Professional Level Tax Compliance
Professional Level Tax Compliance
Professional Level Tax Compliance
Professional Level
Tax Compliance
ACA syllabus 7
Skills progression through the ACA qualification 9
Tax Compliance 14
Recent advances in the way As technology continues to Cyber threats are a growing
that data is captured, develop, the automation of risk to businesses, and cyber
processed, stored and many traditional elements security is now part of the
communicated have of accountancy has day job for accountant.
fundamentally transformed fundamentally changed the Accountants and other
not just business processes, way in which business is financial institutions are
but also the ways in which done. But, while technology particularly attractive to
companies do business. can provide information cyber criminals. Cybercrime
Technology can provide more quickly and often more presents a fundamental
information more quickly and accurately than humans, it threat to the integrity of
often more accurately than cannot replicate human financial information and the
humans, but it cannot intelligence and quality requirement of chartered
replicate human intelligence decision making. Together, accountants to safeguard
and quality decision making. this provides even greater assets. The ACA syllabus
Therefore, chartered opportunities for chartered continues to evolve to
accountants hold a key role accountants to use their reflect changes in
in data analytics, in validating professional skills to add cybercrime and cyber
the source of the data, value to their clients and/or security as cyber criminals
interpreting and analysing the businesses in which and technology become
the outputs. they work. more sophisticated.
The continuing evolution of the ACA qualification will embrace change in technology to equip future
professionals with these key skills.
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The ICAEW chartered accountancy qualification, SCEPTICISM
the ACA, is one of the most advanced learning Ethics is more than just knowing the rules
and professional development programmes around integrity, objectivity, professional
available. Its integrated components provide competence and due care, confidentiality and
an in-depth understanding across accountancy, professional behaviour. It’s about identifying
finance and business. Combined, they help ethical dilemmas, understanding the
build the technical knowledge and professional implications, making judgements and behaving
skills and practical experience needed to appropriately as well as using professional
become an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. scepticism to build business trust. We integrate
ICAEW Chartered Accountants are known for ethics throughout the ACA qualification to
their professionalism and expertise. Professional develop students’ ethical capabilities to make
development prepares students to successfully suitable decisions.
handle a variety of different situations that they THREE TO FIVE YEARS’ PRACTICAL
encounter throughout their career. The ACA WORK EXPERIENCE
qualification improves students’ ability and
performance in seven key areas: Practical work experience is done as part
of a training agreement with an authorised
1. adding value training employer or principal. Students need
2. communication to complete 450 days, which normally takes
3. decision making between three and five years. The knowledge,
4. ethics and professionalism skills and experience they gain as part of their
training agreement are invaluable, giving them
5. problem solving the opportunity to put what they’re learning into
6. teamwork practice. Experience can be completed in at
7. technical competence. least one of the following six categories:
1. Accounting
2. Audit and assurance (audit is not
3. Financial management
4. Information technology
5. Insolvency
6. Taxation
Strategic Business
Corporate Reporting
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The Corporate Reporting and Strategic Business
Management exams test students’ understanding
and strategic decision-making at a senior level.
They present real-life scenarios, with increased
complexity and implications from the Professional
Level exams.
The Case Study tests all the knowledge, skills and
experience gained so far. It presents a complex
business issue which challenges students’ ability
to problem solve, identify the ethical implications
and provide an effective solution.
The Advanced Level exams can be taken in July
and November. They are fully open book, so
they replicate a real-life scenario where all the
resources are at their fingertips.
An authorised training employer or principal
will guide their students on the exams which are
right for them. If a student is studying the ACA
independently, they should consider their future
ambitions when selecting which exams to sit.
Module These are a series of abilities which trainees will possess once they complete
aims the learning and assessment for this particular module.
Learning outcomes are detailed statements which identify what the learner
Learning will know and be able to do by the end of the module, and which will be
outcomes demonstrable on passing the exam.
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Students with previous professional or academic For some Professional Level exams, students
qualifications may be eligible to apply for CPL are permitted to take certain publications into
for up to 12 modules at the Certificate and the exam. Details of these publications and our
Professional Levels. CPL is not available at the open book policy can be found at
Advanced Level. For more information, visit permitted texts
For the Professional Level Business Planning
alternative exams, and at the Advanced Level,
students are permitted to take any material into
the exam, subject to practical space restrictions.
