A Theory of Interpretation in The Realm of Idealism
A Theory of Interpretation in The Realm of Idealism
A Theory of Interpretation in The Realm of Idealism
Law Journal
Volume 5 Article 3
Issue 1 Fall 2006
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Larry A. DiMatteo, A Theory of Interpretation in the Realm of Idealism, 5 DePaul Bus. & Com. L.J. 17
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A Theory of Interpretation in the Realm of Idealism
Larry A. DiMatteo*
6. Llewellyn's theory of interpretation can be surmised from all of his writings and is the
primary subject of this Part. But see Karl N. Llewellyn, Remarks on the Theory of Appellate
Decision and the Rules or Canons about How Statutes are to be Construed, 3 VAND. L. REV. 395,
400 (1950). See generally John M. Breen, Statutory Interpretationand the Lessons of Llewellyn,
33 Loy. L.A. L. REV. 263, 285 (2000).
7. Karl N. Llewellyn, What Price Contract?-An Essay in Perspective, 40 YALE L.J. 704
(1931); Karl N. Llewellyn, The Rule of Law in Our Case-Law of Contract, 47 YALE L.J. 1243
(1938) [hereinafter Rule of Law]; Karl N. Llewellyn, Our Case Law of Contract-Offer and
Acceptance (Part 2), 48 YALE L.J. 779 (1939).
8. See Karl N. Llewellyn, CIF.Contracts in American Law, 32 YALE L.J. 711 (1923); Karl N.
Llewellyn, On Warranty of Quality and Society, 36 COLUM. L. REV. 699 (1936); Karl N. Llewel-
lyn, On Warranty of Quality and Society: 11, 37 COLUM. L. REV. 341 (1937); Karl N. Llewellyn,
Through Title to Contractand A Bit Beyond, 15 N.Y.U. L. 0. REV. 159 (1938); Karl N. Llewel-
lyn, The FirstStruggle to Unhorse Sales, 52 HARV. L. REV. 873 (1939); Karl N. Llewellyn, Across
Sales on Horseback, 52 HARV. L. REV. 725 (1939).
9. See Karl N. Llewellyn, The Theory of Legal "Science", 20 N.C. L. REV. 1 (1942); KARL N.
10. See Karl N. Llewellyn, The Normative, the Legal and the Law-Jobs: The Problem of Juris-
tic Method, 49 YALE L.J. 1355 (1940).
11. Larry A. DiMatteo, Reason and Context: A Dual Track Theory of Interpretation, 109
PENN. STATE L. REV. 397 (2004) [hereinafter Reason and Context].
27. See Reason and Context, supra note 11, at 6-8 and 20-29 (explaining the major tenets of
classical contract law and abstract conceptualism).
28. Classical legal thought refers to the style of judicial reasoning that characterized the pe-
riod from about 1875 to 1940. It has also been labeled as formalism and more pejoratively as
"mechanical jurisprudence." See Roscoe Pound, The Need of a Sociological Jurisprudence, 19
THE GREEN BAG 607 (1907); Roscoe Pound, Mechanical Jurisprudence,8 COLUM. L. REv.605
(1908) [hereinafter Pound, MechanicalJurisprudence];Roscoe Pound, The Scope and Purpose of
Sociological Jurisprudence (pts. 1-3), 24 HARV. L. REV. 591 (1911) and 25 HARV. L. REV. 140
and 489 (1912). Duncan Kennedy in discussing the concept of legal formalism in American law
states: "the critical use of the term formalism, against the abuse of deduction and the fantasy of
gaplessness in legal discourse, is part of the twentieth century battle between those who have
wanted to depoliticize the drama as much as possible, through reason, and those who have seen
it as inevitably a dangerous improvisation." Duncan Kennedy, Legal Formalism 13(Jan. 1, 2001)
(unpublished manuscript, on file with author) [hereinafter Kennedy, Legal Formalism].
Notes on Consideration, 17 HARV. L. REV. 71 (1903).
32. See generally Grant Gilnore, Formalism and the Law of Negotiable Instruments, 13
CREIGHTON L. REV. 441 (1979).
33. See, e.g., Realistic Jurisprudence, supra note 2; Some Realism, supra note 2.
The "early Llewellyn, ' '34 was labeled as a rule skeptic due to his
work as a legal realist. This is misplaced because the notion of the
singing rule 35 and the importance of contextualism 36 in the interpreta-
tion of rules were evidenced in his commercial and contract writings
of the same era. Llewellyn's famous adage of legal indeterminacy,
that for every rule a counterrule 37 needs to be set in context. He be-
lieved that commercial rules, symbolized by the Uniform Sales Act,
had fallen out of step with the times and that because of the purely
deductive nature of judicial reasoning had become indeterminate.
This was the reason he shifted focus from revising the Sales Act to
promoting a further reaching uniform commercial code.
Llewellyn's "legal realist" jurisprudence also needs to be put in the
context of his commercial and contract scholarship. His early work as
a jurisprude, lead to the charge that he was a rule skeptic and an ethi-
cal relativist, or worst a nihilist.39 His commercial and contract schol-
arship work demonstrated his strong belief in the common law system
and the power of rules. He saw indeterminacy as being minimized
through grand-style judging, 40 institutional morality, 41 and craft
skills. 42 His rule skepticism was centered on the closed, fixed paper
rules of the time. His acceptance of the code project demonstrated his
belief that rules could be made to work or, in his case, to sing. The
right kind of rules would be able to overcome the indeterminacy in-
herent in the old abstract, lump-wise rules. 43 His rules would allow
the free flow of commercial-social reality into rule application. In this
way, the rules would be constantly replenished and provide reck-
onability (determinacy).44
The formal application of paper rules was supported by a number of
the tenets of classical legal thought. The tenets, often attacked by the
realists, include the public-private distinction, objective-subjective
theories of contract, fact-law distinction, and the role of formality in
the legal order. These tenets and their critiques are explored in the
following sections.
