Abstract Rules
Abstract Rules
Abstract Rules
Overview: You are a talented artist who specializes in abstract art. Paint/Roll your way to the next
Players: 1 - 100+
Game Time: 20 minutes
Items needed: 5 six-sided dice
Optional - Markers/Crayons/Pencils of the 6 colors to make your work of art beautiful
(Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red)
Setup: Determine the End Goals for this game. Roll a die for each of the three end goals (A, B, C). These
three goals are how to earn points from your painting, the other goals that were not rolled are ignored for this
The game is played over 12 rounds, with players playing simultaneously, trying to earn the most points. All
players will use the same dice pool for each roll, assigning however each player determines.
Gameplay: Each Round you will Roll 5 dice and then use the dice to mark two numbers on your painting and
also gain a bonus. From the 5 dice, two of those dice will be used to place a number on your painting, then
another two dice will be used to place another number on your painting, and the 5th die will be used to gain the
corresponding bonus. These markings can be done in any order.
- Roll 5 dice - Roll the 5 dice. Write the numbers in the top right corner on the current round’s track. This is just
used as a helpful reference.
1. Paint a number in a square - use two dice, one for the placement location and the other for the
number/paint color used.
Example: You choose a die with a 1 and a die with a 3. You use the 1 for the placement location, so the
number placed will need to be in one of the unused squares in the “1” grid. You choose the 3 as the
number/paint color used in that square. You write a 3 in one of the open squares in the 1 grid.
If you there are no available squares in a die’s location, you may not choose that.
2. Paint a number in a square - Do this again, same as above. You must use dice that have not been
3. Gain a Bonus - use a die to gain one of the three bonuses. Use a 1 or 2 to gain a “+/- 1” to use now or
later, use a 3 or 4 to gain a “place anywhere” to use now or later, and use a 5 or 6 to gain a Star. Each
star is worth 1 point at the end of the game and gives no other bonus.
Reminder: you can do these three actions in any order. There are times when gaining the bonus first allows
you to paint a more helpful square for your painting.
Repeat this each round (rolling 5 dice and using those 5 dice) until 12 rounds have been completed.
Important Note: If you ever cannot place one of your numbers on your painting, mark an X anywhere you
choose in a square on your painting. Each X’ed space on your painting is negative 1 point at the end of the
Using your Bonuses: You may use your bonuses at any time during the game. When you gain a bonus, circle
it. When used, cross it off to show it has been used. You may spend multiple bonuses in the same round. As
your painting fills up, it becomes more difficult to place your numbers. It can be especially helpful to save some
bonuses to use in the last rounds of the game.
Using +/- 1 Dice Bonus: When used, you may increase or decrease one of the dice numerically by one. This
can be used to change a die to help with placing the die, the number/color of the die, or for gaining a bonus.
Using Place Anywhere Bonus: When used, you may use one of your dice to place the number of another die
Example: You have a 1 and a 3 for placement and number/color. All of your squares are filled in your “1
grid” and your “3 grid”. You spend a Place Anywhere bonus to change your 1 die to a Place Anywhere. You
then choose to place the number/color 3 in the 5 grid, where it is advantageous for your end goals and where
there is also an available square.
Star Bonus: Each star is worth 1 point at the end of the game and gives no other bonus. You’re a star!
End of Game:
After you have completed the 12th roll/round, total your points earned from each End Goal, one point for each
Star bonus, and subtract one point for each X on your painting (unpainted squares). The player with the most
points is the winner!
For those who want to take it to the next level: When marking numbers, you can use coordinating colors (color
key in top left of page). After finishing, you can fill in the boxes completely with the corresponding colors to
beautify your work of art.