chapter 7 for discontinuity stress analysis. The coni-
cal shell covered in 5.3 without the small end closes the connected cylindrical shell.
5.5.1 Flat
Flat is simple but requires higher thick and more weight compared to formed, practi-
cally economical only to small diameters and low pressures.
Refer Chapter 10 for flat plate fundamentals and analysis of flat circular and rect-
angular end closures.
5.5.2 Hemispherical
The hemi-spherical head is half of the spherical shell, and analysis is the same as that
for the spherical shell in Section 5.2. However, discontinuity stresses exist at its junc-
tion with the shell due to the difference in hoop strain which is normally insignifi-
cant. Discontinuity stresses are covered in Chapter 7.
The code gives the same equation given to the spherical shell for stress but the
limitation is different and given by T ≥ 0.356L or P ≥ 0.663S, where L is the internal
5.5.3 Ellipsoidal
Figure 5.3 shows the mean profile of the ellipsoidal head and notation.
The geometrical property of the ellipse is
x 2 /a 2 y 2 /b 2 1
a and b are semiaxes of an ellipse.
a/b = R/h = k, and a, b, R, h, and other symbols are as shown in Figure 5.3.
Practically, this relation is used with outside dimensions
Half of the ellipse has max radius in middle (crown) point A and is gradually
reduced to min radius at 90° apart at point B. If k = 1, the depth b is equal to the radius
of shell a, which is spherical. If k = 2, the depth is equal to half the radius of the shell
and called 2:1 semiellipsoidal.
Radius Rt and Rm vary continuously and at any point P with latitudinal radius r
(0 to a) and can be derived from the geometrical property and are given by
Rm = Rt3 h2 /R 4 (5.6)
2r t m sin r 2 P
2t sin
P Rt
m (5.7)
Using Eq. 4.2 of membrane theory and substituting σm from Eq. 5.7 in Eq. 4.2, σt can
be derived
m /Rm t /Rt P /t
P Rt
t ( P /t m /Rm ) Rt P /t Rt
2t Rm
P Rt Rt
t 1 2 R (5.8)
t m
Rt R=
m R 2 /h (5.9)
Internal Pressure 57
Substituting Rt from Eq. 5.9 in Eqs. 5.7 and 5.8, and k for R/h
P R2 k P R
m (5.10)
2t h 2t
P ( R 2 /h) 1 P R 2 k P R
t 1 2 2t h 2t same as Eq. 5.10
At point B, Rm = h2/R and Rt = R substituting in Eqs. 5.7 and 5.8
m P R / 2t
R2 R
t ( P R /t ) 1 2 ( P R /t ) 1 k 2 / 2 ] P (2 k 2 )
2 2t
t P R / t (5.12)
For k > 2 (code covers up to 3), stress at B increases sharply, and being compressive
is not recommended. Due to discontinuity, moment is induced at the B shell to head
joint, and the additional bending stress is induced. The elliptical profile undergoes
deformation due to pressure and tries to become more spherical. Such deformation
induces moment which will cause compression in the head at the joint and tension
in the shell. Figure 5.4 shows the exaggerated deformation mean profile of the ellip-
tical head in the dotted line. The shell at the tan point bends and tan point B will
shift to C.
The code1 gives the equation for thickness with limitation t/L ≥ 0.002
2(S 0.1P )
where K = (2 + k2)/6
For 2:1 semiellipsoidal (k = D/2h = 2)
t = P Ri/(S–0.1P) or stress = P(Ri/t + 0.1) appx = P Rmean/t, which is the same as
Eq. 5.12.
For 0.0005 < t/L < 0.002, refer section 5.5.5.
5.5.4 Torispherical
Figure 5.5 shows the torispherical mean profile and notation.Torispherical has two
radii, smaller radius (r) at the end called knuckle and larger at rest of the center called
crown radius (L). For a given k (≥1) = R/h = a/b = shell radius to head depth, one
extreme case is with the crown radius is infinity (straight line) and knuckle radius
maximum ( = b) to other extreme with knuckle radius almost zero and crown radius
minimum equal to spherical, an infinity number of knuckle and crown radii combina-
tions exist. It can be noticed that the crown radius increases from its minimum value
a to infinity and knuckle radius from zero to maximum b, and the ratio of the knuckle
radius to crown radius goes from zero to maximum and back to zero. When this ratio
is maximum, the resulting torispherical head most closely approximates to the ellip-
tical head. The discontinuity increases from min at the first extreme case to max at
other, and the junction of knuckle and crown produces additional discontinuity.
Deformation of crown due to pressure is trying to become elliptical, that is, the radius
reduces from A to B max at B.
r (k 2 1) k
L ( k2 1 1
The membrane stress is maximum in the crown portion. As per the beam theory, the
crown to knuckle junction is considered as a fixed boundary and the crown portion as
the curved beam is under uniformly distributed load (UDL) due to internal pressure.
In the knuckle portion apart from membrane stress, bending moment exists in the
entire knuckle portion and max at the junction. Combined stress is max at the junc-
tion. Membrane stresses in crown portion as per membrane theory are
m t P L/2t (5.14)
m P r/2t
t /rt m /r P /t
P rt
rt = tangential radius of knuckle at the junction
The knuckle radius less than three times thickness and less than 6% of the inside
diameter, and crown radius more than the inside diameter will have large local
stresses due to discontinuity. The torispherical dished heads with the above limits are
not permitted by the code. L and r are used for the inside radius in the code.
The code gives the equation of thickness for t/L ≥ 0.002 and knuckle radius r ≥
0.06L and d L ≤ Do as follows:
0.8885P L
S 0.1P
If the limits except t/L ≥ 0.002 exceed, the thickness is given as follows:
PLM (5.15)
2(S 0.1P )
5.5.5 Ellipsoidal and Torispherical Heads with 0.0005 < t/L < 0.002
Deformation is appreciable leading to buckling in the knuckle portion. The code
gives equations to calculate min pressure (Pr) at which knuckle will fail by buckling
[Appendix 1.4(f)(1)(2)] and is given by Eq. 5.15
Pr = Pe /(1.5Py ) (5.16)
Pe = internal pressure expected to produce elastic buckling = C3 Se
Py = pressure expected to result in yield stress at the point of max stress = C3 Sy
Sy and E = yield stress and elastic modulus at temperature and Se = elastic buck-
ling stress = C1 E (t/r)
Constants a, b, ø, β, c, and Re; a = D/2–r, b = L–r, ø = L t /r, β = Acos(a/b),
and D = inside diameter of the head
L = crown inside radius for torispherical and for ellipsoidal = K1 D
r = knuckle inside radius for torispherical and for ellipsoidal = K2 D
K2 = {0.5, 0.37, 0.29, 0.24, 0.2, 0.17, 0.15, 0.13, 0.12, 0.11, 0.1}
K1 = {0.5, 0.57, 0.65, 0.73, 0.81, 0.9, 0.99, 1.08, 1.18, 1.27, 1.36}
For D/2h = {1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3}
c: [if ø < β, c = a, else c = a/cos (β–ø)], Re = c + r
Coefficients C1 and C2 = A + B r/D, where A and B are constants given below
(A, B) = if [r/D > 0.08 (for C1 = 0.692, 0.605, for C2 = 1.46, −2.6), else (for C1 =
9.32, −0.056, for C2 = 1.25, 0)]
C3 = C2(t/Re)(0.5Re/r–1)
The stress equation of any part for any load will indicate the factors responsible for
the increase of stress. For internal pressure load, the failure of the cylindrical shell is
due to hoop stress. The increase of diameter and decrease of thickness will increase
hoop stress in the cylindrical shell. When hoop stress reaches the yield point, yield-
ing starts longitudinally at a point generally remote from support planes where the
diameter is more due to ovality or reduced thickness due to erosion or corrosion. Due
to yield, the diameter increases and thickness reduces, which will further increase
hoop stress even when the pressure is same, further yield, and so on. When stress
reaches ultimate tensile stress and the shell opens longitudinally (bursts) with a small
length and the fluid comes out with velocity, simultaneously pressure and stress start
reducing and the opening length increases until the stress drops to yield stress. The
shell looks like as shown in Figure 5.6.
Stresses due to other loads normally do not combine with hoop stress, but they do
combine with longitudinal stress due to pressure. This combined stress is membrane
cum bending and yields when stress reaches the yield point. Unlike in hoop stress,
the progressive damage generally does not take place as long as the loads remain the
same. When other loads increase, combined stress enters the plastic range and
depending on the type of other load stress may relax for self-limiting or bending
tensile failure may occur for primary bending loads. In the former case, brittle failure
takes place on reaching fatigue cycles. In the latter case on tensile bending, failure
takes place. On reaching yield across the entire tensile half area, yielding starts and
on reaching ultimate tensile stress (UTS) circumferential crack develops at the
extreme outer edge. As the fluid leaks out, pressure and stress reduce and crack
development stops when stress drops to its yield point. As such materials used in
pressure parts are ductile (long gap between yield point and UTS), the failure is time
taking if not rare and less dangerous unlike hoop stress failure.
1. Code: ASME S VIII D-1, 2019
2. ASME S VIII D-2, 2019
6 External Pressure
The action of external pressure on all pressure parts other than a flat plate is similar
to the distortion of compressive flange of the I-beam in beam theory. The boundary
planes are formed depending on the geometry of the part, and the portion under this
boundary will buckle forming dish in reverse side with the mean surface area remain-
ing the same. The max pressure the part can withstand depends on its geometry (D/t
and L/D) and physical properties of the material (E, yield stress, and tangent modu-
lus) at the component temperature. Higher the d/t and L/d, lower is the resistance to
pressure. Basics of analysis are similar for all shells and are covered for cylindrical
shells. For other shells, only code1 rules are explained.
PC = theoretical critical external pressure at which a long cylindrical shell will
collapse by buckling
A = Strain coincident to Pc (same as in Ref. 2)
B = allowable stress for external pressure depends on yield stress and A
D = outside diameter of shell
E = elastic modulus
k = collapse coefficient
f = critical buckling stress at Pc
I = MI = moment of inertia
L = length (effective) between two sections with resistance to retain the circularity
against external pressure.
LC = critical length over which A remains constant.
Pa = allowed pressure
t = thickness
v = Poisson’s ratio
External pressure will induce hoop stress of the same value as internal pressure, but
compressive instead of tensile. However, stress being compressive allowable stress is
less than tensile and depends on L/D and D/t ratios.
c. Long and thin shell (L/D > 2.2 and/or D/t > 10) buckles at stresses below the
yield point. Corresponding critical pressure Pc is a function of D/t, L/D and E.
For L < Lc, the shell buckles into multiple lobes and for L > Lc, Pc is indepen-
dent of L, and the shell collapses into one or two lobes by buckling.
6.1.2 Critical Length
The critical length depends on D/t and is given by
Lc 4 6 / 27 (1 v 2 )0.25 D D /t
Lc = 1.11D D /t (6.1)
6.1.3 Critical Pressure
Critical pressure (Pc) can be derived by elastic theory for a strip (dS) subtend (dθ) at
axis of unit length of cylindrical shell of radius (RO) diameter (D) and unit width of
circumference as follows using the flexure formula and is briefly explained below.
For a complete derivation, refer 8.1 of Ref. 3.
On applying external pressure P, it will deflect by w and the radius increases to
r, and dθ will increase to dθ + Δdθ, ds to ds + Δds as shown in Figure 6.1. Flexure
formula Eq. 3.11 for beam, M = EI/R can be converted for the above strip as
1 1
ro r
PC 3=
EI/ro3 24EI/D3 (6.2)
Substituting I = t3/12
2E (6.3)
Pc =
( D /t )3
The adjacent metal either side of strip offers restraint to the longitudinal deformation
of the strip. To allow this restraint, multiply Eq. 6.3 by k/2 to obtain Eq. 6.4
KE (6.4)
Pc =
( D /t )3
2.2 E (6.5)
Pc =
( D /t )3
( D /t ) (6.6)
K = 2.6
L /D
2.6 E
Pc = (6.7)
( D /t )2.5 ( L /D)
Pa can be calculated by dividing Pc by the factor of safety (4 to 5) which depends on
L/D, D/t, and tangent modulus.
66 Design of Pressure Vessels
6.1.4 Strain Coincident to Pc
Strain A is derived by substituting Pc from Eq. 6.4 for P in the hoop stress equation
(σc = P D/2t) and stress f for σc
f = ( k / 2 ) E ( t /D ) 2 (6.8)
Substituting f from Eq. 6.8 in equation A = f/E
A = (k / 2)(t /D)2 (6.9)
Comparison of Code and Theory 6.1 for Cylindrical Shells Under External
L-length 88 176 1600 1000 600 2000 3000 60000
D-OD 40 80 80 100 200 200 3000 3000
t-thickness 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
L/D 2.2 2.2 20 10 3 10 1 20
D/t 4 8 8 10 20 20 300 300
A.code 0.0959 0.0262 0.0174 0.0111 0.0045 0.0028 2.54E-04 1.30E-05
A = Eq. 6.8 0.0739 0.0261 0.0172 0.011 4.84E-03 2.75E-03 2.50E-04 1.22E-05
B code 118 118 105 101 88 82 62 1.2233
k1 0.4585 0.1876 0.1876 0.1334 0.0251 0.0251 −0.0761 −0.0761
k2 0.3333 0.1667 0.1667 0.1333 0.0667 0.0667 0.0044 0.0044
Pa code 54.0971 22.1339 19.6954 13.4734 5.8667 5.4667 0.2756 0.0054
LC = Eq. 6.1 88.8 251.2 251.2 351.0 992.8 992.8 57677.3 57677.3
K 2.36 3.34 2.20 2.20 3.88 2.20 45.03 2.20
Pc NA 1228.7 808.7 414.0 91.2 51.8 0.3139 0.0153
Equations from 6.1 Code equations Temp = 260°C B = AE/2
A = K/[2(D/t)2] Pa = B[if(D/t>10, K2, K1)] E = 188200 MPa
Lc = 1.11*D√(D/t) k1 = 2.167/(D/t)–0.0833
K = IF(L>Lc,2.2,2.6√(D/t)/(L/D) k2 = 4/(3B)
Pc = KE/(D/t)³ A code = if[D/t<4, 1.1/(D/t)2, graph]
Units: N, mm B = graph, AE/2 if A is left of graph
External Pressure 67
When the value of A or t/D is more than a certain value, the failure is by elastic–
plastic buckling rather than by elastic failure. The value of A or t/D to which this
effect is relevant depends on temperature, material, and shell geometry. For C&LAS
with yield stress Y > 207 at 260°C, the value of A = 0.00065, above which the allow-
able stress B will not increase at the same rate but almost remain constant at higher
values of A > 0.03.
Calculation of allowed pressure as per the code1
Case 1: For D/t ≥ 10, Pa = (4/3)B(D/t)
Read A from graph or table in Ref. 2 for L/D (0.05–50) & D/t (4–1000).
Read B is approximate allowed stress and available from the curve or table in
Ref. 2.
B = A E/2 If the B value is left of the curves
Case 2: For D/t < 10, Pa is calculated as follows:
If D/t < 4, A is calculated from Eq. 6.9 with k = 1.1
Pa allowed pressure calculated from the code may be compared with Eq. 6.7 using the
factor of safety in example Table 6.1.
Refer Appendix 3 in Ref. 2 for basis of establishing charts for A and B. The tan-
gent modulus is used for buckling stresses above the proportional limit.
For the stiffener, Pt and I are considered as external pressure P and Is = MI of the
stiffener ring required; the above equation can be written as P L = 24E IS/D³.
Rewriting, moment of inertia of ring IS required is given by Eq. 6.11
P D3L (6.11)
Is =
24 E
68 Design of Pressure Vessels
Using the hoop stress equation ( f = ), P = 2f t/D and E = f/A
2f t f
P /E / 2 t A /D
A (6.12)
I s = D2 L t
Moment of inertia of the ring and shell will act together to resist collapse. This com-
bined M.I. required (IC) may be considered as equivalent to that of a thicker shell
with thickness (tY) given by
ty t As a /L
IC D 2 L t S (6.13)
L 12
IC D 2 L (t A S /L ) A /10.9
I D 2 L (t A S /L ) A /14
B 3/ 4[ PD /(t A S /L )
Strain A coincident to B can be read from the graph or table in Ref. 2 for the value
of B.
For compiling the effective length of the shell for calculating provided MI (IC),
expression 1.1 ( D t ) is used.
Design philosophy of stiffeners: Because required combined MI of the stiffener
plus shell is about 28% higher than that of the stiffener alone, and the actual combined
MI is couple of times more than that of the stiffener alone; select a suitable bar
stiffener to the required IS which is simple. Select thickness of bar ≤ shell thickness,
and depth ≤ 10 times thickness. In the case of depth limitation, use a channel with
required IS.
External Pressure 69
Theoretical collapsing external pressure over the spherical shell of outside radius R
is derived similar to the cylindrical shell in
Pc 2 E / ( R /t )2 [3 (1 v 2 )]
B = PR /t
Substituting Pa for P
Pa = B(t /R)
For half cone angle α ≤ 60°, analysis is the same as the equivalent cylinder with te =
t cosα, and Le equivalent length (as defined in 6.1) = (L/2)[1 + (RL/Rs)], and L/2 for
the head (Figure UG 33.1 of the code1 shows the details of Le). For α > 60°, the cone
is analyzed as a flat plate with diameter equal to the large diameter of the cone. An
eccentric cone is analyzed with large or small α.
As described in 5.3 and Figure 5.1, an additional force component in vertical
direction (F = P R tan α/2) induces discontinuity stresses for external pressure also.
Forces F, T, and N in case of external pressure are opposite to those shown in Figure
5.1. The stresses are compressive at the small end and also compressive if F < P R,
that is, if α is more than about 63°. The compensation procedure is similar to that
described in calculations in Table 5.1. The difference is mainly the area required.
The analysis is illustrated by calculations in Table 6.2. Because the stresses are
Compensation calculations due to external pressure at the cone to shell
Data: P = 0.5, S = 138, E = 190000 in Mpa, units: mm, N UOS Large.L Small.s
Outside Radius of cone, material SA-516 70, temp = 234° Rc 760 510
Thickness of cone (half cone angle α=39°) Tc 10 10
Thickness of cylindrical shells T 10 8
Outside radius of the shell, material SA-516 70 R 760 508
Length of the cylindrical shell L 300 160
Required thickness of the cone for pressure as per code tc 8 5.8
Required thickness of shells for pressure as per code t 8 5.8
Reinforcement is not required for large end if α < Δ, where Δ = f(P/S),
not applicable to small end. P/S 0.00362
S*E/(Sr*Er) for the large end, E and S are the same for all parts k 1
Angle in degrees for large end depends on P/S given below Δ 6.082
Δ = {5, 7, 10, 15, 21, 29, 33, 37, 40, 47, 52, 57, 60} for
P/S = (0.2, 0.5,1,2, 4, 8, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35)/100, (note 1)
Compensation check: Fe and Me are external axial force and moment and zero
Limits of compensation for shells, large = 2√(R T), and small=1.4√(R T) h 174.4 89.2
Force/unit circ = P R/2 + Fe/(2πR) + Me/(πR2), N/mm F 190 127
because L > h, Ar = Rc k F tanα/S Ar 814.3 379
Aa = Area available in shell and cone: if L < h, shell area is ineffective and Aa = Eq.1 for
large end and Eq. 2 for small end, else Aa = Eq. 3 for large end and Eq. 4 for small end.
Eq. 1 = 0.55(Tc/cosα)√(2Rc Tc), Eq. 2 = 0.55√(2Rc Tc)(Tc - tc)/cosα
Eq. 3 = 0.55(T+Tc/cosα)√(2Rc T), Eq. 4 = 0.55[(T-t)+(Tc-tc)/cosα]√(2R T)
since L > h, eq. (3) & (4) are applicable Aa 1555 378
Aa < Ar for small end. Reinforcing ring external bar 50 x10 is provided.
Note 1: Reprinted from ASME 2019 BPVC, Section VIII-Division 1, by permission of The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers.
External Pressure 71
1. Code: ASME S VIII D-1, 2019.
2. ASME S IID, 2019.
3. Process Equipment Design, L. E. Brownell & E. H. Young, 1959.
7 Discontinuity Stresses
The pressure vessel consists of axially symmetrical elements of different geometries,
thicknesses, and physical properties, and dissimilar materials with different expan-
sion coefficients. Individual shell elements are allowed to expand (deform) freely as
separate sections under any variation mentioned above; each such shell element
would have an edge radial displacement and rotation of the meridian tangent that
would differ from that of the adjacent shell element or component. Because both are
to deflect and rotate together, the difference in such deflection and rotation results in
local shell deformations and stresses to preserve the physical continuity of the shell.
Stresses induced by such interaction of two shell elements at their junction are called
discontinuity stresses. Some examples are junctions between the cylindrical shell
and hemispherical, ellipsoidal, torispherical, and conical heads; crown to knuckle
joint of the torispherical head, butt joint in shells of dissimilar thickness and proper-
ties, and shell to nozzle or other attachments.
Discontinuity stresses are usually not serious under static loads such as internal
pressure with ductile materials if the degree of discontinuity is kept low by design,
but they become important in cyclic loading. Under steady loading, they are self-
limiting, meaning that a small plastic relaxation will reduce the acting force. The
discontinuity stresses combine with longitudinal (meridian) stresses, and their effect
in the circumferential direction is limited. However, the combined stress in the lon-
gitudinal direction will generally (except spherical shells) may not exceed allowed,
because the longitudinal membrane stress due to pressure is less than half of that
allowed. In average application, they will not lead to failure but fail after several
cycles of operation. These stresses will become important factors in fatigue design
where cyclic loading is a consideration. Design of the juncture of the two parts is a
major consideration in reducing these stresses. Codes specify design rules in restrict-
ing the degree of discontinuity. Few tips are listed in 7.9.
Discontinuity stresses at the junction of cylindrical shells with other shells and
heads under internal pressure load are covered in this chapter, and discontinuity
stresses at the junction of shells with attachments such as nozzles, supports, etc., due
to pressure and external forces are covered in Chapter 8.
74 Design of Pressure Vessels
Step 1: Radial deflection y due to internal pressure: Calculate local radial deflection
at discontinuity of both adjacent components as free parts (not connected) due to
pressure load as given below by membrane and elastic theories. Rotation is zero as
membrane shells do not rotate due to pressure. Radial deflection is equal to radial
strain multiplied by radius.
Using equations: Radial strain = σc/E-v σL/E, σc = P R/t, and σL = P R/2t
y P R 2 (1 v / 2) /(E t )
Or y per unit P
y /P R 2 (1 v / 2) /(E t ) (7.1)
Similarly, y per unit P can be derived for other shells and heads.
Step 2: y and θ due to Q and M: Due to the difference in y in edges of both shells
under internal pressure, edge shear forces equal and opposite are induced. Due to Q,
both edges deform and rotate. Rotation may be different for both, due to which equal
and opposite edge moments are induced. y and θ due to Q and M above as well as due
to external and thermal loads are added. The vector total y is equal and that of θ will
be equal and opposite on both edges forming two equations, and by solving two
unknowns, Q and M are obtained.
y and θ due to Q and M are calculated by elastic theory and can be expressed in
matrix Eq. 7.2.
1 M M
Elements of [K] for Discontinuity Stresses
y/θ P/Q/M Cylinder Sphere Cone
are wrong, it will correct giving the negative sign in the calculated values of Q and
M. In the calculation, correct signs as per the above convention shall be given for y
& θ while forming Eq. 7.2
Refer Table 7.1 for elements of flexibility matrix [K] for cylindrical, spherical,
and conical shells/heads for calculating deflection and rotation due to pressure, shear
force, and moment loads, which are calculated as per membrane and elastic theory.
The stiffness is valid for continuity of diameter and thickness for a length more than
a limit called the bending boundary zone of the shells.
