03 - Proracun Spregnute Medjuspratne Konstrukcije

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Proračun spregnute međuspratne konstrukcije

1. EC5-FLOOR-POS 001

Timber-concrete composite floor

2. General description, assumptions, materials, loads

2.1. Construction type

Composite timber-concrete floor
Timber Class : C24
Concrete class: C25/30
Free span of floor beams : L= 4.000m
Thickness of concrete slab : h1= 80mm
Cross section of floor beams: BxH=160mmx200mm
Spacing between floor beams : 0.900 m

2.2. Design codes

EN1990:2002 Basis of structural design
EN1991-1-1:2002 Actions on structures
EN1995-1-1:2009 Design of timber structures
EN1992-1-1:2004 Concrete structures
EN1994-1-1:2000 Composite steel and concrete structures

2.3. Design methodology

The internal forces are computed at the ends and the middle span of the floor beam,
and the elastic deflections at midspan, for all the load combinations,
according to EC 1 an EC 5. All the checks of Eurocode 5 are performed in
ultimate limit state, (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §6). The deflections are checked in serviceability
limit state, according to EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §7.2. The Eurocode 5 considerations
are taken into account for the check of beam vibrations (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §7.3.3).

Properties of composite concrete-timber section according to:

2.4. Material properties

Characteristic material properties for timber (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §3)
Timber class : C24
Service classes : Class 1, moisture content<=12% (EN1995-1-1, §
fmk = 24.0 MPa, ft0k = 14.0 MPa, ft90k= 0.4 MPa
fc0k= 21.0 MPa, fc90k= 5.3 MPa, fvk = 2.5 MPa
E0m =11000 MPa, E005 = 7400 MPa, E90m = 370 MPa
Gm = 690 MPa, ρk = 350 Kg/m3

Characteristic material properties for concrete (EC2 EN1992-1-1:2004, §3.1)

Concrete class: C25/30, fck=25 N/mm2, fcm=2.60 N/mm2, Ecm=31000 N/mm2
fcd=0.85x25/1.50=14.17 N/mm2, fctmd=0.85x3/1.50=1.47 N/mm2 (EC4 EN1994-1-1:2000, §
Reinforcing steel class: B500B

Characteristic properties of fasteners

Diameter of fastener O=14.0 mm , Tensile strength fu=500 N/mm2
Spacing of fasteners: smin=150 mm (0-L/4, 3L/4-L), smax=450 mm (L/4-3L/4)
sef=0.75x150+0.25x450=225 mm (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §9.1.3(2))

2.5. Distributed floor loads

Floor finishing Ge= 1.200 kN/m2
Self weight of concrete slab Gb= 1.920 kN/m2
Self weight (insulation-beams) Gw= 0.100 kN/m2
Ceiling under floor Gc= 0.150 kN/m2
Sum of permanent loads Ge+Gb+Gw+Gc= Gs= 3.370 kN/m2
Live floor load Qf= 2.000 kN/m2
Pg. 2

2.6. Line load (kN/m) on the floor beams

Permanent load Gk=0.900x 3.370= 3.033 kN/m
Live load Qk=0.900x 2.000= 1.800 kN/m

3. Design strength of fasteners

3.1. Concrete side, (EC4 EN1994-1-1:2000, §

Shear failure, Rd=0.8fu(πd2/4)/γν=49.26 kN (EC4 EN1994-1-1:2000, Eq.6.13)
Localised compression, Rd=0.23d2  (fck.Ecm/γν)=35.50 kN (EC4 EN1994-1-1:2000, Eq.6.14)
d=14.0mm, fu=500N/mm2, fck=25N/mm2, Ecm=31000N/mm2, γν=1.25

3.2. Timber side, (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.8.10.d)

fhk=0.082(1-0.01d)ρk=24.68N/mm2, (ρk=350kg/m3,d=14.0mm) (EN1995-1-1 Eq.8.32)

Myrk=0.30fuk·d^2.6=0.30x500x14.0^2.6=143227 Nmm (fuk=500N/mm2) (EN1995-1-1 Eq.8.30)
Fvrk=2.30  [Myrk·fhk·d]=16.180 kN (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009 Eq.8.10.d)

Load duration classes: Permanent , kmod=0.60 Rd=Kmod·Fvrk/γM=0.60x16.180/1.30=7.468 kN

Load duration classes: Long-term , kmod=0.70 Rd=Kmod·Fvrk/γM=0.70x16.180/1.30=8.712 kN
Load duration classes: Medium-term , kmod=0.80 Rd=Kmod·Fvrk/γM=0.80x16.180/1.30=9.957 kN

