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Halls of Tizun Thane
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Background (for DM only) Tiaun Thane was 8 high love vil magic usr, who was ae rua ag he war cunning, Alo shoring Tizun’s palace wer ‘Brot, Diker and his ha-rather, Sage, though sey near as powerful et Tizun, However, Uhey hed no brather him end were constanty ploting to overthrow him, Tizun tolerated threat from them. Sega devised a plan to use the bodyguard agoinst, -Tizun, Am assasin wos hired to slay Tizun, he wos told that Tizun ‘rma manner, (64), devoured the brain of hi prey. He then knew wage the eatin hod been told, but not how the asssin hed| [Some to know it, Believing Tizun wa about to betray him, Tha cided to Kill Tizun with his newly sequired essssn's kil [As they: rourned through « miror from en edventur Thraask struck silently {rom behind, ling Tieun out Fight, He then devoured Ti2un’sbrain, But now Seuss plan went awry. Thraaak absorbed Tizur'e great Kenowiedge and’ it rove him insane, Thraaak now believed himeelt 0 be Tizun ‘Thane, Since than he has roared the palace, dreged tn Tlzun’s i iting robes, insane with power end gle o¢ he now knows’ that ‘Tiaun had no intontion of killng hin. He has proved too powertul for Se and Dike, 30 they lure adventurers tothe elac, hoping that the wll do battle with Thraaak, and deplete his spall, to weaken him for them. It is Diker wo places the scroll in the boekpeek of the body tn the roving. The 190 half-brothers now no longer trust each other, nd each would aid in dostroying the other, ator ‘Theasak hasbeen dal ith "Aso Inthe palace isthe Temple of the Shadow Dancers (38) Tizun always ensured that there was a live human ‘saerifice to. keep. the Shadow Dancers appeased, but since his demise te supply has dried up. Now, coring the right, the Shadow Dancers roam free, terrors focal population, especialy in the nearer vlog, Cabl, where Diksr sometimes sons men for supolios. DMs Notes “The level or numberof Hit Dice along with ability scores of monstars are given for the DM to roll hits and award bonuses copending on ‘whether’ ‘Advenesd D&D. or Base” Rules” "are sing used. }2. MN denotes the monster is described in TSA's Monstor Man WD donotes « monster from ‘he indicated sue of White Duort 3. Important points are noted, it is loft to the DM to complete the scriptions of rooms, other travellers, villager, ete. Numbers in brackets are crostreteronces to other roa" 4. The wale ofthe palace are of smooth stonework. 15: Remember, not all monster are hostile. The main characters must be played with care, remembering the storyline, ove: Te Hall of izun (hand by Albie Fiore A complete D&D Mini Module for 36 ‘experianced players with characiors ‘of 18¢ or 2nd level, The adventure should be carefully retereed. A total of 6 12 player characters ‘erecommended. TT Plere Introduction, (tobe related by the DM) ‘The party have boen traveling east in seorch of adventure. Fas tne moment they ore ring (they all have light horses) along a Small track through a thick forest. The forest ie unnaturlly quiet, though there ore Indications tha the vilage to the ferry landing, only to find that the boot and [boatman are locked in the boathouse, having lased for the day. They ‘re thar in the village bythe river (which fe too dangerous to cross By “any means other than tho ferry; the sun ls ating. The only ign oF Tite in the vilaga comes trom the Ferrybost Tavern ena the ‘table: next to i. A few villagers can be seen closing the shutter on their houses. The main trade of the villages sue Obviously timber from the forest, as there Is a woodyard| ‘ear the river, and wood eavings, places of bark, ete. li ‘sound most houses, which are curiously bullt of stone ‘Obvious cared. at great paine from the mountains Wisile tothe south. The houses are all comparatively ‘new and have strong doors and metal shutters. The Saiventure it now ready to start DESCRIPTIONS FOR THE DM ‘The Village of Cahtt ‘The village ie shown on the map opposite, The buildings areal made of stone, with, meta shutters as the old wooden buildings proved no defence oainst what the villagers call te Night Things whiten have boon marauding in ‘the woods forthe lat six months fhe Shasow Dancers, see 30), Many ilagors have been | slain, andnow at ngtal the frightened villager lock’ and’ shutter themselves in their homes, any vilager wil advise the party 10 stay the ‘Tavern overnight and not venture out, The bulldings| ‘of note inthe village ae ‘The Ferryboat Tavern “There are 8 few vilogrs in the tavern, quiet finishing drinks wihereupon they will seutdie hore. Thare re ogo few travallers, who ke the players, hve been forced to stay overnight. Rooms are cheap. As the sun sets, the landlord will lock and bole the doors and pull the| Shutters closed and fix them with heavy Iron bars. He ls quite genial and| ‘ul tll te players the following: should ratie to their rooms and not, on pain of ‘Night Things, he party could well be killed they do, ‘Should they be foolish enough to ignore thi adv, Mi 100% {certain that they wil se dark shapes in the woods and that one wil {come to the