Focus Writing & Bank Written Suppliment Vocabulary

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wkí mnvqK bxwZ  Industry friendly policy.
cyiælkvwmZ g‡bvfve  Patriarchal Attitudes
AMÖMwZ  Advancement
jyUcv‡Ui `yó aviv  Vicious trend of Plundering
mswkøó Acvw_©e myL ev Ava¨vwZ¥K Dbœqb  Corresponding spiritual well being
AwfevmxMY  Expatriates/Immigrants
†UKmB  Sustainable
gyw³  Emancipation
RvZxqev`  Nationalism
D`xqgvb  Rising
AKcU  Frank
cuywRev`x  Capitalist
mvg&ªvR¨ev`  Imperialism
Jcwb‡ek  Colonial
cÖe„w×  Growth
ms‡kvabx  Amendment
µgea©gvb  Growing
AMÖmi  Leading/Advanced
`vwi`ª¨ `~ixKiY  Poverty Elimination
Afz¨Ìvb  Mutiny/Uprising
we‡e‡Ki `skb  Pricked by Consciousness/Qualm
jÿ¨gvÎv  Target
†RvUfz³  Alliance/Coalition/Union
kvmbZš¿  Regime
†PZbv  Feeling
AwggvswmZ  Pending/Disputed
RvwZMZ `v½v  Civil strife
wbcxob  Persecution
D¾xeb/cybiæ¾xeb  Resuscitation
AvgjvZvwš¿K  Bureaucratic
KzU‣bwZK  Diplomatic
eûgvwÎK  Multidimensional
ZrciZv  Reediness
m¤¢vebvgq  Feasible/Potential/Promising
HwZn¨  Heritage
c~b©enj  Reinforcing
‣e‡`wkK evwYR¨ `~Z  Consul
gbMov  Fabricated
NvUwZ  Deficit/shortage/shortfall
Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

ev¯ÍeZv wee©wRZ  Unrealistic
Cl©bxq  Enviable
†PZbv  Spirit
ivL‡Z mÿg  Will be able to keep
kÖgNb  Labor intensive
¯^Zš¿ •ewkó¨  Outstanding
`~i`k©x cwiKíbv  Foreseeing plan
FY †Ljvwc  Defaulter
GB Ae¯
vi cwi‡cwÿ‡Z  Under these circumstance
`vmZ¡ n‡Z gyw³  Manumit/Free from slavery

µxZ`vm Kiv  Enslave
†kvlY Ges kvmb  Exploitation and domination
aŸsm  Destructive
ejvi A‡cÿv iv‡L bv  Need not to say
cweÎ `vwqZ¡  Sacred duty
Rb¥MZ AwaKvi  Inborn right
`„p cÖwZÁv  firmly committed
¯^vaxb  Freedom
¯^vaxbZv  Liberty
bviKxq  Diabolical/Nefarious

KvR Ki‡Z Ki‡Z gviv hvIqv  Die in harness
DMÖ‡`k †cÖg  Jingoism
DMÖev`  Extremism
cÖv‡`wkKZv  Provincialism, Territorial
cÖv‡`wkK  Provincial
msL¨vjNy  Minority
Aeqe  Nature
eY©ev`  Racialism
ag© wbi‡cÿ  Secular
ag©wbi‡cÿZv  Secularism

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Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

Av`k©MZ Ø›Ø  Ideological conflict
mv¤úª`vwqK  Communal
†g․jev`x  Fundamentalism
 g‡bvfve  Fevered attitude
KvR jvMv‡bv  Exploit
AwaKvi/¯^v_©  Vested interest
D‡ËwRZ RbZv  Frantic people
ÿgZv ev `vwq‡Z¡i ¯Íi  Echelon
c~Y©RvMiY  Resurgence/Revival
c_Pvix  Pedestrians

