War of The Burning Sky 5E Player's Guide
War of The Burning Sky 5E Player's Guide
War of The Burning Sky 5E Player's Guide
From the Pen of
Ryan Nock
With Updates by
Brian Criswell, Steve Muchow
Interior Art by
Tim Divar, Cris Griffin, J. L. Jones, Brandon Leach,
Leo Lingas, Claudio Pozas, Joe Slucher, Shannon
White, with colors on selected NPCs by Brian Criswell
Cartography by
Sean Macdonald
Special Thanks
Thank you to Julia Behle and Josh Carden for
reviewing and providing their insightful feedback.
On the Cover
Claudio Pozas depicts the Torch of the Burning Sky
moments before transporting an army.
© 2018 EN Publishing, 7 Rutland Court, Balaclava Road, Southampton, SO18 6RX, UK. EN Publishing is an imprint of EN World.
https://wotbsadventurepath.com/ has high-resolution maps, art, and other resources to further enhance your adventure.
Please visit the EN Publishing forums at http://www.enworld.org to ask questions or discuss the adventure! v2
Welcome to the War of the Burning Sky campaign
saga. While the Campaign Guide is intended for the
game master and has materials players should not
read, this document has nothing that will spoil the
game and is available for all to see.
In War of the Burning Sky, you will have the
chance to fight in a war of mythic proportions, and
determine the fate of many nations in its aftermath.
Ever-escalating conflicts, powered by mighty magic
and fervent faith, threaten your freedom and lives,
and even the world itself.
Driven by the dogs of war, you will head for a
distant safe haven, a magic academy named Lyceum, that tie more closely to the campaign setting. The
which has sent up a rallying cry for those who wish Equipment, Spells, and Feats chapters provide
to resist the warmongers. You will have a chance to additional options tied to the setting that will be of
form alliances, to build an army, and to uncover the interest to some players.
strange secrets that underlie the conflict. As the war Of course, your game master gets the final word
reaches a climax, powerful magic will threaten to with regards to the information in this Player’s
scorch nations, or sunder them into nothing but Guide, so check with them to see if they are going to
nightmares. It will be up to you to bring the war to change anything.
an end before only embers and ruins remain.
Gate Pass briefly details the city of Gate Pass and
provides ideas on creating character that are
connected to the city where the campaign begins.
Ragesia and the Surround Lands provides an
overview of the rest of the region—its nations,
politics, and history—and describes where
characters might have originated. Character Class
Options provides options for each character class
lead out of the city to Shahalesti and Ragesia agreed, the city celebrated its victory, and trade
respectively. These gates are much more heavily between the two nations began to flow.
guarded: the exits have two sets of doors with a wide The city still sports numerous indications of the
kill zone between them, and city taxes pay for a occupation, and many citizens purchase busts or
variety of magical defenses on the gates. paintings of the aged emperor, as if both to mock the
In a few districts are found smaller walled areas Ragesians for their failure and to respect
populated predominantly by a single race. Most Coaltongue’s wisdom in deciding to leave their city
common of these ghettos are those of the elves, who alone. Even the emperor’s statue remains; it is
tend to shun outsiders. Elvish ghettos are renowned decorated and painted gaudily on various holidays.
for having no visible entrances through their walls— Because of his name, Drakus Coaltongue is often
all the doors are secret, which elves can intuitively associated with a myth that is native to Gate Pass
notice. and Ragesia, that of the Dragon and the Eagle. A
series of myths tell of an ancient time when the
lands that are now Ragesia and its neighbors were
C ITY H ISTORY AND the domain of four elemental spirits—the Tidereaver
Kraken, the Worldshaper Worm, the Flamebringer
M YTHS Dragon, and the Stormchaser Eagle, and these four
Gate Pass has the distinction of being the only city to beings are common motifs in the art and
successfully drive out occupation by the Ragesian architecture of Gate Pass (as well as in Ragesia).
Empire. Forty years ago, Emperor Coaltongue
defeated the city’s army, set up a military
government, and erected a 90-foot-tall statue of O RCS AND H ALF -O RCS
himself in the grand square on Summer’s Bluff Gate Pass freely accepts orcs as citizens, in stark
before moving on to his next conquest. For two contrast to most other human settlements, and
years, citizens waged an insurgency against the many have adapted well to the civilized life that is so
occupying army, until finally Coaltongue decided the different from their tribal culture.
city wasn’t worth the loss of men. Gate Pass is also widely known as a haven for
Shahalesti and Ragesia, once allies, were half-orcs, and many come to the city to find their
approaching open war, and Coaltongue declared that identity. In the formative years of the city, the
he would withdraw from Gate Pass if Shaaladel, Lord half-orcs’ origins were hotly debated and both orcs
of the Shahalesti, agreed to leave the city as a and humans questioned their standing. For humans,
neutral buffer between their two nations. The elves half-orc signaled a lesser breed, and became a
Famous Myths
The Wavering Maiden. The Tidereaver Kraken explored the land hearts of both the Dragon and the Eagle. To avoid its treachery
by making a human body for itself out of seawater. In the form of a being discovered, the Dragon tore out the Eagle’s still-beating heart
beautiful young woman with rolling black hair, the Kraken explored and hid it some place where it would never be tempted to try to get
the world. However, because the tide is inconstant, at times this it again. This explains how dragons became the strongest creatures
form would ebb, and the Kraken would spend an evening in a lake in the world, and teaches that those with too much power risk being
or river in its true form. The myth is a series of comic events based turned upon by those around them.
around numerous suitors who fall in love with the Kraken in its
woman form, and who often seek to destroy it in its Kraken form.
The Trilling Stone. The Worldshaper Worm sought to prove
its superiority to the Stormchaser Eagle by creating a song more
powerful than the Eagle’s thunder. The myth explains the various
monsters who live in the depths of the world, saying that they
were lured by the Worm’s eerie, whistling song, only to be trapped
when the arrogant Worm decided to sing even louder, causing an
earthquake. This, it is said, is why the bodies of the dead are filled
with worms when they are found in the ground.
The Aquiline Heart. This story is a morality tale about
the dangers of both pride and power. Never able to catch the
Stormchaser Eagle after many years of chase, the Flamebringer
Dragon preyed instead on the Eagle’s pride, saying the Eagle was
too weak and cowardly ever to chase the Dragon. The angered
Eagle pursued the Dragon, not realizing until too late that it had
been tricked into flying down a tunnel into the depths of the world,
where it did not have enough room to maneuver.
The Dragon bit the Eagle’s throat and began to drink its blood for
its power, when the Worldshaper Worm came upon the scene. The
Worm was blind, but the Dragon knew that it could feel the beating
pejorative phrase. The orcs, however, saw an war. This large cluster of squat towers connected by
increase in their influence and power and elevated covered bridges and surrounded by a moat and fence
the odd race. The divisions between all three races is jokingly known as The Castle. Gabal’s students—
were wide, but in the earlier battles for Gate Pass, easily identifiable by their red robes—are generally
the half-orcs fought and bled like the rest and the viewed as arrogant and hot-tempered, but their
walls of prejudice fell quickly. Today, there is little mentor forces them to sell their services for low
prejudice and the half-orc population enjoys an prices, particularly in matters of defense and
equal stand amongst the humans and orcs. construction, and a handful of wizards serve in the
city military.
C ONNECTIONS TO G ATE Gabal is said to scorn magic-users who do not
study spellbooks for their powers, and has a
P ASS particular dislike for bards, paladins, sorcerers, and
warlocks, commonly saying he doesn’t trust people
Gate Pass is a rich and diverse city with a variety of who have that much charisma. Charm is a
organizations and affiliations. While your character personality flaw Gabal proudly lacks.
might have come from a location far from Gate Pass, Gabal has announced that he intends to make a
you likely have spent enough time to form stand against Ragesia, ignoring the public stance of
connections in the city and be noticed by the the city council. As the Ragesian
Resistance as a good candidate for the mission at
hand. Feature: Student of War
You may choose one of the features connected to a
You have studied the art of war at Gabal’s wizard’s
group. They are a special game option to reward
school, and have practiced battling many foes at
players who create characters that are invested in
once. When you cast a spell that can cause damage
the campaign’s conflict from the beginning.
with a casting time of one action, you can instead
use the Ready action to concentrate on the spell and
City Council release it using your reaction immediately before the
The government of Gate Pass is a council of start of your next turn. The spell must be cast using
representatives from each of the districts, with a city a spell slot from 1st to 8th level. The spell’s damage
governor chosen every ten years. Many different is calculated as if it was cast with a slot 1 higher
groups hold sway with the government, ranging from than the one you used.
citizen groups to wealthy merchants to religious and
Once you successfully use this feature, you must
military groups.
finish a long rest before you can use it again.
