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H. M.
Vathek, ninth Caliph of the race of the Abassides, was the son of
Motassem, and the grandson of Haroun Al Raschid. From an early
accession to the throne, and the talents he possessed to adorn it,
his subjects were induced to expect that his reign would be long
and happy. His figure was pleasing and majestic; but when he was
angry one of his eyes became so terrible that no person could bear
to behold it, and the wretch upon whom it was fixed instantly fell
backward, and sometimes expired. For fear, however, of
depopulating his dominions and making his palace desolate he but
rarely gave way to his anger.
In the first of these were tables continually covered with the most
exquisite dainties, which were supplied both by night and by day,
according to their constant consumption, whilst the most delicious
wines and the choicest cordials flowed forth from a hundred
fountains that were never exhausted. This palace was called "The
Eternal or Unsatiating Banquet."
The second was styled "The Temple of Melody, or the Nectar of the
Soul." It was inhabited by the most skilful musicians and admired
poets of the time, who not only displayed their talents within,
but, dispersing in bands without, caused every surrounding scene to
reverberate their songs, which were continually varied in the most
delightful succession.
The great prophet Mahomet, whose vicars the caliphs are, beheld
with indignation from his abode in the seventh heaven the
irreligious conduct of such a vicegerent. "Let us leave him to
himself," said he to the genii, who are always ready to receive his
commands; "let us see to what lengths his folly and impiety will
carry him; if he run into excess we shall know how to chastise him.
Assist him, therefore, to complete the tower which, in imitation of
Nimrod, he hath begun, not, like that great warrior, to escape
being drowned, but from the insolent curiosity of penetrating the
secrets of Heaven; he will not divine the fate that awaits him."
The genii obeyed, and when the workmen had raised their structure a
cubit in the day-time, two cubits more were added in the night.
The expedition with which the fabric arose was not a little
flattering to the vanity of Vathek. He fancied that even
insensible matter showed a forwardness to subserve his designs, not
considering that the successes of the foolish and wicked form the
first rod of their chastisement.
His pride arrived at its height when, having ascended for the first
time the eleven thousand stairs of his tower, he cast his eyes
below, and beheld men not larger than pismires, mountains than
shells, and cities than bee-hives. The idea which such an
elevation inspired of his own grandeur completely bewildered him;
he was almost ready to adore himself, till, lifting his eyes
upward, he saw the stars as high above him as they appeared when he
stood on the surface of the earth. He consoled himself, however,
for this transient perception of his littleness with the thought of
being great in the eyes of others, and flattered himself that the
light of his mind would extend beyond the reach of his sight, and
transfer to the stars the decrees of his destiny.
With this view the inquisitive prince passed most of his nights on
the summit of his tower, till he became an adept in the mysteries
of astrology, and imagined that the planets had disclosed to him
the most marvellous adventures, which were to be accomplished by an
extraordinary personage from a country altogether unknown.
Prompted by motives of curiosity, he had always been courteous to
strangers, but from this instant he redoubled his attention, and
ordered it to be announced by sound of trumpet, through all the
streets of Samarah, that no one of his subjects, on peril of
displeasure, should either lodge or detain a traveller, but
forthwith bring him to the palace.
"Let him speak again, then," said Vathek, "and tell me who he is,
from whence he came, and where he procured these singular
curiosities, or I swear by the ass of Balaam that I will make him
rue his pertinacity."
The menace was accompanied by the Caliph with one of his angry and
perilous glances, which the stranger sustained without the
slightest emotion, although his eyes were fixed on the terrible eye
of the prince.
"That may be," said the Caliph; "but in the meantime I shall be
horribly disgusted by a crowd of smatterers, who will come to the
trial as much for the pleasure of retailing their jargon as from
the hope of gaining the reward. To avoid this evil it will be
proper to add that I will put every candidate to death who shall
fail to give satisfaction; for, thank Heaven! I have skill enough
to distinguish between one that translates and one that invents."
The Caliph submitted to the reasons of his mother, and sending for
Morakanabad, his prime vizir, said: "Let the common criers
proclaim, not only in Samarah, but throughout every city in my
empire, that whosoever will repair hither, and decipher certain
characters which appear to be inexplicable, shall experience the
liberality for which I am renowned; but that all who fail upon
trial shall have their beards burnt off to the last hair. Let them
add also that I will bestow fifty beautiful slaves, and as many
jars of apricots from the Isle of Kirmith, upon any man that shall
bring me intelligence of the stranger."
Vathek invited the old main to dine, and even to remain some days
in the palace. Unluckily for him, he accepted the offer; for the
Caliph, having ordered him next morning to be called, said: "Read
again to me what you have read already; I cannot hear too often the
promise that is made me, the completion of which I languish to
The old man forthwith put on his green spectacles, but they
instantly dropped from his nose on perceiving that the characters
he had read the day preceding had given place to others of
different import.
"What ails you?" asked the Caliph; "and why these symptoms of
"Sovereign of the world," replied the old man, "these sabres hold
another language to-day from that they yesterday held."
"How say you?" returned Vathek; "but it matters not! tell me, if
you can, what they mean."
"It is this, my lord," rejoined the old man: "Woe to the rash
mortal who seeks to know that of which he should remain ignorant,
and to undertake that which surpasseth his power!"
One day, when this unhappy prince had been long lying in so
debasing a posture, a voice, hoarse but strong, thus addressed him:
"Why assumest thou the function of a dog, O Caliph, so proud of thy
dignity and power?"
At this apostrophe he raised his head, and beheld the stranger that
had caused him so much affliction. Inflamed with anger at the
sight, he exclaimed -
In the transports of his joy Vathek leaped upon the neck of the
frightful Indian, and kissed his horrid mouth and hollow cheeks as
though they had been the coral lips and the lilies and roses of his
most beautiful wives; whilst they, less terrified than jealous at
the sight, dropped their veils to hide the blush of mortification
that suffused their foreheads.
Nor would the scene have closed here, had not Carathis, with all
the art of insinuation, a little repressed the raptures of her son.
Having prevailed upon him to return to Samarah, she caused a herald
to precede him, whom she commanded to proclaim as loudly as
possible: "The wonderful stranger hath appeared again; he hath
healed the Caliph; he hath spoken! he hath spoken!"
The bird of the morning had thrice renewed his song when the hour
of the Divan sounded. Vathek, in gratitude to his subjects, having
promised to attend, immediately rose from table and repaired
thither, leaning upon his vizir, who could scarcely support him, so
disordered was the poor prince by the wine he had drunk, and still
more by the extravagant vagaries of his boisterous guest.
The vizirs, the officers of the crown and of the law, arranged
themselves in a semicircle about their sovereign, and preserved a
respectful silence, whilst the Indian, who looked as cool as if
come from a fast, sat down without ceremony on the step of the
throne, laughing in his sleeve at the indignation with which his
temerity had filled the spectators.
The Caliph, however, whose ideas were confused and his head
embarrassed, went on administering justice at haphazard, till at
length the prime vizir, perceiving his situation, hit upon a sudden
expedient to interrupt the audience and rescue the honour of his
master, to whom he said in a whisper: "My Lord, the Princess
Carathis, who hath passed the night in consulting the planets,
informs you that they portend you evil, and the danger is urgent.
Beware lest this stranger, whom you have so lavishly recompensed
for his magical gewgaws, should make some attempt on your life; his
liquor, which at first had the appearance of effecting your cure,
may be no more than a poison of a sudden operation. Slight not
this surmise; ask him at least of what it was compounded, whence he
procured it, and mention the sabres which you seem to have
The shrill screams of the females, who had broken from their
apartments, and were unable to extricate themselves from the
pressure of the crowd, together with those of the eunuchs jostling
after them, terrified lest their charge should escape from their
sight, increased by the execrations of husbands urging forward and
menacing both, kicks given and received, stumblings and overthrows
at every step; in a word, the confusion that universally prevailed
rendered Samarah like a city taken by storm and devoted to absolute
The Caliph was the only person that refused to leave the valley.
