Group One Project

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Wollo university kombolcha institute of technology

(wu kiot)
Department of mechanical engineering
Stream of design


Submission date: 09/08/201

Submitted to: Mr. yigezu b.

Kombolcha (ethiopia)

Prepared by group 1

Group members id no

 Hailu gitet ……………………………………wour/0836/08

 Seblework wudineh……………………..wour/1401/08

 Wodineh mebrate…………………………wour/1659/08

 Hailegewergis g/medhin……………...wour/0828/08

 Hafte bashey………………………………. wour/0812/08


The project study has been carried out and accomplished with the frame work of the
assessment and reduction of some misbehaved or misunderstanding about the pressure vessel
visualization. First all we would like to thanks our god who gives this chance to finish this
project from beginning to end. Secondly, we would like to give great thanks to our talented and
courageous instructor yigezu. b for his guiding this project at every stage with politely. And also
due to his willingness to give lectures for this design project accurately. Thirdly, we would like
to thanks all our group students for their contribution in all the preparation of this project, and
our friends those help us by giving their computer, and we have great thanks for mechanical
engineering department. Another thanks also for the librarians in supporting of finding the
appropriate books that deals about our project.


Pressure vessel is the most important and mainly occurs in the world of different containers and a
vertical pressure vessel component full designed to contain medium of air with design pressure
of 1.6mpa and with lateral leg support. According to qualitative studying, mechanical
specifications such as dimensions, pressure, weight, stress, and other dimensions’ foundation
must be determined. In our design of pressure vessel, we must first select the proper material for
each component of pressure vessel such as head, shell, support & nozzle. After we select the
material the analysis will be done and the stress set up in the body of the vessel will be
determined in addition to that we then compared to the allowable values of the selected material.
This project done through each detailed components of pressure vessel and it incorporates a
detailed design procedure of pressure vessel.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................5

1.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................ 5

1.2 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF PRESSURE VESSEL.......................................................................................... 5

1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT.................................................................................................................................. 6

1.4. OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4.1 General objectives.............................................................................................................................................6
1.4.2 Specific objectives.............................................................................................................................................6

1.5 METHDOLOGY............................................................................................................................................... 7

1.6. SIGNIFICANCE OF PRESSURE VESSEL............................................................................................................. 7

CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................8

2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW:.................................................................................................................................... 8

2.2. CLASSIFICATIONS OF PRESSRE VESSEL........................................................................................................... 8

2.2.1. According to the dimensions...........................................................................................................................9
2.2.2. According to the end construction..................................................................................................................9
2.2.3. According to head type....................................................................................................................................9

2.3 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS OF PRESSURE VESSEL.......................................................................................... 10

2.3.1 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS..............................................................................................................................10

2.4 ADVANTAGES OF PRESSURE VESSEL............................................................................................................. 11

2.5 DISADVANTAGES OF PRESSURE VESSEL........................................................................................................ 11

2.6 COMPONENTS OF PRESSURE VESSEL............................................................................................................ 11

2.6.1 SHELL...............................................................................................................................................................11
2.6.2 HEAD...............................................................................................................................................................11
2.6.3 NOZZLE............................................................................................................................................................12
2.6.4 SUPPORT.........................................................................................................................................................12

2.7 EXPECTED SOLUTIONS................................................................................................................................. 12

CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................13

3.1 ANALYSIS OF PRESSURE VESSEL................................................................................................................... 13

3.1.1 GEOMETERIC ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................................13
3.1.2 STRESS ANALYSIS............................................................................................................................................14

3.2 DESIGN EMBEDMENT.................................................................................................................................. 15

3.2.1 DESIGN OF SHELL............................................................................................................................................15
3.2.2 HEAD DESIGN..................................................................................................................................................19
3.2.3 DESIGN OF PIPES (2 LONGITUDINALAND 1 LATERAL).....................................................................................20
3.2.4 DESIGN OF MANHOLE.....................................................................................................................................22
3.2.5 DESIGN OF BOTTOM DISCCHARGE.................................................................................................................23
3.2.6 DESIGN OF NOZZLE.........................................................................................................................................24
WEIGHT OF INTERNAL FLUID...................................................................................................................................25
DESIGN OF LATERAL SUPPORT.................................................................................................................................26