One of the more colorful characters in the council
is Erdan Menash, a former merchant and tailor who
used to sell well-crafted but horribly unfashionable The Military
gear to adventurers, with the goal of making sure While the Gate Pass military answers to the city
everyone knew he was the one sponsoring their council, their opinion carries great weight given how
heroism. His personal manor is painted vivid green, much attention the city pays to its defense. Unlike
yellow, and purple.
The current governor is Merrick Hurt, a half-orc
who has kept relationships with Ragesia warm in the
past, though many worry he will be too agreeable to
demands by the new ruler of Ragesia. Rumors say
that he bitterly loathes elves and has a vast lexicon
of insults for them, a vice that relatively few in the
city worry about.
Gabal’s School
Gabal, a famed evoker who helped drive the
Ragesians out forty years ago, maintains a school of
most militaries, they are not trained for large open core of the community, and though each religion has
field combat, but rather for the defense of the city, its own interests, they share common ground
taking advantage of enclosed terrain. Commander through the annual Festival of Dreams, during
Harmand Fletcher, a veteran of the rebellion against which the temples all briefly work to provide for the
Ragesia, recently retired from leader of the armed greater good. Numerous temples of smaller religions
forces, replaced by Brant Sawman, who if anything dot the city, and though they lack the same sway as
is almost more gruff and brooding than his the major eight, they still put a lot of effort into New
predecessor. Year’s festivities.
In addition to natives of Gate Pass, the city
military has veterans of every army in the land as Feature: Blessed by Dreams
they work toward a better life for themselves and You are an associate of one of the temples and
their families. A small unit of twenty griffon riders helped organize the annual Festival of Dreams
serve to patrol the far reaches of Gate Pass’s domain, holiday parade. Last year you were promised good
but otherwise the city has little in the way of a fortune. You or any ally within 30 feet of you may
cavalry tradition. reroll a single saving throw, using the better of the
two results.
Feature: Cavalry Errant Once you use this feature, you must finish a long
You excel in horsemanship and have the ability to rest before you can use it again.
help your mounted allies. You can use your reaction
to help an ally within 30 feet of you with an ability The Saraswatin
check related to riding a horse or other mount. Make Library of the God of Knowledge
a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check and use your Located in Summer’s Bluff, this four-story building
check in place of the ally’s if yours is higher. is the central repository of knowledge for the city.
Along with stacks and cubbyholes full of tomes and
The Resistance scrolls, the building has an art gallery and a
Devoted to keeping the city of Gate Pass free from five-hundred-seat theater.
the rule of both Ragesia and Shahalesti, the Researchers using the library are expected to offer
resistance includes a huge variety of people from the 1 gp to the god of knowledge, as well as give
many nations that have a vested interest in keeping generous tips to the many librarians who keep
the current balance of power. Mostly they work to things organized and easy to find.
bolster pride among the citizens of Gate Pass,
though occasionally a spy is turned over to the Mercineum
authorities by unknown persons, and the resistance Temple of the Healing God
is credited with the capture. This temple is a small, forty-foot circular building of
Many farmers and ranchers who live in the ancient design. Once there were multiple temples
mountains surrounding the city claim to have across the city, many quite large that served as
spoken to members of the resistance, who hospitals and clinics for the citizens, but this simple
encouraged them to be prepared to fight to defend building was considered the holiest of all those. Its
their lands. veneration is related to the miracle of Tench Marber,
an event that took place forty years ago during the
Feature: Blade of the Resistance Ragesian occupation.
You are a member of a small group of Gate Pass Coaltongue declared the predominant Mercinea
natives who are taking up arms to defend their home Church a heretical cult and attempted to replace the
against both Ragesia and Shahalesti. You select an sect with the Ragesian Hospitalers. Within a month
intelligent creature who has dealt damage to you or of the invasion, all the temples were converted to the
your allies as your preferred foe. That creature need Hospitalers, with the exception of the small
not have dealt damage to your or your allies during Mercineum.
the current encounter; any previous damage will The head priest of the Mercineum, Tench Marber,
suffice. You have advantage on attack rolls against was unwilling to relinquish control to the Ragesian
your preferred foe until the end of your turn.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short The Names of the Gods
or long rest before you can use it again.
While War of the Burning Sky describes several gods and their
temples, it generally does not name them. Your GM may
The Temples incorporate a pantheon from history or another campaign setting,
The religious community of Gate Pass is diverse, or players of characters of faith might work with their GM to
create the name and domain (and possibly even history) of their
owing to the interaction of cultures flowing through character’s deity.
the city. Eight major temples represent the religious
The Festival of Dreams tried to rush inside the building and attack, but they
were mysteriously blocked at the door. No magic or
any other power could gain entrance, so the invading
priests decided to wait until Tench either left or died
before they took possession of the temple. Seizing an
opportunity, the besieged priest made a proposal: if,
after a year and a day, Tench was still alive within
the temple, the Ragesians would acknowledge the
god’s blessing on the Mercinea Church. They agreed,
and the bargain was struck.
For a full year, Tench sat, neither eating nor
sleeping, but he lived, and on the last day, the
frantic Hospitalers waited until the sun set, which
would mark the end of the agreed-upon time period.
As the last rays of light slipped beyond the horizon,
Tench stood up and walked to the exit, the bargain
From that day on, the Ragesians grudgingly
recognized the church, and acknowledged the god’s
blessing. It is suggested by historians that the
downfall of Coaltongue’s control of the city started
with this miracle. A few living resistance fighters
agree, noting that the Mercineum provided a safe
haven for the resistance to gather and plan, free
from the probing eyes of the Ragesian priests.
Today, there are no priests of the Mercinea Church
in Gate Pass. A new order, the Aquiline Cross, has
been around for a decade and uses all the facilities
Gate Pass has its share of holidays; the most prominent is the of the old religion. There are differences between the
Festival of Dreams, a holy day observed by all of the city’s major old church and the new order, but most folk don’t
temples on New Year’s Day. Parades march from either end of the notice.
city, stopping at the grand square on Summer’s Bluff just before
sunset for a ceremony in which the high priests of each of eight
different temples “offer up the dreams of the people.” Stronghold
Each citizen is encouraged to write a prayer or hope on a slip of Temple of the Strength Goddess
paper and place it in a small clay urn, which the city produces by
the thousands every year. People deliver their urns to Summer’s This medium-sized temple is located one district in
Bluff in the days leading up to the festival. During the festival, each from the western gate. Helda Claearcall, the
high priest chooses one urn, breaks it open, and reads the prayer priestess, also serves on the City Council. She
held within. If deemed a worthy wish, the priest pledges to fulfill preaches that “Strength is Saintly” and that people
that dream if possible during the next year. Selfish requests are
frowned upon, and often the city takes great glee in perverting the must choose their own way in life. Once a rallying
words of selfish prayers, fulfilling the adage “be careful what you cry for the occupied city, the phrase is now sneered
wish for.” at, as Gate Pass’s cultural attitude leans towards
The rest of the urns are left in the center of the square, and government direction of individual lives.
citizens are encouraged to pick one up and try to fulfill someone’s
wish. The morning after the festival, those left unopened are
carted en masse to the countless small caves that dot the cliffs The Bacchanal
around the city, where they are buried. Many folk tales involve Inn of the God of Revelry
stories of these buried dreams coming to life and bringing good
fortune, though most adults of the city view these as merely This is one of the fastest-growing cults within Gate
superstition. However, because the festival takes place in winter, it Pass. The temple is styled like a huge beer hall and
is considered bad luck if none of the eight wishes read aloud
worship is a rowdy affair with dancing, drinking and
wishes for spring to come.
song. Once a week, the building opens and for a few
coppers tithe, adherents can enjoy limitless food and
clergy and simply sat on the center altar as the drink. Many tavern-keepers have seen their profits
Hospitalers demanded he leave. Tench declared that drop as a result and have voiced their opinions to
he would not leave; instead, he would stay on as a the city council.
reminder to all that the Hospitalers were not truly Shakur Biggs, the head priest, is currently the
blessed by the gods. master of ceremonies for this year’s festival. He was
The Ragesian healers, outraged at his insolence, apparently planning to head a large musical
Dassen Stone
Temple to the Dwarf God of Ancestors and Temple to
the God of Battle
Second only to the Saraswatin in size, this temple
serves as two temples now that the dwarf population
is almost completely gone from the city. The large
edifice also houses the public works offices. Lessons
in fighting and leadership are regularly offered and
the city guard is often seen training there. Rumors
that the dwarves keep treasures mined from the
deep during the construction of Gate Pass abound.