Step 3: Calculation of radial deflection and rotation due to thermal loads: Radial
deflection due to temperature (T) is equal to α R T, where α = coefficient of thermal
expansion. No rotation is induced due to temperature. Generally, the temperature is
the same for both and has no effect. In the case of dissimilar materials with a differ-
ence in α, radial deflection is effective. α for C&LAS is the same, but it is different
for high alloys and stainless steels.
Step 4: Calculation of Q and M: Add y and θ due to all loads calculated above for
both shells and form two equations with two unknowns Q and M, and by solving,
values of Q and M are obtained.
Step 5: Calculation of combined longitudinal and tangential stresses: Combined
longitudinal σLC and circumferential σCC (tangential stresses σtC) due to pressure and
Q and M are given by Eqs. 7.3 and 7.4.
σp = pressure stress (long or tangential)
σm = membrane stress due to Q & M = E × strain = E(Q yq + M ym)/R
σb = bending stress due to Poisson’s ratio effect of M = 6v M/t²
Allowed stress for σp + σm is 1.5 times basic allowed stress (S) as σm is local mem-
brane stress and 3S for membrane + bending stress σp + σm + σb as σb is secondary
bending stress. The discontinuity stresses for cylindrical shell closures with formed
heads are less compared to higher allowed stresses and are overlooked.
76 Design of Pressure Vessels
Calculation of Discontinuity Stresses at the Junction of the Cylindrical Shell
to Hemispherical Head Under Internal Pressure
Defection = y, rotation = θ Sym Units 1-cyl 2-HShead
Mean radius R mm 2500 2500
Thickness t mm 10 5
Pressure P Mpa 0.5 0.5
Temperature T °C 130 130
Elastic modulus for mat. SA516 70 at T = 130° E MPa 200000 200000
Poisson’s ratio for the material v 0.3 0.3
Coefficient of thermal exp. for mat. at T α 1.2E–07 1.2E–07
Local MI per unit circumference = t3/12 I mm3 83.33 10.42
Shell constant = [3(1–v2)/(R t)2]0.25 β 1/mm 8.13E-03 0.01150
Shell constant E I(1–v2) D Nmm 1.52E + 07 1.90E + 06
y due to pressure P, θ = 0
Circ. Stress (1) = P R/t, (2) = P R/2t σc Mpa 125 125
Long. stress (1) = P R/2t, (2) = P R/2t σL Mpa 62.5 125
Radial y = R(σc–v σL)/E yp mm 1.33 1.09
y, θ due to Q - unit shear force per unit circumference
Radial y in (1) = −1/(2β3D), (2) = (2R2β)/(E t) yq/Q mm −0.061 0.144
Radial θ in(1) = −1/(2β2D), (2) = –(2R2β2)/(E t) θq/Q rad −5E-04 −1.6E-03
y, θ due to M - unit moment per unit circumference
Radial y in (1) = −1/(2β2D), (2) = –(2R2β2)/(E ∙ t) ym/M mm −5.0E-04 −1.7E-03
Radial θ in (1) = −1/(β D), (2) = (4R2β3)/(E t) θm/M rad −8.1E-06 3.8E-05
y due to temperature, θ = 0
Radial y = α R T, NA if temp. & mat. is same yt mm 0.040 0.04
y, θ due to external forces ye, θe 0 0
Total y = yp + Q yq/Q + M ym/M + yt + ye, and y1 = y2 – Eq. 7.1 1.230 1.230
Total θ = Q θq/Q + M θm/M + θe, and θ1 = θ2 – Eq. 7.2 −9.3E-04 −9.3E-04
Solving Eqs. 7.1 and 7.2 Q N/mm 1.330 1.330
M N 33.3 33.3
Combined longitudinal stress = σL ± 6M/t2 σLc MPa 64.5 133.0
Displacement due to Q & M = Q yq/Q + M ym/M yqm mm −0.098 0.136
Comb. circ. stress = E yqm/R + σc ± 6v M/t2 σcc MPa 117.7 138.3
Discontinuity Stresses 77
joint, but head combined stress σcc may exceed basic allowable stress but is generally
less than yield stress. The effect of this discontinuity due to pressure can be ignored.
7.4.2 Torispherical Head
There are two junctions of discontinuities, knuckle-crown and head-shell. Both are
close together and affect each other. Total combined stresses in the knuckle region
are several times higher than 2:1 semiellipsoidal. Torispherical heads are, therefore,
not suitable for high pressures.
7.4.3 Flat Plate
The relevant element of flexibility matrix Eq. 7.2 for the flat plate to be used in dis-
continuity stresses at its joint with any shell can be computed from flat plate funda-
mentals as follows:
Ref. 1 Table 11.2 case 10a; rotation θ for the free plate under pressure is given by
Eq. 7.5
P R3
8 D(1 v)
Case 10b, M-edge moment for fixed edge under pressure is given by Eq. 7.6,
M = P R 2 /8 (7.6)
By dividing Eq. 7.5 by 7.6, free radial rotation of edge of flat plate θm is given by
R D(1 v)
Other three elements are very less and taken as zero. D is the plate constant the same
as the shell constant and R outside radius of the plate.
For a rigid flat plate (encased in concrete or plate of large thickness), y and θ due
to Q and M are zero.
Rest of the analysis is the same as section 7.2. Discontinuity stress in the flat
plate = M/Z = 6M/t²
78 Design of Pressure Vessels
Analysis of discontinuity stresses at the cyl–cone junction is as per 7.2 and similar
to the cyl–spherical head described in Table 7.2. The difference is that the disconti-
nuity is not due to the difference in radial displacement but due to cone inclination
(α). Higher the inclination higher the discontinuity stresses, and for α<30°, the dis-
continuity stresses are marginal and generally verified by the compensation method
(Table 5.1).
Step 1: there will be no deformation at the cyl–cone junction due to pressure.
Step 2: y and θ due to Q and M.
The equations for cylinders are shown in Table 7.1 and used for example in
Table 7.2. y and θ can be derived for the cone by the equivalent cylinder method. The
equivalent cylinder replaces the cone on inclined axis with a larger radius cylinder
than the connected cylinder as shown in Figure 7.2. The radius is obtained by divid-
ing the connected cylinder radius by cosα. The force and displacements Q and y used
are normal to the cylinder axis, which are components of the same normal to cone
Equivalent cylinder method
Notation: also refer Figure 7.2 and Table 7.2
α = half cone angle
n = ratio = thickness of cone/thickness of the connecting cylinder
R and t = mean radius and thickness of the cylinder
D and β = shell constants of the cylinder defined in Table 7.2
1 M T M
f = 0.5PR tan q
Q Qe
ye y
Eq.Cylinder of Cone
yq 1
3 d (7.7)
Q 2 D
y e y/cos (7.8)
Q e Q cos (7.9)
0.25 0.25
3(1 v 2 ) 3(1 v 2 )
e 2
(cos /n) 2
k (7.12)
(n t R /cos ) (R t)
k (cos /n)
y and θ are for pressure and Q and M of the equivalent cylinder of the cone are cal-
culated by using the equations of the cylinder in Table 7.1 and equivalent parameters
computed in Eqs. 7.7 to 7.12 as given below.
23e De
Substituting k β for βe, D n3 for De and d for 1/(2 β3D) from Eqs. 7.7, 7.10, and 7.12
yqe 1 1 1 d
3 3 3 3
Qe 2k n D 2 D (k n)3 (k n)3
80 Design of Pressure Vessels
Shear force will not be the same for the cone to cylinder like the cylinder to sphere at
the discontinuity point due to the additional radial force P R tan α/2. Therefore,
denote radial force F, deflection yf, and rotation θf for the equivalent cylinder of the
cone in the place of Q, yq, and θq of the cylinder at the edge of cone. By equilibrium
of forces at junction
Q F PR( tan )/2 (7.14)
Radial displacement due to pressure is almost the same for both and hence omitted,
and rotation is assumed as the same although it is not theoretically true. By equating
y and θ due to all loads at the shell–cone junction for the cylinder and eq. cylinder of
cone, two more equations are formed as given below.
P R 6M
L 2
2t t
σt = P R/t + E × strain = E(y due to Q & M)/R
E ( yq Q ym M )
t c 6vM /t 2
P R cos 6 M
L 2
2t t
t E ( y f F ym M )/R c 6vM /t 2
Discontinuity Stresses 81
C = e–ß x
L is the bending boundary zone and approximately = 4 R t for the cylindrical shell.
1. Different thicknesses at the junction will induce additional stresses and can be
reduced by taper 1:3 minimum.
2. Eccentricity of the mean radius will induce additional stresses and can be
reduced by matching the mean radius.
1. Formulas for stress and strain, Raymond J. Roark and Warren C. Young, 5th edition
2. Pressure vessel design handbook, H.H. Bednar, 1986.
8 Local Stresses
The process requires several types of attachments to the shell such as reducers,
expanders, branch pipes, end closures, bends, expansion bellows, supports, guides,
stiffeners, flanges, local reinforcements, etc. Local stresses are induced due to dis-
continuity and stress concentration in shells due to the openings and above attach-
ments under pressure and external loads.
For spherical shells, the effect is the same all around the opening. In cylindrical
shells, the effect is maximum in the circumferential plane and reduces gradually as
rotated and minimum at 90° in the longitudinal plane as the pressure stress is half that
in the circumferential plane. In rectangular shells, the effect of openings is generally
less due to negligible membrane stress compared to bending stress. Unless the thick-
ness of the attachment nozzle local to the junction is sufficiently higher than that
required for pressure load, the shell requires local reinforcement by a pad and/or
margin in its thickness.
Supports other than saddles and skirts are generally over a limited portion of shell.
The reaction loads are similar to external loads through attachments and covered in
this chapter. Local stresses due to the reaction of saddle and skirt supports are cov-
ered separately in Chapter 11.
8.1.1 Analysis
Analysis is carried out by two methods: stress analysis and compensation.
(a) Stress analysis method: This method is carried out by calculating discontinuity
(membrane and bending) stresses local to junction. Membrane (circumferential)
stress is derived based on static equilibrium over a length of shell local to opening.
Mathematical solution for bending moment can be derived by certain assumptions. It
is complicated and involves errors due to assumptions. Specific finite element analy-
ses are available one of which is Nozzlepro.
(b) Compensation method: The compensation method is based on the basics that
the area required to resist pressure in the shell in any plane removed due to opening
is to be compensated from the area available in the shell and nozzle in excess of the
area required to resist pressure, within a limited distance from the opening and by
84 Design of Pressure Vessels
intentionally reinforcing (adding pad on shell) around the nozzle. This method has
the following limitations.
Openings are categorized as small, single, multiple, continuous, and large bore for
the purpose of the compensation method. The compensation method for the above
openings is explained in the following sections.
8.1.2 Small Openings
For isolated (single, defined in 8.1.3) openings up to certain size, no analysis is
required as the opening length in the plane of maximum membrane stress is less than
the minimum length for the thickness of the shell for consideration of membrane
stress calculation. Openings less than this size (diameter) are called small openings.
Different sizes or equations are provided in different references. The code1 defines
small openings in vessels (not subjected to rapid fluctuations in pressure which
induce fatigue) as the opening diameter (d) is less than or equal to
89 mm for t 10 mm or 60 mm for t 10 mm
Provided for two isolated openings with pitch, not less than the sum of their diame-
ters, and in a cluster of more than two openings not less than 1+1.5cosα times the
sum of their diameters. Where t = shell thickness and d = size of openings, α = angle,
openings axis makes with cylinder long axis (α = 0, for doubly curved shells and
formed or flat heads)
Small openings may not satisfy the compensation rules for all inputs. However,
this rule is valid because the hoop stress in the shell is valid for a length (L) propor-
tional to its thickness.
8.1.3 Single Opening
Single opening is one which is neither multiple nor continuous. The compensation
method for different arrangements is explained in the following sections for the cylindri-
cal shell under internal pressure. Analysis is the same for other shells and heads except
the required thickness (tr) for pressure load. For calculating tr, the diameter of the cone is
taken as the diameter at the axis of nozzle. For partially spherical heads, the radius at the
Local Stresses 85
D1 tn d
A5 W
ho L A41
W2 W1
t a A'
A1 W3
1. All sizes are net after deducting negative tolerances and in corroded
2. L – length shall be straight up to 2.5tn from shell/pad outside.
3. F = 1 for the long section, (other sections F = 1 to 0.5, 0.5 for the circ
4. Weld between the shell and nozzle is full strength. Pad to shell weld
strength shall be checked (refer section 8.1.7).
5. If any rigid element either side is at a distance less than its opening from
centre, it will offer resistance.
6. tr = thickness of the shell required to withstand circumferential stress due
to pressure. For the longitudinal section, tr is half. Therefore, factor F (F
= 0.5) is used in equations A1 and A with for tr. Because A is reduced by
about half and A1 increases higher than reduction in A, the compensa-
tion calculation in any plane other than longitudinal plane is irrelevant.
Only in hill side nozzles with large offset, it is to be checked.
Local Stresses 87
7. Stress ratios f1 and f2 are used in equations for A2, A3, and A4 to reduce
the actual compensating areas of nozzle and welds if the nozzle mate-
rial strength is less than that of the shell (SY > Sn).
8. In case of the shell and nozzle not having the same material strength, the
area (a = 2tr tn) of the nozzle between the inside and outside shell does
not have the same strength as the shell and may require more compen-
sating area over d tr. Note that the actual shell material removed for
inserting the nozzle is not d, but d + 2tn. Furthermore, the A1 area
includes a small portion of this nozzle area [b = (t – tr)tn], and the rest of
the area will resist internal pressure as the shell. Areas a and b are shown
in the figure. To simplify all these effects in the calculation, the compen-
sating area is increased by adding 2tn tr F(1 – f1) to d tr in equation for A.
It is zero, if the nozzle and shell materials are the same (f1 = 1).
9. The shell will resist local stresses up to a limit parallel to the shell wall
depending on the opening size and thickness of the shell and nozzle.
The code specifies the limit each side from the nozzle outside equal to
max of d/2 or sum of the shell and nozzle thicknesses.
10. The length limit of the nozzle outside the shell normal to shell wall
which will resist local stresses is given in the code equal to 2.5 times the
thickness of the shell or 2.5 times the thickness of the nozzle plus pad
thickness, whichever is less outside or as well as inside of the shell. If
projection is less than the above limit, only available projection is con-
sidered for compensation. Normally, the inside projection is less than
the limit or no projection due to process consideration. It is to be noted
that inside projection normally is not subjected to pressure and total
thickness contributes in the compensating area. If corrosion is applica-
ble due to inside fluid, it affects both sides.
11. The nozzle may be subjected to internal and external pressure on the por-
tion inside the shell and no pressure on outside the shell like in the sleeved
part of nozzle when added in case of temperature difference between the
fluid in the pipe and that in the shell. Depending on the pressure condi-
tion, the value of trn may be zero or as required to external pressure. Also
trn = 0 if the projected length is less than its thickness [refer 6.1.1a] Set on Nozzle
The arrangement is shown in Figure 8.2. The nozzle is profile cut to suit shell OD and
placed over the shell outside the surface, and the shell is opened normally with the
diameter equal to nozzle ID. Opening may be provided less intentionally to reduce
the area required to obtain more advantages than the increase in pressure drop.
Compensation analysis is the same as example 8.1 except A1 and A equations are
different for set on type nozzles and W3 = A43 = A3 = 0 (no inside projection)
A and A1 equations are different as the factor explained in note 8 of example 8.1 is
not relevant and given by
A1 ( D1 d )( E t F tr )
A d tr F
For the data of example 8.1, values of areas for the set on nozzle in mm2 are A =
10560, A1 = 2880, and At = 10563. At > A; hence, design is safe.
88 Design of Pressure Vessels
D1 tn d
A42 ho L A41
A5 wi
t tr A Taper Nozzle
Most of the nozzles are not entirely straight. Due to higher local stresses at the joint
than those at the end, the thickness of the nozzle is provided higher at the joint and
tapered down to match the mating flange or a thinner pipe usually outside to keep
inside straight for smooth flow of fluid.
With the straight local effect limit being about 2.5 times, the nozzle is provided
with uniform thickness up to this limit. However, for thick nozzles particularly
greater than the shell thickness, the thickness is tapered down with a straight thick
portion < 2.5tn due to the restriction of length and/or to reduce weight. Such a nozzle
as shown in Figure 8.3 is termed taper nozzle. For the purpose of analysis, the portion
with a reduced thickness is considered as the nozzle and the rest of the nozzle portion
hub as a pad and may not contribute fully. Only the portion up to the height te (equiv-
alent thickness of pad) is effective and acts like a pad. The value of te is the difference
of thicknesses divided by tan30°.
The analysis is similar to example 8.1 except the variations which are given in
example 8.2. The calculations in example 8.2 are with the same data of example 8.1
covering only variations.
Example 8.2: Remove the pad, increase the nozzle neck thickness tX
to 40mm up to a length of 45mm, and then taper down by 1:1 (45°) in
arrangement of example 8.1.
Except the equation for the A5 pad area for applicable equations, there is no
change in other equations. The affected parameters are given below in mm,
1. If hP > hL, A5 is up to limit hL, A5 = 2w hL
2. If hL > hP + b, A5 is up to hP + b, A5 = total hub area including bevel
3. Else A5 = 2w hP + part of bevel (hL–hP)2 as shown in Figure 8.3
For effectiveness of the complete hub area including bevel, reduce straight length
hP so that te = hP + b
90 Design of Pressure Vessels
Wo dp
te A5
D1 Non-radial Nozzles
The nozzle attachments are not always radial. They may be tilted in any direction,
mostly laterally (hill side nozzle) or axially (angular).
shell mean radius (Rm) by angle α (sin α = B/Rm) as shown in Figure 8.5a and 8.5b,
Figure 8.5a being tangential nozzle. Unlike the radial nozzle, opening diameter d is
not constant and will be increasing at sections from longitudinal to circumferential.
The equation for nozzle areas A2 and A3 is complicated as the section does not pass
through the longitudinal plane of the nozzle except in the circumferential plane. At
the circumferential plane, also the nozzle length within limit is higher than the radial
nozzle. It may be assumed as the area within the limits hO and hi as shown in
Figure 8.5 (as considered in ASME PTB-42013 4.5.2).
d C
B Rn
B Rm
The calculation is the same as example 8.1 except the changes explained above
and given in Example 8.4 below.
In the circumferential section (F = 0.5), d will increase, the L and h effect the same
as above, and A2 and A3 values may change (no effect if L and h are higher by k than
hO and hi). It is observed that the value of (At–A) for all sections other than longitu-
dinal is higher; hence checking in other sections may not be required normally.
Increased d and new parameter k required in new equations for A2 and A3 for
the circumferential section are calculated as follows (units: mm, mm2):
Changes in D1, A1, and A due to the change of d and F with (E = 1, F = 0.5) are: Angular Nozzle
Rotate the radial nozzle axis in the long plane of the shell at its intersection with the
mean radius of the shell by angle as shown in Figure 8.5c.
There is no change in calculation for the circ section (F = 0.5). In the longitudinal
section, d will increase by 1/cosα. Other considerations are the same as hill side and
radial nozzles.
8.1.4 Multiple Openings
Whenever the distance between two openings (other than continuous openings) is
less than half of the sum of the limits of each in the shell (D1 in example 8.1 above)
as shown in Figure 8.6, the opening pair is called multiple opening. In such case, the
Local Stresses 93
D1/2 D1
d a1 a2 d
limits are to be reduced in proportion to their openings. Pitch less than 4/3 of average
diameter of multiple openings (d) is considered as continuous openings and may lead
to ligament failure. For circumferential multiple openings, the limiting angle between
openings can be calculated as D1/Rm radians and Rm = shell mean radius.
Local stresses due to openings under internal pressure are maximum at the shell–
nozzle longitudinal juncture points either side of opening and gradually reduce away
and can be considered as insignificant after certain limit (D1/2) from its center. In
multiple openings (1 and 2), the distance between adjacent openings (D) is less than
the limit D1, due to which the local stresses at a1 from opening-2 and at a2 from open-
ing-1 are not insignificant. Therefore, stresses are at max point (junction) of each open-
ing (a1 or a2), stresses are added from other side openings, and ligament failure may
result even though compensation can be satisfied by providing the major area from
nozzles. To strengthen the ligament portion, the code prescribes at least 50% of area
required shall be provided by the shell only. Furthermore, it is also possible to comply
this with much lesser ligament, but if stress at a1 and a2 has already reached the allowed
limit, the additional stresses from other sides are significant; thereby stresses at these
two points may exceed the allowed limit. Therefore, minimum ligament is required so
that the addition of stresses at each juncture point from other sides is insignificant.
The code prescribes a minimum pitch of 1.33 times the average of both openings.
p = longitudinal pitch
d = diameter of opening in the shell
Net resisting length per one pitch = p–d
Pressure width per one pitch = p
D = mean diameter of the shell
t = shell thickness
94 Design of Pressure Vessels
P D p S 2t(p d)
Because long stress is half of circ stress, when EC = EL/2, both long and circ stresses
will be equal. Therefore, equivalent long efficiency Ece is given by
8.1.6 Large Bore
The size of large opening (ID of nozzle d) is limited depending on inside diam-
eter (D) of the shell, beyond which local stresses higher than allowable may set
up even after the compensation rule is satisfied. Because the required compensa-
tion area can be provided by the increasing nozzle thickness local to junction
with the thickness of the shell just sufficient to resist pressure, the discontinuity
stresses and stress concentration in the shell may be large enough to exceed
allowed. Therefore, for the d/D ratio beyond a limit, it is required to provide part
of compensation required in the shell within closer limits. Furthermore, it is safer
to calculate local membrane and membrane plus bending stresses. Appendix 1.7
of code1 gives two different limits of compensation and equations for membrane
and bending stresses in both limits and is explained below with examples. Some
codes give rules for margin in shell thickness for local stresses in all single
The equation for d/D is given as
The following analyses 1 and 2 are to be satisfied for shell and large bore nozzle
arrangement to be safe under internal pressure. If [D > 1020, and d > 1020 and
3.4√(0.5D t), and d/D ≤ 0.7], analysis 3 is to be satisfied.
Rn b
L(te+16tn max)
te+ Rntn
e1 te e2
Rmt tn d 16t
half section a half section b
The shell is the same as in example 8.1, pressure is less P = 1 MPa, and nozzle is
1080 OD and 28 thick and 200 long and has 125 × 28 pad
Ar and AP are half of resisting and pressure areas as only the half section is con-
sidered for convenience; the boundaries for areas are
Local Stresses 97
For Figure 8.8b: flange dimensions are b × tf = 100 × 28 and boundaries are:
Stress exceeds allowable 1.5S, and by increasing the pad width to its limit 168.5,
the stresses can be reduced. If it still exceeds, the thickness of the pad and/or
nozzle can be increased. Increasing the shell thickness is more effective but not
economic as increase cannot be limited to required length.
Reinforced (compensated) openings in formed head can be any size, but advis-
able to be less than half of the diameter.
8.1.7 Weld Strength
The shell, nozzle, and pad (if provided) shall be integral so that the compensation is
effective. Shell to nozzle and pad to nozzle can be considered as integral with defect-
free full weld, but pad to shell weld cannot be full welded and only fillet weld is
practical. A fundamental requirement is that there shall be no relative displacement
between these three parts. Hence, partial welds can be used provided welds are suf-
ficient to give required strength. Therefore, pad to shell weld and nozzle to shell and
nozzle to pad if not full welded needs to be checked. Analysis is by structural basics
except the weld factor is taken from the code.
98 Design of Pressure Vessels
There are three paths of failure as shown in Figure 8.9 for set through nozzle joint
with the pad dealt in example 8.1. The elements of failure path are
If the pad is not provided, the third path is not applicable, and in other two paths,
pad weld is not applicable. The same logic is taken for any type of weld joints.