Q‡K evav Rxeb  Hard and fast life
MY‡fvU  Plebiscite
gy‡LvgywL msNl©  On a head collision
DbœZ Kiv  Boosting
mvs¯‥…wZMZ AvMÖvmb  Cultural assault
K_v ej‡Z bv cviv  Dumb struck
my¯úó ev jÿ¨Yxq  Prominent
wkÿv I ms¯‥…wZK g~j¨‡evanxb e¨w³  Philistine
wbôzi `vbe  Cruel monster
†g․b m¤§wZ  Connivance with

mv¤ªvR¨ev`  Imperialism
cuywRev`  Capitalism
mvg¨ev`  Communism
GK bvqKZš¿  Autocracy
c„ô‡cvlKZv  Patronization
Zxeª •elg¨  Severe discrimination
mvsweavwbK  Legislative
wePvi wefvMxq  Judicial
eY©ev`x bxwZ  Apartheid
†fvUvwaKvi  Suffrage

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Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

AdzišÍ m¤¢vebv  Inexhaustible potential
MY-Af‚¨Ìvb  Mass uprising
`~išÍ •kke  Restless childhood
mey‡Ri mgv‡ivn  Pomp’s of greenery
Af‚Z©c~e©  Unprecedentedly/ Extra special
bvix wbh©vZ‡bi gvgjvq  In accusation of women repression
k^ïi evwo  In-laws house
wKsKZ©e¨weg~p  State of shock
AmvaviY  Tremendous, Remarkable
evwZj Kiv  Superseded

wbqš¿K  Prevailing
ag©fxiæ  God fearing
Ace¨vL¨v  Misinterpretation
ag©vÜ Abymvix  Fanatic supporters
cvwj‡q †Mvc‡b we‡q Kiv  Clop
RxebhvÎvi e¨q  Life leading expenditure
Ab¨ †Kvb Dcvq bv †c‡q  Finding no alternative way
we‡e‡Ki `skb  Qualm
ÿgZvi gyj¨vqb  Credit rating
†fv³vi FY cwi‡kv‡ai weeiY  Credit history


eÜKx evRvi  Mortgage market

†Ljvwci cÖevn  Default rate
F‡Yi cÖevn  Flow of credit
n«vmcÖvß †fv³vi msL¨v  Shrinking number of consumers
`Lj`vix kw³  Forces of occupation
nvi bv gvbv gbwmKZvi ¸‡Y  By virtue of the never say die-spirit
AbwaKvi PP©v  Meddling
 cwi‡ek  Sane environment
mvwe©K cvi`wk©Zv  Overall performance
cÖZ¨vwkZ djvdj  Desired effect
Ki duvwK  Evading
bó n‡q hvIqv  Fizzle out
eÜK ivLv  Pawn
FY cÖ`vb  Loan Disbursement
A_©‣bwZK eûgywLZv  Economic diversification
Avw_©K †mev`v‡bi c×wZ  Financial service farm work
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Drcv`bkxjZvi g~j¨vqb  Assessment of productivity
†Rvov‡jv AvšÍm¤úK©  Strong co-relation
AvB‡bi duvK †dvKi  Loophole
†kvwlZ  Take advantage of, Exploited
gyw³hy‡×i mgq  During the freedom struggle
exiZ¡  Heroism
mvgwiK cÖwkÿY MÖnY Kiv  Undergo Military training
mk¯¿ evwnbx  Armed forces
†Z‡Rv`xß Rxeb  Tender lives
Z_vKw_Z  So-called

Aemvb NUv‡bv  Bring down
weivRgvb kvmbe¨e¯
v  Existing regime
ÿgZvi KZ©„Z¡  Of power
cwieZ©b m~PbvKvix mgq  Turning point
cÖwZK‚j cÖfve  Adverse impact
mKj ¯Í‡ii gvbyl AskMÖnY Kiv  All walks of people took part
mxgvbv wba©viY  Demarcation
cwiwPwZ AR©b Kiv  Attain familiarity
A`g¨ mvnm  Indomitable courage
B¯úvZ KwVb g‡bvej  Iron hard morale

MyRe  Rumor
AvKw¯§K bMi eb¨v  Urban flash flood
Rjvf‚wg I cøvebf‚wg  Wetlands and floodplains
bvjv, †QvULvj  Catchments
Awfevmx‡`i µgvMZ AvMgY  Influx of migrants
kiYv_©x msKU  Refugee crisis
j  Sanctuary
msÿzä e¨w³  Aggrieved
Rwg `Lj  Land grabbing
cÖej el©Y  Downpour

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Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