A pressure vessel is a closed container design to hold gases or liquid at a pressure substantially
different from the ambient pressure. The differential is dangerous and fatal accidents have
occurred in the history of their development and their operations. Consequently, their Design,
manufacturing and operations are regulated by engineering authorities backed up by laws. The
parameters such as maximum safe operation pressure and temperature. In this project presents
the mechanical design and dimensioning of a pressure vessel which Used for any application.
The main topic considered is the design of pressure vessels. Developing Material selection and
specifying the basic design information for a particular vessel, and to have a general appreciation
of pressure vessel design to work effectively. Pressure vessel is one of the static equipment
which is commonly used in oil and gas, or petro Chemical industry in producing fuel oil and
other organic products. It is also important for other Industries like food and medical products

processing, aerospace and aircraft fuel tank and other potential application. Pressure vessels are
used in variety of application in both Industries and the private sector. Because of the internal
loading, stress is including on certain section of cylinder wall. The geometry of such simple shell
is specified by the form of the mid wall surface, usually two Radius of curvature and the wall
thickness at every point. The shell thickness is design to keep the Maximum stress below the
yield strength of the material. The shell components are joined Together mostly by welding and
riveting; sometimes they are bolted together using Flanges. Commonly used industrial
application consists basically of a few closed shell of simple; Spherical or cylindrical with
hemispherical, conical, ellipsoidal, or flat ends. The majority of Pressure vessels are cylindrical.


Easier pressure vessel is developed by Leonardo davench in1495.
it is discovering a container of pressurized air were theorized to left
heavy weights under water, up to 1800 pressure vessel is not
discover by nobody. In 1800 is discovered the boiler by helping to spore the industrial
revolution. But in this design have many
problem for example poor material quality and manufacturing
techniques along with proper knowledge of design, operation, and
maintenance by those cause it consequents large number of
damage and total explosive b/c of this around up to 1900 the
discoveries of pressure vessel are almost reduce the failure
of pressure vessel some rules must to 1911 and released
in 1914.approve ASME boiler and pressure vessel cod
(BPVC). according to by this rule to manufacture 69Mpa pressures
150 diameter of tank developing 1919 and it was specially wound
with to layer of high tensile strength steel wire to prevent side wall
ruptured and the end of caps longitudinal rain forced with length


As we know air is a combination of gases that is found in the earth. Because of this currently air
is captured in a pressure vessel in some big industries, hospitals in order to facilitate all the
activities of the sector safely. For example, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen is captured in pressure
vessel. Nowadays Presser vessel is used in higher industries level to store and transmit of high
pressurized fluid from one location to another, because of this in designing of pressure vessel is
required highly care to avoid failures of pressure vessel. the most common problem associated
with pressure vessel rupture or shrinkage of it. This failure occurs because of different factor,

example internal and external pressure, thickness of the pressure vessel is some of the cause all
are occur by poor material properties most present of failures avoid by proper selection of

1.4.1 General objectives
 Gain knowledge of proper material selection for pressure vessels application and also
gain knowledge of welding code standard.
 To provide the basic and the major concepts of pressure vessel design and understanding
of pressure vessels.
 To be competent engineers in design, cost estimation, and project management for
various type of pressure vessels.
 To build up our self to design pressure vessels and able to calculate, analytic stress and
strength in pressure vessel

1.4.2 Specific objectives

 So as to design the longitudinal & lateral vents (holes that are used to discharge gasses)
of the vessel. To design, develop, and build as perfectly cylindrical pressure vessel with
vertical orientation.
 To extreme pressure equally distributed on the wall surface of cylindrical pressure
 In order to design a stable lateral legs that supports the vertical pressure vessel.
 In order to design the pressure vessel that is easy to handle.

 The methodology is the design consideration of the parts that must be
encountered to be considered. This procedure or general guide line seems like
step, but it varies or includes mostly basic considerations, which are used to solve
problems. In this design of pressure vessel, we try to consider the following
considerations for different parts.

 Design of shell

 Design of head

 Design of vessel support

 Design of nozzles or discharges

To do this project use analytical method to design each component of presser vessel. analytical

method consists geometrical analysis, stress analysis and capacity of presser vessel.