A. The Public-PrivateDistinction
43. See Karl N. Llewellyn, On Warranty of Quality and Society, 36 COLUM. L. REV. 699
(1936); Karl N. Llewellyn, On Warranty of Quality and Society: 1!, 37 COLUM. L. REV. 341
(1937). These two articles discuss the need to "delump" the caveat emptor doctrine which was
appropriate for the factorage industry of the early and mid-19th Century and the need for im-
plied warranties for distance sales. See also, Karl N. Llewellyn, Through Title to Contract and A
Bit Beyond, 15 N.Y.U. L. Q. REV. 159 (1938); Karl N. Llewellyn, The First Struggle to Unhorse
Sales, 52 HARV. L. REV. 873 (1939); Karl N. Llewellyn, Across Sales on Horseback, 52 HARV. L.
REV. 725 (1939). These articles argued for the need to delump risk of loss form the transfer of
title (separate the risk of loss determination from the exchange of formal title).
44. See COMMON LAW TRADITION, supra note 9, at 178-199 ("Reckonability of Result: The-
ory of Rules").
45. The U.S. Supreme Court had this to say about the distinction between public and private
rights: "It is often convenient to describe particular claims as invoking public or private rights,
and this handy classification is doubtless valid for some purposes. But usually the real signifi-
cance and legal consequence of each term will depend upon its context and the nature of the
interests it is invoked to distinguish." Garner v. Teamsters Union, 346 U.S. 485, 494 (1953). The
public nature of contract law is not a new revelation. The classic treatise writer Frederick Pol-
lock opens his treatise on contract law as follows: "The law of Contract may be described as the
endeavour of the State... to establish a positive sanction for the expectation of good faith which
has grown up in the mutual dealings of men of average right-mindedness." FREDERICK POL-
LOCK, PRINCIPLES OF CONTRACT AT LAW AND EQUITY 1 (6th ed. 1894). See generally Duncan
Kennedy, The Stages of the Decline of the Public/PrivateDistinction, 130 U. PA. L. REV. 1349
(1982) ("loopification of the public/private distinction"); Morton J. Horwitz, The History of the
Public/PrivateDistinction, 130 U. PA. L. REV. 1423, 1424 (1982) ("The emergence of the market
as a central legitimating institution brought the public/private distinction into the core of legal
discourse during the nineteenth century."). From 1905 (Lochner decision) to the 1930's (Realist
movement) legal thinkers "devoted their energies to exposing the conservative ideological foun-
dations of the public/private distinction." Id. at 1426. See, e.g., Hale, Coercion and Distribution,
supra note 25 (all law is coercive with distributional consequences); Morris R. Cohen, The Basis
of Contract,46 HARV. L. REV. 553 (1933); Morris R. Cohen, Property and Sovereignty, 13 COR-
NELL L.Q. 8 (1927).
power. 46 In this classification scheme, contract law was firmly placed
within the core of the private side of the distinction. Under classical
legal thought freedom of contract provided protection against govern-
mental intrusion into this purely private realm. The privatization of
contract law was laid upon the foundation of the will theory of con-
tract. The task of the courts was to simply enforce the will of the
contracting parties. Any judicial intervention in the cause of substan-
tive fairness was to be considered an impermissible substitution of ju-
dicial will for private will.
The will theory's claim that contractual obligation was the sole do-
main of the private sphere led to the transformation of the notion of
intent. The doctrine of implied intent, beginning with Lord Mans-
field, 4 7 was reconstituted from an amalgamation of individual intent,
community morality, and commercial practice to one solely devoted
to the creation of private will. Under pre-classical or Grand Style le-
gal thought "the process of implication of intent [was] based on rea-
sonableness within the context of the basic social-legal
relationships. ' 48 It is here where the affinity of Llewellyn's contextu-
alism for the Grand Style of legal thought is apparent. "Implied intent
permitted the same kind of reference to ideals and usage without the
abandonment of the claim that the obligations imposed had been vol-
untarily assumed. '49 The substitution of the will theory for the pre-
classical notion of intention resulted in the narrowing of implied in-
tent from the implication of reasonableness to the uncovering of abso-
lute will.
In order to establish the will paradigm, contract law had to be puri-
fied of its non-will dimensions. This process of disaggregation 5o began
with the "de-lumping" of implied-in-fact contracts from implied-in-
law. 51 The implied-in-law contracts were spun off into a separate
body of law as confirmed by Keener's 1893 treatise The Law of Quasi-
46. Duncan Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of ClassicalLegal Thought 12-14, 163 (1975) (unpub-
lished manuscript, on file with author) [hereinafter Kennedy, Classical Legal Thought].
47. Id. at 164-65.
48. Id. at 175.
49. Id.
50. Professor Horwitz coins the phrase "desegregation of concepts" in relation to the removal
of quasi-contract from the domain of contract. MORTON J. HORWlTZ, THE TRANSFORMATION OF
AMERICAN LAW 1870-1960 37 (1992).
51. Kennedy, ClassicalLegal Thought, supra note 67, at 178.
58. Id. at 249. For the conceptualist "the set of principles chosen was internally consistent, or
at least in the process of becoming so, through a natural, organic, incremental evolution ...
[T]hey believed in the possibility of deducing rules from these principles, so that new cases could
be decided in accordance with the pre-existing scheme." Id. at 252.
59. Duncan Kennedy, From the Will Theory to the Principle of Private Autonomy: Lon
Fuller's "Considerationand Form, 100 COLUM. L. REV. 94, 115 (2000).
60. Id.
61. Hale, Coercion and Distribution,supra note 26.
62. "[T]he systems advocated by professed upholders of laissez-faire are in reality permeated
with coercive restrictions on individual freedom." Id. at 470.
63. Karl N. Llewellyn, Book Review, 52 HARV. L. REV. 700, 704 (1939).
trade usage and custom for evidence of the community's sense of the
permissible or reasonable. 64 If none became apparent, then it is the
court's role to impose a solution through the use of the overarching
principles of good faith and fair dealing. In the standard form scena-
rio, Llewellyn saw the need for an "official-legal regulation." 65 This
public intrusion is implied in his notion of blanket assent. 66 The re-
ceiving party of a form contract assents only to fine print terms that
are reasonable and decent.