tavern and climb up to their open window) ‘A magic user named Tizun Thane tives to the south. The path that ‘ung south out of the vile leads thee. Tizun used to come regularly {o the vlog, but hasn't ben seen for six monthe, The Night Ting fire 'sopeared shortly after, and also come up from the south,‘Tizun Thane's brother, Diker, has sometimas sent men tothe village {for the supplies in ths let sx months. Nothing has been seid, but ‘the Ingicatons are that something has heppened to Tiaun Thane, “The Hale of Tizun Thane oe rumoured to be littered with treasure ‘The daughter of © merchant in a nearby town has been missing, resumed dead for over a veer: but the merchant Is stil offering 8 Feward to anyone wo recovers he. ‘The villagers would reward anyone who could put a stop to the ‘marauding ‘of "the Night ‘Things. They could’ muster 20003.p. towards this in he party etre to th com, the andor! wl oe hin He ine that he has done ris cate, Wt they do Open tok window me ight Things wil not be ale to get beyond their room 2: The Stables ‘Troe are un by a deformed cripple, the viet of an accident while tae felling. He wal gladly stable the perty's horse for @ smal Fe, but wl tell ‘thorn that they can't pet the horses back before: daylight a he will be ‘He wil recommend that they ae stabled, he wil lock up locking up because of the Night Thi fay overnight in the Tavern, Once the {tnd bed down inthe stab. fefuse to take anyone vcross until daybreak. He sys ths from behind & locked door 4:The Timboe Yard ‘large bulging with e stockade round it, lls of seasoning timber ley In the yard. ‘Therein tracing store in the ig, here he party cn buy spin inthe morning. “The path that the villages say leads to the Hails of Tzun ‘Thane, le 8 small, over- 2 {grown ‘track running south trom CahliZZ ‘The forest Is dongs. Any encounters fg In the Torest'wil bo with pixies, who may give advice to the party, ‘epending on alignments and Whether there are elver present. ‘Attar two hours rida (itis very Important to keep track of the ‘time in ths scenario} the parcy hho reached hilvands at the foot ofa cite Trewact iets trou Nong {narrow rovine shown on the larger (CS the opposite pape. "Any NOS ‘encounter in the ane ral ite: NR Dhsleal projections of berbalanas S fr mandi (4) who wil attack from high ledges by ‘hurling rocks. At the point marked 'x" Is ‘deed body of &: man In armour who hes obviously been killed by a rock from above, He sll has aome weapons and in his back pack isa roll of ‘parchment bearing a wax seal in whieh the words “Tieun Thane’ are Barely Teuile. Written on the parchment I "To gain entrance, say tothe (guard "Take us to your master” ‘There le nothing ese of interest onthe Body. Tho small shedod argas in the raving are eaves In which man and ‘ores can shelter. The revine is wide enough for single fle only. "The ravine leads Into on old voleanlc erter illad with water, A woterall cacaden down in the touth east, the watar flows wost quite fast indicating subterranean ext. The path leads out onto 1 rocky ‘eningular with sheer sides dropping 20 to water level To the east is & ‘tagnant marshy area in which ean be sean some glant frogs (MMA) snd ‘whaling over some focky islets to the west can be seen some large birds {Glooanawks D2). At the and of the peninsular sande an Impressive Building, ‘now looking a litle unkernpt. Nandies (4) can be. seen tlambering about on the root. Through he entrance aren can be seen 8 large figure, apparently 8 guard of some sort ‘THE HALLS OF TIZUN THANE Wiandering Monsters For any chance encounters in the Halls of Tizun Thane roll on the following table: [ERB Bandits encountered are 80% kay to be former guards. Thay will only ‘know that: Tleun was sain by Threask; of Sapa (38) end Diker (50) and ‘that they plortod against Tizun (but not how) an have no love for one ‘another of the Shadow Dancers (98); and the lay-out and former use of ‘rooms 1-6 and 49, 480 & 490. Generat ‘The calling height of single storey rooms is 18', and 30" in double height rooms ‘The upper asction of a double height room is denoted "by ‘he number on the plan being underined. The courtyards areal open. ‘Walls are oF smooth stone. Doors with a short bar trough the centre have a heavy metol bar that can be uted to bar the door shut from the ‘oom side. The ony sine that thay are bared is at nightfall to provent ‘the Shadow Dancers (3a) from gaining acces. Only humen occupants of 4 room will bar the door shut. In most rooms, the sound of Nendies (4) Furning and chattering on the root wll be heerd. All windows,other {than those in the tower (6168), patios, and the high level ones in the ‘erous halls, ave protective iron ar gride on the outside, The windows In the tower ‘all have heavy metal shutters which can be barred shut. “The tities of the room denote thelr use when Tizun Thane wos Brie overall descriptions are given iti eft to the DM to com> ‘oom descriptions, describe the appearence of the occupants and To value trinkets, necklaces iver boxes, et. aecording to taste. 