One Page Dungeons Digital
One Page Dungeons Digital
One Page Dungeons Digital
One-Page Dungeons by: Geoffrey Cullop
Printed under the OGL. See back-matter for full terms and conditions.
Heave Ho Studio
Evelyn Vocu
Marty Chodorek
Austin DM
Mike Cantrell
Alex Jordan
Tyler C. Bannister
ISBN: 9781734482904
1. Twisty Tunnel
This cramped tunnel is the first defense
against intruders. It is completely dark
and the damp atmosphere creates a 40%
chance that torches will be extinguished.
The tunnel is also full of traps. There are
1d4+1 Mechanical Traps placed randomly
in this tunnel. DC 12 INT (Investigation) or
WIS (Perception) will notice a trap.
Mechanical Trap – DC 10 DEX saving
throw or 1d8 piercing damage.
2. Guards!
The tunnel opens into the guard station.
Two Kobold Archers wait behind cover for
intruders to get within range of their short
bows. The Kobold Archers draw short
swords and retreat into Room 3 if PCs get
within 10 ft. of them.
3. Laboratory
This Chamber is the best lit space in the
caverns as half a dozen bunson burners 6. Treasure Room
scatter dim light across the room. This Behind this locked door is the treasure and a
cluttered space contains a collection of quest item, along with a gnome in chains.
glass flasks and strange smelling The gnome’s name is Tombert.
chemicals. The Kobold Grenadier working
in this lab attacks intruders on sight,
throwing alchemical grenades at range
and using a poisoned dagger if the PCs get Feature Monster:
close. The Kobold Grenadier will use the Kobold Grenadier
guards from Room 2 as meat shields if the
The Kobold Grenadier uses the Kobold stat
guards retreated to the lab. The grenadier
block as presented in the SRD with the
is not concerned with the guards’ safety at
following changes:
all and will freely toss grenades in their
direction if there is a chance to harm the *Add: Action – Grenade: Ranged Weapon
intruders. Attack: +4 to Hit (30/60), 1 Target, Hit: 8
(1d12+2) Fire Damage. Creatures within 10 ft.
4. Living Quarters of Target must make a DC 12 DEX Saving
This Dark Chamber is the Cavern’s
Throw or take 4 (1d6+1) Fire Damage.
common area and main living quarters.
There are 1d6+1 Kobolds in this room. *Add: Action – Poisoned Dagger: Melee
They attack intruders on sight, but flee to Weapon Attack: +4 to Hit, Hit: 4 (1d4+2)
Room 5 if their attack goes poorly. Piercing Damage and 6 (1d8+2) Poison
Damage. On Hit, Target must make a DC 12
5. Bubba’s Room CON Saving Throw or become Poisoned
The Kobolds have “hired” Bubba, a
Bugbear, to guard the treasure room.
Bubba and any remaining Kobolds make a
final stand here.
Level 3-7
d8 The River d4 The Toll
2 Staff of Ozymandus
1. Troll Toll
A Troll demands a toll to pass over the river 3 Infinity Engine
via the bridge.
4 Shard of the Shatterstaff
4. Kong Jr.
A Giant Ape lives here. It is
territorial and will attempt to
destroy potential threats.
That said, the Giant Ape
can be calmed by the
PCs if the correct
strategy is employed.
d4 Treasure
1 875 Bananas
2 monster pelts.
3 2d10 Oil barrels
4 Tyrannosaur eggs.
Level 2-5
Roll 1 random encounter every
20 minutes.
d20 Encounters
1 Ghast
2 Rhinoceros
3 Ogre
4 Swarm of Rats
5 Giant Wasp
6 Gray Ooze
7 3 Goblins
8 3 Orcs
9 3 Kobolds
1. The Fountain
This fountain is thematically decorated and houses
clear, fresh water that is cold to the touch.