Structuring Structure information from various sources into suitable formats for
problems and analysis and provide creative and pragmatic solutions in a business
solutions environment.
Principles & Reporting, Business
Skills Assurance, Corporate
of Taxation, Audit & Planning
Business, Reporting and
Management Assurance, and Business Case Study
Technology & Strategic Business
Information, Financial Strategy &
Finance, Law Management
Accounting Management, Technology
Identifying and Issues given Issues included in scenarios Issues included in Issues included
prioritising key complex scenarios in unstructured
issues complex scenarios
Applying judgement
Relating issues Objective Objective Issues in scenarios Issues in complex Issues in complex,
to the broader testing testing scenarios unstructured
business and Issues scenarios
environment, in simple
including ethical scenarios
© ICAEW 2019 9
Certificate Level Professional Level Advanced Level
Principles & Reporting, Business
Skills Assurance, Corporate
of Taxation, Audit & Planning
Business, Reporting and
Management Assurance, and Business Case Study
Technology & Strategic Business
Information, Financial Strategy &
Finance, Law Management
Accounting Management, Technology
Concluding and Objective Not assessed Specified conclusions and Specified Conclusions and
recommending testing recommendations in simple conclusions recommendations
scenarios and reasoned supported by own
recommendations evidence
in complex
Understand the situation and Identify and use relevant Identify and prioritise key
the requirements information issues and stay on task
• Structure information from various sources • Identify and apply relevant technical
into suitable formats for analysis knowledge and skills to analyse a specific
• Identify any information gaps problem
• Frame questions to clarify information • Use structured information to identify
evidence-based solutions
• Use a range of data types and sources to
inform analysis and decision-making • Identify creative and pragmatic solutions in a
business environment
• Structure and analyse financial and non-
financial data to enhance understanding of • Identify opportunities to add value
business issues and their underlying causes • Identify and anticipate problems that may
• Present analysis in accordance with result from a decision
instructions and criteria • Identify a range of possible solutions based
on analysis
• Identify ethical dimensions of possible
• Select appropriate courses of action using an
ethical framework
• Identify the solution which is the best fit with
acceptance criteria and objectives
• Define objectives and acceptance criteria for
• Recognise bias and varying quality in data • Appreciate when more expert help is required
and evidence • Identify related issues in scenarios
• Identify assumptions or faults in arguments • Assess different stakeholder perspectives
• Identify gaps in evidence when evaluating options
• Identify inconsistencies and contradictory • Retain an overview of the business issue or
information scenario
• Assess interaction of information from • Appraise corporate responsibility and
different sources sustainability issues
• Exercise ethical judgement • Appraise the effects of alternative future
• Appraise ethical, public interest and
regulatory issues
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This grid provides guidance on the relative weighting between knowledge and skills:
Knowledge 65–75%
Skills 25–35%
The following learning outcomes should be read in conjunction with the relevant sections of the
technical knowledge grids at the end of this document.
© ICAEW 2019 15
e. calculate the VAT due to or from HMRC for e. explain the principles of inheritance tax and
both wholly taxable and partially exempt identify the different classes of taxpayer
traders; liable to pay inheritance tax;
f. explain the VAT consequences of imports f. explain the impact of an individual’s domicile
and exports of goods and services to and and deemed domicile on their inheritance
from VAT registered and non-VAT registered tax liability;
persons within and outside the UK; g. explain when the lifetime transfer of an
g. explain the classification of supplies and the asset gives rise to an inheritance tax
distinction between goods and services; liability, calculate the inheritance tax
h. identify and explain the differing VAT payable on chargeable lifetime transfers in
treatment of single and multiple supplies; straightforward scenarios and state the due
date for payment;
i. identify common situations in which a
liability to UK land and stamp taxes, Stamp h. calculate the death tax due on lifetime
Duty Reserve Tax, and Stamp Duty arises; transfers and state the due date for payment;
j. identify situations where there is an i. calculate the value of an individual’s estate at
exemption from stamp taxes; death and the inheritance tax due and state
the due date for payment;
k. calculate the amount of stamp taxes due in
straightforward transactions; j. describe the circumstances in which the
following inheritance tax reliefs apply and
l. determine due dates for stamp taxes returns;
calculate the amount of relief available in a
given situation:
m. calculate the interest and penalties due in
• fall in value relief
respect of late payment of stamp taxes.
