Seal Strength of Flexible Barrier Materials: Standard Test Method For

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: F88/F88M − 15

Standard Test Method for

Seal Strength of Flexible Barrier Materials1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F88/F88M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3.1.1 average seal strength, n—average force per unit width
1.1 This test method covers the measurement of the strength of seal required to separate progressively a flexible material
of seals in flexible barrier materials. from a rigid material or another flexible material, under the
conditions of the test.
1.2 The test may be conducted on seals between a flexible
material and a rigid material. Discussion—The average force normally is calcu-
lated by the testing machine from the digitized plot of force
1.3 Seals tested in accordance with this test method may be versus grip travel. The plot starts from zero force after slack
from any source, laboratory or commercial. has been removed from the test strip. The initial ramp-up from
1.4 This test method measures the force required to separate zero to the force level required to peel the seal is not indicative
a test strip of material containing the seal. It also identifies the of seal strength, and data from that part of the curve should not
mode of specimen failure. be included in the calculation of average strength, nor should
1.5 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units the return to zero following complete failure of the specimen.
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in The amount of data actually discarded on each end of the
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each measured seal-profile curve must be the same for all tests
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining within any set of comparisons of average seal strength (see
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance 6.1.1 and 9.8.1).
with the standard. 3.1.2 flexible, adj—indicates a material with flexural
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the strength and thickness permitting a turn back at an approximate
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 180 degree angle.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
3.1.3 maximum seal strength, n—maximum force per unit
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. width of seal required to separate progressively a flexible
material from a rigid material or another flexible material,
2. Referenced Documents under the conditions of the test.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
D882 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic 4. Significance and Use
Sheeting 4.1 Seal strength is a quantitative measure for use in process
E171 Practice for Conditioning and Testing Flexible Barrier validation, process control, and capability. Seal strength is not
Packaging only relevant to opening force and package integrity, but to
E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to measuring the packaging processes’ ability to produce consis-
Determine the Precision of a Test Method tent seals. Seal strength at some minimum level is a necessary
3. Terminology package requirement, and at times it is desirable to limit the
strength of the seal to facilitate opening.
3.1 Definitions:
4.1.1 The maximum seal force is important information, but
for some applications, average force to open the seal may be
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F02 on Flexible
Barrier Packaging and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F02.20 on
useful, and in those cases also should be reported.
Physical Properties.
4.2 A portion of the force measured when testing materials
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2015. Published December 2015. Originally
approved in 1968. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as F88/F88M – 09. DOI: may be a bending component and not seal strength alone. A
10.1520/F0088_F0088M-15. number of fixtures and techniques have been devised to hold
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or samples at various angles to the pull direction to control this
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on bending force. Because the effect of each of these on test
the ASTM website. results is varied, consistent use of one technique (Technique A,

