English Bcs Notes 400 MCQ
English Bcs Notes 400 MCQ
English Bcs Notes 400 MCQ
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Sahin Sir’s Literature Lecture
GKwÎZ nq
wKš‘ Parliament Avjv`v wQj
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Sahin Sir’s Literature Lecture
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Sahin Sir’s Literature Lecture
→ Marlowe Ges Shakespeare mgmvgwqK n‡jI Marlowe wQj c~e©m~ix Ges Shakespeare wQj DËim~ix|
Marlowe Shakespeare
wmwbqi Rywbqi
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Sahin Sir’s Literature Lecture
Edmund Spenser
→ Poets of Poet (Kwe‡`i Kwe):
̶ Romantic hy‡Mi KweMY Zv‡`i KweZvq Edmund Spenser Gi Style AbymiY Ki‡Zb GB Rb¨B
Spenser †K ejv nq Kwe‡`i Kwe|
→ Child of English Renaissance.
→ wZwb weL¨vZ GKwU Elegy (†kvKMvu_v) wj‡L‡Qb Sir Philip Sydney Gi g„Zz¨‡Z, bvg Astrophel.
→ Famous Epic ̶
The Faerie Queen (ivYx GwjRv‡e_ Gi cÖksmv K‡i) - Allegory
The Shepherds Calender
Amoretti (Collection of 89 Sonnet)
❑ Sonnet g~jZ 3 cÖKvi| h_vt
i. Italian/Petrarchan Sonnet.
ii. Shakespearean Sonnet.
iii. Spenserian Sonnet.
→ Sir Philip Sidney I g„Zz¨‡Z †jLv GKwU weL¨vZ Pastoral elegy n‡jv : Astrophel
Thomas Kyd
→ Father of English Revenge Tragedy.
→ Zvui GKgvÎ mvwnZ¨ The Spanish Tragedy (GwU GKwU Melodrama) hv‡K ejv nq Bloody
Tragedy. (38th BCS) (‡Kvc QvgQz Wªvgv)
of His Humours GwU iPbv K‡ib William i‡q‡Q AvaywbK hy‡Mi gvwK©b Achitophel.
iii. Volpone or the Somerset Maugham Jcb¨vwmK Earnest
Foxes → ‡R‡b ivLv fv‡jv,
wZwb Post Modern Hemingway Gi|
(37th BCS) Dryden,
period Gi| iii. The
iv. The Alchemist Shakespeare Gi
Canonization me©‡kl bvUK “The
v. The Silent His Well Known iv. For Whom The Tempest” mgv‡jvPbv
Women Works : Bell Tones
1 . Of Truth K‡i †j‡Lb- The
v. Twicknam
2. Of Death Garden Enchanted Island
3. Of Revenge
4. Of Adversity GKB bv‡g weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm
5. Of Parents and i‡q‡Q Earnest
Children Hemingway Gi|
6. Of Marriage and → weL¨vZ Dw³ t
Single Life “For God’s Sake,
7. Of Envy hold your tongue and
8. Of Love let me love”
9. Of Great Place (38th BCS)
10. Of Study
→ weL¨vZ Dw³ t
“It is impossible to
love and be wise”
2. Reading maketh
a full man;
conference a ready
man ; writing an
exact man.
3. Opportunity makes
a thief.
4. The Secret of
success is the
constancy of purpose
5. Revenge is a kind
of wild justice.
‡R‡b ivLv fv‡jv : Founder of English Prose – Alfred the Great
Father of English Prose – John Wycliff
Father of English Prose – Francis Bacon
N.B: Father of English Prose cª‡kœ Alfred the Great ev John Wycliff Gi bvg bv _vK‡j
Francis Bacon mwVK DËi n‡e |
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Sahin Sir’s Literature Lecture
William Shakespeare
→ National Poet of England
→ King Without Crown.
→ Greatest Dramatist/ Playwright of All Time.
→ The Greatest Superstar of The World.
