Coupled Computational Intelligence and Time-Domain Method For Design of The Microwave Devices
Coupled Computational Intelligence and Time-Domain Method For Design of The Microwave Devices
Coupled Computational Intelligence and Time-Domain Method For Design of The Microwave Devices
Abstract — The coupled computational intelligence, expensive electromagnetic model with an ANN
in term of genetic algorithms and artificial neural trained with electromagnetic simulation data [6]-[8].
networks, with the time-domain solver for design of the Particle swarm originated from the study of
microwave devices is presented in this paper, where the
coupled genetic algorithms with the time-domain solver swarms of social organisms such as bees, fish and
is used for optimization and the artificial neural other animals. Studies of the social behavior of
networks is used to surrogate the time-domain solver in organisms (individuals) in swarms prompted the
design of the microwave components. This microstrip design of very efficient optimization [9]. The
patch antenna and the microstrip meander line filter application of particle swarm, on the other hand, has
are used for evaluation of the performance of
computational intelligence in design microwave also successfully implemented for electromagnetics
devices. optimization [9]-[10]. The feasibility of using fuzzy-
Index Terms — Artificial neural networks, FDTD logic techniques in computer-aided diagnosis of
method, genetic algorithms, microwave filter and TLM microwave filter has been also demonstrated in [11].
method. The objective of this paper is to apply the Genetic
Algorithms and Neural Networks in the design of
I. INTRODUCTION microwave devices. The first section shall describe
how an electromagnetic simulator is coupled with
Computational intelligence (CI), or soft the genetic algorithms to automatically design the
computing, is a branch of the study of artificial microwave devices. The dual-band microstrip patch
intelligence [1]. CI research aims to use learning, antenna operating in WLAN2400 and HIPERLAN2
adaptive, or evolutionary computations to create will be designed by using this coupling method. In
programs that are, in some sense, intelligent. CI the second section, it presents how an
means the study of adaptive mechanisms to enable or electromagnetic simulator can be controlled to
facilitate intelligent behavior in complex and generate and train an artificial neural network that
changing environments. The CI paradigms consist of accurately and efficiently models the behavior of
genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, microwave structures in frequency-domain. A
particle swarm and fuzzy systems. Over the past one microstrip meander line filter is used to illustrate this
decade, CI successfully applied to a wide variety of approach.
problems in design of microwave devices [2]-[12].
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are numerical stochastic II. DESIGN BASED ON GENETIC ALGORITHMS
optimization algorithms inspired by both natural
selection and natural genetics, which are GAs are based on the principle of natural
unconditionally stable. The method is a general one, selection and evolution. They operate on a set of
capable of being applied to an extremely wide range trial individuals called population. Each individual,
of problems. GAs have proven themselves for corresponding in our application to an antenna with
optimizing and automated design many large and a random shape, is coded by using a string of n bits
complex problems in electromagnetics area [2]–[5]. (simply called chromosome). The optimization
In recent years, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) process starts with an initial population. Time-
have opened new possibilities in microwave and domain solver such as TLM or FDTD is used to
millimeter-wave computer-aided design that evaluate each individual by computing input
dramatically reduce the computation time of field- impedance, radiated or gain pattern. A fitness value,
based electromagnetic (EM) models by replacing the representing a measure of goodness (such as output
parameters of antenna) with respect to the specific
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Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2006
goals, is assigned to each individual. Pairs of Lc = 37.5 mm, l1c = 31.25 mm, l2c = 21.25 mm, ls =
individuals are randomly selected as parents based 25 mm, w1c = 16.25 mm, w2c = 13.75 mm and w3c =
on their fitness. Crossover and mutation operations 5 mm.
are finally performed on the chromosomes of the In order to validate the result, the optimal antenna is
parents to form individuals of a new population. The built and tested. Fig. 3 compares the return loss
time-domain solver then continues to apply in obtained by TLM simulation and by measurement.
calculating the fitness of the new population. This Good agreement can be observed between them. The
process is repeated on successive populations until obtained bandwidths, for the different bands
the goal is reached [2]. The general coupling GA determined by a return loss less than -10 dB, are
optimizer and EM solver, in term of the resumed in the Table 1.
Transmission Line Matrix method (TLM) in this
example, is shown in Fig. 1.
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Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2006
information processing based on a connectionist error, the mean squared error with regularization, or
approach to computation [12]. the sum of square errors. The training process will
The neuron receives input from some other terminate once the parameters have been
neurons, or perhaps from an external source. Each successfully tuned to minimize the discrepancy.
input has an associated weight w, which can be
modified so as to model synaptic learning. The
neuron’s characteristic can be expressed
mathematically as a weighted sum of its inputs:
Outi = f ( wij ∗ In j )
• f is the activation function of the neuron.
• ¦
wij ∗ In j is a weighted sum called the
net input to the neuron i, often written neti Fig. 5. Structure of three-layer neural network.
• wij refers to the weight from neuron j to The structure of interest, consisting of a microstrip
neuron i meander line, is shown in Fig. 6. The input
The output of an NN, in turn, can serve as input to parameters of the NN are a, b and the weighting
other NNs. Fig. 4 depicts this multiple-input
factors at 101 equidistant frequency points; i.e. x =
multiple-output functionality of a given neuron.
[a; b; fi], i = 1:101. The output of the neural network
consists of the S-parameter magnitudes y =
[mag(S11) mag(S21)] at the same frequency points.
The training and validation data have been generated
to cover 11 GHz frequency range starting from DC.
The training-set consists of 9 uniform sample data
(a; b) in the ranges: 9 a 11 and 1 b 2. The
validation sample is chosen at (a; b) = (10; 1). A
Fig. 4. Neuron model. four-layer feed-forward neural network consisting of
A NN may consist of an input layer, one or several 2 hidden-layers (25 and 10 neurons for each hidden-
hidden layers and an output layer [12]. A typical NN layer), is trained by using the back-propagation
structure is depicted in Fig. 5. NNs are commonly trainbr algorithm [18]. With such a training data
trained so that a particular input leads to a specific set, it will take approximately 4 minutes on a 2-GHz
target output by adjusting the values of the weights PC Pentium 4 to create a NN model. Fig. 7 shows
between neurons. The network is adjusted, based on the validation result that compares the S-parameters
a comparison of the output and the target, until the obtained directly by using FDTD method with those
network output matches the target. To use neural obtained using the neural network model at
networks as surrogates for full-wave analyses in a = 10 mm and b = 1 mm. The good agreement
microwave structure optimization, one must first indicates that the neural network model has been
build a collection of input-output data with the trained properly to emulate the filter behavior.
structure of interest (e.g. geometrical parameters and
S-parameters of filter). The data are then usually
divided into two groups; the first group is used to
train the neural networks whereas the second group
is used to validate the trained networks. We have
developed a set of MATLAB script files combined
with FDTD sollver to orchestrate the data Fig. 6. Top-view of microstrip meander line with the
dielectric substrate of 0.49 mm thickness and the dielectric
generation, training and validation processes. During
constant of 2.43.
the training process, the parameters of the NN are
The use of the neural network as a surrogate in the
iteratively adjusted to minimize the discrepancy
optimization of microwave structures is really
between the output data of the NN and the training-
advantageous when a different design with a
set as well as the validation-set; typical measures of
different optimized variables are to be realized
error are the mean square error, the mean absolute
because the elapsed simulation time is independent
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Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2006
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