He commanded his tents to be pitched there, and stationed himself
on the very edge of the precipice, in spite of the representations
of Carathis and Morakanabad, who pointed out the hazard of its
brink giving way, and the vicinity to the magician that had so
severely tormented him. Vathek derided all their remonstrances,
and, having ordered a thousand flambeaux to be lighted, and
directed his attendants to proceed in lighting more, lay down on
the slippery margin, and attempted, by help of this artificial
splendour, to look through that gloom which all the fires of the
empyrean had been insufficient to pervade. One while he fancied to
himself voices arising from the depth of the gulf; at another he
seemed to distinguish the accents of the Indian, but all was no
more than the hollow murmur of waters, and the din of the cataracts
that rushed from steep to steep down the sides of the mountain.
Having thus spoken, the Indian turned his back on the Caliph, who,
incited by the suggestion of demons, resolved on the direful
sacrifice. He now pretended to have regained his tranquillity, and
set out for Samarah amidst the acclamations of a people who still
loved him, and forbore not to rejoice when they believed him to
have recovered his reason. So successfully did he conceal the
emotion of his heart, that even Carathis and Morakanabad were
equally deceived with the rest. Nothing was heard of but festivals
and rejoicings; the ball, which no tongue had hitherto ventured to
mention, was again brought on the tapis; a general laugh went
round, though many, still smarting under the hands of the surgeon
from the hurts received in that memorable adventure, had no great
reason for mirth.
It was not long before a troop of these poor children made their
appearance, all equipped by their fond mothers with such ornaments
as might give the greatest relief to their beauty or most
advantageously display the graces of their age. But whilst this
brilliant assemblage attracted the eyes and hearts of every one
besides, the Caliph scrutinized each in his turn with a malignant
avidity that passed for attention, and selected from their number
the fifty whom he judged the Giaour would prefer.
The Caliph's proposal was received with the greatest delight, and
soon published through Samarah; litters, camels, and horses were
prepared. Women and children, old men and young, every one placed
himself in the station he chose. The cavalcade set forward,
attended by all the confectioners in the city and its precincts;
the populace following on foot composed an amazing crowd, and
occasioned no little noise; all was joy, nor did any one call to
mind what most of them had suffered when they first travelled the
road they were now passing so gaily.
The evening was serene, the air refreshing, the sky clear, and the
flowers exhaled their fragrance; the beams of the declining sun,
whose mild splendour reposed on the summit of the mountain, shed a
glow of ruddy light over its green declivity and the white flocks
sporting upon it; no sounds were audible save the murmurs of the
Four Fountains, and the reeds and voices of shepherds calling to
each other from different eminences.
The lovely innocents proceeding to the destined sacrifice added not
a little to the hilarity of the scene; they approached the plain
full of sportiveness, some coursing butterflies, others culling
flowers, or picking up the shining little pebbles that attracted
their notice. At intervals they nimbly started from each other,
for the sake of being caught again, and mutually imparting a
thousand caresses.
The dreadful chasm at whose bottom the portal of ebony was placed
began to appear at a distance; it looked like a black streak that
divided the plain. Morakanabad and his companions took it for some
work which the Caliph had ordered; unhappy men! little did they
surmise for what it was destined.
Vathek, not liking they should examine it too nearly, stopped the
procession, and ordered a spacious circle to be formed on this
side, at some distance from the accursed chasm. The body-guard of
eunuchs was detached to measure out the lists intended for the
games, and prepare ringles for the lines to keep off the crowd.
The fifty competitors were soon stripped, and presented to the
admiration of the spectators the suppleness and grace of their
delicate limbs; their eyes sparkled with a joy which those of their
fond parents reflected. Every one offered wishes for the little
candidate nearest his heart, and doubted not of his being
victorious; a breathless suspense awaited the contest of these
amiable and innocent victims.
The Caliph, awaiting himself of the first moment to retire from the
crowd, advanced towards the chasm, and there heard, yet not without
shuddering, the voice of the Indian, who, gnashing his teeth,
eagerly demanded: "Where are they? where are they? perceivest thou
not how my mouth waters?"
"I understand thee," returned the Giaour, with the grin of an ogre;
"thou wantest to summon up more presence of mind; I will for a
moment forbear."
During this exquisite dialogue the games went forward with all
alacrity, and at length concluded just as the twilight began to
overcast the mountains. Vathek, who was still standing on the edge
of the chasm, called out, with all his might: "Let my fifty little
favourites approach me separately, and let them come in the order
of their success. To the first I will give my diamond bracelet, to
the second my collar of emeralds, to the third my aigret of rubies,
to the fourth my girdle of topazes, and to the rest each a part of
my dress, even down to my slippers."
This dreadful device was executed with so much dexterity that the
boy who was approaching him remained unconscious of the fate of his
forerunner; and as to the spectators, the shades of evening,
together with their distance, precluded them from perceiving any
object distinctly. Vathek, having in this manner thrown in the
last of the fifty, and expecting that the Giaour on receiving them
would have presented the key, already fancied himself as great as
Soliman, and consequently above being amenable for what he had
done: when, to his utter amazement, the chasm closed, and the
around became as entire as the rest of the plain.
At these words the fathers of the fifty boys cried out aloud, the
mothers repeated their exclamations an octave higher, whilst the
rest, without knowing the cause, soon drowned the voices of both
with still louder lamentations of their own.
"I will brave every hazard," replied the vizir, "to rescue him from
his present danger, but afterwards will abandon him to his fate.
Bababalouk," continued he, "put yourself at the head of your
eunuchs; disperse the mob, and, if possible, bring back this
unhappy prince to his palace." Bababalouk and his fraternity,
felicitating each other in a low voice on their disability of ever
being fathers, obeyed the mandate of the vizir; who, seconding
their exertions to the utmost of his power, at length accomplished
his generous enterprise, and retired as he resolved, to lament at
his leisure.
By secret stairs, known only to herself and to her son, she first
repaired to the mysterious recesses in which were deposited the
mummies that had been brought from the catacombs of the ancient
Pharaohs; of these she ordered several to be taken. From thence
she resorted to a gallery where, under the guard of fifty female
negroes, mute and blind of the right eye, were preserved the oil of
the most venomous serpents, rhinoceros' horns, and woods of a
subtle and penetrating odour procured from the interior of the
Indies, together with a thousand other horrible rarities. This
collection had been formed for a purpose like the present by
Carathis herself, from a presentment that she might one day enjoy
some intercourse with the infernal powers to whom she had ever been
passionately attached, and to whose taste she was no stranger.
To familiarise herself the better with the horrors in view, the
princess remained in the company of her negresses, who squinted in
the most amiable manner from the only eye they had, and leered with
exquisite delight at the skulls and skeletons which Carathis had
drawn forth from her cabinets, whose key she entrusted to no one;
all of them making contortions, and uttering a frightful jargon,
but very amusing to the princess; till at last, being stunned by
their gibbering, and suffocated by the potency of their
exhalations, she was forced to quit the gallery, after stripping it
of a part of its treasures.
Whilst she was thus occupied, the Caliph, who, instead of the
visions he expected, had acquired in these insubstantial regions a
voracious appetite, was greatly provoked at the negresses; for,
having totally forgotten their deafness, he had impatiently asked
them for food, and seeing them regardless of his demand, he began
to cuff, pinch, and push them, till Carathis arrived to terminate a
scene so indecent, to the great content of these miserable
creatures, who, having been brought up by her, understood all her
signs, and communicated in the same way their thoughts in return.
"Son! what means all this?" said she, panting for breath. "I
thought I heard as I came up the shrieks of a thousand bats tearing
from their crannies in the recesses of a cavern; and it was the
outcry only of these poor mutes, whom you were so unmercifully
abusing. In truth you but ill deserve the admirable provision I
have brought you."
"Be quick," replied the Caliph; "but, oh, heavens! what horrors!
what do you intend?"
No sooner were these orders obeyed than the tower shook, the dead
bodies vanished in the flames, which at once changed from a swarthy
crimson to a bright rose colour; an ambient vapour emitted the most
exquisite fragrance, the marble columns rang with harmonious
sounds, and the liquefied horns diffused a delicious perfume.
