Coba Jadi Remember
Coba Jadi Remember
Coba Jadi Remember
Landon Rollins Carter
It’s a way miracle happen
- Is he here yet?
- No.
- You scared him.
- I gotta take a massive piss.
Dude, any excuse for you
to pull that thing out.
Anyone got any beer?
We finished them all back at school.
Besides, you've had enough.
I've got one. It's not cold,
but it's yours if you want it.
All you gotta do is sit up, beg,
roll over and shake that booty.
- Thanks a lot, Eric.
- Anytime, anywhere.
- This is gonna be sweet.
- I'm glad I thought of it.
You're animals.
Just because he's new.
You've talked shit the whole time.
Why don't you be quiet?
You know how it is.
Nobody's forcing him to show up.
What if he doesn't?
I want to go back to the dance.
Belinda, why don't you go back
to the dance by yourself?
I wasn't talking to you, Dean.
You know I don't dance.
It's true. I've seen him bust a move.
It ain't pretty.
But a brother like me is ready
to get his freak on. What you say?
Put it away before you hurt somebody.
Like yourself.
He's here!
All right, here he comes.
Hey, check out the Safari Joe truck.
I can't wait to see you fly!
Hey, nice shirt, Opie.
You're late.
I thought I said be here at 10,
but you know...
When I say be here at 10, be here.
Can you remember that next time?
If there is a next time!
Dean! Is he always like that?
Always, man. So how about it?
You ready to fly?
Wait up, baby!
Let me get on your back.
Giddyap! Giddyap!
Okay, here's the deal.
You're gonna jump
from up there into here.
That's it, and you're one of us. Okay?
- You ready?
- Yeah.
All right. All right.
Let's do this, okay?
It's cake, man.
Hell, I'm jumping with you.
- How deep is this?
- I don't really know.
Let's go find out.
Let's do it.
Yeah! Shit, yeah!
Come on, let's go!
- You done this?
- We've all done it.
- I hope you had your Wheaties!
- You guys gonna do this tonight?
On three.
Oh, shit.
Landon, he's hurt!
- Is he okay?
- Landon, get down here!
- What the hell?
- Dean, what the hell?
- You guys, he's hurt!
- Come on, man!
- I told you it was a bad idea!
- Get him out of the water!
- Hurry up!
- Is he dead? What are we gonna do?
Help me!
- Get him over here!
- There's a pipe. He must have hit it!
Get him out of the water!
Watch his head! Watch his head!
Hey, who's down there?
Tracie, come on!
Central, we've got trespassers.
Send a squad car.
Come on, Landon.
Come on!
You guys, just take him!
Give me his arms!
I got him.
We gotta get out of here.
- Go! Get out of here!
- Landon, come on!
I told you not to do this!
Calm down.
Belinda, let's go!
Come on, get in! I'm driving.
Damn it!
Put your hands on the wheel.
Landon’s house ; 00;08;42
Church 00;09;19
Landon vs head master 00;12;05
Landon punish 00;13;12
-This is a star frame
It will help you locate stars and planets
with your naked eye.
Mercury and Jupiter can be seen just
over the west south west of the horizon after
-Bet you can see angels up there,
flying around.
In fact, There are things that
they called miraculous.
Einstein said the more he studied the
the more he believed in a higher power.
- Well, if there is a higher power...
...why can't he get you a new sweater?
He's too busy looking for your brain
Laugh, it's a joke.
- come on Let's get out of here.
- I can’t I gotta stay.
Principal's gone.
Let's make some moves.
Come on. Come on.
I don't know.
The custodian thing kind of suits you.
Thanks, buddy. Thank you.
Look at the chart,
you'll see Halley's comet.
Landon 00;15;07
Landon vs Jamie
Small talk…………….00;16;02
So I saw you in there with Luis.
And I know it can be very difficult...
...but maybe you should back
into it from somewhere else.
Are you gonna go visit Clay Gephardt?
That would be a no.
Do you know They take moved him from the
to a rehab placeon oxtri
Stars and Planets.