→Poet of Human Nature(Dr. Samuel Johnson GB Dcvwa †`b ‘A Preface to Shakespeare eB‡q)
→ The Dazzling Sun(Lord Alfred Tennyson GB Dcvwa †`b)
→ Bard of Avon → Father: John Shakespeare
→ Rb¥ t 23 April 1564. (40th BCS) →Mother: Mary Shakespeare
g„Zz¨ t 23 April 1616. → Wife: Anne Hathaway
Shakespeare Zvui R‡b¥i 26 eQi ci †_‡K mvwnZ¨ iPbv ïiæ K‡ib Ges gvÎ 26 eQi mvwnZ¨ iPbv
K‡i| So, Age of Shakespeare = 1590-1616.
RxebKvj 52 eQi|
Shakespeare Gi m‡b‡Ui AšÍwgjÑ
→ Zvui we‡qi mgq eqm wQj 18 Ges ¯¿xi eqm wQj 26|
abab = 4
→ Zvi WvK bvg Ñ The Swan of Avon cdcd = 4
→ Zvui mvwnZ¨ Kg© t- efef = 4
Play = 37 wU gg = 2
Sonnet = 154 wU ‡gvU (4+4+4+2) = 14 jvBb|
Long Narrative Poem = 2 wU
ÿz`ª GKwU Tragedy.
Macbeth wQ‡jb †mbvcwZ hvi ivRv wQ‡jb King Duncan.
Zvui wife Gi bvg Lady Macbeth. hv‡K ejv nq PZz_© WvBbx/Supper witch.
GB bvU‡K Av‡iv wZbwU WvBbx Av‡Q hviv †mbvcwZ Macbeth †K wZbwU fwel¨Øvbx K‡i Ges wZbwUB mZ¨ nq|
Macbeth Zvui ¯¿x Lady Macbeth Gi civg‡k© ivRv Duncan †K nZ¨v K‡ib|
Lady Macbeth Zvui GB cv‡ci Aby‡kvPbvi Rb¨ weL¨vZ Dw³ †`b t
All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand(40th BCS)
Life is a tale, told by an idiot
Life is but a walking shadow ‡mbvcwZ Macbeth Gi Dw³|
Fair is foul, foul is fair bvU‡Ki ïiæ‡Z wZb WvBbx MvB‡Z MvB‡Z bvUK ïiæ K‡i|
Look like an innocent flower
But be the serpent under it.
Othello wQ‡jb GKRb †mbvcwZ/gywik †Rbv‡ij| 35th BCS
gyi (gi‡°vi gymwjg Awaevmx‡`i ejv nq)|
†mbvcwZ Othello Zvui ¯¿x Desdemona †K iægvj/handkerchief ‡`q| (37th BCS)
m‡›`‡ni wbg©g ejx nb Desdemona/Fatal consequence of doubt.
King Lear
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Julius Caesar
Rywjqvm wmRvi wQ‡jb weL¨vZ †ivgvb †mbvcwZ|
Zvi eÜz Brutus †K g„Zz¨`Û †_‡K evuPv‡jI †mB eÜzB Zv‡K nZ¨vi loh‡š¿ wQj, hvi †cÖwÿ‡Z Julius Caesar
weL¨vZ Dw³ †`b, Brutus you too!
Rywjqvm wmRvi‡K we‡q K‡ib wgk‡ii ivYx wK¬I‡cUªv| hv‡K ejv nq mc©ivYx|
Rywjqvm wmRv‡ii weL¨vZ Dw³ t-
Veni, Vidi, Vici (I came, I saw, I conquered).
Cowards die mane times before their death.