Stress analysis: -to calculate the hoop and longitudinal stress occur in the inside presser vessel
and how much stress with stand each component.

Geometric analysis: - to analysis the thickness, diameter and length of each component.

 The jointed method when use to join each part to another

 The drawing elliptical head presser vessel.


Pressure vessels have a great significant role in many engineering applications start from
small application to large application of to transmit pressurized fluid.

 Pressure vessel used in garage

 High pressure chemical reactors

 High pressure mixers Super critical extraction system

 The special application of pressure vessel EPSI known as “HOT ISO STATIC PRESS”.
In a chamber (HIPIC) is isolates the lode material in an isolated chamber eliminated
potential leakage in to the HIP system.

 We use in steam boiler

 used in engine cylinder

 used in petroleum products (petrol, diesel etc….)


All vessels, pipe lines & the like for carrying, storing or receiving steam, gases or liquids at
pressures above the atmospheric pressure are termed as pressure vessels. For designing certain
pressure vessel and related equipment preliminary design may still have governed by heat
transfer and fluid flow requirements. It will be assumed intricately relate the designer still has to
consider how the desired configuration of the vessels are to be designed from a structural stand
point and these designs will perform their intended service. Presser vessel is a closed container

design to hold gases or liquid at pressure substachtually different from atmospheric pressure. The
cylindrical vessel used as used to store fluid in various industries. The fluid may at elevated
temperature and pressurized state. The main application of presser vessel is in nuclear reactor.
The design of presser vessel is occurring by different code. ASME is one and the traditional code
of presser vessel. The design of pressure vessel occur by two ways as follows:

 Design by rule
 Design by analysis

Design by rule-by using the known rule calculated based shell thickness, thermos mechanical
stress and keeping stress below the allowable stress
Design by analysis-by calculating each component of geometry stress etc.


The pressure vessels may be classified as follows:
2.2.1. According to the dimensions. The pressure vessels, according to their dimensions,
may be classified as thin shell or thick shell. If the wall thickness of the shell (t) is less than 1/10
of the diameter of the shell (d), then it is called a thin shell. On the other hand, if the wall
thickness of the shell is greater than 1/10 of the
diameter of the shell, then it is said to be a thick shell. Thin shells are used in boilers, tanks and
pipes, whereas thick shells are used in high pressure cylinders, tanks, gun barrels etc.
Note: Another criterion to classify the pressure vessels as thin shell or thick shell is the internal
fluid pressure (p) and the allowable stress (σt). If the internal fluid pressure (p) is less than 1/6
ofthe allowable stress, then it is called a thin shell. On the other hand, if the internal fluid
pressure is greater than 1/6 of the allowable stress, then it is said to be a thick shell.

2.2.2. According to the end construction.

The pressure vessels, according to the end construction, may be classified as open end or closed
end. A simple cylinder with a piston, such as cylinder of a press is an example of an open end
vessel, whereas a tank is an example of a closed end vessel. In case of vessels having open ends,
the circumferential or hoop stresses are induced by the fluid pressure, whereas in case of closed
ends, longitudinal stresses in addition to circumferential stresses are induced.

2.2.3. According to head type
 Sphere and hemispherical end - the end of the pressure vessel is sphere or lime

 Ellipsoidal head -the end of the pressure vessel is ellipse shape

 Conical head - the end of pressure vessel is conical shape.

 Tori spherical head- the end of the pressure vessel have to spherical head.

Fig 1 Vertical pressure vessel with its vents [1]


In small cylinders, strength, wear and corrosion resistance are probably the most important
considerations. In large cylinders’ distortion caused by their own weight may be serious, hence
rigidity is a vital requirement. For pressure vessels carrying corrosive substances, corrosion,
erosion and protection becomes the most important. In the design of a vessel the following
loadings may be considered:

 Design pressure including static head.

 The weight of the vessel & normal contents or weight of the vessel & maximum
content of air specified for the pressure test.
 wind loading in combination with other loadings.


 fluctuating pressure & temperature

 shock loads due to air hummer or surging of vessel contents.

 Forces due to temperature differences, including the effects of differential expansion.

 forces caused by the method of supporting the vessel during transit.