-How's that sound?
Thoroughly predictable.
I think I haven't heard before.
- You don't care what people think about you
- No.
Landon 00;18;24
Feeling Christian?
Seat belt?
- I forfeit.
- Thank you.
What do you mean, forty-two?
Forty-two is befriend somebody
I don't like.
It's a to-do list I have for my life.
Like getting a new personality?
Join the Peace Corps,
make a medical discovery.
Be in two places at once,
get a tattoo.
Landon vs friends 00;22;56
I've come... see if you're ready.
Take a good look lady. The only thing
I'm ready for is a dirt nap.
Ready to look inside your heart,
Tom Thornton.
Your words have been heard,
and not just by me.
When you walked into...
Shit. When you walked into my club,
that wasn't just a coincidence. Was it ?
Nothing's coincidence, baby.
You know you're the only one
who can make me sing.
Yeah, Miss Garber!
You'll put Eric in all your plays!
Eric, I'll put you in all my plays!
Come on. Do you know I got
three weeks to memorize all this stuff
You couldn't pull this off your head
in three months! De Niro can’t make you this
shit work!
I didn't write it, okay?
No But you're gonna make a jackass
of yourself in front of everyone, youe shool,
your frind
Look, I don't have a choice,
so would you just help me out, please?
You know I'm just busting on you.
I am gonna be there opening night,
front row. And you can count on it.
With tomatoes.
Thanks, man.
Landon? Boys, can you help
with these groceries?
- Yeah.
- No problem.
Landon-jamie 00;24;18
What do you want carter
I've known you for years. And You've
never been the first one to come up and say
I need helped with my lines.
- Landon Carter's asking me for help?
- Yeah.
Okay, I'll pray for you.
Jamie, no look...
You've obviously never asked anybody
for help before, right?
A request like yours requires
flattery and groveling.
It can't be about you.
It has to be for the common good every body.
It is for the common good.
Eddie Zimmerhoff deserves the best.
- Please?
- Okay. One condition, though.
What's that?
You have to promise
you won't fall in love with me.
- That's not a problem.
- Okay. I'll see you this afternoon after
- okay
Jamie’s father 00;25;29
Landon and friends 00;27;24
And ?
- What are you doing here?
- I should ask you the same question
Do you normally walk by your self
in a cemetery at night?
Where you going?
Come and see.
Okay. What is that?
This is my telescope.
I built it when I was 12.
Take a look.
Saturn. Very cool.
I'm planning on building a larger one
so I can see the comet Hyakutake.
It comes this spring.
Nobody knows when it'll be back.
Nature's miracles. I get it.
- Get what?
- That you're into all this stuff.
This stuff?
I have my beliefs.
I have faith, but don't you?
No. There's too much bad shit
in this world.
Without suffering,
there's no compassion.
Tell that to those who suffer
Landon and friends 00;29;28
You know the answer?
Come on, man, I know you know.
Okay. It's you, me and the basket.
We form the three corners
of a triangle.
Take a step towards the basket.
Am I at the same angle to you
and the basket as before?
- Yeah.
- Are you?
- Yeah.
- So, what did we just make?
- A similar triangle?
- Yes. Okay, make me an isosceles.
You got it, two sides the same.
Okay, enough of this. Let's play
Landon, Jamie 00;36;29
Tell me about this dream girl.
Well, I don't remember.
All I know... you're beautiful.
The song, the song.
The dream.
Help me to remember.
Will you sing for me?
- Okay. Thanks.
Okay, okay.
- Interesting rewrite you did there.
- I did my best.
Your acting didn't suck either.
- Gotta go. Take it easy, man.
- Okay.
- Landon, you were marvelous!
- Thank you.
Landon? Fine performance, son.
- What are you doing here?
- you mather tell me about it I thought we'd
get a bite after show.
- I'm not hungry.
- london Don't walk away.
You taught me how.
Oh, my God.
Look who's here.
Don't look at him.
You don't want to stare too much.
I guess he doesn't want
to sit with us.
