Letter To Biden/Harris To Shutdown DAPL

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February 8, 2021

Dear President Biden and Vice President Harris,

Thank you for your administration’s early focus on climate change, tribal sovereignty, and racial
justice and equity, including your decision to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. We are also
grateful for your critical efforts to save lives and address the COVID-19 pandemic that is
disproportionately impacting BIPOC communities across our country. As your Administration
takes action to address the climate crisis and strengthen relationships with Indigenous
communities, we respectfully urge you to reverse another harmful Trump Administration
decision and immediately shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) during its
court-ordered environmental review.

In 2016, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe became the epicenter of a global climate justice
movement to stop the illegal construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pipeline had
originally been slated to cross the Missouri River north of Bismarck, ND, yet the risk of an oil
spill on the city’s 90% white inhabitants was deemed too great. The new crossing site shifted the
risk to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, in a location of key religious and cultural importance,
including the burial grounds of their ancestors. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved
several of the required permits without conducting an Environmental Impact Statement or
adequately consulting with the Tribe.

After several months of peaceful demonstrations and the advocacy of tens of millions of
Americans, President Obama listened to the demands of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. He
declined to issue the final pipeline permit. Then the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced
they would conduct a full environmental review, which would focus on the Tribe’s treaty rights.
However, Trump stopped the review and fast tracked the pipeline hours after he took office,
further violating tribal sovereignty.

During the next four years, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe,
Yankton Sioux Tribe, and Oglala Sioux Tribe continued their legal fight, making the case that
the pipeline was illegal. In March 2020, the U.S. District Court ruled that the pipeline was
operating without the proper permits and needed to have a full environmental review under ​the
National Environmental Policy Act. The Court ordered the U.S. Army Corps to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement. In July 2020, the Court ordered the pipeline be shut down.
After an appeal, on January 27th, days after your Inauguration, the ​U.S. Court of Appeals ​ruled
that the pipeline is operating illegally and gave your Administration the authority to shut down
the pipeline. The U.S. District Judge set a hearing on February 10th to discuss the final ruling
and to ask your Administration whether you will shut down the pipeline or allow it to operate
illegally without a permit.

We urge you to remedy this historic injustice and direct the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to
immediately shut down the illegal Dakota Access Pipeline while the Environmental Impact
Statement process is conducted, consistent with the D.C. District Court’s decision and order.
Additionally, the U.S. Army Corps must ensure a robust environmental review with significant
tribal consultation, tribal consent, and a thorough risk analysis.

With your leadership, we have a momentous opportunity to protect our water and respect our
environmental laws and the rights of Indigenous people. This is our moment.

Mni Wiconi. Water is life.


Aaron Rodgers, Athlete 

Aaryaman Singhal, Co-Founder, Sunrise Movement Dallas 
Abby Mnookin, Co-Director, 350 Vermont 
Abigail McHugh-Grifa, Executive Director, Climate Solutions Accelerator of the 
Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 
Adam Scott, Director, Shift Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health 
Alex Beal, Artist 
Alexis Bhagat, Writer 
Alexis Saenz, Executive Director and Chapter Representative, International Indigenous Youth  
Council Los Angeles Chapter  
Ali Hart, Producer 
Allie Rosenbluth, Campaigns Director, Rogue Climate 
Alysia Reiner, Actress 
Alyssa Milano, Actor, Producer, Activist 
Amanda Kiger, Executive Director, River Valley Organizing 
Amy Schumer, Performer 
Amy Wasielewski, Artist 
Anathea Chino, Co-founder and Executive Director, Advance Native Political Leadership 
Andrew Hinz, Writer 
Anne D Burt, Founder, Down to Earth Storytelling 
Anthony Diaz, Co-founder, Newark Water Coalition 
Anya Rous, Documentary Producer  
Ashley Funk, Executive Director, Mount Watershed Association 
Assia Boundaoui, Journalist, Filmmaker 
Ava DuVernay, Filmmaker, ARRAY 