 Local stresses due to supporting lugs, ring, girders, saddles, internal structures or
connecting piping.


 It is holding the largest volume per unit surface area of the container
 It is easier to fabricate
 They are probably cheaper to construct
 They pack more efficiency into circular
 Lower production costs compared to other tanks


 Thermal expansion can be an issue
 Cleaning is time consuming
 Only suitable for small sizes


the main components of pressure vessel are the following;

2.6.1 SHELL
shell is the primary component that contains the main pressure. Pressure vessel shell is welded
with the head to form a structure that has a common rotational axis. Most pressure vessel shells
are cylindrical, spherical& conical in shape. There are two cases of shell. thick & thin shells. A
shell is called thin if the maximum value of the ratio t/D (where D is the radius of curvature of
the middle surfaces can be neglected in comparison with unity.)

2.6.2 HEAD
All pressure vessel shells must be closed at the ends by heads (another shell section). Heads
typically curved rather than flat curved configuration are stronger & allow the heads to be
thinner, lighter & less expensive than flat heads. Head can also be used inside a vessel. Heads are
usually categorized by their shapes.

 ellipsoidal

 hemispherical

 conical

 tori conical and flat are the common types of head.

2.6.3 NOZZLE
A nozzle is a cylindrical component that penetrates the shell of heads of a pressure vessel. the
nozzle ends are usually flanged to allow for the necessary connections to permit easy
disassembly for maintenance or access. Nozzles are used for the following applications;

 Attach piping for flows in to or out of the vessel;

 Attach instrument connections. e.g. level gauges’ thermos or pressure gauges;
 Provide access to the vessel interior manually;
Nuzzles are also some times extended in to the vessel interior for some applications such as for
inlet flows distribution or to permit the entry thermos walls.

support is a component that used on primarily the and orientation of pressure vessel. In
all cases, the pressure vessel support must be adequate for the applied weight, winds and earth
quick loads, calculated base loads are used to design of anchorage and foundation for the
pressure vessels.
Typical kinds of supports are as follows;
Skirt: -is used to support tall cylindrical pressure vessels by welded either to the lower portion of
the vessel shell or to the bottom heads for cylindrical vessels.
Lateral Leg: -Small vertical drums are typically supported on legs that are welded to the lower
portion of the shell.

Saddle: -Horizontal drums are typically supported at two locations by saddle supports. A saddle
support spreads the weight load over a large area of the shell. One saddle support is normally
fixed or anchored to its foundation. The other support is normally free to permit unrestrained
longitudinal thermal expansion of the drum.
Lug: -Lugs that are welded to the pressure vessels may also be used to support vertical pressure
vessels. The use of lug is to provide for direct attachment as skirt and leg support.


design for cyclic loading or repeating loadings is accomplished by the following solutions;
 Identifying of design details which introduces stress concentrations & therefore potential
sites for fatigue failure.
 Identifying cyclic or repeated stress experienced during service.
 using appropriate calculation to deduce design life failure relevant to pressure vessel
design are stress dependent load & therefore it is necessary to ensure the adequate of the
stress distribution & check against different types of postulated failure modes.
 The proposed design should finally have iterated until the most economical & reliable
product is obtained.
 It is important not only to determine the value of stress but also to interpret its meaning or
significance. Here we should take the following points.
 the ductile & plastic properties of the material for example are the properties such that
internal yielding or readjustment of strain can reduce the effect of steel stress
 the type & the nature of the applied loading & the resulting stress distribution or pattern
within the member for instance the applied loading.

First of all, we can calculate the pressure's geometry. That means the overall dimension of
presser vessel meaning diameter, area, length and thickness. But diameter and length can be
calculated now, but thickness can be calculated after stress analysis.