10 2 Giant Rats
14 Giant Spider
3. The Goblin King
15 Lion The Goblin King’s (Daring Swashbuckler) throne room
is well-lit and extravagant, adorned with soft carpets
16 Giant Toad and glimmering crystal.
The Goblin King challenges PCs to a dance
17 Giant Badger
competition. PCs who at least entertain the Goblin
King with their sick dance moves are rewarded with a
18 Brown Bear
magical trinket. Any PC that offends the Goblin King is
19 Will-o-wisp
20 Gelatinous Cube
Level 4-8
Leviathan Falls
3. Coven’s Cauldron
This large chamber is the home and
laboratory of 3 Sea Hags. The Hags
act as a coven. The Hags have
created a breach in the Veil of the
Planes and water spills into the
dungeon from the elemental plane of
The Hags do not attack the PCs, but
will attempt to trick them into going
for a swim in area 4.
If attacked, the hags will fight until only
one remains. The survivor will attempt an
d6 Logan’s Licks
2. Starting Rock
The PCs stand on a single floating rock.
The sky surrounding them in all directions
is now a vibrant orange. The PCs can see areas 3 & 4 from
area 2. There is a single light gate
that will transport PCs to area 3.
There is a Wabi-Sabi field that will
transport PCs to area 4. The light
3. Zombies! gates work in only
There are 6d12 one direction.
Zombies on this large
floating rock. They
stumble along the craggy surface, d6 Wabi-Sabi Effect
hungry for the flesh of the living. PC ‘s Hit Die is now a d6.
PCs will notice that when one of the 1 PC must re-roll Hit Point
zombies gets to the edge of the rock they do
not stop shambling. Instead, the zombies 2 PC’s alignment shifts
walk on, their feet bound to the rock by an PC swaps last class level
impossible gravity that pays no mind to the 3 taken with a level from a
difference between up and down. class chosen at random.
PC’s perception of the
There is a light gate that transports PCs to 4 world around them is
area 4, but it is broken. 1 in 4 of the zombies forever altered.
5 PC’s
on this rock carry component pieces physical appearance
changes drastically.
needed to repair the light gate. PCs must
PC ‘s memories are
find 1d4+1 component pieces to repair the 6 replaced with those of a
light gate. stranger.
Level 1-4
Left or Right?
3. Central Mural
1. North Mural This well lit hall features another beautifully
This well lit stone hall features a beautifully
painted mural on the south wall. The
painted mural all across its southern wall. western portion of the mural depicts a
shambling horde of zombies marching
The western portion of the mural depicts a
great draconic army arrayed on a craggy hill. through a massive graveyard. The eastern
The eastern portion of the mural depicts a portion of the mural depicts several
legion of elves marching from a dark, leafy regiments of mounted paladins charging
forest. from castle gates.
The hall runs east to west and terminates in The hall runs east to west, eventually
both directions with an unlocked wooden forming a circuit that terminates in a single
door. unlocked iron door.
Rolling Random
1. Fight! 2. Rest.
d10 Monsters d10 Treasure
1 Stone Golem 1 Mimic
2 Blue Slaad 2 500 GP
3 Troll 3 1000 GP
4 3 Phase Spiders 4 Uncommon Magic Item
5 Bulette 5 Rare Magic Item
6 3 Ochre Jellies 6 Very Rare Magic Item
7 Salamander 7 5,000 GP
8 Shield Guardian 8 10,000 GP
9 Otyugh 9 15,000 GP
10 Hydra 10 Legendary Item
3. Investigate....
d6 Scene
3 Night Hags and an orphan
1 child.
Chimera and 3 dwarf
2 hostages.
Cyclops and a rare book
3 collection.
4 Drider and a box of kittens.
Vampire and the rival of a
5 random PC.
A beautiful tea is hosted by a
6 gnome named Tombert.
Manners expected.