4. Ultimate limit state (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §6)

4.1. Composite cross section properties (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009 Annex B)

Effective flange width, b1=2L/8=2x4000/8=1000mm and b1<=900mm. b1=900mm (EN1994-1-1, §2.2.21)
Ku=(2/3)*Kser=(2/3)(ρk)^1.5(d/23)=(2/3)x(350)^1.5x(14/23)=8333 N/mm (Tab. 7.1)
Effective spacing of fastener sef=225 mm

b1=900mm, h1=37mm b2=160mm, h2=200mm

A1=900x37=33300 mm2 A2=160x200=32000 mm2
I1=900x373/12=3.80E+006 mm4 I2=160x2003/12=1.07E+008 mm4
E1=31000 N/mm2 E2=11000 N/mm2
γ1=0.05 γ2=1.00
α1=159.7 mm α2=25.8 mm
EIef=2.97E+012 Nmm2

4.2. Maximum internal beam forces and deflections (L=4.000m)

Dead loads Gk= 3.033kN/m, maxV= 6.07kN, maxM= 6.07kNm, maxΔ= 3.73mm
Live loads Qk= 1.800kN/m, maxV= 3.60kN, maxM= 3.60kNm, maxΔ= 2.21mm

4.3. Design actions (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §6)

Loading [kN/m] Action γg γq ψo

( G) Dead Gk = 3.033 Permanent 1.35 0.00 1.00
( Qf) Live Qk = 1.800 Medium-term 0.00 1.50 0.70

L.C. Load combination Ved Med Duration class kmod V/Kmod M/Kmod
1 γg.G 8.189 8.189 Permanent 0.60 13.648 13.648
2 γg.G + γq.Qf 13.589 13.589 Medium-term 0.80 16.986 16.986
Maximum values 16.986 16.986

Load combination 2, γg.G + γq.Qf (Maximum values)

4.4. Design stresses

Maximum Moment M=13.59 kNm, maximum Shear V=13.59 kN

Concrete side
σc1d= γ1·E1·α1·M/(EI)ef=1.24 N/mm2 (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.3a)
σm1d= 0.5E1·h1·Md/(EI)ef=2.62 N/mm2 (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.3b)
Pg. 3

σcd=1.24+2.62=3.87 N/mm2 < 14.17 N/mm2 (compression)

σtd=2.62-1.24=1.38 N/mm2 < 1.47 N/mm2 (tension)

Timber side
σc2d= γ2·E2·α2·M/(EI)ef=1.29 N/mm2 (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.3a)
σm2d= 0.5E2·h2·Md/(EI)ef=5.03 N/mm2 (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.3b)
τ2max= 1.50 Vd/(b·h)= 0.64 N/mm2 (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.4)

fmd = 0.80x24.00/ 1.30= 14.77 N/mm2

ft0d= 0.80x14.00/ 1.30= 8.62 N/mm2
fvd = 0.80x 2.50/ 1.30= 1.54 N/mm2

σt2d/ftod+σm2d/fmd = 1.29/8.62+5.03/14.77=0.49 < 1.00

τ2max =0.64 N/mm2 < 1.54 N/mm2

4.5. Design of fastener

Spacing of fasteners: smin=150 mm (0-L/4, 3L/4-L), smax=450 mm (L/4-3L/4)
sef=0.75x150+0.25x450=225 mm (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §9.1.3(2))
F1d=γ1·E1·A1·α1·s1·Vd/(EI)ef (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.4)
F1d=0.05x31000x33300x159.75x150.0x13.59/2.97E+012=6.22 kN < 9.96 kN

5. Serviceability limit state (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §2.2.3, §7)

5.1. Composite cross section properties (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009 Annex B)

Effective flange width, b1=2L/8=2x4000/8=1000mm and b1<=900mm. b1=900mm (EN1994-1-1, §2.2.21)
Kser=(ρk)^1.5(d/23)=(350)^1.5x(14/23)=12500 N/mm (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Tab. 7.1)
Effective spacing of fastener sef=225 mm

b1=900mm, h1=37mm b2=160mm, h2=200mm

A1=900x37=33300 mm2 A2=160x200=32000 mm2
I1=900x373/12=3.80E+006 mm4 I2=160x2003/12=1.07E+008 mm4
E1=31000 N/mm2 E2=11000 N/mm2
γ1=0.08 γ2=1.00
α1=150.2 mm α2=35.3 mm
EIef=3.60E+012 Nmm2

5.2. Maximum internal beam forces and deflections (L=4.000m)

Dead loads Gk= 3.033kN/m, maxV= 6.07kN, maxM= 6.07kNm, maxΔ= 3.14mm
Live loads Qk= 1.800kN/m, maxV= 3.60kN, maxM= 3.60kNm, maxΔ= 1.86mm

5.3. Control of deflection in middle of beam span (EC5 §7.2)

Loading [kN/m] u[mm] Action ψ0 ψ1 ψ2 Kdef

( G) Dead Gk = 3.033 3.139 Permanent 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.60
( Qf) Live Qk = 1.800 1.863 Medium-term 0.70 0.50 0.30 0.60