Carathis, in transports, anticipated the success of her enterprise,
whilst her mutes and negresses, to whom these sweets had given the
colic, retired to their cells grumbling.
Scarcely were they gone when, instead of the pile, horns, mummies,
and ashes, the Caliph both saw and felt, with a degree of pleasure
which he could not express, a table covered with the most
magnificent repast; flagons of wine and vases of exquisite sherbet
floating on snow. He availed himself without scruple of such an
entertainment and had already laid hands on a lamb stuffed with
pistachios, whilst Carathis was privately drawing from a filigree
urn a parchment that seemed to be endless, and which had escaped
the notice of her son; totally occupied in gratifying an
importunate appetite he left her to peruse it without interruption,
which, having finished, she said to him in an authoritative tone,
"Put an end to your gluttony, and hear the splendid promises with
which you are favoured!" She then read as follows: "Vathek, my
well-beloved, thou hast surpassed my hopes; my nostrils have been
regaled by the savour of thy mummies, thy horns, and still more by
the lives devoted on the pile. At the full of the moon cause the
bands of thy musicians and thy tymbals to be heard; depart from thy
palace surrounded by all the pageants of majesty; thy most faithful
slaves, thy best beloved wives, thy most magnificent litters, thy
richest leaden camels, and set forward on thy way to Istakhar;
there await I thy coming; that is the region of wonders; there
shalt thou receive the diadem of Gian Ben Gian, the talismans of
Soliman, and the treasures of the Preadamite Sultans; there shalt
thou be solaced with all kinds of delight. But beware how thou
enterest any dwelling on thy route, or thou shalt feel the effects
of my anger."
"We will appease him hereafter!" replied the Caliph, with a smile
that augured nothing of good. "You will have leisure sufficient
for your supplications during my absence; for this country is the
bane of my health; I am disgusted with the mountain of the Four
Fountains, and am resolved to go and drink of the stream of
Rocnabad; I long to refresh myself in the delightful valleys which
it waters. Do you, with the advice of my mother, govern my
dominions, and take care to supply whatever her experiments may
demand; for you well know that our tower abounds in materials for
the advancement of science."
Vathek, who was not altogether so active as his mother, devoted his
time to the sole gratification of his senses, in the palaces which
were severally dedicated to them; he disgusted himself no more with
the Divan or the Mosque. One half of Samarah followed his example,
whilst the other lamented the progress of corruption.
"Let them bring the besom hither; it may be of use," said Vathek,
who was still employed, not having quite racked off his wine.
The eunuch departed muttering, and bade the venerable train attend
him. A sacred rapture was diffused amongst these reverend old men.
Though fatigued with the length of their expedition, they followed
Bababalouk with an alertness almost miraculous, and felt themselves
highly flattered, as they swept along the stately porticoes, that
the Caliph would not receive them like ambassadors in ordinary in
his hall of audience. Soon reaching the interior of the harem
(where, through blinds of Persian, they perceived large soft eyes,
dark and blue, that went and came like lightning), penetrated with
respect and wonder, and full of their celestial mission, they
advanced in procession towards the small corridors that appeared to
terminate in nothing, but nevertheless led to the cell where the
Caliph expected their coming.
All was in motion at the palace; lights were kept burning through
the whole of the night; the sound of implements and of artisans
finishing their work, the voices of women and their guardians who
sung at their embroidery, all conspired to interrupt the stillness
of nature and infinitely delight the heart of Vathek, who imagined
himself going in triumph to sit upon the throne of Soliman.
The people were not less satisfied than himself; all assisted to
accelerate the moment which should rescue them from the wayward
caprices of so extravagant a master.
Scarcely had Carathis ended this edifying discourse when the sun,
setting behind the mountain of the Four Fountains, gave place to
the rising moon; this planet, being that evening at full, appeared
of unusual beauty and magnitude in the eyes of the women, the
eunuchs, and the pages, who were all impatient to set forward. The
city re-echoed with shouts of joy and flourishing of trumpets;
nothing was visible but plumes nodding on pavilions, and aigrets
shining in the mild lustre of the moon; the spacious square
resembled an immense parterre, variegated with the most stately
tulips of the East.
Arrayed in the robes which were only worn it the most distinguished
ceremonials, and supported by his Vizir and Bababalouk, the Caliph
descended the grand staircase of the tower in the sight of all his
people; he could not forbear pausing at intervals to admire the
superb appearance which everywhere courted his view, whilst the
whole multitude, even to the camels with their sumptuous burdens,
knelt down before him. For some time a general stillness
prevailed, which nothing happened to disturb but the shrill screams
of some eunuchs in the rear; these vigilant guards, having remarked
certain cages of the ladies swagging somewhat awry, and discovered
that a few adventurous gallants had contrived to get in, soon
dislodged the enraptured culprits. The majesty of so magnificent a
spectacle was not, however, violated by incidents like these.
Vathek meanwhile saluted the moon with an idolatrous air, that
neither pleased Morakanabad nor the Doctors of the Law, any more
than the vizirs and the grandees of his court, who were all
assembled to enjoy the last view of their sovereign.
At length the clarions and trumpets from the top of the tower
announced the prelude of departure; though the instruments were in
unison with each other, yet a singular dissonance was blended with
their sounds; this proceeded from Carathis, who was singing her
direful orisons to the Giaour, whilst the negresses and mutes
supplied thorough-base without articulating a word. The good
Mussulmans fancied that they heard the sullen hum of those
nocturnal insects which presage evil, and importuned Vathek to
beware how he ventured his sacred person.
The three days that followed were spent in the same manner; but on
the fourth the heavens looked angry, lightnings broke forth in
frequent flashes, re-echoing peals of thunder succeeded, and the
trembling Circassians clung with all their might to their ugly
guardians. The Caliph himself was greatly inclined to take shelter
in the large town of Gulchissar, the governor of which came forth
to meet him, and tendered every kind of refreshment the place could
supply; but, having examined his tablets, he suffered the rain to
soak him almost to the bone, notwithstanding the importunity of his
first favourites. Though he began to regret the palace of the
senses, yet he lost not sight of his enterprise, and his sanguine
expectations confirmed his resolution; his geographers were ordered
to attend him, but the weather proved so terrible that these poor
people exhibited a lamentable appearance; and, as no long journeys
had been undertaken since the time of Haroun al Raschid, their maps
of the different countries were in a still worse plight than
themselves; every one was ignorant which way to turn; for Vathek,
though well versed in the course of the heavens, no longer knew his
situation on earth; he thundered even louder than the elements, and
muttered forth certain hints of the bow-string, which were not very
soothing to literary ears. Disgusted at the toilsome weariness of
the way, he determined to cross over the craggy heights and follow
the guidance of a peasant, who undertook to bring him in four days
to Rocnabad. Remonstrances were all to no purpose; his resolution
was fixed, and an invasion commenced on the province of the goats,
who sped away in large troops before them. It was curious to view
on these half calcined rocks camels richly caparisoned, and
pavilions of gold and silk waving on their summits, which till then
had never been covered but with sapless thistles and fern.
The females and eunuchs uttered shrill wailings at the sight of the
precipices below them, and the dreary prospects that opened in the
vast gorges of the mountains. Before they could reach the ascent
of the steepest rock, night overtook them, and a boisterous tempest
arose, which, having rent the awnings of the palanquins and cages,
exposed to the raw gusts the poor ladies within, who had never
before felt so piercing a cold. The dark clouds that overcast the
face of the sky deepened the horrors of this disastrous night,
insomuch that nothing could be heard distinctly but the mewling of
pages and lamentations of sultanas.
The terror at length reached the main body of the troops which
surrounded the monarch and his harem, at the distance of two
leagues from the scene. Vathek (voluptuously reposed in his
capacious litter upon cushions of silk, with two little pages
beside him of complexions more fair than the enamel of Franguestan,
who were occupied in keeping off flies) was soundly asleep, and
contemplating in his dreams the treasures of Soliman. The shrieks,
however, of his wives awoke him with a start, and, instead of the
Giaour with his key of gold, he beheld Bababalouk full of
One of the forests of cedar that bordered their way took fire, and
the branches that overhung the path, extending their flames to the
muslins and chintzes which covered the cages of the ladies, obliged
them to jump out, at the peril of their necks. Vathek, who vented
on the occasion a thousand blasphemies, was himself compelled to
touch with his sacred feet the naked earth.