Load is the same as in the calculation of hoop stress. The element a through f will
transfer the load to shell. In other words, all the compensating areas except that of the
shell multiplied by their allowable stress are loads. Strength of elements shall be
adequate to resist the loads and due to the cross section area each side of compensa-
tion plane.
A2 tn
2 A2
A42 A41 A41
A5 A5 A42
1 3
1 1
t 2 A1
A1 tr t
2 Dp
The effects of pressure and resistance of welds for the insert nozzle are illustrated
in example 8.7.
Example 8.7: The data are the same as the example in Table 8.1
except the full weld between the shell and nozzle replaced with
groove welds outside (GO = 11 mm) and inside (Gi = 9 mm) and pad to
nozzle (Gp = 0).
Sa shear in shell to nozzle outside fillet (A41) = [(π/2)dO 0.7W1] Sn 0.7 = 523391
Sb shear in shell to pad fillet (A42) = [(π/2)DP 0.7W2] Sp 0.7 = 796631
SC shear in shell to nozzle inside fillet (A43) = [(π/2)dO 0.7W3] Sn 0.7 =
Sd shear in the nozzle wall = [(π/2)(dO – tn)tn] Sn 0.7 = 732747
Ta tension in the shell outside groove = [(π/2)dO GO] Sn 0.74 = 962467
Tb tension in pad groove = [(π/2)dO GP]SP 0.74 = 0
TC tension in the shell inside groove = [(π/2)dO Gi]Sn 0.74 = 721845
S1 = Path11 = Sb + Sd = 1529378 N
100 Design of Pressure Vessels
1. Cone, the same as cylinder converting its parameters into the equivalent cylin-
der as explained in
2. Spherical including elliptical or partially spherical F is not applicable as all
planes are identical. Remove F or F = 1. Limit large bore diameter to D/2.
3. Flat closure: F is not applicable as all planes are identical. Remove F or F = 1.
Because tr is due to bending stress and varies depending on the location of
opening, tr in equation A is taken as tr/2. Limit opening to D/2. Compensation
calculation given above is not applicable when the flat plate is strengthened by
stiffeners or by staying for pressure load.
c = circumferential (circ), L = longitudinal (long), and t = torsion
Force tensor in the order of right hand thumb rule = {VC, VL, P; ML, MC, Mt} simi-
lar to {FX, FY, FZ; MX, MY, MZ}, convention in this section is as used in WRC bulle-
tins. P is + if force is towards the shell and – outwards. Stresses are tensile + and –
On the perimeter of joint, max combined stress due to force tensor and pressure
can be at longitudinal or circumferential section, and can be at inside or outside of
thickness. Stresses at other points on perimeter will be less than maximum.
Therefore, stress is to be calculated at eight points in each shell and nozzle as shown
in Figure 8.10.
Eight points are denoted by Ao, Ai, Bo, and Bi (long); Co, Ci, Do, and Di (circ)
Where suffix i = inside and o = outside.
Mc My
Vx Mx
t t
A0 C0 C0
Rm Ai
r0 Ci Ai Ci
T Rm T
Mt Mt
At each point shear, membrane and bending (±) stresses in both circ and long
planes are induced due to external force tensor apart from general membrane stress
due to pressure.
P induces the same negative membrane (m) at all eight points and bending stress
(b) inside + & outside – at A and B, and similar at C (as A) and D (as B) in each of
long and circ directions.
Except P and Mt (axial force and moment), the direction of other four will not influ-
ence combined stress. Normally, the stress due to Mt is insignificant compared to
others, and the direction of force P has large influence in combined stress. Because
pressure stress is tensile and positive at all eight points, combined stress will be
higher if stress due to P is also positive (stress is + for –P).
Shear stress τ and pressure stress σC and σL are calculated using simple equations
explained in previous chapters. Other stresses are computed using the following
Step 1: Computation of local stress membrane (m) and bending (b)
m and b can be expressed by basic equations m = N/T and b = M/Z = 6M/T2
These stresses are expressed by Eqs. 8.1 and 8.2 for the purpose of using graphs
in WRC bulletins.
=b 6=
M/T 2 (M/Cb )(6Cb /T 2 ) (8.2)
and Steele’s data (WRC 297) and can be taken from WRC107(537) & 297
Cn and Cb are functions of P or Mc or ML and geometrical parameters used for
the purpose of graphs. Cn and Cb are computed for various arrangements in
respective sections.
Suffix ø for circ stress and r for long stress are used with N and M in the above
stress equations.
0.5{abs(C L) (C L )2 42 }
Considering the effect of sign of each stress and the following equations are com-
piled to derive max stress with all combinations.
b1 (C L )2 42 (8.6)
C/L < 0 means that the sign of C and L is not the same. It may be observed that the shell
may withstand loads up to a certain limit irrespective of meeting its hoop stress and
compensation requirement due to pressure. Therefore, resisting combined load of pres-
sure and external loads by the above local load analysis does not guarantee that the shell
is safe for pressure. It shall have sufficient thickness to withstand hoop stress as well as
additional primary membrane and bending stresses due to opening under pressure.
8.2.1 Cylindrical Shell
Difference with WRC107: suffixes: o, i, and r are used in place of u, L, and x of WRC
The dimensionless parameters (NØ or Nr)/Cn, (MØ or Mr)/Cb in both long and circ
planes can be read from graphs or tables against shell parameter γ = Rm T and attach-
ment parameter β = 0.875rO/Rm from graphs in WRC107/537.
The detailed calculations are illustrated by examples in Table 8.1. If the pad is
provided, it is taken as an attachment and analyzed separately.
The attachment or nozzle is assumed as rigid compared to the shell. Hence, there
are no local stresses in the attachment. When nozzle is not rigid, stresses in shell
increase and nozzle stresses are considerable and covered in 8.3. Square/Rectangular Attachment
Analysis is the same as that for the cylindrical attachment except the attachment
parameter β which is evaluated by
Square attachment β = c/Rm, where c = width of square
Rectangular attachment with half width C1 = in circ direction and C2 = in long
direction. β varies and is given below for each load:
Calculation of Local Stresses in the Cylindrical Shell Due to External Force
Tensor on the Attachment (cyl. nozzle) Under Internal Pressure
Shell material SA516 70, units: N, mm, MPa
1) Input data 2) External loads
Rm = mean radius of cylindrical shell 1014 P = radial(axial) load = 100000
T = thickness of shell 28 VL = longitudinal load = 100000
rO = outside radius of attachment 250 VC = circumferential load = 100000
p = internal pressure 3 Mt = torsional moment = 1E + 07
S = allowable stress at temp 250°C 138 MC = circ. moment = 1E + 07
Kn & Kb stress intensification factors ML = longitudinal moment 1E + 07
not considered
4) Cn, Cb to calculate stresses due
3) Stresses due to pressure to Fa, MC, ML
σc-circ stress = p Rm/ T = 108.6 Can Cba CnC CbC CnL CbL
σL-longl stress = σC/ 2 = 54.3 P/Rm P MC Mc ML ML
Rm2 β Rmβ Rm2 β Rmβ
106 Design of Pressure Vessels
At points Ao Ai Bo Bi Co Ci Do Di
1. m(P) = eq. 8.1 −17.39 −17.39 −17.39 −17.39 −10.83 −10.83 −10.83 −10.83
2. b(P) = eq. 8.2 −24.49 24.49 −24.49 24.49 −48.21 48.21 −48.21 48.21
3. m(Mc) = eq. 8.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 −2.39 −2.39 2.39 2.39
4. b(Mc) = eq. 8.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 −26.56 26.56 26.56 −26.56
5. m(ML) = eq. 8.1 −5.74 −5.74 5.74 5.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6. b(ML) = eq. 8.2 −8.39 8.39 8.39 −8.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cm = 1 + 3 + 5 + σc 85.51 85.51 97.00 97.00 95.42 95.42 100.20 100.20
C = Σ(1to 6) + σc 52.64 118.39 80.89 113.10 20.65 170.19 78.54 121.86
Longitudinal stress in long. Plane Long. stress in circ. Plane
1. m(P) = eq. 8.1 −10.83 −10.83 −10.83 −10.83 −17.39 −17.39 −17.39 −17.39
2. b(P) = eq. 8.2 −48.98 48.98 −48.98 48.98 −25.26 25.26 −25.26 25.26
3. m(Mc) = eq. 8.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 −4.65 −4.65 4.65 4.65
4. b(Mc) = eq. 8.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 −12.58 12.58 12.58 −12.58
5. m(ML) = eq. 8.1 −2.38 −2.38 2.38 2.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6. b(ML) = eq. 8.2 −13.98 13.98 13.98 −13.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Lm = 1 + 3 + 5 + σL 41.10 41.10 45.87 45.87 32.28 32.28 41.59 41.59
L = Σ(1 to 6) + σL −21.85 104.06 10.87 80.88 −5.56 70.11 28.91 54.26
8) Shear stress due to Vc, VL, and Mt
τ – total shear, τm – shear membrane, τ1 = Vc/(πrO T), τ2 = VL/(πrO T), τ3 = Mt/(2πrO² T)
Normal to longitudinal plane for τ Normal to circ plane for τ
τ1 due toVc 4.55 4.55 −4.55 −4.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
τ2 due to VL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 −4.55 −4.55 4.55 4.55
τ3 Mt 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91
τ = τ1 + τ2 + τ3 5.46 5.46 −3.64 −3.64 −3.64 −3.64 5.46 5.46
τm = τ1 + τ2 4.55 4.55 −4.55 −4.55 −4.55 −4.55 4.55 4.55
9) Combined membrane stress = Pm + PL = max(eight points)
Cm – Lm 44.41 44.41 51.12 51.12 63.14 63.14 58.61 58.61
Cm + Lm 126.62 126.62 142.87 142.87 127.70 127.70 141.79 141.79
m1 = eq. 8.3 45.33 45.33 51.93 51.93 63.79 63.79 59.31 59.31
P1 = eq. 8.4 85.97 85.97 97.40 97.40 95.74 95.74 100.55 100.55
Pm + pl = eq. 8.5 86.0 86.0 97.4 97.4 95.7 95.7 100.5 100.5
10) Combined membrane + bending stress = Pm + PL + Q = max(eight points)
C–L 74.49 14.33 70.02 32.22 26.20 100.08 49.63 67.59
C+L 30.78 222.45 91.76 193.97 15.09 240.30 107.45 176.12
b1 = eq. 8.6 75.29 18.01 70.40 33.04 27.20 100.34 50.81 68.47
P2 = eq. 8.7 75.29 120.23 81.08 113.50 27.20 170.32 79.13 122.29
Pm + pL + Q = eq. 8.8 75.29 120.23 81.08 113.50 27.20 170.32 79.13 122.29
Max stresses pm + pL 100.549 <all = 207 pm + pL + Q 170.32 <all = 414 Result Safe
Local Stresses 107
Pressure stresses and shear stresses due to VC, VL, and Mt are calculated by basics.
Resisting areas for forces VC and VL are 4T(C1 and C2) and torsion (polar) modulus
J = C1 C2(C12 + C22)4/3 for Mt.
1. β: 0.01 to 0.5 except for curves 1C, 2C: using 0.5 for higher values is conser-
vative, Using 0.01 for lessor values will give less stresses and they are not
2. γ: 5 to 300, extended to 1200 in WRC 537
3. d/D√(D/T) > 2 results in unconservative error
4. The graphs are based on support at a distance of 8Rm each side. For L/Rm < 8,
long plane resists deformation in circ plane at C and D; as a result, the stresses
at C and D are less at more at A and B. L/Rm = 3 results in 10% error.
5. Radial force away from the shell results in higher stresses than it is towards
the shell.
6. Rigid attachment consideration suppresses circ stresses and reverse is with
long stresses
7. The stresses in thick shells are generally conservative and reverse in thin shells
8. More details are given in Appendix A2 and A3 on limitations of curves and
Appendix B on Kn and Kb of WRC 107.
9. When the nozzle is relatively thin due to compensation provided in the shell,
max stresses may come in the nozzle, and stresses in the nozzle shall be com-
puted as given in 8.3.
8.2.2 Spherical Shell
Difference with WRC107: suffixes: o, i, x, and y are used in place of u, L, 2, and
1 of WRC.
Analysis for the spherical shell is as given in 8.2 and similar as for the cylindrical
shell except the graphs and the following. The same analysis can be applied for ellip-
tical heads by replacing Rm by its mean radius at junction in the applicable
3. Circ and long are not relevant for the spherical shell; however, the same con-
vention of cylinder is used to relate suffixes of forces and moments including
for stresses.
Where Rm and TS are the mean radius and thickness of the shell and rm and t are
of the nozzle. Rigid Attachment
The resultant moment M = MC2 + M L2 is equivalent to separate moment for the spheri-
cal shell.
σc = max stress due to pressure = p Rm/T
The dimensionless stress parameters which can be obtained from Figure
SR-1 of WRC 107 are given below.
σpCp = {2.6, 0.63, 0.27, 0.15, 0.093, 0.083} For U = {0.05, 0.05, 0.1,
0.15, 0.2, 0.215}
σmCm = {18, 1.6, 0.5, 0.205, 0.1, 0.084} For U = {0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15,
0.2, 0.215}
It is observed that axial (radial) stresses are always higher than tangential stresses.
2. Detailed Procedure
Stresses in radial – Ø & tangential – r directions
Membrane stress m = N/T = (N/Cn)(Cn/T)
Bending stress b = M/Z = 6M/T2 = (M/Cb)(6Cb/T2)
Membrane + bending stress = Kn N/T ± Kb 6M/T2
1/Cn = T/P, T RmT /M
1/Cb = 1/P, RmT /M Hollow Attachment
Stresses in radial – Ø and tangential – r directions
Membrane stress = N/T = (N/Cn)(Cn/T)
Bending stress = M/Z = 6M/T2 = (M/Cb)(6Cb/T2)
Local Stresses 109
Limitations: For shells with D/t ≥ 10, d/D < 10; and with D/t ≥ 55 d/D < 1/3.
Refer Example 8.8 for spherical shell with nozzle for clarity and comparison with
example in Table 8.1.
Example 8.8: For the design data of the example for the cylindrical
shell in Table 8.1 calculate stresses in the spherical shell with an inside
diameter of 2000mm (same as cylinder) and a thickness of 14 mm (half
of cylinder) and same nozzle thickness of 10mm.
Dimensionless values from graphs SP-7 for P and SM-7 for MC and ML are
For load P: NØ/Cn = 0.01928, MØ/Cb = 0.00279, Nr/Cn = 0.5423, and Mr/
Cb = 0.0051
For load MC: NØ/Cn = 0.01751, MØ/Cb = 0.00248, Nr/Cn = 0.04886, and
Mr/Cb = 0.00474
For load ML: NØ/Cn = 0.01751, MØ/Cb = 0.00248, Nr/Cn = 0.04886, and
Mr/Cb = 0.00474
Further steps are the same as example in Table 8.2 and the stresses in the
shell are given below
Pm + PL = 92.2, 92.2, 112, 112, 112, 112, 92.2, 92.2, MPa, max in italics at
B and C
Pm + PL + Q = 76, 107.3, 111.2, 116.4, 111.2, 116.4, 76, 107.3 MPa, max
in italics at Bi and Ci
The dimensionless parameters (nØ or nr) = (NØ or Nr)/Cn and (mØ or mr) = (MØ or
Mr)/Cb in both long and circ planes can be read from graphs or tables in WRC297
against the following geometrical constants of the shell and nozzle from graphs in
T/t (<10)
d/t(10 to 100)
λ = (d/D)√(D/T) (0.01 to 7).
Other limitations: nozzle inside projection and set on nozzles are not applicable.
However, set on nozzles can be considered as insert nozzles without inside projection
provided the shell nozzle joint is fully welded.
The detailed calculations are similar to examples in Table 8.1.
Local stresses in the shell: computation of stresses is the same as in 8.2.1 and
Table 8.1 except graphs. The example in Table 8.2 gives calculations up to step 6.
Step 7 is similar to the example in Table 8.1, and detailed calculations are omitted.
Only the summary of stresses is shown.
Local stresses in the nozzle: circumferential membrane stresses due to P, MC, and
ML are the same as in the shell, and bending stresses are negligible. Stresses in other
directions can be better termed axial and derived below.
Calculated Local Stresses in the Cyl Shell and Nozzle Due to Ext Loads on
the Nozzle
1) Input data: temp = 250°C 2) External loads 3) Input for stresses N and M
D = mean dia of the shell 1972 P-radial load KN 100 πdT/2 21991
T = thickness of the shell 28 VL-long load KN 100 A = π[d² − di²]/4 15394
d = Nozzle OD 500 Vc-circ load KN 100 π/2Xd²T 1.1E + 07
t = thickness of the nozzle 10 Mt-torsion moment 1E + 07 Z = π[d4–di4]/(32d) 1.8E + 06
p = design pressure 3 Mc-circ moment 1E + 07 4) Stresses due to pressure
S = all stress of the shell 138 ML-long moment 1E + 07 σc-stress = p D/2T 106
Sn = all stress of the nozzle 135 di = ID of nozzle 480 σL-stress = p D/4T 53
5) Input parameters for graphs, Cn, and Cb required to calculate stresses due to P, MC, and ML
λ = d/√(D.T) 2.128 Cna Cba Cnc Cbc CnL CbL
T/t 2.8 P/T P Mc/(T d) Mc/d ML/(T d) ML/d
d/t 50 3571 100000 714 20000 714 20000
6) Dimensionless constants from graphs, [Ref WRC-297]
mr value nr value mØ value nØ value
N/Cn, M/Cb for P 3 to 7 0.068 8 to 12 0.04 13 to 17 0.048 18 to 22 0.17
N/Cn, M/Cb for Mc 23 to 26 0.153 27 to 31 0.083 32 to 35 0.135 36 to 40 0.27
N/Cn, M/Cb for ML 41 to 44 0.082 45 to 49 0.05 50 to 53 0.062 54 to 58 0.36
A) Vessel stresses: calculations similar to 7 to 10 of Table 8.1. Results are listed below.
The term with nr is introduced to correct the moment applied to the nozzle by
subtracting NrT/2 from the radial moment on the shell side of the junction.
The detailed calculations for stresses in the nozzle are illustrated by the example
in Table 8.2 using the same data from Table 8.1.
1. Code ASME S VIII D 1, 2019.
2. Welding Research council bulletin 107(537) & 297.
9 Thermal Stresses and
Piping Flexibility
The introduction to thermal stresses is given in 4.4.4. Thermal stresses are of two
types: one due to differential movement and other due to restriction of free move-
ment (expansion and contraction) under temperature in operation. Fatigue life is the
brittle failure on reaching maximum cycles of operation during which the element
experiences bending stress from one extreme direction to the other due to repeated
expansion and contraction.
In general, pressure vessels are straight between supports and rigid. Therefore,
only one support is fixed and the rest are free in all directions. Even if the vessel is L
shaped between fixed supports, thermal stresses will be large due to its higher
diameter to length ratio (D/L) of each straight portion, and the arrangement is not
practical. There can be several arrangements internal or external for pressure vessels
with tubes with lower D/L, ducting, structural elements, and piping requiring
restriction of free movement for process needs or to restrict vibration problems, etc.,
requiring flexibility analysis.
In boilers, pressure vessels, and heat exchangers, process requirement will force cer-
tain components to operate at different temperatures or components of different
materials having different expansion coefficients are provided with a common
boundary resulting in differential movement in operation. Some of the examples of
different temperatures are,
• Tubes and shell of a fixed tube shell and tube boiler or heat exchanger welded
to the tube sheet on both ends.
• Shell and jacket of a jacketed vessel.
114 Design of Pressure Vessels
temperature, while the shell is at the water temperature neglecting the heat flow to the
outside. Therefore, the differential movement is marginal and absorbed mainly by
deflection of the tube sheet unless the length of tubes is >6 m. In the case of other heat
exchangers, if the tube sheet is rigid like the shell or the tube length is large or the
shell side fluid is gas, an expansion bellow is provided in the shell to take large tube
expansion. In a jacketed vessel, the jacket-closing plate ring can provide flexibility.
• The shell or beam element is fixed at one end and the other guided end, as
shown in Figure 9.1, which moves perpendicular to its axis will be in bending.
Structurally, it is called a guided cantilever.
-WL -
WL/2 +
For any other arrangement with such thermal stresses, the components involved in
the equipment or piping system between two fixed supports are stressed and gener-
ally, the most flexible is stressed the maximum. The stresses are calculated from its
free body diagram which is reverse of the free body diagram in the case of loads. In
this case, deflection is known instead of loads. The analysis is first to calculate forces
due to deflection from the beam or relevant theory, and then stresses are calculated
due to these forces by a relevant design method. The shell elements stressed due to
these loads can be divided into two types, rigid elements (less flexibility or higher
stiffness), which have high resistance to loads and will transfer forces and displace-
ments without being deformed, and others that are reverse and flexible. Therefore,
for calculating stresses, the general equation in a matrix form between the force and
displacement is given by Eq. 9.1.
After all elements of [K] are calculated by duly summing the flexibility of all com-
ponents, it is inversed to convert [K] to [S] by the Excel matrix function
[F] can be solved by multiplying [D] and [S] by function [MMULT(range)]. [F]
can be transferred to various points (nodes) of interest by the transformation matrix
derived in 3.1.5. From forces and moments, the stresses can be compiled.
The above procedure is a basic finite element analysis for axisymmetric elements
such as beam or shell elements. This procedure can be used in analysis where deflec-
tion is a factor.
It is a beam or shell element with one end fixed (no translation and rotation) and the
other end guided (no rotation and translation free), as shown in Figure 9.1. A load is
applied at the guided end to give a slope or rotation of 1°. Then a moment is applied
at the same point to give the same 1° rotation in the reverse direction. The net effect
of the force and moment is deflection in the direction of force and no rotation. It is
nothing but a pipe with one end anchored and the other end guided which moves
perpendicular to its length (L) as shown in figure. To derive the equation for stress
due to the expansion movement (u), two methods are given below.
116 Design of Pressure Vessels
(1) Divide the element (depth or pipe OD = d) into two halves; each is a cantilever
with a span L/2 under concentrated load (W) at the free end. The equations for M and
deflection (y) are:
M = W L / 2,
=y W=
( L / 2)3 / (3EI ) or W 3EI y /(L / 2)3
d d
WL 3EI y /(L / 2)3 L 6 E d y /L2 (9.3)
4I 4I
where E is the elastic modulus and I and Z are the moment of inertia and the section
modulus, respectively.
Substituting y = u/2 in Eq. 9.3, the stress for the guided cantilever is expressed
using Eq. 9.4.
(2) Moment area method: The free body and its moment diagrams are drawn for
the above pipe with W at the guided end as shown in Figure 9.1. At equilibrium
Ma = –Mb and taking the moment at A fixed end,
Mb Ma W L
EI u Mb L L / 2 W L2 / 2 2 L / 3 W L / 2 L2 / 2 W L3 / 3 W L3 /12
or W 12 EI u /L3
M /Z W L / 2 d / 2 I 12 EI u /L3 L d / 4 I d u / 2 / L2 / 2 3E d u /L2
Example 9.1: Stress using Eq. 9.4 and Figure 9.1, d = 200 mm, u = 2 mm,
E = 200000 MPa, L = 1000 mm
This analysis is mostly used for piping systems and can be used for beam and other
shell elements. For beam elements, the difference is the moment of inertia.
Thermal Stresses and Piping Flexibility 117
3E d u x
L2y L2z
3E d u y
L2z L2x
3 E d uz
z 2
L x L2y
where ux, uy, and uz are expansions of the system in three directions,
ΣL2x , ΣL2y , and ΣL2x are the sum of squares of all pipe lengths in three directions.
Because L is the length perpendicular to the expansion, L in E 9.4 is replaced by the
sum of squares of all elements in the other two axes.
Note that [Σ(Lx)]² is much greater than ΣL2x and a single length perpendicular to
expansion is more flexible than the same total length of several pipe elements.
