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Fire Fighting Industry

Synthetic Foam
AFFF Foam Concentrate

GENERAL INFORATION The foam is oil-repellent (oleophobic), i.e. it des

MGF-Synthec in high quality foam fire not load itself with petroleum and is , therefore
extinguisher base on synthetic interface and ideal for sub-surface foam application. Plastics
surface active agents, surfactant as component, are covered evenly and wetted effectively.
foam stabilizer additive.
Foam agents designed primarily for generating Because of the equeous film forming
low expansion foam. Due to high foam density components MGF-Synthec is also applied as
long projection ranges are achievable. not-aspi-rated, aqueous solution on e.g.
petroleum products. In this case the product is
MGF-Synthec forms foam very readily and is applied using e.g water branch pipes or
therefore also suitable for use as medium monitors, sprinkler or deluge systems.
expansion foam. The fast release of foam/ water
solution boosts the film formation and increases The fast and effective fire extinguishing
the flowability of the foam. Thereby, the extinction success on class A and B fires achieved with
time is reduced and the source of fire cooled MGF-Synthec and its strong resistance against
down. The aqueous film extinguishes fires even in re-ignition are largely owed to the film forming
areas not quite covered by the foam and prevents components contained in the formula. The
reignition where the foam blanket may be foam is stable and forms a sustainable, gas-
ruptured. tight cover on fuel considerably reducing the
risk of re-ignition

Recommended induction rate Low expansion foam 3.0 % & 6.0 %

Medium expansion foam 3.0 % & 6.0 %
Foam expansion Low expansion foam ≤ 15 times
(acc. To DIN EN 1568) Medium expansion foam ≤ 100 times
Foam stability 25/50 % water drainage time

Physical properties and technical data

(acc. To DIN En 1568) Low expansion foam ≤5 / ≤8 minutes
Medium expansion foam ≤4 / ≤6 minutes
Density 1.05 ± 0.02 kg/l @ 25 C
Frost resistance - 18 °C
pH value 6.5 to 7.5
Sediment content None
Spreading coefficient ≥3 m N/m
Viscosity 20 °C ≤ 10 mm²/s
0 °C ≤ 20 mm²/s
18 °C ≤ 30 mm²/s
Environmental acceptability MGF-Synthec is physiologically harmless and easily biodegradable
Special notes MGF-Synthec is not detrimental to health, provided it is used for the
intended purpose. Fire extinguishing exercises and tests may have to
be coordinated with the local authorities.
When persons are sprayed with foam, please bear in mind that they will
not be able to breathe while covered with foam. For further information
users are asked to refer to the safety data sheet.

Sentra Latumenten AA#18, 3 floor – Jakarta 11460 – T : (+62 21) 56941933 – F : (+62 21) 56944397 –
Fire Fighting Industry

Synthetic Foam
AFFF Foam Concentrate

Application Compatibility with other foaming agents

MGF-Synthec is used with all commercially For immediate usage MGF-Synthec can be
available low and medium expansion mobile and mixed with any other equivalent foaming
stationary foam equipment for fighting class A + B agents, independent of the mixing ratio.
fires, especially petroleum products and plastics.
This, of course includes sub-surface, semi sub- When MGF-Synthec is to be added to existing
surface and sprinkler systems. Non-aspirating stocks of foaming agents we recommend to
equipment, e.g. water monitors and branch pipes, have the quality of the available stock tested by
sprinkler and deluge systems may be used for our laboratory.
hydrocarbon fires because the aqueous film is
active even without expanded foam. The use of Compatibility with other fire extinguishing
sea water, brackish water or treated industrial foams
water does not adversely affect the excellent MGF-Synthec foam is compatible with all other
extinguishing properties. readily expanded fire extinguishing foams.

MGF-Synthec is typically used in the Compatibility with powder

petrochemical and chemical industry, on airports, MGF-Synthec is perfectly suited for the
Onshore and Offshore, in recycling plants and in combined use with foam compatible powders.
locations where large fires have to be safely and
reliably extinguished within a very short time.

MGF-Synthec can be stored for long periods of time in the sealed original containers and in corrosion-
resistant plastic tanks or stainless steel tanks. High temperatures up to +50 °C do not affect the
quality; neither does temporary freezing at temperatures below the specified frost resistance limit

MGF-Synthec is an afficially approved fire extinguishing agent for low and medium expansion foam
applications for class A + B fires.

Sentra Latumenten AA#18, 3 floor – Jakarta 11460 – T : (+62 21) 56941933 – F : (+62 21) 56944397 –

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