3. Brutus, you too!
we‡kl `ªóe¨ t Rywjqvm wmRvi g„Zz¨i ci †mbvcwZ nb Mark Antony. GB Mark Antony wmRvi nZ¨vi
lohš¿Kvix‡`i GKRb| wgk‡ii ivYx wK¬I‡cUªv Mark Antony i cÖ_g `k©‡b †cÖ‡g c‡o hvb|
→ Shakespeare Gi Comedy (15wU) :-
i. As You Like It.
ii. Comedy of Errors [åvwšÍwejvm → Ck^iP›`ª we`¨vmvMi]
iii. The Taming of the Shrew [gyLiv igbx ekxKiY → gybxi †PŠayix]
bvwqKv Katherine
Mid Summer Nights Dream
iv. Twelfth Night
v. The Tempest [`yišÍ So → me©‡kl bvUK] (37th BCS)
vi. Much Ado About Nothing
vii. Love’s Labours Lost
As You Like It
Theme: Love at first sight.
weL¨vZ Dw³ t-
→ All the world’s a stage ( Example of Metaphor)
And all the men and women are merely players
→ Sweet are the uses of the adversity.
→ bvUKwU ‡Z weL¨vZ GKwU KweZv ‘Under the green wood Tree’ i‡q‡Q |
GwU g~jZ GKwU Song ; G‡Z winter Øviv kÎæ Ges Tree Øviv Forest ‡K eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q |
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Sahin Sir’s Literature Lecture
‡R‡b ivLv fv‡jv ‘Under the Green Wood Tree’ bv‡g GKwU Dcb¨vm wj‡L‡Qb Victorian hy‡Mi weL¨vZ
Dcb¨vwmK Thomas Hardy.
University Wits
→ Christopher Marlowe → Thomas Kyd
→ Thomas Lodge
John Donne
→ Jacobean Period.
→ Poet of Love
→Father of metaphysical poetry.
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Sahin Sir’s Literature Lecture
→ weL¨vZ KweZv tÑ
1. The Good Morrow (40th BCS)
2. The Sun Rising
wKš‘ The Sun Also Rises bv‡g weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm i‡q‡Q AvaywbK hy‡Mi gvwK©b Jcb¨vwmK Earnest
Hemingway Gi|
3. The Canonization
4. For Whom the Bell Tones(GKB bv‡g weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm i‡q‡Q Earnest Hemingway Gi|)
5. Twicknam Garden
→ weL¨vZ Dw³ t
“For God’s Sake, hold your tongue and let me love” (38th BCS)
Andrew Marvell
→ Rb¥ t 1621 mv‡j
→ Zvui KweZvq wZwb John Donne †K AbymiY Ki‡Zb|
wZwb wQ‡j John Donne Gi Abymvix|
GBRb¨ Dbv‡K Jacobean period Gi mvwnwZ¨K ejv nq|
→ KweZv t-
i. To His Coy Mistress. (Marvell Gi Mistress)
ii. The Definition of Love. (Out of sight, near to mind).
weL¨vZ Dw³ t-
→ Fair daffodil, we weep to see
You haste away as soon
→ Never to be found again( The last line of ‘To Daffodils’)
John Dryden
→ Father of modern English Criticism.
→ Zv‡K ‘Glorious John’ AvL¨vwqZ K‡i‡Qb Sir Walter Scott.
→ wZwb DBwjqvg ‡k·wcqvi iwPZ ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ m¤ú‡K© e‡j‡Qb “The most
insipid, ridiculous play, that ever I saw in my life.”
→ Shakespeare Gi me©‡kl bvUK “The Tempest” mgv‡jvPbv K‡i †j‡Lb The Enchanted Island
John Bunyan
→ Zvi mvwnZ¨ Kg© t Pilgrim Progress, The Holy War.
→ BN P = Pilgrim Progress
Samuel Butler
→ wZwb weL¨vZ Kwe Ges Satirist.
