Catalog Air-compressor-Coaire
Catalog Air-compressor-Coaire
Catalog Air-compressor-Coaire
The history of compressors in
Korea was established and
advanced by Kyungwon Co., Ud.
Since the company was established in 1968, it has deeloped piston type
comprcssors for the firct time in Korea. ln 1986 the company wm also tle
first in Korea to dqelop and supply screw compressors afier establishing
technological ties with Srrrcderrbased SRN/, and it deeloped oil free scroll
compressors in 2004 for the third time in the world and lor the lirst time in
The comparry has about 4O official agercies across the muntry and
around the world in countn:es such as the uS, Russia, A.rstralia, China,
compressors, as well as driers and liftee, which will best meet any o$tomer
Strong Power
New Generation AIREND developed by
Kyungwon Machinery
O An accumulated experience for 30 years
Alter breaking up wlth SRI\/I in Sweden. Kyungwon mproved its
lechno ogy by locusing on Know-How bus ness model and developed
advanced technology caled "4" Prolie.
Kyungwon develops ils A REND by appying the 3D Design Program and
revising through their Slmulatlon program
scratches lrom a vibraiion. Aso, noise level is reduced and improved
on its power losses.
o Augmented on its accuracy by increasing its pressure in the space of
a Rotor.
o Sealing Line has a minima leakage to maximize and reduce {
volumetric ef f iciency.
o Over 9% ol an 'A "proJile convenlional thermal efficiency has tleen improved.
Paring Process )
High Efficiency is achieved by an optima
corb naroa o' Pa'rg lvachtne.
Grinding Process
n order to keep lhe gap belween a Rotor and Casing, precislon
of the main Face s responsible lor 100% ol its qrindlng
Balancing Process )
Kyungwon' s Rotor is G2.5 Rotor
Ba anclng grades.
a Dynamo Tester
Pedecl lor verilying temperaiure, pressure, air llow, power, etc. over twenty ltems of Dynamo Tesl is conducted.
asror I zsoeA)
O easy Operation
Easy operallon from a key-Pad
vutilinguat (Korean, Chinese, English, Russian, Poduguese)
supported 10 operate from abroad lts convenjent to use
Management contracts with a pyramld approach is easy to
operate ior beginners.
Large LCD Panel tor a visual check.
H story up to 160 entries can be monitored to achieve a stable
operation, as well as lo prolect your machlne thoroughly.
Standard Controller
O gasy Maintenance
Openlng a Fronl Door cover to exchange all parl sconveniently
and minlmizes mainienance time
Structure of high-quality O-Ring Flange connections with
pipe replacement parls, maintenance cosis is mlnimized
2sA-diameter oil drain port and an oil change at 40 saves
maintenance time tor oll.
Sepa alor -an^ atlached lo an anaog pressure gauge's
useiul wr'en peformrng naintenance.
Conlroller Panel and the Front Door remove separately in a
confined space so that maintenance checks are easily accessible.
O easy lnstallation
Kyungwon's screw compressors with low operation noise and
vibration ensure easy and convenient installation as well as
enabllng the lnstallation of minirnizing pipe Length
A shorl length of pipe to minimize the pressure loss and
reduced operating costs.
Reduce the lnstallation cost.
Kyungwon' s quiel screw compressor does not require a
separate room to reduce installation costs.
Exhaust duct has been minimlzed 10 operaie at a high
stable ambient ternperature.
Exhausl duct installation cost savlngs.
The inslde is a shod PIant.
Physical slze is compact 10 minimize the footprint can be
lnstalled easllv in ilght spaces.
