Chapter 3 Fitbit Case Study

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Company Case Fitbit: Riding the Fitness Wave to Glory

It was 2009. James Park and Eric Friedman were at a breaking duration and intensity, all from an unobtrusive spot—clipped on
point. They’d been flitting around Asia for months, setting up the a pants pocket. What’s more, the Fitbit Tracker could track sleep
supply chain for their company’s first product, the Fitbit Tracker. quality based on periods of restlessness, the amount of time be-
Having raised capital to launch the product with nothing more fore falling asleep, and the amount of time actually sleeping.
than a circuit board in a balsa wood box, they were now on the Even more enticing to consumers, the device could upload
verge of pushing the button to start the assembly line. But with data to a computer and make them available on the Fitbit web-
thousands of orders to fill, they discovered that the antenna on site. At the site, users could overview their physical activity, set
the device wasn’t working properly. They stuck a piece of foam and track goals, and keep logs on food eaten and additional
on the circuit board and called it "good enough," Five thousand activities not tracked by the device. To top things off, the explo-
customers received shiny new Fitbit Trackers just in time for the sion of social media and sharing personal information went hand
holidays. in hand with what users wera uploading. By design, Park and
Getting a start-up company off the ground is challenging. Friedman put more into Fitbit’s software than its own hardware,
Getting a hardware start-up to succeed is near impossible, es- recognizing that other hardware device companies like Garmin
pecially when you’re the pioneer. But with so many changes in had shortchanged the software aspect.
the marketing environment, Park and Friedman knew they had But Fitbit’s success can also be attributed to new models.
something special. Pedometers had been selling for years, fol- Recognizing that gadgets have a limited life span and that
lowing personal fitness and wellness trends. But those devices competition. would attempt to improve on its offerings, Fitbit
were low-tech and limited in the information they provided con- has made development a constant process. From the original
sumers. And with the seemingly endless demand for high-tech Tracker to its current Blaze smartwatch with GPS, heart-rate
gadgetry, Park and Fnedman saw big potential for using sensors monitor, and the ability to display smartphone notifications for in
small, wearable devices. calls, texts, calendar alerts, Fitbit has stayed ahead in giving con-
The two entrepreneurs were correct. In just seven years, Fitbit sumers what they want.
has marketed more than a dozen different proJucts and sold mil-
lions of units. Last year alone, the company shipped 21 million An Unexpected Opportunity
devices—almost double the previous year’s number—ringing up Still, Fitbit’s path to success has been challenging. One big chal-
$1.86 billion in revenues and $116 million in profits. Fitbit created lenge ths company has faced from the start is customer reten-
what is now a fast-growing segment—wearable tech, Amid its tion. Like many diets and pieces of exercise equipment, users
best year to date, Fitbit went public with an initial public offering are drawn to the "wow" factor of something that can improve
of $4.1 billion. How did ths company go from a balsa wood box their health and wellness but quickly fizzle out. And if users stop
to sitting atop an exploding industry† To hear Park tell it, “It was using a device, they are far less likely to purchase the "new-and-
the right product at the right tims at the right price point.” improved” version, much less recommend it to anyone else. But
an interesting thing happened as Fitbit got things rolling. The
A Magical Device company received a flood of calls and messages from corporate
Although Park’s response may seem simplistic, it’s right on. human resource departments. Perplexed as to why businesses
Coming up with a product that delivers the right benefits to con- would want to buy Fitbit devices in bulk, the company assigned a
sumers at precisely the time they need them is the key to any point person to find out.
new product launch. In Fitbit’s case, consumers were hungry for It turned out that corporate America was going through a
this small device thal could not only track steps taken but calcu- push to enroll employees in wellness programs. “Fhe reasons for
late distance walked, calories burned, floors climbed, and activity this push extended far beyond concerns about employee health
92 PART 2 Understanding the Marketplace and Gonsumer Value

