A Study of Recruitment and Selection Procedure of HRL FOODS PVT. LTD.
A Study of Recruitment and Selection Procedure of HRL FOODS PVT. LTD.
A Study of Recruitment and Selection Procedure of HRL FOODS PVT. LTD.
Conducted on
Session (2016-2021)
Submitted by:-
As a part of my summer project I was asked to study the Recruitment and Selection practices in HRL FOODS
wherein I learnt the objective, purpose and importance of recruitment, the factors that govern recruitment, the
strategies adopted by the company for recruitment, the complete process of recruitment, types and techniques of
Also I studied what are the HR management strategies that HRL FOODS takes into consideration while selecting
any candidate.
Apart from this I also got a chance to assist the Assistant Manager(HR) of the company in the day to day activities
like CV searching, CV short listing, calling the candidates for interviews, conducting interviews, drafting formal
emails, preparing minutes of the meeting etc
This project helped me in a great way to relate theory to practice and also in way helped me to develop interpersonal
It all began in the year 1965, in a small shed in a village Bhikiwind (Amritsar). A quiet town in
punjab woke up to what was to be the greatest success story in agriculture. It was the inspection
of HRL FOODS group. Founded by Late Sh. Raghunath Arora, the group came into being with
humble beginning and traditional values and as destiny would have it the group soon grew in
both scale and operations. By the the year 1977, the trading company had become a partnership
firm. It was know christened Lalchand Tirathram Rice Mills. The growth curve of the firm was
on an upward incline by as early as 1990. It was here when the group turned a new leaf and HRL
FOODS Ltd. came into being. As time ambled away, the changing group dynamics kept on
adding new feats to their credit and new figures to their balance sheets.
Just two years later i.e, in the year 1992, HRL FOODS Ltd. clocked over Rs.30 million by
exporting basmati rice across the world. Soon, the company added another laurel to its list by
becoming a public limited entity in the year 1994.Coming years saw a phenomenal 30-fold rise
in the company's turnover.
Today, the export revenues of HRL FOODS Ltd. stand at Rs.4965.78 million. Where the
group stands today is just a preface of what is yet to be achieved. The kind of precision and hard
work that is an essential part of the company is bound to lead HRL FOODS Ltd. to a pinnacle
never touched by any other Indian rice manufacturer.
With international standards as a norm, HRL FOODS Ltd. is the perfect example of realization
of the true Indian vision of success, growth and achievement. HRL FOODS Ltd.-one of the best
names in the global directory of rice manufacturers across the world.
The company is primarily engaged in the business of milling, processing,and marketing of
branded and non branded basmati rice and manufacturing of rice food products in the
domestic and overseas market .its operation includes contract farming, procurement,
storage , processing, packaging and distribution.
The group is well represented worldwide and by their international distributor. This distributor
network covers more than 35 countries. The tie-ups with various distributors internationally
ensures the presence of the group's products in all major markets. Today, the company is present
in over 35 countries. In future they plan to increase their presence in existing markets and
explore new markets. The company intends to increase their presence in the Far East, Africa and
Middle East. HRL FOODS Ltd. is sure to surge into the small oyster called the globe and
become one of the most renowned companies.
HRL FOODS Ltd. has recently test marketed their ready to cook rice in the Indian market, which
will be made available in different flavours. The intent is to increase the presence in this segment
and plan to develop more value added products.
Vision - “To Be a Global Rice Foods Company”
"To be a global rice foods company-as the world moves towards concenience foods, there is a
growing acceptance of 'ready to cook' and 'ready to eat' rice. This trend has created a huge
market for such products. HRL FOODS Ltd. is developing innovative products for this segment
and aspires to become one of the top players in the rice and value-added rice products business."
To deliver substantial value customers, be profitable and establish leadership in core markets.
The company strives towards diversification and expansion of the product portfolio. Also it aims
to command mind recall with the consumer by ensuring effective brand promotion strategies.
Invest in research and development activities, so that the company can deliver better products
and always stay ahead. Focus on increasing global footprint by venturing into newer markets and
at the same time forge fruitful alliances with entities operating within the same plane.