1X: The Entry Courtyard [A tow decorative clay urns le around in this gravel yard, some are cracked land overgrown with weeds. An iron golem (ACS: BOMP, Att 440 + Poison breath can only be struck by +8 magic weapons or betta; only ‘affected by magie of electrical nature)(MM) stands guard In front of the Inain door. [e's instructed to pescoably repel Intruders, unless the viltor ‘Sy “Take us to your master, whereupon twill gesture them 10 ‘able their hore in 2, and load ther via 3, 5, 180, t0 the corpee In 23, ‘where It will feave thar and return to Its post. It wil restrain any who [ttempt to wander off en route. ‘Those wore the last Instructions to ft ‘rom Tizun ‘Thane and its impossible for anyone to countermand ther. ‘Any other attempt to gal access 10 the palace will be peaceably ward cdot, 2: The Stable ined with wooden a ‘3 Bonquet/Entry Hall iMusty decadence. Dust on every surface, though many footmarks. Large ‘able end many. seats. llr bodecked with tapesris ond poninent At the north end, high on the wall, is lrpe painting of @ wizard (Tigun ‘Thone) dreated In purple robes. ‘The eyes ere peeps through whieh ‘Throsak (64) wil be watching if slrted by any commotion on arial ‘or in the bullding (30% chance). He will not attack unless the painting Is fired Upon or some other attack i lounghed. ‘The painting is asa 9 ‘eeret door (49) {da:_A small room with arrow secret panels for firing arows through. ‘Ghee used 10. ambush quests. Only acces is by a ladder on N. wal Teeding up to sepdoor fn 89. In the room isthe long-dead body of a0 ‘sastn. ‘The skull hes been smashed nd the broin chewed out. The ‘tim of Throgs (see Backaround)On the body: & phil of poison, © ‘Fi'sword and 800 gi 4: Barracks Chairs tables ete. A colony of nandies has torn holes in the roo! and set Up. residence. There are’ 10-80 ‘present at anytime. ‘The colony i headed by 8 nancia-baar which wil be ln one of the rooms a 1. The figor it littered with bits of rooting: beam hang Gown at crazy angles On Hay on floor, ete. ‘bic the nandion climb end loap: the whole pce lea mess NANDIE LM at in tie laws (12 aoe find 13 bite. Chotie neutral Semi 29 Love Lin 12 evel Tue mln cine ae found noc hiteunry oh for ‘they can swing through tree, oF leap from rock to rock, nibtng i sonal gourd. seas, Thay lien olen, Say (75x) Headed by a mated pair (both with 308 and doing 14/14/18 hit points of damage) or nandie-bar (25%). The colony will have it at in ruing or a cave complex whore there will be an additional 8% of Young ("hit point, 1 attack for T point of hit damoge). In 8 secluded Corner of the colony will be their ‘treasure’ hoard, which i 8 vast pile of ‘littering sharcs and objects plus thet detailed sbove. ‘Outside the colony they are aneountered in groups of 2—12. They are rarely encountered more than I mile from thelr colony. 1 unmoiartea, “40% chance/3 turns that they vil ignore anyone encountering them: @ 30% chanca/3 turn that they wil attack and @ 30% chance that they wil follow inguatvey. In any of these, instances there Ie 30% ‘hance/turn that they wil sereech and chatter to summon other andes ‘who wil arrive at the rate of 1—8/malee round unt all the colony are Taacerls) ore always the last to arive, They only arrive while ing sereech issued. However, nandies wil always goto the Summons oftheir feesor orc ths leader haa summoned them an tere 12°5% chanca/turn thot they willbe summoned away fit @ Randetear sae below for Yoor it the leader isnot on the scone. If encountered in thet furs, et. down from a vantage point i possible. ‘They. make loyal pets if captured and suitably trained by one skilled i animal traning, However, tamed ones lose the natural imple fonummon others.THE HALLS OF TIZUN THANE ‘A nandio i 8 6 tall, Blackcbrown, tlle simian, ean walk and figs on tw lage or acamper onal fours It ian extremaly agile elmer Performing in thi aspect as 8 T02h ioel thie. Nenchos hava theit ow ‘rimitive tongue whien conics of sarvacher and chattrs ~ they do tl ‘imost incessantly. Their screech to summon others is ndistingushable I save eulds ahd rangers of at leat 4th lovel who can recognise tas ‘Such, even if hey have never encountered nandles befor, NANDIE—BEAR No. Appearing: 1 Armour Clas! 5. Movement 32" HieDice: —SD8+5 Treasure: See below Ataet! 2tawe (1-6 aach) Sr 18 bite plu fending Alignment: Chaot eit Inttigence: tow 136.7 (ove Vin 12 lowa) ‘The nandia-bear isa loathsome, stall ape-ike creature of great power. Ie appears som-neanderthal In eclal features with baleful eyes, args teoth and shapay black har. It can move silty i ts natural habitat of rocky hills oF forest/jungle, surprising B/6 of the time. It isa carnivore ‘witha natural preference for human les. A'nanale-beae Invariably (G5%) heads a colony of nandies, where it wil 22 while the nanaiee hunt snd scavenge for The Tow occasions It ‘Ventures from the colony are ays in the dead of night tconauets such {orays. alone, The only other occasion ft will leave the colony i If ‘immoned by the ranches, though iti always he lat to answer. "The nandiooear fights with two claws and abit with an sditional 1-6 rending damage if both claws hit Whethor encountered in its nanle colony or outsida (unset is ‘not she lander of 8 colony), the nandie-beae will way Issue a ering Raurting ery to