- People can see.
- and I would ruin your reputation now?
What's that?
I'm reading books on Rothman's list
of contemporary American authors.
- And how many books are there?
- A hundred.
But then there's his British list
and his European list.
So is this on your list,
to read all these books?
Jamie, I'm trying here, okay?
Maybe I miss spending time with you.
- Maybe you inspire me.
- Sounds like bull.
- Which part?
- All of it.
- It's not.
- Prove it.
- You don’t knowthe fist thing about being
someone’s friend.
- I don't want to just be your friend.
- You don't know what you want.
- neither do you, maybe you’re just too scare
that someone might actually want to be with
- and Why would that scare me?
- because than You wouldn’t be able to hide
behind books...
...or your fricking telescope,
or your faith.
No. You know the real reason
why you're scared?
It's because you want
to be with me too.
Jamie get present 00;47;19
What is it?
I got you something.
Thank you.
Well, I'll see you at school.
- Mr. Carter.
- Later, Reverend.
Jamie Boys like that...
...they have...
They have expectations.
The rules around here
not gonna change.
You might not care
what I say or think...
...but you should care
about God's opinion.
I think he wants me to be happy.
Dad, it's just a sweater.
I'm going to make us
some dinner, okay?
Landon-jamie 00;49;52
Is that you?
Nice span.
Look, this is about me, okay?
This is not you.
Stay here.
Hey, man, no wonder you been
keeping her locked up.
I had no idea this was
underneath all that.
- Dean, stop!
- You stay out of this!
- We're through. We're through.
- That's great.
- We're through forever!
- You okay?
- You made a mistake, Landon!
- You sure?
Let's get out of here.
Hey! You're a little chickenshit!
Baby, I'm sorry. Okay?
They're animals, all right?
You want me to take you home?
Let's get out of here.
- Are you sure you're okay?
- I'm fine.
- Thank you for everything.
- You're welcome.
- I wanna ask you something.
- Okay.
Will you go out with me
on Saturday night?
I'm sorry. I can't go.
- You have something else going on?
- No.
- It's not that.
- Then what is it?
I'm not allowed to date.
I can't believe you asked my father
It's no big deal.
He was cool about it, anyway.
- Thank you.
- This is for you.
- Thank you very much.
- Would you like to start of something to
- Sweet tea, please.
- Make that two.
Right away.
This restaurant is really nice.
Are sure, Is this okay?
- Don't even worry about it, okay?
- Okay.
Choose whatever you want.
So, what'll it be?
Is everything okay?
- Thank you very much.
- Yeah, me too. Thanks.
Would you like to dance?
Sorry, I don't dance.
Me neither. I mean, not usually
in front of anybody.
Well, no. I mean, I don't at all.
As in, I can't.
Everybody can dance.
Come on, you can't be that bad.
For me?
Come on.
Sorry, I told you I was bad at this.
- In all fairness, you did warn me, right?
- That's right.
So, what's number one on your list?
Number one on my list
is getting out of Beaufort.
Getting out won't be your problem.
It's more like figuring out what to do
when you get somewhere.
What do you mean?
I mean, you can do anything
- Where are we going?
- Just hold on, you'll see.
Come on, come on. Let's go!
- What are we doing?
- Run!
- Okay, okay. Stand there.
- All right.
- One foot there, and one foot here.
- Okay.
You're acting crazy. What's going on?
Right now, you're straddling
the state line.
You're in two places at once.
How can you see places like this...
...and have moments like this,
and not believe?
You're lucky to be so sure.
It's like the wind.
I can't see it, but I feel it.
What do you feel?
I feel wonder and beauty..., love.
I mean, it's the center of everything.
I might kiss you.
I might be bad at it.
That's not possible.
I love you.
Now would be the time
to say something.
I told you not to fall in love with me.
Jamie. Say good night to Mr. Carter.
Landon, go home. The night's over.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Good night, sir.
Jamie, your behavior's sinful.
- You act with that boy like you're...
- In love?
- Jamie, you are a child.