Chapter – 2 Policy Of The Company
Human resource policies are the formal rules and guidelines that businesses put in place to hire,
train, assess, and reward the members of their workforce. These policies, when organized and
disseminated in an easily used form, can serve to preempt many misunderstandings between
employees and employers about their rights and obligations in the business place. It is tempting,
as a new small business owner, to focus on the concerns of the business at hand, and put off the
task of writing up a human resource policy. All business analysts and employment lawyers will
advise a new business owner to get a policy down on paper, even if it is a simple one drafted
from a boilerplate model. Having policies written is important so that it is clear to all what the
policies are and that they are applied consistently and fairly across the organization. Moreover,
when issues concerning employee rights and company policies come before federal and state
courts, it is standard practice to assume that the company's human resource policies, whether
written or verbal, are a part of an employment contract between the employee and the company.
Without clearly written policies, the company is at a disadvantage.
Small businesses--and especially business startups--can not afford to fritter away valuable time
and resources on drawn-out policy disputes or potentially expensive lawsuits. Having a human
resource policy in place from the start can help to avoid this situation. The business owner who
takes the time to establish sound, comprehensive human resource policies will be far better
equipped to succeed over the long run than the business owner who deals with each policy
decision as it erupts. The latter ad hoc style is much more likely to produce inconsistent,
uninformed, and legally questionable decisions that may cripple an otherwise prosperous
business. For as many small business consultants state, human resource policies that are
inconsistently applied or based on faulty or incomplete data will almost inevitably result in
declines in worker morale, deterioration in employee loyalty, and increased vulnerability to legal
penalties. To help ensure that personnel management policies are applied fairly, business owners
and consultants alike recommend that small business enterprises produce and maintain a written
record of its HR policies and of instances in which those policies came into play.
Objective of this project was to develop an understanding of the formal recruitment and selection
procedures in a corporate.
Time constraint
Confidential data in the company was not accessible
Inexperience and lack of knowledge also created hurdles while carrying out the project
The recruitment methodology used is based on proven processes that have previously resulted in
successful, quality placements. The methodology ensures to fully understand the assignment and
the specific requirements given by the functional heads to enable HR to successfully target the
best candidates for referral to the Functional Head. This process includes:
Online skillcheck testing is used when required for specific skills testing of candidates.
This system is secure and individual scores are based not only on ability, but are also
given a normative value based on years of use, training and capability
o Short Listing of Candidates
Following the screening, interviewing and testing of candidates, a short list is prepared
for presentation to the Functional heads
o Placement Secured
A final negotiations with the candidate is done, and all the relevant placement
confirmation are prepared for the successful candidate.
By applying a consistent and methodical approach to our recruitment process and thoroughly
screening and assessing our candidates we are then able to make informed decisions and
recommendations that best suit your needs. In order to do this to the best of our abilities, we
prefer to get to know and understand your business, its culture and the reasons why your team is
unique. Often it's the little things that can make all the difference and that's what we believe
makes our point of difference in such a competitive market. It's our partnership approach with
our clients that contributes to our success.
Recruitment and selection is basically a process of selecting the right person at the right place. In
simple terms, recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants
for jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. A formal definition of recruitment
is:“it is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process
begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The result is a
pool of applicants from which new employees are selected.”
● Determine the present and the future requirements of the organization in conjunction with
its personnel-planning and job-analysis activities.
● Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
● Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly
under qualified job applicants.
● Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the
organization only after a short period of time.
● Meet the organization's legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its
● Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate
● Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.
● Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job
Thus, the effectiveness of the recruitment process can play a major role in determining the
resources that must be expended on other HR activities and their ultimate success.
There are number of challenges in the Indian Industry which require the serious attention of HR
managers to ‘find the right candidate’ and build a ‘conducive work environment’ which will be
beneficial for the employees, as well as the organization. The industry is already under stress on
account of persistent problems such as attrition, confidentiality, and loyalty. Other problems are
managing people, motivation to adopt new technology changes, recruitment and training,
performance management, development, and compensation management. With these challenges,
it is timely for organizations to rethink the ways they manage their people.
If organizations overdo the size of their workforce it will carry surplus or underutilized staff.
Alternatively, if the opposite misjudgment is made, staff may be overstretched, making it
hard or impossible to meet production or service deadlines at the quality level expected.
Issues about retention may not have been to the fore in recent years, but all it needs is for
organizations to lose key staff to realize that an understanding of the pattern of resignation is
needed. Thus organizations should monitor the extent of resignation, discover the reasons for
it, establish what it is costing the organization, compare losses with other similar
3. Managing an effective downsizing programme This is an all too common issue for
managers. How is the workforce to be cut painlessly, while at the same time protecting the
long-term interests of the organization? A question made all the harder by the time pressures
management is under, both because of business necessities and employee anxieties.
