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Matlab Extensions For The Development, Testing and Verification of Real-Time DSP Software

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Matlab Extensions for the Development, Testing

and Verification of Real-Time DSP Software
David P. Magee, Ph.D.
Texas Instruments
12500 TI Boulevard, MS 8649
Dallas, TX 75243
(214) 480-1236

ABSTRACT linking the appropriate modules from the library in the preferred
The purpose of this paper is to present the required tools for the software development environment.
development, testing and verification of DSP software in Matlab. This bit true simulation and software development flow from
The paper motivates a DSP Simulator concept that can be MathWorks works well for algorithms that exist in the Real-Time
combined with the MATLAB executable interface to develop, Workshop blockset because there is an optimized version of the
evaluate and test DSP software within a single environment. software for the target DSP in the library. However, the Real-
Programming guidelines and optimization results are also Time Workshop tool currently cannot generate optimized DSP
provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the intrinsics software from a general m-file in Matlab or a general Simulink
software development approach. block diagram. As a result, DSP software engineers are forced to
translate Matlab files to DSP software manually.
Categories and Subject Descriptors However, steps are underway to automate this process so that
D.2.6 [Programming Languages]: Programming Environments – DSP software can be automatically generated from Matlab and
Integrated Environments. Simulink. This paper will discuss a design flow for DSP software
development and testing within Matlab to ensure that efficient and
General Terms optimized DSP instruction level code is generated by the DSP
Algorithms, Design, Experimentation, Verification. compiler. The concepts and tools discussed in this paper can then
be leveraged to develop an automated tool.
C Intrinsics, Matlab, DSP Software, Optimization, Verification 2. DESIGN FLOW
Matlab provides a quick and easy mechanism for engineers to
1. INTRODUCTION conduct algorithm exploration and experimentation. This work
Over the past ten years, Matlab has become the preferred often occurs long before a product or a prototype has even been
algorithm development, verification and simulation tool for many considered. Once a design proceeds from the initial stages of
engineers. With its suite of application specific toolboxes, an development, a system architecture must be developed and
engineer can quickly integrate and test newly developed hardware/software partitioning decisions are made. From a
algorithms with existing toolbox modules to create an algorithm verification perspective, the fixed-point implementation of each
simulation for a particular application. With this simulation, the algorithm must be compared to its floating-point equivalent.
performance of the individual modules as well as the entire Many times, the original Matlab code is used as the floating point
algorithm chain can be evaluated. For system modeling and reference. The issue becomes how to represent the hardware or
simulation requirements, Simulink has become a popular choice software implementation in Matlab.
for many engineers. For simulating and generating embedded For software, the representation can be performed using a DSP
DSP software for a system, the Real-Time Workshop is available instruction set simulator written in C [1,2]. Using Matlab’s
within Simulink. The tool contains a blockset of algorithms for a executable (MEX) file interface, this simulator can be compiled
variety of applications so that the user can co-simulate the bit true with DSP software written in C/C++ to create an object file that
performance of the DSP software with other algorithms and can be executed directly from the Matlab prompt. Figure 1 shows
components in the system. For each algorithm in the blockset, a block diagram of the individual components required for this
there is a corresponding library function that has been optimized design flow. Currently, the C/C++ code is generated manually,
for the target DSP. Once the system performance has been i.e. by the DSP software engineer. However, automation of this
validated in simulation, target software can be generated by step is being investigated by several companies [3].
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for The process begins with the DSP software engineer defining the
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are MEX interface between Matlab and the C/C++ code. This
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that process includes defining the input arguments, the output
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy
arguments, the argument data types and the argument data sizes.
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
Matlab has many pre-defined functions for handling input data,
DAC 2005, June 13-17, 2005, Anaheim, California, USA. output data, temporary data and dynamic memory allocation. For
Copyright 2005 ACM 1-59593-058-2/05/0006…$5.00.