→ GKB bv‡g Victorian period G GKRb weL¨vZ Jcb¨vwmK i‡q‡Qb|
→ Hudibras (Poem) = Samuel Butler (Restoration period)
→ The Way of All Flesh (Novel) = Samuel Butler (Victorian period)
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→ weL¨vZ Dw³ t-
A little learning is a dangerous thing
To err is human, to forgive is divine
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
**S@hin sir’s Special graph chart**
Jonathan Swift Charles Dickens
→ Augustan Period (Neo-Classical) → Victorian Period
→ Greatest Satirist → Greatest Novelist
→ weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm Ñ → weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm Ñ
i. Gulliver Travels. i. Great Expectation. (Zvi †kÖó Dcb¨vm)
(4 L‡Û wef³) ii. A Tale of the Two Cities. (London & Paris)
ii. A Tale of a Tub. (36th BCS)
iii. The Battle of the Books. iii. The Battle of the Life.
iv. Hard Times.
v. David Copperfield. (36th BCS)
vi. Oliver Twist.
Thomas Gray
→ Graveyard Poet.
→ weL¨vZ Dw³Ñ
Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise
(AÁZvB †hLv‡b Avwke©v` Ávbx nIqvUv †evKvgx)
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen
→ weL¨vZ KweZv t- “Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat”
→ weL¨vZ elegy :- (37th BCS), 36th BCS
“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” → G‡K ejv nq Pastoral elegy. (MÖvgxY †kvKMv_v)|
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Sahin Sir’s Literature Lecture
William Wordsworth = 19 wU
Giv `yB eÜz
S.T Coleridge = 4 wU
→ Lake poet = `yB eÜz Ges GK AvMvQv (3Rb)
i. William Wordsworth
ii. S.T Coleridge
iii. Robert Southey (AvMvQv)
→ Definition of Romanticism : Not cut, copy, paste but create something new by imagination.
William Blake
→ Both Poet and Painter.
→ KweZv t-
i. Songs of Innocence
ii. Songs of Experience
we‡kl `ªóe¨ t Lyrical Ballad cÖKv‡ki gva¨‡g GB hy‡Mi (Romantic period) †hgb m~Pbv nq,
Songs of Innocence cÖKv‡ki gva¨‡g GB hy‡Mi c~Y©Zv jvf K‡i|
Jane Austen
→ Romantic period Gi GKgvÎ Anti-Romantic gwnjv Jcb¨vwmK|
→ Austen Gi PS
i. Pride and Prejudice
ii. Sense and Sensibility
Lord Byron
→ cy‡iv bvg t George Gordon Lord Byron
→ Revel Poet
→ weL¨vZ epic: - Don Juan (40th BCS)
1.‘Man’s love is of man’s life a thing apart,
‘Tis woman’s whole existence.
2. Revenge is sweet especially to women
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**S@hin sir’s Special graph chart** 40th BCS
William Wordsworth S.T Coleridge PB Shelley John Keats
→ Poet of Nature. → cy‡iv bvg Samuel Taylor → Revolutionary Poet → Poet of Beauty
( 36th BCS) Coleridge. 36th BCS → Lyrical Poet/Poet → Poet of Sensuousness
→ Poet of Supernaturalism → Death Hunted Poet
→ Father of Romantic of wind (mgxi‡Yi Kwe)
→ wZwb Avwdg Addicted → wZwb h²v‡Z gviv hvb|
Age → weL¨vZ mvwnZ¨ Kg©t-
→ The Great Pioneer wKš‘ John Keats I Avwdg i. Prometheus → weL¨vZ KweZv Ñ
of Romantic Movement Unbound ÒIsabellaÓ
†L‡Zb Z‡e Addicted bv|
→ Lake Poet cÖkœ Avm‡j DËi Ki‡ev S.T ii. The Revolt of wet`ªt Isabella e¨ZxZ
→ England Gi mfvKwe| Coleridge Islam
→ Nature related me Dw³ Zuvi| iii. Adonais Zuvi mg¯Í KweZv “Ode”
→ Biographia
→ GKgvÎ bvUKt The Borderers (37th BCS) w`‡q ïiæ|
Literaria (GwU mvwnZ¨
→ Poetic Autobiography: GwU Zvui weL¨vZ elegy
“The Prelude” mgv‡jvPbvg~jK MÖš’|)
(John Keats Gi g„Zz¨‡Z e¨wZµg t
→ Pioneer of Romantic (37th BCS) †jLv) i. Ode on
→ weL¨vZ KweZvt- → weL¨vZ KweZv t- Immortality
→ weL¨vZ KweZv t-
The Rime of AvKvk, evZvm, †gN, ivRv (W.W)
i. The Daffodil
ii. The Solitary Reaper Ancient Mariner i. Ode to the Skylark ii. Ode to the
(36th BCS) (38th BCS) ii. Ode to the west wind Skylark (PB Sh)
iii. Tintern Abbey ii. Kubla Khan iii. The Cloud iii. Ode to the west
iv. Rainbow iii. Christabel iv. Ozymandias (king) wind (PB Sh.)