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

F88/F88M − 15

FIG. 1 Tail Holding Methods

Technique B, or Technique C) throughout a test series is 6.2 Specimen Cutter, conforming to the requirements of 5.4
recommended. Examples of fixtures and techniques are illus- of Test Methods D882, sized to cut specimens to a width of
trated in Fig. 1. 0.984 in. [25 mm], 0.591 in. [15 mm], or 1.00 in. [25.4 mm].
4.2.1 Technique A: Unsupported—Each tail of the specimen Tolerance shall be 60.5 %.
is secured in opposing grips and the seal remains unsupported
while the test is being conducted. 7. Sampling
4.2.2 Technique B: Supported 90° (By Hand)—Each tail of 7.1 The number of test specimens shall be chosen to permit
the specimen is secured in opposing grips and the seal remains an adequate determination of representative performance.
hand-supported at a 90° perpendicular angle to the tails while
the test is being conducted. 7.2 Testing of samples with visual defects or other devia-
4.2.3 Technique C: Supported 180°— The least flexible tail tions from normality may or may not be appropriate depending
is supported flat against a rigid alignment plate held in one on the purpose of the investigation. Indiscriminate elimination
grip. The more flexible tail is folded 180° over the seal and is of defects can bias results.
held in the opposing grip while the test is being conducted.
8. Aging and Conditioning
5. Interferences 8.1 In the absence of information showing that heat seal
5.1 The value obtained for seal strength can be affected by strength stability of the materials under test is reached in
properties of the specimen other than seal strength. These shorter times, condition and test sealed materials in accordance
interferences are discussed in the annex. with Specification E171, with a minimum conditioning time of
40 h or longer if shown to be required to reach stability.
6. Apparatus 8.2 Heat seal conditioning periods may be shortened to
6.1 Tensile Testing Machine—A testing machine of the times determined by experimentation as sufficient to achieve
constant rate-of-jaw-separation type. The machine shall be seal strength stability.
equipped with a weighing system that moves a maximum 8.3 Modification of conditioning practices may be necessary
distance of 2 % of the specimen extension within the range to meet specific test objectives, such as the measurement of
being measured. The machine shall be equipped with a device seal strength at specified storage or handling temperature.
for recording the tensile load and the amount of separation of
the grips; both of these measuring systems shall be accurate to 9. Procedure
62 %. The rate of separation of the jaws shall be uniform and 9.1 Calibrate the tensile machine in accordance with the
capable of adjustment from approximately 8 to 12 in. [200 to manufacturer’s recommendations.
300 mm]/min. The gripping system shall be capable of
minimizing specimen slippage and applying an even stress 9.2 Prepare sealed test specimens for testing by cutting to
distribution to the specimen. the dimensions shown in Fig. 2. Edges shall be clean-cut and
6.1.1 If calculation of average seal strength is required, the perpendicular to the direction of seal. Specimen legs may be
testing machine system shall have the capability to calculate its shorter than shown, depending on the grip dimensions of the
value over a specified range of grip travel programmable by the testing machine.
operator. Preferably, the machine shall have the capability also 9.3 Adhering to one tail-holding technique, clamp each leg
to plot the curve of force versus grip travel. of the test specimen in the tensile testing machine. The sealed

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NOTE 1—Seal dimension marked X varies with sealer configuration.

FIG. 2 Recommended Specimen Dimensions

area of the specimen shall be approximately equidistant be- 9.6 The seal shall be tested at a rate of grip separation of 8
tween the grips. Recommended distance between grips (initial to 12 in./min [200 to 300 mm/min].
unconstrained specimen length) is: 9.7 For each cycle, report the maximum force encountered
Fin and Hot-Wire Seals as the specimen is stressed to failure and identify the mode of
HighlyA extensible materials 0.39 in. [10 mm]
LessA extensible materials 1.0 in. [25 mm] specimen failure.
Lap Seals X + 10 mmB
9.8 If the test strip peels apart in the seal area, either by
Grip separation distance is recommended to be limited for highly extensible
adhesive failure, cohesive failure, or delamination, the average
materials (100 + % elongation at seal failure) to minimize interferences (see peel force may be an important index of performance and
annex). should be measured by the testing machine as a part of the test
Refer to Fig. 2 for definition of X.
9.4 Center the specimen laterally in the grips. Align the 9.8.1 Follow the machine manufacturer’s instructions to
specimen in the grips so the seal line is perpendicular to the select the desired algorithm for calculating average seal
direction of pull, allowing sufficient slack so the seal is not strength. Fig. 3 illustrates the effect of an algorithm that uses
stressed prior to initiation of the test. data only from the central 80 % of the curve to calculate the
9.5 A significant difference in measured seal strength has average.
been shown to result, depending on the orientation of a fin-seal 9.8.2 If the test strip does not peel significantly in the seal
tail during the test. The test report should indicate the details of area and failure is largely by breaking, tearing, or elongation of
any technique used to control tail orientation. the substrate material, average force to failure may have little

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FIG. 3 Calculation of Average Seal Strength