a complete list of functions and a description of the MEX the C/C++ software can make direct calls to assembly
interface, see [4]. instructions. This mapping can occur because the TI compiler
The next step is to interface the MEX function to the DSP recognizes special C instructions called intrinsics. Intrinsics are
software functions. By properly mapping the MEX function input special function calls in C that the compiler recognizes and
and output data to the input and output data for the DSP software understands so that it can map them directly to the corresponding
function, the DSP software function prototypes can remain the assembly instruction. The DSP Simulator is simply a collection
same in the Matlab simulation and the real DSP hardware. Note of C functions that represent the mathematical behavior for each
that special care must be taken when passing complex valued intrinsic. Figure 2 shows the _add2() intrinsic as an example.
arrays of data from the Matlab environment to the DSP software DSP Simulator
function. Matlab stores a complex data array in memory as two typedef struct _REG32X2
arrays: the first array contains all of the real parts and the second {
array contains all of the imaginary parts. However in DSP short lo;

memory, a complex data array should be stored as real and C code

short hi;
} reg32x2;
imaginary pairs, which is equivalent to interleaving the Matlab Function Example() {
data. . int32 _add2(int32 a,int32 b) {

y = _add2(a,b); int32 y;

. reg32x2 *pa,*pb,*py;

pa = (reg32x2 *)&a; pb = (reg32x2 *)&b;
DSP Simulator py = (reg32x2 *)&y;

py->lo = pa->lo+pb->lo;
py->hi = pa->hi+pb->hi;

} // end of _add2() function

C/C++ code
Figure 2. Intrinsic Example: _add2()

To further demonstrate how a DSP software engineer might write

a particular algorithm using intrinsics, the radix-2 portion of an
MEX-file FFT algorithm is shown in Figure 3.

// inside the Radix-2 stage

Figure 1. DSP Software Development in Matlab // compute the real part
// (x0.real-x1.real)*w1.real
The last step is for the DSP software engineer to write the relevant
reg2 = _mpyhir(w1,reg1real);
DSP software for the particular algorithm. This software can be
strictly C/C++ code or can more tightly coupled to the target // (x0.imag-x1.imag)*w1.imag
processor using intrinsics and the DSP Simulator. The use of the
DSP Simulator will be discussed in the next section. Once all of reg3 = _mpylir(w1,reg1imag);
the C/C++ software is written, it is then compiled in the Matlab reg2 -= reg3;
host environment and then executed like any other function from
the Matlab prompt. // compute the imag part
The importance of a single design, development and verification // (x0.imag-x1.imag)*w1.real
environment should not be underestimated. The time savings for
reg4 = _mpyhir(w1,reg1imag);
software development, the number of engineers required to
support the floating-point and fixed-point development, the ability // (x0.real-x1.real)*w1.imag
for more thorough testing and the ability to compare floating-
reg5 = _mpylir(w1,reg1real);
point vs. fixed-point performance are some of the tangible
benefits. reg4 += reg5;
With the DSPs and associated compiler features from Texas }
Instruments (TI), the DSP Simulator can be designed to
numerically represent the instruction set of the processor so that Figure 3. Radix-2 FFT Stage