O Exceptional durability
o Ar flow cooling structure was designed accordance to a result of
ana ysislrom the rnachines to a unitormed inlernal lemperature
procedure. Constant inlet temperature mainlains a stable
discharge of air temperature at an ownei s discretion.
o Cooling Fan and Molor relaxing ambient temperature al 50
degrees allows a stable operation.
o The nexl generation ol Kyungwon's A REND bearlng deslgn life
ot 100,000 HR
O vso Reference
Target Pressure compressor
capacity can be reduced lo
l-"* *o
5% of addiliona power -
O lnverter Controller
o L4olor speed contro led according to the compressed
air requirements
o lnverler status display using characters
e Noise Level approved and tested by EMC
'1 '.r'4t'
compressed air lo prevent energy oss due lo power reduction. 7070
t Targel Pressure: Static pressure control availab e through
Kyungwon' s VSD screw compressors to meet the needs ol a
System that can be configured so ihat a minimum pressure of 500/.
compressor capacity can be reduced up to an additional syo ot 30% Energy Saving
r) (Soll Slart) nveder prevenl power loss lrom an Over Shoot and
307. v-
reduces reduciion of a Motor life. 307. 50v" 70"k 90%
O option
{, 10 'Touch Screen
> Easy 10 identify the operating stalus
> Journal operation is not needed (Data Backup can be kept after
lormatting 10 an Excel File)
> special configuration, operation, managemeni can be easily .3 o
> Trend analysis using Graph using compressed air available ,, -'r"'
(daily, weekly, monthly)
> Schedule operation is possible
o Capacity : 30-40HP
o Direct Coupied Type
o Slandard Full Micom Applied
o Highly Efficient Motor
o Sirocco Fan
o High-pressure, High-efficient Cooler
(Working Press. l6Kgf/cm2G)
o Float Type Level cauge
o Capacity : 50-250HP
o Direct Couped Type
o Standard Full N,4icom Applied
o Highly Efficient N/otor
o Sirocco Fan
o Hlgh-pressure, High-efticient Cooler
(Working Press. 16Kgf/cm2G)
o Float Type Level Gauge
o Option
- Water Cooling Type
- Reactor Starter
o Capacity : 300-500HP
o rect Coupled Type
o Standard Fuil t\,4icom Applied
o Highly Etlicient [,4o1or
o Dual Tower Separator Tank
o World-renowned Airend
o Option
- lu loucn Screen
- Water Cooling Type
- Reactor Starter
- High Voltage
r 300HP-500HP
O Features & Benefits
o Various Operaling modes according to the
lerms oi use
A,/B Combination of compressor operaiion
- A,,/B Simultaneous driving the compressor
- A Single operation or compressor
o Dual Compressor System
- Compression systems, each consisting two
- 0%,207", 401a,70L,100% 5 phase Load-
balancing leature that can save energy
o Oil cooler, Alter cooler sequentially activates
energy saving features to reduce start-load
o Compressor is equipped with a convenient
mainlenance and exchange separalions using a
variety of on-sile operation mode.
Cooling Part
Suction Filter
O High Retiabitiry
lmprove ettectiveness ol Sea ing and maximize volumelric efficiency.
Moderale to heavy load bearing Doube System securing bearing ife of 100,000HR
Double Lip Seal or Triple Shaft Sealng Sysiem 1o block leakage
Minimlze Oi Carry over by applying Dual Separallon System
AS K Series (]andem Type) 50Hz
uff"K"]lfJn capaciry Molor Pow€r Noise Dimension
fudltd) weishr
Tvpe "fJ,L,
kgl/orc pstg m"/min cfm KW HP dB(A) mm ks A(B)
7.O 100 41.4 1462
AS301K s.s 120 40.6 1+34 3500t1940x2300
9.5 135 40.2 1420
7.4 100 49.4 1745
1. Type Standard Model : No markings, B : Belt Drive Type, W I Water Coollng Type
2. nqu ries on specitications other than listed for power and pressure should be dlrected 10 us.
Screw Ah Compressor 17
AS Series (50H4
1. Type - Standard Model : No markings, B: Belt Drive Type, W:Water Cooling Type, V: lnverter Type, P: Primium Type
2. lnquiries on specifications other than listed for power and pressure should be directed to us.
7.0 t00 92 15 20
ASAB 8.5 1n z2 15 20 raOOreeOni35O 580 25,t1l
9-0 135 1.9 69 15 20