Am¤§wZm~PK Pvnwb  Disapproving look
cvwbevwnZ †ivM  Waterborne diseases
gvivZ¥K RxevYy  Fatal germ
†gav cvPvi  Brain drain
mvgvwRK gvb`Û  Social norms
mvgvwRK •ewkó¨  Cultural trait
A‡h․w³K Ges AevwÂZ  Undue and unwanted
mvs¯‥…wZK AvµgY  Cultural assault
cvkweK m„wó  Brute creation
cÖewó Kiv  Impregnate

wbw®…q D‡ËRbv  Passive sensation
GKRb wewkó AbyivMx  Devoted fan
hyMvšÍKvix cwieZ©b  Epoch making change
evwYwR¨K RvnvR  Merchant ship
†Uªb, evm cÖf…wZ w`‡q wbqwgZ evmv
†_‡K Kg©¯‡
 j hvZvqvZ Kiv nq  Commute
µgea©gvb Pvwn`v  Ever-increasing demand
Mfxi AvMÖn  keen interest
¸iæZi  Gravest
†hvM¨ nIqv  Deserve
Avgv‡`i †KD bv  None of us

`ywlZ evqy †meb  Inhaling polluted air
Awb`ªv  Insomnia
IZ‡cÖvZfv‡e RwoZ  Inseparably linked
e¨w³MZ Avmw³  Personal devotion
eûj cÖPwjZ K_v  Common saying
¯^v_©wmw×i Rb¨ fvjevmv  Cupboard love
weivR Kiv/_vKv  Lie
AdzišÍ  Unending
AbyK‚j cwi‡ek  Propitious environment
g‡b ivLv  Bear in mind
Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

HwZnvwmK wb`k©b  Historical object
P‚ovšÍ ¯^vaxbZv  Real/Ultimate/Desired independence
we‡eK‡K `» K‡i  Pangs of conscience
†h․e‡bi ÿY¯
vqx SY©v  Elusive fountain of youth
mgm¨v/Sv‡gjv  Turmoil
Pvgovi fuvR  Wrinkles
kixi evwK‡q †`Iqv  Gere a bent posture
f½yi nvi‡Mvo  Fragile bones
cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Kiv  Vie for
e„× nIqvi cÖwµqv  In the aging process

mvgvwRK Ges ag©xq e¨e¯
v  Social and Religious right
`v¤úZ¨ Rxeb  Conjugal life
GLb Avi wU‡K †bB  No longer exist
wb‡lavÁv  Embargo
we‡iva †iLv  Dividing line
¯^fveMZfv‡eB mZK©  Innately Cautious
Zxeª mgm¨v  Glaring problem
SuywK MÖnYKvix  Risk seekers
SuywK cwinviKvix  Risk avoiders
SuywK mwnòzZv  Risk tolerance

mvgvb¨Zg Amyweav  The least difficulty
AvcvZZ g‡b nIqv  Apparently seems
`„p I AvšÍwiK cÖZ¨q Øviv  With firm and earnest determination
eû w`K w`‡q  In many respects
RivRxY©  Run-down
AwZ m¤úªwZ  Quite recently
Amr D‡Ïk¨  Ulterior motive
Zxeª kµZv  Simmering hostility
AvµgY  Inroads
cvi¯úwiK fvjevmv  Mutual understanding
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eo ai‡bi ÿwZ  Take a heavy toll
e¨vcKfv‡e  profoundly
µgea©gvb nv‡i  Increasingly
Drcv`b  Yields
mgwš^Z ejvB `gb e¨e¯
v  Integrated pest management
`xN© i³ÿqx hy‡×  Long sanguinary war
AMÖmi Dbœqbkxj †`k  Frontline developing country
Av‡jvPbvq Avmv  Come to lime light
AbwaKvi PP©v  Meddling
†`‡ki Avbv‡Z Kvbv‡P  Each and every corner of the country