TABLE 2 Test Equipment

significance in describing seal performance and should not be
Load Cell
reported in such cases (see Annex A1.1). Manufacturer Models
lb N
9.9 A plot of force versus grip travel may be useful as an aid Dillon AFG-50N 11.2 50
in interpretation of results. In those cases, the testing machine Instron 4464, 5500R, 5564, 1124, 112.4, 5 kN, 500,
5565, S5R1123, 22.5, 11.2, 2 100, 50, 9
should be programmed to generate the plot. 4442, MN-44
9.10 Other properties, such as energy to cause seal Lloyd Instruments 1300-36 22.4 100
MTS Sintech Renew 4204 25 111.2
separation, may be appropriate in cases where grip travel Test Resources 2000ZR 25 111.2
results only in peel. When other failure modes (elongation, Thwing Albert EJA 11.2 50
break, tear, delamination (when not a designed peel seal Vinatoru Enterprises CCT, HST 11.2 50
separation mode) or other) are present in addition to peel of the
seal, energy, and other functions must be interpreted with
10.1.4 Ambient conditions during tests; temperature and
10. Report
10.1 Report the following: 10.1.5 Grip separation rate.
10.1.1 Complete identification of material being tested. 10.1.6 Initial grip separation distance.
10.1.2 Equipment and test method or practice used to form 10.1.7 Seal width.
seals, if known. 10.1.8 Machine direction of material in relation to direction
10.1.3 Equipment used to test seals. of pull may be noted, if known and relevant to the test
TABLE 1 Materials and Techniques
10.1.9 Force (strength) values to three significant figures.
10.1.10 Technique of holding the tail (Technique A, B, or C)
Test Series “A”
(MAXIMUM Values) and any special fixtures used to hold specimens.
Heat Seal Coated 50# Basis Weight Paper sealed to Film (48 ga. PET/2 10.1.11 If the seal is made between two different materials,
mil LDPE) record which material is clamped in each grip.
Supported 90° @ 12 in./min
Unsupported @ 12 in./min 10.1.12 Number of specimens tested and method of sam-
Unsupported @ 8 in./min pling.
Test Series “B” 10.1.13 Any other pertinent information that may affect test
(Both MAXIMUM Values and AVERAGE Peel Values were reported)
Uncoated 1073B Tyvek sealed to Film (48 ga. PET/2 mil LDPE) results.
Supported 90° @ 12 in./min 10.1.14 Visual determination of mode of specimen failure.
Unsupported @ 12 in./min Frequently more than one mode will occur in the course of
Supported 180° @ 12 in./min
Reverse direction of materials in grips @ 12 in./min failure of an individual strip. Record all modes observed. A
Test Series “C” suggested classification of modes is (see Fig. 4):
(MAXIMUM Values)
Coex HDPE 3 mil film with peelable sealant layer sealed face-to-face Adhesive failure of the seal; peel.
Foil Composite 5 mil with same peelable sealant surface sealed Cohesive failure of the material.
face-to-face Break or tear of material in seal area or at seal edge.
Unsupported @ 12 in./min Delamination of surface layer(s) from substrate.
Supported 180° @ 12 in./min Elongation of material.
Break or tear of material remote from seal.

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NOTE 1—Schematic representation of seal failure modes for seals between two webs. No diagram is included for systems including an adhesive as a
third component.
FIG. 4 Test Strip Failure Modes

