Staircase Isolated Tread Type

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1 Input Data

Grade of Concrete, fck = 20 N/mm²

Grade of Steel, fy = 250 N/mm²
Dia of Rebar, φ = 10 mm
Riser, R = 150.00 mm
Tread, T = 300.00 mm
Effective Span, Leff = 1.50 m
Width of Stairs, B = 310.00 mm made 10 mm more than tread width so that is a marginal overlap
Depth(Thickness) of stairs, D (assumed) = 150.00 mm
Unit Wt of Concrete = 25 KN/m³
Exposure condition = Mild
Clear cover 20 mm

2 Load on Staircase
Self Weight, Ws = 1.16 KN/m
Floor finishes @ 0.6 KN/m2, Wf = 0.19 KN/m
Total Dead Load, Wu,DL = 2.02 KN/m

3 Live Loads
Alternative I, Wu,LL (UDL)= 5.00 KN/m²
Alternative I, Wu,LL @ 5KN/m2= 2.25 KN/m
Alternative II, Wu,LL (Point Load) = 1.30 KN/m²
Alternative II, Wu,LL @1.3KN = 1.95 KN/m at free end

4 Design Moments
At fixed end, Mu,DL = 2.28 KNm
Mu,LL(I) = 2.53 KNm
Mu,LL(II) = 2.93 KNm
Design Moment, Mu = 5.20 KNm

5 Design of Main Bars

Effective depth, d = 125.00 mm
R = Mu/bd2 1.07 N/mm²
𝑃_𝑡/100=𝐴_𝑠𝑡/𝑏𝑑=𝑓_𝑐𝑘/(2𝑓_𝑦 )
[1−√(1−4.598𝑅/𝑓_𝑐𝑘 )]

Therefore, Ast = 204.83 mm²

No of bars = 3 nos
Ast provided = 235.62 mm²
6 Anchorage Length
Ld 453.13 mm

7 Area of Distributor bars

Astmin = 225.00 mm² IS clause
Dia of distribution bars 8 mm
Spacing of bars, S = 200 mm c/c

8 Check for Shear

Design factored load at support, Vu = 6.41 KN
Percentage tensile reinf., Pt= 0.61 %
Nominal Shear, Tv= 0.17 N/mm²
Shear Strength, Tc'= 0.79 N/mm²
fy Fck phi
250 20 8
415 25 10
500 30 12
35 16
40 20
ead width so that is a marginal overlap
1 Tc(y) 2
x 1 0.61 1.25
y 0.62 0.54161 0.67

x 150 150.00 175
y 1.3 1.3 1.25
Flight 2:
Height of Riser , R = 190.5 mm
Length of Tread, T = 254 mm
Length of going , L = 0.508 m
Length of 1st landing = 0.9906 m
Length of 2nd landing = 0.9906 m
√(R2+T2) = 317.5 mm
= 319 mm(provided)
thickness of main slab = 127 mm
Min Waist slab thickness required, t ≥ 62.44167 mm
= 127 mm(Provided)
Assuming , Clear cover = 20 mm
Dia of the main bars = 12 mm
Effective depth, d ≥ 101 mm
M20 Grade ,Fck = 20 N/mm2
Steel Fe500, Fy = 500 N/mm2
Self-Wt of the concrete = 25 KN/m3
width of staircase = 990.6 mm
Load on Going :
a. Dead load:
self-wt of step = 2.38125 KN/m2
self wt of slab = 3.98 KN/m2
Finishes = 1.25 KN/m2
Total Factored DL = 11.41875 KN/m2
b.Live load :
live load = 3 KN/m2
Factored LL = 4.5 KN/m2
c.Factored load :
Wu = 15.92 KN/m2

Load on Landing:
a. Dead load:
self wt of slab = 3.175 KN/m2
Finishes = 1 KN/m2
Total Factored DL = 6.2625 KN/m2
b.Live load :
live load = 3 KN/m2
Factored LL = 4.5 KN/m2
c.Factored load :
Wu = 10.7625 KN/m2