Substituting ΣL2n , the sum of squares of normal components of lengths of all pipe
elements for L2 in Eq. 9.4
σ = 3E d u/[ΣL2n ], substituting L2a − L2m for L2n,
Example 9.2: Calculate maximum stress at A (Figure 9.2) by Eq. 9.5 and, d =
0.2 m, L = L1 = 1 m, expansion e = 0.001 m/m, E = 2e10 kg/m², and L2 = 2 m
9.4.3 Code Comparison
Codes (B31.3 and IBR) specify simplified Eq. 9.6 for flexibility check of piping
system between anchor to anchor without any restraints.
(A B)2 4807d u.
(A B)2 (3E/)d u
Example 9.3: For this rule with the same data used in example 9.2, A =
3 m, B = 2.2236 m, u = 2.236 mm, d = 200 mm, A − B = 0.7764 m,
9.4.4 Allowable Stress
Higher bending stress is allowed for thermal stresses than primary bending stresses
as per the logic explained below.
Thermal movement is zero before commissioning and will become u under oper-
ating conditions. Assuming stress under operating conditions crosses its yield
strength but still in the plastic range and within the limit of tensile strength, it yields
and stress relaxation takes place and stress reduces to its yield strength. When the
plant is shutdown, the reverse movement will start and first the stress value reaches
zero and then it reverses and reaches yield again (in the case of design without mar-
gin). The maximum theoretical stress permitted is therefore up to twice the yield and
the stress range after the first cycle is from one side yield to the other side yield. Due
to this, the stress is called self-limiting. The cycle will be repeated and after reaching
certain cycles depending on stress margin and material, the pipe breaks due to fatigue.
The less the stress margin, the less the fatigue life. Therefore, allowable stress is
limited to 1.25SC + 0.25Sh in codes for piping systems and 3S in equipment. Here SC
and Sh are code allowed tensile stresses at ambient and maximum operating
Thermal Stresses and Piping Flexibility 119
9.5.1 One-dimensional System
Consider a beam in the X-axis of length L and area A with both ends anchored. Due to
temperature, it expands by x when anchor B is freed. To bring it back, FX has to be applied.
Fx (=
x /L ) A E, stress compressive x E /L = e E,
where e = expansion in m/m and equal to strain. For C&LAS at 80°C e = 0.7 mm/m,
stress = 0.7*200000/1000 = 140 MPa
That is for temperatures more than 80°C, a straight pipe with both ends fixed will
buckle. If the slenderness ratio increases, it will buckle at lower temperatures.
9.5.2 Two-dimensional System
Consider one of the straight beams in X and Y axes as shown in Figure 9.2. Element
BO is plotted in the x-axis and OA in the y-axis; L1 and L2 are lengths and A1 and A2
are areas. A and B are fixed and under temperature. B expands by x and y on freeing
and to bring them back FX, FY, and MZ(or M) are applied at B.
120 Design of Pressure Vessels
1 L2=2m
Fx B O
M L1=1m
Fy x
Solving these three equations, unknowns FX, FY, and M can be solved.
Writing in the matrix form, EI[D] = [K][F]
This matrix equation can be used to calculate deflection and rotations of axisym-
metric beam elements for force and moment loads.
Example 9.4: Calculate forces and max bending stress of 2D and two-
element systems derived above with the same data for the pipe beam used
in example 9.1 and 9.2, Figure 9.2: 200 mm OD, 7/2.2 mm thick, x-axis
pipe length L1 = 1 m, y-axis pipe length L2=2 m, expansion about 1mm/m
at 102°C, E = 2E5 MPa. Units used in calculations are: N, m Moment of
inertia, I = π*0.1³*7/2200 = 1E-5, Z = 1E-4, EI x = 2E11*1E-5*1E-3 = 2E3,
EIy = 4E3, θ = 0, [K] = [{2.667, −2,2},{−2,2.333, −2.5}, {2, −2.5,3}]
9.5.3 Three-dimensional System
Manual analysis by this procedure for three elements or with bend elements is
impractical. There are other methods (Kellogg) for solving piping systems with
straight and bend elements without restraints and branches by Excel spread sheets.
The flexibility matrix of each element for displacement at B due to the force matrix
at B is derived by the above procedure and added to form the flexibility matrix [K],
and a single equation in the matrix form is evolved.
The remaining 18 elements are derived for each type of element in a 3D piping
layout (straight pipe in any direction, bend of any angle, and orientation) using beam
formulas. K for valves like elements is zero and considered as rigid. A rigid element
only transfers the force but will not deform. Other fittings can be approximated as the
equivalent straight element.
Pipes bend upon application of a bending load and deform, and their moment of
inertia is reduced by making the bend more flexible with the corresponding increase
in stress. For this effect, the flexibility factor and stress intensification factors are
added for bending elements to the [K] theoretically derived.
The elements of matrix [K] derived basically as displacements and rotations for
axial, lateral, in plane, and out plane [D] for [F] are irrespective of the plane or axis.
Actually [K] compiled for one plane can be used for the other two planes but for
different elements of [K] the following method is used.
In Krc r, c of the xy plane or (r, c)xy = (r + 1, c + 1)yz = (r + 2, c + 2)zx, in each
of the three quarters:
1st = r and c number from 1 to 3
2nd = r and c number from 4 to 6
3rd = remaining r = 4 to 6 and c = 1 to 3 or 41 to 63
Example: (3, 2) in xy = (3 + 1,2 + 1 = 4, 3 but 4 jumps into the next quarter, next
is back to 1, thus = 1, 3) yz = (5, 4 or 2, 1)zx.
Thus K32 in xy = K13 in YZ = K21 in ZX
Table 9.1 shows the elements of flexibility for a general straight pipe in three
planes for clarity. The terms used in this table are defined in Table 9.2 and Fig. 9.3.
Elements of [K] for 3D Pipe
KXX YZ-plane ZX XY
11 a.b xx + z2b yy + z2a
22 yy + z2a a.b xx + z2b
33 xx + z2b yy + z2a a.b
21 – – –xy – z2q
32 –xy – z2q – –
13 – –xy – z2q –
41 0 x.q –z.q
52 –z.q 0 x.q
63 x.q –z.q 0
51 –bo –L.x –z.a
62 –z.a –bo –L.x
43 –L.x –z.a –bo
61 ao z.b L.y
42 L.y ao z.b
53 z.b L.y ao
44 L A b
55 B L a
66 A B L
65 Q 0 0
46 0 Q 0
54 0 0 q
Thermal Stresses and Piping Flexibility 123
EI being constant for the same size of element under consideration, suppressed in
equations hereafter.
9.6.2 3D System
For 3D piping layout, all out-of-plane forces in addition induce bending and/or tor-
sion moment. The actual layout of A to B shown in Figure 9.3 involves several ele-
ments in all planes; the method is to calculate the k that is [D] at B due to [F] at B for
each pipe element considering that all other elements are rigid. k of all elements of
each plane are added separately and thus added elements are added in different com-
bination (see ref. 1 for details of combination) to form [K].
[K] can be calculated by programming using the following procedure using matrix
The force tensor at B can be transferred to b and rotated to align with pipe element
ab (X - axis in Fig. 9.3) and the matrix K can be computed as per column one of Table
9.2 and as per 3.1.5 and 3.1.6 using T and R from Table 3.1, as follows.
[FB]61, [Fb]61, and [F]61 are the force matrix at B, b, and (b.local)
[DFB]61, [Db]61, and [D]61 are the force matrix at B, b, and (b.local)
[Tf]66 = transformation matrix for F from B to b
[Rf]66 = rotation matrix at b rotating relevant axis to align with the element (Z - axis
for Fig. 9.3) for F
F 61 R f 66 Fb 61 R f 66 Tf 66 FB 61 (9.12)
If the [R] at b is different from the one given in Table 3.1, it can be computed based
on the local direction cosines.
k is for d at b for force F, and the elements of k are given in Table 9.2 (column one
for x - axis).
124 Design of Pressure Vessels
Similarly, the local matrix D at b can be rotated and transferred back to B and
given by the equation.
D 61 Td 66 R d 66 D B 61 (9.13)
Substituting, [D] and [F] from Eq. 9.12 and 9.13, in equation [D] = [K] [F] at point b
in local axes
Td 66 R d 66 D B 61 K R f 66 Tf 66 FB 61
D B R f Tf / Td R d k FB K FB
K k R f Tf / Td R d
1 1
K Td R d k R f Tf
[K] can be derived analytically for one general straight pipe element by beam theory
or using Castigliano’s first theorem. Beam Theory
Consider one element ab (a-fixed, b-free) in the x-axis and XY plane at a distance (X,
y, z) from b to B as shown in Figure 9.3.
Deflection y of the pipe element of length L for in plane lateral force FY (unit FY
EI) at any point B at a distance x and y from b of element connected through rigid
elements as shown in Figure 9.3 is derived as:
FY is transferred to b as FY and moment FY X
Deflection and rotation due to FY at b on ab are d1 = Fy L3/3 and θ1=FY L2/2.
Deflection and rotation due to moment FY X at b on ab are d2 = FY X L2/2 & θ2 =
Deflection at B due to rotations θ1 and θ2 is
d3 d4 (1 2 ) X X ( L2 FY / 2 L FY X ) ( L2 X / 2 L X 2 )FY
K 22 = L ³/12 L ³/4 L ² X L X ²
K 22 = L ³/12 L L ²/4 L X X ²
= [ L ³/12 L L/2 X
Because L/2 + X = x component of the distance from B to the mid-point (C) of ab say
x as shown in Figure 9.3, and substituting in Eq. 9.15, K22 is simplified to Eq. 9.16
K 22 L x ² L ³ / 12 (9.16)
M (x s) FY y FX Mz
d Y (x 2 L L3 /12)FY y L FX x L M Z K 22 FY K 21FX K 26 M Z
Table 9.2 is shown with six columns with a straight pipe element in different posi-
tions with one end (a) fixed and the other end (b) applied force in the first two col-
umns, rest connected to B through assumed rigid elements and applied forces at B as
shown in Figure 9.3. Expressions in the first four columns and some in the last two
columns can be derived by beam theory. The rest are complicated and can be derived
by the above procedure. For pipe ab not in any plane formation of moments, M1,
M2, and M3 are complicated, and [K] can be derived by the matrix method explained
in 9.6.2.
For convenience to program in Excel, the load and deflection point can be taken at
any convenient point within the layout and the origin (0,0,0) of the coordinate system
Thermal Stresses and Piping Flexibility 127
Elements of Flexibility Matrix for a Straight Pipe in the XY Plane
X, E Y, E X, P Y, P XY, P XY, A
1 2 3 4 5 6
11 0 L3/3 L.y2 L3/3 L.y + K sin θ
2 2 5 + z2a
22 L3/3 0 L3/3 L.x2 L.x2 + K cos2 θ 5 + z2b
33 L3/3 L3/3 1.3L2 1.3L2 a.b 5
44 1.3L L 1.3L L B 5
55 L 1.3L L 1.3L A 5
66 L L L L L 5
12 0 0 –L.x.y –L.x.y 4–K cos θ sin θ 5 + q.z2
13 0 0 0 0 0 –
14 0 0 0 0 0 –q.z
15 0 0 0 0 0 –z a
16 0 L2/2 L.y L.y 4 5
23 0 0 0 0 0 –
24 0 0 0 0 0 z.b
25 0 0 0 0 x.q 5
26 –L2/2 0 –L.x –L.x 4 5
34 0 –L2/2 –1.3L.y –y.L 4 5
35 L2/2 0 L.x 1.3L.x x.a – y.q 5
36 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 0 0 0 0 Q 5
46 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pipe oriented along (X-x axis, Y – y axis, XY – inclined); application of force and displacement at (E – end
point, P- any point in-plane, A – any point x,y,z)
C = cos θ, s = sin θ, k = L3/12, q = 0.3L.c.s, a = L(c2 + 1.3s2), b = L(c2 + 1.3s2),
ao = x.a – y.q, bo = x.a – y.q, a.b = + + k
can be considered. Forces and deflections are solved at the origin and can be trans-
ferred to any node point.
θ = bend angle + when rotated anticlockwise from start point b, - when rotated
α = angle from negative vertical axis to bend radius at start point b A’clock
Consider infinitesimal length ds (dθ) at an angle θ (not bend angle and only used
in integration) from radius o-b as shown in Figure 9.4. In plane moment at ds due to
in plane forces FX, FY, and MZ is given by
dx ={[y2Rθ + R3(θ/2 + sin θ cos θ + 2yR2 sin θ) FX + [xyRθ + R3 sin2 θ/2 + R2
(x sin θ – y cos θ)]FY + [yRθ + R2 sin θ) MZ} 0 to π/2
dx =(y2 Rπ/2 + R3 π/4 + 2yR2) FX + (x y Rπ/2 + R3/2 + R2x + R2y)
FY + (y R π/2 + R2) MZ = K11 FX + K12 FY + K16 MZ
Thermal Stresses and Piping Flexibility 129
Z R /2M Z K66.M Z
Derivation of other coefficients of matrix [K] for out-of-plane moments due to FZ,
MX, and MY at ds is calculated as follows:
There are two moments at ds, one axial (Ma) and other transverse (Mt).
Due to Ma:
Due to Mt:
Similarly, the last three coefficients K33, K34 and K35 can be derived from dU/dFZ
and Ma and Mt (derivation omitted) and are tabulated in the middle column of
Table 9.3. Remaining 6 out of 18 are zero for this data.
Elements of Flexibility Matrix for a Pipe Bend in Various Positions in General
Piping Layout
α = angle of tangent at start point of bend from positive horizontal axis
All elements are multiplied by k.Q, k-flex. factor, and Q stress int. factor; k is not applicable for torsion;
hence, torsion effects are corrected by 1.3/k for 1.3
Thermal Stresses and Piping Flexibility 131
For any angle of α and bend angle, coefficients as trigonometric functions of α and
θ are added. The coefficients Cx, Cy, Cxx, Cyy, and Cxy for which 1 or π/4 or 1/2 for
θ = 90° and α = 0 are part of the above derivations. The equations for coefficients are
given in the table, and the elements of [K] are listed in the last column of table adding
the above coefficients replacing their constant values given in the middle column for
the above analysis.
For a 3D system (z ≠ 0), all additions due to the z coordinate effect are added to the
elements of the last column and listed in the first column of the table which gives
expressions for all elements of [K] for the general bend element (bent pipe) for the XY
plane. For the other two planes, the elements can be listed as per 9.6 and Table 9.1.
1. Kellogg handbook.
10 Flat-Plate Components
Flat plates are extensively used in various shapes as pressure or structural parts in
pressure vessels. Pressure components using flat plates are mostly:
The flat plate component is simple but requires higher thickness and more weight for
the pressure part compared to cylindrical, spherical, and other formed parts, practi-
cally economical only to small sizes and low pressures.
For larger sizes and higher pressures, thickness can be reduced by providing
a = outer radius of the circular plate or larger side of the rectangular plate
b = inner radius of the circular plate or smaller side of the rectangular plate
E = elastic modulus, Ee = plate equivalent of E due to biplane stresses = E/(1
– v2)
I = moment of inertia per unit width (circumference) = t3/12
D = plate constant = Ee I= E.t3/[12(1 – v2)], (unit-Nmm)
M = moment per unit width (circumference)
n = b/a (n ≤ 1)
P = pressure
t = thickness
y = deflection
θ = slope or rotation
v = Poisson’s ratio
SS = simply supported
Subscripts: c = center, e = edge, r = radial, t = tangential
134 Design of Pressure Vessels
Unlike the beam element (axi symmetric), the plate element is bi plane. Poisson’s
ratio v is factor in plate parameters, as in Ee indicated in notation. Stresses are largely
of bending with a small amount being membrane type. Analysis of flat plate theory
is not valid for very thick and very thin plates. Thickness should be
• Less than about one quarter of the least size. t should be <100/4 for the plate of
size 100 × 200.
• Minimum not to deflect more than about one-half the thickness.
A flat plate can be any shape, but in pressure vessels, for the purpose of analysis,
three shapes are normally found, circular solid, circular ring, and rectangular. For
economy, stiffeners are part of the design unless the size is very small.
Deflection, slope, moment, and shear force at any point can be derived by the
integration method (Ref. 2). For any load and boundary condition, two moments are
induced perpendicular to each other at any point. To understand, consider a circular
ring of uniform thickness SS at the entire outer edge and free and line load at the
inner edge. Let a radial strip of sufficient width compared to its thickness be consid-
ered, which in isolation is unstable, and rotated at the outer edge due to radial moment
without any resistance. However, the ring is stable and will not rotate freely, because
of the tangential moment induced right angle to the radial moment to resist free rota-
tion. Shear force and moment are the reactions at the cutout edges of the strip in its
free body diagram.
General equations for moments M and deflection y of a flat plate of constant thick-
ness t under pressure P can be derived and given by
M = km P a 2 (10.1)
y = k y ( P /E ) a 4 /t 3 (10.2)
where km and ky are constants that depend on Poisson’s ratio v and n and on the condi-
tion and shape of the boundary. The maximum moment as can be observed in the
following sections is generally the same as that for the beam at the edge for fixed and
at the center for SS.
A general equation for moments per unit circumference in radial and tangential
directions at any point on any radius (r) on the circular plate without the boundary
condition and outside radius can be derived by the integration method by the theory
of elasticity under pressure P as shown in Figure 10.1 which shows a radial strip of
angle dα and dr with radial and tangential moments. The general equations thus
derived are given by
MC r 2 P r4 (10.3)
y yC
2 D(1 v) 16 D
Flat-Plate Components 135
r dr
MC r P r3 (10.4)
D 1 v 16 D
Mr MC P r 2 (3 v) / 16 (10.5)
M t D(1 v 2 ) /r v Mr (10.6)
Substituting the expression for θ and Mr from Eqs. 10.4 and 10.5 in 10.6
M t MC / (1 v) Pr 2 /16 1 v 2 v MC P 2r 2 (3 v) /16
P r2 (10.7)
M t MC (1 3v)
where Mc and yc are the moment and deflection at the center and can be derived with
known boundary conditions.
10.2.1 Simply Supported
M C can be derived by integration and given by Eq. 10.8
Substituting Eq. 10.8 in Eqs. 10.5 and 10.7, Eqs. 10.9 and 10.10 are obtained
Mr (3 v) a 2 r 2
136 Design of Pressure Vessels
M t a 2 (3 v) r 2 (1 3v) (10.10)
Mr is similar to the beam maximum at the center and reduces to zero at the
Mt is the maximum at the center and reduces to a minimum at the edge.
Substituting, zero for r in Eqs. 10.9 and 10.10, moments at the center Mrc and Mtc
and a for r moments at the edge Mre and Mte are obtained.
10.2.2 Clamped (fixed)
Moment at the center can be derived as
Mr a 2 (1 v) r 2 (3 v) P /16 (10.15)
Substituting, zero for r in Eqs. 10.15 and 10.16, moments at the center Mrc and Mtc
and a for r moments at the edge Mre and Mte are obtained.
Mr and Mt reduce to zero between the center and edge and reverse and increase for
the maximum at the edge. The maximum moment from the above equations is Mre
at the edge and is given by Eq. 10.17
=M P=
a 2 /8(km 1/8) (10.17)
= M
Maximum stress =
/z 6 M /t 2 = 0.75P(a /t )2 (10.18)
For (P = 1 MPa, a = 500 mm, and t = 50 mm), σ = 75 MPa.
Practically boundary conditions are neither SS nor clamped. The joint between
the shell and flat-plate end closure will rotate, when the clamp is released and the
moment at the joint is redistributed between the end plate and shell depending on
their stiffness. The moment in the plate will reduce and induce a moment in the shell.
The effect of this rotation will increase the moment at the center. However, a higher
stress is allowed due to cyclic loading as relaxation takes place and stress will reduce
at the cost of fatigue. The value of ks in general Eq. 10.1, ksP(a/t)² for maximum
stress at the center of the plate, varies from 0.5 to 1.25 depending on the type of plate
joint with the connecting part. KS = 0.75 for fixed, 10/8 or 1.25 for SS with v = 0.3.
The code1 gives the equation t = D√(C.P/S) or σ = CP(D/t)2 where D = outside
The C value depends on the type of shell to plate joint and is equal to 0.3 for
flanged, 0.33 for welded (nearer to SS), and 0.17 for integral (nearer to fixed).
For (P = 1 MPa, a = D/2 = 500 mm, and t = 50), σ for SS = 132MPa and for fixed
= 68MPa almost the same as (120 by Eq. 10.13) and (75 by Eq. 10.18).
Moments and stresses in circular plates or rings for pressure and other loads can
be derived by the integration method. Ref. 2 gives formulas for almost all combina-
tions of boundary conditions and loads for circular plates and rings in Table 24.
As stated in 10.1, moments at any point due to any load are in both perpendicular
directions, so are stresses. For symmetric loads, the moment about the plane parallel
to the larger side (Ma hereafter referred to as M) is higher than other Mb as shown in
Figure 10.2.
10.3.1 Edges SS
Resistance of support along the smaller side is negligible if larger side > 5 times the
smaller side, and stresses are calculated as the beam of span equal to the small size.
For plates within the above limits of width to length ratio, beam moments will be less
due to the basics explained below.
Consider a strip of unit length of plate thickness t, width b smaller side under pres-
sure with all edges SS.
138 Design of Pressure Vessels
If the supports at smaller edges are freed, it is a SS plate beam with span b.
Max deflection (y) and moment (M) at center point C as per beam formulas are
Actual deflection and moment at the center of the plate are less due to the fact that
the deflection of the plate from C along the length both sides reduces and is zero at
edges due to boundary conditions. Thus, support at the other edges offers resistance
and induces moment along the length which is maximum at the edge and minimum
at C, as C is proportional to n. Maximum resistance is observed for n = 1 (square) and
reduces for lower values of n. For any value of n, the maximum stress is at the
The equation for maximum M at c for the rectangular plate under pressure with
SS edges with v = 0 is given by Westergaard as
M 1/ 8 1 2n 3 Pb2
Moments are induced in both directions of the plate (Ma and Mb, Ma > Mb) and
affect each other for metals with v > 0, and the relationship is given below:
M with v > 0 = [(M with v = 0) + v(M in the other direction with v = 0)]
Thus Max M = Ma –v Mb
10.3.2 Fixed Edges
A plate with n < 0.5 resistance is almost negligible due to the basics explained in
10.3.1, and the maximum moment at the middle of the longer side edge is the same
as that of the fixed beam and = P b2/12. Stresses are higher along width compared to
the length.
Flat-Plate Components 139
M / t 2 / 6 k P ( b /t ) 2
where k = constant depends on the side ratio (n = b/a) and boundary conditions.
Values of k for SS and fixed edges under pressure are given in tables 26.1 & 2
(Ref. 2).
Values of k for SS edges of plate under pressure are
0.287, 0.337, 0.395, 0.462, 0.534, 0.61, 0.662, 0.723, and 0.75 for values of n
(b/a) of
1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 ≤0.2.
The following equations can be used for calculating the k value in Eq. 10.19
The following equations can be used for calculating the k value in Eq. 10.19
Comparing Eq. 10.19 and code equations for stress: SS rectangular plate 100 ×
200 × 10 mm under pressure 1 MPa
any boundary conditions. However, if n is less than the limiting value, the plate can
be analyzed as a beam for any load and any boundary condition. A flat rectangular
plate with a rectangular concentric opening in it can be analyzed as four rectangular
plates separately with applicable boundary conditions and loads as per the relevant
procedure explained above.
Equations for moments in both radial and tangential directions are derived similar to the
circular plate but more complicated due to twice the number of boundaries (inside and
outside). Equations are available in Ref. 2 (Table 24, case 1 and 2) and applicable to
unstayed TSs, end closures of jacketed vessels, flat flanges, and similar components.
The general equation for the maximum moment in circular rings from plate theory
for any load and any boundary condition is given by Eq. 10.20.