The legal realists debunked the notion of the private nature of con-
tract law. They argued that the initial formulation of the default rules
of contract was in itself a regulatory act. In addition, by enforcing a
contract or failing to intervene to adjust a contract a court is delegat-
ing "to the more powerful party the freedom to exercise her superior
power over the weaker party. ' 68 The courts' decisions as to which
contracts to enforce are social decisions with distributive
In the area of contract interpretation, whether a particular issue of
contract law is skewed towards the public or private poles is depen-
dent on a contextual analysis. To wit, it is dependent on the context
and the nature of the interests involved. 69 The move to contextualism
in the Code was a natural result of Llewellyn's rejection of the prom-
ise-will paradigm. In place of the singular focus of promissorial intent,
he advanced the agreement-in-fact model of contract interpretation. 70
This model necessarily broadened the analysis from the single point of
the promise making (purely private) to a full contextual analysis tem-
porally unconstrained. The agreement-in-fact or true understanding
of the parties required searching into the past of custom and usage
(quasi-public) along with reviewing the party-to-party communica-
tions prior to and subsequent to the time of formation.
64. Id.
65. COMMON LAW TRADITION, supra note 9, at 363.
66. Id. at 370.
67. Id.
68. Singer, supra note 2, at 482.
69. The Realist believed that "the content of that body of ostensibly 'private' law is largely
determined by 'public' polices" and that legal rules "confer advantages on certain parties and
disadvantages on others." AMERICAN LEGAL REALISM, supra note 2, at 99. See, e.g., Cohen,
Property and Sovereignty, supra note 45, at 8.
72. Id.
73. Id.
[H]aving destroyed most substantive grounds for evaluating the justice of exchange,
[Williston and others] could elaborate a legal ideology of formalism ... that could not
only disguise gross disparities of bargaining power under a faqade of neutral and formal
rules but of contract law could also enforce commercial customs under the comforting
technical rubric of 'contract interpretation.' Id. at 201.
75. "Personally, I am still of the view that the search for an all-embracing, logically consistent
'system' of law will never amount to more than mere wordplay .... " KARL N. LLEWELLYN, THE
CASE LAW SYSTEM IN AMERICA 26 (1989); "The deciding is done under an ideology which in
older days amounted to faith that there is and can be only one single right answer.... I refer not
merely to a manner of writing but to a frame of thought..." COMMON LAW TRADITION, supra
note 9, at 24.
76. This view of contextualism revolves around the issue of culpability. A party's failure to
internalize trade usage and custom can be seen as professional negligence. Thus, a tort analysis
can be utilized in applying the appropriate meaning to contract language. The parties have a
duty of care to exercise competence in the negotiation of a merchant-to-merchant contract. That
duty requires the merchant party to educate herself in the meanings attributed to contract terms
in commercial practice. Failing to do so results in the abdication of authority over the meaning
of the contract. It can be argued that such incompetence should be weighed against the party
claims of mistake, misrepresentation, and fraud. Professor Patterson has also developed a gap-
filling dichotomy that he labels as interpretive and substantive incompleteness. Dennis M. Pat-
terson, The Pseudo-Debate over Default Rules in Contract Law, 3 So. CAL. INTERDISCIP. L.J.
235, 243 (1993). A judge faced with an open term problem will seek to fill the gap. The pre-
ferred means is interpretive gap filling in which she looks to the contextual evidence to bolster a
case for implied intent. "The court weaves a conclusion of implied intent by examining the
essence of the contract within the context of the contracting." LARRY A. DIMATTEO, CON-
CONTRACr THEORY]. When the fiction of implied intent is not available then the judge is forced
into an overt normative inquiry.
dents about recurring types of permissible and impermissible con-
duct. By this process questions, originally perceived77 as questions of
fact, will resolve themselves into questions of law.
To bring consistency to contract interpretation and enforcement, class-
ical legal thought shifted the determination of the issue of contractual
intent from a question of fact to a question of law. 78 Formalism's em-
brace of the objective theory was aligned with its view that contract
interpretation is best handled as a matter of law. In Llewellynian
terms, the recognition of a standard fact pattern or situation-type
leads to a finding in law. 79 "The discretion [is] in labeling of the fact
pattern, not the application of the rule." 80 Under classical legal
thought, the labeling process was decided as a matter of law. This
shift is what allowed for the fuller conceptualization of contract law.
Contextualism, in turn, required the interpretation of extrinsic evi-
dence as a matter of fact.
In the domain of contract interpretation, the plain meaning rule fo-
cused the inquiry on the text without resort to contextual evidence. It
required the direct application of rule to text-a matter delegated to
the deductive reasoning of the judicial mind. "If words are deemed to
have a natural meaning, then interpretation of a writing may be
viewed as raising a legal issue because the reasoning process is deduc-
tive. There is only one right answer."' 82 Cases of only one right an-
swer translate into that answer being imposed as a matter of law.
77. GRANT GILMORE, THE DEATH OF CONTRACT 42 (1974). Gilmore refers to Holmesian
thought for this proposition. Id at 41.
78. Id.
79. Infra Part II.C.
80. DIMAT[EO, CONTRACT THEORY, supra note 76, at 16.
81. It should be noted that Llewellyn was not a believer in the lay jury's ability to interpret
merchant facts. He unsuccessfully argued for the institutionalization of merchant juries. See
generally Zipporah Batshaw Wiseman, The Limits of Vision: Karl Llewellyn and the Merchant
Rules, 100 HARV. L. REV. 465 (1987) [hereinafter Wiseman, Merchant Rules].
82. William C. Whitford, The Role of the Jury (And the Fact/Law Distinction) in the Interpreta-
tion of Written Contracts,2001 Wisc. L. REV. 931, 936. Professor Whitford further notes that the
fact-law distinction rests upon the distinction between general and particular. "Sometimes we
use the occasion of a law application to further specify a general standard ... In such circum-
stances, the general/particular distinction suggests that the law application should be considered
a question of law." Id. at 933.