Many senior managers are troubled by this issue. They have seen traditional career paths
disappear. They have had to bring in senior staff from elsewhere. But they recognise that
while this may have dealt with a short-term skills shortage, it has not solved the longer term
question of managerial supply: what sort, how many, and where will they come from? To
address these questions you need to understand
The present career system (including patterns of promotion and movement, of
recruitment and wages)
This then can be compared with future requirements, in number and type. These will of
course be affected by internal structural changes and external business or political changes.
Comparing your current supply to this revised demand will show surpluses and shortages
which will allow you to take corrective action such as:
Thus appropriate recruitment, deployment and severance policies can be pursued to meet
business needs. Otherwise processes are likely to be haphazard and inconsistent. The wrong
sort of staff are engaged at the wrong time on the wrong contract.
all over the country in deference to the provisions of the Employment Exchanges Act, 1959. The
Act requires all the
industrial establishments to notify the vacancies before they are filled. The major functions of
the exchanges are to increase the pool of possible applicants and to do preliminary screening.
These offices are particularly useful in recruiting blue-collar, white-collar and technical workers.
Campus Recruitment: Colleges, universities, research laboratories, sports fields and institutes
are fertile grounds for recruiters, particularly the institutes. Campus recruitment is going global
with companies like Hindustan Lever, HCL-HP, L&T, Motorola and reliance looking for
recruiters in global markets. It is often an expensive process, even if the recruiting process
eventually produces job offers and acceptances. Majority of those would leave the organizations
within the first five years of their employment. Some people attribute this high rate of turnover to
the lack of challenge offered by the organizations.
Walk-ins, Write-ins and Talk-ins: The most common and least expensive approach for
candidates is direct applications, in which job seekers submit unsolicited application letters or
resumes. Direct applications can also provide a pool of potential employees to meet future needs.
From employees' viewpoint, walk-ins are preferable as they are free from the hassles associated
with other methods of recruitment. While direct applications are particularly effective in filling
entry-level and unskilled vacancies, some organizations compile pools of potential employees
from direct applications for skilled positions. Write-ins are those who send written enquiries.
These job seekers are asked to complete application forms for further processing.
Talk-ins are becoming popular nowadays. Job aspirants are required to meet the recruiter for
detailed talks. No application is required to be submitted to the recruiter.
Consultants: Consultants are useful as they have nation-wide contacts and lend professionalism
to the hiring process. They also keep prospective employer and the employee anonymous. But
the cost can be a deterrent factor.
Contractors: Contractors are used to recruit casual workers. The names of the workers are not
entered in the company records and, to this extent, difficulties experienced in maintaining
permanent workers are avoided.
Radio and Television: Radio and television are used but sparingly, and that too, government
departments only. Companies in the private sector are hesitant to use the media because of high
costs and also because they fear that such advertising will make the companies look desperate
and damage their conservative image.
Acquisitions and Mergers: Another method of staffing organizations is a result of the merger or
acquisition process. When organizations combine into one, they have to handle a large pool of
employees, some of whom may no longer be necessary in the new organization. As a result of
the merger or acquisition, however, new jobs may be created as well. Both old and new job may
be readily staffed by drawing the best-qualified applicants from this employee pool.
Competitors: Rival firms can be a source of recruitment. Popularly called poaching or 'raiding',
this method involves identifying the right people in rival companies, offering them better terms
and luring them away. There are legal and ethical issues involved in raiding rival firms for
potential candidates. From the legal point of view, an employee is expected to join a new
organization only after obtaining a 'no objection certificate' from his/her present employer,
violating this requirement shall bind the employee to pay a few months' salary to his/her present
employer as a punishment.
E-Recruiting: Currently, employers can electronically screen candidates' soft attributes, direct
potential hires to a special website for online skill assessment, conduct background checks over
the Internet, interview candidates via videoconferencing, and manage the entire process with
web-based software. Companies benefit immensely through cost savings, speed enhancement
and extended worldwide candidate reach which the Internet offers.
Advantages of external recruitment
The organization will have the benefit of new skills, new talents and new experiences,
if people are hired from external sources.
The management will be able to fulfill reservation requirements in favour of the
disadvantaged sections of the society.