summon any absent nanos which wil arrive atthe rate of 44/malee round, Apert trom thie summoning cry, the boss ie totaly Silent The cry can be heard for a radius of I mile ahd sone of the most frightening sounds of the wilderness ‘Panic om hearing It, while ‘ll (with the exception of rangers) and thelr ‘Baods [a rang’ sioed gots +1" on save) must save versus filled with fear for Yueh. Any who fail 10 eave ll have 4 alibly otehed on thele memory and wil automatically be fled with Year whenever they hear the ery in the future unless eseving roll of 20, ia'made, Those nino save must stil tae again in any future encounter "The beset slvo emits a powerful dura of ev (detectable by mage ‘that will cause Rorses, dogs, mules, etc. to shitter and stat it it Is ‘mproeching (within 400" radius) evan if tk concealed. : ‘colony there wil be ‘Monetermark: ‘4a: Bunkrooms: Scattered in each is an amazing amount of debris, ‘broken beds, able, twig, leaves, et. items of Interest to be found! ‘morning star: quiver +20 arrows; large sack: Reavy crossbow, 2 flasks fll; pouch of powdered Kobold hor; hand-axe: 7 tron spikes; 2: handed snort miery ple gant Int eg eral Sack wal empty farthanware pot; short us, none Of the rooms, the nandies ‘Seas eveything at tran ors ony wry hy burned ‘wespons, bits of mirror: sherds of goss otc): svar necklot;2 gems; 97 ‘mine copper pisces sliver dagger: 168 gold pices: gold dragon sal 4 Ever pieces: 0 silver ohial {contains potion of hevowml: silver Hookah; {Eval Sver boxe mall oppered glass pha! empty). ‘4m: a8 3b but no body. 5: Hall of Audiences Richly decorated, though dusty. Marble floor with sweeping patterns and strange symbols’ Heavy purple drapes agunst E. wall behind = throne {on dais. Throne vs" of bony ‘carved wich writhing vines and Flowers; buds of flowers are carved eyes, Inlaid with a light coloured ‘wood. The dots eitner side of ach door mark the ‘positions. of Sanding figures. clad completly In plate armour, with shilds and Swords. They are nothing but suts of armour containing slid stuffing. ‘Servant’s Dining Room Wiooden choirs and ‘able all bearing scratch marks: shelving with broken Plates ete. on; rooms etc. scattered on hoor slong, with rubbish. The Sinwawoury tmell of putrid food. lingers inthe. room. Amongst the rubbish on floor: ‘garlic; marrowbone; 27 e.p.1 15 sp:\ wooden club; Sword; 3" langth of pole obviously broken from a longer one; gold ‘wristband 60'rape 9 siver tipped arrows: iver mirror. ‘Al: 1~6 giant rats (ACT; 10; Att 13 + seas) (MM) 66a: Kitchen: 26 giant rats a6 6. Strawn with cooking utensils, split cr 35. 'tge stone cooking heertn in SW corner, filed with athor and hat fog. Seoret compartment In ede of fie place contains wooden ‘box in which are S69 gp. ond 2 gems. ‘All wece bedrooms, except 9 ~ a lounge area — and 48 — a storeroom. Moet Turnishings are now wrecked. looms are now occupied by a tribe Of trogolodyees (ACS: 208; At 1~3/~3/2-5 + revulsion odour) (MM) ‘and their pets, who Mave tunnel up tothe surface world. In each room: 7: 139 troglodytes: 218 go. 6 fea ': 1-3 plant ants (AC3: 208; Art 1-6) (MM) 8: 126 troglodytes: 315 g.. Part of the floor is missing. A tunnel lads down follawang a fsure in th rocks balow. This lads dep below to the Troglodyte Caverns, a scenario for the DM to devalop, iff ie desired to extend the adventure. 445: 1-3 gant ants {46:14 vogloaytes, one isa lender type with 308 hits: 527 ap. |47: 1-4 fire beoies (ACS: TD8#1; Att 2-8) (MM). Under 3 loos floor- ‘Board is the old head servant's savings of 1258 a. 445: Bedding stores relatively unscathed. Piles of blankets, sheets etc Infested with human fess, 1O-1Ge: Guest Wing All are. guest bedrooms, the lower were for sides, the upper (a) chambers or ther tartars. The lower room al have wooden beds, horsahair mattress, plain wash stands and bows ete. The. upper ‘chambers have the sare except plusher. There [a ¢ secret stel shutter inthe wall soave each window copable of siding down to seal the ‘window se 80), The only trace of these ares hoiline rack nthe uppar Surface. of the ach window opening and 8 taint groove In the cil ‘whore they lund. Theres lo a small secret compartment in the ceiling of ‘I rooms (see. 60). In each compartment are two small fragile bubbles ontaining @ sep gas as the spel. The bubbles are 40 fragile that they Shatter on impact with any surfece. If 8 compartment i forced open ‘the bubbies stil fall enough to shatter. They may possibly be caught un broken by someone with 18 dexterity, but even then there Is only 2 ‘Tom chance of success. In the upper rooms there are floor to celllag ‘mirrors the secret doors The mirrors ara one way, viewing into the ‘oom rom 50. Any sdventurersholing up in one of these rooms forthe right wl probably Tal prey to Dlker Thane (69) inthe rooms at the moment 10—1a: 11" Gooling (AGB: 1D8~1; Att by weapon) armed with sword, ‘mace or hammer. They have on them 389 pip. 125 sp, 89 cp. a small ‘01d ring, anda parchment as found in ravine They are amisaios comma to meet with Tlaun Thone end are at the moment debating what they ‘should’ do having found him sian Tite: Empty 1ZL1e: The Barred grids are missing trom the windows. 