Basav Sen, Climate Policy Director, Institute for Policy Studies Climate Policy Program 
Beka Econonomopoulos, Executive Director, The Natural History Museum 
Blair Nelsen, Executive Director, Waterspirit 
Bob Guldin, Writer, Editor 
Bobbi Jean Three Legs, Climate Justice Divestment Organizer, Seeding Sovereignty 
Brenda Jo McManama, Organizer, Indigenous Environmental Network 
Brook Lenker, Executive Director, FracTracker Alliance 
Bruce Cohen, Producer, We Stand United 
Cameron Balber, Executive Director, Consumer Watchdog 
Carmi Orenstein, Co-Founder, Concerned Health Professionals of New York 
Carole Blodgett, Founder, Director, Water is Life Walks and Nurture The Children 
Carolyn Raffensperger, Executive Director, Science and Environmental Health Network 
Catherine Gund, Filmmaker 
Chelsea Handler, Comedian 
Cher, Artist 
Cheryl Barnds, Co-Chair, Rapid Shift Network 
Cheryl Nenn, Milwaukee Riverkeeper 
Chris Evans, Actor 
Chris Hemsworth, Actor 
Chrissie Castro, Executive Director, California Native Vote Project 
Christina Papagjika, Entertainment Producer 
Crystal Echo Hawk, Executive Director, IllumiNative 
Cyndi Lauper, Musician 
Damon Motz-Storey, Health Climate Program Director, Oregon Physicians for Social 
Daniel Crawford, Chair, Roanoke Group, Sierra Club 
Daniel Taylor, Co-Founder, Concerned Residents of Oxford 
Dany Sigwalt, Executive Director, Power Shift Network 
Daphne Wysham, Director, Methane Action 
Dave Matthews, Musician 
David Caicedo, Co Executive Director, Florida Student Power Network 
David Kyp Malone, Artist, Musician  
Dawnetter Scott, Youth Director, Mills Church 
Debbie New, Creative Director, Climate Finance Action 
Diana Wright, People of Albany United for Safe Energy 
Dianna Cohen, Cofounder, CEO, Plastic Pollution Coalition 
Dineen O’Rouke. Campaign Manager, 350PDX 
Don Cheadle, Actor 
Dorian Fulvio, 350NYC 

Doug Couchon, Co-Founder, Coalition to Protect New York 
Dwaine Perry, Chief of Ramapough Lenape Nation 
Ed Helms, Actor/Producer 
Elizabeth Bast, Executive Director, Oil Change International  
Ellie Cohen, Chief Executive Officer, The Climate Center 
Erik Schlenker-Goodrich, Executive Director, Western Environmental Law Center 
Erika Thi Patterson, Campaign Director, Action Center on Race and the Economy 
Evie Lovett, Artist 
Fran Teplitz, Executive Co-Director, Green America 
Gail Neustadt, Writer, Actor 
George Matthis, President, River Guardian Foundation 
Georgina Shanley, Co-Founder, Citizens United for Renewable Energy  
Gracie Brett, Organizer, Divest Ed 
Hannah Shapiro, Artist 
Harriet Shugarman, Executive Director, ClimateMama 
Heather Rosmarin, Executive Director, InterAmerican Clean Energy Institute 
Isabella Zizi, Northern Cheyenne, Arikara, Muskogee Creek, Idle No More SF Bay 
Jackie Nuñez, Founder, The Last Plastic Straw 
Jade Begay, Climate Justice Director, NDN Collective 
James Masino, Chair, Climate Reality NYC Metro Chapter 
Jane Fonda, Actor, Activist, Fire Drill Fridays 
Jane Kleeb, Founder, Bold Alliance 
Janet MacGillivray, Executive Director, Seeding Sovereignty  
Janet Passanante, Artist 
Janet Myers-Newbury, Artist  
Jasmine Sanders, Executive Director, Our Climate Education Fund 
Jason Momoa, Actor 
Jaz Whiteley- Steel, Artist 
Jeani Murray, Advisor, Bold ReThink 
Jeffery Smith, Co-Chair, 350 Montana 
Jennifer Connelly, Actress 
Jennifer Dube, Climate Organizer, 350 New Hampshire 
Jermey Nicholds, Climate and Energy Program Director, WildEarth Guardians 
Jess Wallach, Campaigns Co-Director, 350 Seattle 
Jessica Girard, Executive Director, Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition 
Joanie Steinhaus, Gulf Program Director, Turtle Island Restoration Network 
Joaquin Phoenix, Actor 
Jodi Archambault, Former Obama Advisor and Citizen of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe 
Jodie Evans, Co-Founder, CODEPINK 