Scope for resentment, heartburn and jealousy can be avoided by recruiting from
Disadvantages of external recruitment
Better motivation and increased morale associated with promoting own employees
are lost to the organization
External recruitment is costly
If recruitment and selection processes are not properly carried out, chances of right
candidate being rejected (false positive error) and wrong application being selected
(false negative error) occur.
Process of Recruitment
Ensure that judgment of abilities, experience and qualifications is made against the requirements
of the position in question.
1) Defining the Requirement - Decide what vacancy you have. If you need to fill a new role
quickly you might find it helpful to adapt one of the models provided here:
Task analysis - Draw up a detailed list of tasks that the person will have to do.
This helps in determining the qualities and qualifications genuinely required for the job.
Job description - Produce an outline of the broad responsibilities (rather than
detailed tasks) involved in the job.
Person specification - Decide what skills, experience, qualifications and attributes
someone will need to do the job as defined in the task analysis and job
2) Selection - Select your candidate being objective and unbiased. Choose the person who best
fits your person specification.
Short listing: Review applications on the basis of the person specification. Ensure
that you select for interview those who match the specifications, regardless of age,
sex, race etc, and that the specifications are not themselves discriminatory.
Interviews: Interview your short-listed candidates remembering that your job is
not only to assess the best candidate for the job, but also to create a great
impression of your organization.
3) Candidate assessments - The interview will provide you with some information
but check it out before offering a job.
Ask the candidate to show you examples of previous work, do a presentation, a case
study, some tests or full assessment. Tests can be done before the interview or after
the interview. It depends on the number of candidates being interviewed and the
type of job.
You must have the specific permission of the applicant to do so, particularly if you
wish to contact their current employer. If you need them quickly, try phoning.
4) Making a Job Offer - If you think you have found the right candidate, it’s time to make
the job-offer.
5) Induction - Help your new recruit to settle in quickly and become productive as soon as
Now, Let us see a little more in detail how this process can be divided into stages and how best
to execute the process:
The Recruitment Process:
The recruitment process begins when you know you need someone new in the Department,
either because an existing staff member has left, or because there is new work to be done. It
doesn't finish until after the appointment has been made.
To bring in more effectiveness in the recruitment process, HR would follow a specific project
deadline of 38 days (from the day it had received the approved Manpower Requisition) to hire a
new employee.
Phase Activities
Role Identification, Job Description, CV Sourcing & Initial HR
I 15 days
Organizing the Written Tests 5 days
Organizing the First Technical Interviews 5 days
II Organizing the Final Interviews 4 days
Sessions to take the final decisions 3 days
Preparing the Salary Proposal, Negotiate with the selected
III 6 days
candidates & offer closure
Examples of OPEN Questions for Candidates:
Q. Please tell us about the problems you have handled as a Programmer / Supervisor?
Q. Please tell us how do you work well within a team?
Q. Please give us an example of how you have dealt with conflict within your team?
1. Reception of Applicants
2. Scrutiny of Applications
3. Preliminary Interview
4. Application Bank
5. Employment Tests
6. Interview
7. Checking References
8. Approval of the Supervisor
9. Physical Examination
10. Selection and Placement
11. Induction
A brief description of these steps is given below:-
1. Reception of Applicants
The various departments send requisition to Personnel Department stating the number of
vacancies existing in those departments. The selection process starts when an application is
received by the Personnel Department. If the applicant personally comes to deposit his
application, he may be interested in getting some specific information about the company. The
receptionist's attitude towards the applicant must be positive.
2. Scrutiny
All applications received have to be scrutinized by the Personnel Department in order to
eliminate those applicants who do not fulfill job requirements.
3. Preliminary Interview
The basic purpose of preliminary interview is to screen out the unsuitable or unqualified
candidates. It is generally very brief. The personality of the candidate can be immediately
evaluated and if found suitable, application blank may be given to him. However, rudeness and
discourtesy must be avoided and the rejected candidate must go with this feeling that he has been
treated fairly.
4. Application Bank
It is an application form to be filled in by the candidate who clears the preliminary interview.
Generally the Application Bank contains the following particulars:
- Identifying information such as name, address, sex, marital status, number of children, other
dependents, height, weight, birth place, etc.
- Education & Experience
- Health & Extra Curricular Activities
5. Employment Tests
These tests provide information about a candidate which is not available from application blank
or interview. It is a selection device to see whether the candidate is capable of doing his
prospective job or not.