=M k=
P a 2 k W a = k Mo (10.20)
Loads P, W, and Mo are pressure, point, and moment
A and b are the outside and inside radius of the ring
k is a constant that depends on n = b/a and boundary conditions, available in
Table 24 of Ref. 2
Approximate equations for k values are formulated based on Ref. 2 and tabulated
for various loads and boundary conditions in Table 10.1. Maximum stress in circular
ring components used in pressure vessels is given in the following sections.
TABLE 10.1
k Equation in M = k P a² = k W a = k Mo for Flat Circular Rings, W at b
Outer Inner Load Equation for k, n = b/a = 0.1 to 0.9
fixed fixed p max M at b 0.21867 – 0.885n + 1.39313n2 – 0.79792n3 (n = 0.1 to 0.7)
fixed noz(g) p max M at a 0.1247 + 0.007579n – 0.4413n2 + 0.36208n3 – 0.053125n4
fixed free p max M at a 0.12098 + 0.064042n – 0.26088n2 – 0.20417n3 + 0.05817n4
ss fixed p max M at b 0.38015 – 1.58016n + 2.52119n2 – 1.44854n3 (n = 0.1 – 0.7)
ss noz(g) p max M at b 0.3205 – 0.0955n – 1.202n2 + 1.425n3 – 0.44922 n4
fixed1 free W max M at b(-at a) −0.68233 + 14.13n − 57.737n2 + 81.256n3 − 0.8138 n4
fixed noz(g) W max M at a −0.00277 + 0.56033n − 0.5488n2 − 0.083333n3 + 0.07552 n4
ss1 noz(g) W max M at b −0.0012375 + 6.504n − 27.1268n2 + 3793n3 − 17.5 n4
Ss free W max M at b 0.10747 + 2.69377n − 4.32323n2 + 3.923n3 − 1.41146 n4
ss2 free Mo at b, max M at b 2-16.848n + 85.4965n2 − 159.24n3 + 105.966 n4
ss2 free Mo at a, max M at b 3-16.848n + 85.4965n2 − 159.24n3 + 105.97 n4
p: pressure, W: conc. Load, Mo: moment, a: outer radius, b: inner radius, g: guided, and ss: simply
Note 1: k values are valid for n = 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7, and 0.9; note 2: k value is not valid for 0.1 < n < 0.3
Flat-Plate Components 141
Assuming outer edges fixed due to a higher diameter, calculations provided for com-
parison with the code equation for P = 1 MPa, a = 500, b = 250, t = 20 mm, v = 0.3,
case number 2g
For design programs, equations for approximate k values in Eq. 10.19 are given in
Table 10.1.
As the size of flat plate increases, the thickness increases for the same load and
boundary conditions at a much higher rate and proportion to the square of the
For higher sizes, stiffeners are used to reduce the thickness and weight. Stiffeners
are arranged in such a way so that the stress in unsupported portion of the plate (area
bounded by stiffeners) as per Eq. 10.19 is within allowed limits.
Stiffeners are of three types.
1. Main stiffeners with ends connected to the support (edges of plate) which will
take load from second type stiffeners as well as directly from the plate.
2. Internal stiffeners which will take load from the plate and transfer to main
3. A square pattern of small size is generally used for very low pressures to
increase resistance to vibration (to increase natural frequency).
Each stiffener loading diagram and boundary condition can be arrived by funda-
mentals and logics. When the plate size is much larger, both types of stiffeners are
used, and the optimum arrangement requires several trials due to various factors
involved. The designer requires practical expertise together with basics to avoid trials
to obtain an economic design. Stiffeners are full welded to have uniform temperature
distribution when the plate is under higher temperature. For ambient and low tem-
peratures, staggered welding can be adopted. Stiffener ends are welded to a connect-
ing stiffener or any member with sufficient weld area to avoid shearing of its weld
with plate at the ends. The weld design is explained below
For the purpose of stiffener design, a flat plate is considered as supported at the
edges (E) by the plate corner welded to it and generally perpendicular to it as
shown in Figure 10.5. The edges and stiffeners are considered as structural frames
and plate portions enclosed by frames are panels. Unless stiffener ends are welded
to the connecting stiffener, the above consideration is not true. Welded thermal
stresses are induced in case the temperature difference along the depth of the
144 Design of Pressure Vessels
stiffener exceeds a certain limit. To avoid thermal stresses, a small gap is left due to
which pure shear stress is induced in the plate as shown at edge (B) in Figure 10.5.
If the gap is more than its thickness, bending stress is also induced. The shear stress
is equal to the reaction of the beam of the combined section of the stiffener with the
effective width of the plate. For normal span (length of stiffener), the shear stress
will be within the limits, but the welding between the stiffener and the plate is sub-
jected to horizontal shear stress as shown in Figure 3.8 and described in It
is similar to a fabricated beam. The Shear force is maximum at ends and shearing
may start from the end if the weld is inadequate. The design philosophy to over-
come this factor is to weld stiffener to stiffener or weld through the additional end
plate to get the required weld area at the stiffener end as shown in Figure 10.5. To
reduce thermal stresses in stiffeners, the welding between stiffeners shall be limited
to required depth and shall be within insulation as shown in Figure 10.5a. Rule 21
of EN13445-3:2009 gives the equation for the required weld area for a similar
Code provide an analytical procedure to calculate stresses for only a limited
choice of stiffeners. However, there is no limit of arrangements.
The design of a rectangular vessel shown in Figure 10.5 is illustrated with example 10.1
Flat-Plate Components 145
Stiffener design as per code with only the main stiffener is almost the same as the
theory in this section.
10.7.1 General
TS is a perforated flat plate attached to a shell at the outside and to tubes at perfora-
tions inside the shell as shown in Figure 10.6a.
146 Design of Pressure Vessels
1. Both sides under pressure, stayed by tubes and the other arrangement against
pressure as in the shell and tube type fixed-TS exchanger or boiler.
2. Both sides under pressure as in stationary TS in a shell and tube type floating
TS or U-tube exchanger or fixed TS exchanger or boiler with tubes attached to
TS only for sealing (unstayed).
Flat-Plate Components 147
3. Both sides with same pressure for supporting tubes as in floating TS or inter-
mediate TSs in any type of heat exchanger
The second type of TS is a flat plate under pressure neglecting the resistance
offered by tubes and can be analyzed as shell end closure described in Chapter 5 and
section 10.2. The third type is only the structural part. Analysis for the first type of
TS is given in this section.
Longitudinal rods, diagonal rods, or flat plate gussets are used by strength welding
for staying wide spaces uncovered by tubes between the outside tube limit and the
shell inside. When the gusset stay width along the TS is large, bolted link stays are
used to avoid nonuniform distribution of load in gusset stays as shown in [Figure
10.7.3 Analysis
Flat TS analysis can be done using flat plate theory, but is complicated due to bound-
ary conditions, perforations, varying resistance of staying arrangement, and self-
limiting plastic theory. Only finite element analysis will give accurate results. With
several assumptions listed below, analysis can be done by the procedure explained in
10.2 and 10.4.
148 Design of Pressure Vessels
For fixed TS analysis with staying, the following assumptions are made:
1. Tubes (usually regularly pitched) and their staying boundaries are isolated as
it is only tube in the center of its boundary in TS. Other stays are also similarly
2. Shell contribution is only limited to the boundary of nearest staying points.
3. TS-shell joint is SS or fixed for the bending of TS. When considered as fixed,
the radial distance from the shell inside to a limit depends on the thickness of
TS and pressure and will not require any staying and called flat plate margin
(FPM ref. IBR).
4. Tubes, stays, and shell are elongated equally due to pressure for the purpose of
stress in TS. Tubes actually act as springs with a constant equal to EA/L, A =
area of cross section, L = length of tube or TS to TS distance.
5. Tubes and stays are subjected to only tension (tube at its joint with TS is actu-
ally subjected to local bending).
6. The TS is thin enough that isolation of pressure areas of each stay and TS
unsupported portions is almost true.
Calculation of tensile stress in staying parts is simple and equal to the pressure force
divided by cross section of staying part. Calculation of tensile stress is simple and same
for stay tubes and longitudinal stay bars. Pressure force F = P (A1, A2, A3) as given in
example 10.2. Pressure force in diagonal or gusset or link stays is different due to the
angle (θ) between shell wall and longitudinal axis of these stays and given by
F P A 4 /cos
The cross-sectional area of the gusset is the effective normal section as calculated in
example 10.3. The optimum angle is 30°.
Flat-Plate Components 149
Example 10.2: P = 1 MPa, area of bar = 1000 mm2, gross pressure area
including stay A3 = 101000 mm2, calculate tensile stress in the longitu-
dinal stay bar.
Tensile stress in stay tubes is calculated in the same way as for the longitudinal
stay bar in example 10.2.
M/Z P p2 /12 / t 2 /6 P(p/t)2 /2 P(p/t)2 /C
In codes, the same equation is used with approximately the same value of C(2).
For 30° gusset stay, the procedure is the same as that for the diagonal bar. The
cross-section area applicable is not at the TS joint or at the shell joint, but mini-
mum across along the diagonal length (w × t) as shown in Figure 10.6.
1.91 M a / G t 2 0.33P(G /t )2
Code in addition to the above simple analysis gives detailed analysis of flat TS with
a particular tube layout and without stays are given but result in a higher thickness.
1. Code ASME S I & VIII D-1, 2019.
2. Roark, R. J. and Young, W. C. Formulas for stress and strain, 5th Edition.
11 Supports
Supports will induce local stresses in pressure vessels like any attachment.
Attachments transfer external loads, while supports will take the loads from the shell
and transfer to the foundation or structure. Local stresses are induced due to reaction
from the support. Attachments are generally of small size compared to the shell.
Calculations of stresses in some of the normal support components are by simple
structural analysis. The analysis of certain support components such as saddles for hori-
zontal vessels and skirts for vertical vessels is not simple and described in this chapter.
Horizontal cylindrical shells are supported by two or more supports called saddles,
one fixed rest sliding. The saddle as shown in Figure 11.1 normally covers 120°
(saddle angle) circumference of the shell, and 150–300 mm longitudinal length of the
shell. Apart from pressure and gravity loads, the structural effect of wind/seismic is
to be applied. The analysis consists of the following:
• Longitudinal membrane plus bending stresses in the shell at the saddle section
due to pressure, gravity, and wind/seismic loads.
• Transverse shear stresses at the saddle section due to gravity and wind/seismic
• Circumferential stresses at the saddle section due to the saddle reaction.
• Design of saddle parts.
The saddle being rigid compared to the shell later deforms locally due to reaction
force for gravity plus wind/seismic loads, and local stresses are induced around the saddle
152 Design of Pressure Vessels
periphery. The local stresses are calculated based on linear elastic mechanics and cover
modes of failure by excessive deformation and elastic instability. The analysis is not sim-
ple and carried out by the integration method. The analysis is called Zick analysis.
The following are different arrangements influencing the calculation of stresses at
the saddle section:
1. Simple saddle
2. With stiffeners in plane of the saddle inside or outside (Figure 11.2a–c)
3. With stiffeners both sides of the saddle inside or outside (Figure 11.2d and 11.2e)
4. Shell stiffened by head (torispherical, elliptical, and flat) if a ≤ Rm/2
where y = 1.56 ( Rm t )
x x x x
a a
= = x x x x
x x x x
L’ = L + 2L1
L1 = equivalent length of end closure for the purpose, flat = 0, dished = 2H/3
H = height of the dish
a = distance from the saddle section to dish (other than hemispherical) or flat head
W = total load
M1 = moment at the saddle section
M2 = max moment between saddles
T = shear force
a’ = a + L1
The structural effect of wind/seismic is limited to Q only as the shear and moment
are in the horizontal direction and generally neglected compared to gravity loads. For
the calculation of reaction due to wind/seismic, refer example 12.6, and transverse
force is described in 11.1.3
Step 2: Calculate bending stress (M/Z) due to M1 and M2 and add longitudinal
pressure stress to obtain membrane + bending stress and tangential shear stress T/A
due to T.
Except the portion covered by saddle angle θ plus (30°−θ/12) either side, the cir-
cumferential section at the saddle is ineffective and does not contribute in resisting
moment of inertia.
When the shell is stiffened by providing stiffener rings or stiffened by end clo-
sures other than the hemispherical head, the shell circularity is considered as unaf-
fected by the saddle reaction.
Similarly, transverse shear is unaffected with the stiffener in plane. Stiffeners on
both sides of the saddle or stiffening heads will not resist shear Force T. However,
shear stress is induced due to saddle reaction Q stiffened by heads.
K is derived by integration (Ref. 2), and its values for bending stress (σ3) at top
(K1), for (σ4) at bottom (K1’), and shear stress τ (K2) are obtained. The equations are
given below.
K1 [ sin() cos() 2 sin 2 () /]/[ {1 sin() /] (11.2)
K 2 ( sin cos ) /( sin ) (11.3)
The shear stress (τ) is due to saddle reaction Q when stiffened by heads = Q/(K3 πRm t);
K3 is given by
K 3 ( sin cos ) /[ sin ( sin cos )] (11.4)
where Δ = π/6 + (5/12)θ, α = 0.95β, and β = π − θ/2
Also longitudinal membrane and shear stresses are induced in stiffening heads.
Constant K3 is applicable for shear stress and longitudinal membrane stress (σ5) due
to Q = Q K4/Rm th, the K4 factor is similarly derived and given by Eq. 11.5, Rm th =
resisting area, and th = head thickness.
K 4 3/8(sin )2 / ( sin cos ) (11.5)
Example 11.1 gives the detailed analysis.
1 L 2 L L2 (11.6)
M 2 p p
2 2 3 2 6
Supports 155
L/2 L/2
FIGURE 11.3 Saddle reaction due to moment.
where p = pressure per width B and unit length and Q = p L/2, the above equation is
reduced to Q = 3M/L. That is, the maximum reaction is 3 times the average. The total
reaction is sum due to gravity and wind/seismic loads. Calculation of Q due to wind/
seismic for the shell with two saddles is illustrated in Example 12.6.
Equations for other constants are given in examples 11.1 and 11.2
156 Design of Pressure Vessels
Long stress in shell due to P, M1, M2: allowed= S, if stress is negative allowed stress
Sc = t E/(16Rm)
Shear stress in shell due to T, head (all = 0.8S) and membrane stress in stiffening
head (all = 1.25S)
K2 = Eq. 11.3 = 0.272 without the stiffener in plane (1 for the stiffener in
τ = T/(K2 π Rm t) = 47.26 shear stress at C and D for the stiffener in plane,
else at E and F
K3 = Eq. 11.4 = 0.362 factor if stiffened by head
τ = Q/(k3 πRm t) in the shell stiffened by head at E and F angle α from top,
else 0
τ’ = Q/(K3 π Rm th) in stiffening head at angle α from top th = head thickness)
K4 = Eq. 11.5 = 3/8(sin α)²/(π − α + sin α cos α) = 0.401
σ5 = membrane stress in stiffening head = 0 for flat head, K4Q/(Rm th) + P Ri/
(2th C) for other heads, C = 1 for torispherical, h/Ri for the elliptical head,
h = depth of the elliptical head, and th = head thickness
x2 = 0.78√(Rm t) = 91.87 effective width of the shell from the saddle towards
the center for resisting force and moment
x1 = min(a − b/2, x2) = 91.87 effective width of the shell from the saddle to
head for resisting force and moment
w = min{b + 1.56√(Rm t), 2a} = 433.7 min width of wear plate to resist σ6
K5 = Eq. 11.7 = (1+ cos α)/(π – α + sin α cos α) = 0.762
σ6 = −K5 Q k/[b2(t + f e tr)] membrane stress at the base of the saddle
f = stress ratio of shell and wear plate = 1 as the same material
e = effectiveness of the wear plate = 1 (e = 1 if b1 > w and θ1 > θ/24, else
e = 0)
b2 = b1 = 450 (= b1 if e = 1, else b2 = b + x1 + x2)
σ6 = −6.348
K6 = Eq. 11.8 = 0.053
K7 = If(a/Rm ≥ 1, K6), if(a/Rm ≤ 0.5, K6/4) else K6(1.5g − 0.5) = 0.053
σ7 = −Q/[4b2(t + f e t1)] – 12K7 Q/[(t + f e t1)2 min(8, L/Rm)] = −144.7 mem-
brane + bending stress at horn of the saddle
σ71 = memb + bend at tip of wear plate [−Q/[4t(b + x1 + x2)] − 12K71Q/[t² min
(8, L/Rm)] if e = 1 & tr > 2, else not applicable] = not applicable as tr ≤ 2t
K71 = K61 If a/Rm ≥1, = K61/4 if a/Rm ≤ 0.5, else = K61(1.5a/Rm − 0.5)
K61 = equation of K6 with β1 in place of β
β1 = 180 − (θ/2 + θ1) = 115°
158 Design of Pressure Vessels
The data are the same as example11.1: t = 12, a = 1500, b = 250, θ = 120, Q =
900000, Rm = 1156, β = 120, and K5 = 0.762
Stiffener data: Type: in-plane, inside, n = no of rings = 2
h = 150 = distance o/s to o/s of two rings, 0 for 1-ring, for in plane h <
1.56√(Rm t), max. = Rm
w = 150 = contact width of the stiffener with the shell, (w = h if n = 2 and
in plane)
ws = h + x1 + x2 = 334 = eff. width of the shell for A and Z = [if(n = 1, w +
x1 + x2), if(n = 2 & in plane, h + x1 + x2), if(both sides, w + 2x2)]
A S = area of each stiffener, (inverted T-section: web = 150 × 10, flange =
100 × 16) = 3100
A = combined area of the stiffener and shell = 14210
ZV = section modulus shell side = 1.16E6
ZS = section modulus stiffener side = 593734
ρ = −158.58 + 7.8668θ − 0.088037θ2 + 4.3011E − 4 θ3 − 8.0644E − 7 θ4 =
x2 = width of the shell from the saddle towards center allowed for strength
= 0.78 √(Rm t) = 91.87
x1 = width of the shell from saddle to tan allowed for strength = min(a − b/2,
k = 0.1 = if saddle welded to wear plate or shell k = 0.1, else k = 1
Ar = A = 14210 =resisting area for σ6 (A for stiffener ring in-plane, t(b + 2 x2)
both sides)
σ6 = membrane stress at the base of the saddle = −K5 Q k/Ar = −4.825
K8 = Bc [1 − cos(2B)/4 + 9/4Bs Bc/B − 3 (Bs/B)2]/[2π{(Bs/B)^2 − 0.5 – sin(2B)/
(4B)}]+ B Bs/2π = 0.3405, Where Bs = sin β, Bc = cos β and B = β
K9 = −0.5 + (π − β) cot β) cos ρ + ρ sin (ρ))/2π = 0.2711
K10 = [ρ sin ρ + cos ρ {1.5 + (π − β) cot β} − (π − β)/sin β]/2π, at angle ρ from
top = 0.058
Q/A = 63.34
Membrane + bending stress in MPa in the shell and stiffener due to Q, all = 1.25S
σ = Cm Q/A + Cb Q Rm/Z, max at horn for the in plane stiffener and at I and J
(Fig. 11.1) for both sides of the stiffener
Supports 159
Note 1: these stresses are for reference only for clarity of signs in other types of stiffeners.
All constants (K) are taken from Refs. 1 and 2.
11.1.4 Design Philosophy
Stress at the horn of the saddle will govern in most of the pressure vessels.
1. For D/t < 160, the wear plate may not be required.
2. For L/D < 4, horn stresses will increase.
3. Locate the saddle at 0.2L with an angle of 120° for normal lengths. For extra-
long shells, locate the saddle at about 0.118L to stress closely at the saddle and
in between saddle and minimum longitudinal stress for 120° saddle angle.
4. For D/t > 160, provide the wear plate of width =b+1.56√(Rm t), extension 5°,
and thickness up to the twice shell thickness.
5. For reducing horn stresses, increase the angle to 165° and then increase the
wear plate thickness
6. For further reduction of stresses at horn, select the stiffener ring in order: 1)
inside and both sides, 2) outside and in-plane, 3) inside and in-plane, and 4)
outside and both sides.
d B Rm sin(0.5) /(0.5)
Splitting force can be derived by integration and resisted by the area of section with web,
base plate, and wear plate. The web depth is effective up to Rm/3 only. F is given by
b1t1 d w t w b t b
Z = combined section modulus of the base plate, web, wear plate, and shell with
effective width b1 1.56 Rm t at the vertical middle section of the saddle.
(Table 26.10 of Ref. 3). If the base plate is subjected to uplift due to high horizontal
forces, base plate analysis is as per 11.5.1
11.2 SKIRT
Vertical vessels are normally supported by a cylindrical part called skirt shown in
Figure 11.3. When the mean diameters of the skirt and shell approximately coincide
as shown in (Figure 11.3b), the localized stresses are minimized. When the skirt is
attached to the shell below the head tangent line (Figure 11.3a), localized stresses are
induced in proportion to the component of the skirt reaction which is normal to the
head surface at the point of attachment. Instead of a cylinder, a cone is used to pro-
vide more resistance to horizontal load (Figure 11.3c), and lap welded (Figure 11.3d)
requires checking shear stress. In other cases, an investigation of local effects may be
warranted depending on the magnitude of the loading, location of skirt attachment,
etc., and an additional thickness of the vessel wall or compression rings may be nec-
essary. When the temperature of the vessel is very high, highly localized thermal
stresses are induced in the vessel and skirt at attachment, necessitating finite element
analysis or hot-box arrangement. Apart from above, the design of the skirt is simple,
calculate compressive stress and bending stress at the skirt bottom for all prevailing
loads and compare with individual allowed as well as unity check. Local stresses in
the shell can be analyzed approximately (due to oversize attachment) assuming the
head as spherical with appropriate radius and applicable loads (reaction and moment)
by WRC107 or by software Nozzlepro. Base plate and foundation bolt design is
complicated and covered in base plate section 11.5.2.
Brackets with welded sections are used to support components, in which rectangular
bracket plate welded or bolted to structure is subjected to moment. The plate bottom
portion is under compression, the rest (top) portion is not in contact with structure,
and bolts in this portion will be in tension. Neutral axis will get shifted down from
the middle line. Design of the plate is covered in 11.5.1 case-4.
Base plates are rectangular shape used in saddles and a circular ring type used in the
skirt. The function of support is to take weight of large equipment and transfer it to
earth. Because the support material (metal) bearing strength is many times higher
than that of earth, the cross-sectional area of support required for the purpose is very
less compared to that of earth. Theore, the bottom most part of support requires a
162 Design of Pressure Vessels
small area of cross section to receive load and large area to transfer the same to earth.
This is generally done in two or more stages. The first stage is by the base plate,
which is bottom most horizontal part (plate) of support, transferring the vessel load
to support base (concrete pedestal or supporting structure).
Base plates in saddles receive load through thickness of a set of plates (like rib and
web plates in saddles) and transfer to support base through:
3. Through low friction multiple liner plates and anchor plate in case of sliding
support without uplift.
4. Through anti corrosive rollers and anchor plate in case of sliding support with-
out uplift when a large amount of sliding in only one direction is involved.
Design of the base plate involves the calculation of thickness of base plate and
bolt size and quantity for shear due to horizontal base load and tension due to uplift.
Thickness is calculated from pressure by support base and/or from the free body
diagram of the base plate depending on arrangement. Base plate thickness calcula-
tion is based on the following assumptions:
The base plate and pedestal surface area are plane before and after applying
loads. Load received from equipment is through part of area like by web and ribs in
saddle, rest of the portion will lose contact (if base plate thickness is less) with ped-
estal and bearing pressure on pedestal is not uniform max under ribs and web where
concrete may get crushed, and no pressure where contact looses. By providing suf-
ficient thickness (not to yield and minimize deflection), non-uniformity can be
Calculation of reaction pressure on the base plate bottom and tension in bolts is
described in 11.5.1 and 11.5.2
There are four cases depending on direct load and moment in either direction.
