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Warm-up Excerise

Jumping Jacks Standing Knee Hugs Butt Kicks

Stand upright with your legs Stand tall and alternate Start standing tall and bring
together, arms at your sides. pulling one knee at a time to one heel off the floor
your chest, and hold the hug towards your butt.
Bend your knees slightly, for a few seconds before
and jump into the air. switching legs. The opposite hand comes up
towards you shoulder like
As you jump, spread your Repeat for 30 to 60 seconds running arms, then switch to
legs to be about shoulder- the other side
width apart. Stretch your
arms out and over your head.

Jump back to starting



Cool Down Exercise

Standing Forward Bend Adductor Stretch Sitting Triceps Stretch
From a standing position, Sit on the floor with your Stand with your back straight
slowly hinge at your hips to knees apart and the bottom of and your feet shoulder-width
bend forward. your feet together. apart. You can do this stretch
sitting down if you are not
Lengthen your spine, and Keep your chest up and
steady on your feet.
allow your head to fall heavy you’re back straight.
toward the floor, keeping a Bring your left elbow straight
slight bend in your knees. Bend forward at the hips
up while bending your arm.
while accentuating your
Place your hands on the floor, lumbar lordosis Grab your left elbow with your
hold opposite elbows in front right hand, and pull your left
of or behind your thighs, or Apply gentle pressure to
elbow toward your head with
interlace your hands behind your knees pushing them
light pressure. If you are more
your back. toward the floor.
flexible, you may pull your
Relax and hold this for the arm slightly behind your head.
Hold this position for 30
appropriate time You will feel the stretch along
the back of your arm.

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