83. The shift to contextualism in American contract interpretation should have lead to a
greater role for the jury in contract law disputes. In theory this is true but in practice the role of
judge as gatekeeper of extrinsic evidence has preserved the dominant role of judges in contract
interpretation. The admissibility of contextual evidence is often limited to the role of determin-
ing if the words of a contract are susceptible to more than one interpretation. After reviewing
the evidence, the court may decide as a matter of law whether this is indeed the case. If it
decides that there is no reasonably viable alternative meaning then the interpretation is made as
a matter of law. See, e.g., Pac. Gas & Elec. Co. v. G.W. Thomas Drayage & Rigging Co., 442 P.2d
641 (Cal. 1968) (opinion of Chief Justice Charles Traynor).
84. RUDOLF VON JHERING, THE SPIRIT OF ROMAN LAW (0. de Meulenaere trans. 1880), as
cited in Duncan Kennedy, Principle of Private Autonomy, supra note 62, at 112.
85. Llewellyn was not a rule skeptic in the broader sense. He was a critique of the abstrac-
tionism and rigidity of rules and their application in classical legal thought.
86. What Price Contract?, supra note 7, at 747. It is interesting to note that Fuller did not
consider the Statute of Frauds a true form since it did not perform the requisite channeling
function. "The Statute of Frauds has only a kind of negative canalizing effect in the sense that it
indicates a way by which one may be sure of not being bound." Lon Fuller, Consideration and
Form, 41 COLUM. L. REV. 799, 802 (1941).
87. Fuller, Considerationand Form, supra note 59, at 800-01.
88. What Price Contract?, supra note 7, at 711-12 and 746-48. It is interesting to note that
Llewellyn is the first reviewer acknowledged in the * footnote in Consideration and Form.
89. Id. at 711.
90. Llewellyn's contextualism is apparent in his view of form. Form flows from society to law
and then back to society. In a footnote, Llewellyn gives this romantic anecdote: "Dreaming is
futile on such points [of whether form flows initially from law or from society]; yet the imagina-
tion presses toward picturing the first man to lend unmistakable assurance to his words by draw-
ing on some form-or by creating it-before any form was known. One suspects cumulative
accident, rather than invention." Id. at 711, n. 18. "[Tihe common purpose of form is clear[:]
[t]he overt sign of utter intent to assume obligation has been given[;] [t]he other party has reason
to rely. The consequence...is...recognition by law official .... Id. at 712.
LYN PAPERS], as quoted in, Dennis M. Patterson, Good Faith, Lender Liability,and Discretionary
Acceleration: Of Llewellyn, Wittgenstein, and the Uniform Commercial Code, 68 TEX. L. REV.
198, n.189 (1989).
101. Patterson, Llewellyn, Wittgenstein, supra note 100, at 198 n.189.
102. LLEWELLYN, LAW OF SALES ix-xi (1930).
103. Realistic Jurisprudence,supra note 2, at 453. See generally Carl A. Remington, Llewellyn,
Antiformalism and the Fear of Transcendental Nonsense: Codifying the Variability Rule in the
Law of Sales, 44 WAYNE L. REV. 29, 32 and 56 (1998).
104. Id.
105. Pollock's Principles of Contract: "Legal rules exist not for their own sake, but to further
justice and convenience in the business of human life; dialectic is the servant of their purpose,
not their master." FREDERICK POLLOCK, PRINCIPLES OF CONTRACT x-xi. (9th ed. 1921).
A. Llewellynian Conceptualism
Although Llewellyn abhorred the abstract conceptualism of classi-
cal legal thought, he understood the need for generalization. But his
was a generalization generated by the particular. It was essential that
legal concepts be continuously refreshed with the concrete facts of
daily practice. The relationship between concept or rule and the fac-
tual situations of cases was dialectical in nature. The best type of rule
calls for the examination of the factual as a precondition for its
His juristic ideas grew to a large extent out of his early work in the
law of negotiable instruments and sales; many of his contributions
to contract and commercial law, including the Uniform Commercial
Code, represent the applications of his theoretical ideas. This em-
phasis on the interplay between the abstract and the concrete is the
keystone of the bridge which Llewellyn built between theory and
practice. 106
Llewellyn's contextual system is an attempt to deal with the inher-
ently indeterminate nature of language and concepts. The problem
with abstract conceptualism is that it failed to confront the difference
between words in concept and words in use. We understand our words
from the way we use them. 10 7 If we use them in a different way, then
our understanding of them will change accordingly. Llewellyn under-
stood that the meaning of words or rules was in a constant state of
flux. It was the task of "the imagination to bring within its field of
attention the language through which it functions as well as the non-
linguistic world within which it seeks to act. ' 10 8 Llewellyn saw situa-
tion-sense10 9 as a method of affixing a meaning to rules at a specific
moment in time. His singing rules' 11 0 open texture allowed for the
affixation of meaning through the application or use of its words to
106. LLEWELLYN PAPERS 21-22, supra note 100, as quoted in, Dennis M. Patterson, Good
Faith, Lender Liability, and DiscretionaryAcceleration: Of Llewellyn, Wittgenstein, and the Uni-
form Commercial Code, 68 TEX L. REV. 169, 198 n.189 (1989).
TIONS" (1965). For an explanation of the similarities between Wittgentstein and Llewellynian
thoughts on meaning see Dennis M. Patterson, Good Faith, Lender Liability, and Discretionary
Acceleration: Of Llewellyn, Wittgenstein, and the Uniform Commercial Code, 68 TEX L. REV.
169, 176, 199 n.190, 204-208 (1989).
108. James Boyd White, Thinking About Our Language, 96 YALE L.J. 1960, 1973 (1987).
109. See infra Part II.C.
110. See infra Part II.E.
every context. The next two sections will examine how the Llewel-
lynian interplay of abstract concept and concrete application impact
the roles of generalization and rules in the legal order.