The Arcanum
Shrine to the God of Sorcery
Located across the street from Gabal’s School, this
shrine is a holdover from the Ragesian occupation.
Its existence is a sore point with Gabal, who hates
the sorcerer philosophy, so it is frequently the target
of “stray” spells. It is uncertain how many sorcerers
live in Gate Pass, but they have considerable
influence on the City Council, largely through the
actions of Gratanus Helicomb, the Shrine’s President
(no one is sure what that term means within the
Fertile Fields
Temple to the Goddess of Hearth and Home
Simply constructed, this building is a favorite
meeting place of the farmers and ranchers of the
outlying area. The city council almost always bows
to the wisdom of the temple elders, especially after attacked by a trio of common thugs who intended to
the food riots of twenty years ago, when a gate tax have their way with the woman. Rantle fought them
was imposed on all people and animals (even dead off, then stayed around to protect her while the city
ones) entering the city. The farmers revolted and guard arrived, even though he knew he would be
stopped delivering goods and supplies. A week later, recognized and arrested. Public support for his
the situation within Gate Pass was so desperate that heroism got him pardoned, and many people have
the townsfolk rushed the council and deposed them. begun calling for him to join the city council.
The tax was instantly repealed. Since then, a temple Of course, the merchants of the city still don’t like
elder has always been assigned to the council to being victimized. It is said the clientele of One-to-Go,
represent the population outside the walls. a tavern in one of Gate Pass’s slums, is composed
entirely of former thieves who have lost a hand as
Thieves’ Guild punishment for stealing.
Everyone knows that thieves operate in the city,
often with the aid of bribed councilmen who turn Feature: Guild Sympathizer
blind eyes. The thieves tend to prey on wealthy Your experience with being a lookout grants you the
merchants, especially foreigners, and so many ability to alert your allies just before danger strikes.
commoners view them favorably. The guild is If you are not surprised at the start of an encounter,
understandably nervous about the prospect of you may use your bonus action to warn your allies.
Ragesian martial law. Any surprised ally who has not yet taken a turn may
One particularly well-known rogue is a dashing reroll a failed ability check to avoid being surprised.
scoundrel named Rantle. He came to fame because On a success, they are no longer surprised.
of an elaborate confidence game to steal from a
female merchant. One night when his scam was near
fruition, he was with the merchant when she was
The Inquisitors
Dressed in bear skins, their faces concealed by
bear-skull masks, inquisitors are the feared blade of
Ragesia, expert in cutting out those who resist its
rule. They fervently serve Ragesia’s supreme
inquisitor, an aged witch named Leska, who until
recently was a loyal servant of the emperor. Now
Leska has assumed the throne, and the inquisitors
are her greatest weapon.
Mages tell stories of inquisitors—sent to hunt
down disloyal mages—completely ignoring powerful
spells, or even turning spells against their casters.
The few who have been captured by inquisitors and
have lived to tell the tale recount being tortured,
their wrists slashed by an inquisitor’s clawed
gauntlets, then being left to a slow, cold death
unless they betrayed their allies. Some rumor that
inquisitors can even devour the souls of magic-users,
taking their powers for themselves before raising the
slain mage as an undead follower.
On the far side of the mountains that mark Ragesia’s
eastern border spreads the Shining Land of
outposts of wealthy orcs with ties to Ragesia have warfare, but since the unification of the nation, a
tried to start their own communities; this is a steady sect of the cave goddess Donhofreya has devoted
source of strife. itself to healing the nation. Donhofreyan prelates
have earned great respect; many serve in the army,
Calanis showing an eager mixture of militarism and
The capital of Shahalesti, Calanis, is a large city medicine. The Order of the Aquiline Cross is on good
built over a crescent rift carved by a waterfall. The terms with the Donhofreya prelacy.
city is forbidden to new non-elves except by
invitation from one of the royal family which, as of Bresk
now, consists only of Shaaladel and his daughter The walled city of Bresk rises above the hills around
Shalosha. Its population consists primarily of elves it, with the castle perched on a rocky protrusion
and humans with a few half-elves and other races. called the Great Hill. It overlooks the wide river and
the Toraest Steppes to the east. Much of the castle is
The Solei Palancis said to be underground, as are many parts of the
city, which is home to several thousand dwarves.
The Shahalesti military, including its navy, focuses
The city itself is generally unfriendly to outsiders,
on quality rather than quantity. Most soldiers are
equipped with at least minor magic items, and
arcane magic in general is key to most of the
nation’s tactics. Their most famed soldiers are the
Solei Palancis, the shining legion, whose swords
shed light as bright as the sun.
The Kingdom of Dassen lies to the south of Ragesia,
and the southwest of Shahalesti, its borders defined
by craggy mountains defended by hundreds of small
dwarven strongholds. Dassen’s people, a swarthy
assortment of humans and dwarves, cherish their
land, to the point that superstitious cavalrymen even
put dirt in their boots so never have to stop touching
the soil of their homeland.
Originally known as the Eight Lands, when Dassen
was unified fifteen years ago a ninth region was
carved out, which became the holding of King
Steppengard. Today Dassen is divided into nine
regions, forming a loose ring around the central
mountain range, the Toraest Steppes. King
Steppengard rules over the eight feudal lords and
ladies, as well as dozens of minor dwarven nobles
who govern their own small holdings in the
There are no mighty cities in Dassen, only
thousands of farms and towns growing out from the
nine castles of the king and his dukes. The largest
city, Bresk, lies on a major river beside
Steppengard’s castle, and is a hilly community built
both above and below ground. Its population is
two-thirds human, a quarter dwarf, and a small
number of orcs and other races.
Dasseni architecture tends toward the stout and
broad, and is typically adorned with various great
cats, gem-patterns, and sphinx statues. People dress
in multiple layers of drab clothes, clearly
unaccustomed to such chill weather, though the
tunnels underground are much warmer. Traditional
Dasseni religion was mostly devoted to strength and
and most of the real culture of Bresk lies are both master acrobats and skilled mages, prone
underground in tunnels excavated by dwarves over to dress in elaborate and eclectic costumes with
the centuries. Most foreigners never delve below the elements cobbled together from dozens of lands.
surface to see the bustling markets and solemn
temples, illuminated by clever skylights and mighty
braziers. S INDAIRE
The national government of the Exarchate of
S EAQUEN Sindaire is officially run by a representative from
Ragesia, but in practice the Exarch has limited
At the end of a swampy isthmus on Dassen’s power. The people of Sindaire—mostly humans with
southern tip, the town of Seaquen has managed to some caravans of nomadic gnomes—pay some taxes
maintain its independence from its northern to Ragesia, but maintain their own armies and laws.
neighbor, a fact which has provided some of the They take mild comfort in knowing that, should
Dasseni nobles with much consternation. It is home Ostalin, their neighbors to the south, ever attempt to
to a school called Lyceum, devoted to teaching magic claim more land, Ragesia will come to their defense.
of all kinds, and the Wayfarer Theater is currently Recently a vocal group of city mayors in the center
moored in the harbor. of the nation began to protest paying taxes to
Ragesia, and refused to pay. Unlike the coastal cities,
they benefited little from trade with Ragesian ships,
and they called for the removal of the Exarch, a
half-orc woman named Horstea. Despite protests
from the government ministers, the Exarch sent a
plea to Ragesia, and Coaltongue’s army responded,
traveling by Torch to the central prairies to put down
the rebellion.
Sindaire has a long-established druidic tradition,
coming from a time when a group of refugees fleeing
a catastrophe in what is now Shahalesti settled in
Sindaire’s warm forests, converting many of the
locals through their generosity and their disciplined
devotion to nobler ideals. Because lions are revered
in these foreigner’s culture, lions now fill the role of
pets to the aristocracy, and guard dogs for the
common folk.
The large capital city of Turinn lies on two sides of a
long rock spur. The western side has ports on the
sea, while the bulk of the city lies safe on the east.
The Wayfarers
Every port in the region has at one time or another O STALIN
been host to the Wayfarer Theater, a For many years, the small island people of Ostalin
beautifully-decorated ship that is both home and battled among themselves, before finally a warlord
base of operations for the Wayfarers. The Wayfarers conquered his foes and proclaimed himself Khagan.
