Notes - Chapter 6

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Brand Management

Chapter 6
Lecture 19
Date: November 5, 2018
Marketing Communication
Purpose of market communication is to inform, persuade, and remind consumers. The communication
process is not static rather dynamic as target market may change. The process is a two way process.
Communication contribute to brand knowledge.
The New Media Environment
Customers have access to information as a result of digital revolution. Sainsbury, the second largest chain
of supermarkets in the United Kingdom, offers customers a way to order from there store where they will
provide home deliver. Traditional media attention of customers are decreasing as a result of digital
media. For instance, people view television less and pass more time on online media. It creates
challenges by increased variance and competitions in the media and efficiency and effectiveness are
required for success. The contribution of communication on brand knowledge should be measured for
Information Processing Model of Communications
For a person to be persuaded by any form of communication the following steps must occur:
 Exposure - Seeing or hearing communication
 Attention - Noticing communication, avoid switching
 Comprehension - Understanding the intended message, the message must not be complex.
 Yielding - Responding favorably to the message,
 Intentions - Planning to act in the desired manner of communication. Intentions may not be converted
into behavior as lack of affordability of customers.
 Behavior - Actually acting in the desired manner, there is a big difference in intensions and behavior.
Customers’ intentions may be changed by the influence of the competitors. That’s why companies
continuously tract customers for final purchase. Behavior contributes to the bottom line.
Variations are among the media type. So, there should be optimization in using the media such as low
costs in social media but high in television.
Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified
sponsor. A teaser advertisement refers to a pre-launch campaign. There must be some perspective in
teaser advertisement not fully unknown of the customers. Advertisement is one of the biggest tool used
by the marketers which creates strong, favorable, and unique brand associations and eliciting positive
judgments and feelings.
Types of Advertising Media
Television: there is motion, sound and sight. Brand positioning and creative strategy are considered more.
Radio: there is motion, sound but not sight.

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Guidelines of Radio:
• Identify your brand early in the commercial: as there is not sight, only sound.
• Identify it often.
• Promise the listener a benefit early in the commercial.
• Repeat it often: brand sponsor and the benefits of products.
Print: there is sight but no motion and sound. The benefits over television and radio: in television and
radio flitting is high but flitting is absent in print which helps to retrieval. Excessive use of figure in front
of ground hurt the captivating power of print message.
Direct response

Lecture 20
Date: November 6, 2018
Short-term incentives to encourage trial or usage of a product or service and increase sales. It can also hit
brand awareness and image. There are two types of promotions.
1. Consumer promotion
To incentivize the customers.
Type of consumer promotions:
 Customer franchise building promotions: like samples, demonstrations, product usage manual and
educational material. The purpose is to create long term brand loyalty or brand equity.
 Noncustomer franchise building promotions such as price off packs, premiums, sweepstakes, and
refund offers. The purpose is to immediate purchase to impact on companies’ bottom line. End of
seasons discounts given by clothing companies such as Zara. These discounts reduce the perceived
quality of big brands. For example, fewer amount of discounts are given by Apple.
2. Trade promotion
To incentivize the trade channel members.

Online Marketing Communication

Web Sites
On line Ads and Videos
Social Media: there are tremendous opportunity to expand the dialogue. It is the voice of brands among
the public. Some examples of social media are Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, and Instagram etc.
Event marketing
Public sponsorship of events or activities related to sports, art, entertainment, or social causes. For
example, Folk festival shown by Maasranga Television. The impact of event marketing on the brands
should be measured. Supply side method measures the exposure of the event in different media and
demand side method measures the number of customers notice this and search information.
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Mobile Marketing
Product advertising on various mobile platforms. It indicates more micro marketing by targeting
customers more specifically.
Geotargeting: Marketers send messages to consumers based on their location and the activities they are
engaging in.
Opt-in advertising - Users agree to allow advertisers to use specific, personal information send them
targeted ads and promotions.
Brand Amplifiers
Efforts made to engage consumers and the public via word-of-mouth and public relations and publicity.
These are non-paid form of communication. Amplify the effects created by other marketing activities
 Public relations and publicity: One of the major relation of publicity is that it is not under the control
of marketers. In advertisement, the brand is directly promoted but in public relations, the brand is not
primarily promoted such as Prothom alo Olympiad, Dutch Bangla Bank scholarship.
 Word-of-mouth

Criteria for IMC Program

Coverage: number of people covered by the tools of media. The purpose is to lower the overlapping.
Contribution: the impacting and contribution on positioning, resonance and value chain
Commonality: consistent message across all media such as Innovation by Apple. Focus is on message.
Complementarity: each media have some pros and cons. So, there should be some tradeoff among the
media. One disadvantage of a medium may be complemented by another medium.
Conformability: assessing robustness of media across target market. The number of segments covered by
each medium such as social media has highest level of conformability. Focus is on media.
And Cost
Communication types vary in their:
• Breadth and depth of audience coverage: coverage of newspaper is higher among educated people
• Commonality and conformability according to the number of modalities they employ.
• To arrive at a final mix requires making
Three possible tradeoffs with the IMC choice criteria resulting from overlaps in coverage are:
• Commonality and complementarity will often be inversely related.
• Conformability and complementarity will also often be inversely related.
• Commonality and conformability do not share an obvious relationship.
General Marketing Communication Guidelines: Be observant, Be patient and be realistic

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