En Oraciones Compuestas. Situaciones Pasadas.: A. "Was" or "Were". WAS B. "Ing"
En Oraciones Compuestas. Situaciones Pasadas.: A. "Was" or "Were". WAS B. "Ing"
En Oraciones Compuestas. Situaciones Pasadas.: A. "Was" or "Were". WAS B. "Ing"
en oraciones compuestas.
Orientación temática: Diferencia los verbos regulares e irregulares aplicando el pasado continuo en diferentes
situaciones pasadas.
Pregunta problematizadora: ¿CUÁNDO USAMOS EL PASADO CONTINUO?
Desarrollo intelectual: Leo y analizo la guía en pasado simple y subrayo los términos desconocidos y busco su
significado. Resuelvo el TALLER PSICOMOTRIZ aplicando la temática vista.
A. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH “WAS” OR “WERE”. B. Write the correct “ing” verb in the blank.
Complete usando el pasado continuo en sus
1) Jane WAS doing homework. forma afirmativa:
2) We eating cookies. 1. John WAS DRINKING_coffee (drink) .
3) The dog barking. 2. They (read).
4) Mom cooking dinner.
3. We for Easter eggs (hunt).
5) The boys playing baseball
4. Mom (exercise).
6) Dad _ watching TV.
7) It _ raining outside. 5. I Easter eggs (paint).
8) The baby crying. 6. The children TV (watch).
9) The girls listening to music. 7. You to Kate (talk).
10) I _ taking a photo. 8. The dog the cat (chase).
11) They running. 9. The cat (run).
12) You studying at home.
10. It outside (snow).
Complete usando el pasado continuo en su forma Fill in the blank with “be” and an “ing” verb
negativa. 1. WERE they EATING dinner? (eat)
2. I (eat) candy.
3. it ? (snow)
3. They (laugh).
4. we TV? (watch)
4. It (snow).
5. you Easter eggs? (paint)
5. We TV (watch).
6. she homework ? (do)
6. We (Paint) Easter
7. the dog ?(bark)
9. he soccer?(play)
8. She homework (do).
2. READING COMPREHENSION IN PAST: A. Mark true (T) or false (F). When it’s false, you’ll
have to justify your answer orally:
1. The boy’s house was on fire. ( )
2. The boy thinks the firemen are brave. ( )
3. He admires the firefighters. ( )
4. It took long the firemen to arrive. ( )
5. It took one hour to extinguish the fire. ( )
6. The boy’s neighbors have a pet. ( )
Yesterday I was playing videogames in my room 7. A fireman saved the dog’s life. ( )
when I heard people screaming. I went out and 8. The boy wants to be a firefighter when he grows
saw: my neighbors’ house was on fire! up. ( )
In less than 10 minutes the firemen arrived and 9. He wants to be as strong and brave as the
fought against the fire for one hour until they made firefighters. ( )
it. Wow! They are really brave! One of them B. Answer the question about text.
entered the house and saved the Johnson’s dog
1. What was the boy doing when the neighbors’
that was trapping in the fire.
house caught fire?
I made a decision: I want to be a fireman when I
2. Did he want to be a fireman before that day?
grow up. I’ll be strong and brave enough to fight
against the fire, to save people’s lives and property.
3. Why did he decide to be a fireman in the future?
I can’t wait! I can already see it in the newspaper:
“Brave fireman rescues a family of four”, Mom will
4. What qualities does he think are essential for
be really proud.
being a fireman?
Yesterday was Sunday and everybody was doing
something. Fill in the blanks with PAST CONTINUOUS
Tense. Then, match the sentences with the pictures.