Notice that the _mpyhir() and _mpylir() intrinsics are used to of intrinsics. The easiest and most straightforward mapping is
twiddle the real and imaginary parts of the radix-2 stage. Since one-to-one. However, most algorithms are not initially designed
the real and imaginary parts of the complex data are stored as the with a DSP instruction set in mind. Thus, the DSP software
upper and lower 16 bit parts of a 32 memory location, these engineer should consider and evaluate different mappings to
intrinsics, which perform special dot products, can compute the achieve the most efficient software in terms of DSP cycles
complex multiplication in fewer cycles than the common required for execution while maintaining a mathematically
implementation using multiplier and adders. equivalent implementation.
The benefit of this programming style is that the DSP software Once the algorithms have been mapped to DSP software with
engineer can write “assembly” level programs in a C/C++ intrinsic function calls, additional compiler directives can be
programming environment and avoid the associated hassles of added to the software to improve compilation of the software.
assembly programming (pipeline scheduling, register allocation, For example, pragmas such as MUST_ITERATE,
unit allocation, stack manipulation, parallel instruction debugging, PROB_ITERATE and UNROLL can be used to tell the TI
etc.). These burdens are placed on the compiler, which is better compiler how to unwrap software loops. The DATA_ALIGN
designed to handle such issues. Furthermore, since the same pragma tells the compiler to align data arrays on specific memory
fixed-point C/C++ software can simulated in Matlab and boundaries. The _amemX_const() intrinsic can then be used in
compiled to run on the DSP, the software engineer only has to functions to tell the compiler how data is aligned so that the
maintain one version of C/C++ software for a particular appropriate load and store operations can be performed.
algorithm. This benefit can greatly impact the support
requirements for a system, particularly when the design becomes a Compiler keywords such as const, interrupt, restrict and volatile
full product. are also important for getting highly optimized DSP software:
• The const keyword should be added to scalars and arrays to
denote constant data values.
4. PROGRAMMING GUIDELINES • The interrupt keyword should be added to interrupt service
To get the best optimization results from the TI compiler, the routines (ISRs) to make them maskable interrupt functions
C/C++ software must be structured so that it compiler friendly. and to ensure proper context switching.
This process can be broken down into several steps. First, the
data path for the software must be carefully designed. The • The restrict keyword is added to function pointer arguments
endianness of the input and output data for the algorithm must be to denote that only this pointer will access the particular
prescribed as well as the storage format for complex data. Data memory in question.
alignment (8/16/32 bit boundaries) of input, output and internal
data is also an important design consideration for the data path. • The volatile keyword is added to pointers to denote that the
As part of this consideration, the incrementing of the input and data value in the corresponding memory address location is
output data should also be considered. Finally, the load and store temporary and that another process can change the value.
capabilities of the target processor should be well understood This keyword is particularly useful when reading a register to
because most software optimizations are limited by data bus determine if a process has completed.
bandwidth. For a complete list of programming guidelines for TI DSPs, see
Once the data path for the algorithms has been determined, the the relevant programmer’s guide [5,6,7].
instruction set of the processor must be studied. The particular set
of intrinsics supported by the compiler for the target processor
must be understood. This information along with the DSP 5. SOFTWARE OPTIMIZATION
processor architecture, will determine the number of The previous section discussed many programming guidelines for
multiplications and additions that can occur per clock cycle. It is developing DSP software using intrinsics. However, the problem
also important to understand the level of intrinsics support for is how you determine when the software is fully optimized.
manipulating real and complex data types. For example, many Unfortunately, there is usually no clear cut answer. For a
new processors can perform several complex multiples per cycle if particular mapping, the DSP software engineer can determine the
the data is stored appropriately. Finally, the register sizes and the limiting operation for a particular algorithm and determine how
associated instructions must be understood when using the close the compiled software is to an ideal number. For example,
corresponding intrinsic. many algorithms are multiply intensive. Once the total number of
After considering these guidelines, the DSP software engineer multiplies required for an algorithm is divided by the number of
must map the algorithm to target DSP instruction set. For TI multiplies that the target process can perform per cycle, the ideal
DSPs, the registers are often 32 bits. As a result, it is convenient limit can be computed. The engineer must then decide if the
to compress four 8 bit real values, two 16 bit real values or one 32 overhead for the particular function (ratio of actual cycles to the
bit real value into a 32 bit memory location. Similarly, it is ideal cycles) is acceptable. If not, then further optimization is
convenient to map two 16 bit complex values (8 bit real/8 bit necessary. This additional optimization may include a new
imag) or one 32 bit complex value (16 bit real/16 bit imag) into a mapping of the algorithm which will require a new ideal limit.
32 bit memory location. For 64 bit complex values (32 bit real/32
bit imag), two 32 bit registers are required. Once the data has
been compressed in memory, the mathematical operations
required by the algorithm must be mapped to the appropriate set