Load combination w.inst w.fin [mm]

1G 3.139 5.023
2 Q1 1.863 2.198
3 G + Q1 5.002 7.221

w.fin,g=w.inst,g(1+kdef), w.fin,q=w.inst,q(1+ψ2·kdef) (EC5 §2.2.3, Eq.2.3, Eq.2.4)

Maximum deflection values

w.inst = 5.002 mm, w.fin = 7.221 mm
Pg. 4

Check according to EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009 §7.2, Tab.7.2

Final deflections
w.inst = 5.002 mm < L/300=4000/300= 13.333 mm
w.net,fin = 7.221 mm < L/250=4000/250= 16.000 mm
w.fin = 7.221 mm < L/150=4000/150= 26.667 mm
The check is satisfied

6. Final state

Final modulus of elasticity for concrete (EC4 EN1994-1-1:2000, §

E1,fin=Ecm/2=31000/2=15500 N/mm2

Final modulus of elasticity for timber (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §

E2,fin=Eo,meam/(1+ψ2·Kdef)=11000/(1+0.50x0.60)=8462 N/mm2
Kser,fin=Kser/(1+ψ2·Kdef)=12500.000/(1+0.50x0.60)=9615.385 N/mm

6.1. Composite cross section properties (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009 Annex B)

Effective flange width, b1=2L/8=2x4000/8=1000mm and b1<=900mm. b1=900mm (EN1994-1-1, §2.2.21)
Ku=(2/3)*Kser=(2/3)x(9615)=6410 N/mm
Effective spacing of fastener sef=225 mm

b1=900mm, h1=37mm b2=160mm, h2=200mm

A1=900x37=33300 mm2 A2=160x200=32000 mm2
I1=900x373/12=3.80E+006 mm4 I2=160x2003/12=1.07E+008 mm4
E1=15500 N/mm2 E2=8462 N/mm2
γ1=0.08 γ2=1.00
α1=160.4 mm α2=25.1 mm
EIef=2.22E+012 Nmm2

6.2. Maximum internal beam forces and deflections (L=4.000m)

Dead loads Gk= 3.033kN/m, maxV= 6.07kN, maxM= 6.07kNm, maxΔ= 4.88mm
Live loads Qk= 1.800kN/m, maxV= 3.60kN, maxM= 3.60kNm, maxΔ= 2.90mm

6.3. Design actions (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §6)

Loading [kN/m] Action γg γq ψo

( G) Dead Gk = 3.033 Permanent 1.35 0.00 1.00
( Qf) Live Qk = 1.800 Medium-term 0.00 1.50 0.70

L.C. Load combination Ved Med Duration class kmod V/Kmod M/Kmod
1 γg.G 8.189 8.189 Permanent 0.60 13.648 13.648
2 γg.G + γq.Qf 13.589 13.589 Medium-term 0.80 16.986 16.986
Maximum values 16.986 16.986

Load combination 2, γg.G + γq.Qf (Maximum values)

6.4. Design stresses

Maximum Moment M=13.59 kNm, maximum Shear V=13.59 kN

Concrete side
σc1d= γ1·E1·α1·M/(EI)ef=1.25 N/mm2 (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.3a)
σm1d= 0.5E1·h1·Md/(EI)ef=1.75 N/mm2 (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.3b)

σcd=1.25+1.75=3.00 N/mm2 < 14.17 N/mm2 (compression)

σtd=1.75-1.25=0.50 N/mm2 < 1.47 N/mm2 (tension)

Timber side
σc2d= γ2·E2·α2·M/(EI)ef=1.30 N/mm2 (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.3a)
σm2d= 0.5E2·h2·Md/(EI)ef=5.17 N/mm2 (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.3b)
τ2max= 1.50 Vd/(b·h)= 0.64 N/mm2 (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.4)
Pg. 5

fmd = 0.80x24.00/ 1.30= 14.77 N/mm2

ft0d= 0.80x14.00/ 1.30= 8.62 N/mm2
fvd = 0.80x 2.50/ 1.30= 1.54 N/mm2

σt2d/ftod+σm2d/fmd = 1.30/8.62+5.17/14.77=0.50 < 1.00

τ2max =0.64 N/mm2 < 1.54 N/mm2

6.5. Design of fastener

Spacing of fasteners: smin=150 mm (0-L/4, 3L/4-L), smax=450 mm (L/4-3L/4)
sef=0.75x150+0.25x450=225 mm (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, §9.1.3(2))
F1d=γ1·E1·A1·α1·s1·Vd/(EI)ef (EC5 EN1995-1-1:2009, Eq.B.4)
F1d=0.08x15500x33300x160.39x150.0x13.59/2.22E+012=6.24 kN < 9.96 kN

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