Material selection is the process of preferring the suitable or the most significant material for the
purpose of designing the project safely. From the international materials for designing our
pressure vessel that can holds air medium that we prefer is stainless steel 18cr/8Ni unestablished
grade 304. We choose this material by the following criteria; -
it is 100% replaceable
it has long life cycle
it is corrosion resistance
low maintenance etc..... STRESS ON THE PRESSURE VESSEL

In design of pressure vessel care full knowledge of stress existing in the members is crucial.
Otherwise the pressure vessel may fail due to unconsidered design condition and other off design
operation, the following are some direction of stress or relate to the application of the load


A shrinkage allowance is supplemental metal thickness that is added to the minimum thickness
that is required to resist the applied loads. The shrinkage resistance of stainlesssteel could be
increased by the addition of alloying elements such as chromium, molybdenum, or nickel.
Stainless steel shall always have surface protection to the external environment. Additional
shrinkage allowance or other means of protection are required for installation in the splash zone.
 temperature affects shrinkage rate and mechanical properties.
 pressure
 PH
 heat transfer rates differential temp WELDED JOINT EFFICIENCY

The selection the type of joint depends up on the service, the thickness of the metal fabrication
procedure and code requirements. Many different forms of welded joint are needed in the
construction of pressure vessel. The design of a welded joint should satisfy the following basic
1, give good accessibility for welding and inspection.

2, require the minimum amount of weld metal.

3, give good penetration of the welded metal; from both sides of the joint.


When we design the shell we must first design the following parameters: -

Diameter and height of the shell

Appropriate wall thickness with corrosion allowance
Length or height
Stress checking

First we can determine the diameter and height of the shell from the given volume. In order to
determine the total volume, we have to consider the two hemispherical head and cylindrical

We know the volume of the pressure vessel is 1 m3. This is total volume which is the sum of the
shell (cylindrical shape) and the head (hemispherical head) of the pressure vessel. According to
process equipment design, Brunel and Young suggest that the ratio of L/D can be determined by
according to their pressure value. The pressure that was given for operating pressure is 1.6 Mpa.
The ratio of length to diameter ratio is given below:


Psi Mpa
3 0 – 250 0.000 – 1.724

4 250 – 500 1.724 – 3.448

5 >500 > 3.448

Table 1: ratio for different pressure values

 Operating pressure is a pressure which required for the process.
 Design pressure is the pressure used in the design of a pressure vessel.
It recommended designing a pressure vessel and its parts for a higher pressure than the operating

Where vs = volume of shell;

vh= volume of head

Where D= internal diameter of the shell; L = length of the shell

Therefore, the ratio of L/D=3 and L=3D, because the deign pressure is between 0.000 –
D=internal diameter of the shell (D=2*R)
R=internal radius of the shell
Do= Outer diameter 0f the shell
Ro= Outer Radius of the shell

L=length of the shell
L/D=3 and L=3D
VT=2Vh+Vsh= for hemispherical head = L=3D=6Ri
2 3
Vh = π R ………………………………………………………………. VOLUME FORONE HEMISPHERICL HEAD
4 3
Vh= π Ri ………………………………. VOLUME OF SPHERE for both heads
Vs=πRi2L=πRi2*6Ri= 6 π Ri 3……………………………..VOLUME OF CYLINDER

Vs=6 π Ri 3
And the sum of the volume is 1 m3
4 3
VT= 2Vh+Vs =6 π Ri 3 + π Ri = 1m3

4 1
1m3= π Ri 3(6+ )= Ri= 3
3 √
π (6 +4 /3)

Then D=2Ri=2×0.3514m=0.70288m=702.88mm Say705 mm……………ANS

L=3D= 3*705mm=2115mm≈2m………………………………………. ANS
But the outer diameter of the shell is: Do=D+2t DESIGN OF SHELL THICKNES
The design thickness is the minimum required thickness plus an allowance for shrinkage. Now,
we can calculate the thickness of the plate by considering the welding efficiency and allowable

We use double butt joint with weld efficiency E=1

From ASME standard formula of thickness for cylindrical shell is calculated for circumferential
and longitudinal cases and larger is taken as follows;

t= …………………. for longitudinal
2 ES+ 0.4 Pi

Thickness, t Thickness, Pressure, P

Part Internal Outer Internal Outer Stress, σ
diameter diameter diameter diameter Formula