1-6 stipes (ACa: Toast; Att 1-9 plus drain blood, attack as 4 hie dies monster) ina corner of (3x nesting on» ripped up matress Tin ‘Thane’ pet carbuncle (ACZ: TD8; Att il; empathy, telpathy and prophecy) {WO8) a fine spacimen worth’ 2000 gp. (Slay wiesy — ‘nly atraets wendering monsters asa lstrezor~ to tert the morale ond foyaity of the party to the limit. It wil never portray events contrary tO ‘the nature of the subjects in the relapathed pictures; dve tots empathy Ft knows their alignments. It knows every nook and cranny of the palace, Including the main treasure But fen kay to rowel hia IM === mirror The skull is eaved In; there ino trace OF te Te concealed beneath the body, on thie Is ring (se Below. Stitches in to th lining of the robe is sro with two fevieaion ‘pale on I. es old ~ oven Tlaun hed forgotin It was there. There Soli ell behing ai the mirrors, the mirrors rflect os normal unless the Embroidered cushions, tapestis, small rosewood tables, ec. Two siver hookahs on tables with amallsiver bo fempty) ahd s small ony Box Containing dred Cagayan Sable black lotus lowes. Anvane smaking thi wl go into catatomte trance for 2 turns uring which wn ethereal ghoxt Tike Image wit separate from their body. Thi “ghost i full mental communication wih the smoker st all mes ands controlled by him. rx | Twines wher! ln an undereround carn — ee Lichwoy in W/DE: ny fy at 24" end can gore tivough small openings. Ie cannot pas | Sener in vot ee twat fo te OM to te seas fo the eatioe prea cnate aero, ceneen er ore et Oe oe avaiobe. The scene need nat bof the erivance, may even be of harmed or carry ening; Ie merely, observes. Towards the end of the |e nade a cngeon.) Anyone weering the rng can step through the 2nd turn It will be drawn inexorably beck go the smoker who. On 8 | ‘rrror into the soon viewed in fe The point of return to the mir il ‘etirn,snakens Should be prevented rom retrming fg imprizaned in| 770, to the scene vine in i. The point of return tthe micro dl righ call the smoker wil remain na etatonie trance unt t-does, | Be able to, the wsarer at a shimmering very area from, oh de ring at the fate of one ability love per menth until Oi rssh. | mirror, The ring can pass through on its own La it may be thrown then dead. wish oniy wl tev tim but hee then complied to | TON lier and ten unite with he “gros tne it owere of ft Tocaon) teagan coeriaetiny wet tem feet 24-20: The Harem Sccomelished sien he wil ram 40 non thy Yorn but now dingy. Al but ne of the girs (20) hae ad Soon eka | ances ss gare toa | Cantante manaing mat as we ser gt” noe a costing im the shadow undr the root are 2-12 giant bat | drm’ the morchonts sugar, Whee the eee re IS NCS ‘ea "hr nti mat ts “jon oferty | thane a De nd 128 00 sl coh Ie than 13no re 8 mais a0 fving bt doer to at “2\- On the oor ae 4 bodies: Al enon 63 gi btteexe: Sort bow animal | 24 Eat: age si cushions, empy wine ope. The dor 9 29 is Belt worth 180 4p. 8) 61 42 steal mirror, C) chainmail nd shel, | Betray paslacced on curse Key i SO og, S795. compat Bory, 2 arom D)- chute nc sald 80a. | SS aten'o( Tan Thos eure, now’ eer with Bes Theos eo # (69), wearing chainmail and shieid, 1: Clostered Cou Srecpenn’agbe te tte Rove Ih vahry fly nae el ruined whart In an underground cavern — the Lichway in WR: ine ‘and’ Grins: back” down to rater. Water is worm and pure. There is 6 rf Sn crane tere wil be 2-12 rane tereeching nthe rove 3 ‘atue of a warrior with sword loft "bs an" except that pull 8 ‘nord arm down opens the secret door behind The iron golem il oo 8 32a. ‘his when ushering the party In ee, 22 1B0p. 18 & 20: Open Lounges Morgen 38 4990. th have embroidered cushions, ow tables and brass hookahs. A small pogo ok beside the Rooks in 20 contains dried ones of Uisaon | They Krow nathing of wh 2nd! prode bia lotus wich will anable the smoker to fight act toe | Of Theboak (64). find FT’damage for I turn. There enough Yor two smoxes sean S0rar Of the TOM are some bamboo flutes and ute type 21 & 22: Meditation Rooms oer {Cae use’ junk rooms. Walls have mystic murals on but rooms are full | 26 & 27: Bed/Chambers: Empty ‘of od, cobwebby bits and pieces, 28: Bed Chamber: Ogre eunuch (ACB; 40841; Art 1—10) (MM). Former harem guard wi has stayed voluntary to protect gin 29 Yor whom he thats dog-ke devotion and loyalty. Wil bareerk should anyone cause hor alls, Each isin an elaborately carved | physical injury. Diker Thane allows him to stay to ensure that none of Is'shatored In front of ities the longead corpee of Tizun | fis men inure her. He has 882 ge, buried under loose stone sad fn oor, ” nepired with Tizun Thane, but they knowTHE HALLS OF TIZUN THANE "5: Bed Chambers Harem git named tz 18 charles, wl dread Th harem clothes though she isa 2nd Tevl tiat — doxtrity 15. Dikor has Kept her here against er wil (hough the ogre in 26 doeset know this, tw him se Te sll doing har job) to consort with is men. She ie Neutral and would be grateful to any who aid her to escape. She knows that ‘merchant's daughtar was killad in the forest by the Shadow Dance (39) which she aao knows about. The merchant wil gve halt the reward for has conceal Items sha has seolen from Tlaun Thene, and Diker's man, “They ere allied up ina bundle of sk: 207 ap. a soroll with the spells of ‘maple missle, hold portland inviiliy (3rd lev): 7 arrow® of Derbalang slaving which will kil the borbalang If thay’ hit elther the ‘erbalang or Its projection. They are +1 to hit either. Irs knows what ‘he arrows are. She may gi some ora of her possession fa party need persuading to rescue her. 30: Open Courtyard 4 covered walkinay runs along the W. sie. There is «pool, almost com: pletely covered wth forge water ily leaves. The shrubs end fowors are fexntre of the pool. It canssts of. 429 g.p. a ja bluegold, freaked ring [ring of free ction). The lizard man wil gonaraly {70% avold contact uniess their treasure ir located. 