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10.1.15 Maximum force encountered as each specimen is (within a laboratory) and reproducibility (between laboratories)
stressed to failure, expressed preferably in Newtons/meter or are listed in Table 4 for SI units and Table 3 in units of pounds
lbf/in. of original specimen width. Gmf/in. and lbf/in. are per inch. Fig. 5 is graphical depictions of data.
commonly used. 11.2 Concept of “r” and “R” in Tables 4 and 3— If Sr and
10.1.16 Average Peel Force, if applicable (see 9.8)—If this SR have been calculated from a large enough body of data, and
measurement is reported, a statement of the method or algo- for test results that are averages from testing 10 to 30
rithm used to calculate the average should be included. specimens (see Note 1) for each test result, then the following
10.1.17 Plot of force versus grip travel, if deemed signifi- applies:
cant in interpretation of results.
10.1.18 Other data not compromised by interferences, if NOTE 1—Repeatability and reproducibility comparisons for smaller
sample size (n=10) can be found in the Appendix section of this test
such data are relevant to the specific test purpose. method.
10.1.19 Any statistical calculation deemed appropriate
(most commonly mean, range, and standard deviation). 11.2.1 Repeatability “r” is the interval representing the
critical difference between test results for the same material
11. Precision and Bias and method, obtained by the same operator using the same
11.1 Precision—A round robin was conducted using Prac- equipment on the same day in the same laboratory. Test results
tice E691 as a guide, involving 18 laboratories measuring a shall be deemed to be not equivalent if they differ by more than
total of 1980 samples distributed over three different test the “r” value for that material or method.
groups of six laboratories each.3 In order to maintain a focus on 11.2.2 Reproducibility “R” is the interval representing the
testing the method itself, laboratory samples were used to limit critical difference between test results for the same material
the amount of variation in the seals produced. Description of and method, obtained by different operators using the different
materials measured and methods used are listed in Table 1. equipment in different laboratories, not necessarily on the same
Seven different brands of tensile testing equipment were used day. Test results shall be deemed to be not equivalent if they
to collect information. The model identifications and load cell differ by more than the “R” value for that material or method.
sizes are listed in Table 2. Statistical summaries of repeatability 11.3 Any judgment in accordance with 11.2.1 or 11.2.2 will
have approximately 95 % (0.95) probability of being correct.
11.4 Bias—There are no recognized standards by which to
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:F02-1023. estimate the bias of this test method.

TABLE 3 r and R Summary (Inch-Pound Units)

NOTE 1—In accordance with Practice E691, enter the larger of the values obtained by the use of (equation for Sr) and (equation for SR) as the final
value of SR to be used for precision statements.

Units: lb/in. sr sR r R Grand

A Supported 90° 0.0396 0.0473 0.1109 0.1324 0.957
A Unsupported at 12 in./min 0.0929 0.1286 0.2601 0.3602 1.424
A Unsupported at 8 in./min 0.1063 0.1488 0.2977 0.4166 1.417
B PEAK 90° 0.2629 0.2539 0.7361 0.7361A 0.923
B AVG 90° 0.1600 0.1599 0.4480 0.4480 0.684
B PEAK Unsupported 0.2683 0.2630 0.7513 0.7513A 1.709
B AVG Unsupported 0.2510 0.2492 0.7029 0.7029A 1.453
B PEAK 180° 0.2977 0.3292 0.8335 0.9218 3.239
B AVG 180° 0.3070 0.3567 0.8596 0.9988 2.990
B PEAK 180° Reverse 0.5536 0.5971 1.5501 1.6720 1.464
B AVG 180° Reverse 0.2560 0.2451 0.7167 0.7167A 0.936
C 3 mil Film Unsupported 0.0605 0.1059 0.1695 0.2966 1.695
C 3 mil Film 180° 0.1786 0.3003 0.5001 0.8408 3.463
C 5 mil Foil Unsupported 0.0382 0.0272 0.1069 0.2051 1.209
C 5 mil Foil 180° 0.3164 0.3476 0.8859 0.9731 4.569
Per Practice E691: “Enter the larger of the values obtained by the use of (equation for sr) and (equation for sR) as the final value of sR to be used for precision statements.”

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TABLE 4 r and R Summary (SI Units)
NOTE 1—In accordance with Practice E691, enter the larger of the values obtained by the use of (equation for Sr) and (equation for SR) as the final
value of SR to be used for precision statements.
NOTE 2—The values stated were converted from inch-pound units.

