Cant Stop Rules
Cant Stop Rules
Cant Stop Rules
1 game board · 3 markers · 4 dice · 44 colored squares-- 11 squares each of four different colors.
1 Each player chooses a color and takes all the squares of that color.
2 Each player rolls two dice. The player who rolls the highest number goes first; play then
proceeds, in turn, to that player's left.
1 To start your turn, roll all four dice. Look your roll over carefully. Then split your roll in half
in any way you wish, and add the two dice in each half. The purpose: to create a pair of
Example: Let's say you roll a 1-5-4-6. With this roll, you can create any of the following pairs:
6 and 10 (1+5) and (4+6); or 5 and 11 (1+4) and (5+6); or 9 and 7 (5+4) and (1+6).
2 The pair of numbers you choose to create represents the two columns into which you must now
place markers.
Example: On this roll of 1-5-4-6, let's say you choose 6 and 10 as your pair. You must now
place a marker into the "6" column and another marker into the "10" column.
When first placing a marker into a particular column, always place it onto the space at the
bottom of that column.
3 In this game you may roll more than once on a single turn. On each additional roll, you also
create a pair of numbers in the same way.
a) Let's say you roll again and create a pair that includes a number you've already chosen.
When this happens, move the marker up one space in that number's column.
b) Let's say you roll again and decide to create a pair with a new number. If you have another
marker left, you must place it into the new marker's column.
Examples: From your first roll you already have a marker in both the "6" and "10" columns.
On the same turn you then roll a 2-4-3-5. If you choose to create 6 and 8 as your pair, move the
marker in the "6" column up one space and place the third marker into the "8" column. If,
instead, you choose to create 5 and 9 as your pair, you must place the third marker into either
of these columns and ignore the other column. If you choose to create 7 and 7 as your pair, you
must place the third marker two spaces up in the "7" column.
4 You may continue to roll as long as your last roll allowed you either to place a marker or to
move one up. If you prefer, you may stop your turn whenever you wish. To stop, simply replace
each marker with one of your colored squares.
Placing a Marker
a) If you choose a column that does not already have one of your colored squares in it, place the
marker onto the space at the bottom of that column.
b) If you choose a column that does already have one of your colored squares in it, place the
marker onto the space directly above your colored square.
c) You may place a marker onto a space that's already occupied by an opponent's colored square.
Example: Let's say you've already placed markers into the "3" and "6" columns and you roll a
2-4-5-5. If you want to move up the marker in column "6", you must place the third marker
into column "10". Otherwise you must place the third marker either into column "7" or "9".
Blowing It. When your roll will not allow you either to place a marker or to move one up, you've
"blown it" and must end your turn. Remove all of the markers that you've placed, but leave all of
your colored squares that are already on the board.
Remember: As soon as you've placed all three markers on your turn, each additional roll on that
turn must allow you to move up at least one of the markers. Otherwise you've "blown it" and
your turn ends.
Winning a Column. You win a column as soon as you place one of your colored squares onto
the number at the top of that column. If any of your opponents already has a colored square in a
column that you win, he or she must remove that square immediately.
a) A marker on the number at the top of a column does not mean you've won that column.
Example: Let's say you've placed markers into columns "3", "6" and "8", and that you've just
moved the marker in column "6" to the number at the top. You could stop your turn now and
win that column by replacing each of the markers with one of your colored squares. You
decide, however, to roll again -- hoping to win columns "3" and "8", too. You roll a 2-4-5-5.
Tough luck. You have no more markers to place, and you can't move the marker in column "6"
any higher than it already is. So you've "blown it" and must end your turn by removing all of
the markers that you've placed. In other words, you do not win column "6".
b) You may not place a marker into a column that someone has already won--even if you've won
that column yourself.
Example: Let's say that columns "6", "8" and "10" are already won, and you roll a 2-4-4-6.
You've "blown it"-- even if you still have markers to place.
The shortest columns are not the easiest to win. Why? Because on any given roll, the numbers
you're most likely to create are 6, 7 or 8. Consider this fact when placing markers and when
deciding whether or not to stop your turn.
We will be happy to answer questions about this game. Parker Brothers, P.O. Box 1012,
Beverly, Mass. 01915. Attention: Consumer Response Department.
Sid Sackson has released some variants we wouldn't want to withhold from the old and new
friends of this game.
For more exciting games with two or three players, increase the winning condition to four or five
columns (the game will last a little longer, though).
The two following variants can also be used, but not both at the same time:
A. If your marker lands on a space that has another player's colored square on it, simply skip that
space and place your marker on the next available space. This accelerates the game, especially
with four players.
B. If your marker lands on a space that has another player's colored square on it, you must roll
the dice again whether you want to or not, until your marker leaves the space with the other
player's colored square, or you "blow it". In this variant, as in variant A, there are no stacks of
colored markers, but this one can be quite "dangerous", especially with four players, because you
are virtually forced to take risks.
ASCII transcription proofread against original Parker rules and formatted by Ron Hale-Evans:
Variants are from 1998 Franjos edition rulebook, loosely translated from German (with help
from multiple electronic translation services) by Ron Hale-Evans.
Version of 2003-04-21