Online Ticket Reservation System

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Online ticket reservation system for railway department has to be
developed.The System developed should contain following features:
1. The System should provided information about arrival and departure trains along with
information about stations through which it passes.
2. Search about train passing through stations can be obtained either by means of train
no, train name or specifying the source and destination stations.
3. While displaying information about train it has provide following information’s 
a) Stations through which train passes along with arrival and departure time.
b) Availability of seats in different classes along with waiting list.
4. While reserving ticket online the system obtain following information’s from the user
a)      Passenger name, Sex, Age, Address
    b) Credit Card No, Bank Name
c) Class through passenger is going to travel i.e First class or Second class or AC
d) Train no and Train name, Date of Journey and number of tickets to be booked.
5. Based on the availability of tickets the ticket has to be issued. The ticked issued
should contain the following information’s PNR NO, Train No, Date, K.M., no of adults
and children, Ticket No, Class, Ticket No, Coach, Seat/Berth, Sex, Age, Reservation
fee, Total Cash, Train Name, Departure time.
6. Cancellation of booked tickets should be available.



customer server



Train List

Train Database
Search For Train


Ticket Status




2.1Brief Description
 The use case describes how Passenger logs into the Online Ticket
Reservation system
2.2. Flow of Events
2.2.1. Basic Flow
 This use case starts when the passenger wishes to Login to the Online Ticket
Reservation system
1.The System requests that the passenger enter his/her name and password
2. The passenger enters his/her name and password
3. The System validates the entered name and password and logs the passenger
into the System
2.2.2. Alternative Flows
  Invalid Name/Password
If, in the Basic flow, the passenger enters an invalid name and/or password, the
system displays an error message. The passenger chooses to either return to the
beginning of the Basic flow or cancel the login, at which point the use case ends.
2.3.Special Requirements
If the use case was successful, the passenger is now logged into the system.
If not, the system State is unchanged.
2.6.Extension Points

3. Display Train List
3.1.Brief Description
 This use case gives passenger the list of trains along with information about
the train name, Stations passes, Arrival and Departure time etc
3.2. Flow of Events
3.2.1 Basic Flow
  This use case gives passenger information about each train namely train no,
train name, Stations passes, Arrival Time, Departure Time etc
3.2.2. Alternative Flows
3.3.Special Requirements
  If the use case was successful, the passenger information about each train
namely train no, train name, Stations passes, Arrival Time, Departure Time etc

3.6.Extension Points
4. Search for Train

4.1. Brief Description

 This use case helps the passenger to search for information about a Train
4.2.1. Basic flow
 The passenger can obtain train information either by entering train no or
Source and Destination Station
1. If the passenger train no gives the information about train
2. If the passenger enter Source and Destination Station from list gives information
about list of trains passing through station. From the list link will be provided to each
train, which contains the information
4.2.2 Alternate flow
  If the passenger enters an invalid train no then it gives error message invalid
train no and asks the passenger to enter a valid train no.

4.3Special Requirements
  If the use case was successful, the passenger can able to view the list of
4.6.Extension Points

5.1.Brief Description
  This use case helps the passenger to reserve for tickets in a train
5.2.1. Basic flow
 1. The user reserves the ticket by giving following
a) Passenger name, Sex, Age, Address
b) Credit Card No, Bank Name
c) Class through passenger is going to travel i.e First class or Second class or AC
d) Train no and Train name, Date of Journey and number of tickets to be booked.
2. If the ticket is available in a train then the ticket will be issued with PNR
No.else the ticket will be issued with a waiting list number.
5.2.2. Alternative flow
  If the passenger gives an invalid credit card no or specified a bank where does
have any account. Error message will be displayed.
5.3.Special Requirements
The passenger has to decide about the train he is going to travel.
  If the use case was successful, the passenger will get the ticket.
5.6.Extension Points

6. Cancellation
6.1.Brief Description
 This use case helps the passenger to cancel the ticket, which he/she had
booked earlier
6.2.1 Basic flow
 This use case used by passenger to cancel the ticket, which he/she booked
earlier by
Entering PNR No. The cancellation has been done reallocating the tickets allotted to the
6.2.2 Alternate flow
  If the Passenger had entered invalid PNR No then has been asked to enter valid
6.3.Special Requirements
  The Passenger had reserved tickets in a train.
  If the use case was successful, the passenger can cancel the ticket.
6.6.Extension Points
7 Ticket Status

7.1.Brief Description
  The passenger to know status of ticket has used this usecase by entering PNR
7.2.1.Basic flow
  1. The passenger should give PNR No to know the status of ticket, which he/she
booked earlier.
2. If the PNR No is valid, the status of the ticket will be displayed.
7.2.2. Alternate flow
  If passenger had entered an invalid no or PNR NO, which does not exists then
error Message will be displayed.
7.3. Special Requirements
7.4. Pre-Conditions
  The Passenger had reserved tickets in a train.
7.5. Post-Conditions
  If the use case was successful, the passenger can view status of the ticket.
7.6. Extension Points

             This document is used to define terminology specific to the problem domain,
explaining terms, which may be unfamiliar to the reader of the use – case description or
Other project documents. Often this document can be used as an informal data
directory,Capturing data definitions so that use – case descriptions and other project
documents can Focus on what the system must do with the information.


The glossary contains the working definitions for the key concepts in online ticket
Reservation System

 Ticket issued to the Passenger.
2.2.Train List
 List of trains passing through Stations along with arrival and departure time
2.3.Train Status
 Status of availability of tickets on a particular train on dates specified
2.4.Ticket Booking System
 The System, which takes care of ticket reservation
 Information about the Passenger reserved the ticket.

Online Ticket Reservation System Supplementary Specification


1. Objectives:
  The purpose of this document is to define requirements of the Online Ticket
Reservation System This Supplementary Specification lists the requirements that are
not readily captured in the use cases of the use case model. The Supplementary
Specifications and the use-case model together capture a complete set of requirements
on the system.
2. Scope:
This Supplementary Specification applies to the, which Online Ticket
Reservation System will be developed by the OOAD students. This Specification
defines the non-functional requirements of the system; such as reliability, usability,
performance, and supportability, an as well as functional requirement that is common
across a number of use cases.
3. References:
4. Functionality:
 Multiple users must be able to perform their work concurrently If the no of
tickets available in a train is reserved the then ticket issued to passenger should be
5. Usability:
 The desktop user-interface shall be Windows 95/98/2000/xp compliant.
6. Reliability:
  The System shall be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, with no more
than 10%
down time.
7. Performance:
  a) The System shall support up to n number of simultaneous users against the
central database at any given time and up to 1000 simultaneous users against the local
Servers at any one time.
b) The System must be able to complete 80% of all transactions within 2
8. Supportability:

  1.The System should secure so that intruders or hackers can’t cancel ticket
issued to one passenger.
2.Once the participant had answered for a question he/she can’t change the
answer later.
10. Design Constraints:
 The system shall provide a window-based desktop interface.


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