- Dad, look at me...
...l'm not a child.
- Then stop acting childish.
I love him.
Then be fair to him, Jamie,
before things get worse.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Will you help me?
- Yeah.
So, what did you tell your father?
The truth. I just left you out of it.
So, what do you want to see?
Pluto only rises a few minutes
before the sun.
...and I have brought us
a thermos of hot coffee...
...and a blanket.
- You planned this.
- Oh, I hoped for it.
Are you trying to seduce me?
Why? Are you seducible?
That's what I thought...
...ergo, a second blanket.
- One for me, and one for you.
- Thank you.
- Can you find this star right here?
- Sure.
So why am I looking for this star?
Because I had it named for you.
It's official.
It's from the International
Star Registry.
This is wonderful!
I love you.
Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'm stopping.
So, what's your number one?
To marry in the church
where my mother grew up.
That's where my parents were married.
Landon, were you with Jamie?
Landon, be careful.
She's the reverend's daughter.
- Mom...
- Please!
It's different with her.
- It's different with her.
- Yes.
It better be different with her.
I was doing laundry the other day,
and I found this.
"Examine a moon rock.
Go to college.
Get into medical school."
Honey, these are really
beautiful ambitions.
- But you'll have to work really hard.
- I can do that.
Yeah, you can.
...Jamie has faith in me.
You know?
She makes me wanna be different.
I was so drunk,
I don't remember anything.
That's great.
Citizen high to citizen low.
Are you worried
about your college applications?
I'm not applying to college.
- I thought you said...
- No, you assumed.
- Take a year off, try the Peace Corps?
- No.
What are you gonna do?
I'm sick.
- I'll take you home, you'll be...
- No, Landon!
I'm sick.
I have leukemia.
- no You're 18, you're perfect.
- No.
I found out two years ago.
I've stopped responding to treatments.
So why you didn't tell me?
The doctor said I should go on and live life
normally, as best I could.
I didn't want anybody
to be weird around me.
- Including me?
- Especially you!
You know I was getting along with everything
I accepted it, and then you happened!
I do not need a reason
to be angry with God.
Jami e 01;15;32
Can you do me a favor?
So I talked to Eric.
Need some help with this stuff?
What's that boy doing in the yard?
What's the matter ? Jamie, honey
How you feeling?
- I'm okay. How are you?
- Pretty good.
- I have something for you.
- You do?
Don't worry, it's not a Bible.
It was my mother's. It's got quotes
from her favorite books...
...and quotes by famous people.
Her thoughts.
- Come on.
- Okay, let's check it out.
"What is a friend?
It's a single soul dwelling
in two bodies. Aristotle."
- Right here.
- Okay.
"Find out who you are...
...and do it on purpose."
That's Dolly Parton.
I always thought she was smart.
"Love is always patient and kind.
It is never jealous.
Love is never boastful or conceited.
It is never rude or selfish.
It does not take offense
and is not resentful."
- You know what I figured out today?
- What?
Maybe God...
...has a bigger plan for me
than I had for myself.
Like, this journey never ends.
Like, you were sent to me
because I'm sick.
To help me through all this.
You're my angel.
What's going on?
I get to go home.
Please thank your father for me.
- What does she mean?
- you father been trying to reach you.
He's gonna to pay
for private home care
Thank you.
It's all right, son.
Jamie and I had a perfect
summer together...
...with more love than lots of people
know in a lifetime.
And then she went,
with her unfailing faith.
It's been four years...
...but the vision of Jamie
walking towards me...
...will stay with me forever.
Witness a miracle
Lets focus..........
Hal ini penting untuk memahami makna dan perbedaan
bentuk kalimat atau ungkapan yang positif,
dari contoh kalimat ini adalah You may use your right or left hand
tujuan tersebut.
atau adjective menunjukkan tidak satu pun atau yang lain atau tidak
adalah Both buses are headed in that direction, you can get
atau pronoun menunjukkan tidak satu pun atau yang lain atau tidak
3. Sebagai kata hubung atau conjunction
Sebagai contoh:
menonton TV.
diaplikasikan dalam rumus-rumus yang dapat dilihat dalam tabel di
bawah ini:
Present perfect and perfect continous tense
Because I've travelled a lot, I've seen a lot of wonderful things and
I have also eaten and drunk some strange foods and drinks.