Z_¨ cÖhyw³i Av‡jv  The light of information technology

cÖwZkÖæwZkxj Ges mymsMwVZ cÖwZôvb  Promising and well organize institute
mg¨K Ávb  Sound knowledge
P‚ovšÍ ¯^vaxbZv  Real/Ultimate/Desired independence
Jcwb‡ewkK weªwUk kvmb  Colonial British rule
av‡c av‡c gyw³i cÿ †cwi‡q  By smoothing the path to freedom step by step
gyw³hy‡×i †PZbv RvMÖZ K‡i  Rousing the spirit of freedom fight
ivóªxq †ÿ‡Î  In the arena of state affairs
MYnZ¨v  Massacre
fvlv •mwbK  Language Soldier

kvnv`vr eiY  Attain martyrdom
web¤ª kÖ×v  With humble respect
`vgvj †Q‡j  Dauntless son
nvi bv gvbv gvbywmKZvi My‡Y  By virtue of the never say-die spirit
gyw³hy‡×i mgq  During the freedom struggle
mk¯¿ evwnbx  Armed forces
†Z‡Rv`xß Rxeb  Tender lives
mKj ¯Í‡ii gvbyl AskMÖnY Kiv  All walks of people take part
AvZ¥kw³i we‡ùvi‡Yi Kvj  The time of Expressing self-power
AwaK mn‡hvwMZv PvIqv  Seek more co-operation
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cÖYqb Kiv  Devise
cÖ‡Yv`bv c¨v‡KR  Incentive package
†`‡ki A_©‣bwZK mgm¨v  The economic troubles of country
m‡PZbZv m„wó Kiv  Raise consciousness
DØy× Ki‡Yi KvR  The activities of motivation
gvbe mgv‡Ri evwn¨K Aeqe  The external appearance of human society
P‚ovšÍ jÿ¨  Final purpose
Sjg‡j mf¨Zv  Glittering civilization
cwieZ©‡bi gva¨‡g  With a leap
Awb‡kl Drmvn  An inexhaustible inspiration

Awff~Z Kiv  Overwhelm
RvwZmË¡vi  Existence of nation
wZwZÿv  Forbearance
FY †Ljvcx  Loan Defaulting
Aby‡gvw`Z g~jab  Authorized Capital
FYcÎ  Credit paper
evwYwR¨K e¨vsK¸‡jvi Avw_©K wee„wZ  Balance sheet
†jb‡`b DØy× (Avg`vwb †ewk)  Balance of payment
†jb‡`b DØy× (ißvwb †ewk)  Balance of trade
FYMÖnY  Borrowing

g~ja‡bi Dci GKKvjxb Ki  Capital levy
PwjZ g~jab  Circulating money
cÖPwjZ g~jab  Conventional Tariff
FY A¯^xKvi  Denial of loan
FY gIKzd  Deft excuse
FY mvnv‡h¨  Deft aid
A_©‣bwZK cwic~iK e¨e¯
v  Economic complementary system
nZvkve¨ÄK cÖe„w×  Immersing Growth
e¨emvwqK Ki  Corporate tax
MY-Afz¨Ìv‡bi Rb¨ Dchy³ mgq  Ripe of a war upheaval

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Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

†K․kjMZ cðv`c`miY  Tactical retreat
¯^w¯Íi wbk^vm †djv  Elicit a sigh of relief
†PZbv mÂviY Kiv  Instill the spirit
Me© I †kv‡Ki w`b  Day of pride and moving
†`k‡`ªvnxZvi gvgjv  Under the charge of treason
Awnsm Av‡›`vjb  Non-violent movement
Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb  Non-co-operative movement
eY©ev` we‡ivax Av‡›`vjb  Anti-racial movement
Awemsevw`Z †bZv  Undisputed leader
†cvkvK LvZ  Apparel sector

ißvwb wbf©i A_©bxwZ  Export led/based economy
msKU cieZ©x  Post crisis
bvMwiK `~i‡fvM  Civil strife
D`vibxwZ  De-regulatory policy
bvbvwea KviY  Multifarious causes
wewfbœ gnj  Different quarters
A_© cvPvi  Capital flight
†cÖwÿZ cwiKíbv  Perspective plan
†K․Z~njx gb  Inquisitive mind
mgv‡jvPbvq KlvNvZ  Lash of criticism

me©‡kl cybtwba©viY  Latest fixation
Zvij¨ msKU  Liquidity crisis
fqven cwiYwZ  Looming grim
weivU mieivng~jK P¨v‡jÄ  Massive logistical challenge
mvgwiK civkw³  Military super power
g›` AvPiY  Misdemeanor
eûj Av‡jvwPZ welq  Much talked Agenda
Kvievwi gybvdv  Operational profit
fveg~wZ©i msKUvcbœ Ae¯
v nIqv  Pose image crisis
eo gv‡ci ûgwK  Potential threat