The following tests are usually applied in the selection process:-
Knowledge tests
Tests measuring knowledge or information are the easiest to develop and most appropriate to use
for jobs that require knowledge of certain things. For example, test for measuring knowledge of
taxation laws, audit regulations, accounting system, etc., could be constructed to gauge the
knowledge of candidates for the position of Finance and Accounting Officer. Such knowledge
test become necessary when academic qualifications are not good indicators of the capability and
knowledge of a candidate.
Simulation exercises
Since men who wish to obtain employment frequently claim experience they do not have, it is
desirable to have tests which differentiate among them. The most accurate way to measure is to
try men out on work. One method to do this is to give temporary employment for a probationary
period. The next best method is simulation exercise. Simulation exercise is a test which
duplicates many of the operations and problems confronting the work on the job.
Personality tests
These tests measure certain characteristics such as emotional maturity, conflicts, ascendance,
sociability, objectivity, etc. of a candidate. Whether a candidate is having a sick personality or
healthy personality can be determined by these tests.
Achievement tests
These tests are also known as proficiency tests. The skill already required by the candidate either
through his education or experience can be judged through these tests. Such skill is essential for
the job being considered.
Aptitude tests
It is very important to know as to whether the selected candidate will be capable of learning the
job or not. Test designed to learn the training capacity of the candidates are known as aptitude
Intelligence Tests
These tests measure the mental ability or alertness of an applicant. These include verbal and
written tests.
Interest Tests
These tests are designed to know the interests of the candidates in terms of his likings and
dislikings. Men and women have different types of interests. The interest which have
occupational significance include intellectual, social, esthetic, religious, literature, music, etc.
Dexterity tests
It aims to measure the swiftness with which the prospective employer can make use of various
body parts e.g. ability to move hands, eyes, etc.
Achievement Tests
An example may be given for achievement tests. The prospective financial manager may be
given a case study/problem which requires the application of specific financial tools. The
candidate would qualify the proficiency test if he/she is able to present the required solution
to the financial problem.
6. Interview
The most delicate aspect of the selection procedure is 'interview'. “The employment
interview is for the purpose of determining the suitability of the applicant for the job and of
the job of the applicant. The information about the candidate which cannot be obtained from
the application blank, tests and group discussion, may be secured easily if the interview is
planned well in advance and is conducted by the interviewer tactfully.
Kinds of Interview
The direct planned interview
The indirect non-directive interview
Patterned interview
Stress interview
Systematic depth interview
Panel or board interview
Group interview
Patterned Interview
In this interview a series of questions which can illuminate the strategic parts of the
applicants’ background are standardized in advance and validates against the record of
employees who have succeeded or failed on the job. Answers to these questions are
compared with a critical score and used in determining who is to be selected.
Group Interview
In this interview, 5 or 6 applicants are placed together in a situation in which they must
interact. The situation may be structured or unstructured. It is usual for the selector to
remain silent throughout the discussion and make notes of the applicants’ interactions
unobtrusively. The applicant who verbalizes better and who has a better personality is
likely to be selected under such circumstances.
7. Checking References
An applicant may be asked in the application blank to supply two types of references
(1) Character reference
(2) Experience reference.
It provides information regarding behavior of the applicant. A notable limitation of this method
is that it lacks standardization and objectivity.
11. Induction
It is concerned with introducing the new employee to the organization. He is informed
about company policies, his fellow workers and his job.
HRL FOODS is focused on providing employees with an environment where they can become
part of a dynamic and cohesive team. Every employee's contribution is valuable and staff
contribution and involvement is encouraged. Each new staff member needs to familiarize
themselves with the procedures and working environment at HRL FOODS.
As part of the introduction process you will be shown around the premise and introduced to your
fellow colleagues. Your mentor will outline any rules and regulations that you need to follow at
this stage. You will also need to fill out various papers to begin your personnel file. These will
include banking, tax details and other relevant information. Your mentor will ensure that you
have a clear idea of your new responsibilities and will be able to fulfill your duties without
problems. Depending on the position, you may be given documentation outlining the duties
involved in your employment. Your mentor will be available to help you with any questions
regarding your employment.
The recruitment and selection process is of paramount importance in order to recruit staff with
the necessary skills and attributes to enable the Company to fulfill its corporate aims and
objectives. The Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures aim to provide clear guidance
to managers in relation to both the selection and appointment of staff. This policy promotes and
supports good practice for those with responsibility for recruitment.