It was not less light than in the brightest of the dog-days, and
the weather was hot in proportion; but how degrading was the
spectacle, to behold the Caliph bespattered like an ordinary
mortal! As the exercise of his faculties seemed to be suspended,
one of his Ethiopian wives (for he delighted in variety) clasped
him in her arms, threw him upon her shoulder like a sack of dates,
and finding that the fire was hemming them in, set off with no
small expedition, considering the weight of her burden. The other
ladies, who had just learnt the use of their feet, followed her,
their guards galloped after, and the camel-drivers brought up the
rear as fast as their charge would permit.
They soon reached the spot where the wild beasts had commenced the
carnage, and which they had too much spirit to leave,
notwithstanding the approaching tumult and the luxurious supper
they had made; Bababalouk nevertheless seized on a few of the
plumpest, which were unable to budge from the place, and began to
flay them with admirable adroitness. The cavalcade being got so
far from the conflagration as that the heat felt rather grateful
than violent, it was immediately resolved on to halt. The tattered
chintzes were picked up, the scraps left by the wolves and tigers
interred, and vengeance was taken on some dozens of vultures that
were too much glutted to rise on the wing. The camels, which had
been left unmolested to make sal ammoniac, being numbered, and the
ladies once more enclosed in their cages, the imperial tent was
pitched on the levellest ground they could find.
"To what purpose," asked they, "have we been brought hither? Hath
our Caliph another tower to build? or have the relentless Afrits,
whom Carathis so much loves, fixed in this place their abode?"
"We dwell on the top of these rocks in a cabin of rushes and canes;
the eagles envy us our nest; a small spring supplies us with
Abdest, and we daily repeat prayers which the Prophet approves. We
love you, O Commander of the Faithful! our master, the good Emir
Fakreddin, loves you also; he reveres in your person the vicegerent
of Mahomet. Little as we are, in us he confides; he knows our
hearts to be good as our bodies are contemptible, and hath placed
us here to aid those who are bewildered on these dreary mountains.
Last night, whilst we were occupied within our cell in reading the
holy Koran, a sudden hurricane blew out our lights and rocked our
habitation; for two whole hours a palpable darkness prevailed, but
we heard sounds at a distance which we conjectured to proceed from
the bells of a Cafila passing over the rocks; our ears were soon
filled with deplorable shrieks, frightful roarings, and the sound
of tymbals. Chilled with terror, we concluded that the Deggial,
with his exterminating angels, had sent forth their plagues on the
earth. In the midst of these melancholy reflections we perceived
flames of the deepest red glow in the horizon, and found ourselves
in a few moments covered with flakes of fire; amazed at so strange
an appearance, we took up the volume dictated by the blessed
Intelligence, and, kneeling by the light of the fire that
surrounded us, we recited the verse which says: 'Put no trust in
anything but the mercy of Heaven; there is no help save in the holy
Prophet; the mountain of Kaf itself may tremble, it is the power of
Allah only that cannot be moved.' After having pronounced these
words we felt consolation, and our minds were hushed into a sacred
repose; silence ensued, and our ears clearly distinguished a voice
in the air, saying: 'Servants of my faithful servant! go down to
the happy valley of Fakreddin; tell him that an illustrious
opportunity now offers to satiate the thirst of his hospitable
heart. The Commander of true believers is this day bewildered
amongst these mountains, and stands in need of thy aid.' We obeyed
with joy the angelic mission, and our master, filled with pious
zeal, hath culled with his own hands these melons, oranges, and
pomegranates; he is following us with a hundred dromedaries laden
with the purest waters of his fountains, and is coming to kiss the
fringe of your consecrated robe, and implore you to enter his
humble habitation, which, placed amidst these barren wilds,
resembles an emerald set in lead." The dwarfs, having ended their
address, remained still standing, and, with hands crossed upon
their bosoms, preserved a respectful silence.
Such was the state of his mind when the tablets, which were thrown
by at the approach of the dwarfs, again attracted his eye; he took
them up, but was ready to drop on the ground when he beheld, in
large red characters, these words inscribed by Carathis, which were
indeed enough to make him tremble:
"Beware of thy old doctors, and their puny messengers of but one
cubit high; distrust their pious frauds, and, instead of eating
their melons, impale on a spit the bearers of them. Shouldst thou
be such a fool as to visit them, the portal of the subterranean
palace will be shut in thy face, and with such force as shall shake
thee asunder; thy body shall be spit upon, and bats will engender
in thy belly."
"To what tends this ominous rhapsody?" cries the Caliph. "And must
I then perish in these deserts with thirst, whilst I may refresh
myself in the valley of melons and cucumbers! Accursed be the
Giaour, with his portal of ebony! he hath made me dance attendance
too long already. Besides, who shall prescribe laws to me? I
forsooth must not enter any one's habitation! Be it so; but what
one can I enter that is not my own?"
They descended, however, unhurt into the valley, by the large steps
which the Emir had cut in the rock; and already the murmuring of
streams and the rustling of leaves began to catch their attention.
The cavalcade soon entered a path which was skirted by flowering
shrubs, and extended to a vast wood of palm-trees, whose branches
overspread a building of hewn stone. This edifice was crowned with
nine domes, and adorned with as many portals of bronze, on which
was engraven the following inscription: "This is the asylum of
pilgrims, the refuge of travellers, and the depository of secrets
for all parts of the world."
When everything masculine was gone out of sight the gate of a large
enclosure on the right turned on its harmonious hinges and a young
female of a slender form came forth; her light brown hair floated
in the hazy breeze of the twilight; a troop of young maidens, like
the Pleiades, attended her on tip-toe. They hastened to the
pavilions that contained the sultanas, and the young lady,
gracefully bending, said to them:
"Repose, then, at your ease," replied the beauty, and placed him on
the pretended sofa, which, quicker than lightning, gave way all at
once. The rest of the women, having aptly conceived her design,
sprang naked from the bath, and plied the swing with such
unmerciful jerks, that it swept through the whole compass of a very
lofty dome, and took from the poor victim all power of respiration;
sometimes his feet rased the surface of the water, and at others
the skylight almost flattened his nose; in vain did he pierce the
air with the cries of a voice that resembled the ringing of a
cracked basin, for their peals of laughter were still more
"And why did you enter this cursed lodge?" answered Bababalouk,
gruffly. "Ought a monarch like you to visit with his harem the
abode of a grey-bearded Emir, who knows nothing of life? And with
what gracious damsels doth the place, too, abound! Fancy to
yourself how they have soaked me like a burnt crust, and made me
dance like a jack-pudding the live-long night through, on their
damnable swing! What an excellent lesson for your sultanas to
follow, into whom I have instilled such reserve and decorum!"
"Ay, laugh, my lord! laugh," said he; "but I wish this Nouronihar
would play some trick on you; she is too wicked to spare even
majesty itself."
Those words made for the present but a slight impression on the
Caliph; but they not long after recurred to his mind.
"Come!" said he, "for the love of your gods bestow a few slaps on
your chops to amuse me."
"Tush, dolt!" answered Vathek; "and know that all this infinitely
charms me; nor shall I leave the meadow till I have visited every
hive of these pious mendicants."
Wherever the Caliph directed his course objects of pity were sure
to swarm round him: the blind, the purblind, smarts without noses,
damsels without ears, each to extol the munificence of Fakreddin,
who, as well as his attendant grey-beards, dealt about gratis
plasters and cataplasms to all that applied. At noon a superb
corps of cripples made its appearance, and soon after advanced by
platoons on the plain, the completest association of invalids that
had ever been embodied till then. The blind went groping with the
blind, the lame limped on together, and the maimed made gestures to
each other with the only arm that remained; the sides of a
considerable waterfall were crowded by the deaf, amongst whom were
some from Pegu with ears uncommonly handsome and large, but were
still less able to hear than the rest; nor were there wanting
others in abundance with humpbacks, wenny necks, and even horns of
an exquisite polish.