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Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

fZ©ywK/mnvqZv  Subsidy
k^vmiæ×Ki cwi‡ek  Suffocating environment
Avjvc Pvwj‡q hvIqv  Take over negotiation
fveg~wZ© Zz‡j aiv  Uphold image
D‡¤§vPb Kiv  Usher
K‡Vvi mgv‡jvPbv  Vehement criticism
†hb ev g‡b nq  As if
m¤ú‡K©  In respect of
†gvUK_v  The long and short
ev‡bvqvU ev gbMov Z_¨  Fabricated information
D”Q¡vm  Fanfare
fqven msNl©  Extreme clash


FY cÖevn  Flow of loan

A_©‣bwZKfv‡e wech©¯Í  Financially troubled
AvbyôvwbK D‡Øvab  Formal inauguration
Aí cwigv‡c e„w×  Gain slight/Slight increment
D`¨gx/D‡`¨vMx  Geared up
AZ…ß ev Am‡šÍvl  Glitches and Grumbles
ZvrÿwYK bM` A_© Pvwn`v  Immediate monetary needs
GK †kvKevZ©vq  In a message of condones
mn‡hvwMZvq  In collaboration with
`vwqZ¡kxj  Incumbent
Akøxj `„wófw½  Indent gesture
kw³kvjx Awfhvb cwiPvjbv Kiv  Initiate vigorous campaign
MVb Kiv  Carve out
HK¨g‡Z †c․uQv  Come to consensus
Awfbœ ¯^v_©  Common interest


mv¤úª`vwqK m¤úªxwZ  Communal harmony

mswkøó m~Î  Concerned source
 cwi‡ek  Congenial atmosphere
`v¤úZ¨ Rxeb  Conjugal life
mgmvgwqK evwYwR¨K e¨vsK  Contemporary Commercial Bank
GKB eQi  Corresponding year
wbôzi cÖwZ‡hvwMZv  Cut throat competition
Mfxi lohš¿  Deep conspiracy
Avw_©K NvUwZ  Deficit financing
weg~Z© AvZ¥v  Departed soul
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n«v‡mi cÖebZv  Depleting trend

cÖjsKvix eb¨v  Devastating flood
GvY weZiY  Distribution of aid
M„nxZ  Down loaded
A_©‣bwZK gyw³  Economic Emancipation
e¨vcK weRq  Emphatic victory
hvi Rb¨/hv‡`i Rb¨  For whom
hvi mv‡_/hv‡`i mv‡_  With whom
hvi Kv‡Q/hv‡`i Kv‡Q  To whom
hvi KvQ †_‡K/hv‡`i KvQ †_‡K  From whom
Dbœqb‡K Z¡ivwš^Z Kiv  Accelerate development
†fRvj Lv`¨  Adulterated food
AvkÖq/c„ô‡cvlKZv  Aegis

cwigvY ev djvdj  Aftermath
K‡Vvi A_©‣bwZK c`‡ÿc  Austere fiscal measure
cÖwZkÖæwZ, AvnŸvb  Bid
D™¢U gšÍe¨  Bizarre comment
FY †bIqv  Borrow
A‣bK¨/AmgZv  Incongruities
Kv‡R jvMv‡bv  Exploit
j•Nb  Breach
msKxY© aviYv  Narrow perception
•bwZK `vwqZ¡  Ethical responsibilities
cÖavb e¨emvwqK Kg©KvÐ  Core business activities
†`‡ki mvgwMÖK Dbœqb  Entire development of the country
AvaywbK K…wl DcKiY  Modern Agro-material
wKsKZ©e¨weg~p  State of shock
eûj cÖwZwÿZ  Much awaited