Case-a: Only vertical and symmetrical load (Figure 11.5a): pressure is uniform
over entire base plate bottom and equal to load/area. Pressure without load consider-
ing pretension
(a) (b1)
L/3 e
e a
k a/3
(c) (b2)
P = W/L
Case-b: Vertical load W moment M without uplift (Figure 11.5b): Pressure due to
M is varying max at edge and zero at middle. P due to M as per Eq. 11.6 is
P = 6 M /L2 (11.9)
P W /L (1 6e /L ) (11.10)
Supports 165
Up to e < L/6, the pressure P varies max at the compression edge and min at other
edges. Total reaction R = W and no uplift
For e =L/6, P at the compression edge is given by Eq. 11.10, substituting e = L/6,
P =2W/L and zero at other edges as p due to W and M is equal and opposite. Uplift
is zero. That is for values of M ≤ W L/6, there is no uplift.
Even if e = a/6, the uplift is only from the bolt center to edge. P = 2W/a.
Case 3: Vertical loads and moments with uplift (Figure 11.4c): When e > L/6
(>a/6), the pressure is maximum at the compression edge and reduces to zero at a
distance k from the left edge and lifts up rest of length. The uplift can be prevented
by initial tightening of bolts to a torque or by over sizing bolts (up to a limit). The
bolts in the uplift area will be in tension to press the base plate to keep it in position.
T & P can be derived as described below
Equating vertical forces acting on the base plate
R W T (11.11)
T W (k / 3 L / 2 e) / (a k / 3) (11.13)
et /ec (a k ) /k (11.15)
Because the length relevant to elongation and compression is plate thickness and the
same. Using E = stress/strain, that is, et/ec = strain in bolt/strain in plate = (σt/Et)/
(σc/Ec), Eq. 11.15 can be expressed as
Substituting σt = T/A and σC = P = 2(W + T)/(B k) from Eqs. 11.12 and 11.14 and Et/
Ec = n, in Eq. 11.16
T B k /[2n A(W T )] (a k ) /k
B k 2W (k / 3 L / 2 e) / (a k / 3) 2n A W [1 (k / 3 L / 2 e) /
(a k / 3)](a k )
B k 3 / 3 B k 2 ( L / 2 e) / (a k / 3) 2nA(a k )
(a k / 3 k / 3 L / 2 e) / (a k / 3)
B k 2 / 3 B k 2 ( L / 2 e) (2n A a 2n A k )(a L / 2 e)
B k 3 / 3 B k 2 ( L / 2 e) 2 n A k ( a L / 2 e)
2 n A a ( a L / 2 e) 0
k 3 3( L / 2 e)k 2 [(6n A)(a L / 2 e) /B]k a(6n A)
( a L / 2 e ) /B 0
k 3 3( L / 2 e)k 2 k1k ak1 0 (11.17)
TABLE 11.1
Calculation of bolt stress and pressure on a rectangular base plate
For e > a/6, pretension in bolt = 0, units: N, mm (Figure 11.5)
W 1000 1000 1000 Axial load at center
M 150000 300000 4E6 Moment at center
e 150 300 4000 M/W > a/6, uplift
B 1 1 1 Width
L 600 600 600 Length
a 550 550 550 Tension bolt to compression edge distance
n 1 1 1 Es/Ec
A 10 10 10 Area of each bolt, 2xM20 in tension
k 460.18 221.35 101.092 Assume contact length = f(L, A, e, n, a, B)
k1 24000 33000 255000 k1=[6A.n(a – L/2 + e)/B]
k' 0.94 −0.45 −9.45 (k3 − 3(L/2 − e)k2 + k1 k − k1 a)/100,
a/6 91.66667 91.667 91.6667 Alter k until k’ is almost 0
T 8.555916 154.94 7231.61 W(k/3 − L/2 + e)/(a − k/3)
fb 0.427796 7.7469 361.58 Stress in bolts = T/2A, all. = 172MPa
If required alter A and repeat procedure
If required alter B and repeat
P 4.383311 10.435 162.854 2(W + T)/(B k) procedure
168 Design of Pressure Vessels
to the circular shape and not solid plate, the bearing width b and area vary along any
axis, and the resisting pressure diagram for moment load is hyperbolic max at edge
and zero at neutral axis (NA) in case of uplift. Tension in bolts also varies max in the
outer pair of bolts and min in near pair to NA. Due to the above difference in the
circular ring from rectangular plate, the equation for max compressive pressure force
at edge due to moment can be derived similar to Eq. 11.6 as
P = 4M/d
W P W 4M/d 0, or M/W e D/ 4
In the uplift condition, the integration method is used for analysis by the neutral
axis (NA) shift method. The bolt root area is considered as the concentric ring of
thickness (t1) with bolt circle d as the mean diameter for the purpose of analysis and
t1 can be computed as
t1 total area of bolts/ (d) N a/(d), where a root area of each bolt.
The location of NA, resultant points of resisting bolt tension (T), and compressive
force (R) are fractions of bolt circle diameter (d), and constant of proportions are
calculated in terms of the half angle of contact arc (α) by geometry and expressed by
equations below.
The contact axial width is expressed = k d, where k = (1 − cos α)/2 by geometry.
fs 2T/(t1d Ct )
fc 2R/[(t 2 n t1 )d Cc
Normally bolt areas required for loads with e < d/2 is less than to resist base shear.
First select bolts to resist shear, then calculate ring width b to resist the load W or
by the empirical equation.
Calculations are shown in Table 11.2 for various uplift cases (e > d/4 to max till the
bolt load is equal to allowed). Bolt quantity and width b can be increased if the
stresses are more than allowed for higher values of e.
Simplified method: Assuming NA at middle and considering full initial bolt
tension (S a), total tension in bolts and compressive stress in concrete can be com-
piled as
T 4M/d – W
fC (a S W ) /A M/Z
TABLE 11.2
Calculation of T and R on the base ring of skirts and stresses
Data units: mm, N, bolt all stress S = 172 MPa
W 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Load
M 2.51 4.11 5 10 70 Moment in KNm
e 251 411 500 1000 7000 M/W
n 10 10 10 10 10 Es/Ec
d 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Bolt circle dia
Preliminary selections b, a, and k
b 150 150 150 150 150 Width of ring
16 16 16 16 16 Bolt size
N 8 8 8 8 8 No of bolts
a 139 139 139 139 139 Area/bolt
k 0.998 0.5 0.316 0.137 0.0868 Assume
Calculation of constants f(α), alter k until k = ka
Cos α –1 0 0.368 0.726 0.8264 1 – 2k
Sin α 0.092 1 0.93 0.688 0.5631
α.rad 3.05 1.571 1.194 0.758 0.5981 A cos (1 – 2k)
α.deg 174.7 90 68.41 43.45 34.269
Z 0.251 0.393 0.434 0.472 0.4825 Eq. 11.18
J 0.751 0.785 0.782 0.77 0.7647 Eq. 11.19
Cc 3.135 2 1.552 1.001 0.7927 Eq. 11.21
Ct 0.123 2 2.407 2.802 2.9183 Eq. 11.22
Calculation of T, R, fs, fc & ka; alter k till k = ka
T 0.034 233 842 6854 85229 w(e – zd)/(jd)
t1 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.3539 N a/(πd)
fs 0.002 0.658 1.977 13.82 165.04 2T/(t1 d Ct)
If required reselect a and repeat procedure
R 10000 10233 10842 16854 95229 T+W
t2 149.6 149.6 149.6 149.6 149.65 b – t1
fc 0.042 0.067 0.091 0.22 1.5685 2R/[(t2 + n t1)d Cc]
If required reselect b and repeat procedure
ka 0.996 0.504 0.316 0.137 0.0868 1/{1 + fs/(n fc)}
Simplified equations:
T 40 6440 10000 30000 270000 4M/d – W
fc 0.093 0.107 0.114 0.157 0.6665 (a S + W)/A + M/Z
Stress fC p/ t g cos2
where tg = thickness of gusset and α = angle gusset make with vertical
The chair (Figure a) or full ring type is used in tall vessels with large M/W like
chimneys to provide reverse moment at the base ring joint as shown in the figure to
ensure no rotation at bottom. Ring plate calculation is the same as the ring with
gusset. The top plate (compression ring) is ideally flat plate three-sides SS and with
central bolt load (P) over area. There can be several assumptions to use available
formulas in Table 26 of Ref. 3. To simplify assuming as SS beam between gussets
with concentrated load at middle equal to bolt tension P. Rectangular gusset is
plate under compression (neglect bending from the top plate) load P as shown in
Figure 11.7.
Reaction in the skirt due to chair: The chair produces reaction (Q) in skirt at its
joint at top ring.
Q = P a/h where P = bolt load, a and h are as shown in the figure.
The empirical equation for the thickness of the skirt due to Q is
t = K(Q/S)2 / 3 R1/ 3
No of chairs = (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24). For OD of skirt in m (<1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, >3)
Chair proportions: d = nominal diameter of bolt,
172 Design of Pressure Vessels
TABLE 11.3
Bolt load capacities in KN as per IS-800 and IS-1367
Bolt dia Shear capacity of bolt Tension capacity of bolt
Foundation bolts are subjected to shear and tensile forces. Size and quantity are cal-
culated taking shear and tensile capacity of the bolt from the relevant standards;
extracts of which from IS1137 are listed in Table 11.3.
W A b W
d t d
2 4
B b
(a) (b) (c)
load. Its contact with A and B is theoretically in line when there is no load as
shown in (a). As load increases, the contact width increases as shown in (b). The
deformation shall be within the elastic limit to facilitate smooth rolling.
Calculation of load carrying capacity of the roller is complicated due to deforma-
tion of A and B Ref. The load case 2, table 27 pressure on elastic bodies in Ref. 3
can be referred for calculating induced stress. A simple solution is possible
assuming that A and B are rigid by basic elastic theory. The second method is by
American Railway Engineers Association (AREA), in which an empirical for-
mula is compiled based on practical analysis. The above methods are illustrated
in example 11.4
p = allowed load lbs per inch length = A d(Y – 13000)/20000 = 988 A = if(d
< 25,600,2000) = 600
W = p L = 23342 lbs, or 104058 N
A pipe can be used in place of a solid roller as shown in Figure 11.6c. Analysis
depends on the d/t ratio for load per unit length W.
For thick pipes d/t less than 7, stresses (+ tensile, – compressive) are direct and
the same at points 1 & 4(+), 2 (–), but varying at point of application 3, which is (+)
and changes to (–) at d/t = 2.5. Max stress is at point-2 for values of d/t less than 3,
and at point-1 for d/t more than 3. The stress equation valid for d/t values 3 to 7 is
given by
πd / 4
174 Design of Pressure Vessels
where k depends on d/t and is equal to 5.3 for d/t = 2.5, 6.16 for d/t = 3, and as per
Eq. 11.23.
For thin pipes with d/t greater than 7, the pipe is unstable and bending stresses are
induced. Stress calculation is based on curved beam theory. Normally, a pipe is used
with d/t values 3 to 7.
Pipe analysis with the above diameter and material, and 10mm thick: d/t = 50/10 = 5,
k = 16
1. Light weight and short (compact) vessels are lifted by welding single lug at
top passing through its CG. Heavy and longer vessels are lifted by two
cranes and four lugs. If lugs are not suitable, use trunnions. Spreader beams
are used if needed to reduce load on lugs. The Table 11.4 gives suggested
arrangements for weights and lengths of vessels. For thin vessels pads are
used below the lug or trunnion to reduce local stress. Furthermore, thin ves-
sels can be lifted without lugs by simply wrapping the rope around the
2. Location of the lug shall be above the CG of vessel and such that the max load
is transferred to lug through min number of parts if not directly, preferably
avoiding bending in any part.
3. Lifting involves impact and factor 1.5 to 2 is used.
4. The sling inclination (θ-sling angle) with vertical shall be as less as possible to
reduce tension in sling. Lesser the angle longer the sling required. Therefore,
the angle shall be between 30 and 45°, max 60°.
5. The loads on lug shall be longitudinal (FL) preferably which induce tension in
lug, or in two directions, transverse (Ft) and normal (Fn) which induces bend-
ing. Normal load shall be avoided as bending resistance of lug is poor. Provide
stiffeners if normal load cannot be avoided.
Supports 175
TABLE 11.4
Lifting arrangement of vessels for loads and lengths
Short Medium Long
Light Single lug 1-crane, 2-lugs 1-crane, 2-lugs
Medium 1-crane, 2-lugs 1-crane, 2-lugs 2-crane, 4-lugs
Heavy 1-crane, 2-lugs 2-crane, 4-lugs 2-crane, 4-lugs
11.8.1 Analysis
The analysis involves the following
Compilation of forces and stresses in lifting lug for a horizontal vessel as shown in
Figure 11.9 is illustrated in example 11.5. Lug dimensions are suggested as follows:
Calculation of forces
Lug data
Note: σbn & unity check is exceeding th allowed, gussets shall be provided as
shown in figure.
11.8.2 Transport
Transportation loads are called acceleration loads. Their structural effect is accelera-
tion in three directions. Vertical acceleration is due to bad roads and water waves,
longitudinal is due to acceleration, and braking and transverse are due to approaching
curves. Recommended accelerations are
1. Code ASME S VIII D 1, 2019.
2. Process equipment design, L. E. Brownell and E. H. Young, 1959.
3. Formulas for stress and strain, Reymond J. Roark and Warren C. Young, 5th edition.
12 Wind and Seismic
12.1 WIND
Wind can be described as a highly turbulent flow of air sweeping over earth’s surface
with variable velocity, in gusts rather than in a steady flow. The direction is usually hori-
zontal. It may contain vertical components when passing through hills/valleys. Velocity
increases up to a certain elevation and remains constant above that elevation.
The structural effect of wind velocity is pressure (P) equivalent of total kinetic
energy of air mass on a flat surface perpendicular to wind velocity and is given by
The Indian standard (IS: 875 Part 3) divides India into six zones on basic wind speed,
lowest for plains at lower elevations and highest for hill areas, and values are 33, 39,
44, 47, 50, and 55 m/s respectively.
There are three multiplying factors to obtain design wind speed.
Terrain factor k2 depends on the category (1 to 4), class (A, B, C), and height (h)
of structure (10 to 550m). It is minimum 0.67 for (cat. 4, cl. C & h = 10 m) and maxi-
mum 1.4 for (cat.1, cl. C and h = 10 m).
180 Design of Pressure Vessels
Topography factor k3 depends on slope minimum 1 for slope < 3°and maximum
1.36 for slope > 3
Force on any vessel with a projected area of the vessel perpendicular to the wind
direction (A) due to Pz is given by
F = Pz A
The shape of the equipment influences the resulting force, and the cylindrical shape
reduces the force by 0.7 provided there are not many attachments and nozzles. IS 875
gives shape factors for other equipments.
This force is distributed over the vessel surface. Design (calculation of shear
force, bending moment, deflection, and bending stresses) of vessels with a uniform
cross section is the same as a beam with uniformly distributed load (UDL). If the
vessel cross-section varies over the entire length, the UDL will vary for each length.
As wind flow vibration is induced, analysis is not required if the natural frequency
of the vessel is more than 4. Up to 80m height, analysis may be carried out in only
the first mode.
Seismic forces on a vessel result from sudden vibratory motion with horizontal accel-
eration (Sa) of the ground, on which the vessel is supported, and vessel response to this
motion. The principal factors in the damage to structures are the intensity and duration
of the earthquake motion. The ratio of this acceleration and gravitational acceleration
is called the spectral acceleration coefficient and expressed by basic equation Sa/g.
The value of Sa varies depending on various factors including the location. Indian
standard IS-1893(1 and 4) gives the following factors and procedure for computing
horizontal seismic coefficient.
Zone factor: India is divided into four zones: II- middle, III- middle and coastal,
IV-Himalayas, and V-Kutch and certain high altitudes, and zone factors (Z) are 0.1,
0.16, 0.24, and 0.36, respectively.
Other factors:
R - Response reduction factor: given in Table 9 for different structures, and two
for steel stacks.
I - Importance factor: for different structures it is given in Table 8, 1.5 for steel
stacks and silos and 1.75 for vessels.
Sa/g - spectral acceleration coefficient as per Figure 2, Annex B, damping fac-
tor (for steel = 0.02), and T time period (T = 0.085H0.75 for steel frame build-
ings). For vessels, Sa/g = 1.5.
The horizontal seismic coefficient (Ah) for the DBE method is given by
Z I Sa
Ah =
2 R g
For the MCE method, the above equation with Z/2 = 1 and Sa/g as per site specific
spectra is applicable.
The horizontal seismic forces acting on the vessel with total weight W are reduced
to the equivalent static forces. The structure is designed to withstand a certain mini-
mum horizontal base shear (Vb = Ah W) applied at the base of the vessel in any direc-
tion. The problem is how to resolve this base shear into equivalent static forces
throughout the height of the vessel in order to determine shear force and bending
moment in the structure at different elevations and overturning moment at base. The
result depends in large part on the dynamic response of the structure, which may be
assumed either rigid or flexible.
The vertical component also exists but to simplify the design procedure the verti-
cal component of the earthquake motion is usually neglected on the assumption that
the ordinary structures possess enough excess strength in the vertical direction.
inertia of the vessel mass restrains the vessel from moving simultaneously with its
foundation. Due to this, the loading is not as in the rigid vessel but zero at base, and
increase along its height maximum at top with the same base shear as RSA. For the
vessel with uniform weight, loading is triangular as shown in Figure 12.1. Further
calculation is a simple cantilever with triangular loading. Because base shear remains
the same and is equal to area of the triangle, force at top is given by
Ft = Vb / (H/2) N/m
Shear force and bending moment at any section can be calculated from the moment
area method (Chapter 3).
Shear force = area of the loading diagram from top to the section
Moment = moment of the above area at the section = shear force x distance of the
section from CG of area.
If the vessel is non-uniform, resolving base shear is based on the ratio of ele-
mental weight moment at the base to sum of all weight moments at the base. It is
given by,
Fn = Force at the bottom of the nth section from top = (V – Fo)wn hn/Σ(w h)
Fo = 0.004V(H/D)2, maximum 0.15V, is a portion of V assumed concen-
trated at the top of the structure to approximate the influence of higher
wn = weight of the nth section.
hn = height of CG of the nth section from the base.
Wind and Seismic 183
The loading diagram can be built up by applying these loads at all sections.
Once the loading is resolved, shear force and bending moment at any section can
be calculated like any cantilever beam.
Shear force at any point = sum of loading from top to that point.
Moment at bottom of any section = moment at its top + shear force at top x
height of section + Ah x section weight x height of its CG from bottom.
Structural effects of wind and seismic forces are explained in 12.1 and 12.2 including
the computation of wind pressure and seismic base shear as per the Indian standard.
In this section, computations of wind pressure and seismic base shear are explained
as per UBC, Australian/New Zeeland, and American standards.
12.3.1 UBC-1997 Wind Pressure Calculations
V = basic wind speed.
Ce = comb height, exposure and gust factor coefficient (Tab.16-G), 0.62 to
Cq = pressure coefficient for the type and geometry of equipment. Tab.16-H,
0.8 to 4, 0.8 for Round/elliptical.
Iw = importance factor Tab.16-K
qs = wind stagnation pressure at 33ʼ (Tab.16-F) = 0.615V2/g, (g in m/s2).
P = design wind pressure = Ce Cq qs Iw.
Base shear
Vr = Regional gust wind speed (Tab-3.1), V500 & Region A11 = 45 m/s
Md = Wind directional multiplier (Tab-3.2), Region A11 & any direction = 1
Mzcat = Terrain/height multiplier Tab-4.1, height 20 m and Terrain category
21 = 1.08
Ms = Shielding multiplier Tab-4.3, Assumed = 1
Mt = Topographic multiplier CL-4.4, Assumed = 1
Vdes = Design Wind speed as per CL 2.2 = Vr Md Mz Ms Mt = 48.6 m/s
ρ = Density of air as per CL 2.4.1 = 1.2 kg/m3
Cpe = External pressure coefficient as per Tab-5.2 (A) = 0.7
Ka = Area reduction factor as per CL 5.4.2 = 1
Kce = Combination factor applied to ext press As per Tab-5.5 = 0.9
Kt = Local pressure factor as per CL 5.4.4 =1
Kp = Porous cladding reduction factor as per CL 5.4.4 = 1
Cfig = Aerodynamic shape factor = Cpe Ka Kce Kt Kp as per Cl 5.2 = 0.63
Cdyn = Dynamic response factor As per CL 2.4.1 = 1
P = Design Wind Pressure P = 0.5 ρ (Vdes)2 Cfig Cdyn = 893 N/m²
∈bar = Constant as per Table 26.9-1 (C-1/3, C-1/5, D-1/8) for category C = 0.2.
gQ = Peak factor as per Cl.26.9.4 = 3.4.
gV = Peak factor as per Cl.26.9.4 = 3.4.
β = Horizontal dimension measured normal to wind direction = 0.9 m.
n = Natural frequency of the equipment = 33 cps.
Kz = Velocity pressure coefficient as per Table 30.3-1 = 2.01(15/zg)2/α If z <
4.6m, else Kz = 2.01(z/zg)2/α = 0.85.
qz = Velocity pressure as per 29.3 – 1= 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2 I = 1153 N/m2.
Lzbar = Intensity of turbulence Eq. 26.9-4 = c(10/Zbar)1/6 = 0.29.
Lzbar = Integral length scale of turbulence Eq. 26.9-9 = L(0.1 Zbar)∈bar = 98.81.
Design data: Wind pressure (P) = 1.5KN/m2, horizontal seismic coefficient (Ah) =
0.294, weight of the vessel with contents (W) = 500 KN, vessel OD (D) = 2m,
equivalent exposed length (L) = 10m, two saddles and distance between saddles
(B) = 6 m, height of CG of the vessel from the base (h) = 1.2 m, insulation thick-
ness (T) = 100 mm, and saddle bearing angle (θ) = 120°
A flange (loose without a hub) is a special type of flat plate circular ring with several
loads derived from pressure to facilitate removing components such as part of the
pipe from the piping system and opening of end cover (blind flange) for process
requirements. A blind flange is a removable type of flat end closure to the cylindrical
part (called pipe in this section). Flanges can be classified as
Integral flanges consist of a hub as shown in Fig. 13.1 and 13.2 and are equal to
cast or forged integrally with the pipe or welded thereto by such a nature that there is
no relative deformation or rotation between both the flange and pipe at their joint,
whereas loose flanges with or without a hub have no rigid connection to the pipe, and
the method of attachment is not considered to give mechanical strength sufficient to
resist relative movement or rotation. A flange without a hub can also be considered
as an integral flange by providing required weld equivalent to the hub in integral
190 Design of Pressure Vessels
Q Hub
g0 Hd
m h m
Standards are available in most of the countries to select for pressure and tempera-
ture up to certain size. Most popular is the American standard covering up to 60”
NPS, which is described in B16.5 and 16.47. For higher sizes or for non-standard
sizes, flanges not covered are designed as per the theory given above.
t = flange thickness
m = gasket property in the operating condition
Furthermore, Pc shall be sufficient for tightening bolts with tools without obstruction
from adjacent nuts. Minimum pitch to be provided is equal to twice the bolt nominal
Flanges 191
diameter plus 6 mm (2a + 6) considering standard tools. Apart from the above min
and max limits, pitch depends geometrically on the quantity of bolts. Bolts shall be
sufficient to withstand operating and seating loads. In case the geometrical pitch is
not within max and min limits, limits can be altered primarily by the size of the bolt
or by the quantity of the bolt or by the thickness of the flange or by increasing BCD
in the order.