B. General-particularized
To more fully appreciate the intersection of contextualism with con-
ceptualism, we will briefly examine the role of classification in the
conceptual order. We will use the classification of standard forms as
contracts to illustrate law's tradeoff between generalization and par-
ticularization. Arthur Leff noted that the classification of things as
the same thing is an illusion-"there are no identical things."' 1 1 Thus,
the classification of things as contracts is merely an intellectual con-
struct based upon an unreality of identity." 2 Classifying a standard
form as a contract is to state that it possesses some degree of contract-
ishness.1l 3 Whether it is indeed a contract is a different
story. Limit-
ing the analysis to the criteria that are aligned with its contract-ishness
allows it to be classified as a contract and thus enforced under con-
tract law. Therefore, if the criterion is that the subject-matter of the
paper or thing is the type that is generally considered the subject of
contracts, then the thing or paper must be a contract. Or, if the thing
or paper indicates a general intent to form a binding agreement, then
that exhibition is enough to make the thing a contract.
However, if the criterion is expanded to include factors not condu-
cive to classical contract theory, then the classificatory distinction be-
tween contract and non-contract will be exploded.'14 For example, if
manifestation of intent is determined not by the existence of the stan-
dard form, but by the consistency of the terms with the negotiated
agreement-or in the case of an exchange of forms, the consistency
between the terms of both forms-then the legal conclusion should be
that a contract has not been formed. It is only when the criterion is
limited to a level of generality that the classification of a standard
form, as being the same as a fully negotiated, customized contract,
that the inclusion of standard form contracts within the classical con-
tract scheme is successful. When the criterion is shifted from the level
of generality to the level of particularity the family resemblance"15 be-
111. Arthur A. Leff, Contract as Thing, 19 AM. U. L. REV. 131, 132 (1970). In the words of
G.E. Moore, "[e]verything is what it is, and not another thing." G.E. MOORE, PRINCIPIA
ETHICA (1960).
112. Id.
114. Leff, Contract as Thing, supra note 111, at 133.
115. Id.
tween the custom contract and the standard form breaks down. At
the level of increased particularity it becomes clear that the two things
are of different classes.
Arthur Leff asked the following question: "Why classify at all?,"
when all classification may be exploded by increasingly particularized
criteria. His response is that generalized classification promotes "in-
tellectual and operational efficiency." 117 The classification of things at
some level, as contracts versus non-contracts, is imperative for the
functioning of a well-ordered marketplace. 118 The loss of some degree
of particularity, accuracy, or truthfulness is accepted in order to reap
the benefits of efficiency.
The aesthetics of pigeonholing standard form contracting into the
general classification of classical contracting is performed at a cost.
The price is the decreased accuracy or truthfulness that greater partic-
ularity would produce. The problem with a given classification
scheme is that it has the inherent tendency to ignore important differ-
ences between two things that are grouped into the same class. The
classification scheme must constantly be re-examined to see if particu-
larity may be increased without a total loss of efficiency. Certain class
groupings, such as custom contracts as contracts and standard form
contracts as contracts, will need to be stripped of their artificialclass
homogenization'19 if the divergence between truthfulness (social real-
ity) of the classification and the efficiency of the classification (inner
morality of law) becomes too great.
The fact of a dynamic social reality ensures the on-going divergence
between law's classification scheme and real world practice. The law's
likely response is the continuous creation of sub-groupings (sub-classi-
fications). This has happened in contract law with the enactment of
the Code, along with separate statutory regulation of insurance and
labor contracts. 120 The sub-classification process has extended into
the law of sales with the enactment of Article 2A (leasing of goods) of
the Code.
C. Situation-Sense
The idea of using existing cases as evidence of situation-types to be
used in the interpretation of a contract and in the application of con-
tract rules was more fully developed in Llewellyn's concept of situa-
tion-sense. Situation sense methodology looked to uncover type-facts
(operative facts) found in a series of cases including the case at bar.
These type-facts could then be used to respond to real world develop-
ments through the fabrication of a situation-type. 126 The grouping of
the case at bar with a situation-type was the linchpin for meaningful
contract interpretation and orderly rule application. Todd Rakoff de-
scribed the situation-sense interpretive methodology 127 as a process of
"constructing models which describe type-situations."'1 28 The situa-
tion-sense methodology and the reconstruction of rules are backward
and forward-looking. They look to the past reason behind the existing
rule and how alternative reconstructed rules will fit, and justify situa-
tion-types in the future. Through this methodology, legal rules are
12 9
made to fit a "structured" social context.
Llewellyn provided this version of situation-sense in 1954:
[T]he existing law can sometimes point up clearly how not to make
law, whether simplicity has been sought by way of some mere word-
formula which does not fit the situation and the situation's set of
problems....[T]he effort to throw into a single basket the hugely
varied situations... has led again and again either to plain injustice
or to the court's jumping whatever traces were sought to be im-
posed upon it-with a resulting complete uncertainty. Where oper-
gains: The Case of the Fledgling Writer, 18 HASTINGS COMM. & ENT. L.J. 453 (1996). Professor
Morant asks: "How can parties or scholars highlight the possible pejorative function of bias or
prejudice in bargaining relationships within the confine of present contract rules?". Morant,
Law, Literature,and Contract, supra, at 17.
126. Situation-sense is "the type-facts in their context and at the same time in their pressure
for a satisfying working result." COMMON LAW TRADITION, supra note 9, at 60. Professor Todd
Rakoff uses Jacob & Youngs Inc. v. Kent to illustrate this point. Cardozo saw two situation-
types for deciding whether a builder is owed final payment despite constructing a building pos-
sessing a relatively minor defect. The two situation-types were the sale of "common chattels"
and a contract to build a "mansion or a skyscraper." Ultimately, he decided that the second type
required its own rule-substantial performance-while the first dictated the application of the
traditional rule of perfect tender. Todd D. Rakoff., The Implied Terms of Contracts: Of 'Default
Rules' and 'Situation-Sense',in GooD FAITH AND FAULT IN CONTRACT LAW 191, 208 (Jack Beat-
son & Daniel Friedmann eds. 1997); see also Todd D. Rakoff, Social Structure, Legal Structure,
and Default Rules: A Comment, 3 S. CAL. INTERDIsc. L.J. 19, 22 (1993) (the construction of
legal categories is partially an adoption of roles and transactions defined by society). See gener-
ally Reason and Context, supra note 11, at 447-450 (discussing situation-sense methodology).