Shell PRo SEt PRm
PRi SEt σh=
For SE+ 0.4 P Ro−0.4 t t
SE−0.6 P Ri +0.6 t
Shell for PRi PRo 2 SEt PRm
2 SEt σl=
longitudinal 2 SE+0.4 P 2 SE+1.4 P Ro−1.4 t 0.2t
Ri−0.4 t
Head PRi PRo
2 SE−0.2 P 2 SE+0.8 P 2 SEt 2 SEt PRm
Ri +0.2 t Ro−0.8 t σl=σh=
t= …………………….for circumferential
SE−0.6 Pi
Pi= internal pressure= 1.6Mpa
S= allowable stress for selected material= 110Mpa
E= welding efficiency=1
R= radius of the shell = 351.4mm
D=inner diameter=705mm
1 .6∗351 . 4
Then t=
110∗1+ 0 .6∗1 . 6
t= 5.067mm≈ 5 mm….for longitudinal
1 . 6∗351 . 4
Then also t=
110∗1−0 . 6∗1. 6

t=5.156mm≅5mm ………….. for circumferential

so we take one the thickness, t=5mm
Then corrosion allowance for steel pipes of compressed air is 1.0mm

t shell = 5mm+1.0mm= 6mm ……. thickness of shell

from the thickness diameter ratio, we have
t 1
if > … is called thick cylinder
D 10
t 1
if < …… is called thin cylinder
D 10
t 6
there fore = =0.0085< 0.1, because of this the shell is thin.
D 705
Itis true, so we can conclude that, the pressure vessel is thin shell pressure vessel
 From thin shell cylinder theory of stress condition.

PiD 1.6∗705
σ h= = =58.75Mpa≈ 59 Mpa
2t 2 (6)
Hoop stress = 59Mpa
σ h=2 σL
σ h 59
σL= = =29.5 Mpa ≈ 30 Mpa
2 2

Longitudinal stress= 30Mpa

To check it; -
 Since both longitudinal and hoop stress are less than the allowable stress s=110Mpa of
the material for the shell. So that our shell design is safe for such cases.
 Design of weight of shell
WS =mass of shell × gravity
W S=m × g

Mass of shell = volume of shell * density of shell

m=v × ρ
Vshell= (D02 -Di2)*L
Vshell= (7172 -7052)*2000=0.03m3

m shell=0.03 m 3 × 7750 Kg /m3

m=232.5 Kg
W SHELL=232.5 Kg ×10
Wshell=2325 N =2.325kN


In these section the main design parameters are the following
 Thickness of the head
 Stress checking at different point
 Design pressure determination

thead = 2 SE+0.8 Pi ………… for hemispherical head

t head= 2 ( 110∗1 ) +0.8 (1.6) =2.6mm

where Pi= internal pressure

Ro= outer radius of pressure vessel = D0/2=717/2=358.5mm
S= allowable stress
E= welding efficiency
Do = outer diameter = D+2t = 705 + 2(6) =717mm
thead = 2.6mm ……………………. ANS

now we have to determine the maximum pressure that the hemispherical head can carry and we
use their pressure in other component. The outer pressure must become;
Po = 1.6Mpa.
Now we will check pressure;
 Next we will check the longitudinal and circumferential stress at different position. With the
allowable stress of the material for failure of the head due to the internal stress.
 At the center of the head
2 SEt 2× 110 ×1 ×2.6
Po= = =1.5986≅ 1.6Mpa=Pi
Ro−0.8 t 358.5−0.8 ×2.6
Then when our pressure is equal I.e. Pi=Po= 1.6Mpa, our design is safe.

PRm Ri + Ro 351.4+358.5
σl=σh= , but Rm = = =354.95 mm=355 mm
2t 2 2
Where Rm= mean radius
1.6 ( 355 )
σh=σl= =109Mpa
so, it is less than allowable stress, then it is safe at the center due to tangential load.
σl=σh = 109Mpa <110MPa
 but, when we check for all values of σl= σhnot more than the material allowable
stress; therefore, our design is safe.
Weight of hemi-spherical head
Wh=mass of head*gravity
Take g=10m/s2
W h =m h × g

mh=v h × ρ


m h= ×(Ro3 −Ri3 )× ρ
4π Kg
m h= ×( ( 0.3585 m )3− ( 0.3514 m )3) ×7750 3
3 m
m h=87 Kg