4. Dragon!
There is a hoard worth 50,000 GP in this
d6 Dragon
1 Young Blue Dragon
2 Young Red Dragon
3 Young Black Dragon
4 Young Green Dragon
5 Young White Dragon
6 Young Gold Dragon
Level 5-10
A DC 14 Intelligence
(Investigate) or Wisdom
(Perception) check made prior
to reaching the hall corner
reveals the “Wand of Flesh to
Stone” planted in the wall at the
inner corner. A DC 10 Dexterity
(Sleight of Hand) or Thieves
Tools Proficiency check will
remove the wand, disabling the
trap and allow the PCs to
acquire a “Wand of Flesh to
In the event the Priest is
accompanying the PCs through
the hallway, the priest will be
sure to disable the trap without
the PCs noticing.
1. Temple Lobby
This small room features large, soft chairs
and small circular tables. The walls are
adorned with tapestries depicting large 4. The Sanctuary
horned bears devouring elves and humans. This large, impressive room is filled with
PCs are greeted by 4 Acolytes who try to
convince the PCs to leave. When the PCs do 5d6+2 Cultists worshiping a statue of a
not leave, one of the Acolytes opens the door large, horned bear. If the PCs are hostile the
to area 2, introducing the Priest quartered Cultists attack the PCs and fight to the
there to the scene. death.
If the PCs ask the wrong questions, then the The central feature of this room is the large
Acolytes and Priest attack. If the PCs show statue of the cult’s deity on a raised dais.
interest in the cult, the Priest will give them a
tour of areas 3 and 4. This statue is the key to opening the secret
passage ay to area 5. The PCs must
manipulate the hidden lever on the statue
2. Priest’s Office to cause a portion of the sanctuary wall to
This small room is used by the cult’s
lift away, revealing a torch-lit hallway.
leadership to study the sacred texts of their
patron. A thorough search of the office
provides instructions on opening the secret
passage in area 4, a treatise on the 5. Secret Chamber
summoning and appeasement of chain devils, Candles light this dank chamber. The
and 4d10 GP worth of treasure. sounds of chanting Acolytes fills the hall.
In this room, 6 Acolytes have completed
3. Trapped Hall the summoning of a Chain Devil. A pile of
Upon reaching the turn in this hallway, any treasure worth 3,000 GP rests in the corner
creature not wearing the holy symbol of an of the room. Atop the treasure is a shard of
evil deity must make a DC14 Dexterity Saving the Shatterstaff.
Throw or be turned to stone (as “Flesh to
Level 9-13
4. Necro-Lab!
This musty chamber
smells of sulfur,
ether, and strange
smokes. Inside,
running from
cauldron to beaker,
is a strange looking
figure. When the
PCs are spotted, the
Necromancer (Mage) grabs a
humanoid skull and starts
talking to it as an old friend.
Two large Flesh Golems rise
off of operating tables and
move menacingly toward the
The Necromancer hides
behind his pet golems, casting
spells and monologuing about
grand plans for everlasting
life, but not like Grandpa,
never like Grandpa.
Level 1-10
2. Trolls!! d8 Treasure
Two Trolls patrol this chamber and attack
1 Box of Crunchy Yums
PCs on site.
2 The Celestial Equation
3 Power Heart Gemstone
4 Pythagoryn’s Pipe
5 Heart of Whilmhelda
6 Leyline Codex
7 Fang of the Scorntail
8 Big Red Button
4. Dragon Nursery
There are three stalls in this
chamber. In each stall lives a
Dragon Wyrmling. There is 1 Red
Dragon Wyrmling, 1 Blue
Dragon Wyrmling, and 1
Black Dragon Wyrmling.
5. Destiny
Inside this large room a Bone Devil
guards a locked chamber.