The capital city of Kistan is relatively small, since the
city that used to occupy the land was burned down
only a few decades ago by the original Khagan. This
cosmopolitan city offers charms and temptations
that make it enticing to those who struggle between
good and evil and, though small, the merchant
house is growing, both in legitimate trade and in
their less noble underworld dealings.
altogether. Their quick wit and seeming mockery of trouble. Ragesian forces withdraw after Coaltongue
the Ragesians and the Shahalesti is vexing to orcs and Shaaladel agree that the city is neutral territory.
and elves alike. Most gnomes come from Sindaire, 15 Years Ago. Steppengard unites the 8 lands of
but some small groups can be found in almost any Dassen, carving out a 9th land for his holdings.
land. If a gnome character encounters other gnomes, 9 Years Ago. Ragesia’s expansion abates.
they will strive to spend at least a few hours with November. Emperor Coaltongue is rumored to have
their brethren before continuing to adventure. died while putting down a rebellion in Sindaire.
Half-Elves. More fully integrated with their human December. Ragesia, now under control of Supreme
side, most half-elves come from the great cities: from Inquisitor Leska, announces its intention to retaliate
Gate Pass and Seaquen to the many cities of Ostalin, against the nations of Sindaire and Shahalesti for
Dassen, and Sindaire. The motivation for adventure their involvement in the assassination of Emperor
is as varied in a half-elf as it is in a human. Some do Coaltongue. In response to the announcement,
see the latest bellicose attitude of the Ragesians Shahalesti sends out diplomatic envoys to nearby
troubling and seek to help fend them off in the nations, seeking allies.
impending conflict. Rumors spread about Ragesian inquisitors
Half-Orcs. No matter what their racial origin may rounding up spellcasters and taking them away, not
be, the half-orcs of the lands enjoy a unique position; to be heard from again. Now Ragesia once again has
fully realized citizens in Ragesia, Gate Pass and Gate Pass in its sights, and its army is approaching.
Dassen. The other kingdoms are less cordial, and so The Festival of Dreams, which marks the new year,
most half-orc adventurers are found from the middle has been cancelled as the city prepares for war.
part of the lands. Always struggling with their
heritage, the adventuring life is often a way to throw
off subtle, lingering prejudices or find a place in a T HE B URNING S KY
group of allies and equals. Since Coaltongue’s rumored assassination,
Tieflings. Ostalin is a haven for tieflings. The something has gone wrong with teleportation:
designs of Ostalin’s ambitious ruler, Khagan teleporting couriers appear ablaze and die fiery
Onamdammin, have created a sort of demand for the deaths. Spellcasters at the Lyceum Academy in
skills of those who struggle with their darker nature, Seaquen and at Gabal’s School of War are
while the unstable government makes it hard for assiduously researching the mysterious cause of this
anyone to act against the tieflings as they strive to problem, which they have dubbed the “Burning Sky.”
survive in a world that doesn’t trust them. In recent The effects of the Burning Sky have become common
decades, the gregarious nature of Gate Pass knowledge for all characters who can teleport.
merchants traveling the lands has impressed some The researchers believe that the Burning Sky is
tieflings, and a few have set up a small merchant related to the unusual weather, which has taken a
house within the fifth district of the capital, the sudden and worrisome chill turn. Divinations
mountain city of Kistan. regarding the weather seem to indicate that no
spring is in sight for the lands of the Burning Sky.
Even without divinations, druids and others
R ECENT H ISTORY connected to the natural world sense something
Much has happened leading up to the point where amiss with the coming winter, and the sky is filled
your character becomes embroiled in the coming war. with flocks of confused birds trying to flee a cold
The following events are generally available snap that is more severe than usual.
knowledge to anyone who listens to stories and news All creatures and objects that travel using a form
of the world around them. of teleportation such as misty step, dimension door,
60 Years Ago. Coaltongue and Shaaladel form an or teleport take 1d6 fire damage for every 100 feet of
alliance. Together they succeed in toppling the teleportation or portion thereof to a maximum of
empire of Morrus. Coaltongue takes over its capital 40d6 fire damage. Arcane scholars suggest various
of Ragos and the Shahalesti forge a nation of their methods for avoiding this damage, including
own to the east of Ragesia. transforming into a creature immune to fire damage
50 Years Ago. Coaltongue first sweeps through the or using a spell to grant resistance to fire damage.
lands of Sindaire and Ostalin to apocalyptic omens.
40 Years Ago. Emperor Coaltongue defeats the
army of Gate Pass, sets up a military government,
and erects a 90-foot-tall statue of himself in the
grand square on Summer’s Bluff before moving on to
his next conquest.
38 Years Ago. The Gate Pass insurgency finally
makes Coaltongue decide the city isn’t worth the
Armored Juggernaut
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, your
training grants you proficiency with heavy armor.
When you gain Fast Movement at level 5, you still
benefit from the increase to your speed while
Preemptive Strike
Starting at 14th level, your training allows you to
wearing heavy armor.
disrupt an enemy’s attack. When a creature within
your reach prepares to make an attack, you may use
Brawler your reaction to attack it before it makes its attack
Beginning at 3rd level, your training in unarmed roll. If you hit the creature, it has disadvantage on
combat means that you hit harder than almost its attack.
anyone else and can use your environment to your
advantage. You gain proficiency in improvised
weapons, and your unarmed strikes and improvised B ARD : C OLLEGE OF
weapons use a d4 for damage. The damage die
increases at later levels: a d6 at 5th level, a d8 at C IRQUELISTES
11th level, and a d10 at 17th level. While anyone having a penchant for performance
can audition to join the Wayfarers, the most
Charge respected members are the highly-trained
Starting at 6th level, you learn to harness your cirquelistes. These agile, typically flamboyant
explosive speed to overwhelm your opponent. When performers are masters of teleportation magic. An
you move at least 10 feet in a straight line to a point aspiring Wayfarer must complete an audition, and
within 5 feet of a creature, you may may shove the any character accepted into the Wayfarers must
creature as a bonus action. swear an oath.
Those who need to get somewhere quickly know
Unexpected Blitz they can trust the Wayfarers to provide teleportation
Beginning at 10th level, you have learned to use services. Wayfarer cirquelistes are required to pay
your Feral Instinct to overwhelm your enemies. monthly fees to the guild for each teleportation spell
During the first round of combat, you have they provide except when their lives or the lives of
advantage on attack rolls against any creature that their allies are at stake. The fee is 20 gp per use of
hasn’t taken a turn in the combat yet. dimension door and 300 gp per use of teleport or
other long distance spell. In exchange, the Cirque Cirquelistes Beyond the Burning Sky
offers its members protection and rescue in times of
trouble and can practically ensure business. This class is slightly overpowered in settings where you don’t take
fire damage when teleporting. In these settings, your GM may alter
the Wayfarer’s Step feature as follows:
College of Cirquelistes Features When you join the College of Cirquelistes at 3rd level, you begin
Bard Level Feature to learn the secrets of the Wayfarers. You know misty step, and it
3rd Wayfarer’s Step, Record of Travels does not count against your spells known. You can expend a use
6th Extra Passengers, Spellrunner of Bardic Inspiration to cast misty step without using a spell slot. If
14th Smooth Sailing, Abduct dimension door is one of your spells known, you can expend one
use of Bardic Inspiration to cast it as a bonus action. If teleport is
one of your spells known, you can expend one use of Bardic
Inspiration to cast it as a ritual.
Wayfarer’s Step
When you join the College of Cirquelistes at 3rd level,
you begin to learn the secrets of the Wayfarers. You
Extra Passengers
know misty step, and it does not count against your At 6th level, You can take additional creatures with
spells known. You can innately cast misty step you whenever you use misty step, dimension door, or
without using a spell slot. If dimension door is one of teleport. For each use of Bardic Inspiration you
your spells known, you can expend one use of Bardic expend, you can bring along one additional creature
Inspiration to cast it as a bonus action without using of your size or smaller.
a spell slot. If teleport is one of your spells known,
you can expend one use of Bardic Inspiration to cast Spellrunner
it as a ritual. Also at 6th level, whenever you cast a spell with a
casting time of one action and an instantaneous
Record of Travels duration, you may expend a use of Bardic
Also at 3rd level, you receive a quarterstaff from the Inspiration as a bonus action to teleport to any
Wayfarers. Cirquelistes record significant events in unoccupied space you can see within 500 feet that
their journeys by attaching mementos to the was within the spell’s area of effect or adjacent to
quarterstaff or inscribing on its surface. This one of its targets.
quarterstaff can be used as a spellcasting focus.
Smooth Sailing
Starting at 14th level, you and your passengers have
resistance to damage received during the course of a
teleportation spell you cast.