31: Guard Hall Desarted. N. wall decorated with various wespons, crossed swords & Petberds et 32-24 Eunuet’s ‘Goneain bed table ete al plain. Empty 33: On the floor a {ive bodies carving: A) chainmal Gaic bud, gem, sword. They were dumped there by Sega Thane to be Setlated ata Tater dete. ‘34: ‘Some pets of Segs Thane: 1-6 green gremlins (ACT; 108; Move 5; An T-3/1~3/1=6 plus four — save on versus soll or flee for one turn) which are impish, fong limbed gran, leathery creatures that re aually’ at home climbiog seross wall they are on the We and drooling ‘te mith ela fips. Their ita only ean ‘They collet afl sort of odds and eng ‘ia: The green gremlins ‘ereaure the most amazing collection of brie-«- brie the party Wall have over soon including: mummified human lege and ‘rms: 2 dragon eggs! door handles, 2 1'6" Tong wooden ‘tube oft” ‘ameter; door handles; estortad wespons: 2 picture frames; wooden - ‘35-38: Soga Thane and his Minions, ‘35: 4 zombies (ACB, 208; At 1~SY(MM) ‘360: Chest. Locked — trap tet by lock, anyone interfring with the locke ‘wil cause'@ poiton tipped spike to Mick out bende i. Sogn Thane hat key (3a. ‘36: 13 large animal bones spread about on floor. A green, harmless Tichon with'tiny ink mould spats is growing on the bones. The bones ‘re of varying torte ~ skal, forelegs; vertebra ee [57 Sege's Guardroom: The dots mark the postion of standing figures ‘wkth swords and shia, clad completely in piste mail with visors down (Gs in), except tha these contain skeletons (AC2II; 108; Att 16) (MM) ‘under te command of Sega Thane (38). They activate if commanded or interfered with. The large double doors to the E. are elaborately carved. ‘The secret compartmant in the wall containe a large ring of weys ‘hanging on @hook. These are the koys tothe cells &3. ‘38: Sega Thane's Chambar: Macabrely furnished. Door to $7 has secret Spy ole, Tizun Thane’s haltorotner Sega ies tal figure swathed in Black robes under which on be soon the glint of back plete mall. A large block hood covers is head and shadows his face in the shadow only two gleaming eyes are visible. The clasp of his cape le a ral gol al, He wl back handed sword wi go the fs le a dnd level Notromancer (a subclass developed by Lew However, he has the following srimeted Animate Dead — a6 cleric spall (but must not exceed B siready ‘Contralled). Cannot re animate undeod sain. Evil ye ~ victim must save versus paralysation or become paralysed for 6 turns. Curse™~on dying he may cures his killer. His cure ie “may you ever refuse combat and always fig o the death He is chaove evil hat & hitpoints, fights & saver as 2nd level fightor and has characteristics of S18; 117; W14; B10; C12; Ch 17. Ina side pouch he carries the key to the chest In 36a, 82 p.p. and a gor. In-s secret com partment in the floor is « chest containing 2,679 gp. 3 gems end a book 18 = the Tome of Leadership and Influence (+1 10 charisma on reading). ‘Sepa i considered by many to be mentally unstable, he is fonee ‘36m: Traps The dots mark the positions of 3 armoured figures as in 37 ‘but heer contsin solid sting 1 any of them is knocked over (hey a Sellately balanced) the southernmost 8 wide strip of flooring ot the {entire length of the room swings down dropping any on it down 9 chute, Wien rempe slightly to tw south of wast and comer out 10 below water val {te lt 10" of the ramp Is wetor fille) inthe part of the fake out ‘ide room 33 20: Hall of the Shadow Dancers Each niche. contalne 2.12 tl, elogandy slim, black ebon statue. The ‘Rater sro in various posts, but all ook ae though they are perform tome kind of ritual dence. They are made of » magica’ Hone and eannot be defaced or broken in any manner. In the centre ofthe hells 8 circular blood stained ater with chains ond manocies st into he stone. “At night tthe moonlight svat in through the upper openings, the statues come alive ab te moonlight hit them. Obviously not all wil act {ate atthe same time, and on cloudy nights nly sorme may come alive. ‘The DM should roll on the Waathor Tablas in thie imue's Treasure Chest {0 determine the meathor for the night. Tht is nao the reason way the DM should keep ‘coreul track of the Uime and make sure thet the layers are oware of the time os wall, with Ite reminders in the description of other rooms (8g. the room is partly In shadow os the sun Istowin the sky Behind the lipof the crater) “The: Shadow Dancers, when alive move at the rate of 18° in a curious, elegant skipping gate; hence their name. They are the “Night ‘Things thee have terrorised the vilagers of Gehl. They ean climb as 40th level tisk When alle they ore AC ~8, 908, two 16 claws and @ 18 he, beng erature of mag orgs. they ae mune t ‘magical aecacks other than maple weapons. They ‘live only to shed hhumen’bioad in the service of some derk lord of he lower planes. 