The dessert was not quite set on when the sound of lutes from the
hill was repeated by the echoes of the neighbouring mountains. The
Caliph, with an emotion of pleasure and surprise, had no sooner
raised up his head than a handful of jasmine dropped on his face;
an abundance of tittering succeeded the frolic, and instantly
appeared through the bushes the elegant forms of several young
females, skipping and bounding like roes. The fragrance diffused
from their hair struck the sense of Vathek, who, in an ecstasy,
suspending his repast, said to Bababalouk:
"Are the Peris come down from their spheres? Note her in
particular whose form is so perfect, venturously running on the
brink of the precipice, and turning back her head, as regardless of
nothing but the graceful flow of her robe; with what captivating
impatience doth she contend with the bushes for her veil! could it
be she who threw the jasmine at me?"
"Ay! she it was; and you too would she throw from the top of the
rock," answered Bababalouk; "for that is my good friend Nouronihar,
who so kindly lent me her swing; my dear lord and master," added
he, twisting a twig that hung by the rind from a willow, "let me
correct her for want of respect; the Emir will have no reason to
complain, since (bating what I owe to his piety) he is much to be
censured for keeping a troop of girls on the mountains, whose sharp
air gives their blood too brisk a circulation."
"Peace, blasphemer!" said the Caliph; "speak not thus of her who
over her mountains leads my heart a willing captive; contrive
rather that my eyes may be fixed upon hers, that I may respire her
sweet breath, as she bounds panting along these delightful wilds!"
On saying these words, Vathek extended his arms towards the hill,
and directing his eyes with an anxiety unknown to him before,
endeavoured to keep within view the object that enthralled his
soul; but her course was as difficult to follow as the flight of
one of those beautiful blue butterflies of Cashmere, which are at
once so volatile and rare.
The agitated Caliph still wished to hear more, but she immediately
retired, with all her attendants; the fond monarch pursued her with
his eyes till she was gone out of sight, and then continued like a
bewildered and benighted traveller, from whom the clouds had
obscured the constellation that guided his way; the curtain of
night seemed dropped before him; everything appeared discoloured;
the falling waters filled his soul with dejection, and his tears
trickled down the jasmines he had caught from Nouronihar, and
placed in his inflamed bosom; he snatched up a shining pebble, to
remind him of the scene where he felt the first tumults of love.
Two hours were elapsed, and evening drew on before he could resolve
to depart from the place; he often, but in vain, attempted to go; a
soft languor enervated the powers of his mind; extending himself on
the brink of the stream, he turned his eyes towards the blue
summits of the mountain, and exclaimed: "What concealest thou
behind thee? what is passing in thy solitudes? Whither is she
gone? O Heaven! perhaps she is now wandering in thy grottos, with
her happy Gulchenrouz!"
But let us leave the Caliph, immersed in his new passion, and
attend Nouronihar beyond the rocks, where she had again joined her
beloved Gulchenrouz. This Gulchenrouz was the son of Ali Hassan,
brother to the Emir, and the most delicate and lovely creature in
the world. Ali Hassan, who had been absent ten years on a voyage
to the unknown seas, committed at his departure this child, the
only survivor of many, to the care and protection of his brother.
Gulchenrouz could write in various characters with precision, and
paint upon vellum the most elegant arabesques that fancy could
devise; his sweet voice accompanied the lute in the most enchanting
manner, and when he sang the loves of Megnoun and Leileh, or some
unfortunate lovers of ancient days, tears insensibly overflowed the
cheeks of his auditors; the verses he composed (for, like Megnoun,
he too was a poet) inspired that unresisting languor so frequently
fatal to the female heart; the women all doted upon him; for though
he had passed his thirteenth year, they still detained him in the
harem; his dancing was light as the gossamer waved by the zephyrs
of spring, but his arms, which twined so gracefully with those of
the young girls in the dance, could neither dart the lance in the
chase, nor curb the steeds that pastured his uncle's domains. The
bow, however, he drew with a certain aim, and would have excelled
his competitors in the race, could he have broken the ties that
bound him to Nouronihar.
The two brothers had mutually engaged their children to each other,
and Nouronihar loved her cousin more than her eyes; both had the
same tastes and amusements, the same long, languishing looks, the
same tresses, the same fair complexions, and when Gulchenrouz
appeared in the dress of his cousin he seemed to be more feminine
than even herself. If at any time he left the harem to visit
Fakreddin, it was with all the bashfulness of a fawn, that
consciously ventures from the lair of its dam; he was however,
wanton enough to mock the solemn old grey-beards to whom he was
subject, though sure to be rated without mercy in return; whenever
this happened he would plunge into the recesses of the harem, and
sobbing, take refuge in the arms of Nouronihar, who loved even his
faults beyond the virtues of others.
It fell out this evening that, after leaving the Caliph in the
meadow, she ran with Gulchenrouz over the green sward of the
mountain that sheltered the vale where Fakreddin had chosen to
reside. The sun was dilated on the edge of the horizon; and the
young people, whose fancies were lively and inventive, imagined
they beheld in the gorgeous clouds of the west the domes of
Shadukiam and Amberabad, where the Peris have fixed their abode.
Nouronihar, sitting on the slope of the hill, supported on her
knees the perfumed head of Gulchenrouz; the air was calm, and no
sound stirred but the voices of other young girls, who were drawing
cool water from the streams below. The unexpected arrival of the
Caliph, and the splendour that marked his appearance, had already
filled with emotion the ardent soul of Nouronihar; her vanity
irresistibly prompted her to pique the prince's attention, and this
she before took good care to effect whilst he picked up the jasmine
she had thrown upon him. But when Gulchenrouz asked after the
flowers he had culled for her bosom, Nouronihar was all in
confusion; she hastily kissed his forehead, arose in a flutter, and
walked with unequal steps on the border of the precipice. Night
advanced, and the pure gold of the setting sun had yielded to a
sanguine red, the glow of which, like the reflection of a burning
furnace, flushed Nouronihar's animated countenance. Gulchenrouz,
alarmed at the agitation of his cousin, said to her with a
supplicating accent:
The young females seeing him approach in such haste, and according
to custom expecting a dance, instantly assembled in a circle, and
took each other by the hand; but Gulchenrouz, coming up out of
breath, fell down at once on the grass. This accident struck with
consternation the whole of this frolicsome party; whilst
Nouronihar, half distracted, and overcome, both by the violence of
her exercise and the tumult of her thoughts, sunk feebly down at
his side, cherished his cold hands in her bosom, and chafed his
temples with a fragrant unguent. At length he came to himself,
and, wrapping up his head in the robe of his cousin, entreated that
she would not return to the harem; he was afraid of being snapped
at by Shaban, his tutor, a wrinkled old eunuch of a surly
disposition; for having interrupted the stated walk of Nouronihar,
he dreaded lest the churl should take it amiss. The whole of this
sprightly group, sitting round upon a mossy knoll, began to
entertain themselves with various pastimes, whilst their
superintendents the eunuchs were gravely conversing at a distance.
The nurse of the Emir's daughter, observing her pupil sit
ruminating with her eyes on the ground, endeavoured to amuse her
with diverting tales, to which Gulchenrouz, who had already
forgotten his inquietudes, listened with a breathless attention; he
laughed, he clapped his hands, and passed a hundred little tricks
on the whole of the company, without omitting the eunuchs, whom he
provoked to run after him, in spite of their age and decrepitude.
