Modern - Family.S04E01 Eng
Modern - Family.S04E01 Eng
Modern - Family.S04E01 Eng
how to modulate baby gifts. because I got to meet next year's trig
When Steven and Stefan had little teacher.
Rocco, That is not the prom I remember.
our friend Longinus sent over I have such a bad headache!
the whole cast of "Yo gabba gabba". That's the prom I remember.
Now Rocco cries whenever he sees bright Were you drinking?
colors. Mom, do we really have to do this?
I'm not allowed over there. You ask if I was drinking, I say "No,"
I guess we should donate it somewhere, and we both know that that's not true.
along with the 800-pound gorilla. I mean, aren't we past this point in
I mean, you know, now that we're not our relationship?
getting a baby. No, young lady, we are not.
A decision, by the way, Then I wasn't drinking.
which seems even better in the light of Me neither, mrs. D.
day. Dear God. Tell me he did not spend the
Mm. No, I totally agree. night here.
- So we're good? - No, we're great. Mom, do we really have to do this?
- We couldn't have handled this any Mom, I have a big decision to make
better. - No. about poetry camp this summer.
Where's my new baby brother? Is this about the walking sticks again?
Okay. Uh, slight oversight. Pack them all and decide when you're
Can I see him? Can we name him Larry? there.
Okay, sweetie. Here, have a seat with I can either focus on sonnets or free
us. verse.
Um, listen. I've always fancied myself a sonneteer,
There's something we need to tell you. But I'm thinking the free verse girls
Is it about Larry? will be freer with everything,
Well, uh, yes. Uh, sort of. If you catch my meaning.
Um, it--it turns out that... We're not Hmm? Ay. I'm sorry, Manny.
getting a baby. I'm sure you will make the right
Yeah, and I know this-- this makes you decision.
very sad, Are you okay? You seem distracted.
but I promise you we're still a Manny, sit down. I have to tell you
family-- something.
Can I have a kitten? What?
A kitten? I am pregnant.
If I can't have a brother, You're what?
then I want a kitten named Larry. I'm going to have a baby.
Okay, w-what's this about? Is Larry on Wow.
a show? What?
He's not, which is what's weird. You're not happy?
- Ooh! How was prom? - So fun. Yeah. Sure.
Michael and I danced all night... It's just a lot to take in.
And then we stayed after and helped And I'll be honest, this isn't coming
clean up, at a great time for me,
which was awesome With everything I've got going on.
第 2 页 共 9 页
In the shadow of your new baby! Hey, dad, Gloria, open our present.
What's he talking about? Ooh! I hope it's something fancy.
He's talking about I am pregnant. It's for the baby. I love it!
- Oh, come on! - Pregnant?! We got it in a shop at Heathrow, duty
You gotta be kidding me! free.,
Oh, gross. I didn't know grandpa could Not for long.
still do it. Isn't it absolutely brilliant?
Don't be disrespectful, Luke. Okay, we were in london two weeks.
Anyone could do it with Gloria. Lose the accent, Madonna.
And if you're too set in your old ways Why is your face all scratched up?
to be happy about it, Stupid Larry.
I can raise it on my own. This feels so weird.
I have done it before, and I can do it It suits you.
now! Don't even joke about it.
I come from a very long line of strong That's it. He is moving out of the
Latin women house tomorrow.
whose husbands are nowhere to be found! Really?
- Are you done? - Yes! Oh, and that beard is going.
- Can I say something? - Go on! Fine, but it's gonna kill shorty.
That's the greatest news I've ever Okay, everybody, let's gather together.
heard. Manny's gonna read us a little
It is? something
I spent the day hearing what my future that he prepare in his poetry camp.
had in store for me, Thank you, mom.
and I didn't like one bit of it. This is for my new baby brother or
It felt like my life was ending. sister.
And now you're telling me that I get to "Welcome, little one.
have a new start... Open your eyes and take your place.
with the woman of my dreams. This is where you're meant to be,
I think I'm gonna cry. Nestled in the bosom of your mother."
I'm way ahead of you. Lucky baby.
Can you believe this? - What? - Love you, baby.
I know. They wouldn't even let us get a "This is where you're meant to be,
cat. in the arms of your father.
It's gonna be great! His long, long journey has readied him
I'm gonna get so fat. for this day,
Mostly great. though his skin may be loose,
Oh, gross. They're at it again. his hair but a wisp,
If you don't like it, don't look. and his eyes milky with age,"
She looks great, doesn't she? All right, we're done here.
Yeah. Get a drink.
Not really gaining weight the way I Don't feel bad about making move out,
would've expected. mrs. D.
I finally understand why people say I knew this day would come eventually,
pregnant women glow. and I'm totally covered.
Phil, I have had three children. Great. So we'll see you around.
第 8 页 共 9 页
第 9 页 共 9 页