Astm C29 - C29M (2016)

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Designation: C29/620M-16 ‘Standard Test Method for SIRIN RU Bulk Density (“Unit Weight”) and Voids in Aggregate’ ‘ated inn i tegen CI iy i ‘semen esate ong i ee dae ‘een nr cu tgs se er ao 1. Scope 1 This west mathod coves the determination of bulk ey at elgh”) of ase incompate ele ‘codion. ealeulted Youd bevees pares im foe care, mine ngage tied o the same determination ‘Dis estmeoas apne spree nt enseding 1S su (5) senna! maxima se ‘ot Un eh een emia se dei te kien aw reste see. “The ues stdin ihr Sito ish pound ate are be ede sepatel as sda. soporte or 8 ‘Secon with ch thistestmthod ied Amenepon ‘Prat seve sins ad eal eof sprog hte ST ves ae be stand! adn Spit ELL Wi the tx ich poon nae showin este ‘Teves sate in ac ye my ete enact egal: ‘etre cach ue shal bed npn te (Consinty value rom the to rte sy se on ‘onfomance wth he sandr, 13 Thr stndard does nor puerto eda of he safer concer, foie with toe fe ‘pon of the wr of ht tata oe oppo rt ses ond ate procera deen he oc bi of reper Titan oer oe 2. erased Decaments 2.1 ASTA Stender ia3 Teminlogy Reling vo Conc a Concee Ag ‘een ‘Geren eg peer ™ gcd a pew gore asa SON BO AST tar ever wean Frat Sf C127 Tex Meta for Relive Deny (SpesieGrvin) ‘ed Atsorptan of Crae Agee 108 st Meta for Rls Deny (Specie Groviy) ‘ed Absorption of Fine Asrente ISG Tee Meta for Deny (Ui Weigh, Yee ‘ed Al Const Grvinetse) of Cone 670 Pace for Peparisg eion "ox Tes eta for Conon Ns (702 Pracece for Hedacng Sap of Avo Teng ‘Se ‘BIS Practice for Sumplag Azure ‘in Temiology Reng Yo Tees BI Spctoaton ee Woven Wie Ta Stove lath an Text ‘sires, 22:4ASHTO Standart: ‘TS/TIOM Method of Tes for Unit Weight an Ved io ‘Asean! ‘3 Terminology 5.1 Defitons—The tems Wed In st mod ae ene in Temivlegy C23 32 Denton of Terms Specie This Sandor 32.1 soe mi al alone of agree, te ese ‘ween prices nun aggep at oecopied Wy Sold ‘ne! mae S2IL1 Disusion—ode win parle, eer pene sie ce ipemneble are ao iced in v8 eer yt tt mt 4. Siuiiance and Us 4.1 This test method fen eo determine blk dety slosh are ees ora er mary mens sca operons for cnente mitre, 42 The blk ensty ko may be sxe for ding nasiolime rele for enverson Inputs ge Ia However the reliant tewoen dei of omar ‘Son of apgrepaes la « hang ear stockpile snd Sen ct a SG Ba, BE > conrcam—16 ‘fee sure heater afc bing, whl het ‘ethod dteines th blk dey 9093 bs, 4.3 Aprocetue sina for computing te perenne of ess etvec agp rts tasoen bulk Sty Serie by ete maton 5. Amara 51 Be—A eosin 01% of 2 tes O08 bg (0 The ng of re sl be consis © tan fo em ae au apy pot Geet pr ivcnee 65S ta eh 52 Toning Rol oh elt 16 a (6 inde pom am ine Sh Raters eed 53 MensveA elses tal mesure, pefenby p= vids with Hadi sal be wtp Sih te and Se ee ad icy gi et ‘Sel egal othe dann bt em cae all be heh ‘Se than 8% nor rove ian 150% of he diet Te apy ef te mess sal cof the fii Te | Soatn and plane iin 025m (0 tn en sal be Feral ote Soom win 0° (te Note 2, The ree Noe het i say le 0.250 (0 away, the mesa sal be sce sel or oer ‘where a consguence ofan nial recto, a surface ln Terme wich proce tbe met get sn 332 Mowsrs lager tas sonia! 28 (1 egy shale made of set for ity se mini hres tate in Table? hl Be sub end for ling the meas wih seaess 531 Pla Glew pies of pte seat 6m 4 in} ik nd leaf re a he nt osc “ 5.54 Balonce—A bale 3 eed i 5 selice ote snp asi coma wih Posce CHE 7.1 The sie of he sample sal be apronmaey ‘sample 10 esseataly consunt mass, peferby fn an oven at & cats tere whut be hanes ge de ara oh 22 Doe tas of par sa mee Beers 4 Fi mee i a ato empere resus to eset O05 1g (118) 126 Mur te epee of he wor i soe. 05 “c(t 5) al demine iy doay fom Te 3 Gp casrcoom—16 TABLE 3 Senay ot tr sae oe = 7 alee he volume V, of te measure, Alera, ale the tr for he mes, Nes Secreta gi me wares 9 Seton of Procure 2.1 The shoveling procedure foc ase alk ens shal be sedenly when esa sipuuea Onerwse be comps ‘uk dest sal be ctene by he ong rsa for Steps beg anon sinum se of 373 [19nd eles cr ty the jning poe fo aggepnes ving ning imam sie pete an 37 masa) sa et excadng 125 tm (3 10, Roig Procedure 101 Fl he mesire ones ful so ee he sce within gar Red he er of agape wh 25 sok of Ue tamping rod evenly dsbued oe be sae. le este toch ful and agin Vel and ou a shove rly, te teste to overRowing do agi oe ‘anue reo ond. 