Table 1. Optimization Results appropriate intrinsic functions. Once the DSP software has been
generated, the floating-point versus fixed-point performance can
Algorithm C Intrinsics Code Size Assembly Code Size
(cycles) (bytes) (cycles) (bytes)
be evaluated in Matlab. Once an acceptable level of performance
autocorr 97 800 66 384
has been achieved, the same DSP software can be ported to the
bit_unpack 124 192 108 192 embedded processor in the system.
bk_massey 302 416 262 320
ch_search 485 1056 321 864 7. CONCLUSIONS
dotprod 32 160 29 160 This paper has presented a design flow for the development,
fir_cplx 1227 832 985 448
verification and simulation of DSP software within Matlab. The
forney 195 864 156 864
combination of C/C++ software with intrinsic function calls and a
maxval 38 128 34 128
DSP simulator allow the DSP software engineer to evaluate the
rs_encoder 463 512 402 288
performance of a fixed-point implementation of an algorithm
syndrome 510 1216 478 1152
vecsum 45 96 40 96
without hardware. This flexibility permits the engineer to
evaluate many algorithm mappings more efficiently as well as to
evaluate the mapping of an algorithm to different target
For target processors that process multiple instructions in parallel, The importance of a single design environment for development,
the DSP software engineer can also evaluate the resulting verification and simulation should not be underestimated. The
assembly code to determine of all of the units are being utilized time savings for software development, the number of engineers
during each clock cycle of the function. If not, then additional required to support the floating-point and fixed-point
optimization may be required. Loop unrolling can often help in development, the ability for more thorough testing and the ability
this area. The pragmas described in the previous section can help to compare floating-point vs. fixed-point performance are some of
the compiler perform this operation automatically. the tangible benefits. Furthermore, the need to only maintain one
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the TI compiler to handle version of DSP software can greatly minimize code maintenance
C/C++ software written with intrinsics, Table 1 shows issues in production software systems.
TMS320C64x cycle and code size comparisons between intrinsics
software and assembly code for several algorithms related to 8. REFERENCES
communications systems. For most of the algorithms, the cycle [1] Magee, David P., “Intrinsic Modeling within Matlab to
counts for the intrinsics software are within 10% of the cycle Accelerate DSP Software Development”, Texas Instruments
counts for the assembly code. What is not shown here is the Developer’s Conference, Houston, TX, August 2002.
development time required for each algorithm, where assembly
[2] Magee, David P., “Programming the C6x Family of DSPs: A
programming can take from 4 to 5 times longer than the intrinsics
C Intrinsics Tutorial”, Texas Instruments Developer’s
Conference, Houston, TX, February 2005.

6. LIMITATIONS [3] Catalytic, Inc. Web Page, http:// www.catalyticinc.com/,

April 2005.
While the design flow discussed in the previous sections has many
benefits, it is not without limitation. Currently, the DSP software [4] Matlab External Interfaces Reference, Version 6, July 2002.
engineer must perform the algorithm mapping from floating-point [5] TMS320C28x Optimizing C/C++ Compiler User’s Guide,
to fixed-point manually. Furthermore, the resulting DSP software SPRU514, August 2001.
architecture is limited to the creativity of the engineer. To reduce
the amount of time required to generate fixed-point DSP software [6] TMS320C2x/C2xx/C5x Optimizing C Compiler User’s
from floating-point Matlab code, the mapping process could be Guide, SPRU025e, August 1999.
automated. The same programming guidelines presented in this [7] TMS320C6000 Programmer’s Guide, SPRU198D, March
paper can be incorporated into an automated software generation 2004.
tool to reduce the amount of time required to produce compiler
friendly and cycle efficient DSP software. By analyzing data
types (i.e. real, complex) and data value ranges in Matlab, the tool
could easily map the data path and mathematical operations to the


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