During these occurrences the moon arose, the wind subsided, and the
evening became so serene and inviting, that a resolution was taken
to sup on the spot. Sutlememe, who excelled in dressing a salad,
having filled large bowls of porcelain with eggs of small birds,
curds turned with citron juice, slices of cucumber, and the inmost
leaves of delicate herbs, handed it round from one to another, and
gave each their shares in a large spoon of Cocknos. Gulchenrouz,
nestling as usual in the bosom of Nouronihar, pouted out his
vermilion little lips against the offer of Sutlememe, and would
take it only from the hand of his cousin, on whose mouth he hung
like a bee inebriated with the quintessence of flowers. One of the
eunuchs ran to fetch melons, whilst others were employed in
showering down almonds from the branches that overhung this amiable
"Alas!" said she, "that I were but in those secure and illuminated
apartments where my evenings glided on with Gulchenrouz! Dear
child! how would thy heart flutter with terror wert thou wandering
in these wild solitudes like me!" At the close of this apostrophe
she regained her road, and, coming to steps hewn out in the rock,
ascended them undismayed; the light, which was now gradually
enlarging, appeared above her on the summit of the mountain; at
length she distinguished a plaintive and melodious union of voices,
proceeding from a sort of cavern, that resembled the dirges which
are sung over tombs; a sound, likewise, like that which arises from
the filling of baths, at the same time struck her ear; she
continued ascending, and discovered large wax torches in full blaze
planted here and there in the fissures of the rock; this
preparation filled her with fear, whilst the subtle and potent
odour which the torches exhaled caused her to sink almost lifeless
at the entrance of the grot.
Casting her eyes within in this kind of trance, she beheld a large
cistern of gold filled with a water, whose vapour distilled on her
face a dew of the essence of roses; a soft symphony resounded
through the grot; on the sides of the cistern she noticed
appendages of royalty, diadems, and feathers of the heron, all
sparkling with carbuncles; whilst her attention was fixed on this
display of magnificence, the music ceased, and a voice instantly
"For what monarch were these torches kindled, this bath prepared,
and these habiliments, which belong, not only to the sovereigns of
the earth, but even to the Talismanic Powers?"
"What," replied the first, "for that trifler, who consumes her time
with a giddy child, immersed in softness, and who at best can make
but an enervated husband?"
"And can she," rejoined the other voice, "be amused with such empty
trifles, whilst the Caliph, the sovereign of the world, he who is
destined to enjoy the treasures of the pre-adamite Sultans, a
prince six feet high, and whose eyes pervade the inmost soul of a
female, is inflamed with the love of her. No! she will be wise
enough to answer that passion alone that can aggrandise her glory;
no doubt she will, and despise the puppet of her fancy. Then all
the riches this place contains, as well as the carbuncle of
Giamschid, shall be hers."
The voices ceased, the torches were extinguished, the most entire
darkness succeeded, and Nouronihar, recovering with a start, found
herself reclined on a sofa in the harem of her father. She clapped
her hands, and immediately came together Gulchenrouz and her women,
who, in despair at having lost her, had despatched eunuchs to seek
her in every direction; Shaban appeared with the rest, and began to
reprimand her with an air of consequence:
"Little impertinent," said he, "whence got you false keys? or are
you beloved of some Genius that hath given you a pick-lock? I will
try the extent of your power; come, to your chamber! through the
two skylights; and expect not the company of Gulchenrouz; be
expeditious! I will shut you up in the double tower."
"What then!" replied the Caliph, bluntly, "would you surrender this
divine beauty to a husband more womanish than herself? and can you
imagine that I will suffer her charms to decay in hands so
inefficient and nerveless? No! she is destined to live out her
life within my embraces: such is my will; retire, and disturb not
the time I devote to the homage of her charms."
Gulchenrouz, who had escaped from the hands of Bababalouk, and was
that instant returned, called out for help as loudly as he could,
not having strength to afford it himself. Pale and panting, the
poor child attempted to revive Nouronihar by caresses; and it
happened that the thrilling warmth of his lips restored her to
life. Fakreddin beginning also to recover from the look of the
Caliph, with difficulty tottered to a seat, and after warily
casting round his eye to see if this dangerous prince was gone,
sent for Shaban and Sutlememe, and said to them apart:
"Be it so!" said Fakreddin. "I approve your proposal; let us lose
not a moment to give it effect."
They forthwith hastened to seek for the powder, which, being mixed
in a sherbet, was immediately drank by Gulchenrouz and Nouronihar.
Within the space of an hour both were seized with violent
palpitations, and a general numbness gradually ensued; they arose
from the floor, where they had remained ever since the Caliph's
departure, and, ascending to the sofa, reclined themselves at full
length upon it, clasped in each other's embraces.
Immediately the most piercing cries were heard through the harem,
whilst Shaban and Sutlememe personated with great adroitness the
parts of persons in despair. The Emir, who was sufficiently
mortified to be forced into such untoward expedients, and had now
for the first time made a trial of his powder, was under no
necessity of counterfeiting grief. The slaves, who had flocked
together from all quarters, stood motionless at the spectacle
before them; all lights were extinguished save two lamps, which
shed a wan glimmering over the faces of these lovely flowers, that
seemed to be faded in the spring-time of life; funeral vestments
were prepared, their bodies were washed with rose-water, their
beautiful tresses were braided and incensed, and they were wrapped
in simars whiter than alabaster. At the moment that their
attendants were placing two wreaths of their favourite jasmines on
their brows, the Caliph, who had just heard of the tragical
catastrophe, arrived; he looked not less pale and haggard than the
Gouls, that wander at night among graves; forgetful of himself and
every one else, he broke through the midst of the slaves, fell
prostrate at the foot of the sofa, beat his bosom, called himself
"atrocious murderer!" and invoked upon his head a thousand
imprecations; with a trembling hand he raised the veil that covered
the countenance of Nouronihar, and, uttering a loud shriek, fell
lifeless on the floor. The chief of the eunuchs dragged him off
with horrible grimaces, and repeated as he went: "Ay, I foresaw
she would play you some ungracious turn!"
No sooner was the Caliph gone than the Emir commanded biers to be
brought, and forbad that any one should enter the harem. Every
window was fastened, all instruments of music were broken, and the
Imams began to recite their prayers; towards the close of this
melancholy day Vathek sobbed in silence, for they had been forced
to compose with anodynes his convulsions of rage and desperation.
At the dawn of the succeeding morning the wide folding doors of the
palace were set open, and the funeral procession moved forward for
the mountain. The wailful cries of "La Ilah illa Allah!" reached
to the Caliph, who was eager to cicatrise himself and attend the
ceremonial; nor could he have been dissuaded, had not his excessive
weakness disabled him from walking; at the few first steps he fell
on the ground, and his people were obliged to lay him on a bed,
where he remained many days in such a state of insensibility, as
excited compassion in the Emir himself.
When the procession was arrived at the grot of Meimoune, Shaban and
Sutlememe dismissed the whole of the train, excepting the four
confidential eunuchs who were appointed to remain. After resting
some moments near the biers, which had been left in the open air,
they caused them to be carried to the brink of a small lake, whose
banks were overgrown with a hoary moss; this was the great resort
of herons and storks, which preyed continually on little blue
fishes. The dwarfs, instructed by the Emir, soon repaired thither,
and, with the help of the eunuchs, began to construct cabins of
rushes and reeds, a work in which they had admirable skill; a
magazine also was contrived for provisions, with a small oratory
for themselves, and a pyramid of wood neatly piled, to furnish the
necessary fuel, for the air was bleak in the hollows of the
At evening two fires were kindled on the brink of the lake, and the
two lovely bodies, taken from their biers, were carefully deposited
upon a bed of dried leaves within the same cabin. The dwarfs began
to recite the Koran with their clear shrill voices, and Shaban and
Sutlememe stood at some distance, anxiously waiting the effects of
the powder. At length Nouronihar and Gulchenrouz faintly stretched
out their arms, and gradually opening their eyes, began to survey
with looks of increasing amazement every object around them; they
even attempted to rise, but for want of strength fell back again;
Sutlememe on this administered a cordial, which the Emir had taken
care to provide.
"Yes," said he, "I breathe again! again do I exist! I hear sounds!
I behold a firmament spangled over with stars!"
"Speak," said he, "where are we? do you not see those spectres that
are stirring the burning coals? are they Monker and Nakir, come to
throw us into them? does the fatal bridge cross this lake, whose
solemn stillness perhaps conceals from us an abyss, in which for
whole ages we shall be doomed incessantly to sink?"