R¦vjvwb wbivcËv  Fuel security
cÖavb wbf©iZv  Main reliance
`„wó b›`b  eye catching
kÖwgK AwaKv‡ii `vwe Av`vqKvixiv  Labor rights activities
KwVb KvR  Undertaking
gvivZ¥K ev fqvbK Pvc  Immense pressure
†ewk Pvc  Put firm pressure
Kg Pvc  Put light pressure
wb‡Pi w`‡K Pvc  Put downward pressure
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meyR D‡`¨vM  Green initiatives

cwi‡ekMZ we‡ePbv  Environmental consideration
`ªæZ †e‡o DVv  Burgeon
†gavweKv‡ki Rb¨  For the development of talent
wcwQ‡q cov  Lag behind
gvby‡li nv‡Zi gy‡Vvq  In the list of people
e¨vcKZvi Afve  Lack of comprehensiveness
Db&œqb PP©vKvix  Practitioner of development
cÖwZôvwbK `ye©jZv  Institutional weakness
Av_©mvgvwRK Dbœqb  Socio economic development
mymgwš^Z cÖwµqvi gva¨‡g  Through a well-integrated process
†K․kjMZ I wb‡`©kg~jK cwiKíbv `wjj Strategic and instructive document of planning
kÖgNb wkí  Labor intensive industry
†h․_ cÖ‡Póv  Concerted interest
Cl©bxq  Enviable
†cvkvK wk‡íi mvwe©K DbœwZi Rb¨  For the overall development of the garments industry

Zzjbvg~jK myweav  Comparative advantage
AwaKZi ûgwKi m¤§yLxb  More vulnerable
weÁvb cÖhyw³i AMÖMwZi gva¨‡g  Through the advancement in science and technology
mKj ¯Í‡ii RbMY  All walks of people
¯^vqËkvwmZ cÖwZôvb  Autonomous bodies
m~wZKvMvi  Breeding center
h_vh_ m¤§vbx  Proper remuneration
e¨emvqx cÖwZwbwa  Business delegation
`vwi`ª¨ mxgv cvi nIqv  To cross poverty level
bvixi Av_©mvgvwRK ÿgZvqb  Socio-economic empowerment of women
mwZ¨Kv‡ii †g․jev`x `„wófw½  Real fundamental attitude
kvwšÍi Sibv aviv  Stream of happiness
hvwš¿K mf¨Zv  Mechanized civilization
Ac©Y Kiv  Bestow with

AkvwšÍi biK R¦vjv  Hellish unhappiness
e¨w³ ¯^vaxbZv  Individual liberty
evK ¯^vaxbZv  Freedom of speech
MYcÖwZwbwaZ¡  Public representation
Ki duvwKi ms¯‥…wZi AvwaK¨  Predominant tax evading culture
Acwinvh© kZ©  Sine qua non
mvgwóK A_©bxwZ  Macroeconomics
mycÖvPxb/mbvZb  Primeval people
Kvh©Ki nIqv  Besteading
Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

gvbeZvi Pig Aegvbbv  Utter disregard for humanity
miKv‡ii g‡bvfve  The stance of government
wek„•Ljv m„wóKvix  Trouble mongers
Ac”Qvqv  Spectra
jvMvgnxb  Unbridled
wkl¨e„›`  Sect
v  Extremism
be¨ D`vi bxwZwe`  Neoliberalism
wbM„nxZ RvwZ  Coerced nation
Mo Avqy  Average life expectancy

wkï I gvZ…-g„Zz¨nvi  Infant and maternal mortality rate
b¨v°viRbK NUbv  Abominable occurrence
bvix‡`i jvwÃZ Kiv  Assault women
wbcxo‡bi NUbv  Occurrence of Molestation
A`g¨ mvnm  Indomitable courage
B¯úvZ KwVb g‡bvej  Iron hard morale
cwiwPwZ AR©b  attain familiarity
Amv¤úª`vwqK  Non-communal
A‡bK mgv‡jvPbv  A lot of criticism
`LjKvix  Squatter
vb  Stance