13.2.2 Flange Width
Flange width shall be minimum to reduce weight and cost. To facilitate bolt tighten-
ing, distances from the bolt circle to hub and outer edge (R and E) shall be minimum
to reduce the flange width. The minimum values of R and E depend on the bolt nomi-
nal size and are given in various literature studies and TEMA against the bolt size
(see extracts in Table 13.1). Larger the bolt size, larger the flange width. Therefore,
the bolt size shall be minimum.
13.2.3 Gasket
For leak proof, a gasket is required between two mating flanges. The gasket shall be
softer (hardness ≤ 25 BHN) than the flange material and consists of soft metal or
non-metal or combination, elastically pressed between flanges when tightened by
bolts to prevent leakage. Softness and material selection depend on the pressure and
temperature. Higher the pressure, higher shall be the compressive strength (y) of the
gasket to prevent leakage due to deformation under pressure force in the radial direc-
tion. Gaskets are procured with known properties m and y. m is a factor in residual
stress in the gasket in the operating condition, and residual stress shall be at least two
TABLE 13.1
Values of R, E, and Ao Units: mm, mm2
Nom-dia Pitch R.radial E.edge Pc min.pitch Ao.bolt area
16 2 28.6 20.6 38 138
20 2.5 31.8 23.8 46 217
24 3 36.51 28.58 54 313
27 3 38.1 29 60 414
30 3.5 46.1 33.34 66 503
36 4 54 39.7 78 738
42 4.5 61.9 49.2 90 1018
48 5 69 56 102 1343
56 5.5 77 64 118 1863
64 6 85 67 134 2469
72 6 90 70 150 3222
80 6 94 75 166 4077
90 6 108 85 186 5287
100 6 119 93.66 206 6652
to three times the pressure to prevent leakage. The gasket width (N) provided is not
fully effective for analysis due to the type of gasket, raised face width, and practical
accuracy of alignment. The code gives the following rule for effective width (b).
For flat and raised faces, effectiveness is half of the actual width up to 12.5 mm
and is less than half for higher widths and is equal to 2.5 times square root of the
above reduced width. The effective width is expressed by the equation
b min ,2.5
2 2
Table 2.5.2 of the code1 gives the values of effective width for other arrangements.
Higher the width of gasket and its properties m and y, higher the gasket reaction
force and bolt area required. Therefore, non-metallic gaskets are used for low pres-
sures and for full faced. Metallic gaskets (not used for full face) filled with a material
such as graphite are used for medium and high pressures normally with a narrow
width from (¼” for ½” NPS to 25 mm for 36” NPS). Oval and octagonal ring type
metal gaskets are used for high pressures. m and y values are very high for ring gas-
kets. m and y values for normally used gaskets are given in Table 13.2, which specifies
the same. Spiral or concentric grooves of depth 40 microns and spacing 80 microns are
used for raised face flanges. The edges of grooves will deform and hold the gasket.
The gasket location between the bolt and inside is sensitive. The moment lever
arm for forces varies due to the location. Locating nearer to the bolt will increase the
lever arm for operating forces and decrease for seating forces. Locating nearer to the
inside diameter (B) will have a reverse effect. m and y values for commonly used
gaskets are given in Table 13.2.
TABLE 13.2
m and y Values for Flange Gaskets
Type of gasket m y.MPa
Rubber 0.5 0
Rubber with fabric or asbestos fiber 1 1.5
Garlock 5.2 10
Non asbestos ferrolite 2.5 20
Compressed asbestos fiber 3 25
Camprofile 2.25 27.5
Thermoculite 3.2 34.5
Unreinforced graphite laminated Klingersil 4.5 45
Reinforced graphite laminated Klingersil 2-5 50
Flat metallic (Al) double gasketed graphite filled 3.25 38
Flat metallic (SS) double gasketed graphite filled 3.75 62
Spiral wound metal (CS) mineral fiber filled 2.5 69
Spiral wound metal (SS) mineral fiber filled 3 69
Solid flat metal or O ring, soft Aluminum 4 60
Solid flat metal O ring, soft carbon steel 5.5 120
Solid flat metal O ring, soft stainless steel 6.5 175
Kammprofile 2 18
Flanges 193
1. Select the gasket type and width based on pressure, temperature, and avail-
ability in the market.
2. Select the bolt material depending on the flange/pipe material. Assume the
preliminary lowest size limiting quantity for ease of maintenance.
3. Calculate flange dimensions C, GO, and G using R and E values for the bolt
size required to calculate the bolt forces in the operating and seating condition
(W0, Wa) and required thickness (t) of flange including limits of PC as illus-
trated in examples in Tables 13.3 and 13.4.
4. Calculate the number (n) of bolts required to withstand the above forces,
increase to nearest integer multiple of four, and calculate pitch of bolts (PC).
5. If PC is less (normally due to high pressure), increase the bolt size which will
increase both but Pc at a higher rate than the min limit as the area of bolt
increases with square of size increase. If the increase up to max available size
(100 mm) is not adequate, increase BCD.
6. If PC is more, increase the number of bolts or reduce the size
For a given diameter of pipe, pressure, temperature, and material, first select the bolt
size and compute dimensions of the flange as explained in 13.2. The flange is then
analyzed in both operating and seating conditions. Refer Figure 13.2 and Tables 13.3
and 13.4 for notation and forces.
13.3.1 Seating Condition
The gasket (except full faced) when tightened before operating develops a reaction
force due to its elasticity and induces moment Ma at the gasket reaction circle (diameter
G) due to bolt load (W) which depends on the operator. Normally maximum torque for
tightening bolts is given in operating instructions of equipment. The minimum value of
W is equal to maximum bolt load Wma to compress gasket to obtain pressure y or Wmo
in operation to overcome the forces H + Hp due to pressure and gasket loads, and the
maximum value is equal to the bolt stress reaching its allowed stress. The optimum
value is the average of both minimum and maximum considered.
Also the flange will rotate at gasket reaction diameter G due to the moment at G
due to force W by tightening bolts. Due to this rotation, the circle at point G which
without tightening is the midpoint of the gasket width will shift toward C, and gasket
pressure will be triangular and leak in operation. Therefore, rotation shall be kept
under limit. However, G is taken as the mid-point of the gasket if the width is <12.5
mm; otherwise G is equal to gasket OD minus twice effective gasket width. The load-
ing diagram is force at the bolt circle and support at gasket reaction circle G on a cir-
cular ring. Forces and details of loose and integral flanges are shown in Figure 13.3.
194 Design of Pressure Vessels
hg hg
ht R
hd Hg
Hd g1
B g0
A C G h
13.3.2 Operating Condition
• Fd = Due to pressure on the internal area of the pipe acting on the pipe wall
thickness or at B.
• Fg = Due to the gasket reaction acting at about midpoint (gasket reaction diam-
eter) of gasket width. Fg shall be m times the gasket reaction due to y on the
area of the gasket contact surface with effective width b (including pass parti-
san gasket if any) to keep sufficient force for leak proof.
• Ft = Due to the pressure on the annular portion between the gasket reaction and
pipe inside diameter acting at the midpoint of annular portion.
All these loads induce moment Mo at the bolt circle diameter and rotation at G.
Point G will shift outwards as explained above and leak. Hence, rotation shall be lim-
ited to keep the gasket pressure almost uniform. Rigidity of the flange is calculated
apart from longitudinal stress in hub and radial and tangential stresses in the flange.
Flanges 195
The rigidity equation is based on limiting rotation to about 1/3 to ½°. The code gives
an equation for rigidity in both conditions and for both loose and integral flanges.
Flange stresses: radial, tangential, and longitudinal in hub in operating and seating
conditions are derived by integration using the loading diagram shown in Figure 13.1
as (constant x M/B)/Z. where
Z = the section modulus per unit width (Z = t2/6) for the flange and (g12/6) for
the hub
M = MO for the operating condition and Ma for the seating condition.
Constants depend on k =A/B and hub dimensions and are given in Ref. 2 and code.
YM/ B t 2
where M is Mo and Ma for operating and seating conditions
Y is constant depending on K = A/B and code gives the equation for Y as
5.7169K 2 log K
Y 0.66845 /(K 1) (13.1)
K 2 1
Table 13.3 illustrates the detailed calculations of stresses and rigidity check for the
loose flange.
196 Design of Pressure Vessels
TABLE 13.3
Calculation of Stresses in the Loose Flange without Hub Figure 13.2
Data: units: N, mm, MPa; pressure = 1, temp. = 225°C, mat. SA-226,
Bolt data Bolt spacing
a 24 Nominal diameter of bolt R 36.51 ID to BCD, (C-B)/2
n 72 Number of bolts E 28.58 BCD to OD, (A-C)/2
AO 312.75 Min root area of bolt PC 91.8 Bolt pitch min = 2a + 6 = 54,
Gasket data: type - flat metallic graphite filled max = 2a + 6t(m + 0.5) = 316
m 3.75 S-allowed stresses, E-Young’s modulus
y 62 Gasket seating load operating.o Ambient.a, f-flange, b-bolt
N 19 Gasket contact width Sf 137 138
b 7.71 Eff. Gasket seating width Sb 172 172
= min(N/2,2.5√[N/2] E 185000 202000
Flange data
D 2000 Pipe inside diameter C 2106 BCD = B + 2R +10
T 10 Pipe thickness A 2163 Flange OD = C + 2E
t 190 Flange minimum thick Rf 2070 Raised face OD = C – a – 12
B 2023 Flange ID = D + 2T + 3 GO 2067 gasket OD = Rf – 3
Bolt load, bolt area, Forces and moments
G 2052 Gasket reaction diameter = Go – 2b
HP 372481 Contact load on gasket surface = π G 2b P m
H 3305762 Total. hydrostatic end force = π/4 G2 P
Wmo 3079178 minimum operating bolt load = H + Hp
Wma 3678243 Minimum gasket seating bolt load = π G b y
Am 21385 Total required area of bolts, max(Wma/Sb, WmO/Sa)
Ab 22518 Total provided area of bolts = AO n
W 3873071 flange design bolt load, seating, 0.5(Ab + Am) Sa, for max Ab Sa
Hg 372481 gasket seating load, Wma – H
Hd 3214272 hydro static end force on area inside of flange, π/4 B2 P
Ht 91490 Pressure force on flange face, H – Hd
hg 27.2 Radial distance from BCD to the circle on which load Hg act = (C − G)/2
hd 41.5 Radial distance from BCD to the circle on which load Hd act = (C – B)/2
ht 34.4 Radial distance from BCD to the circle on which load Ht act = {hd + hg)/2
MO 146 KNm Total moment in operation = Mg + Md + Mt = Hg hg + Hd hd + Ht ht
Ma 105 KNm Total moment for gasket seating, W hg
[0.668 + 5.72{K2LOG(K)} – 1]/(K – 1)
K 1.0692 K = A/B Flange constant Y 28.83
Operating Seating Stresses induced in loose flange w/o hub
St 57.9 41.6 Tangential flange = Y(MO, Ma)/(B t2), allowed = Sf
BS 163 136 Bolt stress = {Wmo, Wma}/Ab, allowed = {SbO, Sba}
J 0.945 0.679 Rigidity = 109.4(MO, Ma)/[E t3 0.2LN(K)] < 1
Analysis of the integral flange is more complicated due to the discontinuity at pipe
to hub, hub to flange ring, and resistance of pipe size and thickness. However, the
compilation procedure is the same as that for the loose flange except the constants
depend on B, go, and g1 in addition to K. Furthermore, max stress may be radial or
tangential in the flange, and longitudinal stress in the hub also is to be checked. Ref. 2
gives integration analysis and derives similar equations to those for the loose flange.
Unlike the loose flange, stresses in the integral flange include longitudinal stress in the
hub and radial stress in the flange apart from tangential stress in the flange and are
given as proportional to M/(B t2) for the flange and M/(B g12) for the hub. Constants are
given in the code and Ref. 2. Table 13.4 illustrates the detailed calculations of stresses
Flanges 197
TABLE 13.4
Calculation of Stresses in the Integral Flange and Loose Flange with hub Figure 13.2
Data: units: N, mm, MPa UOS; pressure = 1, temp. = 225°C, mat. SA-226, flange thickness = 150
Bolt data Bolt spacing
a 24 Nominal diameter of bolt R 36.51 ID to BCD, (C-B)/2
n 72 Number of bolts E 28.58 BCD to OD, (A-C)/2
AO 312.75 Min root area of bolt PC 91.8 Bolt pitch min = 2a + 6 = 54,
Gasket data: type - flat metallic graphite filled max = 2a + 6t(m + 0.5) = 316
m 3.75 S-allowed stresses, E-Young’s modulus
y 62 Gasket seating load Operating.o Ambient.a, f-flange, b-bolt
N 19 Gasket contact width Sf 137 138
b 7.71 Eff. Gasket seating width Sb 172 172
= min(N/2,2.5√[N/2] E 185000202000
Flange data
B 2000 Flange inside diameter C 2106 BCD = B + 2(g1+R)
gO 10 Hub thickness at small end A 2163 Flange OD = C + 2E
g1 15 Hub thickness at large end Rf 2070 Raised face OD = C – a – 9
h 15 Hub length ≥ 1.5 gO GO 2067 Gasket OD = Rf – 3
Bolt load, bolt area, Forces and moments
G 2052 Gasket reaction diameter = Go – 2b
HP 372481 Contact load on gasket surface = π G 2b P m
H 3305762 Total. hydrostatic end force = π/4 G2 P
Wmo 3079178 Minimum operating bolt load = H + Hp
Wma 3678243 Minimum gasket seating bolt load = π G b y
Am 21385 Total required area of bolts, max(Wma/Sb, WmO/Sa)
Ab 22518 Total provided area of bolts = π/4(root dia)2 n
W 4948956 Flange design bolt load, seating, 0.5(Ab + Am) Sa, for max Ab Sa
Hg 372481 Gasket seating load, Wma – H
Hd 3141600 Hydro static end force on area inside of flange, π/4 B2 P
Ht 164162 Pressure force on flange face, H – Hd
hg 27.2 Radial distance from BCD to the circle on which load Hg act = (C − G)/2
hd 45.5 Radial distance from BCD to the circle on which load Hd act = (C – B – g1)/2
ht 40.1 Radial distance from BCD to the circle on which load Ht act = [(C – B)/2 + hg]/2
MO 160 KNm Total moment in operation = Mg + Md + Mt = Hg hg + Hd hd + Ht ht
Ma 105 KNm Total moment for gasket seating, W hg
Flange factors for integral or loose with hub
Xg 1.5 g1/go T 1.878 [K2{1 + 8.55LOG(K)} – 1]/[(1.05 +
1.94K2)(K – 1)]
hO 141.4 √(B*go) F 0.904 Figure 2.7.2 for integral, 2.7.4 for loose
of code
Xh 0.106 h/ho U 27.01 [K2{1 + 8.55LOG(K)} – 1]/[1.36(K2
– 1)(K – 1)]
K 1.0815 K = A/B V 0.468 Figure 2.7.3 for integral, 2.7.5 for loose
of code
Z 12.79 (K2 + 1)/(K2 – 1) d 8.16E5 U hO gO2/V
L 5.181 (t e + 1)/T + t3/d Y 24.66 [0.668 + 5.72K2 LOG(K)/(K2 – 1)]/(K – 1)
e 0.00639 F/ho in 1/mm f 1.824 Figure 2.7.6 of code for integral, 1 for
loose flange
Stresses induced
Operating Seating condition
Sh 124.9 82.44 Longitudinal hub = (f/L){MO, Ma}/(B g12), all = 1.5Sf
Sr 1.558 1.028 Radial flange = {MO, Ma}/(B t2) (1.33t e +1)/L, all = Sf
St 67.57 44.59 Tangential flange = {MO, Ma}/(B t2)Y – Z Sr, all = Sf
Sa 96.24 63.52 Average flange = [Sh + max(Sr, St)]/2, all = Sf
BS 163.3 137 Bolt stress = {Wm1, Wm2}/Ab, all = {Sb, Sa}
J 0.959 0.58 Flange.rigidity.index = 52.14V(MO, Ma)/[L(EO, Ea)gO2 k hO]
k = 0.3 for integral, 0.2 for loose
198 Design of Pressure Vessels
and rigidity check for the integral flange using the same data of example of Table 13.3
for the benefit of comparison. Except B, Hd, Ht, hd, ht, and Mo, for flange factors and
stresses, all data and calculations are the same. Using the integral flange instead of
loose flange, the thickness required for the flange is reduced from 190 to 150 mm.
Analysis of the loose flange with the hub is the same as the integral flange except
flange factors F, V, and f. The values of F and V increase, and that of f will reduce.
The effect of F will increase stresses and reduce rigidity, that of V reduces stresses
and increases rigidity, and that of f decreases stresses. Generally, the effect is nega-
tive as the hub to pipe joint is not integral. The constants F, V, and f can be read from
graphs in the code.
Hr = M o /hr
13.4.3 Ring-type Joints
Ring-type joints are used for high pressures with soft iron or steel oval or octagon
ring gaskets (R type). Gaskets will have a low width and higher height. The grooves
in both mating flanges in which the ring gasket seats will be self-confining as required
for high pressures. The analysis is the same as the integral flange except m and y
values, which are much higher, m = 6.5 and y = 179 MPa.
13.4.4 Lap Flange
A lap flange is a flat plate circular ring welded to the companion flange at the outer
edge. Two loads are acting on it. First, (F1) force per unit circumference at its inner
edge due to pressure in the pipe and second, pressure load on the flange surface
(area of ring between OD and ID of flange) as shown in Figure 13.4. The calcula-
tion of moments and stresses is based on flat plate theory for the circular ring given
in 10.4.2.
Flanges 199
Lap flanges are used for large sizes and low pressures to reduce the cost and flexibil-
ity of alignment and re-welding. The flange width shall be taken minimum as possible
(50-75mm) to reduce thickness. Weld throat shall be adequate to resist tensile load due
to pressure over area to radius Ro. Companion flange OD shall be more than Ro to
accommodate fillet weld. Both flanges can be welded inside if access is available.
13.4.5 Blind Flange
Blind flange analysis is the same as that for the loose flange except the central portion
is subjected to pressure the effect of which is added stress equation. The stresses are
derived below:
M a /z 6 / M a / (G t 2 ) 1.91 M a / G t 2 (13.2)
Operating condition: Apart from the above equation with Mo replacing Ma,
additional stress is induced due to the pressure acting on blind flange up to
diameter G. Tangential stress can be calculated from flat plate theory assum-
ing the boundary condition. However, the boundary is neither fixed nor SS,
and stress is approximately equal to
0.3P(G/t)2. Therefore, adding both tangential stresses is
1.91 M a / G t 2 0.33P(G /t )2
13.4.6 Rectangular Flange
Rectangular flanges are used normally for low pressures and slip on type similar to
the loose circular flange without a hub and with or without the raised face. Their
cross-section is the same as that of the circular flange. Normally, non-metallic
200 Design of Pressure Vessels
gaskets with low compressive strength (y value) are used. Analysis is based on flat
plate theory. The pressure effect (force) is in two directions, normal to flange face
and tangential.
• Gasket nominal width can be full face or any width up to bolt without raised
face or up to raised face. The max gasket width other than full face from B to
bolt gives a theoretical gasket reaction at a distance (C – d/2 – B)/2 from C.
Practically it is less, and the effective gasket width is very less depending on
the type of gasket. Ref. 4 prescribes 20mm as the effective width b and gasket
force considered as acts at distance hg from C, hg = fg(C – B)/4 omitting the
effect of bolt size, fg (≥1) is the geometrical correction factor depending on the
max gasket width for partial gaskets. For gaskets beyond the bolt circle (full
face), fg is not applicable and taken as one.
t Pc
Fg Fp
Mp + Mg
Fixed C
B Fba
A C go Ma
C a3
• The effect of pressure force is the same as that of the circular flange; however,
it can be considered as single force with pressure up to the bolt center and acts
at about the mean thickness of duct.
• Beam theory can be used because the flange width is very small compared to
the duct dimension.
• Stresses are the same in all ligaments so that analysis is limited to one ligament
or for one bolt provided the pitch is constant.
• Bolt size (d) is advised min 20 mm, and pitch shall be optimum for the quantity
of bolts and flange thickness.
The forces and moments in operating and seating conditions are derived below
with the above considerations.
Considering the rectangular flange as a flat beam of width equal to pitch of bolts
in both operating and seating conditions, stress analysis is simple with insignificant
e2 = (A – B + T/2)/4
a3 = (Go – B)/4
Z = (PC – D)t2/6 for operating and Pc t2/6 for seating
PC = pitch of bolts
D = diameter of bolt holes
Equations for geometric correction factors fP and fg are taken from Ref. 4.
Example 13.1: Calculate flange stresses for design data: pressure 0.1
MPa, temperature 250°C, rectangular duct 2000 × 1500 inside, 10
thick, SA-516 Gr.70, allowed stress 138 MPa in both conditions, 122 ×
M24 bolts SA-193 B7 allowed stress 172 MPa at both conditions, and
soft gasket with 20MPa compressive strength. Units are in mm and N.
Symbols as shown in Figure 13.5
13.4.7 Standard Flanges
A standard flange is predesigned, and several countries have their own standards for
flanges; however, the widely used one is the American Standard. ASME B16.5 pro-
vides all the required details for sizes up to NPS 24” and B16.47 for sizes from NPS
Flanges are classified by size and class. The class is number, and its value is
approximately equal to pressure in psi. The standardization (design) is based on all
the other related parts like gasket, bolts etc., and materials are used as given in the
The classes in B16.5 are: 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, and 1500 up to 24”; 2500 up to 12”.
The class is selected from rating tables for the material, pressure, and temperature
available in standard. Pressure, temperature, and class can be calculated by the fol-
lowing equations
For 150 class
The classes in B16.47 are 75, 150, 300, 400, 600, and 900 A & B series.
In A series, the bolt size is higher and OD of flange is more over B series, B series
are compact. Pressure, temperature, and class can be calculated using the following
Class 75
Class 150
Class >150
Class = 8750 P/S
13.4.8 Other Flanges
Noncircular flange with a circular bore: The outside diameter A for a noncir-
cular flange with a circular bore shall be taken as the diameter of the largest
circle, concentric with the bore, inscribed entirely within the outside edges
of the flange. Bolt loads and moments, as well as stresses, are then calcu-
lated as per circular flanges, using a bolt circle drawn through the centers of
the outermost bolt holes. For external pressure the same as integral except
MO H d (hd hg ) H t (ht hg )
Reverse flange: Reverse flanges are reducing with a larger flange bolt circle
inside and less than outside diameter of the shell. They are used in special
applications and under external pressure. The analysis is covered in code.
High pressure flanges: These are used for very high pressures for equipments
such as feed water heaters, and pressure will give seating force.
1 Code ASME S VIII D 1, 2019.
2 Process equipment design, L. E. Brownell & E. H. Young.
3 Formulas for stress and strain, Raymond J. Roark & Warren C. Young, 5th edition.
4 Heat Exchanger Institute standard.
14 Vibration
Vibration in pressure vessels is mainly in tubes, tube banks, rectangular enclosures to
tube banks, and rectangular ducts. These vibrations are flow induced, either inside
flow of fluids or outside. The vibration subject starts with natural frequency (fn).
Natural frequency of any element is the measure of its resistance to vibration and is
given by Eq. 14.1. Minimum natural frequency advised is about 2.5 to 3 to prevent
g /y
2π (14.1)
y = deflection of the element simply under its self-weight
g = gravitational constant = 9.81 m/s2 or 32 fps2
• Beam element
• Plate element
Others such as the three-dimensional element and whole equipment are compli-
cated to analyze analytically and require CFD (computational fluid dynamics).
Thus, element is a body or part of any equipment, which can be isolated from
rest of the equipment with well-defined boundaries whose fn can be calculated by
mathematical equations. Part of any piping system between two adjacent supports,
a tube of shell and tube exchanger between tube sheets, a stiffened flat plate or part
of it enclosed by stiffeners, or any part of equipment with clear boundary condi-
tions which can be isolated to arrive at its free body diagram are examples of
Types of vibrations are vortex shedding, buffeting, and acoustic. Fluid flowing
past any element induces frequency which coincides with natural frequency of any
mode, the amplitude multiplies, and the element vibrates.