and well-being. Healthy employees provide major bénefits for a merous obstacles. For starters, privacy issues have increased
company. They call in sick less often and are generally more pro- as technology creates new ways to gather and share informa-
ductive. They also cost less in terms of health-care benefits. And tion. In Fitbit’s early days, information logged by users was
although diet and exercise can’t erase every poor health condi- public by default. That meant that as users integrated their in-
tion, they can have a big effect on health factors such as blood formation into social networks, their fitness, eating, sleeping,
pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels—conditions and in some cases sexual activities were being posted for all
related to common diseases.such as heart disease, stroke, and to see. That was easily remedied by making *private" thé de-
diabetes. So it's no wonder that companies have an incentive to fault setting. But general concerns about what happens with
do whatever they can to motivate employees to take better care uploaded personal data remain, even amid assurances from
of themselves. Fitbit that it does not analyze individual data or sell or share
As Fitbit talked to companies, it discovered that most wers consumer data.
struggling to enroll even a small proportion of employees in their But other privacy matters haven't been so easily managed.
workforce wellness programs—many had less than 20 percent Fitness trackers and the data they generate are not regulated.
compliance. One problem was that—even as the latest fitness That means that any organization bound by compliance with the
wearables from Fitbit and its competitors were showing up U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
around offices everywhere—participation in corporate wellness has had to tread lightly when adopting a digital tracking device.
programs often required the use of a bulky corporate-issued Fitbit has always been proactive on privacy and information
tracker, better known as an analog pedometer, “Gan you imag- security issues, leading the industry by working with Congress
ine asking engineers to wear a janky otd pedometer and write on legislation in this area. Fitbit recently achieved HIPAA compli-
down their steps?” mused Amy McDonough, Fitbit’s corporate ance, which goes a long way toward putting employers’ fears
point person. Fitbit, of course, offered a much more high-tech about privacy and security to rest.
option, letting individuals easily track more complex data and let- But other concerns remain on the part of both employers
ting HR departments easily compile and analyze the data as well. and employees. Even as Fitbit and its corporate customers do
Fitbit’s bulk sales to corporations started rolling in. all they can to allay privacy concerns, many employees have ex-
Much to Fitbit’s pleasant surprise, Fitbit products sold through pressed concerns that companies will misuse the data. Concern
corporations versus those sold to individuals had noticeably about what data are being collected and how they are being
higher retention rates. Fitness trackers in corporate wellness used has led some employees to wonder whether their Fitbits
programs were often used in wellness challenges—maintain a could be telling employers if they are recovering from a wild night
minimum of 10,000 steps a day and get free vacation days or of partying, calling in sick when they really aren’t, or feeling ner-
a discount on health insurance premiums. It might seem logi- \/Cp us in a meeting or even if they become pre9• £t‹
cal that people would stop using their devices once a challenge Although the overall benefits of inte9 £tting a Fitbit device
ended. But when IBM gave out 40,000 Fitbits to employees over into wellness programs and the associated challenges seem
a two-year period, it found not only that 96 percent of employ- clear, there are negative outcomes as well. Health experts
ees routinely logged their health data and eating habits but that point to the potential for a cultural divids between the “dos”
63 percent of employees continued to wear their titbits months and the “do nots.” Employees with disabilities, chronic ail-
after the challenge concluded. ments, or aven unhealthy habits may opt out of such pro-
Other companies noted even greater tangible benefits. grams. Particularly in programs that use leaderboards and
Cloud-services start-up Appirio bought Fitbit devices for 400 group incentives, ths result can be to celebrate tha fit but de-
employees. Armed with data from the wearables, Appirio was moralize those who are not. And rewards given to those who
able to convince its health insurance provider, Anthem, that the participate as well as those who succeed are viewed as penal-
increased health benefits were translating into lower health-care ties for those who opt out.
costs. This gave Appirio the leverage to negotiate lower premi- Cheaters are also a concern. Yes, some participants in
ums, shaving $280,000 off its annual bill. wellness programs have found ways to fool their Fitbits. For
Today, Fitbit’s well division offers tools specifically designed example, a dog can trigger 13,000 to 30,000 steps per day
for employers, such as dashboards, dedicated service support, with a Fitbit attached to its collar, easily exceeding the standard
and webinars. Corporate clients include BP America, Kimberly- 10,000-step goal. Social media sites have erupted with shared
Clark, Time Warner, and Barclays. Target offered Fitbit Zip practices. “Want to cheat your Fitbit† Try a puppy or a power
trackers to 335,000 of its employees. Corporate sales currently drill,” suggests one Tweet with a link to instructions. Other
account for 10 percent of Fitbit revenues. But the corporate methods for logging steps include putting it in the dryer, shaking
share of the sales will increase, as adoption in that sector is the fist, attaching it to smaI1 children, playing the piano, leading
growing at a faster rate than in consumer markets. Founder music, and whisking a bowl of chocolate-chip cookie batter.
Park claims that the use of Fitbits in employee we1lness pro- Even the vibrations from riding a Harley or a lawnmower can do
grams is having an impact not only on health and well-being the trick.
but on job safety as well. Companies have also experienced Beyond these concerns that stand in the way of more wide-
improvements in office cultures as a result of the unified effort spread acceptance and use, perhaps Fitbit’s greatest challenge
among coworkers to achieve fitness goals together—a factor is competition. With a dominant market share in the rapidly
that is also likely boosting retention numbers in the corporate growing product category that it created, you might think the
setting. Fitbit has it made. However, as digital technologies advance on
all fronts, it has become apparent that a fitness tracker is not a
Encountering Hurdles product. It’s a feature. That became painfully apparent when the
With high growth rates and plenty of market potential, it would Apple Watch hit the market. The Apple Watch wowed the public
seem that the sky is the limit for Fitbit. But Fitbit still faces nu- as a wrist-wom extension of the iPhone with practically unlimited
GHAPTER 3 Analyzing the Marketing Environment 93

app potential, Its fitness tracking features seemed to minimize

those of Fitbit’s products. And if Apple can jump Fitbit’s train as
one simpla addition to a far more robust product, what other
companies and devices might make their way into Fitbit’s terri-
tory? And on the software and analytics side, Apple Health and
Google Fit seem poised to comer the market with compatibility
across mobile platforms.
But Fitbit is hard at work differentiating its wares and posi-
tioning itself as more than just a maker of fitness trackers. It has
already introduced its own smartwatch. And its °next big leap”
is to move beyond fitness tracking into medical diagnosis. By
partnering with organizations that can link Fitbit's products with
more detailed clinical research, Fitbit devices could soon replace
blood glucose meters and even alert users to dangerous health
conditions and disease. If Fitbit can successfully position itself on
strengths that competitors have a hard time replicating, the sky
may be the limit.

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