Units: N/25.4 mm sr sR r R Grand

A Supported 90° 0.1761 0.2103 0.4932 0.5889 4.2569
A Unsupported at 12 in./min 0.4132 0.5722 1.1568 1.6021 6.3343
A Unsupported at 8 in./min 0.4729 0.6618 1.3242 1.8529 6.3031
B PEAK 90° 1.1694 1.1293 3.2742 3.2742A 4.1057
B AVG 90° 0.7117 0.7112 1.9927 1.9927 3.0426
B PEAK Unsupported 1.1936 1.1700 3.3421 3.3421A 7.6020
B AVG Unsupported 1.1167 1.1084 3.1267 3.1267A 6.4633
B PEAK 180° 1.3242 1.4643 3.7077 4.1002 14.4078
B AVG 180° 1.3656 1.5868 3.8236 4.4431 13.3002
B PEAK 180° Reverse 2.4625 2.6562 6.8950 7.4373 6.5122
B AVG 180° Reverse 1.1386 1.0901 3.1880 3.1880A 4.1635
C 3 mil Film Unsupported 0.2693 0.4712 0.7539 1.3194 7.5397
C 3 mil Film 180° 0.7945 1.3357 2.2245 3.7400 15.4042
C 5 mil Foil Unsupported 0.1699 0.3203 0.4757 0.8968 5.3779
C 5 mil Foil 180° 1.4074 1.5460 3.9406 4.3287 20.3239
Per Practice E691: “Enter the larger of the values obtained by the use of (equation for sr) and (equation for sR) as the final value of sR to be used for precision statements.”

FIG. 5 F88 Round Robin r & R (at 95 % confidence) With Average Measured Values

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(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Failure Mode—The objective of this test method is to grip travel, the rate of peel will be lower than that calculated
measure the strength of seals in flexible barrier materials. The from the grip separation rate. In this instance, the ratio of
intent is to determine seal strength by measuring force required stretch to peel is unknown and may vary during the test. The
to peel a seal apart while pulling on the ends of a strip of rate of peel is then no longer controlled by the machine. Rate
material containing the seal. However, the pulling process may of peel is known to affect measured seal strength value.
or may not result in the desired mode of strip failure. During
the test cycle, the grips are moved apart at a set rate while the A1.3 Initial Clamp Separation Distance—Since the mate-
force required to extend the ends of the strip is continuously rial between the seal and the grips can interfere significantly
monitored. Extension of the specimen ends can cause one or a with measurement of seal strength, in accordance with the
combination of the following effects within the specimen itself: preceding paragraphs, the initial clamp separation distance
Break or tear of material at edge of seal. should be set at a relatively low value to minimize that
Elongation of the material. potential.
Break or tear of material remote from seal.
A1.1.1 These effects are due to failure of the material itself A1.4 Peel Rate versus Grip Separation Rate—In peel
and must be identified as such in the test report. These effects testing, whenever separation of the grips holding the test strip
are typical for weld seal applications. However, for peelable is translated completely into peeling of the seal, an increase in
applications, these effects are interferences that can prevent the grip separation of X cm causes an advance of the failure line
method from measuring the true strength of the seal. into the seal of 0.5X cm. The peel rate in this ideal situation is
A1.1.2 Seal characteristics such as deformation, shrinkage, therefore 1⁄2 of the grip separation rate. This arithmetic is
and burnthrough can affect the outcome of the test. commonly overlooked, leading to peel rate being incorrectly
equated with grip separation rate.
A1.2 Effect of Material Elongation on Rate of Peel—
Another interference is caused by elongation of the material
during the test. If the test strip stretches or delaminates during