AUjfv‡e KvR Kiv  Ply
wkjve„wó  Hail
we`ªæcvZ¥K/wb›`vc~Y©  Ironical
Acwi‡gq  Immense
we‡eKnxb  Unscrupulous
Zvnxb bxwZ  Hard off policy
Avw`g  Pristine
fxZ Kiv/AvZ¼Z Kiv  Appall
RivRxY©  Run down/Decrepit
wbi‡cÿ/wbwe©‡kl  Irrespective
n¯Í‡ÿc Kiv  Intervene
wek„•Ljv  Scuffing
Amr Dcv‡q UvKv MÖnY  Siphon off
Awf‡hvM Am‡šÍvl  Grievance
†Pv‡L bv †`Lv  Turn a blind eye
MÖvgxb Rxeb I `„k¨  Pastoral
gvZjvwg/Db¥v`bv  Spree, frolic
Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

c‡ivÿ Dbœqb cÖfve  Hidden development impact
†eKviZ¡ Ges `vwi`ª¨ †gvKv‡ejv  Tacking unemployment and poverty
†g․wjK A‣eaZv  Fundamental illegitimacy
mywe‡ePbv  Scrutiny
cÖwZKvig~jK c`‡ÿc  Remedial measures
`xN©‡gqvw` `~i`k©x cwiKíbv  Long-term foresighted planning
AšÍwb©wnZ evZ©v  Underlying message
MY‡hvMv‡hvM I mvgvwRK wg_w¯…qv  Mass communication and social interaction
`„p msKí  Dogged determination
mvgwMÖK K‡Vvi e¨e¯
v  Recent crack down

wbcxob Zz‡j aiv  Depicting the persecution
`„pfv‡e iÿv Kivi A½xKvi  Pledge to safeguard perpetually
m¤§vb Ges Mv¤¢xh©  Respect and solemnity
Mfxi kÖ×v  profound homage
P‚ovšÍ gyw³  Ultimate emancipation
we¯Í…Z fq Ges wbcxob  Pervasive fear and subjugation
ÎvY  Succor
gvby‡li ÿqÿwZ Kgv‡Z  Reduce human casualties
mwÜÿY  Juncture
Pjgvb cvkweK `gb  ongoing brutal crackdown
MY b„ksmZv  Mass atrocities
Lmov mgvavb  Draft resolution


wbwe©Pv‡i †MÖdZvi Ges AwMœms‡hvM  Arbitrary arrests and arson

µgea©gvb wb‡lavÁv  Incremental sections
Zxeª we‡ivwaZv  Vehemently Opposed
ee©‡ivwPZ Ges i³v³ nvgjv  Grisly and gory attack
fq cÖ`k©bKvix gyL  Menacing face
wb›`vm~PK A‡_©  Pejorative sense
ag©vÜ AmwnòzZv  Fanatical intolerance
RvwZMZ wbg©~j  Ethnic cleansing
mvgwiK GK bvqKZš¿  Military dictatorship
cvi¯úwiK bxwZ  Principal of Reciprocity
mwnsmZvi P‚ovšÍ kvmb  Ultimate wielders of violence
•bwZK †kÖô‡Z¡i AMÖvn¨  Overriding moral superiority
eY©ev`x‡`i ‡iv‡l PvwjZ ag©vÜZv  Racist rage driven bigotry
cÖKU mgwš^Z †K․kj D™¢veb  Devising a comprehensive strategy
Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

RvwZMZ mgZv  Racial equality
gvby‡li nv‡Zi gy‡Vvq  In the fist of people
†gav weKv‡ki Rb¨  For the development of talent
wcwQ‡q cov  Lag behind
†K․kjMZ I wb‡`©kbvg~jK
cwiKíbv `wjj  Strategic and instructive document of planning
mymgwš^Z cÖwµqvi gva¨‡g  Through a well-integrated process
A‣eafv‡e Lvj `Lj  Canal encroachment
AveR©bvq cwic~Y©  Garbage is dumped into it liberally
RvwZmË¡vi  Existence of nation
AvcøyZ Kiv  Overwhelm
GK Awbt‡kl †cÖiYv  An inexhaustible inspiration
Awfevmx Kg©x‡`i AwaKvi iÿv Kiv
/ Zz‡j a‡i - Uphold our migrant worker's rights


cybe©vmb Kiv  Repatriate

wg_¨v cÖwZkÖæwZ  False promises
gvbevwaKvi jÿY  Human rights violation
fqven/Kiæb cwiw¯
wZ  Dire conditions
†Rvic~e©K kÖg I AgvbweK wbh©vZb  Forced labour and inhumane torture
nZfvM¨ kÖwgK  Unfortunate workers
kÖg Dc‡`óv  Labour counselor
wbh©vZb I Puv`vevwR  Torture and extortion
cvPviKvix ms¯
v  Trafficking nexus
wkï kÖg I DØv¯Í msKU  Child labour and refugee crisis.
Kg©gq Rxeb  Working life

Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

All Competitive Exams
Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition

bk¦i  Mortal
Agi n‡q _v‡K  Remain immortal
Kivj MÖvm  Pawn/clutches
wech©¯Í Ae¯
v  Disheartening situation
D‡¤§m  Manifestation
†K‡U hvIqv/A`„k¨ nIqv  Disappear
`~i K‡i  Dispel
†R‡M IVv  Arises
RxY©-cyiv‡bv ¯§„wZ‡K we`vq Rvwb‡q  Bidding farewell to emaciated pass or Leaving the
shabby and old memory
ag©-m¤úª`vq wbwe©‡k‡l  Regardless of religion-community
kÖwgK‡`i †kvlY  Exploitation of labors
AvBwb myiÿv bv _vKv  Lack of legal support
jv‡Lv kÖwgK‡K eva¨Zvg~jK
G‡b AvU‡K iv‡L  Enforcing millions of people to worker computations
`yb©xwZ `gb  Curbing corruption
Drcv`bkxj D‡`¨vM  Productive venture

g~jab cvPvi  Flight of capital
my` gËKz‡di bxwZgvjv  Interest abolishing policy
eÂbvc~Y© Rxebhvcb  Poor life style in deprivation
¯^M©xq †m․›`h©  Heavenly beauty
wewb‡qvM AvK…ó  Squeezing investment
†K‡U hvq  Disappear
`~i Kiv  Dispel
Avgv‡`i `„wó‡Z  In our vision
Avgv‡`i †fZ‡ii gvbylwU †R‡M DVv  Our inner soul arises

mxgvnxb `yb©xwZ  Gross corruptions/unrestrained corruptions
FY RvwjqvwZ  Loan scams
FY †Ljvwci †evSv  Burden of default loans
FY Ae‡jvcb  Debts writing off/overlapping loans
†gqvw` AvgvbZ  Fixed deposit
jvMvgnxb `yb©xwZ  Unbridled corruption
GKZidv  Unilateral
Ae‡jvcb  Overlapping
RvwjqvwZ  Forgery
AveMvix ïé  Excise duty
A_©‣bwZK g›`v  Economic slumps
FYmxgv  Credit limit
fZ©ywK  Subsidy
Focus Writing & Bank Written Supplement New Edition


AwaKš‧  Moreover
AZGe, myZivs, hvnvi d‡j  Therefore
dj¯^iƒc/ cwiYv‡g  As a result/ Consequently/As a Consequence
Abymv‡i  According to
Aciw`‡K  On the contrary/On The Other Hand/Whereas/While
ZvQvov/AviI  Furthermore/Further
hvB †nvK/Z‡e  However
Kvi‡Y  Since/Because of
Zv m‡Ë¡I  Nevertheless
Zv m‡Ë¡I wecix‡Z  In contrast
Z_vwc  Yet
ZeyI  Still
Ab¨_vq  Other wise
D`vniY¯^iƒc  For instance/For Example/As an Example/To cite an
Example/To Illustrate/As an illustration
B‡Zvg‡a¨  Meanwhile
m¤¢eZ  Perhaps
ïay GUvB bv....IUvI  Not only... but also
nq GUv... bq GUv  Either...or
GUvI bv... IUvI bv  Neither...nor
bB‡j  Else
Aciw`‡K  Where as
wbwe©‡k‡l  Regardless
mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©  In fact
mwZ¨/e¯ÍZ  Indeed
ZvQvov  Besides/In addition/Apart from this
‡mB‡nZz/mZzivs  So/Thus/Therefore

 Conclusin signals
myZivs  Therefore
Ae‡k‡l  Finally
me©‡kl  Last of all/In Conclusion/To sum-up/To Conclude
djkÖæwZ‡Z  Consequently
ms‡ÿ‡c  In summary

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