Load Calculation from DL Load Calculation from LL

Rd1= 9.103995 KN/m Rd1= 5.6007 KN/m
Rd2= 9.103995 KN/m Rd2= 5.6007 KN/m
Design Moment:
Reaction,R2 = 14.70 KN/m
R1 = 14.70 KN/m
max factored moment at S.F=0 section;
x = 1.24 m
Mu = 9.80 KNm/m

Main Reinforcement:
BM = 0.87 * fy * Ast * (d - ( fy * Ast )/(fck * b))
Area required,Ast = 236.94 mm2
Area of 12 dia bars 113.10 mm2
Spacing required = 477.34 mm @c/c

Provide 12 f rods @ 152.4 mm @ c/c

Area Provided = 742.13 mm2>Ast,ok

Area Required , Ast = 0.0012bt (for Fe415)
= 150.96744 mm2/m
Area of 8mm dia bar = 50.27 mm2
Spacing required = 332.99 mm

Provide 8 f rods @ 203.2 mm @ c/c

Area provided = 247.39173228 mm2>Ast,ook

Check Shear:
Vu = 14.70 KN/m
Pt= 0.74 %
Tv= 0.146 Mpa
Tc'= 0.739 Mpa>Tv ok

Deflection check :
L/d provided= 5.030
Service stress (fs) = .58 * fy *(Area of cross section of steel
required )/ (Area of cross section provided)
= 92.589
Modification factor = 1.2
Thus, (L/d) allowable = 24
Flight 3:
Height of Riser , R = 190.5 mm
Length of Tread, T = 254 mm
Length of going , L = 1.524 m
Length of 1st landing = 0.9906 m
Length of 2nd landing = 0.9906 m
√(R2+T2) = 317.5 mm
= 319 mm(provided)
thickness of main slab = 127 mm
Min Waist slab thickness required, t ≥ 104.775 mm
= 127 mm(Provided)
Assuming , Clear cover = 20 mm
Dia of the main bars = 12 mm
Effective depth, d ≥ 101 mm
M20 Grade ,Fck = 20 N/mm2
Steel Fe500, Fy = 500 N/mm2
Self-Wt of the concrete = 25 KN/m3
width of staircase = 990.6 mm
Load on Going :
a. Dead load:
self-wt of step = 2.38125 KN/m2
self wt of slab = 3.98 KN/m2
Finishes = 1.25 KN/m2
Total Factored DL = 11.41875 KN/m2
b.Live load :
live load = 3 KN/m2
Factored LL = 4.5 KN/m2
c.Factored load :
Wu = 15.92 KN/m2

Load on Landing:
a. Dead load:
self wt of slab = 3.175 KN/m2
Finishes = 1 KN/m2
Total Factored DL = 6.2625 KN/m2
b.Live load :
live load = 3 KN/m2
Factored LL = 4.5 KN/m2
c.Factored load :
Wu = 10.7625 KN/m2

Load Calculation from DL Load Calculation from LL

Rd1= 14.90472 KN/m Rd1= 7.8867 KN/m
Rd2= 14.90472 KN/m Rd2= 7.8867 KN/m
Design Moment:
Reaction,R2 = 22.79 KN/m
R1 = 22.79 KN/m
max factored moment at S.F=0 section;
x = 1.75 m
Mu = 21.92 KNm/m

Main Reinforcement:
BM = 0.87 * fy * Ast * (d - ( fy * Ast )/(fck * b))
Area required,Ast = 583.01 mm2
Area of 12 dia bars 113.10 mm2
Spacing required = 193.99 mm @c/c

Provide 12 f rods @ 152.4 mm @ c/c

Area Provided = 742.13 mm2>Ast,ok

Area Required , Ast = 0.0012bt (for Fe415)
= 150.96744 mm2/m
Area of 8mm dia bar = 50.27 mm2
Spacing required = 332.99 mm

Provide 8 f rods @ 203.2 mm @ c/c

Area provided = 247.39173228 mm2>Ast,ook

Check Shear:
Vu = 22.79 KN/m
Pt= 0.74 %
Tv= 0.226 Mpa
Tc'= 0.739 Mpa>Tv ok

Deflection check :
L/d provided= 15.089
Service stress (fs) = .58 * fy *(Area of cross section of steel
required )/ (Area of cross section provided)
= 227.823
Modification factor = 1.2
Thus, (L/d) allowable = 24

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