Beginning at 14th level, your teleportation spells and
spell-like abilities can affect unwilling creatures as if
they were willing. Make a melee spell attack against
a creature within 5 feet of you as part of casting the
teleportation spell. On a hit, the creature must make
a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, you may
spend a bardic inspiration to consider the creature
to be a willing creature for your teleportation spell.
Ragesian inquisitors are clerics who specialize in
countering enemy spellcasters. They are typically
heretics of gods of fire, knowledge, or magic who now
revere their leader Leska almost as a god. Their
favored weapon is the hand claw, which leaves their
hand free to hold items and perform somatic
component of spells.
Talk to your game master if you would like to play
a low-ranking inquisitor who deserted the Ragesian
army when you had a change of heart. Your
character will be unaware of any Ragesian plans or
strategy beyond your job to subdue spellcasters and able to simultaneously assume an additional aspect
turn them over to your superiors. when you reach 6th, 10th, and 14th level.
Agility. Your muscles shrink slightly. You have
D RUID : C IRCLE OF advantage on Dexterity ability checks and saving
throws and disadvantage on Strength ability checks
and saving throws.
N ATURE Antifreeze. Proteins in your blood bind to ice
An eagle soars in the air. Salmon swim upstream crystals, preventing you from freezing. You can
against the current. A badger burrows under the tolerate temperatures as low as -50 degrees
earth. A fly darts to avoid being swatted. Beasts Fahrenheit without any additional protection. If you
thrive as they use their strengths in the the right wear heavy clothes, you can tolerate temperatures as
environment. Druids of the Circle of Nature learn to low as -100 degrees Fahrenheit.
mimic this symbiosis and strive for a balance Amphibious. You sprout gills and grow webbing
between society and nature, but they can bring the between Your fingers. You gain a swim speed of 40
forces of nature to bear when it is threatened. feet and the ability to breathe both air and water.
Camouflage. The coloration of your skin adapts to
Circle of Nature Features your surroundings. You have advantage on Dexterity
Druid Level Feature (Stealth) checks.
2nd Aspect of Nature (1 Aspect) Constrictor. Your arm and grip strength increase
6th Friend of Nature, Aspect of Nature (2 Aspects) immensely. You have advantage on Strength
10th Avatar of Nature, Aspect of Nature (3 Aspects) (Athletics) checks to grapple or maintain a grapple
14th Defender of Nature, Aspect of Nature (4 Aspects) on another creature. If you use both hands, a
creature grappled by you is restrained. While
restraining a creature you cannot attack, but you
Aspect of Nature can use your action to constrict the creature,
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain causing it to take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8
the ability to use Wild Shape to assume one of the + your Strength modifier.
following aspects of creatures of the natural world. Endurance. Your skin hardens. You gain resistance
You revert when this use of Wild Shape ends or you to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and
use this feature to choose a different aspect. You are have advantage on Constitution saving throws.
Fossorial. Claws emerge from your fingers. You
gain a burrow speed of 10 feet and add 1d4 piercing
damage to your unarmed strikes with your hands.
Flight (Prerequisite: 8th Level). You grow bat-like
or feathered wings and gain a fly speed of 30 feet.
Scansorial. Your upper-body and grip strength
increase. You gain a climb speed of 30 feet.
Van der Waals. You sprout thousands of
microscopic hairs from your hands and feet. When
your hands and feet are uncovered and your hands
are free, you can move up, down, and across vertical
surfaces and upside down along ceilings without
making a Strength (Athletics) check. You fall if you
do not maintain contact with a surface with at least
three of your limbs or you attempt to carry weight
beyond your carrying capacity.
Vigor. Your muscles expand. You have advantage
on Strength ability checks and saving throws and
disadvantage on Dexterity ability checks and saving
Friend of Nature
Starting at 6th level, you can summon a fey spirit of
nature to aid you. You can expend a use of Wild
Shape to cast find familiar without material
components. This use of find familiar has the
following changes:
• The familiar is a fey spirit. of leading to victory, and know how to motivate
• The familiar assumes the shape of a beast of a people to fight well. Most commanders are members
type and challenge rating that you would be able of the military, but many tribal chieftains, rebel
to assume with your Wild Shape. leaders, and ship’s captains have the skills and
• It may attack with any actions in its stat block. talents of commanders.
• You cannot temporarily dismiss the familiar. In an adventuring party, the commander is not
You cannot recover this use of Wild Shape until necessarily the leader, though he is the person to
you have dismissed the familiar forever or it has listen to when large or complicated combat looms.
reached 0 hit points. Players of commander characters are encouraged to
research some classic military tactics, because no
amount of stat bonuses can balance out genuinely
Avatar of Nature poor planning. Some key tactics to bear in mind
When you reach 10th level, you gain the ability to include:
use Wild Shape to infuse your body with aspects of
Encirclement. A foe is best attacked from multiple
the natural world. You can expend two uses of Wild
sides. Likewise, you should maintain an awareness
Shape to assume the shape of an elemental of
of the battlefield so as not to be surrounded.
challenge rating 5 or lower.
Overwhelming Force. Strike where your foe is
weakest. Overwhelming a single target and
Defender of Nature destroying it prevents your enemy from regrouping
When you reach 14th level, your knowledge of the and recovering. Defend against your own
balance of nature in the world increases your weaknesses, and plan in case you are attacked
effectiveness in fighting creatures that are unnatural there.
or come from another plane of existence. You have Hit and Run. If you cannot field overwhelming
advantage on attack rolls against celestials, fiends, force, use your enemy’s size against him. Strike
and undead, and those creatures have disadvantage where not expected and retreat, then strike
on saving throws from your spells. elsewhere while your enemy is distracted. Know
when a small mobile force is more useful than a
F IGHTER : C OMMANDER large army.
Maneuver. Consider where to fight, bearing in mind
Commanders are at home on the battlefield, with a how to array your forces so they cannot be
group of allies or minions by their side. While bards surrounded, without spreading them so thin that
simply inspire the courage of their companions, they can be overwhelmed. Know the range at which
commanders know what tactics have the best chance your enemies are a threat, and take advantage of
mobility offered by mounts, vehicles, and magic.
Surprise. It is critical to take the initiative, to strike
before your opponents can, and to strike accurately.
Understand that your plans can unravel in an
instant, and have contingencies in place to handle
losing the initiative.
Different commanders have different styles, but a
commander should usually have Charisma as their
highest or second-highest ability score.
Commander Features
Fighter Level Feature
3rd Bonus Proficiency, Squad Leader (1 Tactic, 2
7th Advanced Tactics, Squad Leader (2 Tactics, 2
10th Inspire Sacrifice, Squad Leader (3 Tactics, 3 Allies)
15th Widen Command, Squad Leader (4 Tactics, 3
18th Tactical Genius, Squad Leader (5 Tactics, 4 Allies)
Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
gain proficiency in the Performance skill. If you
already have proficiency in the Performance skill, complicated maneuvers. Up to 4 allies within 60 feet
you instead gain proficiency in the Deception, of you may use their reaction to move their speed
Persuasion, or Stealth skill (your choice). and take an action, and you can be one of these 4
allies. You cannot use this feature again until you
Squad Leader have finished a long rest.
At 3rd level, you learn Leader Tactics that allow your
allies to better coordinate as a unit. These tactics are Tactics
fueled through a series of orders or signals called a The tactics are presented in alphabetical order.
Leadership Performance. Iron-Willed Leader. On your turn, you can use a
Leader Tactics. You learn 1 tactic of your choice, bonus action and expend one leadership
from the list detailed under “Tactics” below. The performance to help allies break free of one
tactics affect 2 allies of your choice within 30 feet of mind-affecting effect. Make a Charisma
you who understand a language you speak, and you (Performance) check. If your check beats the DC of
can choose yourself as one of the allies. The number the saving throw, your chosen allies within 30 feet of
of chosen allies increases to 3 at 10th level and 4 at you break free of the effect as if they had succeeded
18th level. with their saving throw.
You gain an additional tactic of your choice at 7th, Maneuver Leader. On your turn, you can use a
10th, 15th, and 18th level. Each time you learn a bonus action and expend one leadership
new tactic, you can also replace one tactic you know performance to grant your chosen allies within 30
with a different one. feet of you the ability to use their reaction to move
Leadership Performance. You have a number of up to their speed while either taking the Disengage
leadership performances equal to your Charisma action, making a single weapon attack, or casting a
modifier. You regain one expended leadership cantrip with a casting time of one action.
performance when you finish a short rest, and you
Nimble Leader. On your turn, you can use a bonus
regain all of your expended leadership performances
action and expend one leadership performance to
when you finish a long rest.
help allies avoid attacks. Your chosen allies within
30 feet of you may take the Dodge action as a
Advanced Tactics reaction or as a bonus action on their next turn.