At this desolating prospect the poor children burst into tears, and
prostrated themselves before the dwarfs, who perfectly supported
their characters, and delivered an excellent discourse of a
customary length upon the sacred camel, which after a thousand
years was to convey them to the paradise of the faithful.
The sermon being ended, and ablutions performed, they praised Allah
and the Prophet, supped very indifferently, and retired to their
withered leaves. Nouronihar and her little cousin consoled
themselves on finding that, though dead, they yet lay in one cabin.
Having slept well before, the remainder of the night was spent in
conversation on what had befallen them, and both, from a dread of
apparitions, betook themselves for protection to one another's
In the morning, which was lowering and rainy, the dwarfs mounted
high poles like minarets, and called them to prayers; the whole
congregation, which consisted of Sutlememe, Shaban, the four
eunuchs, and some storks, were already assembled. The two children
came forth from their cabin with a slow and dejected pace; as their
minds were in a tender and melancholy mood, their devotions were
performed with fervour. No sooner were they finished, than
Gulchenrouz demanded of Sutlememe and the rest, "how they happened
to die so opportunely for his cousin and himself."
"We killed ourselves," returned Sutlememe, "in despair at your
One week passed away on the side of the lake unmarked by any
variety; Nouronihar ruminating on the grandeur of which death had
deprived her, and Gulchenrouz applying to prayers and to panniers,
along with the dwarfs, who infinitely pleased him.
"Beloved phantom!" cried Vathek; "dost thou speak? hast thou the
same graceful form? the same radiant features? art thou palpable
likewise?" and, eagerly embracing her, added: "here are limbs and
a bosom animated with a gentle warmth! what can such a prodigy
"No, no!" replied Vathek, "I have already bid you forbear to alarm
yourself for him; he has been brought up too much on milk and sugar
to stimulate my jealousy; we will leave him with the dwarfs, who,
by the bye, are my old acquaintances; their company will suit him
far better than yours. As to other matters, I will return no more
to your father's; I want not to have my ears dinned by him and his
dotards with the violation of the rites of hospitality; as if it
were less an honour for you to espouse the sovereign of the world
than a girl dressed up like a boy!"
When the Caliph judged it proper, he called for Bababalouk, who was
asleep in the cave of Meimoune, and dreaming that the phantom of
Nouronihar, having mounted him once more on her swing, had just
given him such a jerk, that he one moment soared above the
mountains, and the next sunk into the abyss; starting from his
sleep at the voice of his master, he ran gasping for breath, and
had nearly fallen backward at the sight, as he believed, of the
spectre by whom he had so lately been haunted in his dream.
"Ah, my lord!" cried he, recoiling ten steps, and covering his eyes
with both hands: "do you then perform the office of a Goul? 'tis
true you have dug up the dead, yet hope not to make her your prey;
for after all she hath caused me to suffer, she is even wicked
enough to prey upon you."
"Cease thy folly," said Vathek, "and thou shalt soon be convinced
that it is Nouronihar herself, alive and well, whom I clasp to my
breast; go only and pitch my tents in the neighbouring valley;
there will I fix my abode with this beautiful tulip, whose colours
I soon shall restore; there exert thy best endeavours to procure
whatever can augment the enjoyments of life, till I shall disclose
to thee more of my will."
The news of so unlucky an event soon reached the ears of the Emir,
who abandoned himself to grief and despair, and began, as did all
his old grey-beards, to begrime his visage with ashes. A total
supineness ensued, travellers were no longer entertained, no more
plaisters were spread, and, instead of the charitable activity that
had distinguished this asylum, the whole of its inhabitants
exhibited only faces of a half cubit long, and uttered groans that
accorded with their forlorn situation
Though Fakreddin bewailed his daughter as lost to him for ever, yet
Gulchenrouz was not forgotten. He despatched immediate instruction
to Sutlememe, Shaban, and the dwarfs, enjoining them not to
undeceive the child in respect to his state, but, under some
pretence, to convey him far from the lofty rock at the extremity of
the lake, to a place which he should appoint, as safer from danger;
for he suspected that Vathek intended him evil.
But let us return to the Caliph and her who ruled over his heart.
Bababalouk had pitched the tents, and closed up the extremities of
the valley with magnificent screens of India cloth, which were
guarded by Ethiopian slaves with their drawn sabres; to preserve
the verdure of this beautiful enclosure in its natural freshness,
the white eunuchs went continually round it with their red water-
vessels. The waving of fans was heard near the imperial pavilion,
where, by the voluptuous light that glowed through the muslins, the
Caliph enjoyed at full view all the attractions of Nouronihar.
Inebriated with delight, he was all ear to her charming voice,
which accompanied the lute; while she was not less captivated with
his descriptions of Samarah and the tower full of wonders, but
especially with his relation of the adventure of the ball, and the
chasm of the Giaour, with its ebony portal.
In this manner they conversed for a day and a night; they bathed
together in a basin of black marble, which admirably relieved the
fairness of Nouronihar. Bababalouk, whose good graces this beauty
had regained, spared no attention that their repasts might be
served up with the minutest exactness; some exquisite rarity was
ever placed before them; and he sent even to Schiraz for that
fragrant and delicious wine which had been hoarded up in bottles
prior to the birth of Mahomet; he had excavated little ovens in the
rock to bake the nice manchets which were prepared by the hands of
Nouronihar, from whence they had derived a flavour so grateful to
Vathek, that he regarded the ragouts of his other wives as entirely
mawkish; whilst they would have died at the Emir's of chagrin at
finding themselves so neglected, if Fakreddin, notwithstanding his
resentment, had not taken pity upon them.
The Sultana Dilara, who till then had been the favourite, took this
dereliction of the Caliph to heart with a vehemence natural to her
character, for during her continuance in favour she had imbibed
from Vathek many of his extravagant fancies, and was filed with
impatience to behold the superb tombs of Istakar, and the palace of
forty columns; besides, having been brought up amongst the Magi,
she had fondly cherished the idea of the Caliph's devoting himself
to the worship of fire; thus his voluptuous and desultory life with
her rival was to her a double source of affliction. The transient
piety of Vathek had occasioned her some serious alarms, but the
present was an evil of far greater magnitude; she resolved,
therefore, without hesitation, to write to Carathis, and acquaint
her that all things went ill; that they had eaten, slept, and
revelled at an old Emir's, whose sanctity was very formidable, and
that after all, the prospect of possessing the treasures of the
pre-adamite Sultans was no less remote than before. This letter
was entrusted to the care of two wood-men, who were at work on one
of the great forests of the mountains, and, being acquainted with
the shortest cuts, arrived in ten days at Samarah.
The night was uncommonly dark, and a pestilential blast ravaged the
plain of Catoul that would have deterred any other traveller,
however urgent the call; but Carathis enjoyed most whatever filled
others with dread. Nerkes concurred in opinion with her, and
Cafour had a particular predilection for a pestilence. In the
morning this accomplished caravan, with the wood-fellers who
directed their route, halted on the edge of an extensive marsh,
from whence so noxious a vapour arose as would have destroyed any
animal but Alboufaki, who naturally inhaled these malignant fogs.
The peasants entreated their convoy not to sleep in this place.
The poor peasants, who were not over-pleased with their party,
remained open-mouthed with surprise.
After this short soliloquy she beckoned to Nerkes and Cafour, and
made signs with her fingers, as much as to say, "Go, knock against
the sides of the tombs, and strike up your delightful warblings,
that are so like to those of the guests whose company I wish to
Nouronihar, who had not yet quitted her hold, began to take
courage, and said, with an accent of fondness to the Caliph: "Dear
Sovereign of my soul! I will follow thee, if it be thy will,
beyond the Kaf in the land of the Afrits; I will not hesitate to
climb for thee the nest of the Simurgh, who, this lady excepted, is
the most awful of created existences."
"We have here then," subjoined Carathis, "a girl both of courage
and science!"
"Ah! ha!" said she, "I will go thither to them; these fish are past
doubt of a species that, by a small operation, I can render
oracular; they may tell me where this little Gulchenrouz is, whom I
am bent upon sacrificing." Having thus spoken, she immediately set
out with her swarthy retinue.