• agricultural property relief
3 CAPITAL TAXES • business property relief
Students will be able to calculate the capital • quick succession relief
gains tax payable by individuals. Students
• taper relief;
will also be able to calculate the amounts of
inheritance tax due on lifetime transfers and k. determine, in straightforward cases, due
transfers on death by individuals, personal dates for inheritance tax returns; and
representatives and trustees, including when l. calculate the interest and penalties due in
these amounts must be reported and paid. respect of late payment of inheritance tax.
In the assessment, students may be required to: 4 CORPORATION TAX
a. calculate the chargeable gains and losses Students will be able to calculate the
on assets, including chattels, and shares and corporation tax liabilities of companies,
securities; including when these liabilities must be
b. describe the circumstances in which the reported and paid.
following reliefs apply and calculate the In the assessment, students may be required to:
effect of full or partial relief available in a
given situation: a. explain the relevance of the distinction
between revenue and capital for both
• letting relief
receipts and expenses and apply the
• principal private residence relief distinction in a given scenario;
• gift relief b. recognise the effect on trading profits of the
• rollover relief treatment of:
• entrepreneurs’ relief; • provisions
c. explain the impact of an individual’s • capitalised revenue expenditure
residence, domicile and deemed domicile • intangible assets;
on their capital gains tax liability;
c. calculate trading profits or losses after
d. calculate total taxable gains and tax payable adjustments and allowable deductions
thereon, using available reliefs and losses to (including capital allowances on plant and
reduce the liability, including the computation machinery);
of double tax relief where appropriate;
© ICAEW 2019 17
p. identify the key features of the self-
assessment system for individuals,
determine due dates for returns, payments,
and payments on account, and calculate
the interest and penalties due for late
submissions of returns, incorrect returns and
late or incorrect payments of tax.
Understand the situation and Identify and use relevant Identify and prioritise key
the requirements information issues and stay on task
• Present analysis in • Identify and apply relevant technical knowledge and skills to
accordance with instructions analyse a specific problem
and criteria • Use structured information to identify evidence-based solutions
• Select appropriate courses of action using an ethical framework
© ICAEW 2019 19
Conclusions Communication
An awareness of the scope of the standard.
A general knowledge with a basic understanding of the subject matter and training in its application
thereof sufficient to identify significant issues and evaluate their potential implications or impact.
A working knowledge with a broad understanding of the subject matter and a level of experience in
the application thereof sufficient to apply the subject matter in straightforward circumstances.
A thorough knowledge with a solid understanding of the subject matter and experience in the
application thereof sufficient to exercise reasonable professional judgement in the application of the
subject matter in those circumstances generally encountered by chartered accountants.
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Ethics Codes and Standards
Professional Level
A Audit and Assurance
B Business Strategy and Technology
B Financial Accounting and Reporting
B/C Financial Management
B Tax Compliance
B Business Planning
Advanced Level
A Corporate Reporting
A Strategic Business Management
A Case Study
Advanced Level
A Corporate Reporting
A Strategic Business Management
A Case Study
© ICAEW 2019 23
Savings income B A →
Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme B
Venture Capital Trusts B
Overseas aspects of income tax
Arising basis B A
Deemed domicile C A
Domicile C A
Double tax relief A →
Income on foreign assets and income from foreign employment B A
Remittance basis B A
Residence C A
UK taxation of non-domiciled individuals B A
Income tax computation
Exempt income B A →
Gifts of assets and cash to charity B A →
Income tax liability and income tax payable B A →
Income tax charge on child benefit B →
Independent taxation and jointly owned assets B A
Income tax for trusts B
Limit on income tax reliefs A →
Married couples’ allowance and marriage allowance B A →
Pension contributions – provisions for retirement B A
Pension contributions – tax reliefs B A
Personal allowances B A →
Qualifying interest payments B →
Rates of taxation B A →
Taxable persons C A →
Fundamental principles of inheritance tax
Chargeable persons A →
Chargeable property A →
Excluded property B →
Inter-spouse transfers A →
Rates of taxation A →
Related property B →
Seven-year accumulation period A →
Transfers of value A →
Trusts C B
Valuation A →
Inheritance tax on lifetime transfers
Relevant property trusts A →
Potentially exempt transfers A →
Inheritance tax on death
Death estate A →
Deeds of variation B
Lifetime transfers A →
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