Beginning at 7th level, you are quick to action to set
Operations Leader. When you take this tactic, you
the stage for your allies. You have advantage on
devise a set of communication cues. Any allies who
initiative rolls.
have received this training—usually taking ten
minutes of discussion and practice—do not need to
Inspire Sacrifice share a language with you to benefit from one of
At 10th level, when you are targeted by an attack or your tactics.
by a spell or effect that requires a Dexterity Saving Additionally on your turn, you can use a bonus
throw, an ally within 5 feet of you may use their action and expend one leadership performance to
reaction to interpose their body between you and the make it easier for you and your allies to help each
attack or effect, granting you 3/4 cover and the other with certain skills. While this coordination is
following effects. This decision is made by the ally in place, your chosen allies can take the Help action
before the attack roll or saving throw is made. You as a bonus action to help each other. This
cannot use this feature again until you have finished coordination requires you to maintain concentration,
a short or long rest. and both chosen allies—the one with the skill
Attacks. You gain a +5 bonus to AC for the attack. proficiency and the one making the ability check—to
If the attack would hit your original AC but misses be within 30 feet of you at the time of the ability
your boosted AC, the attack hits your ally instead. check. You can use your bonus action to change
Saving Throws. You gain a +5 bonus to your which allies benefit from the coordination each turn.
Dexterity saving throw. Your ally must also make a You can concentrate on this coordination for up to
Dexterity saving throw against the same spell or 10 minutes. The skills that can benefit from this are
effect and has disadvantage on the roll. Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Deception,
Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Stealth, and
Widen Command Survival. This might be used to help the team
At 15th level, the range at which you can affect allies navigate difficult terrain, maintain a façade while
with your tactics increases from 30 feet to 60 feet. undercover, or perform an ambush.
If you have proficiency with the Stealth skill, this
Tactical Genius coordination can happen silently via surreptitious
At 18th level, you can use your action to direct allies signals. If you have proficiency in the Deception skill,
within range of your inspiration to perform swift and this coordination can happen as a serious of code
Ki-Powered Spells. To cast one of your spells, you an extra 1d10 lightning damage to a target you hit
must expend a number of ki points equal to the with a monk weapon or unarmed strike.
spell’s level + 1. You may cast a spell at a higher
level by expending an additional ki point for each
additional level, but you cannot cast a spell at a M ONK : WAY OF THE W EST
higher level than your maximum spell level.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell W IND
burning hands and are at least 5th level, you can Monks of the Way of the West Wind have trained
cast burning hands at 1st or 2nd level, expending 2 under the cleric-monk Longinus to calm their
ki points for a 1st-level casting and 3 ki points for a emotions to focus and channel their ki into magic.
second-level casting. Their graceful, windy fighting style makes them a
Spellcasting Ability. As you can use your East bane to their foes and a boon to their allies.
Wind training or rely on more traditional monk
philosophies, you may choose Wisdom or Charisma Way of the West Wind Features
as your spellcasting ability for your ki-powered Monk Level Feature
spells. 3rd Bonus Language, Spellcasting
You use your chosen ability whenever a spell refers 6th Wings of the West Wind
to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your 11th Turn Undead
chosen ability modifier when setting the saving throw 17th Forceful Blows
DC for a monk spell you cast and when making an
attack roll with one.
Bonus Language
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level,
chosen ability modifier your training allows you to speak, read, and write
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + Auran.
your chosen ability modifier
Spellcasting Focus. You can use the ki that Spellcasting
powers your spells as a spellcasting focus for your When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast
ki-powered spells. spells through the channeling of your ki.
Multiclassing. If you have levels in another
spellcasting class, you can cast the spells from the Way of the West Wind Spellcasting
other class as ki-powered spells as long as you do Monk Cantrips Maximum
not cast the spell above your maximum spell level. Level Known Spell Level
You can also cast one of your known spells from 3rd 2 1
your monk class using an appropriate spell slot from 4th 2 1
another class. The monk class does not have spell 5th 2 2
slots of its own and does not contribute to total spell 6th 2 2
7th 2 2
slots under the multiclassing rules.
8th 2 2
9th 2 3
Metamagic 10th 3 3
At 6th level, you gain the ability to twist your spells 11th 3 3
to suit your needs. You gain one sorcerer Metamagic 12th 3 3
option of your choice. You gain another one at 11th 13th 3 4
and 17th level. 14th 3 4
15th 3 4
You can use only one Metamagic option on a spell
16th 3 4
when you cast it, unless otherwise noted. To use a
17th 3 5
metamagic option, you spend a number of ki points 18th 3 5
equal to the cost in sorcery points. 19th 3 5
20th 3 5
Lightning Affinity Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice
At 11th level, whenever you roll lightning damage for from the cleric spell list. You learn an additional
a spell, you add your spellcasting ability modifier to cleric cantrip of your choice at 10th level.
the lightning damage. Preparing Spells. You prepare the list of spells
available for you to cast, choosing from the cleric
Lightning Strikes spell list. When you do so, choose a number of cleric
At 17th level, your strikes become so quick that you spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + half your
can generate lightning. Once per turn, you can deal monk level, rounded down (minimum of one spell.)
Turn Undead
At 11th level, you gain the ability to chant and
The spells must be of a level equal or lower than the channel your ki into a wave of positive energy that is
maximum spell level you can cast. unpalatable to the undead. As an action, you can
For example, if you are a 5th-level monk with a spend 4 ki points to turn undead. Each undead that
Wisdom score of 16, your list of prepared spells can can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make
include five spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its
combination. saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it
You can change your list of prepared spells when takes any damage.
you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of cleric A turned creature must spend its turns trying to
spells requires time spent in meditation: at least 1 move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t
minute per spell level for each spell on your list. willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It
Ki-Powered Spells. To cast one of your spells, you also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use
must expend a number of ki points equal to the only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect
spell’s level + 1. You may cast a spell at a higher that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to
level by expending an additional ki point for each move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
additional level, but you cannot cast a spell at a
higher level than your maximum spell level. Forceful Blows
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell cure At 17th level, your strikes become so quick that you
wounds and are at least 5th level, you can cast cure can generate concussive force from the compressed
wounds at 1st or 2nd level, expending 2 ki points for wind. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d10
a 1st-level casting and 3 ki points for a second-level force damage to a target you hit with a monk weapon
casting. or unarmed strike.
Spellcasting Ability. Wisdom is your spellcasting
ability for your ki-powered spells. You use your
Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting P ALADIN : O ATH OF
ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier
when setting the saving throw DC for a ki-powered H EALING
spell you cast and when making an attack roll with The Oath of Healing is taken by a paladin who
one. decides to heal the wounds caused by greed,
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your injustice, and war. While a single paladin cannot
Wisdom modifier help everyone, they lead by example to tend to the
wounded, comfort the grieving, and heal the land. Mercy. Show mercy. Not everyone deserves it, but
When life in all its forms is threatened by evil or it is the first step to healing.
unnatural forces, they are among the first to come to Sacrifice. Give what you can. Whether magic or
its defense. coin, a gift to those in need gives hope that tomorrow
In the lands of War of the Burning Sky, the Order will be better.
of the Aquiline Cross lost its way as it became a Defend Life. When life in any form is threatened
military force of zealots under the nation of Morrus. by an oppressor, stand in the way. If the oppressor
The order was destroyed shortly before Drakus attacks, respond with nonlethal force, but fight with
Coaltonque came to power. Ten years ago, the order all your might if the threat is something unholy.
reappeared in Sindaire and has started to slowly Be a Light. Be an example of what healing lives can
spread through the lands. Returning to its original produce. When others follow your example, the land
purpose, the order’s adherents preach mercy, itself can be healed.
sacrifice, and a fierce defense of life. The holy symbol
of this order is a white background with a red cross Oath of Healing Features
surrounded by a halo of feathers. Paladin Level Feature
3rd Oath Spells, Channel Divinity
7th Aura of Healing (10 ft.)
Tenets of Healing 15th Sacrificial Healing
The tenets of the Oath of Healing hold a paladin to 18th Aura of Healing (30 ft.)
providing healing to life in all its forms. 20th Avatar of Healing
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
following two Channel Divinity options.