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The agaregue pariles, by ch procedure, wil arage henslves ln dsl compact fenton, oe ce yi hee 30 feof te appegse with th ges or rales in ‘ch way ht ny gk pestons of rer pes fie ome aur pono base ate ois ine Sore teow he op af th mena 112 Dacre the is of ie wee pls conten, andthe mass of he mee Soe, cde aus othe sere 0 bp (01 AZ Shovting Procedure 12.1 Fle waar tern by meas af shovel or scoop sharing te saga om x ig oto eneed ‘Sosmm [2 soe the top of te mee, Exerc sro ever as posible, sepepon of te paises of Sich be sample is cmpaed. Level Be suice of ie ‘ioeete wih be Seger oasiptdge each way at {Sy algh prkctons of te leper pees of he come ‘Srrceieaproinny blnce the urper odin te are Tow he op of te eae 122 Determine the macs of te menue pus is cen stem ofthe eve le ad ace te lst ears 005 bg (01. 18 Caen 13.1 Bulk Densiy—Cataae the balk dest for he redding aging, o howling cere fl w=io-TW o ne(e-nxr a tlk deny of te agg, kn? DE, Jas he agp hemes ‘as of be ans ig ( olume fhe messy Fase fr mare. 3 13.14 The bulk dnsty demi! by ha st med ie for agra in an ove codon. If tebe in tems of trate srfacedy (SSD) codon i eed, we {he exact procee ins est rete an en cle he ‘SD bull ei sng the flow fr oe = 8) o M f F where: Mzo bulk destin SSD coon, aha Bnd A? 2 Gasca, Semin i aor Wh Test Meta C12 o ext Mos C18, 132 Void Cone Calculate voi coment the agar ag ing the bu ans dire ny ae he ong, Sieging 0 thovelingpeceurs flow: ose MES —wHSM) aw Mm bel densty of he paren, at? (E/, Qh cocoon 16 $= bak secfle gai (dy Ss) os deine in Clas, ane ° W = Gey of wae, 958 kg? (62.3 133 folie of Mossre—Caleate te volume of mes Fe pi(w =m “ Vo voame of i measure, mf spam of the not lh pas td mea (8) Mr = fas of the pine gs abd measur i DS Seay of he wae for be neared epere, Som a ane Bete oe te mcs, Un? (U9) 14 Report 1) Repo tere orth uk ey othe ees 10 eam? (LHL afi 142 Repu he ete fre vid cote ode ners 1422 Vou apres corpo by jes. oF 1423 Wee in aoe seroma 15, Precision and Bl method ae based 00 renal from the AASHTO Materials Reference Laboraoy (AML) Pofsieey Sample Popa Matiod Ti9/T19M. Toot se oo sgn dilerecet 152 Course Aggregate bl desi standard deviation bas boca fund be 14 kin (0.8 I] 1s) Tee ress of wo proper conde est bythe tame operon sna ial should tier by moe then 4 ep 2 Ts, 3522 Mallcorton.PreloThe mulberry ssandad deviation bs bee fond tobe 30 187 EL (in, Terr sls 0 ewe prope condced tes fom byrne han 85 Em 53 I Ce 1823 ‘These camber eps especie. he (5) nd (42s ine us deed Pctce O57. Te prcate ‘ency sample data for bulk density by rodng of wormal ‘ig eaegnes having eominlmasirum agrees (01250 mm (ile and wig 1 et") meer. 183 Pe age a des standard deviation hasbeen found 0 be [4 ke 10.8 Pi) (05) Therefore elt of wo prope conducted ss by the Same open o ina meal shal ot er By axe ‘hea aap (2st. ‘tai deviton ar bern fan Tobe 8g? [2.76 {is Troe et of te propery candied ts am ‘yore ta 128k (78 a). (2s) limite deserved im Pracice C870. The prison Stezy sl dt fo se balk ent fon abot: sing 2251 (ie) measee 154 No recon en on voit comet ae avs ewerer athe Ye cen in ape cll oh Tait Goi and bul apece pep te peclon of the lds coment eles ie preciso of thse messed pr fi vn ie 182 and 153 of hs est a ane Tek 133 Rar mote he ed a meg fa py dvr ed ny es 16. Keywords 16. agpezes: Wk cess: couse aprenden fine ogres: ui el vous agrees, Gp covcam—6 seoniany oF cHAsous Commits O19 bie ide the lacson of slo changes to hi tet mend sac He Is se, (CSIEZEM09, hat may gat he we of HS st EOE. (APOE Fe. 1 3016) ‘1d Seton 3 ‘nina ect ve bt nat hwy Sb hs ah ‘edgier aha aacy eat esa tn mm fy ric i i ra ad Resale cnn nna tar Fosters ae ste ang ys

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