40-42: Personal Servants Quarters ‘40: Lounge: tables, charset. A trap it et on the stirs — a weighted net ‘concealed above and can be released by tha guard at N end of 60. 41: Bedroom: Bed ete. empty. ‘42: Bedroom: Bedroom now used as storeroom by Dikee Thane’ men {51260) Atl wall tbe ete hare re: lrg ka of wine and water, large saci of hour, beans ot, Keg of ll ‘22r Emy butters tobe Inthe floor upder which stp ead ‘own under 42 to the bosthouse whlch ls the same size 85, and diectly under, 61. There is 2 arge rowing boat (vote 12) in a water filled Channel lesding to the E. wall: There is large secret door In that wall. Slow the boat out into the le. There are eae, fishing nets ot. stored sround the room. 43: Cabiock ‘All elle are-emoty. Gut there is 60% chance there will be 1-6 ber Dalonos (orolections) (ee 4a} in the aes. 44: Torture Chamber ‘Torture implements, brazlers, ete. There arw 22 barbalange (ACS, 108, Att 14/14/16. ‘physical projection’ (NDI) of which 106 +4 are inva trance. They are aloe of So (38). 45-48: Sorvan’s Quarters (0 7-9) 49: Secret Passage ‘A’pasage thet opens for etack 0° lower rooms. The central seeret door in She 8 sce ts the painting In 3. The eyesore peopholes to look out. itis from this vantage that Thvaask (G4) will watch arrivals and departures, ‘nly. revealing himself to attack i? molested In. some mannar e.g. Someone fires an arrow st the painting end its i, the arrow going ‘through the canvas. ‘The two trepdoors marked open to Iron lagers leading down t0 38 or 4m. ‘S9s ©. 4b Thoto arb ares of flat rot from which Tizun Thane’ guards fired arrows when ambushing guest m 2. 50: Corridor ‘The two dots mark the postion of guards of Diker Thene. They will be {wo of the men from 51~BE (roll dito determine who Ison guard at any {me}. The 5" wide section Mnning %0 the south and thon west, then orth, is directly under the sloped roofing runring down over the listers. Chinks of alight are” visible and randies.(4) can be heard ‘Scampering across the root. The secret doors to 102~16a ae all one way ‘mirrors wring into the rooms. Beside each isa iver button. Wf thi ‘usd he gat bubbles (one TO- 16a) are released in both tre upper and Tower chambers corresponding to that button, the scret shutters to the windows also sige down. (This ls how Tlaun acquired sacrifices for the ‘Shadow Dancers} Pushing the button s second time, Its the shutters and ‘lons the calling compartment. Dikor will uo tis mathod to eapture any ‘ary that stays tho night in these rooms, othorwise he will not bother. ld sw DoH SI Churk CN. 1 13141013 1012 2 Sword 52 Armor CN. 1 15 912 9 B14 & Mace $3 Vado CN. 1 18 D1311 1112 4 Hammer 4 Roker CN. 1 11101212 612 4 Mace 5S Duwi CN. 1 1391313 7.9 8 Sword 56 Ulgon CE. 1 1311 8 8 711 3 Hammer S70 Vin GN. 1 1411 811105 & Hammer $8 Spo CN. 1 13.7 916 8 B 3 Moco 60 Bere” GN. 1 121712 61212 & Hammer 80 Tow CN. 1 12131111 B16 6 80 Rotor EN, 2 12612 '5 16 19 1 Sead (AC inctaeeEach wil have 180 9,0. In their room. Those in 6 will have from 50-100 gach ‘0: Diker Thene’s Chambor Plush furnishings ete. Diker Thane would prefer to make a deat with « erty even it they initly attache captures them ather with et Of by sloop bubbles during might, he wil tle them up and then make a dea! ‘with trem, Bascaly he wants Threast attacked and weakened end wl {hee the party tod this, he may even pay them ater. Should a party be attacking Thrazek anywhere other then io the tower (61-658) ond he em te de against Trask, he wll come to the ad of the party. tthe party are on tre were of defeat, fp. have all ben slept) he wl rescue them to prevent Thraaak gaining more Bower. UThraak eacmly dealt with ay eit the agra See fn opportunity presents ‘tat, Hele cunning and machlavellan, ho Tay rey if he fools i will Bonait him, but It le ulikaly. He ‘Would preter to feeve trom in the hope that they ett ‘Thraauk for him, He places the parchment on the body inthe ravine to allow adventurers In. Theee are many parchment rolls and Tizun Than {eatin his room, ‘ker te'2 4th lee! cleric, chaotic neutral, wears plate armour and hos a black shila (AC2, 20 nt points, and charactors of St W.18; 0-13; D 11; Ch 18. He wields 81 (to nd evel: Hola Person Jet level. Cause Light Hounds, Protection from Good. 1t ADED rules Sre being used, tho OM should decide which addons! fells to use. Hidden in the room isthe Key to the ches In 59a, Sher Diker's Tresure: The Soot %0.60 1 wired and rings a bal In 69 i ‘opened. In the room agains the E. wali a largo chert. contain 3,538 ‘Gand 4 gems, Tei locked, The key isa BS, 61-65: Tower of Tzun Thane Alithe windows have heavy metal shutters, which ae all closed. All rooms fre levishly and ormatey furnished. Within the tower, lurking in solitary lence it Thraaak, a qu’endeeko, insane since he slew his master, He ‘Ventures from the tower on rare occasions. He will observe without ‘ttecking, unless attackod. ‘Ho le wracked with guilt and sorrow and bolives himself to be Tizun Thana, though locking Tizun's confidence, It he if not observing from 49, which he will be doing if there has boos fany commotion, valle B10: 1/he is in 61, 2 in G2, 3in 6,410 in G4, 161; Dining Room: Plushiy urished, large fireplace in € wall. A small (old status of Tieun Thane stands on the manteipace. 