Healing Surge. As an action, you can heal multiple
creatures with your Channel Divinity. You can use
your pool of healing power from Lay on Hands on
any creatures within 10 feet of you, choosing how
much healing to use on each creature and whether
to cure any of them of a disease. At 18th level, the
range increases to 30 feet.
Turn the Unholy. As an action, you present your
holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring fiends
and undead, using your Channel Divinity. Each
fiend or undead that can see or hear you within 30
feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the
creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1
minute or until it takes damage.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to
move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t
willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It
also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use
only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect
that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to
move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
Nature exists in a symphony of relationships with
the creatures that inhabit it. Some relationships are
harmonious while others are exploitative, but the
actions of some creatures are so destructive as to
sever their bonds with nature and leave destruction
and suffering in their wake. When the safety of the
natural world, its resources, and its creatures, are at
stake, nature chooses guardians to restore the
balance with its creatures, sending fey companions
to accompany them on their journeys.
In War of the Burning Sky, the land has suffered
greatly under the ravages of war. The forest of
Innenotdar has burned for decades. Resources are
Additional Attack
At 11th level, your companion becomes more deadly
in combat. When it takes the Multiattack action or
attacks with one of its weapon attacks, it makes one
additional weapon attack listed in its stat block. If
your companion took the Multiattack action, the
additional attack must be one listed within the
Multiattack action’s text.
Coordinated Attack
At 15th level, you and your companion have learned
to fight as a cohesive unit, exposing enemies to the
other’s attacks. You have advantage on attack rolls
against creatures that your companion has attacked
since your last turn. Additionally, your companion
has advantage on attack rolls against creatures that
you have attacked since its last turn.
Many roguish individuals find that their actions that
might be misconstrued are best kept to the shadows,
As you gain strength in your travels, so too does Languages telepathy 60 ft. with its master
your shadow. At 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
12th, 16th, and 19th level, you increase one of your
shadow’s ability scores of your choice by 2, or you Amorphous. The shadow can move through a space as narrow as 1
can increase two of its ability scores of your choice inch wide without squeezing.
by 1. You can’t increase an ability score above 20 Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the shadow can take
using this feature. the Hide action as a bonus action.
Additionally, at 5th level, and again at 9th, 13, and Sunlight Weakness. While in sunlight, the shadow has disadvantage
17th level, your shadow also gains an additional Hit on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
Die. Each additional Hit Die increases its maximum
hit points by an amount equal to 5 + the shadow’s Actions
Constitution modifier. Your shadow cannot regain hit Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
points. target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.
You have advantage on that saving throw or on vision of one of these creatures and formed a pact
ability checks that use that skill proficiency. with it.
For example, Sincerity might choose the In the lands of War of the Burning Sky, these
Persuasion skill proficiency. Dauntless could choose primordial creatures are the Stormchaser Eagle (air),
Wisdom saving throws, and Zeal could work with the Worldshaper Worm (earth), the Flamebringer
either of those. Dragon (fire), and the Tidereaver Kraken (water).
Biomantic Alteration
Elemental Conduit At 2nd level, your experiments have yielded a
Starting at 10th level, when you deal damage with success. Choose a racial trait, creature trait, or a
your Primordial Cantrip, you may roll the damage feature from any character class or subclass. The
dice twice and use the larger result. benefit must be able to be explained with a physical
alteration to your body. Features that allow the
casting of spells or that require knowledge, such as
Elemental Emissary languages or proficiency in a tool, are not valid.
Starting at 14th level, the Primordial allows you to
Class and subclass features must be available to the
call upon an emissary of their power. You can cast
original class at a level less than or equal to your
conjure elemental once without using a spell slot to
wizard level. Creature traits must be available on a
summon an elemental of challenge rating 5 of a type
creature with a challenge rating less than or equal to
that matches your patron. You can’t do so again
your wizard level.
until you finish a long rest.
You gain additional features from successful
experiments at 6th level, 10th level, and 14th level.
Biomancy is not really a formal school of magic, but
you hope to change that one day. You are a student
of magic who believes that creatures can be so much
more than the parts with which they were born.
While some might harvest parts from other creatures,
you believe the right alchemical agents and spells
can yield similar or better results. This is a new field
that is not readily accepted yet, so you have taken to
experimenting on yourself to further your knowledge.
Partner With the Game Master. This arcane
tradition provides more freedom than is usually
available to build the mechanics of a character
around a concept, but it requires coordination with
your game master as much of it is open to
interpretation. Additionally, the experiments might
have physical alterations that some of the general
public could find disturbing. In this case, your game
master might give your character disadvantage on
Charisma checks.
The following alterations provide a starting place to This increases to two additional dice at 13th level
understand how the feature works, and the names of and three additional dice at 17th level.
many features should give you you an indication of
where they originally came from. You can choose a Cunning Action
feature here or work with your game master to You have increased your agility and ability to process
choose one listed elsewhere as this list is not a situation. You can take a bonus action on each of
exhaustive. your turns in combat to take the Dash, Disengage,
or Hide action.
Action Surge
You have learned how to create a surge of adrenaline Damage Resistance
and can push yourself beyond your normal limits for You have altered your body to have resistance to one
a moment. On your turn, you can take one type of damage. If you choose poison, you also have
additional action on top of your regular action and a advantage on saving throws against poison.
possible bonus action. You may take this feature more than once, gaining
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short resistance to an additional damage type each time.
or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at
17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but Darkvision
only once on the same turn. You have altered your eyes, giving you superior
vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in
Blindsense dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright
Prerequisite: 14th level light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
You have increased the tonal range and acuity of can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
your hearing. If you are able to hear, you are aware
of the location of any hidden or invisible creature Evasion
within 10 feet of you. Prerequisite: 10th level
You have altered your muscles to have a faster
Breath Weapon twitch response. You can dodge out of the way of
You have grown a gas gland in the back of your certain area effects, such as a blue dragon’s
throat. As an action, you can exhale destructive lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are
energy. Choose a damage type from the table below subjected to an effect that allows you to make a
for the gas gland. The damage type determines the Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you
exhalation’s area and type of saving throw. instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving
throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Breath Weapon Types
Damage Type Area Saving Throw Danger Sense
Acid 5 by 30 ft. line Dexterity You have grown an eye in the back of your head. You
Cold 15 ft. cone Constitution have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against
Fire 15 ft. cone Dexterity effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. To
Lightning 5 by 30 ft. line Constitution
gain this benefit, you can’t be blinded, deafened, or
When you use your breath weapon, each creature incapacitated.
in the area of the exhalation must make a saving
throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Fast Movement
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A Prerequisite: 6th level
creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half You have altered your muscles to move more quickly.
as much damage on a successful one. The damage Your speed increases by 10 feet while you aren’t
increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and wearing heavy armor.
5d6 at 16th level.
After you use your breath weapon, you can’t use it Indomitable
again until you complete a short or long rest. Prerequisite: 10th level
You have modified your body and mind to push
Brutal Critical through adverse situations. You can reroll a saving
Prerequisite: 10th level throw that you fail. If you do so, you must use the
You have modified your body to increase the new roll, and you can’t use this feature again until
efficiency of your weapon attacks. You can roll one you finish a long rest.
additional weapon damage die when determining the You can use this feature twice between long rests
extra damage for a critical hit with a melee weapon starting at 13th level and three times between long
attack. rests starting at 17th level.
Second-Story Work
Prerequisite: 6th level
You have altered your frame to increase your
aptitude at climbing. Climbing no longer costs you
extra movement. In addition, when you make a
running jump, the distance you cover increases by a
number of feet equal to your Dexterity modifier.
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Martial Melee Weapons
Bohemian earspoon 10 gp 2d4 piercing 9 lb. Reach, two-handed, special
Hand claw 5 gp 1d4 slashing 1 lb. Special
Two-bladed sword 10 gp 1d8 slashing 10 lb. Two-handed, thrown (range 20/60), special
extremely chilled. As it warms it turns gaseous, such as a contested Strength check, lifting or
forming wispy, black gas when released. As an pushing capacity, and wielding heavy weapons. The
action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, bracers can’t be used this way again until the next
shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack dawn.
against a creature or object, treating the shatterspell
as an improvised weapon. On a hit, make a d20 roll Potion Bracer
for each spell on the target. The DC equals 10 + the Wondrous item, uncommon
spell’s level (10 + 0 for cantrips). The spell ends if the This bracer functions like a highly specialized handy
d20 roll meets or exceeds the DC, though haversack, allowing you to store up to 10 potions or
shatterspell has no effect on permanent magical similarly-sized items in an extradimensional space.
effects or magic items. No matter how many items are stored in the bracer,
If a vial of shatterspell takes any cold damage, the you can retrieve the one you want as an action. You
contents turn liquid again for one minute and can be can only wear one potion bracer at a time; wearing a
ingested like a potion. A character who drinks the second causes both to cease functioning. Most potion
magical black fluid has advantage on saving throws bracers are worn on the user’s weapon arm so the
against magic for one minute. user doesn’t have to drop a weapon to get out a
Thunderstone. You throw this stone at a point up potion. If both hands are full, you can drink directly
to 20 feet away. When it strikes a hard surface or is from the potion bracer as an action, but creatures
struck hard, it creates a deafening bang. Any have advantage on attack rolls against you until the
creatures within a 10-foot radius must make a DC start of your next turn.