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 The Interlaboratory Study (ILS) performed in 2004 to and a set of material composites (3 mil Film/Film and 5 mil
create the data for the statement found in Section 11 Precision foil/foil) with a peelable sealant surface sealed face-to-face.
and Bias was collected from 18 labs.3 The ASTM F02.3 and Each series was designed to identify the effects of variations in
F02.6 subcommittees in joint participation ran nearly 2000 the use of the method on the final measured result as well as on
samples through tensile test devices that fulfilled the require- repeatability (r) and reproducibility (R). These techniques are
ments of the apparatus section of this test method. Since the listed in Table X1.1.
method and the techniques discussed in the standard were the X1.1.2 The ILStudies were essentially separate and data
focus of the study the joint subcommittee concluded that the was not compared from group to group unless changes in
samples should be as close to homogeneous as possible, that is, technique resulted in common effects to measured values or to
not production machine samples but controlled laboratory r & R. At that point observations could be made as to the effect
made samples. Therefore they were created using materials across material types and uncommon laboratory sources.
from one single lot each, then sealed on a single laboratory
X1.1.3 One of the decisions made by the joint committee
sealing machine from each of the three companies volunteering
was on the required sample size needed for assurance of an
for sample preparation and trimmed to the defined cut size
effective measurement (n=30 versus n=10). It was believed that
prior to shipping out to the test laboratories and their assigned
the greater sample size was necessary to have confidence that
data from a destructive test method would result in a statisti-
X1.1.1 Three protocols were designed, each using a differ- cally accurate statement of variation. This sample size required
ent material combination. The materials used included a heat an extremely high number of samples be made for all labora-
seal coated paper material sealed to a film (PET/LDPE), an tories to test all materials and techniques (18 laboratoriess × 30
uncoated Tyvek 1073B material sealed to a film (PET/LDPE) samples × 11 techniques). Reducing this number drove the ILS

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TABLE X1.1 Series Descriptions
Method Moving Speed, Sample
Material 1 Material 2
n = 30 each Jaw in./min Sizes
Series “A” Film Unsupported Paper 8 in. n=540
Paper Heat Seal Coated Polyester/polyethylene Unsupported 12 in. 30 × 3 =
(gripped in moving jaw) 90 × 6 labs
50# basis weight Supported 90° 12 in.

Series “B” Film Unsupported Tyvek 12 in. n=720

Tyvek Polyester/polyethylene Supported 180° Peak & 30 × 4 =
1073B Supported 90° Avg. 120 × 6 labs
(gripped in moving jaw) Reverse 180° Film Values

Series “C” Peelable Film Unsupported Samples 12 in. n=360

Peelable Film 3 mils Supported 180° marked 12 in. 30 × 2 =
3 mils 60 × 6 labs

Series “C” Peelable Foil Unsupported Samples 12 in. n=360

Peelable Foil composite 5 mils Supported 180° marked 12 in. 30 × 2 =
composite 5 mils 60 × 6 labs

NOTE 1—The tail angle of peel (see Fig. 1 Tail Holding Methods) Unsupported, Supported 90° by hand, Supported 180° (All Series).
NOTE 2—Differences in material flexibility: 3-mil film with a peelable sealant layer versus 5-mil foil composite with same peelable surface (Series “C”).
NOTE 3—Incorrect loading: most flexible supported 180° and least flexible material bent back.
NOTE 4—Crosshead speed range: the standard allows for a range of 8 to 12 in./min (Series “A”).
NOTE 5—Data reported as maximum value across the full width of the peel or average value calculated over the center 80 % of peel length (Series

TABLE X1.2 Sample Size Comparisons

Table of results with sample sizes n=30 Table of results with sample sizes n=10 (10-30)/30 · 100
Grand Grand
sr30 sR30 r30 R30 sr10 sR10 r10 R10 rvar% Rvar%
Avg30 Avg10
Supported 90° 0.0396 0.0473 0.1109 0.1324 0.96 0.0466 0.0552 0.1305 0.1546 0.97 17.71% 16.7 %
Unsupported at 12 in./min 0.0929 0.1286 0.2601 0.3601 1.42 0.0891 0.1221 0.2495 0.3419 1.42 -4.1 % -5.1 %
Unsupported at 8 in./min 0.1063 0.1488 0.2976 0.4166 1.42 0.0954 0.1513 0.2671 0.4236 1.43 -10.3 % 1.7 %