Internal candidates or others personally known to the interview panel must be treated in exactly
the same way as all other candidates.
This policy and associated procedures applies to all members of staff other than senior post
holders as defined in the Articles of Association.
Additional guidance on the procedures to be followed in the recruitment of a typical and casual
staff is provided separately.
Management For the purposes of this policy, “Management” means a member of the
Company Corporate Management Team.
Timescales For the purposes of this policy, one week is deemed to be seven days,
inclusive of weekends, but exclusive of statutory holidays and
concessionary days.
‘At risk’ where posts have been identified for redundancy the postholder(s) will
be deemed to be ‘at risk’.
Key Considerations
3. Advertising
It is normal practice that all vacancies are advertised, both internally within the Company, as
well as externally. However, where it is considered that existing staff have the prerequisite skills
consideration may be given to advertising posts internally only. Staffs who have been identified
to be ‘at risk’ may be considered for vacant posts prior to internal / external advert if they meet
all the essential criteria of the vacancy. There may be exceptional occasions when the Company
deems it appropriate to use “search” techniques. Before doing so, the Management must secure
prior permission from their Executive line manager that “search” is the appropriate method.
4. Enquiries
All enquirers will receive a recruitment information pack detailing the requirements of the post.
Wherever possible, this will be provided in electronic format.
5. Selection
Short listing
Candidates will only be shortlisted for interview if they meet all the essential criteria defined in
the person specification. If the number of candidates meeting the essential criteria is excessive,
further selection must be undertaken utilizing the desirable criteria to achieve a workable
shortlist (suggest no more than 6).
Short listing must be undertaken by at least two individuals who are experienced in the
recruitment process and who will go on to be involved in the interviewing process.
The interview must be conducted by a panel, the suggested composition of which is detailed in
the procedures. All interviews for one post must be conducted by the same panel.
All candidates will be asked a standard format of questions, which will have been decided by the
interview panel prior to the interviews. All questions must be related to the job requirements and
the candidate’s suitability to undertake the role.
Skills assessment
As part of the selection process, Line Managers may wish candidates to partake in a series of
skills tests. These tests must be directly related to the role in question and must be measurable
against objective criteria. Candidates must be informed of the details in the letter inviting them
for interview. Details of any skills tests, including the criteria to be measured and the method of
measuring must be provided in advance to HRD.
6. Appointment
The choice of candidate will be determined by the majority view from the formal interview
panel. The panel will take account of any other information that will have been generated as part
of the selection process. In the case of a tied vote, the Chairs decision will carry.
A formal offer of appointment is to be made / confirmed in writing and will be conditional upon
receipt of references which satisfy Company requirements, medical assessment, satisfactory
evidence of eligibility to work in the company and other appropriate checks, such as Criminal
Records Bureau (CRB), if applicable to the post.
7. Confidentiality
All application details are treated with the utmost confidentiality. It is the responsibility of the
Director of School / Department (or her/his nominee) to ensure that suitable arrangements are
made for confidentiality to be maintained.
8. Documentation
At all stages of the recruitment process, it is the responsibility of the Chair of the panel to ensure
that notes are kept detailing the reasons for selection or rejection of candidates. These notes
could be called upon as evidence of the fairness of the process, either through an internal
assessment or to support an external investigation. The notes should therefore be relevant to, and
necessary for the process itself. It should be noted that applicants would normally be entitled to
have access to interview notes about them which are retained as part of the record of the
interview. All records must be handed to HRD by the Chair of the panel.
9. Feedback
All applicants may receive formal written communication informing them of the status of their
application upon request. Feedback will be provided by the Chair of the panel at the request of
any applicant at any stage of the recruitment process.
10. Observation
In order to ensure the Company’s compliance with both the Recruitment and Selection and Equal
Opportunities Policies and Procedures, an Observer may be present at any part of the process
from short listing through to selection. Observation may be undertaken by an appropriate
recognized Trade Union representative or member of Human Resources Department. In
addition, an equal opportunities observer may also be present. In order for an individual to
become an authorized Observer, they must undertake approved training. However, the
Observers do not actively participate in any stage of the proceedings and do not have voting
rights for selection.