15 Constitution saving throw or be deafened for 1 If it is overloaded, or if a sharp object pierces it or
minute. Anyone concentrating within the area tears it, the bracer ruptures and is destroyed. If the
affected must also make a DC 15 Concentration bracer is destroyed, its contents are lost forever,
saving throw, with disadvantage if they have been although an artifact always turns up again
deafened. Deafened creatures may repeat the saving somewhere. If the bracer is turned inside out, its
throw at the end of each of their turns, removing the contents spill forth, unharmed, and the bracer must
deafened condition on a successful save. be put right before it can be used again.
Tindertwig. The alchemical substance on the end While it is not being worn, placing the bracer
of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck inside an extradimensional space created by a bag of
against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a holding, portable hole, or similar item instantly
tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral
a tinderbox. Using it to light a torch—or anything Plane. The gate originates where the one item was
else with abundant, exposed fuel—takes a bonus placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet
action. Lighting any other fire takes 30 seconds. The of the gate is sucked through it and deposited in a
alchemical substance is consumed on ignition, and random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then
the entire twig is consumed after burning for 1 closes. The gate is one-way only and can’t be
minute. reopened.
Adventuring Gear
Item Cost Weight
Dragonbomb 300 gp 20 lb.
Gaming set
Conquest set 2 gp 5 lb.
Shatterspell (vial) 100 gp 1/10 lb.
Thunderstone 50 gp 1 lb.
Tindertwig 1 gp —
You may come across the following magic items in
your travels.
Hurling Bracers
Wondrous item, rare
These items can be activated as a bonus action or as
a reaction. For one round, you are considered to be
one size class larger for the purposes of Strength
level or lower that the creature is casting or on spell and release it using your reaction immediately
which it is concentrating ends. If the spell is of 3rd before the start of your next turn. You become aware
level or higher, make an ability check using your of every visible creature within range of the spell but
spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s are not aware of their exact location. You can target
level. On a success, the creature’s spell fails and has creatures that have total cover or total concealment
no effect. with respect to you, as long as the darts can travel
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a around any such concealment to their targets along
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the spells that the a 60-foot path.
creature is casting or on which it is concentrating For example, you could target a creature inside a
automatically end if the spell’s level is less than or room even if there was a wall between you, as long
equal to the level of the spell slot you used. as a door or window was open. Likewise, you could
target a creature hiding behind a fog cloud, as long
Duelist’s Etiquette as there was a clear route around the fog. However,
2nd-level abjuration (ritual) you could not target a creature totally concealed
Casting Time: 1 minute within the fog cloud.
Range: Touch At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Components: V,S,M (a pair of padded sticks) spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one
Duration: 1 hour more dart for each slot level above 1st.
You touch the ground, and a 30-foot radius of the
spell’s area is traced with a faintly glowing line of Gabal’s Viral Flame
energy. The spell creates a subtle defensive barrier 6th-level evocation
against magical attacks, causing all damage from
spells and summoned creatures that originate in the Casting Time: 1 action
area of effect to become nonlethal. A creature Range: 120 feet
brought to 0 hit points from nonlethal spell damage Components: V,S
is unconscious and stable. Duration: Instantaneous
Whenever a creature enters the warded area or is A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a
present when the spell is cast, it must consciously point you choose within range and then blossoms
choose to accept this restriction, or else the spell with a low roar into an explosion of hungry flames in
ends. If at any time a creature inside the area no a 20-foot-radius. The fire spreads around corners. It
longer wishes to abide by the wards, they can spend ignites flammable objects in the area that aren’t
an action to end the spell. being worn or carried.
This spell is primarily used to ensure that spell The flames consume magical protections. Any
duels are not fatal, without forcing mages to hold abjuration spell of 3rd level or lower in the area ends
back their strongest powers. as the spell is consumed. For each abjuration spell
of 4th level or higher on the target, make an ability
Gabal’s Superior Missile check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals
1st-level evocation 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the
Casting Time: Special spell ends as it is consumed. An abjuration spell
Range: 60 feet that affects multiple targets in the area can only be
Components: V,S consumed once. Each consumed spell adds 1d6 fire
Duration: Instantaneous damage to the flames.
The archmage Gabal proudly states that this spell is If someone attempts to interrupt the spell with
superior to the old standby magic missile in urban counterspell, the flames attempt to consume it as
settings. Though its range is shorter, it can be cast well. Make a spellcasting ability check contested by
even without line of sight to its targets. the other spellcaster’s spellcasting ability. If you win
You create three glowing darts of magical force. A the contest, the counterspell is consumed without
dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The interrupting this spell.
darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct Each creature in the area of the flames must make
them to hit one creature or several. This spell has a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 4d6 fire
two modes. damage plus 1d6 fire damage for each consumed
The first mode has a casting time of one action. spell on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can successful one.
see within range. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
In the second mode you take the Ready action to spell slot of 7th level or higher, the base damage
cast the spell as normal but then concentrate on the increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 6th.
Like Lightning feet of you hits you with a melee attack, the shield
5th-level conjuration erupts with lightning. The attacker takes 2d8
Casting Time: 1 action lightning damage.
Range: 100 feet
Components: V,S,M (a bit of fur and a rod of amber, Telekinetic Thrust
crystal, or glass) 4th-level transmutation
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 action
Choose a point you can see within range. You Range: 60 feet
transform your body into a 5-foot-wide stroke of Components: V,S
lightning from your current position to that point Duration: Instantaneous
and transform back into your original form at the You gain the ability to shove a creature or object by
destination. Each creature in the line must make a thought. When you cast the spell, you can exert your
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d6 will on one creature or object that you can see within
lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much range causing the appropriate affect below.
damage on a successful one. A creature or object you successfully move travels
The lightning ignites flammable objects in its path 30 feet directly away from you. If it hits a solid object
that aren’t being worn or carried. such as a wall, it takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a every 10 feet of movement or portion thereof. If it
spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases would hit another creature or object the damage is
by 1d6 for each slot level above 5th. split between the shoved creature or object and the
hit creature or object. A creature in the path of the
Stand the Heat shoved creature or object must succeed on a
1st-level abjuration Dexterity saving throw, avoiding the shoved creature
Casting Time: 1 action or object on a success or being hit by the missile and
Range: Touch knocked prone.
Components: V,S,M (ten gold coins which have sat Creature. You can try to move a Large or smaller
in a fire for at least one hour) creature. Make an ability check with your
Duration: 24 hours spellcasting ability contested by the creature’s
Strength check. If you win the contest, you move the
You touch a willing creature, and the creature and creature up to 30 feet directly away from you and it
all equipment it carries suffer no harm from being in is knocked prone.
extreme heat. It can exist comfortably in Object. You can try to move an object that weights
temperatures as high as 500 degrees Fahrenheit. up to 500 pounds. If the object isn’t being worn or
This protection is sufficient to endure the oven-like carried, you automatically move it up to 30 feet
heat of a forest fire, though neither the creature nor directly away from you.
its equipment is protected against fire damage. If the object is worn or carried by a creature, you
If the affected creature catches fire, it can put the must make an ability check with your spellcasting
flames out with a bonus action. ability contested by that creature’s Strength check. If
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a you succeed, you pull the object away from that
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect one creature and move it 30 feet directly away from you.
additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
creatures must be touching you or another of the a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can affect one
affected creatures. additional creature or object for each slot level above
4th. The creatures or objects must all be within 10
Storm Shield feet of each other.
4th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V,S,M (a bit of fur and a rod of amber,
crystal, or glass)
Duration: 10 minutes
Thin crackles of lightning wreathe your body for the
duration, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius
and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can end
the spell early by using an action to dismiss it.
The lightning grants you resistance to lightning
damage. In addition, whenever a creature within 5
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