Joel Garcia, Artist, Cultural Organizer, Director, Meztli Projects 
Jonathon Westin, Executive Director, New York Communities for Change 
Joseph Campbell, President, Gas Free Seneca 
John Medeski, Musician 
Joseph Uehlein, President, Labor Network for Sustainability 
Josh Gad, Actor 
Joshua Cooper, Executive Director, Hawai'i Institute for Human Rights 
Julian NoiseCat, Writer 
Julie Bergman, Filmmaker 
Julia Walsh, We Stand United 
Karen Bearden, Triangle Coordinator, 350 Triangle 
Karenna Gore, Director, Center for Earth Ethics 
Kate Ogden, Advocacy and Movement Building Manager, Seventh Generation 
Katherine Versluys, Artist, Photographer 
Kathy Smail, Executive Director, Glasswaters Foundation 
Kayla Soren, Executive Director, International Student Environmental Coalition 
Kerry Washington, Actor 
Kierán Suckling, Executive Director, Center for Biological Diversity 
Kisha Bari, Photographer 
Laura Dawn, Founder, ART NOT WAR 
Leonardo DiCaprio, Actor 
Leoyla Cowboy Giron, Executive Director, Water Protector Legal Collective 
Lesile Cagan, Social Change Organizer 
Lilakoi Moon, Artist 
Linda Sarsour, Activist, Organizer, MPower Change 
Lisa Tyson, Director, Long Island Progressive Coalition 
Logan Burke, Executive Director, Alliance for Affordable Energy 
Louie Psihoyos, Filmmaker and Executive Director, Oceanic Preservation Society 
Dr. Lucky Tran, Managing Director, March for Science 
Lynda Majors, Chair, Preserve Montgomery County VA 
Malik Yusef Jones, Entertainer,  
Marcela Gutiérrez-Graudiņš, Founder, Executive Director, Azul 
Marie Venner, Co Chair, CatholicNetwork, US 
Mariel Nanasi, Executive Director, New Energy Economy 
Marisa Tomei, Actor, We Stand United 
Mark Dixon, Co-Founder, No Petro PA 
Mark Dunlea, Chair, Green Education and Legal Fund 
Mark Ruffalo, Actor, Director, Producer, We Stand United 