127. Id. at 216-19.
128. Rakoff importantly notes that "[t]hese models do not aspire to the universality present in
abstract rules." Id. at 216. They are rules that are cut from social content and not from an
internal conceptual ordering.
129. Id. at 221.
ation and results are today scrambled and unreliable even though
the word-formula looks, then what is needed is to re-examine the
problems and the material and to come out with language which
really fits the need.1
Thus, the indeterminacy of facts in a novel case can be somewhat ame-
liorated through their attachment to a category of facts 1 31 that the law
views as significant.
130. Statement of Karl N. Llewellyn to Executive Committee on Scope and Program of the
NCC Section on Uniform Commercial Acts, reprinted in, TWINING, THE REALIST MOVEMENT,
supra note 2, at 538.
131. In Llewellyn's 1930 casebook his narrow categorization of transaction types included a
separate index in which transactions were cataloged according to commodity types. The Index
listed the following commodity types: Agricultural and Foodstuffs, Animal Products, Livestock,
Fish, Forest, Mineral, Semi-Manufactured Goods, Manufactured Foodstuffs, Other Finished
Manufactures, Stocks of Goods, and Obligations. LLEWELLYN, LAW OF SALES 1073-77 (1930).
Llewellyn saw the major task of the judge of "constant[ly] reaching for a sound way to fit facts
into some significant pattern or type." COMMON LAW TRADITION, supra note 9, at 125.
132. "Rule of Thumb and Principle" in LLEWELLYN PAPERS, supra note 100, at 81. Professor
Twining estimates that it was written in the period 1938-40.
133. The demise of rule precision is endemic in the dynamic nature of modern society: "The
pace of an industrial civilization, its ongoing regroupings of interest, people, and problem, have
presented new states of fact too rapidly for knowledge to keep up with them." Id. at 83.
134. The rules of classical legal thought were detached from underlying purpose and policy.
"A statute merely declaring a rule, with no purpose or objective, is nonsense." Karl N. Llewel-
lyn, Remarks on the Theory of Appellate Decision and the Rules or Canons about How Statutes
are to be Construed, 3 VAND. L. REV. 395, 400 (1950).
135. See, e.g., Mark D. Rosen, What has Happened to the Common Law?-Recent American
Codifications, and Their Impact on Judicial Practice and the Law's Subsequent Development,
1994 Wisc. L. REV. 1119, 1160-76; Kathleen M. Sullivan, Foreword: The Justices of Rules and
Standards, 106 HARV. L. REV. 22, 56-69 (1992).
136. Soia Mentschikoff, Karl N. Llewellyn, 9 INT'L ENCYCLOPEDIA SOC. SCI. 440, 440
In drafting the Code, Llewellyn continuously.., employed policy and purpose as the
central device to convey and clarify statutory meaning. As a result, purpose, policy,
and reason are major determinants of what the language of the text means. . . . The
patent reason principle also assigns a definite role to the courts in interpret ing the
open-ended principles of the Code ....
John J.Gedid, U.C.C. Methodology: Taking a Realistic Look at the Code, 29 WM. & MARY L.
REv.341, 385-386 (1988) (hereinafter Gedid, U.C.C. Methodology).
Karl Llewellyn and Ronald Dworkin are both idealists in that they
believe in the integrity of the common law system. As such, they both
are theory builders. Both believed that the common law system pro-
vided restraints (Dworkin's institutional morality and Llewellyn's
craft skills) that guided judges in their task of fitting rules to novel
cases and justifying rule adjustments within the whole body of (con-
tract) law. 140 Each in different ways believed that law could provide
138. Llewellyn described such a formalistic system of rule application as follows: "[A] rule in
its harshest form is applied in a recurring situation which the harsh form of the rule happens to
fit." COMMON LAW TRADITION, supra note 9, at 124.
. . . The text of each section [of the Code] should be read in the light of the purpose
and policy of the rule or principle in question, as also the [Code] as a whole, and the
application of the language should be construed narrowly or broadly, as the case may
be, in conformity with the purposes and policies involved...
U.C.C. § 1-102(2)(b), cmts. 1 & 2 (2004).
The important point is that Llewellyn's understanding of the judicial process led him to
draft language of principle and to use policy, purpose, and reason to convey meaning.
Faced with that statutory architecture, courts should not and probably cannot avoid
using policy and purpose in interpreting the Code...
Gedid, U.C.C. Methodology, supra note 137, at 385-386 (1988).
140. See Jon 0. Newman, Between Legal Realism and Neutral Principles: The Legitimacy of
Institutional Values, 72 CAL. L. REV. 200 (1984). Judges feel a loyalty to the institutional value in
"the orderly development of the law." Id. at 215. See also Samuel I. Shuman, Justification of
Judicial Decisions, 59 CAL. L. REV. 715 (1971) (judges feel compelled to justify their decisions
objectively using external analogues). See generally David Lyons, Justification and Judicial Re-
sponsibility, 72 CAL. L. REV. 178 (1984) (discusses rule application and judicial justification).
1 41
A. Llewellynian Theory Building: The Is, What Might Be,
and the Ought of Rule Application
141. See Robert M. Cover, Foreword: Nomos and Narrative, 97 HARV. L. REV. 4 (1983).
142. Llewellyn in the Report of the Second Draft of the Revised Uniform Sales Act discussing
the malleability of its provisions stated that the "borders need to be left open for new Cases of
similar reason, as yet unimagined." REPORT AND SECOND DRAFT: THE REVISED UNIFORM
SALES ACT (1941) (emphasis added).
law often masked any such ill-fit through the use of covert devices. 143
The requirement of patent reason in the crafting of singing rules
forces the court to overtly justify its rule fit.
The ought component is represented by the projection of the is into
the future or what might be. This interpretive license creates a feed-
back loop in which the future is is only a possibility-a possibility that
is effected by the present rule fit or adjustment. The projection of the
is to the what might be allows the court to in essence go back in time
and change the what might be. The future consists of numerous pos-
sibilities and what might be's. The court's presentiation144 of future is's
provides the opportunity for normative change. For example, differ-
ent rule adjustments can be seen as impacting the evolution of busi-
ness practice. The court can select a rule adjustment that allows for
the preemption of the future evolution of a bad practice. The rule
adjustment can be a transformative device to impact future practice
and shape the characteristics of future cases.