11. Monitoring
The Company will from time to time undertake audit exercises in order to monitor the
effectiveness of this policy and its performance against the Equal Opportunities policy.
To streamline the recruitment process.
To ensure that we always hire the RIGHT people at Right role at RIGHT time and
Also to thrive a strong Employer Branding to attract the best talents available in the
Covers all the vacant positions across the functions, levels & hierarchy.
Key personnels involved in the recruitment process are
Vice President- HR
Recruitment coordinator
Functional Head
Human Resource Department
Identify and lay down a recruitment process;
Periodically review the process;
Implement the recruitment process as per the manpower plan.
Line up the interview as per the job description given to them.
Functional Heads
Identify Human Resource needs (level and skills required by their departments)
Adhere to the recruitment process and shortlist the candidate as per his technical skill and
Operating procedure:
For the Human Resource department of HRL FOODS Ltd, recruitment is based on
Manpower planning chart (Annexure 1) prepared by the department as per the manpower
requisitions received by the functional head.
The planning is prepared based on additional requirements needed at organizational
levels identified during internal meetings with top management and other functional heads with
regard to potential projects, growth plans and other business needs.
To enable HR to initiate the Hiring process, functional heads/ regional sales manager need to fill
up the manpower requisition form (Annexure 2) that has the entire the job description of the
vacant position.
HR Recruitment policy:
LT Recruitment policy states that while recruiting a candidate for any role, position, level,
it should always be ensured that there is no compromise in the quality of people, we hire.
Besides checking the presence of role-specific key competencies & the behavioral attributes
required to perform a job, few eligibility criteria should be considered, even before a candidate is
called for the initial round of interview.
One of the basic eligibility criteria among the few is Academic Qualification which ensures a
minimum Graduate for all levels from E2 to E6 Levels and their should not be any unjustified
gaps in education.
This policy also states that for all levels, the candidate is required to meet the CMD/JMD before
any offer is being given to him/her and the decision of CMD/JMD is considered as final.
Recruitment Sources:
To ensure a steady inflow of quality candidates for all the existing vacant positions, with an aim
to select the best within a stringent recruitment deadline, the HR department focus to develop a
robust database of CVs searched from the various sources:
Interviewing Panel
1. Candidates shortlisted in the manpower search phase are called for Interview. The
Recruitment coordinator in the HR Department shall initially call/e-mail the candidates
for the interview or coordinate with the consultants in order to fix up the interview.
Normally interviews are conducted as per the availability of functional head. However, if
the functional head is not available, Vice President-HR intervenes and coordinates the
interview as per the schedule.
2. The Recruitment coordinator at HRL coordinates with the functional head, Vice
President-HR and further with JMD/CMD. The Recruitment coordinator is fully
responsible to plan, initiate & organize the preliminary rounds of interviews. This
preliminary round is then followed by the technical, analytical and hard core HR round,
after which the candidate is preceded for the interview with CMD/JMD.
Selection Process
Planning •RPAT
•Predictive Index
•Defining the process
•Setting the Time frames •Preliminary Interview
Final Step
•Final Interview
•Reference Check
•Medical Check up
Evaluation reports of the HRL FOODS, surface significant positive findings in four specific
areas that impact the strategic recruitment of human capital in particularly important ways:
a) Result oriented performance culture
b) Ability to recruit and retain a high quality workforce
c) Personnel Processes
d) Payroll costs.
Organizational performance is, and should be, a primary focus when implementing the kinds of
strategic human capital management interventions tested in personnel demonstration projects.
The evaluation efforts demonstration projects undertake continue to develop primarily indirect
evidence of improvements in organizational performance, with the exception of indications of
increased customer satisfaction. Evaluations of the active demonstration projects show the
interventions employed have had positive impact on intermediate measures of organizational
performance such as workforce quality and personnel processes. Nonetheless, proving a direct
link between interventions and agency-wide mission accomplishment is a difficult challenge.
Experience Required:
Candidate & MRF Particulars Result n Appointment & Joining Data
Sl Id Ref: Writte Ora Selectio Appointe Joine Remark
. No. Name Qual MRF n l n d as d On s
Mr. ACC- Yes or
1 3 XYZ MBA 01/02/06 59 45 no
Ms. M. ACC- Yes or
2 8 ZXY Com 01/02/06 55 59 no
Prepared by:
Desig of HRD
Selected By:
(name) (Shoeb-Al-Ashraf)
or Manager, HRD