Therefore W h =87 Kg× 10
W h =870 N

3.2.3 DESIGN OF PIPES (2 LONGITUDINALAND 1 LATERAL) Material selection for pipe
The material that we select for designing of pipe is stainless steel 18%cr/8%Ni with grade of
304. The reason that we prefer this material from other material is;
 It has high resistance to shock loads which may be created due to pressurized air
 Best material for machinability i.e. easily welded, operated etc.
 Based on its behavior its cost also the most preferable from other grades
 The raw materials can easily get
 High resistance to shrinkage
The design of a pipe involves the determination of inside diameter of the pipe and its wall
thickness as discussed below: Inside diameter of the pipe.
The inside diameter of the pipe depends upon the quantity of fluid to be delivered.
Let D = Inside diameter of the pipe,
v = Velocity of fluid flowing per minute, and
assume length
Q = Quantity of fluid carried per minute.

We know that the quantity of fluid flowing per minute,

ρair =1.2 kg/m3 where t= time taken in minute
M=ρV t, M=1.2*1( 3
∗m3¿ ¿ = 1.2kg a=velocity/time , L/t2
ml πD 2 3.14∗0.082∗1.6∗1000000
F= ma = , but F=Pi∗A= *1.6= =8042.5N
t2 4 4
t 2= =0.017 minute

2 m πD2 m3
=116 then Q = A*v = ∗116=0.58
0.017 minute 4 minute Wall thickness of the pipe.
After deciding upon the inside diameter of the pipe, the thickness of the wall (t) in order to
withstand the internal fluid pressure (p) may be obtained by using thin cylindrical or thick
cylindrical formula. The thin cylindrical formula may be applied when
(a) the stress across the section of the pipe is uniform,
(b) the internal diameter of the pipe (D) is more
than twenty times its wall thickness (t), i.e.
D/t > 20, and
(c) the allowable stress (σt) is more than six
times the pressure inside the pipe (p),
i.e. σt /p > 6.

Figure metal pipe refers
machine design text book page (265)

PD PD 1.6× 80
σ t= , t= , t= = 5.8mm≈ 6 mm
2t 2 σt 2 ×110
Do = Di+2t= 2(6)+80=92mm


Manhole is an open area that the person can enters through it for the purpose of working in the
interior part of the vessel. Why because when the vessel needs operation the man easily enters
and he also do his practical work that the vessel needs. It is the assumption hole that designed by
considering the man’s size.
Components of manhole to be designed;
 Thickness
 Hoop stress
 Nominal diameter
Where Tmh = thickness of manhole
Rm = radius of manhole

Dm =diameter of manhole Pd=design pressure

Allowable stress, S
Joint efficiency, E = 1 Tmh=
2 SE−1.6 Pd
PD 1.6∗Dm
σh = , but Tmh = =¿0.0074Dm
2Tm 2(110∗1)−1.6(1.6)

σh= =108.7 Mpa< 110Mpa which is safe. Then we assume the diameter of the
2∗0.0074 Dm
manhole is 450mm=45cm, Tm=0.0074Dm = 0.00747*450 = 3.3mm
A=π Dm*Tm = π∗450∗3.3=4665mm 2 ≈ 0.005 m 2


Pipe loads are the net forces and moments exerted on equipment.
Design pressure, P=1.6MPa
nominal diameter of pipe, D=40mm
joint efficiency, E=1
thickness of bottom discharge, tb=unknown
nominal radius bottom discharge, Rb= 20mm
PR 1.6(20)
tb = +c= +c=0.3mm
2 SE−0.8 P 2 ( 110∗1 )−0.8(1.6)
tb= 0.3mm, though our thickness of nozzle is0.3mm, we must be adding some constant ‘c’ used
as shrinkage resistance. Let c= 3mm
tb= 0.3mm add 3mm of shrinkage resistance
tb = 3mm+0.3mm =3.3mm
therefore, the outside diameter of bottom discharge pipe is given;
Do=D+2tb = 40mm+2(3.3) mm=46.6mm
then find mass of the bottom discharge air by taking the length of bottom discharge pipe
assumption Let the length of pipe is 60mm
mb= v× ρ where mb =mass of bottom discharge
mb= (A× L ¿ ρair

