Cell Cycle Worksheet
Cell Cycle Worksheet
Cell Cycle Worksheet
4. Please give a brief description of cell division using three short steps.
Cell Division has three simple steps. The first is development, then it’s growth. The last step is
5. Define genome.
A genome is all of the DNA, genetic information, in a cell.
6. How do prokaryote and eukaryote genome arrangement differ?
A prokaryote genome is a single DNA molecule while an eukaryote genome consists of a
number of DNA molecules.
7. Define chromosome.
A chromosome is DNA molecules packed together into structures.
8. Define gene.
A gene is a basic unit of information that specify an organism’s inherited traits.
9. What is the role of chromosomal proteins?
The role of chromosomal proteins is to maintain structure of the chromosome and help control
the activity of genes.
10. Define chromatin.
Chromatin is the entire complex of DNA and proteins that is the building material of
11. Define somatic cells and gametes.
Somatic cells are all body cells except for the reproductive cells. Gametes are reproductive cells
which are the sperm and egg.
12. How many chromosomes do human somatic cells have? What about their gametes?
Somatic cells have two sets of 23 chromosomes which in total is 46 chromosomes. Gametes have
only one set of 23 chromosomes.
13. Is chromosomal number the same among all mammals?
The chromosomal number varies among different species. For example, humans have 46 while
elephants have 56.
14. How would you describe the structure of DNA when a cell is NOT dividing?
29. Within interphase, where does a cell spend most of its time?
Within interphase, the cell spend most of its time during the S phase which takes 10-12. M phase
takes around an hour. G2 takes around 4-6 hours while G1 takes around 5-6 hours.
30. Which phase is the most variable in length?
The phase that is the most variable in length is G1 phase in different types of cells since
multicellular organisms divides infrequently while others don’t at all.
31. List the 5 stages of mitosis.
The 5 stages of mitosis are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase and
32. What stage follows mitosis?
The stage that follows mitosis is G2 phase.
33. Use Figure 12.7 in your textbook to describe each phase of mitosis.
G2 phase:
34. Define mitotic spindle
Mitotic spindle is fibers made up of microtubules which forms during prophase. The purpose of
the mitotic spindle is to line up the sister chromatids and separate them into individual
35. Define centrosome and describe their movement during mitosis.
Centrosome is a subcellular region containing material that functions throughout the cell cycle to
organize the cell’s microtubules. During mitosis, the centrosomes duplicates itself forming two
centrosomes near the nucleus. From there, the two centrosomes move apart during prophase and
move to the opposite ends of the cell during prometaphase. When the two centrosomes arrived at
the opposite ends, the mitotic spindle is made which it connects to the centrosomes.
36. Define kinetochore.
Kinetochore is a structure made up of proteins that have assembled on specific sections of DNA
at each centrosome.
37. Define metaphase plate.
Metaphase plate is an imaginary plate in the middle of the cell where all of the sister chromatids
are at before the mitotic split them apart forming chromosomes.
38. Define separase.
Separase is an enzyme that cleaved the chromosomes.
39. What do motor proteins do?
The motor proteins help kinetochores “walk” the chromosomes along the microtubules which
depolymerize at their kinetochore ends after the motor proteins have passed.
40. Define cleavage
Cleavage is cytokinesis in animal cells.
41. Define cleavage furrow.
Cleavage furrow is a shallow groove in the cell surface near the old metaphase plate. On the
cytoplasmic side of the furrow, it is a contractile ring of actin microfilaments associated with
molecules of the protein myosin.
42. Describe the role of actin and myosin in cytokinesis.
The role of actin and myosin during cytokinesis is to cause the contractile ring to contract by
interacting with each other. This causes the cleavage furrow to deepen until the parent cell is
pinched in two, producing two separate cell.
43. Define cell plate.
44. How does cell division in animals differ plants? Pleas explain in detail.
Cell division in animals differs in plants because plants have cell wall and animals doesn’t. This
means that plants do not have cleavage furrow while animals do. Since plants do not have
cleavage furrow, the alternate is that vesicles from the Golgi apparatus move along microtubules
to the middle of the cell where they coalesce. This produces a cell plate.
45. Use figure 12.12 to describe binary fission in bacterial cells.
Binary fission means division in half which refers the asexual production of single-celled
eukaryotes. The first step is replicating the chromosomes which the copy will move the one end
of the cell while the original copy stay at the other end. The second step is the copies are finally
at other ends of the cell while the cell elongated. The third step is that the plasma membrane is
pinched inward by a tubulin-like protein, and a new cell wall is deposited.
46. Define origin of replication.
The origin of replication is a specific place where chromosomes begins to replicate.
47. Define cell cycle control system.
Cell cycle control system is a cyclically operating set of molecules in the cell that both triggers
and coordinates key events in the cell cycle.
48. Define checkpoint
Checkpoint is a control point in the cell cycle where stop and go-head signals can regulate the
cycle. There are three important checkpoints which are found in G1, G2, and M phases.
49. Define cyclin
Cyclin is a protein that activates the kinase to be active.
50. Define cyclin-dependent kinases
Cyclin-dependent kinases are regulatory protein that activates other proteins by phosphorylating
them, but to be active, the kinases must be attached to cyclin.
51. Define MPF.
MPF (maturation-promoting factor) is a cyclin-Cdk complex that triggers the cell’s passage past
the G2 checkpoint into the M phase.
52. Define Go phase.
G0 phase is a phase where the cell exits the cycle and switches to the non-diving state if the cell
does not receive a stop and go-signal.
53. Define growth factor.
A growth factor is a protein that is released by certain cells that stimulates other cells to divide.
54. Define anchorage dependence
57. Provide examples of cells that divide: slowly, quickly, and cells that do not divide at all.