PEAK 180° Reverse 0.5536 0.5971 1.5501 1.6719 1.46 0.5744 0.5698 1.6083 1.5954 1.44 3.8 % -4.6 %
AVG 180° Reverse 0.2560 0.2451 0.7168 0.6863 0.94 0.3985 0.3747 1.1158 1.0492 0.98 55.7 % 52.9 %
PEAK 180° 0.2977 0.3292 0.8336 0.9218 3.24 0.2910 0.3058 0.8148 0.8562 3.24 -2.3 % -7.1 %
AVG 180° 0.3070 0.3567 0.8596 0.9988 2.99 0.2792 0.3119 0.7818 0.8733 3.00 -9.1 % -12.6 %
PEAK 90° 0.2629 0.2539 0.7361 0.7109 0.92 0.2794 0.3189 0.7823 0.8929 0.94 6.3 % 25.6 %
AVG 90° 0.1600 0.1599 0.4480 0.4477 0.69 0.1572 0.1949 0.4402 0.5457 0.70 1.7 % 21.9 %
PEAK Unsupported 0.2683 0.2630 0.7512 0.7364 1.71 0.2744 0.2751 0.7683 0.7703 1.71 2.3 % 4.6 %
AVG Unsupported 0.2510 0.2492 0.7028 0.6978 1.45 0.2531 0.2541 0.7087 0.7115 1.43 0.8 % 2.00%

3 mil Film Unsupported 0.0605 0.1059 0.1694 0.2965 1.70 0.0593 0.0984 0.1660 0.2755 1.69 -2.0 % -7.1 %
5 mil Foil Unsupported 0.0382 0.0720 0.1070 0.2016 1.21 0.0372 0.0711 0.1042 0.1991 1.21 -2.6 % -1.3 %
3 mil Film 180° 0.1786 0.3003 0.5001 0.8408 3.46 0.1916 0.3435 0.5365 0.9618 3.51 7.3 % 14.4 %
5 mil Foil 180° 0.3164 0.3476 0.8859 0.9733 4.57 0.2965 0.3447 0.8302 0.9652 4.55 -6.3 % -0.8 %

into the three independent series shown in Table X1.1. In order sizes overlapped. This visual image suggests that reporting the
to resolve the question of accuracy or confidence in the n=30 result may not show large differences in either reduction
outcome of the analysis, the data was also analyzed by splitting or increase in variation.
the data into n=30 and n=10 using the first ten data points
X1.1.4 By reporting r & R’s from smaller sample sizes,
reported by the laboratories. Results in this study are shown in
users of this test method would be capable of measuring their
Table X1.2. Overall, the average measured values of the data
agreement to this test method by running fewer samples, that
series differed by less than 0.1 #/in., the “r” actually resulted in
is, 10 versus 30.
improved levels or less than 5 % increases in 73 % of the tests
run over the 3 series. Reproducibility suffered most in the test X1.1.5 During the run of the ILS data was reviewed for
for incorrect loading (Series B Reverse) and in the 90° irregularities when compared to other laboratories. Equipment
supported tail where a difference in 0.02 in Series A accounted make and model was reported along with load cell size or range
for a 17 % increase and in Series B a 0.1 and 0.18 accounted of operation in order to determine if this played a part in any
for 22 to 26 %. Looked at another way, Fig. X1.2 plots the variation increase or decrease. Companies were contacted and
average with 63 standard deviations for each of the sample issues of proper technique were discussed and resolved. After

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FIG. X1.1 Series Data at Sample Sizes n=10 and n=30.

FIG. X1.2 Direction of Change in Standard Deviation with Different Tail Angle of Peel Techniques

a review of the data and the guidance in Practice E691, it was Variation (CV) divides the standard deviation by the average in
determined that all laboratories and respective data be accepted order to measure the impact of the changes of both measure-
as proper measures of variability. ments. The effect of the increase in variability (standard
X1.1.6 Regarding observations that cross Series material deviation) is dependent upon the magnitude of the measured
lines, the measures of variation (standard deviation) shown in values (average). Because the measured values increase sub-
Fig. X1.1, indicate an increase in variation as techniques stantially in the 180° supported method, the effect of the
change from 90° supported, to unsupported then to 180° increase in standard deviation is less than that of the 90°
supported. It does not appear to be material specific, however supported data.
the rate of change may be. The measure of Coefficient of

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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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