62: Lounge! Firepce in E. wal, (63: Library: Tomes on arcane arts atc. none magies. Fireplace in E. wall 164: Bed Chomber: This is where Thraack (SO"12) sands most of ‘ime. He if weering Tizun Thane’s purple robes which have ripped on being forced aver hs messve frame and. block eens Ise below). He app fears both feorsome and ‘comic. in the i-fitting garments. He ia Bv'endeeko: ‘Advanced Mel ‘and Advanced Wizard GU'EN-DEEKO No. Appearing: 1 Armour Clase! 4. Movements 12" it Dies “Teesure Attacks spe ‘Alignment: Chaat nauteal Intaligence: Low (but know: ledge varies) ‘Monstermark: Varen ‘The gu’encdeeko ie believed, falsely, by the northern ‘tribes to be fhuman we has been cursed by the gods and turned into a glant ape {reature for partaking in cannibalism. Ie similar in sppearance to'9 yet, tout ies light grey In colour It atacks with two powerful hands doing 178 damoge each, Though ft eats most thing, Its preor nomen fet, particularly the brain, On devouring s human ledge fade after 1 year but not the pels, although once used a spel is a fashion. The hit olin [bined become permanent edstions and oe regained on esting ete. the rontre it woundee Throsak is wearing 2 Clook of Displacement (fist attack automatically miss +2 protection thereafter and +2 on saves versus magic and other Stacia} and a larger version of the ring in 23. He has the following skills at the moment: detect traps et. a3 ‘vert and ‘of 2nd love thet His seas’ ils Rave face Ho hs te following spall Tet: ‘ed level: Firebal, Hold person 2nd level: Mirror image, Phontasmal Fores ‘st level: Cherm, Sleep, Shel, Protection from Good Wen casting 2 spell he utters a etrange laugh ~ hie version of Tizu’s laugh when betering fo, He knows wher Ti2un’s treasure is though he unable to reach It but he wall protect {65:" Workroom:, Magical tomes ‘bound, Including 2 Tome of Clear Thought. The room Is packed with ingredients for potions phisls, peste ‘and moriars es. In one pial la potion of polymorph sal in another i potion of heating, ‘86a: Minor Tresture Room: A ‘and 2 gems. chest contains 2,800 gp. 114 np. kts licretion. Also in the spece isthe final guaran, 9 Necropniaius (C2: 208; Ate 1-8 plus deth dance and paralysation| (WO), Gamescience will be rereleasing [Metagaming have been promising their role-playing system, The Fantasy Trip, for 8 long time now. At last it has arrived, ‘but needs explanation. In The Labyrinth is the first Gamo Master's modui You create worlds and guide ch adventures, Included are Hero Talents and. ‘copiable play-aids. Also needed is Mele dor the expanded modules (now available) for magic and combat. Tollenkar’s Lair is the first ready-to-play labyrinth now available, and provides ‘maps, mapping notes, background, and instructions necessary for a sories of adventures TSR have recently released a brand Rew role-playing game set in the modern ra. Entitled Top Secret, it concerns Players as agents in a James Bond-type scenario. Two boardgames to be released are The Awful Green Things From Outer Space which is a whacky game proviously seen in The Dragon, Knights of Camelot is ‘@ multi-player game based on the legen dary Britain of King Arthur = GDW have now released their now Travollor-size boxed Series 120 games of ‘which Dark Nebula, in dealing with inte stellar war in unknoWn space, should be of interest... FGU will be releasing another role playing game ater in the year based on the ‘age of piracy. In book format Skull & Crossbones will also include a map of the Caribbean and ship deck plans for use with figures . . « Excalibre Gemes have released 9 boxed role-playing system entitled Adven- tures in Fantasy. It is written by Dave Ameson, co-author of D&D. Empire of the Petal Throne which was formerly produced by TSR Judges Guild continue to flourish as manufacturers of play-aids and adventures for other companies’ games, New titles in- clude The Mines of Custalcon, Tower of Ulission and Verbosh being scenarios for D&D, The Maltese Clue and Temple of Ra Accursed by Set being scenarios for ADAD, and Hellpits of Nightfang being a Runequest scenario . Task Force Games are to bring out the boxed game of War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells’ classic novel about Martians invading the earth in 1898... ..Yaquinto Publications have just Feleased Mythology, a game of Greek ‘gods and heroes. hey have also released four titles in their new Album Game range, including Hero, a fantasy game... Next Issue: OGRE HUNT - «C&S minbwiderness SORTHAN'S RESCUE" Runaquest mini. seanerio ‘TREASURE CHEST FIEND FACTORY ‘OPEN BOX MOLTEN MAGIC
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