143. These would include doctrines like misrepresentation, mistake, and duress, along with
the use of the notion of implied intent.
144. See Ian R. Macneil, Commentary, Restatement (Second) of Contracts and Presentiation,
60 VA. L. REV. 589 (1974). Macneil describes "presentiation" as the "recognition that the course
of the future is bound by present events and that by those events the future has for many pur-
poses been brought effectively into the present." Id. at 589.
145. Supra note 37.
146. Duncan Kennedy shares Dworkin's view of the power and utility of abstraction but
where Dworkin sees harmony Kennedy sees contradiction. Compare Kennedy, Form and Sub-
stance, supra note 26.
147. See Felix Cohen, Transcendental Nonsense and the FunctionalApproach, 35 COLUM. L.
REV. 809 (1935).
The earlier Parts of this article examined the realist critique of ab-
stract conceptualism, explored the tenets of Llewellynian jurispru-
dence and the important role of contextualism within it, and the
Dworkinian notion of theory building. This Part will build upon the
analysis of the earlier Parts by further exploring the interface between
the contextual meaning of a contract and the rules of contract law in
the notion of dialecticalconceptualism. Dialectical conceptualism uses
Dworkin's concept of theory building to extend Llewellyn's dual track
theory of interpretation. 55 It offers a reconstructed vision of contract
156. The terms abstractconceptualism and dialecticalconceptualism are used also as a chrono-
logical demarcation. The former refers to the brand of conceptualism associated with the for-
malism of 1900. The latter refers to the brand of conceptualism at work circa 2000.
157. Llewellyn recognized this tension between the conceptual and the contextual sides of the
law. He describes the judicial process in the area of sales law as the "interplay of received rule
and concept with the urge of the case-law facts, and with the general background." Across Sales
on Horseback, supra note 8, at 727.
158. See generally Gedid, U.C.C. Methodology, supra note 137 (discussing the Code as com-
prehensive and unified; the use of coordination and superordination for handling conflicting
rules in the Code).
159. This is what Clare Dalton has called "the method of hierarchy in duality [that] allows our
doctrinal rhetoric to avoid underlying problems." Clare Dalton, An Essay in the Deconstruction
of Contract Doctrine, 94 YALE L.J. 997, 1000-01 (1985) (Dalton's underlying realities being
masked are the problems of power and knowledge).
by structures within the system. For example, when context makes
freedom of contract rationales untenable the system provides nar-
rowly constituted exceptions such as fraud, duress, incapacity, and ex-
cuse. It also provided a roving interpretive escape hatch of implied
intent or lack of intent to be bound.' 60 These are what Duncan Ken-
nedy refers to as pseudo-resolutions.16 1 They are pseudo-resolutions
because they feedback into the same abstract-formal-indeterminate
structure of freedom of contract that they are attempting to mollify.
In the hands of the conceptualist, the exceptions act purely to mask
the absolutism of abstract conceptualism; at the same time they por-
tray a pseudo-sensitivity to the context of cases. 162
In contrast, dialectical conceptualism allows a free flow of context
into the case and discourages the type of formalism that characterized
abstract conceptualism. Llewellyn's attempt to create singing rules
and encourage purposive interpretation invited the folding in of novel
contextual evidence to give meaning to the rules. Llewellyn collapsed
the traditional verticality of principle to rule. The singing rule incor-
porates the reason or purpose within the rule. Thus, the search for
higher principle or abstraction is unnecessary.
There will generally be two contexts in all but the truly novel
caset 63-the particularized context of the individual case and the con-
text of situation-sense. In essence, Llewellyn built a second level over
the ground floor of factual context. Instead of proceeding upward
from case to rule to concept-principle, the direction is from case con-
text to situation context to rule to concept-principle. The particular
case is assessed for a similarity to a group or category of transactions.
Once placed within or near a category, the situation-sense provided by
that grouping is used to direct the court to rule fits previously ap-
plied.' 64 Situation-sense is the recognition that a case may be made a
165. "[Tlhe particular fact situations decision-makers construct from the testimony submitted
to them, requires us to search for other explanations." Dalton, Deconstruction of Contract,
supra note 159, at 1010. Compare Todd D.Rakoff, The Implied Terms of Contracts: Of 'Default
Rules' and 'Situation-Sense', in GOOD FAITH AND FAULT IN CONTRACT LAW 191, 222 (Jack
Beatson & Daniel Friedmann, eds. 1997) (1995). Professor Rakoff argues that there are two
constraint to liberal-conservative "wobble" in the fabrication of context. First, the situation-type
is constructed upon actual situations that have "some preexisting structure ... that is hard to
fake." Id. Second, the institutional restraint of "craft criticism." Id. See also Todd D. Rakoff,
Social Structure, Legal Structure, and Default Rules: A Comment, 3 S. CAL. INTERDISC. L.J. 19
(1993) (the construction of legal categories is partially an adoption of roles and transactions
defined by society). Thus, a judge's ability to construct a context that allows for an arbitrary rule
fit may succeed in the ad hoc case but not in a class or category of such cases.
166. Lawrence Friedman assessment of the role of in regulating contracts is supportive of this
claim. "When old theories had been taken apart brick from brick, there was nothing to stop the
court from doing directly, what it sued to do by indirection." LAWRENCE M. FRIEDMAN, CON-
TRACT LAW IN AMERICA 215 (1965). Once the edifice of abstract conceptualism was removed,
"the court paid ever more attention to the particularities of the situations before." Id. Although
this speaks to the increased role of contextualism, Friedman's reference to fairness indicates that
the focus is on what Llewellyn denigrated as "fireside equities." For Llewellyn's situation-sense
was not aimed at ensuring the fairness of the particular case, but the rightness of commercial
practice over the long haul. "[T]he sense of the type-situation, where it can be tapped, outranks
and outshines any 'fireside' stuff." COMMON LAW TRADITION, supra note 9, at 245.