→ Dw³t → Dw³t
wKš‘ Rainbow bv‡g iv. Dejection: An Ode
weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm wj‡Lb → Dw³t 1.“If winter comes, 1.“Beauty is truth,
AvaywbK hy‡Mi D.H 1.“Water, water can spring be far truth beauty”
everywhere behind” 2. A thing of beauty
Lawrence. 2. “My name is
Nor any drop to drink” is joy forever.
v. Lucy poems Ozymandias, king of
vi. Michael 3. Heard melodies
2.“Alone, alone, all, all alone, king”
vii. Written in March Alone on a wide, wide sea…” (Example of Irony) are sweet but those
viii. Ode on th
(38 BCS) 4.Poets are the unheard are sweeter.
Immortality 3.He prayth best who loveth unacknowledged 4.
(Agi‡Z¡i Mvb) best. legislators of the world.
Quotes: All things both great and
5.The more we study,
1. Child is the father of the more we discover
man. (36th BCS) our ignorance.
2. ‘all at once I saw 5.Our sweetest songs
crowd, a host of golden are those that tell of
daffodils. sadden thought.
Ten thousands saw I at
a glance tossing their
heads. (35th BCS)
3.Nature never did
betray the heart the
loved her.
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→ weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm t-
Vanity Fair
̶ GB Dcb¨v‡mi †Kvb Hero ‡bB|
̶ GB Dcb¨vm Øviv wZwb England †K Satire K‡i‡Qb|
̶ GUv g~jZ cwZZve„wˇK Zz‡j a‡ib|
Thomas Hardy
→ weL¨vZ nZvkvev`x (Pessimistic) Dcb¨vwmK|
→ weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm t-
i. Tess of the DUrbervilles ii. The Return of the Native (36th BCS)
ii. A Pair of Blue Eyes
iii. Under the Greenwood Tree
Note: GB wk‡ivbv‡g Shakespeare Gi As You Like It bvU‡K GKwU song i‡q‡Q|
→ weL¨vZ Dw³ t- The greater the sinner, the greater the saint
Leo Tolstoy
→ Russian Novelist.
→ weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm t- “War and Peace”
George Eliot
→ wZwb gwnjv Jcb¨vwmK|
→ e¨w³ Rxe‡bi scandal Avovj Ki‡ZB wZwb g~jZ “George Eliot” QÙbv‡g wjL‡Zb|
→ Zvi Avmj bvg t- Mary Ann Evans
→ weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm t- “Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe”
→ Dramatic poem:- “The Spanish Gypsy” [GwU Zvui weL¨vZ KweZv]
Z‡e, The Scholar Gypsy bvgK KweZv wj‡L‡Qb nZvkvev`x Kwe Mathew Arnold.
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Sahin Sir’s Literature Lecture
→ weL¨vZ Dw³ t-
Justice delayed, justice denied
Justice hurried, justice buried
Alexandre Dumas
→ weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm t-
i. Three Musketeers
ii. Twenty Years After
Karl Marx
→ Famous book:- “Das Capital” [GwU‡K mgvRZ‡š¿i evB‡ej ejv nq]
Samuel Butler
→ weL¨vZ mvwnZ¨Kg© t- “The Way of All Flesh” (novel).