Hobgoblin Fortress
1. Killing Field The text assumes a frontal assault and invasion
Five hobgoblins stand guard in the killing by PCs. If PCs employ a more stealthy
field and fight to the death. On the ‘20’ infiltration strategy, then adjust accordingly.
turn of initiative order each round, all PCs
must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw 4. Fortress Turrets
or take 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage as
arrows rain down from the fortress walls. The door at the base of each turret is locked,
behind which a spiral stair leads 25 ft. up to
the top. On each turret is stationed 2
2. Parade Grounds hobgoblins regardless of time of day. PCs can
Given the fact that the fortress is being
invaded by the PCs, it is very likely that put a stop to the relentless rain of arrows in
this area is filled with hobgoblin areas 1 and 2 by dispatching the hobgoblins
defenders. At least 4 hobgoblins and 4 on the turrets.
worgs attack the intruders on sight and
fight to the death. On the ‘20’ turn of 5. Champion’s Quarters
initiative order each round, all Pcs must This spartan ready room serves as the office,
make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or
take 4 (1d4+2) damage as armory, and bedroom for
arrows rain down from Gugtar, Hobgoblin Champion.
the fortress turrets
(areas 4). One magic weapon of the
DM’s choice is in this room
along with a major quest item
3. Barracks and 250 GP worth of treasure
This is where the and trade goods.
hobgoblins sleep. Given
the invasion by PCs, it is If the PCs invaded the
likely these rooms are fortress, then Gugtar is not in
empty save for cots and his quarters and is instead
footlockers. Each leading the defense of area 2.
chamber houses 4 cots
and 4 footlockers. Roll Feature
1d6 for each footlocker. Monster:
Re-roll repeats. Keep all
treasure rolled. Gugtar, Hobgoblin Champion
Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid), Lawful Evil
AC: 17 HP: 39 (6d8+12) Speed: 30 ft.
Str: 15 Dex: 14 Con: 14 Int: 12 Wis: 10 Cha: 13
d6 Treasure Senses: Darkvision; Passive Perception: 10
Special: Martial Advantage: Once per turn
An unfinished Hobgoblin short deal extra 10 (3d6) damage to creature hit
1 story.
with a weapon attack if that creature is
Racy drawings of famous within 5 ft of an ally of Gugtar that is not
2 Hobgoblin warriors.
3 Deck of marked playing cards.
Action Surge: On Gugtar’s turn, he can take
Matched pair of ornamental an action in addition to to the normal action
4 allotted him. Recharge: 6.
silvered daggers.
5 Jar full of 10d10 silver pieces. Actions: Multiattack: Gugtar makes 2 maul
6d6 GP worth of Jitterroot, a Maul: Melee Weapon Attack, +4 to hit, Reach 5
6 ft., One Target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) bludgeoning
powerful and illegal narcotic.
Level 8-11
3. Pit of
All PCs that venture any
further down the tunnel
toward area 3 are doomed.
The DM is encouraged to
place their favorite great
old one, purple worm,
tarrasque, or other
unstoppable horror at the
bottom of this pit.
No PC who chooses to turn
right at area 2 and descend
into the Pit of Insanity
survives this session.
Level 1-5
Snapjaw Cavern
1. Cramped Tunnel 5. Grisly Sacrifice
The stench in the tunnels is Jabtail, Gnoll Shaman oversees a diabolic
overwhelming. Odors of burnt hair, rotten proceeding in this foul smelling chamber.
meat, and fresh dung assault the PCs’
senses. PCs must make a DC 15 Three gnolls join Jabtail in guttural barking
Constitution saving throw or take 1 level of chants.
Just as the PCs arrive, Jabtail thrusts
downward, both paws grasping a jagged
ceremonial dagger. The victim shrieks for
2. Echo Chamber help!
This enormous cavern chamber is
unoccupied. Gnolls posted in areas 3, 4, The PCs are attacked for interrupting the
and 5 bark, laugh, and shout into the ceremony. The jagged ceremonial dagger is a
chamber. The terrible noise echos in the powerful magic item that carries a terrible
PCs’ heads. PCs must make a DC 15 curse.