169. Rosen, What Has Happened to the Common Law?, supra note 135, at 1165.
170. U.C.C. § 1-202 (2004).
171. Id.
172. U.C.C. § 2-302 (2004).
173. U.C.C. § 2-615 (1998).
174. See generally Ronald Dworkin, Hard Cases, 88 HARV. L. REV. 1057 (1975); RONALD
ORY OF CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION (1981) (Dworkin-style theory building of contract law). It
is important to note here the Critical Legal Scholars attack on Dworkinian theory building. In
short, the indeterminacy of rules is not overcome by Herculean theory building. Because for
every principle there is a counter-principle; for every theory a counter-theory. Ultimately, the
principle of theory chosen is a matter of ideological choice. See generally DUNCAN KENNEDY, A
CRITIQUE OF ADJUDICATION (Fin De Siecle) (1997) (showing that a judge with an ideological
preference for an outcome can work to make that outcome law); ROBERTO M. UNGER, KNOWL-
EDGE AND POLITICS (1975); Andrew Altman, Legal Realism, Critical Legal Studies, and Dwor-
kin, 15 PHIL. & PUB. AFF. 205 (1986) (summarizing CLS critique of Dworkin).
175. U.C.C. § 1-103 (2004). See generally Robert S. Summers, General Equitable Principles
Under Section 1-103 of the Uniform Commercial Code, 72 Nw. U. L. REV. 906 (1978).
176. U.C.C. § 2-615, cmt. 1 (1998). See generally LARRY A. DIMATTEO, EQUITABLE LAW OF
CONTRACTS: STANDARDS AND PRINCIPLES (2001) (historical review of the role of equity in con-
tract law).
177. This use of principles reasoning is found in both Dworkin and Llewellyn's interpretative
methodologies. The difference is that Llewellyn recognizes an element of choice that Dworkin
disdains. See Frederick Schauer, Formalism, 97 YALE L.J. 509, 519 (1988).
178. COMMON LAW TRADITION, supra note 9, at 343.
the rule, novel fact patterns, and evolving situation-types implies that
adjudication is a continuing process of rule improvement or updating.
But that is also why any doubt about whether the court has the
whole situation in sure grasp is to be resolved by the court always in
favor of a narrowerrather than a wider scope. When felt mastery is
present, wide scope is indeed not only sound; it verges on duty.
Precedents are always needing synthesis into rules which make bet-
ter sense for a whole situation-type, for a whole set of really or
seemingly variant decisions. Rules, too, are always needing to be
regrouped and rephrased around principles which can guide
189. Lon Fuller, American Legal Realism, AM. PHIL. Soc'y 191, 208 (1936). Pound acknowl-
edges that general provisions often act as doctrinal bridge substitutes. "Where a large number of
general provisions are available, as they are in most codes, 'doctrinal bridges' are not necessary."
Id. Llewellyn recognized Fuller's conceptual bridge as a "neat observation." COMMON LAW
TRADITION, supra note 9, at 59.
190. COMMON LAW TRADITION, supra note 9, at 427.
through still wider situations in terms of surer sense. But, just as
truly, facts are constantly emerging which call for sub-division and
distinction even within those older, wider rules and categories...
Which way to do the growing ... that is a question of sense... 191
194. See generally Larry A. DiMatteo, Deconstructingthe Myth of the 'Infancy Law Doctrine':
From Incapacity to Accountability, 21 OfIo N.U. L. REv. 481 (1994).
195. These include the necessities doctrine, benefit rule, depreciation rule, misrepresentation
of age exception, and the emancipation doctrine.
196. For other examples of situation-sense and its role in legal theory building see Rakoff,
supra note 126 (evolution of substantial performance doctrine); HUGH COLLINS, REGULATING
CONTRACTS 189-92 (1999) (promissory estoppel doctrine).
197. See Krell v. Henry, 2 K.B. 740 (Eng. C.A.1903).
198. See generally Robert A. Hillman, Court Adjustment of Long-Term Contracts: An analysis
under Modern Contract Law, 1987 DUKE L.J. 1 (argues for a duty to adjust in certain situations).
Contra Clayton P. Gillette, Commercial Rationality and the Duty to Adjust Long-Term Contracts,
69 MINN. L. REV. 521 (1985) (no duty to adjust).
contextualism has not so much been the movement in the line of con-
tract formation but in the development of different remedial regimes;
that contract remedies (expectation damages, specific performance)
have simply been supplemented by precontractual remedies (reli-
ance). A simpler explanation is that the increased use of promissory
estoppel in the areas of precontractual liability and gift promises is a
result of the increased level of complexity in modern contracting. The
use of negotiation blueprints and memorialization-inducing devices
such as preliminary agreements, agreements to agree, detailed letters
of intent, comfort instruments, 20 7 along with the increased complexity
and formalization of charitable donations, have rendered the definite-
ness requirement of classical contract obsolete. In effect, the common
law of contracts can be seen as simply catching up with the Code's
jettisoning of the notions of materiality (implication of all necessary
terms) and formality (weakening of Statute of Frauds and considera-
tion requirements).
207. See Larry A. DiMatteo & Rend Sacasas, Value and Credit Comfort Instruments: Crossing
the Line from Assurance to Legally Significant Reliance and Toward a Theory of Enforceability,
47 BAYLOR L. REV. 357 (1995).
208. "Whether the self is viewed as the antecedently individuated personification of Rawlsian
and Kantian moral philosophy or represented by the more communitarian view of the self as
communally constituted is central to how the institution of contract impacts contract as prac-
ticed." DIMATrEO, EQUITABLE LAW OF CONTRACrS, supra note 176, at 269.
209. Id. at 270, quoting Margaret Jane Radin, Property and Personhood,34 STAN. L. REV. 957,
965 (1982). See also Meir Dan-Cohen, Responsibility and the Boundaries of the Self, 105 HARV.
L. REV. 959 (1992) (notion of the contingent self). "The view of the self as a fixed entity defined
prior to and independent of social relationships has come under increasing attack .... The contin-
gent self.., permits us to articulate an alternative to the free will paradigm of responsibility."
Id. at 961.
210. This view embraces the work in social norms and behavioral decision theory.