GKB bv‡g Restoration period Gi GKRb Kwe Av‡Qb, hvi weL¨vZ KweZv “Hudibras”.
Oscar Wilde
→ wZwb Irish Jcb¨vwmK Ges bvU¨Kvi|
→ weL¨vZ mvwnZ¨Kg© t-
i. An Ideal Husband. (play)
ii. A Woman of No Importance. (play)
George Orwell
→ wZwbw GKRb Police Officer wQ‡jb|
→ Zvui Avmj bvg Eric Arthur Blair.
→ wZwb George Orwell QÙbv‡g wjL‡Zb|
→ weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm t-
i. Animal Farm.
ii. Nineteen Eighty-Four.
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Sahin Sir’s Literature Lecture
D.H. Lawrence
→ cy‡iv bvg t David Herbert Richard Lawrence.
→ weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm t-
i. Sons and Lovers
ii. Lady Chatterleys Lovers
iii. The Rainbow
wKš‘, Rainbow bv‡g weL¨vZ KweZv Av‡Q William Wordsworth Gi|
E.M Forster
→ cy‡iv bvg t Edward Morgan Forster.
→ weL¨vZ Dcb¨vm t-
i. A Passage to India. (36th BCS)
ii. A Room with a View
James Joyce
→ Ireland Gi weL¨vZ Jcb¨vwmK|
→ weL¨vZ eB t-
i. Ulysses (Novel)----(40th BCS)
we‡kl `ªóe¨ t Ulysses bv‡g GKwU weL¨vZ KweZv i‡q‡Q Victorian period Gi Kwe Alfred Tennyson Gi|
ii. Exiles (Play)
→ Real name: William Sidney Porter.
→ Famous short stories:
i. The Gift of the Magi.
ii. Roads of Destiny.
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Samuel Beckett
→ weL¨vZ bvUK t-
i. Waiting for Godot. (Absurd Play)
ii. Endgame. (One-act play)
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Hymm (†ng)= ag©xq Mvb| gnvb ¯ªóvi cÖmskv K‡i †h Mvb cwi‡ekb Kiv nq Zv‡K Hymm ejv nq|
Blank verse = KweZvi Q›`‡K meter ejv nq|
Avi KweZv¸‡jv hLb Q›`nxb nq ZLb Zv‡K ejv nq Blank verse ev AwgÎÿi Q›`|
Fable = DcK_v| Gai‡Yi iPbvq BZi cÖvYx gvby‡li gZ K_v e‡j|
Novella = ‡QvU Dcb¨vm|
Stanza = ¯ÍeK|
Melodrama = Kind of play contains violent and sensational themes.
Sonnet = Song of fourteen lines.
̶ 1g AvU jvBb n‡jv Octave.
̶ 2q Qq jvBb n‡jv Sestet.
17. Personification: ‡Kvb Ro c`v_© ev e¯‘‡K Rxe ev e¨w³i ¸Yvejx Øviv Zzjbv Kiv‡K Personification ejv nq|
Example: Blow, Blow the winter wind
Thou are not so unkind
As man’s ingratitude.
18. Euphemism: (38th BCS)
kÖæwZKUz k‡ãi/c‡`i cwie‡Z© †KvgjZi c‡`i cÖ‡qvM| †Kv‡bv A¯^w¯ÍKi ev mwZ¨Kvi k‡ãi cwie‡Z© Ab¨ †Kvb
my›`i k‡ãi e¨envi‡K Euphemism ejv nq|
†hgb t g„Zz¨ k‡ãi cwie‡Z© ci‡jvK Mgb e¨envi|
→ The substitution of an inoffensive expression for one considered offensively explicit.
19. Allegory: ‡Kvb Mí ev Kvwnbx †hLv‡b Kíbv K‡i wKQz ejv nq|
20. Ballad: MxwZ KweZv/Avb›``vqK Mvb ev KweZv/ Romantic Pop song.
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