Mark J Palmer, Associate Director, International Marine Mammal Project of Earth Island 
Melaie Winter, Founder, Director, The River Project 
Melinda Tuhus, Beyond Extreme Energy 
Micah Parkin, Executive Director 350 Colorado 
Michael Brune, Executive Director, Sierra Club 
Michael Malcom, Executive Director, The People's Justice Council 
Michael Stocker, President, Seven Circles Foundation 
Michelle Cook, Founder, Divest Invest Protect 
Mike Davis, CEO, Global Witness 
Dr. Mildred McClain, Executive Director, Citizens For Environmental Justice 
Mishel Prada, Actor 
Mitch Bernard, President and Chief Counsel, Natural Resource Defense Council 
Molly Gochman, Artist 
MorningStar Black, Photographer  
Muhammad Reza, Coordinator, People's Coalition For The Right To Water 
Nadira Foster-Williams, Actress, Artist, Divestment Organizer 
Nancy Treviño, Executive Director, Presente 
Naomi Klein, Writer 
Nathalie Molina Niño, CEO, O³ 
Nicole Donaghy, Executive Director, North Dakota Native Vote & Enrolled citizen of Standing 
Rock Sioux Tribe 
Nicole Kement, President, 350 Silicon Valley 
Nik Evasco, Climate Organizer, Program Manager, 350 Bay Area  
Nora Howard, Artist 
Orlando Bloom, Actor 
Osprey-Orielle Lake, Executive Director, Women's Earth and Climate Action Network  
Own Luck, Photographer 
Paola Mendoza, Filmmaker, Actor 
Patrica Hine, President, 350 Eugene 
Patrick McCully, Climate and Energy Program Director, Rainforest Action Network 
Patti Wood, Executive Director, Grassroots Environmental Education 
Paula Hood, Co-Director, Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project 
Paul Bettany, Actor 
Pennie Opal Plant, Co-Founder, Movement Rights 
Peter McCartney, Climate Campaigner, Wilderness Committee 
Peter Yarrow, Performer, Folksinger, Peter, Paul and Mary 
Piper Perabo, Actor 
Purly Rae Gates, CEO, Clean Energy Now Texas 

Queen Quet, Founder, Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition 
Rachel Nortz, Producer 
Rahna Epting, Executive Director, MoveOn.org 
Rania Batrice, Interim Executive Director, March for Science 
Rajasvini Bhansali, Executive Director, Solidaire Action Fund 
Rebecca Chaiklin, Filmmaker, We Stand United 
Rebekah Sale, Executive Director, Property Rights and Pipeline Center 
Rev. Nathan Empsall, Campaigns Director, Faithful America 
RL Miller, DNC member, Co-founder, Climate Hawks Vote 
Robert Crawford, Artist 
Robin Martin, Allegheny County Organizer, Food & Water Watch 
Robin Schneider, Executive Director, Texas Campaign for the Environment 
Robert Downey Jr., Actor 
X Jo Horse, Executive Director, Western Native Voice 
Rooney Mara, Actor 
Ryan Reynolds, Actor 
Sandra Kaptain, Chair, Elgin Green Groups 350.org 
Sandy Emerson, Board President, Fossil Free California 
Sarah Eagle Heart, Oglala Lakota Activist & Organizer 
Sarah Silverman, Comedian 
Scarlett Johansson, Actress 
Schele Williams, Director 
Shannon Biggs, Co-Founder, Movement Rights 
Sharon Hoffman, Founder, 350Merced 
Shailene Woodley, Actress 
Sherry Pollack, Co-founder, 350Hawaii 
Steven Trent, Founder, Executive Director, Environmental Justice Foundation 
Susan Pritzker, Philanthropist 
Susan Hendershot, President, Interfaith Power & Light 
Suzannah Glidden, Co-Founder, Stop the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion (SAPE) 
Taboo Nawasha, Artist, Activist, Black Eyed Peas 
Tamara Roske, Executive Director, Earth Guardians 
Tamara Toles O’Laughlin, Environmental Advocate 
Terisa Siagatonu, Artist 
Thomas Lopez, Chairman, NAC Colorado 
Timothy Judson, Executive Director, Nuclear Information and Resource Service 
Tina Lieberman, Chair, People's Climate Movement - Capital Region 
Todd Haynes, Filmmaker 
Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director, Indigenous Environmental Network 

Uzo Aduba, Artist 
Varshini Prakash, Executive Director, Sunrise Movement 
Virgina Necochea, Executive Director, New Mexico Environmental Law Center 
Wenonah Hauter, Founder and Executive Director, Food & Water Watch 
Wes Gillingham, Associate Director, Catskill Mountainkeeper 
Yvonne Russo, Producer 
Zanagee Artis, Founder and Policy Director, Zero Hour 

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