206 Design of Pressure Vessels
1. Vibration of element due to large amplitude has impact on tubes against each
other or the end tube with the vessel wall.
2. Wear of the tube and tube holes in baffles and tube sheets.
3. Vibrating element fails by fatigue.
4. Process performance is affected.
The lowest frequency of an element is called fundamental or the 1st mode and
involves deflection of elements at its middle point. The 2nd mode frequency is
higher and involves deflection at two points and so on. For equipment with several
elements, the most flexible element will have lowest fn and is more prone to vibra-
tion. The 2nd mode frequency can be in the same element at other points or in other
elements. fn depends on deflection y which can be calculated from the loading dia-
gram. Apart from self-weight, other factors such as weight of fluid inside, weight
fluid displaced by element, and hydrodynamic mass contribute wherever applica-
ble. If the element is in tension, its effect is added to Eq. 14.1, by multiplying factor
(A). Outer tube bend fn is lower than inner. These effects and computation of fn of
some normal elements of pressure vessels are given in the following sections.
Example 14.2: Same data as example 14.1, except fluid in the tube
side is water and that in the shell side is gas, and no tension in tube.
A = 1 as F = 0, because no tension
Wi = 0.25 πdi2 ρt = 0.00115 kg/mm
Wd = 0.25 πd2 ρs =1.13E-6 kg/mm
H = WdCm = 1.44E-6
Wo = Wt+Wi+H = 0.00461+0.00115 = 0.00576 kg/mm
y= 5WoL4/384EI = 5*0.00576*6000^4/(384*19000*162106) = 31.5 mm
fn = A√[g/y]/2π = 1/6.28*√(9810/31.5) = 2.81 cycles/sec
Since the natural frequency is less than three, the tube may be prone to vibration.
208 Design of Pressure Vessels
• Vortex frequency fv
• Buffeting frequency fb
• Acoustic frequency fa
1.2fn, peak at fn. When fv or fb crosses 1.2fn, vibration will not be felt until frequency
increases nearer to fn of second mode. Flow-induced vibration in tubes will cause
vibration in enclosed casing if its natural frequency is close. Computation of flow-
induced frequencies for tubes of the tube bundle is given in the following sections.
14.6.1 Vortex Frequency
Vortex shedding is a phenomenon, when the fluid flows across a structural member
such as tube, vortices are shed alternately from one side to the other, as alternating
low-pressure zones are generated on the downstream of the structure, giving rise to a
fluctuating force acting at right angles to the flow direction. The Strouhal Number (S)
is a measure of the ratio of the inertial forces due to the unsteadiness of the flow or
local acceleration to the inertial forces due to changes in velocity from one point to
another in the flow field. S depends on the pattern of tubes (inline or staggered or
otherwise) and cross or longitudinal pitch. S for tubes in tube bank can be read from
Table 14.1 (ref: TEMA). Vortices are formed when fluid flows in any conduit when-
ever gross discontinuities are encountered in its flow path. If the induced frequency
is close to the fn of the conduit wall local to vortices, the wall vibrates. The elements
of such conduits shall be stiffened, and the parts transferring the load to the support
shall be stiff enough to obtain large fn. Furthermore, discontinuities shall be mini-
mized using the following precautions:
1. Increase or decrease of the cross section where required shall be gradual and
divergence or convergence shall not be more than 30°. If it is not possible, either
velocity shall be minimum level or guide vanes shall be provided. Guide vanes
if provided shall not obstruct flow and shall have fn not less than that of conduit.
TABLE 14.1
Strouhal’s Number
Xt xl Inline Staggered
1.3 1.25 0.42 0.4
1.5 0.25 *
2 0.15 0.21
2.5 0.12 0.15
3 0.05 0.1
1.5 1.25 0.46 0.6
1.5 0.3 *
2 0.2 0.42
2.5 0.15 0.3
3 0.09 0.16
2 1.25 * 0.8
2 0.27 0.64
2.5 0.19 0.5
3 0.14 0.29
2.5 2.5 0.23 0.45
3 0.16 0.3
3 3 0.18 2.8
210 Design of Pressure Vessels
2. When direction flow takes turn, provide the bend radius at least inner side.
3. Provide minimum straight length of 2.5 times the tube diameter at entrance
and exit of fluid flowing across tube bundle.
4. Limit turbulence velocity of flow of gases at NTP to 300 kg/m.s2 (ρ V2)
fV = S V / d
V = velocity of fluid
d = outside diameter of the tube
S = Strouhal’s number (Table 14.1)
14.6.2 Buffeting Frequency
A random turbulence can excite tubes into vibration at their natural frequency by
selectively extracting energy from a highly turbulent flow of fluid across the bundle.
Turbulent buffeting is a low-amplitude vibration response of the tube bundle below a
certain critical velocity of fluid. Its frequency in the tube bank is given by the equa-
tion (ref: TEMA).
pL and pt are longitudinal and transverse pitch of tube bundle arrangement
xL = pL/d and xt = pt/d.
14.6.3 Acoustic Frequency
Notation as per example 14.1
Acoustic resonance is due to gas column oscillation and is created by phase vortex
shedding vibration. Acoustic frequency fa can be calculated using the equation (ref:
V 12.3 of TEMA)
fa (K/w) n Tg
n = mode number
Tg = temperature of fluid in °K
K = 10.04 if w is the width of the duct in m, 32 if w is in feet
Vibration 211
Acoustic resonance is possible under the following four conditions (ref: TEMA)
The audible range is 500–2500 Hz, 0.1–120 dB, sounds above 90 dB are damag-
ing and dangerous above 120 dB. The energy (E) equivalent of 120 dB is 1 W/m² and
for any other dB
E(dB) = 10 k
k = (dB–120)/10
E at 80 dB = 10^[(80−120)/10] = 10E-4 W/m²
TEMA: Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Assn. standard.
15 Expansion Joints
214 Design of Pressure Vessels
3. Rectangle and circular: Normally, it has the same shape as the conduit. A
square can be used for a circular conduit for low pressure.
4. Single or multiple convolutions: Single is advisable, if not possible to meet
required movements multiple is used.
5. Single or multiple plies: Multiple plies of total thickness of single ply give
the same membrane stress, not favorable to bending stress and stabilities
Expansion Joints 215
but give more flexibility (capacity of movements). They are used where
inner ply of stainless steel for corrosion resistance is the requirement and
for large movements with low pressure. Due to complexity of making, they
are not used normally.
The following types of convolutions are normally used.
1. Flat rectangular
2. U-type rectangular
3. Flat circular
4. U-type circular
5. Toroidal (torus)
V-shaped convolutions can be used but normally the half angle shall be limited to
15° to avoid compressive stress due to movement forces in length BC. Construction
of flat and U-type bellows is shown in Figure 15.2.
Convolution of each type is divided into convenient elements for the purpose of
analysis. The element types are plate or beam, shell, curved, and torus.
The following stresses are induced due to pressure and deflection (expansion or
contraction) loads, and analysis involves stability, axial stiffness, and fatigue life of
Notation, see also Table 15.1 and example 15.1 and Figure 15.3
q = convolution pitch 4R, (if i/s and o/s are not the same, difference shall be
t = convolution thickness, multiply with n if multiple plies are used
N = number of convolutions, N q ≤ 3Db
w = convolution width = b + 2Rm ≤ Db/3 for validity of instability equations Psi
and Psc
Rm = mean bend radius of U-type convolution
A = cross-sectional area of convolution = developed length of convolution x t
Dm = bellow mean diameter for circular = Db + w + n t
216 Design of Pressure Vessels
b w
e N e
t t
not be same for end and intermediate convolutions and are to be calculated sepa-
rately. For rectangular bellows, tangent is fully supported and N = 1, σ7 = 0
σ8 a = = ( P L N q)L /12 ) / (2 I /w) = P N q L2 w /(24 I ) (15.2)
12 Z
where I = moment of inertia can be computed for the plain bellow by dividing into
three-rectangular elements and by integration for U-shaped as explained in 3.1.9.
EJMA gives the equation for the U-type bellow as
t (w − 2 R)0.25 4(w − 2 R)2 + (q − 4 R)2
K S = 0.5N w } /I (15.4)
+ πR t (w − 0.7268 R)
Applicable stress σ8 = σ8a if it is ≤1.33KS S else σ8 = σ8b
Allowed combined membrane and bending stress is given by
( )
σ9 = M /Z = ( P w 2 /8) / t 2 / 6 = 0.75P(w /t )2
σ4 =
( )
= 0.0247 P w 2 / t 2 / 6 = 0.1482(w /t )2
P r Dm − r
σ3 =
t Dm − 2r
and as long as the max stress is within ultimate tensile strength (UTS), the bellow
will not fail but fail only after reaching its fatigue life cycles.
For Ls/w >10, Kb is obtained by testing. Suffixes L and s are for longer and
smaller sides of bellows.
3. Flat circular: the applicable element is BC being a flat circular ring, max
moment at inner point B and stress σe can be calculated considering C fixed
and B guided by the following equations from (case 1f, of Table 24 of Ref. 3)
w = ( yb D)/ k yb a 3 )
M b = kmb w a = (kmb / K yb ) yb D /a 2 )
σe = 6 M b /t 2 = 6 yb D (kmb /K yb ) /(a t )2
where yb = e, a = Ra = (L + w)/2, and Kmb and Kyb are constants given in the
above reference for the ratio of radius at B and C.
4. U-type circular: the applicable element is AB + BC + CO. Code equations for
membrane (σ5) and bending (σ6) are
E t 2p e 5E t 2p e
σ5 = , and σ 6 =
2w3C f 3w 2Cd
where Cf and Cd are coefficients depending on Dm, R, w, and tp (tp is defined in
example 15.1) and can be read from Figure 26.5 and 6 of the code against C1 =
2R/w and C2 = 1.82 R / Dm t p .
Allowed no of fatigue cycles
N = if k f < 448 MPa, 46200/(k f − 211) , else [35850(k f − 264)]2 (15.5)
220 Design of Pressure Vessels
In customary units = if kf < 65000 psi, [6.7E6/(kf – 30600)]2, else [5.2E6 (kf –
38300)]2 where
Total stress range σt = 0.7(σ3+σ4)+ σ5 + σ6
Stress factor kf = σt Ea/Et where Ea and Et are at ambient and temperature
π n Dm E t
Spring constant K b = (15.6)
2(1 − v 2 ) N C f w
5. Toroidal: The code gives the following equations for membrane σ5 and bending
σ6 stresses in convolution
σ5 = E t 2p B1e /(34.3r 3 )
σ6 = E t p B2e /(5.72r 2 )
Fatigue life equation is the same as for the U-type circular bellow except σt =
3σ3 + σ5+ σ6
B1 = 1.00404 + 0.028725C3 + 0.18961c32 – 5.826e-5C33/[1 + 0.14069C3
– 5.2319e-3c32 – 2.9867e-5c33 – 6.2088e-6C34]
B2 = 1 if C3 ≤ 5, 0.049198-0.77774c3 – 0.13013c32 + .080371c33/[1 –
2.81257c3 + 0.63815c32 + 6.405e-5c33]
C3 = 3Dm/[N(N q + x)y]
x, y are axial and lateral displacements.
B3 = 0.99916 – 0.091665c3 + 0.040635c32 – 3.8483c33 + 1.33692c34/
[1 – 0.1527c3 + 0.013446c32 – 6.2424e-5c33 + 1.4374e-5c34]
Values of constants Cp, Cf, and Cd from graphs for values of C1 and C2
C1 = 2Rm/w = 0.333, (≤ 1)
C2 = 0.984 (0 to 4)
Dmt p
Cp =0.546, Cf = 1.176, Cd = 1.547
Stresses due to pressure, allowed membrane stress = S
σct = End tangent circumferential membrane stress
= P(Db + n t)² Lt Eb k/[2{n t DbLt(Db + n t) + tC k EC LC DC}] = 5.47
σcc = Collar circ membrane stress
{ }
= PDC2 Lt Ec k / 2 nt Eb Lt (Db + nt ) + tC k EC LC DC no collar
σce = End tangent circumferential membrane stress
= P(Db + n t) ² Lt Eb k/[2{n t Eb Lt(Db + n t) + tC k EC LC DC}] = 2.5
σci = Intermediate convolution circumferential membrane stress
= P Dm q/(2A) =1.86
σ3 = Meridian membrane stress = P w/(2n tp) = 0.883
σ4 = Meridian bending stress = (w/tp)² Cp P/(2n) = 38.8
Km = Factor (1.5-3 for SS, 1.5 for CS) for formed, 1.5 for annealed below
= 1.5
σ34 = Meridian membrane + bending stress σ3 + σ4 = 40.66 ≤ km S (165)
Table 15.1 gives Illustrative example for analysis of rectangular U-type bellow.
Expansion Joints 223
Table 15.1
Stresses in the unstiffened U-type rectangular bellow
Data: units: N, mm, MPa; P = 0.05, temp. = 175°, mat. SS, b = 100, R = 25, S = 110, E at 175 =
184278, E at ambient = 199000, b = 100, R = 25, q = 100, N = 2, w = b + 2R = 150, t = 2, Ca = 2
For medium and high pressures, optimum thickness may not be sufficient for unrein-
forced bellows. Increasing thickness will reduce expansion capacity and fatigue life.
Reinforcing the bellow will overcome above as well as the thickness can be reduced.
Reinforcing is performed by rings or equalizing rings. Rings will resist circumferen-
tial bending stress but not meridian. Equalizing ring will resist both. Figure 15.5
shows the reinforced bellow.
Notations: same as for the unreinforced bellow as in example 15.1 and Figure 15.5
plus the following
The code gives other analyses, and extracts are given below. Allowed stresses are
the same as for unreinforced bellows.
Expansion movements are three types: axial, lateral, and angular and given below for
circular bellows as shown in Figure 15.6. The figure shows mostly straight mean
lines for clarity ignoring local deformations and 90° at all corners. Movements can
be applied to rectangular bellows as well as U-type bellows.
q e
15.4.1 Axial
When the ends of the bellows are subjected to an axial displacement x (Figure 15.5a),
inner periphery of lateral part deflects. The equivalent axial displacement per convo-
lution is given by
e x = x /N
x = positive for extension (x > 0) = negative for compression (x < 0). The corre-
sponding axial force FX applied to the ends of the bellows is given by
Fx = K b x
Kb = elastic spring rate of the bellow
15.4.2 Angular Rotation
When the ends of the bellows are subjected to an angular rotation (θ) in radians with
radius of curvature (R) as shown in Figure 15.5b, outer convolutions will extend and
inner compress. The equivalent axial displacement per convolution (eθ) is derived as
Angle between consecutive convolution α = θ/N
Pitch of convolution q at axis remains the same (R α) but increases at mean outer
convolution to (R + Dm/2)α. Reverse is at inner convolutions. The difference is the
average displacement of one convolution at mean bellow diameter Dm is equal to
(R + Dm /2)α − Rα = (α Dm /2)
Maximum displacement at bottom is twice that at mean and that of each side is half
of maximum. Thus, eθ is given by
eθ = Dm θ /(2 N ) (15.7)
M θ = K b Dm2 θ /8
15.4.3 Lateral Displacement
When the ends of the bellows are subjected to a lateral displacement y, half convolu-
tions rotate in one direction and other half in reverse direction so as to bring the axis
parallel to the undeflected axis as shown in Figure 15.5c. It is similar to the guided
cantilever shown in Figure 9.1 and induces lateral force FY and moment MY. By
geometry, the angle of rotation (α) of half bellow under extension or compression is
given by Eq. 15.8
(1- cos α)/sin α = (y/2)/(N q/2) = y/(N q) (15.8)
Similar to Eq. 15.7
e y = (Dm /2) α /(N/2) = Dm α /N (15.9)
The code gives the following equation which is approximately equal to Eq. 15.10
3Dm y
ey = (15.10)
N ( N q + x)
The corresponding lateral force FY and My at the ends of the bellows are given by
3K b Dm2 y
Fy =
2( N q + x )2
3K b Dm2 y
My =
2( N q + x )2
e = ex + ey + eθ
c = ex − ey − eθ
The above equations are applicable for the rectangular bellow except the Dm replaced
by L (equivalent Dm) for calculating e or c.
228 Design of Pressure Vessels
15.4.5 Cold Pull
Cold pull is intentionally provided in compressed or extended position opposite to the
actual movement to allow higher total movement for given convolution geometry. If
the actual movement is compression c, the bellow is installed by stretching c/2, thus
moves from +c/2 to –c/2. The bellow will operate between equal and opposite stresses
if in the elastic range. In the plastic range, it yields in either position and will operate
between opposite stresses but may not be equal. In either case or cold pull is applied
or not, the stress range between idle and operating conditions remains the same.
Vibrations in bellows are flow induced. Fluid flow is internal like in pipes or external
in special cases in heat exchangers and due to wind over piping.
15.6.1 Internal Flow
When turbulent flow was generated, within the bellow or originating upstream of the
bellow due to high flow velocity, it may induce vibration. Internal sleeves are used to
reduce the vibration. Normally, vibration for internal flow is not noticed when veloc-
ity is limited as given below.
For sizes up to 150 mm (6”) diameter: 7.5 m/s (25fps) for gasses (steam),
3.2m/s (10fps) for liquids.
Expansion Joints 229
For sizes > 6”: 1.2 m/s (4fps) per cm (inch) diameter for gasses, 0.6 m/s (2fps)
per cm (inch) diameter for liquids.
Natural frequency (fn) shall be kept <2/3 and >2 times the system frequency to
avoid vibration.
Fn = C kb /w
kb = spring rate
w = weight of the bellow and reinforcement + liquid inside
C = constant depending on no of convolutions
= 8.84 for 1; 9.51, 9.75, 9.75 for 2, 3, 4; and 9.81 for 5 and above in the 1st
mode, for higher modes refer EJMA
Lateral vibration:
Dm kb
fn = C
Lb w
1. Code ASME S VIII D 1, 2019.
2. Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association standard.
3. Roark, R. J. and Young, W. C. Formulas for stress and strain, 5th edition.
A circular rings, 140–143
both edges supported, 141, 141
acts and rules, 2 one edge supported, 142–143
Alapeyron’s theorem, 27 compensation
allowable stresses, 46–48, 47 continuous openings, 93–95, 94
analysis methods, 35 multiple openings, 92–93, 93
authorized inspector, 2 compensation, nozzle openings
angular, 91, 92
B hill side, 90–92, 91
insert, 86, 87
base plate, 161 pad type, 89, 90
circular ring, 166–169, 167 set on, 87, 88
rectangular, 163, 164, 167 tangential, 91, 91
beam formulas, 23–24, 26, 38, 121–123, 138 taper, 88
beam theory, 22, 59, 124, 201 compensation of opening, external pressure, 100
bellow conical parts, external pressure, compensation, 70
cold pull, 228 conical reducer, internal pressure, 51
collar, 220 equivalent cylinder, 51
natural frequency, 229 reinforcement method, 51, 52
spring rate, 218, 222, 226,229 continuous beam, 27–28
tangent, 220 coordinate convention, 13
vibration, 228–229 crown radius, 58
bellow deflection stress, 218–220 cylinder, external pressure
bellow design, factors influence, 228–229 code equations, 66
bellow design, reinforced, 223, 224 collapse coefficient (k), 63, 65
bellow instability, 221 critical length, 64
column, 215, 221–222, 225 critical pressure, 64
in plane, 215, 221–222, 225 strain coincident to Pc (A), 66–67
bellow movements cylindrical parts, pressure stresses
angular rotation, 226 circumferential, 49
axial, 226 longitudinal, 50
lateral displacement, 227 radial, 50
rectangle, 228
bellow pressure stresses, 215–218
Bijlaard’s data, 102
bolted bracket, 161 deflection
boundary condition, 13, 34 Macaulay’s method of integration, 24–25
breathing space, 149 moment area method, 25–26
brittle fracture, 35 strain energy method, 26
design theories, 1, 19
diagonal stay, 150
discontinuity stress, 73
carbon steel (CS), 3, 6, 9 design tips, 81
Castigliano’s theorem, 26–27 general procedure, 74
circular plate, 134, 135 discontinuity stresses, cylindrical to
clamped, 136–137 cone, 78, 78–80
simply supported, 135–136 flat plate, 77
earth quake effective width, 192
American standard, 185, 186 m & y values, 192
Australian & New Zeeland, 184–185 guided cantilever, 114, 115–116
Indian, 180–183 moment area method, 116
UBC, 183–184 gussets, 150
eccentric cone, 70
elastic failure theories, 36–37
elastic theory, 19–21, 35, 38, 64, 74–75, 173 H
ellipsoidal head
heat treatment, 8–10
external pressure, 69
hemi-spherical head
internal pressure, 55
external pressure, 69
equivalent cylinder of cone, 78
internal pressure, 50, 55
expansion joint
Hook’s law, 19
non-metallic fabric type, 213, 214
horn of saddle, 155, 156
external force tensor, 100,102
hydraulic test, 12
Failure analysis, cylindrical shell, 60 impact test, 10–12
fatigue, 48, 61, 73, 83, 118, 137, 206, 213, 220,
fatigue life, 34, 113, 215, 219, 223, 228 K
fibre elongation, 8
flange knuckle radius, 58
blind, 199
full faced, 198
integral, 189–190, 195, 197
lap, 198 Lame’s theory, 49
loose, 189, 195, 196 leg and lug supports, 161
rectangular, 202 lifting arrangement analysis, 175
ring type, 198 lifting lug, 174, 176
standard, 203 ligament efficiency, 93–95
flange analysis loading & unloading, 174
operating condition, 189, 194 loads, 30, 40
seating condition, 189, 193 load combination, 30, 41
flange parameters local stress, spherical shell, external load
circumferential pitch of bolts, 190 hollow attachment, 108–110
selection philosophy, 193 rigid attachment, 108
R & E values, 191 local stresses
rigidity, 194–198 single opening, 84
flat plate margin, IBR, 148 small openings, 84, 95
flat plate theory, 133, 147 local stresses, compensation method, 83–84, 96,
flexibility check piping, code comparison, 118 100
flexure formula, see beam formulas local stresses, cyl. shell, external forces
foundation bolts, 172 cylindrical attachment, 104, 105–106
free body diagram, 17, 23, 35, 115, 134, 163, 205 rectangular attachment, 104
frequency local stresses due to opening, heads, 100
Index 233
stress concentration, 35, 45, 83–84, 95 attachment to shells, tubes and stays, 147
stresses, 30–35 extended as flange, 150
shear, 31–33 flanged, 150
Strouhal Number, 209 flat, 150
surface transport, 177 pressure areas, 148
unsupported portions, 149
tangential direction, 42 V
tangent modulus, 63, 65–66 vibration, 180, 205, 207
thermal stress, analysis bellow, 229
one dimensional, 119 flat plate, 208
single element, 123 structural effect, 206
three dimensional, 121 vortex frequency, 208–210
two dimensional, 119–120 vortex shedding, see vortex frequency
thermal stresses, 48
allowable stress, 118
basics, 114, 119 W
flexibility matrix (K), 121–122
stiffness matrix (S), 121 weld between stiffener and plate,
thermal stresses in piping, simplified analysis, 116 design, 143
tori-conical reducer, 53 weld joint efficiency, 9–10
torispherical head weld strength, shell-nozzle joint, 90, 97–98, 98
external pressure, 69 wind
internal pressure, 58 American standard, 185
toroidal shell, 42, 53, 53, 213, 216, 218, 220 Australian & New Zeeland, 184
transfer of forces, 14 Indian, 179–180
tube bend, 53–54 UBC 183
extrados, 54
intrados, 54
tube sheet, 145–150, 146
analysis, flat, 147 Zick analysis, 152