Tahukah kamu apa itu Present Perfect Tense? Present Perfect Tense
suatu aksi atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih
berlanjut hingga sekarang atau telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu
kejadian yang telah terjadi dalam waktu yang tidak spesifik. Jadi,
Coba kamu perhatikan penggunaan dari Present Perfect Tense
berikut ini:
Kalimat Verbal
Catatan: Present Perfect tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb
subjek (She, He, It) dan have digunakan untuk subjek (I, you, we,
1. Kalimat Positif
2. Kalimat Negatif
Contoh : She hasn’t worked in the hospital.
3. Kalimat Tanya
Kalimat Nominal
Catatan : Untuk kata ganti orang ketiga seperti (I, you, We, They)
1. Kalimat Positif
S + has / have + been + O
2. Kalimat Negatif
3. Kalimat Tanya
Latihan Soal
1. Complete the following sentence
A. has developed
B. have developed
C. developed
D. develops
E. is developing
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
maka auxiliary yang dipake adalah Has lalu diikuti dengan past
Bagaimana Squad? Semoga kamu semakin paham ya. Agar
already (sudah) We haven’t seen Dimas recently.
just (baru saja) (Kamu belum melihat Dimas lagi.)
recently, latel
Have you ever been to Scotland?
(blum lama ini)
(Apakah kamu pernah ke Skotlandia?)
ever (pernah)
yet (belum) Adam hasn’t yet decided if
for + period of he wants to accept that job offer or
time up to not.
present: for an (Adam belum memutuskan apakah
hour (selama satu dia ingin menerima tawaran kerja itu
jam), for three atau tidak.)
days(selama tiga
We haven’t seen Dimas for two
hari), for two weeks.
weeks (selama dua (Kamu tidak melihat Dimas selama
minggu), for a long dua minggu.)
It hasn’t rained since February.
(Belum turun hujan sejak Febr
Present perfect tense untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu aksi
terjadi berulang kali dimasa lampau (adverb of number dapat
I’ve just sent you an email.
(Saya baru saja mengirimkan kamu email.)
The rain’s just stopped.
(Hujan baru saja berhenti.)
[the rain’s = the rain has; lihat contraction & apostrophe]
verb have atau has, been dan present
subject seperti: third person singular pronoun (seperti: he, she, it)
Rumus Present Perfect Contoh Present Perfect Continuous
Continuous Tense Tense
S + have/has + been +
-ing/present participle
The toddlers have been sleeping
kalimat interogatif Has she been driving
have/has + S + been +
-ing/present participle
Have the toddlers been sleeping
Comparative degree
Dari contoh kalimat diatas, Tentu kita semua bisa mengambil
kesimpulan bahwa :
(lebih banyak) atau Less ( lebih sedikit), Greater (lebih besar) atau
Positive Degree
yang tidak sama.
Comparative Degree
Progressive degree adalah tingkat perbandingan yang
untuk membentuk pola kalimat Parallel Degree ini sangat
as + positive + as
Positif Degree juga biasanya identik dengan susunan adverb yang
comparasi positif.
Comparative + than
Pada Tingkat perbandingan yang kedua ini, kita akan
Perlu diingat bahwa : Adverb yang berfungsi
sebagai adverbials seperti however, but, dan although tidak ada
comparative seperti pada well dan best atau badly dan worst.
Contoh :
sufficient, unanimous, unavoidable, unbroken, unique, universal,
Though = meskipun
Thoroughly = sepenuhnya
Through = selesai (we are through)
Exercises :
“past perfect”
Lets sing.........
This I Promise You
And with this vow,
Forever has now begun...
And baby
Every time you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And give you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me
And baby
Every time you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are