Wisdom saving throw or take 1d10 psychic
damage. Feature Monster:
Jabtail, Gnoll Shaman
Medium Humanoid (Gnoll), Chaotic Evil
3. Cages AC: 15 HP: 30 (4d8+10) Speed: 30 ft.
Three gnolls guard the humanoid Str: 12 Dex: 12 Con: 10 Int: 6 Wis: 14 Cha: 7
prisoners locked in the cages in this room. Senses: Darkvision; Passive Perception: 12
The caged humanoids beg PCs to set them
free. Special: Rampage: When Jabtail reduces a
creature to 0 HP on its turn, Jabtail can take a
bonus action to move ½ speed and make a
bite attack.
4. Snapjaw Kitchen Actions: Bite: +4 to hit, 5 ft. Range, Hit: 4
Two gnolls stand over a large black pot (1d4+2) piercing damage.
balanced on a small cook fire. The
Spellcasting: (as Druid)
gnolls take turns tossing
Cantrips: Poison Spray; Produce Flame.
slimy green meats into the
Level 1: Entangle; Thunderwave.
stew. Flies buzz around
Level 2: Flaming Sphere; Gust of Wind.
piles of rancid meat
stacked around the
corners of the chamber.
A carrion crawler naps at
the base of one of he
disgusting stacks of meat.
Level 6-10
d4 Cosmic Insight
Crystal scaled snakes crawl out of the non-dimensional void space, ensnaring the
1 PC’s ankles and dragging the PC down through the floor of the vortex and ripping a
hole in the stability of the cosmic chaos. All PCs fall 10d10 feet into area 2.
Voices echo through the PC’s mind. Each says the same thing, “Let go.” If the PC is
2 able to achieve a meditative state amidst the cosmic chaos, then all PCs will be
instantly transported into area 2.
Random geometric patterns of terrible asymmetrical design violate the PC’s sense
3 of sanity. The PC starts babbling randomly in a voice that is not their own. The
babbling becomes a chant that magically transports the PCs to area 2.
The dripping purple ripples kaleidoscope into a swirling pattern of neon. The PC
4 sees the center of the swirl as a small unlocked door that leads to area 2.
2. Chamber of Scales 4. Chamber of Serpents
This large chamber is covered in PCs may notice that the floor here radiates
multicolored reptilian scales. The floor warmth. They may also notice that parts of
moves under the PCs feet and they may the floor move in strange rhythmical ways.
find it hard to balance. PCs must make a This chamber houses 3 Swarms of Poisonous
DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. Snakes and 2 Giant Constrictors. The snakes
attack PCs that attempt to enter area 5.
The entire floor in this chamber is a giant
weight balance mechanism. If the PCs 5. Chamber of Secrets
gather too closely together, then the floor The walls in this chamber move in multi-
shifts and the entrance to areas 3 and 4 color swirls. PCs feel uneasy with the strange
cannot be accessed. If the PCs spread their sights and surroundings and must make a DC
weight evenly across the floor, then the 15 Wisdom saving throw or gain one level of
floor will be held steady enough for 1 or exhaustion. The Transdimensional Serpent
more PCs to reach the entrance to areas 3 Lord is an ancient Mage, as insane as he is
and 4. The hallway between areas 3 and 4 powerful. He shouts at the PCs and demands
contains a large lever that locks the floor they leave his personal pocket dimension
in place. immediately. When PCs do not comply, the
Serpent Lord summons 2d6+3 Giant
3. Chamber of Silence Poisonous Snakes to defend him as he starts
This small room is completely silent. A casting spells at the PCs. On the “20”
small crystal orb sits in the center of the initiative turn every round, the Serpent Lord
room. A permanent silence spell effect fires his Stasis Ray at one of the PCs. A PC
radiates out in a 20 ft. radius from the orb. targeted by the Stasis Ray must make a DC 15
The orb can be removed from the room Dexterity saving throw or be paralyzed for
and the silence effect will travel with it. 1d4 rounds.
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15 Low Prep Adventures
Collected in a Single Volume