Pakistan Domestic Affairs

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Pakistan Domestic Affairs:

 Corruption and Accountability in Pakistan

 Major Economic Challenges to Pakistan and Solutions
 Growing water crisis in Pakistan
 31st Constitutional Amendment (Merger of FATA)
 Debate on 18th Amendment and Federalism in Pakistan

Pakistan External Affairs:

 Pakistan’s role in mediation between Saudi Arabia and Iran

 Revoking Article 370 and 35A by India
 Indian Hybrid Warfare against Pakistan
 Challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy
 Dynamics of Pakistan Afghanistan Relations
 Emerging dynamics of CPEC
 Pakistan US Relations under President Trump
 Growing Partnership between Pakistan and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
 India Pakistan Nuclear Arms Race and Missile Defence System
 Growing Pakistan Russian Relations
 FATF and Pakistan’s Placement in Grey List
 Indian S-400 Purchase and its impacts on Pakistan
 Prospects of SAARC

Global Issues:

 Climate Change
 Islamophobia
 Peace in Afghanistan: US Taliban talks
 US Indo-Pacific Policy
 South China Sea Conflict: Recent Developments
 Worsening US China Trade War
 US-Iran Conflict
 Challenges and prospects of Brexit
 Global Nuclear Proliferation: US withdrawal from INF
 US decision to Shift Embassy to Jerusalem and the Deal of Century
 Recent Dynamics of Yemen War
 United Nations: An Analysis of Successes and Failures
 Indo-US Communication Compatibility and Security Agreement
Important Topic of 2020:

1. Afghan Peace Process

2. US-Iran Conflict
3. Kashmir Issue
4. OIC
6. Corruption and NAB’s role
7. Maritime Politics
8. Sino-US Trade War
9. Economic Crisis in Pakistan
10. FATF
11. China’s Middle East Policy
12. Importance of Indus Waters Treaty for Pakistan
13. Crisis in Syria: A ‘Theatre’ of War
14. Deterrence and Stability in South Asia
15. Pak-Russia-China Nexus
Past Paper Analysis:

Internal Issues:


 Examine China’s Strategic Vision behind ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative. (2019)
 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is considered as a game changer. How the CPEC can be
helpful to uplift the Pakistan’s Economy? Discuss (2018)
 What measures do you suggest improving the security conditions of Baluchistan in respect to
CPEC and the role of regional power to sabotage it? (2017)
 Critically examine China’s strategic vision behind its ‘One Belt, One Road’ venture (2017)
 Discuss the prospects and challenges to the construction of CPEC. How will CPEC become a
game changer for the region? (2016)

2. Internal security Issues

 How can governing structures have the capacity to neutralize the threats to internal security of
Pakistan (2019)
 Discuss instruments and techniques of hybrid Warfare (2019)
 Highlight the role of National Action Plan (NAP) in stabilization of internal security of Pakistan.
Critically analyze its outcomes? (2017)
 Discuss in details the efficacy of counter terrorism measures adapted by government especially
with reference to the national action plan? (2016)

3. Energy Crisis

 Give a critical review of Pakistan’s National Energy Policy. (2019)

4. Corruption

 How can the corruption elimination strategy be part of the governance system of Pakistan?

5. Economy

 What measures would you suggest improving the economy of Pakistan particularly in the areas
of debt reduction and enhancing export capability? (2016)

External Issues:

1. Foreign Relations

 What could be the reasons of emerging water conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan (2019)
 Discuss in detail the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline and challenges to it. (2018)
 Discuss the possibilities of progress under the recently agreed rubric of comprehensive dialogue
between Pak and India, in your opinion. What the major constraints are at present (2016)

2. Organizations
 Critically analyze the newly established Islamic Military Alliance and its future implications for
the Muslim World (2018)
 What are the opportunities and challenges for Pakistan as one of the new members of the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) (2018)

3. Hotspots

 Describe the 2017 Qatar Diplomatic Crisis and its impact on the Middle East (2018)
 How do you see recent development in the Middle East, particularly with reference to the
deteriorating relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran? What role, if any, Pakistan could play in
reducing the tensions between two Muslim countries. (2016)

4. Big Power Relations

 How the United States is trying to keep its dominant positon in the Asia-Pacific and what is the
China’s response to it? (2018)
 Critically examine the Donald Trump’s Policy for South Asia and its implications for Pakistan and
the region? (2018)
 Critically analyze the US-Russia relations in context of ISIS and its impact on the security
situation of Middle East? (2017)
 Explain the salient contours of the US rebalancing policy and China’s assertive policy in South
China Sea and latter’s disputes with the regional countries. Critically evaluate (2016)
 US-India in August 2016 signed Logistic Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) that will
reportedly facilitate the two allies to use each other’s military facilities to check China’s growing
influence. Comment. (2017)
 Examine the emerging strategic competition between China and US and its impact on global
order? (2016)

5. Global Issues: Climate Change

 Elaborate the reasons and impacts of the Donald Trump withdrawal from Paris agreement
 Discuss the adverse impact of climate change on the world and the measures recently adopted
by the Paris conference to address this issue (2016)

National News

Nov 16:

The tenth session of the European Union Pakistan Joint Commission concluded in Brussels, Belgium.
Justice Azhar Saleem Babar took oath as acting chief Justice of AJK high court.

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