Reflective Writing

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(HRM 648)


(BA243 4A)


12 JUNE 2020

When you get a job offer, the first thing you’re looking at and thinking at is your salary.
Whether the recruiter lists the salary as and hourly, daily, weekly or monthly rate, the candidates
see it as the most important part of any job offer. Typically, when employees think about
compensation, their salary is what they think about it. However, for many employees especially
senior employees, compensation is far more than just a regular paycheck.

Benefits are cover indirect pay. As an example, it can be a health insurance or any myriad
of things that offered to the employees. All these things are critical to any job offer. Two jobs
offering the same salaries may vary widely in the category of benefits, making one a better
financial proposition than the other.

Compensation and benefits most often come under the responsibility of the Department
of Human Resources. In such a small company, a Human Resource generalist would manage all
aspects of this process, while in a large company, there would be committed departments to
manage these.

As you know, compensation and benefits are important in the company. There is a reason
why compensation and benefits are important. This is because people are not working without
getting any pay and even you are a non-profit organization, you cannot ask them work for free
because it is illegal under employment law. There should be a contract between employer and
employee, that when the employee does the task given, the employer should reward with the
salary. That is why compensation and benefits are an important part of that equation.

For the employees, compensation and benefits can boost their motivation. Did you know
that? This is because, the employee will work hard to achieve their satisfaction. So, the company
will make sure that the employee performance is better to get a better reward. This is common in
every company. The best employee will get the reward from the employer.


What do you know about this compensation and benefits subject? As what I know,
compensation and benefits subject is a subject that teach us about the pay matter. In this subject
you will learn why compensation and benefits department must have in every company and you
will learn how compensation and benefits process. Next, who was involved in compensation and
benefits? For your knowledge, every company should have compensation and benefits
department and the department will be conducted by Human Resource generalist. So, I take this
subject in my fourth semester. For me, to understand this subject, I need physical description
from my lecturer. When my lecturer makes a lecture about this subject, it will make me better
understanding about this subject. As what I know, this subject is about what is a process of
compensation in the company.

When we learn this subject, we will apply this when we work in the company. If we
expert in this subject, we can work in Human Resource department under compensation and
benefits. This compensation and benefits subject could be use anywhere in your workplace and it
is very useful because all of we learn are fact and everyone should know about that. This subject
very useful for use because we will know how compensation will be given to the employee, what
benefits that we will get any many more.

My first thought when I learn this subject is, I thought that I only will learn about how to
calculate employee’s salary. But I was wrong all I learn was facts about compensation and
benefits. Basically, I have a positive impression about this subject. When I learn this subject, I
know more about compensation and benefits and it is not only about employee’s salary. There
are many aspects that we should consider in compensation and benefits. For me I think this
subject is quite challenging because there are too many facts that we should understand about
this subject and I feel worried if I’m not too understand in certain topic.

For me, when I became as Human Resource student, I have thought before that when I
work after graduated, I would like to apply my job in Human Resource industry under
compensation and benefits department. I think it will be fun to manage people salary. So, I think
I will study hard to get better grade in this subject to make sure that my dream become true to
work in Human Resource industry under compensation and benefits department.


As a conclusion, I would like to conclude that compensation and benefits is one of the
important subjects in Human Resource. Every topic in this subject are importance for us to
understand. This is because every topic will explain different aspects that we should know about
compensation and benefits.

We as Human Resource student should more understand about this subject and when we
work after graduated, we can apply our knowledge in our workplace. It will help you more in
your workplace.

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