"Beyond the rock," replied the shoal in full chorus; "will this
content you? for we do not delight in expanding our mouths."
"It will," returned the princess; "I am not to learn that you like
not long conversations; I will leave you therefore to repose,
though I had other questions to propound." The instant she had
spoken the water became smooth, and the fishes at once disappeared.
"Glutton that thou art!" cried she, "were it not for me, thou
wouldst soon find thyself the commander only of pies. Thy faithful
subjects have abjured the faith they swore to thee; Motavakel, thy
brother, now reigns on the hill of pied horses, and had I not some
slight resources in the tower, would not be easily persuaded to
abdicate; but, that time may not be lost, I shall only add four
words: Strike tent to-night, set forward, and beware how thou
loiterest again by the way; though thou hast forfeited the
conditions of the parchment, I am not yet without hope; for it
cannot be denied that thou hast violated to admiration the laws of
hospitality, by seducing the daughter of the Emir, after having
partaken of his bread and his salt. Such a conduct cannot but be
delightful to the Giaour; and if on thy march thou canst signalise
thyself by an additional crime, all will still go well, and thou
shalt enter the palace of Soliman in triumph. Adieu! Alboufaki
and my negresses are waiting."
The poor Santons, filled with holy energy, having bustled to light
up wax torches in their oratories and expand the Koran on their
ebony desks, went forth to meet the Caliph with baskets of
honeycomb, dates, and melons. But, whilst they were advancing in
solemn procession and with measured steps, the horses, camels, and
guards wantoned over their tulips and other flowers, and made a
terrible havoc amongst them. The Santons could not help casting
from one eye a look of pity on the ravages committing around them,
whilst the other was fixed upon the Caliph and heaven. Nouronihar,
enraptured with the scenery of a place which brought back to her
remembrance the pleasing solitudes where her infancy had passed,
entreated Vathek to stop; but he, suspecting that each oratory
might be deemed by the Giaour a distinct habitation, commanded his
pioneers to level them all; the Santons stood motionless with
horror at the barbarous mandate, and at last broke out into
lamentations; but these were uttered with so ill a grace, that
Vathek bade his eunuchs to kick them from his presence. He then
descended from the litter with Nouronihar; they sauntered together
in the meadow, and amused themselves with culling flowers, and
passing a thousand pleasantries on each other. But the bees, who
were staunch Mussulmans, thinking it their duty to revenge the
insult on their dear masters the Santons, assembled so zealously to
do it with effect, that the Caliph and Nouronihar were glad to find
their tents prepared to receive them.
"Fancy not," said Vathek, "that you can detain me; your presents I
condescend to accept, but beg you will let me be quiet, for I am
not over-fond of resisting temptation; retire, then; yet, as it is
not decent for personages so reverend to return on foot, and as you
have not the appearance of expert riders, my eunuchs shall tie you
on your asses, with the precaution that your backs be not turned
towards me, for they understand etiquette."
Nouronihar and the Caliph mutually contended who should most enjoy
so degrading a sight; they burst out in volleys of laughter to see
the old men and their asses fall into the stream; the leg of one
was fractured, the shoulder of another dislocated, the teeth of a
third dashed out, and the rest suffered still worse.
The music paused, and the Genius, addressing the Caliph, said:
"Deluded Prince! to whom Providence hath confided the care of
innumerable subjects, is it thus that thou fulfillest thy mission?
Thy crimes are already completed, and art thou now hastening
towards thy punishment? Thou knowest that beyond these mountains
Eblis and his accursed Dives hold their infernal empire; and,
seduced by a malignant phantom, thou art proceeding to surrender
thyself to them! This moment is the last of grace allowed thee;
abandon thy atrocious purpose; return; give back Nouronihar to her
father, who still retains a few sparks of life; destroy thy tower
with all its abominations; drive Carathis from thy councils; be
just to thy subjects; respect the ministers of the Prophet;
compensate for thy impieties by an exemplary life; and, instead of
squandering thy days in voluptuous indulgence, lament thy crimes on
the sepulchres of thy ancestors. Thou beholdest the clouds that
obscure the sun; at the instant he recovers his splendour, if thy
heart be not changed, the time of mercy assigned thee will be past
for ever."
"O Heaven! is it then by these phantoms that we have been for six
months tormented? Alas! it was from the terror of these spectres
and the noise beneath the mountains, that our people have fled, and
left us at the mercy of maleficent spirits!"
The chief of the eunuchs, trembling with fear, besought Vathek that
a fire might be kindled.
He scarcely had read these words before the mountain against which
the terrace was reared trembled, and the watch-towers were ready to
topple headlong upon them; the rock yawned, and disclosed within it
a staircase of polished marble that seemed to approach the abyss;
upon each stair were planted two large torches, like those
Nouronihar had seen in her vision, the camphorated vapour ascending
from which gathered into a cloud under the hollow of the vault.
"Ye are welcome," said he to them, with a ghastly smile, "in spite
of Mahomet and all his dependants. I will now admit you into that
palace where you have so highly merited a place."
"Come!" answered this wicked Dive, with his malignant grin, "come!
and possess all that my sovereign hath promised, and more."
"O Giaour! whither hast thou brought us? Allow us to depart, and I
will relinquish all thou hast promised. O Mahomet! remains there
no more mercy?"
"Ah!" said Vathek; "and shall my eyes ever cease to drink from
thine long draughts of enjoyment! Shall the moments of our
reciprocal ecstasies be reflected on with horror? It was not thou
that broughtest me hither; the principles by which Carathis
perverted my youth have been the sole cause of my perdition!"
Having given vent to these painful expressions, he called to an
Afrit, who was stirring up one of the braziers, and bade him fetch
the Princess Carathis from the palace of Samarah.
"What dost thou here in this little square chamber? As the Dives
are become subject to thy beck, I expected to have found thee on
the throne of the pre-adamite kings."
"The height of power to which thou art arrived has certainly turned
thy brain," answered Carathis; "but I ask no more than permission
to show my respect for the Prophet. It is, however, proper thou
shouldest know, that (as the Afrit has informed me neither of us
shall return to Samarah) I requested his permission to arrange my
affairs, and he politely consented; availing myself, therefore, of
the few moments allowed me, I set fire to the tower, and consumed
in it the mutes, negresses, and serpents which have rendered me so
much good service; nor should I have been less kind to Morakanabad,
had he not prevented me by deserting at last to thy brother. As
for Bababalouk, who had the folly to return to Samarah, and all the
good brotherhood to provide husbands for thy wives, I undoubtedly
would have put them to the torture, could I but have allowed them
the time; being, however, in a hurry, I only hung him after having
caught him in a snare with thy wives, whilst them I buried alive by
the help of my negresses, who thus spent their last moments greatly
to their satisfaction. With respect to Dilara, who ever stood high
in my favour, she hath evinced the greatness of her mind by fixing
herself near in the service of one of the Magi, and I think will
soon be our own."
At almost the same instant the same voice announced to the Caliph,
Nouronihar, the five princes, and the princess, the awful and
irrevocable decree. Their hearts immediately took fire, and they
at once lost the most precious of the gifts of Heaven--Hope. These
unhappy beings recoiled with looks of the most furious distraction;
Vathek beheld in the eyes of Nouronihar nothing but rage and
vengeance, nor could she discern aught in his but aversion and
despair. The two princes who were friends, and till that moment
had preserved their attachment, shrank back, gnashing their teeth
with mutual and unchangeable hatred. Kalilah and his sister made
reciprocal gestures of imprecation, whilst the two other princes
testified their horror for each other by the most ghastly
convulsions, and screams that could not be smothered. All
severally plunged themselves into the accursed multitude, there to
wander in an eternity of unabating anguish.
Thus the Caliph Vathek, who, for the sake of empty pomp and
forbidden power, had sullied himself with a thousand crimes, became
a prey to grief without end, and remorse without mitigation; whilst
the humble and despised Gulchenrouz passed whole ages in
undisturbed tranquillity, and the pure happiness of childhood.