D2 −5
mb= π × 60× 1.2=9 ×10 kg
according specification, the discharge pipe is attached on the bottom of vertical pressure vessel,
the pipe attached on the shell of cylinder thickness of
Z –section modulus

Z= × L× tb2 = 0.1667×60 ×3.3= 33mm3
Where Wb = force exerted on the discharge
Mb = bending moment

πD2 π × 402
Wb=Pi× A = 1.6× =1.6× =2010 N
4 4
WL 2010 × 60
Mb = = =30,150 Nmm
4 4
let as calculate the extension δof nozzle inside the vessel: -
The hoop stress induced in the pipe: -
PD 1.6× 40
σh= = =10 Mpa which is less than σt =110 Mpa.
2tb 2(3.3)

Therefore, the result implies the design is safe


In this section the main design parameters are: -
Finding required thickness of nozzle
Finding the required area
Nozzle design for 80mm nominal diameter (Dn) opening pipes on the head (two longitudinal
pipes), We select 10 % for more safety purpose or from the standard design of pressure vessel.
Because our nozzle or pipe may be affected by shrinkage. Pd= Pi+ 10%Pi = 1.6+0.1(1.6)
Where Dn = nominal diameter of nozzle
tn =nozzle thickness
Pd = design pressure
Rn = nozzle radius
PdDn 1,76 Mpa × 80 mm
σh= = =12Mpa ……… its less than design stress so our design is safe
2tp 2× 6 mm
then, the required thickness will be
PRn 1 . 76 Mpa × 40 mm
tn= +¿constant= +3 mm = 3.65mm≈ 4 mm
SE−0 . 8 P 110 Mpa ×1−0 .8 × 1. 76 Mpa

Required Area of the nozzle(An)
An=πDn×tn=π ¿80mm×4mm)=1005mm2 =0.001m2 DESIGN OF WEIGHT OF NOZZLE
Wn = weight of nozzle
mn =mass of nozzle
g= gravity = take 10 m/
ρ stainless steel grade 304=8000
Wn=mass of nozzle*gravi
W n =m n × g

m n=v × ρ, V=A*L= π (R2 ) L × ρ ,but R2 =Rno2−R ¿2

mn=π ( Rno2−R ¿2 ) L× ρ Dno=2tn + Dni =2×4mm +80 =88mm =0.088m

Where Dno=outer nominal diameter

Dni=inner nominal diameter = 0.08m
m n=π ((0.088 m)2−(0.08 m)2 ) ×0.06 m ×8000
m n=2 Kg

W n =2 Kg ×10
W n =20 N = 0.02KN


In this particular case, the medium is air with density of air (𝛒air= 1.2Kg/m³).
The volume of the medium (Volume of air) is given in the specification, which is: 1m³
Mass of air(ma) = Volume of pressure vessel x 𝛒air,
ma = 1m3 x1.2 Kg/m3 =1.2Kg
Wa= Ma× g=1.2 kg ×10 =12 N

Mass of pipes
Now, let as assume the length of pipe is 60mm and we can find the mass(mp) of pipe,
mp= Vpx 𝛒material
mp=𝜋 (𝑅ₒ2 − 𝑅²) x(Lp) x 𝛒
mp=𝜋(0.0462 −0.04 2) × 0.06𝑚 × 8000(𝑘𝑔/𝑚³)
mp =0.778= 0.8 kg
therefor the mass of 3 pipes is (3× 0.8¿=2.334 kg
Wp= Mp× g=2.33 kg ×10 =23.3N≈ 20 N
weight of discharge pipe
when we design the weight of the bottom discharge pipe we must first know the mass of the
mb=Vb× ρmaterial

mb= π (R¿¿ o ¿¿ 2−Ri2) × L × ρ ¿ ¿

mb=π ¿2-0.022)× 0.06× 8000=¿0.22kg

Wb= Mb× g=0.22 kg ×10 = 2.2N
Wt= Wh+Ws+Wp+Wb+Wa

Wt= 2325N+870N+20N+12N+2.2N= 3229.2N=3.2292KN

We have to consider the weight of other parts like welded objects by taking 5% of the calculated weight

Wt= 3229.2N+ ×3229.2 N=3,390.66 N ≈ 3.4 KN



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